Raft (with Jack and Daithi) | 2020-11-29

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hello can you hear me how's it going sorry i'm i'm talking on a lozenge there now so sorry if it sounds a bit nasty don't worry i'm not gonna go right into the mic and make awful noises for a change um my throat's a little bit sore so i'm just trying to take care of it it's not that bad it's just like it's starting and i'm like i should take care of this before it becomes a problem i think i was saying that the last days as well wasn't i when i was streaming yesterday i went to go get uh painkiller for my throat it's not like too bad i just have like every year i seem to have issues with my throat just like swallowing and stuff it's like um tonsillitis or something i've had tonsillitis a few times i don't know why i keep getting it i'm very prone to it um we're going to plant some raft with the boyos um sean and dahi uh let me see here i'm just waiting for them as well i think he said he'll be a few minutes late but i said you know what no harm i i'll hop on here anyway and have a bit of a chat did you have to get your tonsils removed no my uh i went to a doctor i think three or four years ago it was like the second time i got it and they were like okay if this happens again we're gonna have to look at taking out those tonsils mister and then it happened like three more times and it was just like to be fair it wasn't that bad the last few times because i i can feel it when it's coming now and i know the sign so i can like be like my doctor yeah i think i need um antibiotics and they'll uh they'll get rid of it pretty quick luckily enough uh jimin pawns thank you for the sub geronimo christian or kristen is it sorry uh cats with tiny hats mellow thank you very much for the bits there um lonnie thank you for the gifted sub earlier spicy gymnast great name call me majestic trash ashley uh caster texilla peeny wise daniel flay jesse amy uh lexi ducky sorry mate and bex elizabeth thank you for the support i appreciate it thank you all for joining i'm really looking forward to playing raft again it's such a good game it's very very good very very good um did you get your heating fixed nope honestly i don't if we've heating in time for christmas i'll be very happy but i don't see it happening uh i'm hoping that it'll get there because it's very cold it's just my hands have very poor circulation in my hands and it gets very cold and i only have the feckin portable heaters so it's not that bad i can throw on the heating in this room it's just when i have to leave the room it's the problem um oh what can you do sure sure there's no use complaining should no one is listening to me anyway when we thank you for the bids um uh oh you used to get tons of lights as well it's so annoying it's just like the swallowing is so painful like when you're trying to even drink water and stuff and it's like uh prep major zuke aaron uh the raven saturn lonnie pale rider buttery jazz click uh dr pepper and abu the monkey thank you very much for the support everyone dr pepper that was very very kind uh bit donation there and a nice message as well um lolly thank you for those bits again spot nick thank you for the bits and grizzy i'll thank you for the gifted sub as well max how are you how's it going i was talking to you earlier jesus he said click sorry click i i don't know if you wanted me to say the whole name click here to start or not i always just shorten the names because apparently because it would take me a long time to to read out full names but also i get confused really easily so sometimes it's it's easier to um shorten them because my alerts don't have caps um for a lot of the names so instead of like click here to start with caps like your name has it'll just be like click here to start all lowercase and it's really hard to read so sometimes i just shorten it to make it a bit easier on myself you got addicted to playing stardew valley due to me playing yesterday you know what josh that's good because it's a great game i want to play it again maybe if i just leave raft open and i play stared you in another window they wouldn't notice i mean i don't really do anything productive anyway so they probably wouldn't notice i made you download it it's a great game um where was i uh prince hellboy turtle saturn uh teabag feet shelly erie uh amanda beck's elizabeth micken and scottie falks thank you for the support statue wrapped what's the difference i play them both wrong i think that's the only similarities really is that an ikea closet no actually it's not it's um made by an irish company um i need more storage to be honest they're completely full with stuff it's a disaster that one especially that that one is a mess the other ones have like the middle one has like equipment uh it's tall so like lighting stands tripods and stuff like that and a filing cabinet so it's like vertical storage and then i've got my other one that you can't see off screen there's three in a row and it's just full of like wires and equipment and like microphones and light um panels and stuff like that show us no i will one day but not today i don't know what's in there it's too scary um where was i now jesus i've lost myself uh fenn v plum cakes reckless hannah nile lady uh maria uh archeoid and phantom thank you very much for the two subs jesse thank you for the sub as and well a few skeletons in there it could very well be the case hello flower how's it going um i just want to say hello to you luxor but i don't know how to say your name apparently so i'm very self-conscious um what uh wait jesse thank you for the sub um lonnie thank you for the bits dolly putting tons of effort on the raft after you left last time really i'm gonna have to see this lg sniper shira centuries untold pipe and get schlezzy thank you for the bits um saturn space squid thank you for the gift itself as well i'm interested to see um uh what he's done then um let me see um i'd be curious to see it you know and he's very into this game i was thinking i might um do a bit more building so we'll see we'll see uh jamanta i'm glad you made it to three streams in a row and you're enjoying the colts company can we get a nice transition you can of course watch this wow that looks cool i love this little raft it has like the steering wheel the hammock the grass the garden up here and everything or is it just a [ __ ] mess but it's just it's good i need to start using my brb screen as well i never use it but i have a brb uh focus thank you for the sub tanya thank you for the bits gaff tape uh thank you for the sub as well phantom thank you for the two sarah vida luca and viv viva vody thank you for the subs renardo thank you so much for 10 subs that is very kindly renardo thank you very much you're always so supportive i really appreciate it can we see the br b screen it's just um the same as i don't have it on my stream deck now but it's the same as um the one when i'm offline it has like turg with the cables and then jim is behind him or is no other way around jim has the cables targets behind him right it's the offline screen anyway um yeah i heard about dan's stream he told me a little bit about it that he was going having a date with his twitch chat i'm very confused what it might have been i didn't get to look at it but i can't really imagine it in my head i'm curious thank you again for that uh jonathan andrew med izzy cycle clairsim uh kinca sarah and reichlis thank you very much for the bits i very much prefer your guys raft it has personality history exactly on sarah is a lime happy birthday to you i didn't realize you said it was your birthday as well i hope you're having a good day you're scared from it it was great we had wine and food so he actually delivered wine and food he burnt himself interesting um no hat yeah no hat today dolly from hell thank you for the sub and uh i stan sterling thank you very much for five subs that's very very kind here thank you very much for that um stolen sweet roll thank you for the soft great name he shoved his face in spaghetti that's what you want on a date right all right we shouldn't be too much longer to be fair before i even went live he told me he was going to be a few minutes late so it's um uh it's no worries i'm just going to wait on him duh he has the server anyway black a bad plan mama i'm glad you're enjoying the streams you have the streams are much more chilled out than the videos the the videos are like pure chaos the streams have bits of chaos and bits of chill i can't wait can you not hear the raft music now i'm just curious because i tested my mixer thing here i wanted to turn off the music but i want to turn it on now to see if you can you can't okay and now if i click this now it's just a relaxing campfire oh that's very soothing gather around the campfire sing a little song ashley thank you for the sub sky button who attend brainiac the cyberstone mn hat megan dolly from hell i stand sterling thank you for the five again ronaldo thank you so much for the 10 earlier as well metal girl name for the bits um nib thank you for the sub ashlyn thank you for the sub um i think i got everyone there uh iwotan sky button eight with um metal girl was asking about um it's very low yeah it's super low to be fair um i guess there's not much happening i don't know if i can reset the um the music let me see no i don't think so oh well uh astral which thank you for the sub oceans vampire thank you very much for the five subs as well fading gold thank you for the sub i appreciate it um can you play the scream from in silence i don't have it anymore unfortunately i think we're pretty much ready to go saturn whatever astral thank you very much for the subs oh jesus rt thank you very much for the raid the people were just telling me about your date and how you put your face in spaghett and you ate a flower i don't know if those are true or not but it sounds like the date went well i hope it went well for you guys i hope you had a good stream thank you very much for the raid then i appreciate it that's very very nice of ya i'm like the father who's sitting alone in the dark room in the living room with the lights off being like where have you been it's that daniel boy again isn't it house of does rj thank you very much for the sub jordan thank you for the five again megan thank you for the one thousand bits and saturn thank you for the gifted sub you're very kind once again then thank you very much for the raid um i think the lads are ready to go now so we're gonna jump in and play some raft let's transition over to the raft astro thank you for the gifted sub series alive thank you for the bits and happy birthday again to your house of douse thank you for the sub rj holy thank you for the sub as well and jordan thank you for the five again abu the monkey thank you for the bits um i'm gonna go ahead and join the call now ninja amber thank you for the resub um i'm gonna join the call with the lads uh just to be aware i like to say it beforehand when i'm playing with other people i can't really interact as much as i'd like i keep watching the chat and i keep watching the alerts but i can't really call out as many people as i'd like to heroblade thank you for the sub um dream slayer thank you for the sub as well thank you all for joining me for marty's raid uh i appreciate it i'm just sniffing this lip balm don't worry soon i'll be high jerry flavored it jordan thank you for the bits again dream slayer thank you for the sub and but yeah i can interact with them as much as i'd like to but if there's any issues with volume or anything let me know because i i keep watching you in the chat i'm always watching again like the overproductive parent um but for now let's join in eleanor thank you for the sub jordan king uh charitable coffee maker kev thank you for the subs guys let me let me join here they're both muted so let me just join in and just wait patiently i guess the both of them are in here i don't know if this is pretty arranged or what hello gentlemen hello hello kevin how are you i'm good how are you ah jesus terrible terrible terrible butcher what's the use in complaining ah you know out on the raft is is a tough all life but uh i have a plan i have a plan to make things better is it a brand plan no the way i look at it is we've conquered the ocean we've conquered the land and now we need to conquer the sky so i'm going to start building up until we have a skyscraper of a raft overlooking the entire ocean and then bran will rule from the sky that's not bad i fully endorse this plan okay good because it's going to happen anyway it's pure lunacy if i try and stop you who's the crazy one you're doing it over and over again trying to get a different outcome or me trying to stop you uh we're all crazy on the raft that's what's beautiful about it that's true especially dahi especially dahi i'm looking forward to seeing a feeding anybody yeah well it's regardless of what we're playing i don't i don't think that's the raft's fault um i'm very interested to see if he did it i said you're great you're just the best yeah i did i heard him yeah i used my ears yeah yeah yeah yes you said who's going daddy you go depends if kevin's lying or not no kevin never lies i never lie all right all right come on to the raft bye that's dealt with um is it is it ready is the top tears test come on in come on in i'm joining since i can't join you oh am i are you sure about that hold on i might have oh i had to go online on steam there daddy i will tell you how long have you been on youtube oh sure not long enough i clearly not but yeah it's only been eight years oh jesus honestly feels like forever i know i truly believe the life cycle of a youtuber works like a dog like for every year it's eight years in real real human life do you think i've been going for what 64 years well you'd be 88 jack i'd be 80. i've been doing it for eight years not 11. well you've been doing youtube for 11 years jack eight years oh where are you kevin you've been doing it for the longest yeah but i don't really know what happens there because i started in 2009 but then i left for like three years in the middle and then started a new channel so was i reborn or did i like sounds like you went through a midlife crisis in the middle there what's going on in this raft i don't know this raft okay i cleaned it up i cleaned it up okay all right so so we have our grill here i'm trying to get water right here and it's not working what's happening water's here this is [ __ ] this is lunacy it's actually perfect because you're right next to it look how quick you're able to fill it up where's the mess there how can we bless the mess if it's not here well now it's different now it's different if you come up where where did i put the sign i see you don't even know your way around we're going to have to destroy it and build again this is a disaster the only thing for it i've done a lot of work oh my god you can actually put in what's in here what the [ __ ] wait you put the rest just because decorations but everything's organized everyone's organized now and uh and then there's boxes in here these are like the tool the tool shed here and then this is the grille which is metal reinforced in the bottom sure the shark enters right this is the food box we have some food waiting for you guys to cook [ __ ] there's like storage on the walls and everything what is happening we needed a lot of storage you see how much plastic we have and this was full of wood this is full of seeds and clams inside this is the development of rock and sand and whatever where's my water what do you mean it's just jack being a bit selfish over here i came over for a drink i'm about to die and he just drank it all in front of me did you feel a single bit of it no but what's that got to do with anything look it's not my fault i have a water bottle and you're still using a cup like a child well no one made me the bottle what am i supposed to do make it myself up here up here is i i did something very special for kevin wait i'm waiting for this water because i'm about to die is it is it a room full of cushions that he can't hurt wait hold on i'm literally done very nice you'll be fine kevin you'll be fine plenty of time for dying today here you just take my water bottle take my water bottle that's right or not all right all right i came over here to cook and now i'm like all turned around this is the coke this is the coke my god reinforced what's that for me sheer madness check this and you are today but not this quickly check this out kevin what that's your bed lay down what do you see when you go on your bed oh my god i can look at brian while i sleep that's you that might be the nicest thing you've ever done oh my god i think it's the only nice thing he's ever done [Laughter] i love it thank you so much we have to get out of here who are the anchors oh no you're kidding i just put it up i just put it up did this shirt huh what it was just here did the shark there's no way it broke it oh boys there it is did you break that did you oh you can't [Music] oh we're off to a great start lights uh [ __ ] great time to pull out the old [ __ ] pedal i love that that's great where's all the wood [ __ ] great stairs we don't have any we needed to [ __ ] go look i filled it in are you happy are you happy daddy