Crusader Kings III (with Irish lads) | 2020-08-31

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign thank you jazz for the subs king ratboy will be with you in about five minutes this was all in your head [Music] [Music] hey this is like your conscience again thank you so much for the support i don't know why you're being so nice when it's just a stream starting soon screen but it's very kind of you dandelion ellie thank you for the bits and ginger kibble thanks for the two gift subs richard rose thanks for the pins thank you for all the subs coming in this is still your conscience by the way i'll be with you in like four minutes i mean kevin will be i'm still your conscience [Music] jesus christ knocking for thanks for the fives i mean hey this is your conscience again knocking very thanks for the five gift subs that's very kind to you [Music] movie ah christ almighty sneaky boo that's two that's two going now thank you so much for the five gift subs and jesus christ marmalade thank you for the 50 the 50 donation that's far too kind thank you so much you're way too nice paramillion thank you again this is just your conscience but if you're not mermail and you're hearing this then it's you were just thinking in any way you were thinking about marmalan and how nice they were that i don't know why you were thinking about that that's weird but thanks for all the support manny 117. i when i was thinking about maramelon like this this me your conscience your conscience when when me your conscience was thinking of marmalan marmilland it also reminds me of manny117 who is also super generous thank you for the five gift subs [Music] this is your conscience again remember that embarrassing thing you did like last year yeah i do too but also i bet if kevin were talking he's not but if he was then he'd probably be really thankful for for all that the support the subs and the pits and everything thank you so much everyone manny117 thank you so much for five more subs is what he would say i would imagine [Music] anyway back to that embarrassing thing you did last year [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] [Music] hey this is your conscience again hey hey hey everyone what's up i was just thinking about things and stuff what's up how is everyone doing thank you for joining me just say i'd build anticipation for the wars to come how is everyone doing let me give you a quick rundown this stream is sponsored by uh um by crusaderkings3 obviously and uh i also want to give you a quick little look uh bear with me um i wanna i have all buttons set up and everything watch this look [Music] and people said i'd never figure out streaming but yeah xbox game pass for pc as you can see um so before we start i just want to give you a quick little look at um game pass which uh thank you so much for the sponsor i really appreciate it but uh crusader kings three comes out tomorrow anybody who has game pass can play it game pass also has over 100 games including new xbox game studio games and new users of game pass can start off for one buck one dollar and uh you can click the link below my um uh below my stream there's a little panel there if you want to check that out there'll also be popping up every now and again look how fancy i am see this is this wait is my oh hold on is that too loud sorry it was there wait was there big sounds sorry i don't know i i am very professional who's talking listen look i am professional i was just happen to be recording it while multitasking watching a ufc fight all right leave tony out of this all right leave him out of this he didn't want to be involved with this all right he has nothing to do with this leave him alone you're bullying him all right let me give you a quick look again this um wait where oh that's kind of funny all right let me give you a quick look now that um that tony is gone don't worry tony can't hurt you um yeah so this uh crusader kings three comes out tomorrow anybody whose gamepads can play it game pass is over 100 great games including new xbox game studio games and new users the game pass can stand for one dollar you can click the link below um underneath my stream there's a little panel tony can't hurt you honestly he can't it's the only way to protect yourself from tony is by getting the game pass he told me i heard it from tony himself uh no but thank you very much for tuning in let me get rid of this game pass preview now i thought i was being all professional all right i i thought i was being professional i pre-recorded it to try and make it really smooth did you wait did you see my did you see my banner see what i did you like that please please clap [Laughter] all right what i'm going to do is i'm going to jump on the call and guys thank you so much for being so kind uh jesus he blew me away there it it felt like we were um in a a any kind of a weird connection where all our conscience was thinking the same thing but there was so much kindness thank you so much i wish i could thank you all but i'm i'm i'm kind of stuck for time but thank you so much for the support thank you for the clapping i want to see the banner again look see that the banner every time we win a war let's raise the banners oh god um thank you for the bits there as well missed you hope you're hoping you're all right oh jesus no power for three days fires and earthquakes christ almighty i hope you're okay back in hell uh kel breezy thank you for the two gift subs jd the beast thank you so much