all right we've got to get out of here which which way is forward i don't know our flag was destroyed good question which are we going towards big island yeah [Music] oh sorry are we going for that green i guess we go to one that's 1400 because it's it's this way so we can just turn these and go this way turn them lights and we'll be [ __ ] sailing as they'd say yes sure and that's all painted oh [ __ ] there's a little tiny rock here that's that's just not on at all at all now are we out of it no [Music] keep it together daddy keep it together it's all right we'll get through this we've been through worse yeah we need to start building engines soon all right we're clear we're clear we're clear what did we need to actually build engines um cool i'll get started i need wood to build up well wrote in the ocean now again so plenty of wood coming in okay good bye-bye cruise ship everyone wave see you later full of rat bastards i remember this yeah last time remember when you died over there yeah remember when you looked a bomb in the face and you were like let's go yeah sounds all right there's seagull ready on the grill if anyone wants it kevin i'm pretty starving but i can't find the grill this place is so unoptimized now oh wait i found it i found it i'm beginning to see the the method and he's madness here all right the fella eating bran he's eating brian up there what what i don't think he's eating him oh i can't hit him wait no they can't he's definitely doing something that i can't say on on a stream okay okay you know okay who am i to judge i'm judging i judge so much i can't you know i'd be lying if i didn't say i'd be out here on the ocean looking at bran the same way i've been looking at him that way since the start i've been hanging up right now what i would do with the hump he's back it's not the only wood on this ship if you know what i mean cheney why aren't we collecting your wood then jack i forgot that was his name which one you just forgot the chef could you make a mental game i forgot his name i remembered i remembered his soul in his spirit oh that's all right then that's actually kind of like glass knock true together in this [ __ ] maze uh upstairs upstairs is the research table oh look at it and there's a [ __ ] smelter up here yeah but you got a nice little sunshine john i mean like oh i see it i see it we can make [ __ ] helmets holy bites oh we need wool and leather we're definitely going to kill some [ __ ] goats soon let's go what the [ __ ] come on you all right there i mean are you choking yourself will i reach will i reach will i reach [ __ ] baron's gone die come down yeah oh yeah what are you gonna do about are you gonna cry oh because i'm using a fishing rod to hook that would be the problem he can build a raft but he doesn't know how to use it chat was definitely laughing at me there oh i'll chat laugh at you anyway hulk nogla yes chat i know chat [ __ ] off no no it's great you should have chat yeah stop pulling me chat [ __ ] you chad [ __ ] punch your wankers [ __ ] you chat i'm probably the most toxic person to use chatter but it's in a lovable way like they know all right i misread the situation sorry i do have a metal container before i start putting it in one of these no okay second the last one's going to be metal all things metal the thing you have to learn about chad is if you don't abuse chat chat will abuse you it's simply who's going to get abused first right right please fight first healthy relationship so i simply choose to abuse chat first yeah if you hurt someone they can't hurt you they'll just spend all day crying about it exactly why don't you go cry about it chad huh huh exactly what are you going to do [ __ ] and calm huh we have a [ __ ] engine you built an engine oh yeah i forgot about that i built an engine and and the steering wheel i completely forgot i did that what the [ __ ] all right well should i put the engine in there no well i was going to put it on putting stuff in this box that isn't supposed to be there jack hey okay i got preoccupied with the [ __ ] engine like we are just [ __ ] abusive storage yeah oh holy mother of [ __ ] pearls this thing is gigantic how do i how do i place it where's a little okay what part of this actually goes oh lads oh my god lads boys shark that's definitely gonna get bit by the shark i know i'm trying to figure out how i uh how do we put in it requires planks we put wood in it holy god right can we build around this to stop the shark from chomp chomp chomp oh good lord she's not moving very fast but i like it i like it all right everybody start building have you built the reinforced lads we're gonna have to build um i don't understand how this works how did you reinforce the floor oh wait i see it it's at the end oh that requires a bit now that requires a bit of stuff that i don't have and i'm not sure if i like using it on it oh my god all right hmm okay you can build around it we're ground we're grand we're grand i [ __ ] love this lads now finbarry you you can [ __ ] off and all oh we're at an island i'm just quietly using the engine kevin's just quietly building up there and jack's like i'm in a let's play look i don't know what's going on i'm building around our engine to keep it safe yeah wait that engine's not going to like turn the raft is it it does it does yeah wait so if we turn it on is it just going to keep turning it in a circle um oh no probably not i doubt it i don't know it wouldn't make physical sense that dog white flowers i just want nothing but engines on this thing now i think our wrath is too big i think it's too long oh god i mean it's all blood hey guys where do i use my shovel what do i do with my shovel on the island when we get there giant island now like no the big island up in the sky is collecting flowers eating big you only give me two big lungs i was [ __ ] eating fish bones and all right i'm heading on to the island [Music] i'm assuming it doesn't matter where the steering wheel is it'll attach to the thing anyway right is it oh we need to be moving where's a cool place to put it like right here right kind of in the middle we're going to make an anchor lose well should i put it upstairs is this a good place i don't know i think i'll put it upstairs instead give me that wheel maybe bran can steer the ship oh like somewhere here be [ __ ] cool someone covered in stupid boxes uh hello the boxes are important can i put it on the roof maybe i actually don't know ah perfect now we can see everything finally it's a bit dangerous though it's a bit of a risk reward no this is exactly what i would have picked as well so wait yeah oh we're going uh you're gone help we're spinning in circles what happened what the [ __ ] have you done we're moving so far the sale is oh i'm never going to make it to turn to sales i'm putting the sales back up someone put the [ __ ] sales around [ __ ] i'm leaving it now no that that shouldn't have happened with the sails i don't know what happened i think it was the steering wheel and the engine kicked in [Laughter] yeah yeah okay we're coming back don't worry we got the situation 40 miles per hour [ __ ] wanker i'm just going to say that kevin didn't help i mean i didn't do anything bad either though i just stayed neutral in this situation the most irish thing to do i don't know what happened i don't either i've never seen it moving so fast i think we kind of like glitched against the rocks or something and it just launched us and can i make my own raft chat i think you can't have more than one i mean there's a way of cheating like detached lumps of the raft i'm doing some right good hook and stuff here bye we're [ __ ] like not to punt it up here but we're sailing right now oh yeah oh yeah not to laugh at the point paul oh yeah all right i moved the sails and now we've just stopped completely well i have all this stuff to build an anchor do we have any metal ingots see that's that's what that's what i would have i would be having the metal ignites you see i think am i holding someone second oh yeah i have three hot dogs three ingots yeah yeah three ingredients just as you do like i'll put them in this random box with the plastic they're in there they were doing better than i thought it would honestly yeah kevin being useful and that's surprised we're gonna rearrange some of this storage i think all right god we yeah we have a [ __ ] ton of plastic yeah way too much plastic yeah we might need it no i mean yeah fair fair fair fair bush why is our raft getting further away from this island when all the sails are facing that way all right can i turn on the engine no is it my hook is about to break which is bad news because there's still a lot of copper around here this is going to be bad yeah that's all right is that working oh i got all the good there we go oh that's lovely i gave it a bit of a makeover halloween's over no i still need another hawk look at this oh my god the wrath turns so smoothly now that's obnoxious oh that's why oh the steering wheel is uh real finicky oh god it's just kevin are you moving last time [Laughter] it definitely did something bad like that one time where he was he'd anchor up while we were paddling no [ __ ] hell like that other time when he was no no it doesn't sound like me it's not he's a mole no no no not his mo no oh my god there's wrath of kevin he's not he on the raft or where is he oh jesus i'm on the island working hard for you schlub we're working hard as well apparently look at how fast the paint machine is going jack this is great look we'll make some more paint lord have mercy oh my god ah it's flying we'll have the whole raft painted soon it's [ __ ] his harmless i've never seen it move that fast it literally is spinning in circles if you could kindly turn the thing over here and look i don't know how to actually there's only one question you can play for this well i blame myself for putting the steering wheel down without affecting the engines off this is just the steering wheel this is just powered by fun i'm afraid and i don't know how to make the fun stop i'm taking the steering wheel away from you you're not allowed to have it i feel like the captain should have the steering wheel on him at all times yeah give it to bran you're right i wouldn't do it if it was in bran's eyesight if you put it in his little office i know what it is the boat's too big to use what do you mean our boat's too big for the engine the engine's not able to go fast i need to just cut down the old extension and build oh no i need food well i have food back quick i'm dying here the biggest use of shower it means yeah both of us equally it's not equal kevin if you knew the amount of effort i'm going through to thwart kevin the villain over here the villain he's not he's not really a villain he's more of an anti-hero yeah that's true i like that he doesn't know that he's doing bad it's not malicious it's just welcome back daddy welcome back are we all sleeping are we uh let me put some shite away here i'm too hot you want to go up and look at bran oh yeah hold on i'll go up slow cause i'm dying we should leave him die he'll be fine he'll be fine he'll sleep it off you'll feel better in the morning kevin i think it's the gentle thing to do i've done that in the past you're hungry and you just go to sleep you wake up fine most of the time yeah your body knows how to deal with it oh no did you see that i was like i'm just saying nothing and i just crawled away just get in bed will you you feel better once you're in bed you will all right i'm lying down now and i feel much better looking up bran this series is going to end with kevin accidentally setting fires of the whole thing something's going to happen that's for sure i'm organizing shite all right i'm getting back up i'm too excited it's 3am he's hungry you know exactly what it's like you know he's the champion he go to the first page there's kevin and his little [ __ ] blue hoodie really i feel like i'm dealing with two children right now i missed dan he told me he took my bed yeah why isn't dan here [ __ ] sake then get your [ __ ] together yeah that's the real villain ah it's a grand top of the morning lads fresh new day now fresh new slate we get back to work yeah plenty of time for chaos now yep yeah another day another day yeah as the saying goes as the saying goes another day let's go [Laughter] very motivational all right we need a second engine what did you what did we need to build it all right did you get much ore when you were over there [Music] it is in the stone box which is this box this is the metal stone box this is like kind of like all right where's the copper god i don't know how this copper's all copper's all in this box all in this [ __ ] shagging box here okay you understand that the top is a development of the bottom so your bottom your top is usually a development of the bottom or a continuation in some way stop listening to you like 15 minutes ago it's okay all right we got the copper going first in the smelter yeah there we go burn it away hmm i'm only [ __ ] with you no we bypassed i don't know where we're going now we're completely in the wrong direction no just oh we did we did go past it we gotta turn [ __ ] around here okay what are we looking for keep kevin away from me no doc you don't need to do that you have the solution the power is in my hand yeah but we can just do the sales we can just still do the sales the sales will help we don't want to there's another island there another island over there i [ __ ] in here are we are we aligned yet are we we're all aligned done uh i don't want to pass that island i'm dying what's this we're trying to get to a [ __ ] island where there'll be plenty of shite on it can we just [ __ ] work to get there yes where's the island where what one go look at the coordinates the coordinates all right let's take it yeah just keep going just keep going that way just keep going that way to the right just keep going just keep going the way the sails are going yes okay is this good it's too right that's too right well then [ __ ] let me know the thing you know the steering wheel is only good for turning you know that right yeah i'm trying to get us a line so we just go straight i give up i'm taking the steering wheel no we don't need we don't need the steering wheel to hang we'll just leave the sail do the job that's why i'm saying just put the sales forward and then i'll point it to the right page you told me not to though but i did that anyway no you didn't you turned to sales and then i put the steering wheel down it's because i said you didn't need to turn the sails but we don't need to turn the sails where are we going i feel like i'm trying to be the most efficient way and i feel like i'm bumping up against a [ __ ] hurricane he's right there ted oh it's red oh this is lovely is it good man kevin yeah that's when you're in danger like when you get hungry or thirsty you follow the red honkey i see dottie's layout is just too confusing so i'm making it a bit easier oh yeah so confusing yeah do something about that wanker no anchor no because it is f [ __ ] features okay oh yeah you're really missing all right the black leads you to the bathroom in case you need that did i hear finn bear he's always around thanks uh we need to smell some of that metal there jack um yeah i'm smelting copper to make circuit boards to make another engine but i guess we can melt do we really need another engine though i don't think so yeah the our raft is too big for one engine also brad or finbarr ate a chunk off this again another one relays off the end of our anchor area yeah i knew that i knew that why is he always doing it there i don't know because he doesn't like us he's getting a bit smarter with his attacks all right i'm just i'm just giving i'm giving a little buffer to it are we even going in the right direction i honestly have no idea okay yeah we are it's getting closer we're gonna need a shear so we gotta start smelting i think i think iron is more important to smelt right now see the problem with this now is that we're traveling sideways so our nets are not as efficient as they could be yeah we're not getting we don't have a wide berth on things get the steering wheel up and flip her around yeah true what i was trying to do but i got [ __ ] yelled at good idea kevin nice idea thank you good job kevin [Laughter] myself no i did look here we go ash or a grand [ __ ] raft it's actually like a boat now this is great one engine per 100 floor tiles i think we have way more than 100 floor tiles right now are we straight on i don't know you know there's one way to find out turn off the engine there and just yeah it's like forward right but we're close enough we're going into all the stuff anyway shot what the [ __ ] headshot i'm dodging because i don't know if you're shooting at me or a bird oh the bird for now okay i heard a very big creaking sound it's probably just the raft collapsing under the weight ignore it for now oh okay yeah for a second there i thought i was hungry oh no come here this island looks huge yeah this is the big one oh my god oh [ __ ] i fell in the anchor hole you're the new anchor congratulations oh we're kind of using the survivors we're kind of using up the battery here a bit like wait the battery for what why are you using the battery someone left oh look at the size of that york so that's an island pace tell you what [ __ ] king kong's on that [ __ ] i'll have to empty my mind throw some iron in there would you buy it i uh i think i might have left the scanner on so i'll take a full blame for that that's fine just give me the [ __ ] metal iron or thing i want to focus on that oh i i'll put in a new one here here here here here here here here here here upstairs here put it in the thing put it put it in the thing put it in the box no because then we have to go into the box and out of the box and then back into the box let's just watch this all you have to do is pick it up on the ground oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] girl walk around walk around where right here who are you talking is your [ __ ] head turned on i was [ __ ] looking at kevin dude super new year why are you looking i'll take the shark head off it's confusing are you scared let me get you i'm coming to get you that's [ __ ] terrifying actually um okay i have three metal ingots how much do we need for an anchor um i'm starving are we off i just need six planks off you go buy it what's wrong well are we close enough to put down the anchor um i'd like to be a little closer i'd rather be a little closer all right let the portion bring it in real it advice really what where's my fish whoa kevin don't put the color in the [ __ ] plastic box oh i thought that was wait it's not in the plastic box it's in the food box i'm it's the color i used paint uh no i i thought i was putting it in the flowers it says non-toxic all right we're here lads anchors down green anchors down let's go i need to deposit i have too much stuff i need to deposit i need a deposit [Music] wait is that the wood storage no that's not a wood storage where was that there we go there we go that's where it goes it goes in there i would be hungry right as we get here we're nice yeah but there's a weird is that a turkey on the island looks like it's it's a really good turkey impression thanks man been practicing for this very moment i'm [ __ ] starving over here all right [Music] hey i'm gonna need this i gotta make a better ladder so i'm gonna have this brown one kevin you're all right i'm like a bit wide i i'm just trying to eat i'm not doing so well there's a thing cooked under the grill right now you can have oh thank you very much this is the this is the plank drawer oh this one is there was nothing in it first so i didn't know yeah that's the plank drawer all right all right there was something else in it when i started i think oh lovely water nice we've got a good really really good bowl there axe arrows can we get the turkey as a pet or do we have to eat it oh we're we're [ __ ] killing them for sure yeah probably killing kevin why can't we not do you ready to go on the island uh i think so i would say killing kev really mm-hmm i don't want to be the first one on can we all go together yeah yeah yeah let me get some water awesome someone took hollywood i gotta cook an achievement advice just gotta organize my keybindings for this one bite all right all right all right i don't have my bowl anymore i do i do need food actually i would like my bowl but i don't wanna use a little food for this little trip here it's gonna need a little food it's gonna need everyone's just gonna need a little food but that's gonna take long there's food on the island coco that should be enough i feel like i should be fine is there more than one turkey up there because if there is then we can keep one and kill one all right i'd really like to keep one if we could oh i got a [ __ ] catfish please yes that's a that's a big win that's a big win big win there big win come on come on come on fishing man don't kill the turkey you can use the eggs oh oh now you're talking there we are guys well i can't put the [ __ ] thing down now can i look at him it's so funny if you can make him talk the catfish of sponsorships uh can you use the small grill for those oh yeah sure kevin what are you throwing away oh just an axe it was almost broken making a better one why'd you try thank you very much for the five subs thanks so much for watching the temptation to just build a new grill a second one it might not be a bad idea to be honest we're always just waiting on food we sure are [Laughter] you're a real [ __ ] kevin do you know that wait why is my name an insult look what's up jack i swear i swear to you you what that you're [ __ ] useless no you you are you yeah picked up the drumstick just when i was put i was trying to pick it up which made you put it down which made me put it down okay i explained that really badly makes sense that makes sense the timing does fit that i was trying to [ __ ] pick it up i was always getting [ __ ] all right all right them up should we sleep before we go yeah that might be nice yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah off we go kevin why aren't you using your bed i made you a bed brand stares at me when i sleep in that bed oh okay all right are you scared i'll sleep in your bed you can sleep in mine oh my lord on my [ __ ] i'm not i'm not gonna lie uh brian is kind of terrifying it is it's the lighting i think all right how do we get this turkey is a friend we need a net launcher oh well build that net launcher requires scrap balls metal ingots uh plastic oh we have the bolts do we have the yeah we have bolts we have a metal like we can i can make i can make it then i can make it do i need to make a pen for the turkey or what's the story i think so i'm sure there'll be we can keep it in the office for now boom net launcher is made but um what do i do for we're going to need is that here's your words hey who the [ __ ] is that oh it's just he's just swimming around he's not coming oh my god what is that majestic creature jesus kevin are you looking at me uh yeah i'm really impressed i'm going off the island before i starve again have no ammo in the [ __ ] net launcher that would that would make sense honestly don't we need like shears and everything as well i'm trying to kill this turkey don't kill the hell is that thing he's [ __ ] killing there's something really scary up here i don't like it there's loads of wires like your reflection kevin did you see are you sure i hope i don't look like that why can't it's a flying thing [Music] there's also like a bore over there but i'm more concerned about the flying things more like bore ragnarok am i right kevin i didn't know you knew that all right i'll leave you guys handle it handle this oh god i can't do that can i oh nice dodge i did we should do a neck catcher no on this one you want to fight me oh kevin rock jack oh what the [ __ ] is happening they still charged at me oh my god kill it get in the boat stick it in kill it we can do this lads we've been training i'm scared this is what it's all for i've been playing [ __ ] demon souls right before this stream let's go there we go nice [ __ ] [ __ ] you born i was playing demon souls to prepare for this yo check this out boom yeah yeah sir yeah that's the giant good it's the giant bird doing that let's go oh yeah there he goes where is he i'm gonna try and uh i'm gonna try and throw an arrow at him with my with my arrow throwing device flowers still picking up rocks oh i hit him oh so kevin i can hear myself on your mic again oh sorry hold on i hit him i hit him i hit him i hit him where'd he go come up hit him again hit him again [ __ ] [Music] that's what you get you talk [ __ ] you get hit you're kidding can i jump down this what the [ __ ] is the point of having trees you catch up and down huh all right you fight him i'm gonna see if i can claim this oh he picked [ __ ] rock how how do i up oh i'm so close jesus you're all right there daddy no no i can't climb this i can't climb the [ __ ] johnny cash ring of fire with a barton giant rock what the [ __ ] do i do you'll be fine you'll be fine you'll be fine for your net launcher item pokemon i get there's no ammo in it [Music] fire rocks at him there we go oh my i'm just stuck in a loop with this guy i'm stuck in a loop with him it's just [ __ ] loop standoff you can do it though battle of attrition i can hear your mouse moving constantly yes because we're we're looped it's very entertaining for me you're just watching he's helping in any way perform i'm trying to use my fishing rod on him but he's not taking it yeah this doesn't seem to be working yet cause he's not a fish i'll leave you to it for now how do i how do i climb this [ __ ] mountain i wanna open how do i up [ __ ] this is [ __ ] with my head it's just just drop the rock on my head just drop the rock on my head you can't figure it out oh i hit him i saw that oh you're a great source of entertainment yeah he's at the [ __ ] rock again he's picking up some [ __ ] rock again where is he oh he's got another shagging rock we're gonna get i hope our raft is not eaten by the time i get back [Music] okay the main stuff is still fine oh i found a place for you to use your shovel i did treasure where are you oh you're this way in here in here turn around feel like subnautica again this way this way this way into the cave we'll be safe and everything i didn't bring my shot oh i have my shovel yay a cave nice and safe yeah dig these up oh is that oh you guys better find like a [ __ ] ham sandwich or something it's buried i got dirt yesterday other players guys wouldn't that be fun a metal english kind of phone actually oh i'm up top okay it's up here what can i find black flowers [ __ ] care about flowers oh there's antennas and satellite dishes up here something else wait where are you at the top holy [ __ ] i'm up at the top yeah okay we'll come up uh what can i drink are we gonna kill this giant [ __ ] i have no ranged weapons so i can't really help you well yeah catfish recipe deluxe oh come on how is he so cool with those i'm gonna die i'm actually gonna die for this dumb [ __ ] big i said leave me to it [ __ ] [ __ ] i don't have enough room i'm going to need a friend oh nice kevin where are you [ __ ] you trying to get off the rocks with struggling you have to go all the way around i don't want to die okay i'm on the way don't [ __ ] do it oh wait you can throw away the blueprints oh i didn't know that and the recipes can i throw those away yes something nicholas cage feel like i'm in the wrong place all the time where did you get up here oh wait i found it hi kevin hello bring me to the magic satellites they're right here oh these are way less cool than i thought the crate was great now you can use an axe to chop down these lights oh very good i'm collecting planks for my skyscraper nice i'll chop them down but all i can't pick up any of this stuff so you're gonna have to do it i can do that how many hours does this big fat [ __ ] need it's just i just abandoned it just go back to the raft you're like two females you just accepted the bird won oh i muted them this is [ __ ] great oh my god kevin you can come pick up this stuff okay hold on a second i'm coming back i really should just go dump all this stuff shouldn't i probably oh when you mute daddy this is wonderful i can fill you in on the important bits he's coughing and he's saying he's going to die oh poke him in the hole okay he's back on my end oh red berries uh oh [ __ ] hell no he's up attacking me go away not fun is it he didn't i don't even think he hit me with a rock did he maybe he did uh check can i get rid of recipes or do i have to keep them put them on you can put them on a wall you can put them on the wall that's what i do i'm on a wall and that way they're just chilling there you know a stone arrow is that [ __ ] the stone arrow keep okay hollering berries is your ch is anyone's chat saying how long does it take to beat this guy chad how long dropping can he die i've put up well i can most definitely die but not you him surely the bird can die maybe 10 arrows 30 hits or so okay [ __ ] [ __ ] okay i'm heading back to the raft for a bit two to three days okay thanks chad fair play dk fair play to you yeah i'm going to head back and make sure that [ __ ] finn barr hasn't chewed a hole in our world my inventory is just too full i can't take anymore same i'm about to die i'm about to die this part is going to kill me head back to draft where's the raft i don't know where the raft is uh if you go back left i think from where you are i'm just going to swim all the way around okay did we catch the turkey in the end or do we need to make a net we need to catch him okay oh i came back just in time finn bars [ __ ] up the boat [ __ ] off second fin bear huh what a lad um all right where do i put all this [ __ ] now one nuke yeah guys have to know there please want to nuke this island wait which one's the metal one okay wait seeds can go on this blue oh i got leather oh i got leather from the the boar yes leather makes armor oh my goodness kevin what what the cabin do now what i i'm building a skyscraper i was saying oh you you may not have been here i understand now oh lord oh this is getting really [ __ ] choppy buddies dude he's just building stairs to the top of the island yeah it's a shortcut to the island it's going to be handy when it's done on the island that's all it is nothing at all it's like an engine it's a bit wobbly here nothing a bit oh my god many shapes um which one's the metal box doggy uh the second to the left on the bottom so this one i i've i'm making metal right now yeah i got some metal in there as well i'm gonna research this is not on the bottom what are you talking about okay can you research this no i can't research this boom i i now learned how to make a grass plot oh that's good i think we need those for the if we catch a turkey or something or a goat later on uh so we're looking for a kind of sheep we need to catch the guy the turkey [Music] we can make a headlight now not really useful at the moment really neck canister we need explosive powder how do we make explosive powder with explosives do we need vinegar we do but that makes a net canister i don't think we have any we like that's the ammo for the net thing did you get me oh i need planks and kevin took them all oh here i'll give him back like we have a net launcher with no ammo how do we get an explosive thing chat oh god that was full thank you no worries 30 days survived geez that's not bad this is going to be great it's a miracle we're all still together um don't go to bed by the way don't go to bed for this yeah where's the best chat okay okay okay okay okay i'm in bed i'm looking at bran he's great where do we find him oh i think you just fished until you maybe get one uh yeah all right i have a cooking pot where's the best place to put it a cooking pot really yeah i would put it like i would put it like here here is or somewhere like i don't know upstairs here do we have planks for the fire let me put it here wait who says this thing oh there you go lovely well what's the cooking part for making recipes how right you are ted this is [ __ ] lovely puffer fish are under water all right you're going swimming dive how do i get them i don't know i'm just saying what chad tells me around an island in deep water you don't fish for puffer fish you need to go down the water to kill them or they're swimming around large islands so basically yeah this is we're here can i research leather no we're already ready i can hear the animal crossing music that that's funny research my steering wheel oh i'm going to get these barrels i need to get the exact same idea to get arrows oh [ __ ] it kevin what what's wrong what do you want i was like i'm gonna go get these barrels and we both went at the exact same time when you got there first i like how the shark attacked you as well you really got nothing else in that entire transaction uh okay i don't know what the dirt is really for to be honest but we can put it probably in probably in this one actually because it's pretty valuable oh i love the new cooking part that looks amazing so is it only recipes we can make in the cooking part yeah seems so it seems like you combined things together and uh yeah that is awesome let me check my recipes all right you want to [ __ ] go are they actually worth making it's the entire watermelon all right time to fight this [ __ ] i am ready to [ __ ] go outside net launch is useless we've know we've no actual things to we need to kill puffer fish before we can make nets for the net launcher are you serious all right let's go bird if anybody wants to help for free it's not that difficult to make a ball and stone how many of six of them should be enough to kill the [ __ ] i don't know okay i don't have a weapon so i can't really help you you can make it you can make a ball you can make a ball i don't have enough stuff to make a bow well he hit me already all right let's go let's [ __ ] go again let's [ __ ] go where are you going i have a wooden spear does he land to pick up the rocks could i hit him then oh damn yes he does he likes to pick up the rod i'm coming to help then okay where is he going come here come here come here yo i think he's going over this way i landed here yeah let's go let's go toward he's nearly killed me already this guy's insane dude he's got aimbot or something with these stones okay i'm with you now but again i can only attack him if he's on the ground oh oh we did it the things we can accomplish when we work together