for the generous donation for ireland and for rat boy today we're going to be playing as vikings on behalf of ratboy you know it's all behind the scenes he's the puppet master uh scribblies thank you for the two gift subs zero kg thank you for the five gift subs you're all really too kind honestly thank you so much you know if i somehow could have gotten into your brains like communicated through your conscience or something then i i i would have definitely been thanking you guys throughout the the promo when we were starting there but i just couldn't no but there there's so many so many people there just subscribing i really appreciate it script writer alessania real uh a real uh spent spending home i want to say but that's just the name of you there's so many so many kind words and so many um so many subs coming in i really appreciate it um jess thanks for the bits you know things are bad if your conscience begins to sound like kevin burn the child i thought it's from 3am thank you for the bits this is why my conscience is the best of the irish lights usernames are too stressful thank you for the five gift subs you're very very kind i really appreciate it um all right what i'm gonna do i'm gonna be jumping into a call with the other irish lads we're gonna be all playing as vikings i think the plan is to try to work together to lose as much as we can i'm hoping we can attack ireland but in like a loving way because i want to try and take ireland and just loot it for all the it's ireland's used to it trust me i'm irish i know these things i'm 100 irish actually i know it more than anyone um but hopefully we'll team up and actually get some some stuff done as vikings i think it'll be fun uh random purple bottle name for the bits i'm very good oh i'm sorry to hear you got covered jesus christ i hope your sins aren't that bad and i hope you have a speedy recovery stay safe out there uh usernames are too stressful thank you for the five-year subs as well um right will we join i don't know who's ready i i feel like i am very um oh oh wait that's only me and noglan nogla is also muted alright so how about that weather all right um how do we please the people kevin [Music] the banner how about that one [Music] yeah jack is streaming i think rt has gone live as well if i'm not mistaken but they're introducing the streams and stuff like that um i'm glad you like the banner i don't think i need to talk i'll just every few minutes i'll just spam the banner if only i could have gotten a banner to come down a real one i was even thinking that when i was doing the video the intro i was like god damn i wish i bought like a big banner like i if i got something like custom made even if it was poorly made just like call me kevin or something i would have been sick call me internet thank you for the tip um do you have the chrome extension better ttv uh i think oh no i don't have it but i think i have an extension for that on obs i might be wrong like my my obs is the chat built into it and it's fantastic it is fantastic i love my guy's hair by the way but i love it almost too much i think you can give your characters a haircut i think i'll give him a haircut as soon as i get in it's just too majestic it's putting me to shame i'm having a very bad hair day as well quick kevin you know that you brought it up distract him with a banner don't let them talk about your hair shave your head i'll see if i can immediately just shave his head chen thank you for the 10 gift subs jesus that's very kind to you and again i hope you're i hope you're doing all right i think nogla is unmuted so let me uh let me go in and say hello to petty king nogla it'll take me a few minutes probably to get all the audio levels right somehow tends to change every time um so bear with me just let me know give me some feedback and i'll do my best as they always do but you know tony is proof that i i don't always do a good job anyway uh let me see what he's up to here guys hello we don't want you cheating and joining do we how are you nogla petty king nogla oh yeah oh yeah could you please uh put in the chat here in the general discord how to get in because i used the old code there it didn't work it didn't work yeah i connect with it it has these lots of numbers and letters and everything yes and i assume you just put in the server id in your giant should be um let me send you again okay and i thought it was being all professional um yeah it goes the game you attempted to join has a different checksum from you oh oh well that sounds like a different issue um oh geez uh one second let me just shoot the message uh oh yeah hmm we're figuring it out guys we're figuring it out technical difficulties yeah we don't worry we got back up on hand yes exactly let me turn you up a little bit one london one you're nice and loud thank you thank you are you dan hey daddy how's it going man grand ranch how are you grant this is the thing that kevin put in are you able to join there then uh i'll join it now is kevin here too i am hello how are you oh jesus you're [ __ ] loud kevin i'm just excited to see ya oh my god i need to lower you i'm so sorry i'm sorry to let you down like this guys that's okay i don't know why i'm loud that might be a good thing i always seem to be really low oh my god yeah absolutely you scared me when i joined the car hello i saw you i saw your instagram story you jealous that you you don't look as horny as me definitely don't look as horny yeah i do look very horny what