honestly thank you kev no worries no he's flying get him oh let's go boys what did you get you get a bunch of food oh yo that was [ __ ] oh what a waste of time i got four drumsticks and 12 feathers not worth it it was not worth it at all at all and i used probably like 20 arrows and ah wow canyon thank you so much for the five selfies thank you very much my life why don't you tell me chat [ __ ] you chat it always comes back to that doesn't it it's [ __ ] chat what did it good for like why didn't you even watch it watch someone else's stream chat [ __ ] off no i don't what do you mean explain it oh no four drumsticks that bird has four legs you're not you're not wrong joe is he is right there ted um what do you think often bear what do you think better or worse than the shark oh much better you like it this definitely goes with the bird brain that you have perfect here put it on i want to see what it looks like wait you took the bird head no this was an unrelated bird oh that looks awesome it blocks a lot of the explaining a related bird no shark do you think so maybe anything okay um apparently puffer fish are deep down so we need to build like an oxygen bottle and flippers jesus ah for jenny mack i talked to all they had themselves without hood over here i don't know if any of us really do honestly it's a tough old and i'm not talking about the ones he was dropping all right so we need rope empty bottle vine goo oh we need a lot of vinegar dude we need a lot of van gogh holy days that even for possible to get here oh yeah it's very someone already used someone already used it though i'm using some of it yeah to make an empty bottle to make an oxygen tank to make the tank google manual manual man clippers too oh yeah i need to take out seaweed we need a we should build a second smelter this is too little i i i can car how do we get the vine goo uh find seaweed it's on lumps of like seaweed right oh my god these like vines that are sticking out of the ground there's like lumps of goop on them right right okay there's none here oh might as well cook my bird um god all right all right all right all right all right i can do this i can do this i can do this i'm looking okay where's the bird head [ __ ] look at you don't deserve to wear that i was there when we actually give it to me you don't deserve to wear it you can have you can have this guy i don't want that guy what's what's this jack i'm making dry bricks the watch is coming over them um i actually don't want this guy anymore he blocks your view you can have him back kev i kind of like being the shark maybe jack could be the the the screecher then he's a little bit of a screecher like that is true that does suit me a lot it is a structure uh kevin's the shark that keeps destroying our base dog he's a bore and i'm a loud bastard so fair enough that's why that's really mad at everything that's all it's all adding up it's all i had no plans one two three four five six seven eight all adds up numbers are we able to find you yeah or should we just go what can we get the vineyard here or should we just go what do you mean leave the giant island we just found together but sure why do we need it really i'm i'm i'm lost for words i'm just lost in general you don't have any wool don't want to find it i just took one here i'll put on a fish to replace what i took oh i should have made more bricks need more planks yeah i'll throw them in here this is the plank drawer planks are definitely a very popular resource all right probably the most popular i'd say i would say i'd go as fast as i said that no with kevin anyway and he's shagging all right awesome i can make a fishing rod too much uh i'm gonna try and figure out how to not die to finn bear here i think i'll get you anyway he's a mad lad and he is here yeah um can i make this bottle yet oh oh you're making a bottle for me that's so nice thank you uh-huh yeah it definitely is doing that kevin i'm kind of tired of you uh talking about being thirsty so i'm gonna make you a bottle that is so nice thank you so much you're really welcome kevin i think that you'll uh you'll appreciate it very much and just don't fill it full of seawater okay yo what's this oh this is a puffer fish right here what are you talking about we don't need a deep thing oh wait you found one well that's even better then wait where are you what didn't drop anything yes i think you're supposed to grab them before then uh what did what happened there we didn't get anything off of him oh you need arrows [ __ ] you chat you dumb [ __ ] [ __ ] leaves the most important information until after the fact i feel like you're using chat as a scapegoat for everything yeah yeah yeah at least it's not me chad how much did you pay a jack to say that because you definitely didn't think that independently on his own they didn't pay me anything hey uh cypher thanks for 100 bits maybe they're not telling you helpful stuff because you keep berating them but what do i need to do fishing hook is just lying out here in the water oh we might not see a puffer fish for ages now chad i hope you're shagging happy i have i haven't been happy a single second i think we should leave this island this island is just fine happiness feels like i'm getting scrap effects eggs i'm helping out um we also didn't do anything with the turkey are we killing them or catching them no we need to kill the puffer fish to then get an explosive power often and then from that we go ahead and craft a net canister which we then use to catch the turkey which we then trap and make reproduce loads of eggs forever gotcha gotcha how many puffer fish do we need just one all right i'm down to go to sleep because this night time is uh okay we'll sleep instead sleep that's bothering me a little bit not gonna lie i gotta i got 12 gudo jack or 12 seaweed i thought you were scared of this bed no no i'm fine now i'll take this bed good job kevin i didn't wet the bed it's just the water coming on to the raft to be fair there is a lot of water coming on the raft don't even [ __ ] sleep i'm getting there you're the one who suggested it simmer down i'm as down as i can get i was away i was away walking hard like i think i'm mad oh oh there it is all right tron trying to go [Music] no problem i kissed jack not you kevin but i put the food on ha-ha i knew i felt something in the back of my neck i knew i felt something slimy all right this is going to take [ __ ] forever to do anything honestly i say we just leave the island it gives me bad vibes and i want planks all right kevin here yeah what's this oh oh my god i'm gonna try it out now hold on thank you so much you gave me a gift kevin just we get cheers [Music] does anyone have three planks uh i actually have known planks are pretty hard to get by cool no smelter for us uh let's just leave this island [ __ ] this let's sleep no there's still there's still materials there's still there's still a chance of a pufferfish etc i do i do have to explore this bottle's amazing thank you very much i'm killing this turkey i'm gonna put the cobbler in there there you go i'm killing them he's too fast for me come here turkey come here give me hungry they respawn okay i only have four arrows that better be enough for him he's [ __ ] hard to hit i'll tell you that oops oh god trying to hit him with [ __ ] born arrows don't hit him don't hit him don't do it stay still stay still come on rest sounds like you're trying to do it oh he [ __ ] he juked me that's why we need that neck kind of stronger i know but we're gonna be here for a [ __ ] hour trying to get that [ __ ] done we don't want to have puffer fish so [ __ ] you can't catch him did you get him killed almost actually wait can you even hit him it feels like i'm right on him and it's not hitting him maybe not maybe you have to him with arrows maybe i'm missing arrows no it takes three loads of people in chat lying oh yeah i don't know what you're listening to yeah this doesn't seem to be working i'm trying to get more um more of this stuff for you jack oh i do not like being out in the ocean why are you in the ocean bad are you used to it like i cannot catch this thing i definitely see why they suggest i have uh the flippers and the thing it's not essential but it's fairly helpful especially the deeper you go [Music] in the bloody cave there is an underwater cave here wait which i oh i'm underwater don't blow him up now come on [ __ ] come on you [ __ ] oh i see one oh oh what the hell chat you said it was three arrows oh [ __ ] what [ __ ] chad oh my god you got him we got him we got him oh partners [Music] i don't even know what direction you went in oh oh i got one as well a puffer fish yeah go by the jack oh i'm drowning oh no i have loads of health oh let's go [ __ ] dude good [ __ ] that's two ways let's go live good job good job fair play now you said to stay and i said no and we did and good things happened exactly i'll take i'll take the l on that one yeah well it's a w and with with everyone you know everybody's risen tight all ships and all that yeah what'd i try uh now eat the puffer fish no oh there's a [ __ ] canister down here wait what there's like a bit of a little building and a a crate full of shite oh it's true look at this point oh my gosh it's a puffer fish head oh that's so funny explosive fish stew okay what can i get rid of um [ __ ] oh my god i'm actually so i'm posing about the puffer fish right now okay we've told you this that way oh yes nice poggers in the chat how much how many do we need um let's see here how much explosive good do you need well to make a canister um it should be just one if it's any more than one this is a [ __ ] scam so the canister it's one explosive powder but i have to research it so i'll use mine to research and um you use yours if you come back oh i think i have to see if i come back i'm swimming away lads you've got goo and that's it you're just like we did it we did it i did it i was just swimming away like pogba what's the what's going to be the box for the goo oh it's you making noise my mask is pretty convincing did you research it no i have to wait to smelt it so it's just taking a minute oh is it done smell done no no you have a pufferfish on your head hair you you wear it you wear it no i have one as well oh we should wear it then it's like a [ __ ] swimming cap yeah definitely i love it i love it jump it look you can see it properly if you jump that looks awful kevin do you want the bird headlights i know i'm happy with the shack i like the proper fish is great the proper fish is correct it's when you look down it's terrifying the face on it hold on look down look down there both of you just look down and look at me look look down look down like that looks right down there i am that is so scary i'm starving i need food here yeah i drop drop some food there box on your box on you fair play fair play fair play my god we've got the powder we've got the explosive powder boom did they don't even get planks learn we've got the neck canister let's go nice what the hell we have no planks do you have the can you drop that or yeah if someone gives me an axe i'll just go cut some trees got him yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you got the you got to go there jack joined into the old smelter i don't have any goo who's all gone no you got one go oh explosive goo oh i thought you meant vangu there we are hopefully that cooks now because we're actually desperate on the old uh plank spies i do you have an accident and i'll go gather some uh my axe is broken you can make one with all the materials here you go no there's no point just take that thank you i'll go with trees to make an axe what a conundrum oh he bit off two [ __ ] lumps of our breath now over here yeah we need to we should get going then soon if we have the stuff now well the thing is you didn't kill it after you get the after you get the turkey yeah because we don't need the flippers anymore so we should use that to make um and then and like i i i left the the net thing in in the storage boxes next to my bed so once you have that glue done i'm pretty sure you'll be able to craft um a net um let me [ __ ] figure this [ __ ] out i guess wait why do i have two water bottles how do we get up to the top just just climb it like skyrim or something all right as well wasn't there yeah we need a shearer we need a share for that you know honestly i do i wonder where all the planks went i don't know i wonder actually where all the planks could have gone not sure i did make a fishing rod so it might have been that yeah i'd say that could have been it i'd say that could have been it i will ignore the evidence exhibit a of stairs that are [ __ ] 40 meters high i will ignore that and just assume it was all spent on a very wooden fishing rod yeah i was just trying to keep us well fed yeah thanks kevin again no bother [ __ ] my luck don't worry i'm gonna get us some more planks in no time yeah and then use them to build stairs no no i'll build uh what what do you want them for are you wanting a second food for me to smelt them no we need to smelt the goo ah yes okay ah yes build stairs yes yes i had the same idea oh i found a tree okay we're saved oh this is very high and very scary yo we've read berries here and i really feel like we should have been picking them this is the first time i've seen red berries i have a bunch of them i got three yeah yeah they've got to be rare okay gotta be was my feet i thought it was my feet [ __ ] new soldiers i'm at the very top i don't see many trees yeah i think they're all cut down now i have uh eight six planks though is that enough uh yeah i just need some in the smelter to get the explosive stuff to work uh okay so i need to there apparently there's a cave so okay where am i putting them where's the smelter thing i need shears as well i can just hear this that tv's got to be so loud all right i need to make a new fishing rod oh man regulus thank you so much for the subs the five subs fishing round if you want it i'll just give it to you i don't fish much anyway can't plant berries can we i have a full metal fishing rod bro here you go plant the berries there you are thank you boom i will do fish i will get food for us i will i'm robot oh we got the explosive powder so now [Music] go get the turkey net launcher which we need stone and rope for which we should have plenty of yes plenty i find it hilarious that we made a a crop thing that had infinite potatoes in it and we somehow managed to [ __ ] that up oh finn bar is coming finn barr's coming what do you mean what do you mean though he's eating it after effects say yeah he got that one we'll give him that oh bedtime before we go to bed i'm gonna put some metal ore in here it cooks quickly overnight let's go sleep gentlemen wait i'm in the middle of fishing oh i almost caught a shark that would have been great oh what have you found oh i was stretching oh that's stretch sorry [Laughter] it sounded like that guy who was trying to hit that really high note i also hurt my back doing it hop in the bed there track would you like go okay okay okay stop oh now kevin's changing his bed again i like to mix things up nah you're just pissing the other one feels like staying in a hotel if you keep rotating beds uh we need planks for the thing see we have plots here that we could have just been growing seeds in that we'll get lots of wood lots of potatoes it's a fair point and we're not doing it for some reason so what what we actually need i don't think we need anything really we have the net launcher go get the turkey turkey um hold on well okay i just love cookie turkey gobble gobble we only have one though so we actually we make sure we hit it surely you pick it off this is the whole thing this is going to be [ __ ] terrifying queen puffer fish hands if we get potatoes or beets do not eat them okay we need this we can put them in there look i gotta make a color box for kevin because he's just that would be really nice actually this is going to be your color box up here kevin which one one uh in the bedroom because some of these are in the bedroom big one up yeah no no bedroom my bedroom my bed your bedroom oh that guys we're against the clock here we have no planks to cook food can we just get chicken turkey and leave we should no we don't we still have to share the llama we said well can we do those things then yeah we hold on we have to make sure instead of doing an organization right now cheers takes mentally not scrap hinge i'm working on it all right simmer the [ __ ] down i haven't even started simmering yet the gas is leaving the gas isn't even on here lights that's what [ __ ] trying here all right but that's [ __ ] killing me it stretched actually hurt my back pretty bad okay uh is the llama still on the island i haven't seen him [Music] well unless kevin [ __ ] killed him no i didn't why would you even think of blaming me kevin good man thank you putting on the fire standing up for myself oh okay yeah that too oh wait i didn't need to do that still blame kevin i could never blame kevin he's too innocent yeah there you go innocent until proven guilty would you like some food kevin uh for once i'm not starving to death and i'm very proud of myself all right i'll take it anyway if you want to watch let's go let's go okay oh yes i'm coming hold on oh you better not miss went into