what was your story that's just worrying why what did you post i'm a biker he has a safer work for some reason i'm a german viking but whatever sounds good german vikings i don't know if that's well i'm making them it's a video game so i can do it but i won't okay please don't hurt me sir uh yeah it's pretty much the best best story of all time almost there i'm just working out how to connect i'm just going to go to the startup screen as i have this uh okay let me just see i just paste that there don't i and then i can join the game apparently so okay it works for you i'm happy for you oh god how are you all keeping the lights honey uh you know ryan made his intentions clear brian you can't just say that i just did i just i like being a viking okay i've got you all sorted now listen are you guys getting good man yourself kevin you have to start using your imagination now boys got to get into the ball okay no i don't i don't know what's wrong with uh brian today lads um it's very concerning he's obviously hired a standpoint and he didn't go all out on the budget when he puts on the mask i was born connection to host timed out kevin did i not get in have i got the right address it's the one that he posted isn't it yes wait uh let me try that again okay oh yeah you're coming in am i coming in this time you're coming on in it's coming in line uh it's joining this time okay i got terrorizer there we go oh oh jesus oh no oh no what have i done my name oh how's it going oh jesus all right oh it's paul's okay no that's fine you nearly want you didn't shut up already it's fine you can join mid game and have a pause so your grand okay i'm i'm taking legoland um that's [ __ ] oh i get a fair bit of sweden and norway with this one hey give me back norway denmark and medieval times they're doing well for themselves i've got iceland listen have you got iceland yeah norway wait wait did daniel take denmark did he take it i did take down back yeah you got double last time and now you're taking my denmark i wear the pants in this relationship no you don't sperm no i'm probably the only person card you can get estonia or finland or something like that oh i'm going denmark that's going to look right off back last time it's my birthday god you're already fighting taking it over you had it last time it's my i get custody of this birthday you're the one i'm the guy who likes lego okay i'm the guy like built doing lego streams he took dublin last time guys it's not fair he's bully and i take it again i take it again in a heartbeat right that's it holy empire here no no no no no no we apologize to anyone no we don't my family over there my my brother-in-law's from sweden we can say whatever you want oh really is that how it works right so jesus christ maxwell thank you for the 50 subs [ __ ] hell max jesus christ maxwell this jesus christ almighty thank you very much for that christ thank you i'm too advanced for you yeah i'm joining in everything can i be where's left where's lapland again they came out i think you need to be one of the five that i listed out and you guys frederick bjornsson uh brian do you want to be uh i want to be denmark where my family are from but no you have to take it you know my family now brian i'll say hi to them no i like we're already fighting we're literally already fighting you were thank you hey you and kevin were fine over monster and remember but you know there could be a long time that was a lifetime ago uh lesser poland no no i don't think that's be portugal please were there any vikings in portugal we can make we can make the world we can send the vikings there why portugal of all places uh yeah oh man i'll get there come on now the portuguese have nowhere to run for the day finland or were they just dark heavy metal rock bands in finland did they actually have vikings i wouldn't no one else kevin did you make sure nudity was turned off on a full blast everyone should be naked great i was just making sure you know island get in [ __ ] in the game jack i'm in yeah all right i picked sweden are you in wait why are you not here no no no no no he's not here i'm walking on it i'm walking like they don't have they don't have good internet where i'm at in jorvik land sure where are wait where is jorvik where's jorvik i think he's making this up and he's going to go don't think it's a real place sorry it's called he's going to say he's playing from new zealand uh not real santa nordmark now that sounds pretty that sounds pretty viking no not got a king damn it oh god oh what do you think it'll take before we start it's in england look at jorvik it's like sheffield newcastle manchester united i think we'll start fighting brian has to concede denmark and then we need to join the lobby and then we're good to start fighting each other fine i'll be finland oh my god my god i'm glad you see it my way bro you know you knew you to come around you little weak lands all right what's wrong with just saying finland's all right it's like it's okay they're only famous for rock bands and eurovision man come on i want to be denmark where chocolates and vikings come from it's not fair don't forget like santa from finland oh and lego no he's from laplandia but maybe where he's getting where is his lapland on the mountain yeah yeah yeah laugh landy or should be you got santa then like he knows where everyone's sleeping he knows when they're awake like he's if that's [Music] i've great news i figured out how to give your characters makeovers