this shot okay wait a lot is going into this shot all the hard work yeah i should not have come too close because we're just scaring him away now we're chilling he should shut off he's chilling we'll wait till he stops and here we have the rare dying boom yes yes [ __ ] yeah good job first try oh we got to make a little hole for him we got to make a little hole for him put him in his office and that might be dangerous wait wait a second we can just destroy uh kevin's stairs no we can't thanks that's not an option we can put them in brown's office we only get half of them can't put him in brian's office he'll run out the [ __ ] door we'll close the good job good job see we'll shot go he's there he's there okay boom baby oh he's loving it yeah honestly this is starting at that petting zoo it's like brand zoo can we call him terry the turkey terry's good with me good man terry he's [ __ ] eyeballing me though let's go that was [ __ ] just walking just remember to close the door on terry rip shears useless now how does shoes use to shut your hall um we all share you need a grass plot for it to survive can you look into it yeah it um where was it it needs planks and dirt six planks how much star uh two well we have four we're okay in the dark let me share the llama here i'm sharing the llama give me a minute man do we have any more planks the tree is growing and fencing we need fencing too no come back come back i just want to share you is there any more trees to be able to chop down up there no the whole island you're the llama boys it's not working okay if you share the llama then we can leave immediately yes but he's running away he's [ __ ] running away don't worry terry terry came down running away okay we have food for you soon this is going to be such a [ __ ] waste if this turkey dies it would be hilarious i think i need a neck catcher firm but i've no ammo thank you so much for the stuff somewhere else thank you the other island on our radar thing oh all right get him in the hole then we need planks i think there's something wrong with terry he's just walking into walls because he doesn't have grass yet he's dying we might have to put him down no no i wouldn't i wouldn't even kevin knows better than that yeah that's too fast where are you he's i'm trying to kill this llama he's a [ __ ] strong [ __ ] though lavas are just nature's bulldogs oh it's just a little fact i've poked him in the hole so many times poke him again do you need help should we come help i'm afraid to leave terry you stay with terry i'll go help dahi how did i i'll watch over terry this llama is triggering the [ __ ] out of me chat she's surprisingly good at dodging where are you are you in like the main area where they fought the bird yeah i'm coming i'm coming there we go i got him okay uh can i share him now no i guess i can only share while he's alive probably net catcher put him in a thing oh no this is salt water yeah did you drink it yeah it's choking it okay bad news what is it uh even when you kill the lanna you can't share it you have to neck catch it then share it yeah i thought that that was i thought we knew that but you were just trying to kill it to get resources you don't even get anything from it well [ __ ] my life and i'm about to die oh seagull hello i know you will give eggs but the meat is can you use the neck canister no you can't look no ammo no ammo yeah i tried to pick it up as well and you couldn't same no you dumb ass wait where oh my god kid gaming what a sick man jesus hey daddy can you stop reading chat that are obviously trying to troll you [ __ ] them [ __ ] them jack even if they're trolling [ __ ] them okay sounds very healthy let's go i'm hungry let's go oh terry congratulations he's laid his first egg no way he has good job terry we need to research it pick it up and research it i'm going to eat it do not eat cooking eggs all right we're like cooking all right which is the best way of getting out of here where's the research table it's upstairs it's kevin how long have you been on this raft for like uh i don't know it's all kind of a blur the sign says 32 days open 42 weeks honestly i've never used the research table what do i do you just put it in put it in um i don't know where we're going yet i'm just turning us away from the island so we can start moving to get resources that's fair that's fair uh and then i can start i can get grass plot if i get four more planks that's totally you could make a beehive oh uh finbirth god got him good job good job yeah we need to find bees somewhere um yeah all right does this look good can i see that did we research i researched he's adorable isn't he unreal so now we can make healing salve soothes and restores your wounds nice and sweet if we find honey we can make a honeycomb obviously you need to slay we can cook the egg as well dude we can make our own beehive bruh grass plot requires dark planks and plastic yeah i just need four planks and then we're good unless kevin wants to destroy like two stairs i mean if you have to you can wait is the tree oh you can't jump down the tree right we should make the grass plot i could try if you want yeah so i'm trying to do i need planks yeah but we've the sails the rock wrong way around can't leave because the cells are not going the right direction wait why do we have two sales now yeah that's a good question actually oh he ate one of the sales oh did he yeah oh i ain't wanted to sail oh terry looks really sad i can cook the food here by the way i haven't cooked the food here food's been cooked good man good man terry looks depressed i'm doing it i'm doing it i'm doing it hold on hold on i'll do i've got them i've okay i'm here behind you okay i'm putting it in this corner box with the plastic there you go okay you spent so much on these stairs kevin they were all mine i fished no daddy oh my god why would you do that why would you do that all of them it's all gone there you go hold the planks oh my life's working oh great you have to make this right you have to rebuild that oh [ __ ] that's funny it's the only way you can redeem yourself if either of us did it da he would have left the [ __ ] stream yeah you have to rebuild the dahi it's the only thing that you can redeem yourself i can't i can't i can't die what are you throwing you're throwing dude it started popping we got we got to make the where where did they put the dirt where's the dirt the grass made terry has grass does he yeah you guys are [ __ ] busy destroying [ __ ] for no reason right in the corner here right right underneath it needs fresh water needs fresh water oh i didn't know that there we go terry terry change animal name oh let's go oh boom terry and then boom what's wrong with him why is he so sad he misses the stairs he's devastated how's his favorite thing about that resources glorious resources oh you do collect resources grass needs to grow oh you just have to weigh it terry oh go to sleep and the grass will grow go to sleep in the grass will go no does it even go to sleep oh my god so many resources are coming in i've forgotten what that sound is like all right let's go to sleep though we should go to sleep i'm sleeping technically really he needs a nest what make a cage for him more grass and make more needs to grow fence set he needs the weed okay excellent bigger plot with fence people are saying well we need wood for that do you think we could just go we'll go to sleep we'll go to sleep we'll go to sleep now go sleep go sleep ooh got the barrel all right let's go what if we just put terry oh god i am in your life i am like very starving oh catfish i'm all cooks oh he's happy again he's walking like normal and quacking and whacking and everything let's go terry just needed a good night's sleep [ __ ] off just needed a good night's sleep oh [ __ ] let's go oh terry's had me guys wait is that a raft over there two or less so am i yes they're not that useful but we can't i don't think we should turn they're not that useful no you just got a crate yeah you just gotta create stuff in it we're actually doing better without it okay if you say so oh we do have a lot of barrels on our way yeah exactly that's what i'm saying oh lovely resources lovely resources i'll go up and look at terry i want to see i want to see his happy face jack's like so happy now it's pretty funny oh terry and schlacky that's advice i say he doesn't get a droopy head no more do you like your grass terry he loves his grass uh he loves his grass he does uh he does you're too quick for me that's payback for you getting the barrels earlier and if anyone's already is for terry or all we need is for finbarr to attack you anybody wants to hold kerry do you have to pay five dollars to bring all right that's a zoo now remember bran's petting zoo five dollars all right let's see where we're going next terry where is he we'll get your girlfriend uh oh i think if we go left twelve hundred oh there's one we're not gonna do anything with anything else other than oh [ __ ] this all right we are probably easy we're popping off this stream our next our next task oh can somebody pick these up at random space sorry our next task is we have to build a second engine okay we need a circuit board fine goo and copper it's very very doable [Music] why wasn't i wearing my puffer head what's going on one big empty space thank you so much for the five subs going on here base oh hey egg time oh i heard the pop yeah there it is cook it cook it oh pick up egg how do i cook egg i can't just close the door now i'd say so all right no why not oh jesus terry's going to make his escape the door wasn't closed egg on a grill oh kevin you're in the [ __ ] thing i wasn't i was outside we could probably put it in i'm grieving oh it's for recipes yeah let's go i like that but you can't put it in the pot unless you have like a full recipe oh wait place egg oh it's on the table this is chilling there oh i see so you place the things on the floor what can we make with egg let me look oh if we get two fish coconut is that coconut milk oh we don't know how to get milk yet oh no oh no it's from goats and a bucket all right you want to go you want to go [ __ ] her oh there's an island up ahead oh oh i killed the shark i killed the shark nice nice cook that bad boy yeah i'm also going to the raft can you hold up can you hold up a sec pull the anchor there for a sec oh someone already got it nice i'm honest i'm honest pull the ankle there for a sec got some metal ore that's it that's a small island we don't care about that we're going with the big ones but resources no no no small island doesn't have any animals egg makes good biofuel we can use biofuel the [ __ ] um i need to find a box to store these in where do you keep the metal and stuff is it in with the oh the copper yeah yeah i found it i found it yeah yeah it's stone here i don't need to worry about it it's in there if you wanted there just in case terry good man good turkey all right oh oh i just realized i'm dying all right i wish we had potatoes again there were such an easy source of food five potatoes in the drawer right here which one this door this drawer right here five potatoes oh why aren't you planting them i'm not really that's not really my style what surviving no planted um can we make a bigger one actually that would be nice i think that's the biggest you can make yes is it wait did you okay yeah we're sending off the right direction right we damn terry's just having a davey's life oh this is for different stuff um this is actually helpful as well though boof nice so you can't plant this food still cooking oh my days bro shark takes forever and it doesn't even get you that full that's why i'm working on spuds boys kevin do you still love your axe um yeah i do do you need it back or do you want me to cut down no i'm just gonna d i think you can cut down the tree now all right well i do it yeah oh there's another raft nice i'm going very nice if you take any of the potatoes out of the thing don't forget to plant them before you start eating them what do you mean if you plant potatoes you get two potatoes back oh so you just plant and go kind of a thing yeah right right that's fair enough it's one in two out so you basically have endless potatoes for food oh that's very nice oh okay so you can anchor out you can anchor up again will i plant another mango tree again is that what was there uh that was a palm tree pam seeds what do i need i need arrows oh so long planks planks are always the worst bro you buff the planks you know what i mean uh wait did we ever get oh yeah i totally forgot we were in the middle of doing that doing what uh that's fine i have it uh i um just turn these into rope [Music] anyone want to pick up all this [ __ ] oops did you pick it all up mm-hmm mm-hmm okay good just fighting oh god it's some [ __ ] why are we making the copper ignore for another engine yeah all right fair enough fair enough um i think we should flip her i think we should flip our thing around because we're going this direction you know what i mean remember what we did before oh yeah give it a give it a turn do we have the wheel yeah i think jack has this yeah one sec okay [ __ ] uh drop this for a sec all right all right all right oh [ __ ] now if you turn it sideways we'll start gathering more resources uh which direction uh just left or right actually doesn't matter just turn it to its side and then i'll adjust the sails oh it's oh it's kind of trippy it's kind of tricky yeah it's very fast there we go okay okay again let me just adjust see what direction we need to go now uh you go this way all right perfect you did good all right we have a second smelter now oh nice that's actually super helpful it takes forever waiting for horrors man yeah nice now this is the kind of angling that our match teachers would have been proud of i had a channel fair play at the man so much [ __ ] [ __ ] wasn't completely useless do we have another thing to head towards like a big island or do we have not another big island it's all a big island from here anymore so where are you getting the coordinates for that on every island like big island you get another one on the battery okay yeah it detects them oh my god kevin what have you been building i'm changing my strategy because i'm sick don't we need [ __ ] i've found them myself these are my resources and you destroyed my last one don't you be getting mad at me now i'd be in heaven already if it weren't for you i can put you to heaven if you need that would streamline the process yeah here i'll come up with the spear i just want to send you to heaven dude go away oh never most hungry food in me okay the potatoes are harvested who's drinking all the water and not replenishing it oh oh oh you're gonna kill that guy you're just nice dude i'm on [ __ ] farm right now you are you are to be fair do you know what oh what the [ __ ] is happening oh no no no can you pick up the seagull stuff i ran out of space cool thanks i can pick it i can pick i gotta water the crops first all right i won't even put them on the fire there we go and in order to put leather i can't research it anymore either uh what you mean leather i got i got leather from the bore oh yeah yeah yeah sure just put that and put that in um which box would that be good for i think the one above the metal i think the one above the metal would be good makes kind of sense or the one above the grass one above the leaves and the feathers is still good does it need to be repaired oh a lot of barrels coming up lads okay good but terry's sad again what's wrong with him now he's got no grass waiting for an egg all right giant island up in 400 and then one past that 1500 nice i'm you know it's coming up though i'm gonna run to the bathroom while uh we approach it i'll be right back all right i'll be right back folks hey do you wanna [ __ ] kill kevin mind just straight up kill him lean back that's fierce mean saying that say nothing just saying that indoor like yeah kev just kept going kev just kept going kev there put him somewhere kevin won't be able to find him just to scare him what do you think uh i think you know uh when you watered the grass in terry's area was it like watering the crops did it say like e to water yeah okay it's usually really low and everything and all that guys god i'm starving what do we need for the neck canisters again puffer fish oh yes unfortunately you are right [Applause] sheesh man we're getting someone with the materials here actually we're more authoring yeah is your grass all right terry do i need to water it no i don't oh he's got he's he's gobbling going it's gobbling going who put a cooker next to him it's very morbid just let him know who's who's boss who's top dog don't forget terry don't forget terry you're always one gobble away from being gobbled from total garbalation yeah did i hear a plot to kill me as i left nah [ __ ] off kevin i'm turning a lot of these rings into rope so we just free up space we didn't do an acting kit we do not you didn't but i think there was a a plot ah grass plot yeah for terry all right sorry my misunderstanding so big time big time honestly oh jesus honestly a little heart just get attacked by the shark i did but i was already on the raft big island boys once we er excuse me i was going to call you wankers well uh once we anchor in wankers uh we can go ahead he