makeover while you wait oh do that okay wait look at my guy first you click on norway and then you should see him in his lovely crown and i'm about to apply his makeup okay yeah i think i see him okay there you like it why did you like a really strong irish accent do you like that do you like you like bags my guy is sigurder snake in the eye of denmark in the eyes that's what they call him right click your guy oh my god wait a minute everybody's been beaten up already top right [Laughter] all right for joining the server oh i'm just verifying i'm verifying with the old with the queen of my land which would be the uh which would be the viking crusader no no no no no no no portugal spain kind of templar i'm only 18 years old i'm 17. it's good you're fine that's good age people grew up quick back then yeah uh dahi if you get in norvik is not uh i mean my guy's 46 he's gonna die like tomorrow that's old age oh no that was gonna have a three-year-old in power again no well i think three years old but then turn it around the opposite i know hang on why do bulls sweden and norway have more solutions than me we're coming for you wait you can't change your mind no wait no i do have a url though actually hang on that i think that's is that i think you're about to say a yaris oh no i actually i actually have like six thousand soldiers between them all there's just a few there's a few spots in the world you gotta go to all right well i'll get back yeah that's my that's my territory too i got vicken skein and yeland so how how much total soldiers do you have um i think i think it's about five thousand five thousand six thousand oh my god christ's almighty look at all the [ __ ] soldiers i want hold on i got three arrows like on top of my kingdom jesus christ maxwell thank you so much for the bits as well i didn't realize you donated bits as well you're too [ __ ] kind jesus christ maxwell on top of all the subs you gave that is way too kind thank you so much i i hope your second name is dag because i'm going to say i named you to my king after you you'll be brock or biocracy is slow what's going on though you you walk on your characters customize them give them a give them make them pretty i don't know how to customize right click on your character and then up top right you can say open barbershop it's the second from the top right i want to see some nice makeup some hair from the top right yeah i see that where is the if you right click on your character yeah is that a bit much open bar no i don't see it i'm right clicking wait right click from where uh just on your character down the bottom left or click on your place and then when he comes up on the top left you could click on him there i i want to see so kevin you're sweden again are you ready he looks lovely i just want to see where your territories are so i know where to um protect oh never mind lapland is part of sweden it's up top damn it if you zoom in you see it you don't even have santa he doesn't have sex yeah wait i don't know how to customize my dude okay so what kingdom are you sweden okay so click on sweden and then your heir will come up there frederick bjornsson and then right click frederick yeah and then all right the little box opens and up the top right of the box there will be three little marks nice ireland i don't see it i just want to come back here i'm just going to take over dublin again i think that's my plan i i i don't want to take ireland we should we can oh we could be the vikings that invade ireland yeah i think that's why we need to know how i feel about that make it correctly this time you make it correct throw it at the first time a lot of hair that's a lot of hair wait if you go to sweden and zoom in and you can see maxwell maxwell thank you for the bits again king tag is the best king thank you he's yet to prove himself or do anything really he's spent the whole kingdom's budget on a new hairdo hair extensions but thank you so much you're way too [ __ ] kind let's just uh getting some stuff set up and we'll be starting you're coming in come on in is he here i think he's here i can feel his presence the kingdom is getting very cold hold on hold on hold on he's struggling just paying some vat right now it was he doesn't want to play with us my wife needs to be murdered oh i can do it have you seen that i know i guess it's me it's me rap boy you got a you got a rat problem i got a good meme for you i got a good meme that to help you guys dude everyone's so unhealthy in my family go on there it is i'll put it in the chat there anybody wants to share this on stream what are you doing i'm waiting for a reply from the server by the way i accept it hmm can we talk maybe try again timed out we're working on it we're walking on it that happened to dan the first time that he just rejoined and it worked so it might work as i'm getting fierce and patient i want to go to war yeah i really want to go to work you're not you're not that's not a good mentality i'm gonna kill kevin if i don't if i don't get him soon i know where he lives i'm gonna come down so who's who i'm norway uh denmark i'm sorry i want to kill everyone i mean i'm gonna play oh he's all good okay i'm going to unpause that's on pause we're going i haven't picked [ __ ] anybody and okay i'm paused can i click play i think i have the option oh i wasn't even like playing yet that's why i couldn't change my guys it was awful look i was just looking at the map sorry oh kevin's got oh my god oh he's