just called us it anyway yeah can i put this one oh yeah oh i can make vegetable soup oh that's nice i like that like sauna all right let's anchor in boys let's get our own oh oh scary oh my spuds do we have any beets uh before in the thing sweets sweet speeds all right well i've got some amount of planks here i expect none of them to be used by kevin i don't use them i use my own don't worry i'll believe it when i see it [Music] all right we can end on oh do we want to go to bed first oh yeah yeah i think i'm pretty good i need to take these with me i respected kevin i that's like come on i want to look at brand tonight when i sleep milk okay all right bedtime bedtime right time better here we aaron thank you very much for that the bits that was very kind here one big empty space thanks for that fairyways thank you for the bits as well uh i think puffer fish is probably a priority and dirt is a we could get a girlfriend for terry oh that'd be nice there's loads of dirt in the cave jerry imagine terry and jerry i like that andy and you know we wouldn't have to worry about babies if they were gay that's true you know but then we could adopt for them oh yeah terry jerry and kerry harry i guess works you guys can just stop talking at any point [Laughter] we're trying to start a family here yeah a beautiful old family and then they'll get divorced and their tarties blame it on the kids and see this is great what there's another one of those birds with the stones oh lovely i love them i love them i can't wait just give them a big hug maybe this big bird could be terry's girlfriend yeah could it no yeah yeah i'm sure that's a big relationship no no power dynamic there terry can be a possibility pick up terry and go with them you okay terry you're making noises egg oh i picked you up by accident oops i meant to close the door oh he needs water oh hold on terry hold on oh no i think we do honestly have a lot of scrap like yeah i really we we have a lot of scrap right because i know we don't need stone bites we're out of our minds we're on stone giant clam all was good something attacked me on the raft i think the [ __ ] bird or something i heard a screech and it hurt me what the [ __ ] oh oh my god this [ __ ] bow and arrow oh this is like being attacked by i'm being attacked by a boar on the [ __ ] raft i think he's under the water oh he might be actually what the [ __ ] that's actually believable oh ow jesus christ that bird this is [ __ ] terrifying the enemies all around me and i can't even see them all right what is this creature i found a puffer fish see oh do we really need scrap think about this i ponder this often hmm i don't know how my arrows will last enough with this puffer fish though all right we're going for a chat okay come on should i get that probably should what the hell what the [ __ ] oh he blew up didn't what a pufferfish huh yes that's sad you have no idea and the stone arrows went through the ground because that makes sense okay and there's a goat on the island if you want to try and catch that he's up near this oh we can milk it we can milk it i don't know how to make a dog well probably a net you need a bucket yeah i have a bokeh oh okay feels bad chad feels bad god damn it dude should be a decent bit of seaweed here at all no oh my days this is deep this is deep what is it um did you find all this metal all this metal down here where are you even going is there like underwater tunnels or are you just i know just i'm just going straight in the water oh it's going straight on water my bow and arrow is about to break though what can we throw away here honestly probably don't need mango seeds that much what are we coconut seeds huh wait what did i drop oh terry's looking very depressed again busy yeah very depressed uh we'll just water his thing no hmm water water is grass just water his grass all right i'll do that so do i just pour it on it yeah just clean water clean water water and press e terry needs sun maybe put a hole in this room will i oh there's stuff up there i can't now yeah jenna what you've been up to jack you've been first quiet he's playing uh i built a third smelter and i'm cooking vegetable soup and i defended from terry or from hyphen bear and i watered terry's uh grass yes okay i'm coming back with resources come back oh wrong one what's wrong with you what's wrong with you [ __ ] noises of the guy oh my god all bubbles are all about to be destroyed dude oh god oh god i think that bird is coming for you oh god oh god oh plant the chicken all right [ __ ] oh dear all right it's right i'm a straight-up farmer at this point what did you grow for us a ton of beets and spuds very good did you put them in the food box uh not yet because i'm still working on stuff jesus hey guys thank you for the support lonnie thank you for the five subs a train thank you for the bits the weird loot thank you for the bits thank you everyone for the support i'm sorry i can't get to every alert like i normally do i think it's terrifying when you're on the top by the way thanks lonnie i cooked the soup how do i eat it would it with a spoon i don't need more planks do i oh oh i didn't have planks oh that makes way more sense never mind i think we can just craft stuff without the research table i just realized that what do you mean you don't need the research table of craft stuff it's just for researching you can press tab and just craft wherever you are yeah i did not know that oh geez even all you knew that was husband yeah vinegar do we have anything yeah you're researching you're basically just researching how to build it and then you're able to build it forever we have more than one vinegar because i need a few okay full nice soup i'm putting you in here oh i made beautiful soup oh it's in number one oh oh see this soup wait you made me more good winter veg soup do you want me to make soup for you i don't like soup at all i'll stick to my fish if you don't mind fine fine just oh no he's attacking the thing i have no weapon wait where oh what thing i'm on him oh he's gone he just laughs he's getting fast he's getting fast jesus pop luck thank you very much for the second do you want me to make your soup 10 subs thank you very much i appreciate it it's [ __ ] going with sarah terry is well depressed right now oh no he's alright i don't blame him we don't even take him for walks or anything he's just locked in there i don't blame him being on a boat quarantine and all that you know we should at least let him go up and down the stairs a bit get some exercise will you carry him then go and do it okay uh another egg too nice i'm gonna show them the top how do i make the arrows actually free inventory nice gosh it's [ __ ] nice having [ __ ] the craft would oh he loves are we done with the island why are we still here no there's way more we've got to get puffer fish and all that stuff man like we're nowhere near done how do you think we're done like nowhere near thought i don't know where have you been with the milk there's perfect fish we've been killed there's nets we've to craft and then catch animals and then there's trees to cut down and then a lot like there's a lot i thought we just move on see what's out there another big eye yeah just move on to another big island where we have to do the same things at this island sounds like a good plan to me yeah i kind of like the sound of that terry laid a new egg guys put it put it in the chest [ __ ] shiny bag boys huh should know he'll climb here where it was oh for [ __ ] sake the sharks are owned [ __ ] my life dude this is a problem i can't do a lot of stuff on the water with him i feel like the head chef at the boat right now really kind of well the farmer more so than anything for i respect it either way all right bedtime all right let me put some metal or in the top before we go bedtime okay wait let me let me let me make you some soup first where's the metal or didn't i get something down here or something we only had one and i smelted it earlier nah we i got three earlier here okay here look at this [Music] all right pick this up here that's not you boop vegetable soup left click oh what what what's that little green thing i don't know i didn't drink mine yet what happened gives you a little green bear oh because it's cooked proper like sustained food cheney because it's a nice old meal keep you going for a while like bedtime lads bedtime bedtime time i'm on my way up i'm on me way up don't even worry tell us a story kev no okay good night okay well all right what'll i do what do you need me to do just be yourself kevin i will do no what have you done [Laughter] oh dear caddison thank you very much for the fighting stuff video of you being the voice of reason and then like and one was like well the choices aren't great like no glam kevin someone had to be something i was like fair enough yeah usually dan fills that void yeah yeah but now we've bran yeah and glass now and we are strong i think we upgraded honestly yeah bryan is great is brian and dan combined mm-hmm bran oh brian oh brandy bye the pipes i know i have no weapon just walking around with old weapons very dangerous stuff i know i know it's [ __ ] shocking to the world crap anymore do we um and and rope there's a puffer fish okay how many hours okay the metal spear again that's good okay confident about killing this puffer fish now i had no idea what the [ __ ] is happening jump and see if you can land in the water you think i can make it oh i think so we got two we got two guys right here we go oh jesus oh jesus oh no i hit the board he made it i didn't make it to the water but i hit the board first this is already nice bear soup goes down wait how much is up did i [ __ ] eat the bowl as well wait a second i think you're right the soup does use the ball what the [ __ ] it's stupid now that is a little dumb i wouldn't let can i make better balls could put it in a bucket instead oh maybe a clay stupid that's what i built i mean to be fair you can make a ton of them but it's the [ __ ] principle yeah yeah yeah yeah pick up leftovers i think i think i'll tweet about it later ew leftovers all right boys leftovers [ __ ] suck why is that leftovers and not just soup i don't understand how this game works at all at all honestly got the puffer fish i got two goo for him i'm gonna look for another one okay and then we can make a good few uh neck canisters oh you used three potatoes i thought about four oh [ __ ] am i don't mess leftovers instead of nice soup just randomly oh egg egg oh that popping noise music to my ears is there like a kid oh no oh no we're okay we're okay did you almost let him out i almost let him out he didn't taste the freedom if he gets out though yeah but if you feel like giving him a walk you can just carry him you know around a bit just you know some kevin interior time that sounds nice actually i'm going to take him for a walk again can he swim in incoming kevin and terry fanfictions now please no can he swim or will he just die i don't think he i don't think he's designed for us women to be honest with you like i'm not saying that's how you teach babies yeah you teach babies to swim by just throwing them in a river right pretty much well a pool like rather you do that if i'm there just in case it goes wrong okay i can wait i'm gonna be waiting a while because i'm looking around for puffer fish i'm showing him the grill okay doc i'm going to get another puffer fish here now give me a puffer where is he what can you cook with the eggs oh my god there's the recipes are so demanding okay let's go chad another puffer fish down only one goo from this gap shot though we're i'm doing good on the old pufferfish check bye full steam ahead did someone use the mushrooms already are they gone um yes why why no no worries i was just gonna make some food no worries just trying to survive oh you know yourself just trying to live and this god forsaken a raft come on terry oh my there's dude hello i love how i love how casual about everything [ __ ] kevin is dude i've taken terry up to the top of the um diving board yeah we're thinking about diving is that terry's idea yours ah we both came up with it it was a collaboration oh okay isn't the the stairs really handy for finding the raft now you can see it from everywhere whoa i'm getting this weird blue flower thing yo i just got some silver algae what the [ __ ] what's that for does anyone know what that's for let's research it well get some good stuff out of that now so you will yeah do we need more puffer heads do you think uh we can use them in stews yeah okay um my chat is saying that terry wants the chance at trying to fly so i should drop him off yeah you should go up top where i am wait till i get back up this should be a family event okay yeah agreed agreed i i have to i have to get some copper stuff here i'm nearly done with the okay aspect of the island how does that feel yes stupid [ __ ] bird why don't you evolve not you terry no no never terry not terrible he's getting a bit upset there yes okay um so i'm just trying to get all the good copper met lords get me before i come back i don't want to go back in this and then i i haven't left the raft once this whole time to be honest uh you're better off like yeah my chat is unanimous they think he'll be able to fly so we'll give it a go when you're back chat has never been wrong that's the right fish [ __ ] yeah let's go no are you trying to make like a fish jewel yeah actually [ __ ] sports now no you need milk don't you need milk for fistula what's [ __ ] milk in a stew well that's what the thing is no that's that's the head broth right uh it's milk two puffer fish and then a potato or a beet i can cook these thank you for those sobs i'm swimming around the whole [ __ ] thing oh here comes finney again is there a way to swim quickly kevin wait where are you flippers i'm down here terry's going oh hello dragonite hello do you want to put any uh bets whether you think he'll fly or not i think he'll 100 fly i have a hundred percent faith in terry yeah that's what my chat is saying i mean he has wings why would you have wings you can't fly he seems pretty redundant who votes is the raft oh i've nearly went the whole way around you'll see the raft from the stairs i'm getting another puffer fish here gentlemen nice i mean good job good job just someone like just scraps and everything in the water scraps there's so many scraps in the water oh it happens yeah sure it's a great place for it are you at the exact opposite side of the island or can i just not see you let's go i'm not an opposite end but i am fairly small there we go more goo gentlemen coming down here for another clam another clam and then there's a big crate with hinges that i can't pick up [ __ ] me uh hinges dude hinges are good what do i drop i think i dropped the planks boys all right i'll be right there okay i'm right over now i'm keeping an eye out for you well it should be coming from the left all right sorry i just gotta get a bit of copper no i'm waiting i'm waiting on me stew anyway oh wow there's a lot of copper down here i'm gonna be fair thirsty when i get back i expect a fine shoe jack shoes not for drinking for thirst i'm first hungry as well well what you want me to do about yo there's fishes here do we use the net on doors it was like rare fish over here [ __ ] off terry i'm not terry i was like what did terry do he's up here do nothing why do i keep confused too many names they look alike guys there's a sweep net could you um is that what we use for these fish i would imagine some fish i've seen here that i haven't seen before and i'm really curious about them do you see these guys what do we do with these guys what do we do with these guys like these guys are like really [ __ ] cool where are you what are you talking about there's these cool fish or not even no you aren't amy jack if you look over if you look over here you can see me jumping in water on the left oh where terry was do you see you're really far away it's not that far we need to find you to make the next thing is i don't actually need anything the problem i have is that my storage is full but i found some really cool fish well drop something that we can make easily if you have it no i i got a little bit of space there but because an item broke there's like these cool fish and i want to see if we can catch them and then like just take them back oh oh jesus all right i can't fly anyway net is not for fish oh oh oh oh oh oh oh no oh no oh no you're dying you all right there the the bar oh that's where you are yeah that's where i am female is [ __ ] me up right now i'm gonna terry down he'll fly in the morning okay okay oh this is pointless why am i doing this all right all right how about we go to sleep and then in the morning it's terry's big flight yes he's excited he's not going to get a wink asleep no oh no he won't oh he kept me up all night i'm starving i am starving yeah me too okay well just come to the the box next to the thing i also need water oh never mind i'm fast am i yeah there's plenty of food next to the thing i've been [ __ ] master chef in it over here you actually have oh very nice thank you so much these drumsticks is very filling oh [ __ ] yeah let's go oh i planted one by accident [ __ ] all right i'm taking terry just spam and click like a gob shirt are we ready lads we're ready for his flight oh there he goes she's putting stuff away you know [ __ ] off finn barr this is a moment for the family not for you it's the most kind of like family don't okay i have my potato out i'm ready uh i'm dying at a tourist i hope he'll fly back to us when we call him are you ready wait no no i'm dying in the car i'm not ready my [ __ ] screens are bugged let's get let's get a chant going in chad terry terry [Applause] you can do it terry we believe it all right terry here you go oh hold on all right terry oh there he goes good job terry let's go let's go terry boy way way we knew he could do it [Music] [Music] attack i already do he's got a bend in his neck though is that okay yeah yeah this is all right okay terry needs fresh water you haven't been taking care of him he can't have everything can you stop drinking the water and not refilling it i can't refill it if i'm it's in my bun no i just throw out the rest of the fresh one then fill it up keep the cup on you that's cool um okay what do we need are that was impressive honestly it's an absolute absolute unit oh there's here's a metal sphere for you jack since you never have a [ __ ] weapon oh no stop it god he he ate a [ __ ] lump off the side of this what the [ __ ] well the reinforcements put it in the equipment box um what are we looking at here we've got to make some uh nets i guess we're going to catch in some things gentlemen we need more vinyl i think for the nets um no we need the explosive kill oh for those nets i thought about that i dropped it with my fingers okay we're good oh i dropped it i do have very fat fingers okay dog what else do we need about it okay oh what are you cooking now oh what are you cooking now oh look at that bubbling look at this bubbling up you might not like any of the food i make kevin if you don't like soup i don't like soup at all what's on the menu today though don't tell me it's like in real life as well yeah if i don't like something in real life i don't eat it in the game at all like if someone was going to be a chef i think so i have a pretty good cook in real life i'm not gonna lie i didn't go to college first wait what hmm i went for for hotel management so i had to go one day one day and you're cooking me a meal no i'm okay how could he resist that offer just inviting yourself over making me cook for you i'll go to your house and cook them you don't want that you really don't want that i do want that though honestly once this covered [ __ ] is done it would be pretty funny if all the five irish lights met up somewhere yeah that would be [ __ ] oh it's a lot of bollocks so it is that would be that'd be some out of this world dumb [ __ ] all right boom boom my three nets man we're flying at lads we are flying it we are just flying it i'm your [ __ ] seagull what's he trying to eat all right what's the plan are we going attacking animals well um well i have we need a bucket well that's we need a few others all right fair enough um i have the net launcher okay um yeah we're just kind of chilling like are we leaving or are we staying don't really need a paddle we'll leave no no no no no [Music] i'm listening [Music] oh storms are brewing buddies really yep bedtime can't sleep through the storm sometimes you got to weather it well i don't know all right let's head on to the island buzz we have an air catcher we have shears and which is see if there's any animals there's a goat up this way i'll take it home okay i think i think i'm gonna see if i can use my pocket on him oh wait who has the bucket i didn't know we even had a pocket uh i have it with me right now okay apart from perfect we'll need you to on the way on my way on my way this is my first time on this island this is lovely yeah it's all right like oh it's where it's a bit hey lead on puffer head yeah i don't know where kevin's got off to actually up which means oh up up up how'd you go what what up there's several ups here kev oh [ __ ] oh daddy watch out oh what's wrong oh there we go oh do you know where the bird is big bird come to big bird yeah there we go oh that's easy claim god it [ __ ] legs on me like an ox honestly dude skyrim jumping i'm with the ghost you're with goat oh oh no it's not like saying you're with child mean he is yeah kid i think you're gonna have to net catch him all right wait wait till he stops wait till he stops i gotta get a good angle of this where the [ __ ] did he go did you jump off and die that's what he nearly did a while ago no no you got him you got him you got him oh [ __ ] i did oh my god you just pick him up we've got a name as well you've gotta i mean that's what we're best at you know this is this is gary the goat gary i love it your names are much easier to remember gary the ghost versus glashnock yeah i like alliterative names you know like superheroes gary go terry turkey all right um can somebody open the door oh you got us go on in oh terry's gonna be delighted oh he's gonna be buzzing i think we might have to have another grasp i have a [ __ ] bucket of milk nice oh dude let's go dude research the milk dude no that's not a bad idea i don't know if i can can i fairly certain you should not be able to no because it's just in a bucket well people are still humping [ __ ] clash knock will you who is doing that what oh no [ __ ] seagull it's okay all right okay okay okay he has ceased existing i thought you were talking with dahi is that the only animal other than the big bird there's like the big board then the boar and they saw me killing the boar already i didn't see a bore on this one i thought a boar was killing jack on the ship or something no i think that was the bird dropping [ __ ] in my head uh do you have any um puffer fish stuff like puffer heads oh yeah those laws there's three of them up here we're gonna need a lot more grass they're saying for the ghost yeah like six more blocks you're kidding right no kidding like goat what is kidding what are you what you're looking like oh my god i'm [ __ ] i am cooking up a feast for [ __ ] kings what is this whatever that means let's go i think there's a joke in there somewhere let me know if you find a chat will i check if the gauge can fly you know what uh yeah sure why not like all right i'm going up fly on the wings of love fly baby fly fly on the wings of love okay in the sky right you ready i'm ready baby oh it's fine my turn yeah it doesn't hurt as much as you think we need to make it higher more stairs oh and now you're on board that's what i'd like to hear this is dangerous territory you guys are stepping into right now if you stand on the top it gets so wobbly can we build like a wall all the way around it as well i mean you could it would take a lot of planks plank and plastic boom i made three grass blocks worth [ __ ] yeah only the best for gary and terry i i i put down a giant watermelon well actually it's just a regular-sized watermelon but it's giant compared to everything else shag and whey it's getting a little cramped in the old office here but oh it is um what am i doing with my life she's you're just asking that no i don't know what i'm doing right now okay i fill it back up jack all right fair play to you all right oh [ __ ] i had water already oh that's what i was doing god i'm an awful legit um would you like guys like pineapples or watermelons pineapple pineapple please pineapple pineapple okay pineapple at his lads uh you know i do actually need a fishing rod scrap bolt raw god this is this is cooking and off a long time isn't it head broth better be [ __ ] worth it better fill me up completely scrap bolts this is not a great game to complain when you're hungry oh i don't know i'll make sprinklers for the farm that's a [ __ ] genius idea plastic scrap bolts circuit boards [ __ ] mexico bedtime time bedtime what do you have to do next man i feel like we've done it all second engine oh yeah second engine is that i'm so glad i'm done plank we pretty much have all of that already thank you circuit board this is easy this is easy check often perfect off the coffee coffee little bollocks got him um right what do we need for this second engine oh yeah oh i'm doing it i'm doing it okay got it can you see that oh my god what is it oh baby dude okay let's see what happens if i die uh don't let kevin touch my xbox i'll get his hat though oh that was almost half nice it's a bit anticlimactic honestly it's 14 years to cook it the effort because it doesn't seem like it it's worth it it's wrong you get a little green bar as well that i think goes down slower right right he's ready to get milked he's ready to get milked terry's well and truly depressed right now like like it's bad bad i didn't kev anymore he was sad before he had a roommate oh he's very bad he's oh yeah he's not happy all right i'm actually getting depressed looking at him i think i don't want to look at him no more oh he's happy now he ate some grass uh we need for the engine i need uh planks and who's got the planks because who's hungrier right now how many planks actually kevin doesn't like twenty twenty i'm freezing here die you can have that oh no i need planks bro i just need planks just give it to kevin give it to kevin well we need to leave oh sorry i got 10 planks for you if you need that he's still going away at it on my screen you can still i thought [ __ ] i was wondering what you were doing there he was still like flapping away on my screen all right let's head off guys we're going left let's do it we're going left and we're going around the island because uh because we well we've all right i don't i don't think that that's gonna work because we need to go backwards first yeah yeah just violently turn us yeah we're just no we're just going left we just gotta get a pedal and just go left if you violently turn it down i bet it'll it doesn't work if i turn it really yeah we're not turning we're not turning we're just going to paddle we're just going to paddle off left i'm doing it yeah there we are and then we're going to go past the island and then yeah we'll be chilling in let's go and then we're going to continue straight because there's a new way is the anchor down oh yeah if it wasn't me for once it was just oh down i'm paddling away like a madman oh now that's the stuff now there we go i was just doing baby paddling before we are so dumb is it not a tarkan island oh [ __ ] i think you're right [ __ ] i'm sick of waiting around i want new islands someone said research to algae hold on oh yeah i forgot about that are we are we clear not quite a little bit more uh there's battles coming up here dumb [ __ ] it ha someone in chad's like i'm triggered do you know researching you're angry and you do it and you can't research it you're a dumbest dog [ __ ] jesus you really picked a great career if uh chat gets you that much it doesn't i just like getting to chat all right now return turn this get the chat before check gets to you exactly it's just not bad it's not bad uh how far are we from second engine uh we can do it with with stakes i need 20 sticks and then i'm pretty much done oh nice that was sounded like an explosion yeah that didn't sound good yeah let's not turn on i'm just taking a look get the ball rolling and go this way there we go paddle well it's really broken uh [Music] wait do you have the materials on you to build the engine or did you put them back in i put them back in but to take two seconds for me to pick out it's just like okay because i won't use anything then just in case because i pulled out a bunch of stuff now use whatever you want use whatever you want i'm just chilling on planks i'm just went down planks that's it i have everything else with me okay other stuff planks are surprisingly difficult in a very ocean field uh should we go further out because it seems like a lot of the items are out this way do we wanna yeah maybe no balls oh no talking back uh who who who's the booker because uh terry's that's gonna get milked oh no i think the bucket gets used when you uh thank you wait the pocket gets used yeah the bucket gets used when you use the milk uh what's the milk good for just cooking uh probably something else but it was only good for cooking when i had it okay fair enough do we do we break down the tree once it's fully grown yeah yeah how do i how do i use this [ __ ] thing i want to look at the top of it there is oh christ let's go now we are getting shot what is this this is a sprinkler that's a bit over here oh sick and then we could just water our [ __ ] over and over again i need to put the water into it though it feels so [ __ ] counterproductive i fee i feel like potatoes will grow with salt water honestly oh is that egg yeah it sounds like something i think it might be you need a battery this is i don't like this i'd rather just water than myself so much [ __ ] effort well like you could you could just make the battery like we have the stuff or where is battery oh right there oh do we have a copper ingot i don't think we do uh that's nice oh let's go all right we're going the right way another big island just a few hundred meters away what's the next thing we actually have to do what's the point of glashknock if he doesn't even do anything yeah he doesn't seem to be pulling his weight oh use for the grass plots that might be good yeah should you build one thing and then you need ten other things and then you build more build like a little house on top just for the animals that's true maybe you should put them all the way up top where kevin built yeah but we have to build a little thing for them first like a little fenced area i think we should leave kevin do that it is his realm i don't know if you can build stuff like that up there because i think it needs support because that's all technically all right okay all right making the second engine now nice put it over on the left side okey doke and then we'll be flying well let's do it like shelling technically i uh this yeah over there dude over here it's all red yeah it's all red everything's red because you need to have a lot of clearance on it oh yeah you're not lying i mean anywhere you can put it really at this point yeah okay it's looking like nowhere at the moment yeah build out somewhere do you want to build out a bit or maybe build out here or something yeah we need to go in this area i don't know this place is a disaster it's not making a lot of sense well they don't have anything to destroy if you have axes goldford uh yeah well sure sure let's go destroy things oh pineapples are way better to plant i don't think we need to destroy it though that's the thing we just need to build well done that one's a bit obnoxious the little ones look kind of nice but then the big one not so much i kind of like it it makes it stand out from the rest of the raft i'll be fine there we go that looks nice there's a good bit of contrast now oh that does look nice good job kev thanks i'm doing thank you wait a second did someone move the sail the wrong direction oh i can paint our sails i'm not painting everything do it yeah someone put the sail in around oh this looks nice yeah it's adding a bit of color to the place this looks lovely thank you so much i kind of like it honestly need more colors though i don't have a place to put the old uh the old thing ted the old one now yeah we need to put the engine down but we don't have any i think we can't put it anywhere because this is all angled over here i need more scrap i mean i need more pillar planks do we have more planks high no none of that we're playing i wonder i feel like we're like oh no at a bad angle for all this stuff where's the paddle we need planks for that as well can you put it see i'm annoyed putting it anywhere really because it's just going to get your hair's not too bad like here wouldn't be too bad i'm trying to see if i can just build out here here here here here what where are you oh yeah build out all that and then put it in the middle i have no shaker blanks someone's been hogging the planks i'm not saying that um kevin i don't think we're going down resources yeah we seem to be missing them let's go left a bit there we go now they're coming now they're coming all right let's see if we can go here what where you need a hole it has a [ __ ] paddle on it how the hell would the engine move through solid wood where's the hole gordon look at the other one it's on the side there's like the the paddle needs a gap to spin in um fair enough if you if you keep building out on these ones you'll probably be able to put it on the side i'm pulling up i i i i was good like let's go that's what i mean just keep building out this part and then put it on the side here okay um i think here is here fine what do you mean that's right right now it's sideways oh i see what you mean well then i need more planks then destroy some of the things well i might actually have some planks destroy kevin's uh excuse me dear well i have three planks that's not a whole lot that should be enough though so i have a few like i built one thing for you ah sure thanks very much i think we have to build it out this way isn't it what are you doing i have to pull it out that way man see you said you needed a [ __ ] he was the wrong way around yeah and that's why i built out this side for you to put it on the side and then you just wasted planks putting it even further on the other side bedtime bedtime bedtime