going to look so good who's norway right that's me because we haven't had time to set up his council now i'm appointing a chancellor wait what my son is the chancellor all right i've only seen him appointing him no we're getting our government together you can catch up okay full beard we're going our boys is 58. i have elections for heirs all right all right jarvik is 58. why does he go on a pill i'm going i'm raiding monster you're going straight how can you get there so quickly i'm going now you just going immediately yeah jesus christ you haven't even like built up a bigger army or anything you're just going straight in it's more about contempt for them than benefiting me we just started the game and someone's plotting to kill my wife what's going on now lads i honestly have no idea what did she do wrong like we just started yeah ray's [ __ ] armies or something yeah i'm on the way to the wife's dead good she deserved it oh that was cool she killed her who did that that's what you get for not giving me denmark you're lonely my wife's dad you just killed his wife i gained him that's what happened [ __ ] none of this i need to find a new way [ __ ] brian you can't just kill my wife i don't have a spouse now you're gonna die could he go to war and conquer the earth if he doesn't have a spouse oh my god he's going off can't be unfaithful now and now i can't believe my wife is dead i don't know who to marry sean well your spouse wait kevin did you raise all your armies already and just headed over yeah i'm having a wedding in monster whoever meets you there i'll marry ya should i go take athlon again dude right in the middle of this lads we've gone we're already go can i meet i have no available spouses i i need to just take one you're trying to take all the [ __ ] years let me arrange a marriage with you then hold on i have to go through denmark to get to i'm from you're in like the middle of europe i need another one nowhere near me hmm lads we're supposed to be working together i thought we were okay we're all taking over ireland again yeah that's cool same as last time we take over ireland and we're all gonna get killed again okay i can't say i've seen the future we need to kill ratboy send a proposal i i think i got someone from kevin's family there i'm gonna marry him i'm marrying my way in kevin i wanna got someone that was very vague i got him what you're gonna do now i'm not wait am i under siege i know who am i at war with [Music] i can go to war with six people i think i need to raise my army who are you there this yeah how many troops are here waiting for the picking i need to speed up he's all armed ready because it's going to take a while let's send them over there anyone can unpause the game by the way i'm going to just keep it going all right game speed maybe on two so it's just like normal speed sure yeah kind of chill thank you oh i'm on the way to the monster i have a lot going on here nobody's won't lie i'm a busy man i'm 58 no and i'm overwhelmed i feel like i'm under siege from someone i don't want to be under siege by dahi you need to give lift he's looking a bit worse for where let's create a fella yeah he can declare war i think he's already dead but a makeover will help go sure i will be a lion no i don't like you i don't like your judgment why are his eyes closed all the time he looks so sleepy he's ready for death there's an act of election no he's healthy now as long as no one [ __ ] i want to make my way over here daniel where are you going i'm i'm trying to figure it out someone wants me to join the war on who who is this fella i'm going to athlon i'll meet you i'm going to decline that's not ireland i i want to just get to dublin honestly i'm passing through denmark right now so wave to me dan hello oh wait oh there's your ship you just sailed through it yeah i kind of went through the land i have an ice breaker just power on through the canal and leave me america in denmark so what you got to do you got to raid the wherever you're going you got to raid them but then to get the loose you got to get your people back so if you die when you're over there you don't get anything so make sure you make it back okay i want to take over nordmark it's einstein nordmark sneakyboot thank you so much for the 10 subs and maxwell thank you again that was way too kind super appreciate it look i'll even give you a banner look at that wow no thanks so much guys hurry anyone in your family that's it's not about marion this time it's all about war the vikings i don't want to marry kevin though he doesn't he doesn't have anyone good he keeps descending [Laughter] me oh no i need to take his homeland oh my [Music] no no i didn't kill his wife either i just wanted to feel good here's me coming in into athlon [ __ ] him up knock him dead right my cousin who's in jail is my new heir but where is he in jail jail you're just kind of introduced i don't want him inheriting the country he's el chapo of the vikings [ __ ] from his prison cell it's all good i want to fabricate a claim that i need i need to say i need to uh did i do anything can i i need to raise her the family is not doing well who's on the council wait i didn't fight when i got to athlone what happened you you married each other i'm looting we have a good opinion with everyone here we're very interactive i mean that's lord she's not even one but no no that doesn't look right why is it always a marriage option for like too far to interact with kevin how did you