just [ __ ] move on to another day this day's done oh there's two cats now yeah i found another one oh you always find you find a lot them useless junk i feel like okay so what's the engine all about then now we gotta fill it full of stuff i'm fairly hungry there oh merciful lord what's wrong with you what's the what are we going to do next uh do we have another island inside or what's what's yeah we're getting one now but like we already have any coordinates or anything do we no we we do have coordinates we're heading toward now like that we're in that hot he's on your ass there sorry he's trying to get you okay maybe it's not all right do i still have a soup oh i'm a [ __ ] lucky boy soup for me soup for me i love soup all right i'm not really sure what to do we need wool for the for the image egg ball they're slowly nice nice nice now we're steaming out ahead oh nice oh battery no not the cap not the paint of course yeah bollocks oh we got jesus there we are a bit of food boys finn bird the seventh has fallen i feel like it's a lot more than seven oh god rafts slow down slow down well at least we have respite from the [ __ ] shark for a second yeah uh i got my battery beautiful can we use the shark head to cook anything because we have seven shark heads how did like that's a lot of share kits hello hello hi how does this thing work is there an on off switch on it what do you mean ano on your sprinkler yeah you do not have the battery no what's in there yeah yeah look doesn't this mean it's full this little dial yeah maybe it only goes on periodically shock heads can be used to make biofuel oh where do we where do we need that yeah we don't have a biofuel reactor thing how do we do that i don't know are we supposed to go to like another area where we unlock loads of shite probably i feel like it yet the blue thing on the map might be the blue thing on the map no maybe it was the cruise ship up there terry's been popping out the eggs man uh big island is on our right so we're gonna go to that oh yeah jesus you can see it back in hell it's huge yeah that's actually that's a pretty big one we might need the stairs to get to the top of that yeah it's finally coming it's just walking straight home good job kevin thank you thank you so wise have you been up there in a while it's getting really high now yeah i wonder where all the planks are gone i found them all myself though i didn't take any of yours don't worry this is things like this make me want communism i missed the start of that sentence i don't know if there was one he just misses it all right so you saw plank rope scrap bolt plank rope scrap where are these cooking there's no planks on them metal axe i love you love to see it well we have shears with axe you know it would be nice to have a better hulk so i'll go making a hook i think i deserve it you know you do it yeah you've earned it shut up kevin you have my permission to make a better hook day uh [Music] we can make healing salve out of the eggs see the thing is i don't really need healing do we have vine goo and we have a lot of vinegar and seaweed i don't think so no i don't think so that's not good yeah someone's been using them for bottles kevin there's a bottle up there for you what there's a bottle up there for you you've a bottle left here yeah you got one why are we making more battles i don't know i made a second one by accident [ __ ] well we were going to make the thingy the oxygen things i thought i had to go deeper for uh puffer fish oh wait do we do what do you need oh wait yeah you're right we do need an empty bottle for that i just need a lot of seaweed a lot of seaweed right now because we can make the flippers an oxygen bottle there there's seven vinegar there yeah we need more than that we're sorry are we close to this island oh we're there literally turn around see a huge wall uh okay dog well uh here we go i guess no way we go um hello yeah get ready to go what's wrong with you having a stroke what's the matter i think i need this and i don't think i need this [Music] oh i'm [ __ ] king of the potatoes right now all right i'm i'm i'm i'm heading out boys i'll get myself fed and stuff and i'll be out uh whatever it is man this this [ __ ] i can't pick it up anymore it's all glitched out over here yeah all this [ __ ] is glitched over me what [ __ ] on the ground that we have to pick up later yeah if there's a lot of it sometimes it breaks all right so what are we looking for some things to catch clanks plank's a big priority um um oh good resources down oh puffer fish already let's go good man fair play fair play let's go bikes good packing good packing with draft nice packing i don't think i can take credit for that that's god's work oh [ __ ] think we've gotten him oh i thought he was gonna blow up for a second good [ __ ] oh that didn't work oh okay oh we got really lucky but we got double under goo are we are we good on the old scraps and clay like do you think we need any clay and scraps and sure i think we need a little bit more clay a lot of it's being used for like clay pots for the soups and stuff well we've got 16 on board right now like a little more would would never go astray found another ghost oh nice we can uh use the netcatcher on him if someone else wants to use it oh my god he's attacking me oh no it's the boar the boar is attacking me i don't know dude it's pretty [Music] what's he even doing to me trying to kill you we should have the sprinkler attached to that huh i think kill you kev he's not he's not there we go yeah he's leave me alone now i'm sure not nice of him oh yeah we can make shaq dinner now oh let's go shark dinner look at this oh we need a lot of stuff for that that looks good we oh that looks [ __ ] good though that we have we we just need are you just cooking for potatoes yeah vegetable soup that's all you need man that's all you need i mean don't get up fair enough i think oh my oh my dear somebody is okay okay i'm working on it yeah that wasn't very smart it was a [ __ ] uh did he get it uh no thank you almost [Music] [ __ ] uh let's build around here nice okay i'm oh yeah i'm out you want i've won plank oh [Music] one engine equals a hundred uh tiles when the buys that's it bad for the boys bat for the boys teddy wait that's gary is it gary who is the recipe to take a [ __ ] over here someone put the recipe to take a [ __ ] jesus christ what look two recipes take a poo it's just some reading materials when you're in the bathroom my fruit compote oh coconut chicken sounds so [ __ ] good that does sound good all right i said what the [ __ ] oh i'm going over here i'm going over here dude okay i don't know what i ate but my hunger bar is like a a quarter bigger than it was oh really that's the extra that's the extra stuff then that's the extra stuff got gotta be right oh right so you're full and you eat stuff that has the yellow on it or the green does that increase it even further what the [ __ ] that's what i think that's what i think oh i'll use those there's not really anything on this island that's oh no i went back down never mind what are you talking about it's back down to normal well it was nice when it lasted though it was if only i actually knew what i was doing and could have put it to use yeah um no there's definitely stuff in the island kev there's like animals and stuff but there's no like yes cool areas well that's the thing about every island i don't like animals on islands oh oh oh oh oh oh oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] can i catch them in the net oh oh no i can't that's the answer that's the answer to that one [ __ ] what are you being killed are you dying it's okay that was a waste of a net [ __ ] oh are you okay no this guy's a [ __ ] psychopath this parking job is terrible who said it was good da hee he he lied i know he's always like that though lying to make people feel good you know what he's like yeah yeah yeah i'll just kill him with 20 million arrows while he complain about me in the background i'm just saying how good of a person you are yeah i'm sure he did say that i heard him what do you think of my ramp dahey you can see it from all over the island what do you [ __ ] do well i thought it was nice it helps you get back to the ramp it's like the spire very useful dude oh my god where's the rafts i'm so lost i feel like for the spire i feel like we're actually nicer to you in private than than public we're like the opposite of people that play together gary's gary's head was outside the [ __ ] wall a second ago oh come on gary probably under yorks again gary get it together will you [ __ ] man that's though i've left one that was such a bad decision to use it on the board oh jesus if only chat wasn't so useless hashtag free gary gary's staying where he is now uh is there anything good happening on the island should i come over um nothing on an island it's a useless island well i kill the boar for later which is what we need for armor then we need wool so we need to catch one of them llama guys um one of them llama lads yeah the one i killed before is your hunger bar permanently increased now or is that just a temporary no they went away immediately [ __ ] off in there did you ever find any dirt kev you did you didn't say nothing about it i did in the in the tunnel or cave or whatever it was dark is pretty important here is it no what do you mean you're saying it's important for fun why would you do that you're confusing the [ __ ] out of me now oh god there we go she's very stuck no i've said that all right all right i'm putting a beacon on the top of the ramp oh you're my hero then you'll find it follow the lights to find your home daddy it's there oh wow thank you so much no problem at all see thank you goes a long way wow thank you so much kevin can you see it no i'm in underneath the water getting getting materials i thought you'd be able to get to the island from here but it's very scary looking i tried a while ago i didn't reach it no you can't really jump that far oh wait there's a gourd we can we can this is like right next to us next to the raft yeah don't really what do i not need here just trying to get me to jump i think they're being very mean they'll know it'll break my legs i don't think you can make it i've been trying to break my legs on it it won't i can't reach it sad day when i can't break his own legs i know honestly if you do break your legs that's why i made it a ramp does this bird attack me out in the ocean like that is just [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it worked what did you do the sprinkler worked i saw it you have to keep it filled up with water and then does it keep them sprinkled for a few days or what like is it a lot easier to manage with it look you're mr questions over here i'm just trying to learn this i'm trying to take an interest you're so passionate about this firearm it sounds like you're just making fun of my [ __ ] sprinklers did you not hear me it sounds like he's making fun almost like you didn't even listen to me try and take an interest in your sprinkler so you might take an interest in my right sarcastic ted say plant potatoes in here again i was all distracted by kevin's shite last time i take an interest sounds like he's lying again there he goes lying again he just loves lying we should probably make a second one of these huh eight planks for one plank situation is a little depressing yeah cause we keep stopping at islands yeah we need to keep going everything's necessary what have you gotten off the island right now well uh leather which is one thing okay for armored for what well yeah for armor well you wanted clay you sounded very ungrateful right now i am hugely ungrateful and grateful exactly i'm just a lad who wants to like go on youtube stay on the raft and cook and you're complaining ungrateful i have to stay here and cook because it just takes so long for you to come back i'm starving i wish dad would just come home with the goat milk already we'll go sleep well the thing is like here kevin here the thing is we need to get what have you got for me oh explosives i'm gonna use dynamite for you thank you oh i thought his room was blue yes i put a nice sky blue like me inside and outside blue his house [Music] he loves that song that's all that's why i did it that's what it's all about here i'm just keeping the smile on dahi's face okay uh it's day time so we can't actually oh we were having so much fun we stayed up all night wow we just had a blast we were so much fun this is what it was all right well we set sail no they're still stuff to get man you just come on the island with me and do something well i was going to say that i have to end my stream now because i'm [ __ ] starving i am pretty hungry as well just stupid efficient no no you've lost sense of reality now all right you always get hungry after three hours it's like your it's like your spot yeah because they haven't eaten for like two hours before that well it sounds like you need to eat before you straight anymore this three hour stream is a lot it's grand it's grand bear time it's a good time i won't lie well you can head away then and me kevin will take care of everything here i think i've had an off-ramp building for one day like if i was getting encouragement maybe i could have you could double the height you can do it no no not busy encouragement wait is there more plans what you eat what are you putting planks on what's happening jeez okay i'll try oh my god what if there's like a ceiling limit like minecraft i'm yet to find it anyway that's four you're supposed to make it three no it's purposely like all the wrong way so like sometimes it's two sometimes it's three so it's a bit all over the place all right it resembles kevin yeah come on down model after me where will i jump which side anywhere you want to go okay all right i'm going to jump straight into bed here i come oh jesus it doesn't hurt that much you know it's not too bad well i want to try i want to try me turn me turn all right i'm going to watch you climb oh i'm claiming the ladder to heaven it's so wobbly oh god um this is [ __ ] motion sick just imagining vr dude hello call for it are you ready yep oh how much that doing not a whole lot really yeah it did like a quarter of my head higher we need it even higher we need it so high five damage is like non-existent yeah you need it higher how about you just keep taking fall damage hold on i'm going to put all my [ __ ] in the box all right plays him out all right we're going to do a little experiment kev before you go but i'm hungry too yeah one sec but you have to see the experiment oh you see you should have got out when i did kev all right bye see you later all right enjoy yours eventually jack is a big lover of spinach no he is so what i i have to wait until you kill yourself with fall damage is this all right oh my god no i'm okay i'm too hungry i was willing to wait until you killed yourself with fall damage but when you missed the raft that's what i call it quits okay fair enough thanks for playing uh good games now that was fun i'm glad we we did some progress i sure we did though it was lovely we got new crewmates we did the raft is now 17 times as tall we've new crewmates it was a very productive day i'll call it quits there go get something to eat and sure enjoy the rest of your night okay thank you very much have a hold on yourself oh thank you very much all right bye now bye bye there we go that was fun i like raft it's um a game where time just seems to fly yeah poor daddy i left him just killing himself um let's see here i want to uh i'm not sure how long more his stream is going to be we're going to try it anyway um guys thank you very much for watching i appreciate all the support as well i always feel a bit bad that i can't keep on track of the support as much on these streams but um just to shout out a few banana plant man alexandra genmel uh spike hammer uh chella slimy people abby king dad happy halloweens teddy um yutsutsu far crazy tonk moist mustache air jones sven junior boy why am i uh not on my ending screen um jasmine junior boy mary jacks thank you so much for the five of our grace thank you very much for the two um guys thank you very much for joining me i don't stream on mondays but there's a video up now where i play people playground very fun game if you want to check that out on the channel i might try and upload a clips video tomorrow as well if i can i've been super busy so it's been hard um but thank you very much for joining me we're gonna raid max um who's playing minecraft dungeons with uh with wilco it looks like a fun little game actually i played an hour of it and it does it does seem pretty good so yeah i'll join you over there for a while i got to get something to eat so i'll watch one of my foods getting ready if i can but guys enjoy the stream and thank you again for joining me i really appreciate it all right i'll see you tuesday bye for now folks bye bye bye bye bye i just love how creepy my hand looks when i do this yes
Channel: CallMeKevin Stream Archives
Views: 309,443
Rating: 4.8742886 out of 5
Keywords: CallMeKevin, Twitch, Stream, Archive
Id: z9UVxDhn6AI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 211min 7sec (12667 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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