fight lads mine's telling me i'm too far away wait what are you doing where are you you're annoying i mean who were you trying to attack i need to increase control of my country huh oh did you raise these or raiders because you need your child raiders oh we forgot the raiders you have to turn around okay i'll send you i sent the raiders in as well i'll raise my army soon now i'm going to be on my way right here we go have you guys already started taking bits of ireland no i'm raiding monster now it's the tribe of trilli i'm reading my hair's in my eyes that's why you have to send me raiders in all right yeah hold on there's some fella there i think it was this fellow wanna conquer earl phillip earl philip where are you oral philip i think i might send my armies next monsters if i want to conquer the country i'm allowed to do that let's call yeah let's just conquer ireland i i've declared war this guy is not even one but let's just raise the military yeah i was just scouting for the raid the soldiers went in and they're holding down the fort all armies oh i can declare a lot of wars him on over do we do we always grow up my child's growing up that's fine going through denmark again hello oh there's your cousin he's in jail i saw him dad what is the plan here fellas what's the plan what's the plan because where where abouts he at we're going to ireland uh invading ireland okay so it's kevin in norway yeah i'm norway but i'm on my way home he's taking his time i've got 2300 nights i probably should do something to not lose control guys you should go through my land you should go to drove it just don't [ __ ] with my towns go through me i don't know i don't want to give your guy a fright he looks a bit fragile he's ready i'll have you know he's what the [ __ ] 59 and his health is poor and he's a drunkard oh actually he sounds kind of nice now can we marry yeah oh i think i sent him in no no i i have a wife that loves me a lot he's in control and she's petty as well so i wouldn't be a good idea all right i'll stay away i need to send a gift to you because you're not happy he's betrothed to someone but i can arrange a different marriage for him oh and she just got pregnant kevin so you don't you don't want to marry her too much baggage this is my son can you marry them no my son's not even one why can i marry him off soldiers what are you trying to do oh where are you oh you've got a song there i see oh i just wait a second it seems to me that i'm able to imprison women and then take them as my concubine that doesn't sound good it's good empty weight relationship there wait nobody army's in that law and they're still not doing anything it's okay it's okay sean i'm here to take it alone as well oh it's such a cool sony with an eye patch but he's dead that's so sad that's unfortunate my goal is still the same i just want to see this she is 70 years old okay i'm taking over dublin lads i've done this you've done it yeah they're under siege they have no defense i'm gonna i'm gonna conquer lancer just give me like a few turns it seems to be going well i can there's a red going on apparently just separate these okay okay how's my council doing right here [Music] we wanna we wanna up our foreign affairs see increased development in the country yes it's increasing development the country that's fine um so you know disrupting secrets is fine so so who's uh who's taking the old commanders so i need to do because these guys are getting unruly oh mercier dick will get it i can nominate my successor oh no albert that's a big one i feel like i should nominate oh i have to vote we get the elections kevin what are you doing what does this sound very sad over here oh no don't don't take any of my land now i'm just conquering a bit of landster and then i'm good oh no i'm stressed out apparently someone had a [ __ ] jerry springer episode in my family oh no my acquaintance my wife my sister my heir when i die i've cast my vote thank god it's a democracy oh my concupine slept with my grandson let's see wait what yeah i'm sorry this it's family drama i can't get away from it like you should marry into my family let's let's host a mighty feast should we do this for the next five years yeah that sounds good i'll tell you what there's no room for there's no room for you here there we go we're having a cheery gathering welcome friends he's poor don't mind us as we just uh conquer dublin here here we are that's rough that's rough gone so this don't piece is going good here no gain the level of things lads i have i have great news lads what is it what else i have great news facebook is upon me my wife king queen invictus is bearing a child hey absolutely congratulations you're a father now that's great see him you see him as well hello see him did you get a son seven bills yet do you get a son or a daughter i don't know yet okay well she didn't give [ __ ] birth yet she'll be giving bart in a minute these went well all right i'm named mine steve all right i knew name it something and then we'll we'll get married now then later on sure why not you sound so enthusiastic about your your daughter there sure care about your [ __ ] family i i'll tell you why i'm jordan i can't just say that i'm jorvik you have no idea how many wars i could do here where's my where's my oh that's fair maybe we should get married then all right boys uh who what's the age of leinster is going well wait what is that map doing they took over old star i'm i'm taking uh leinster here they uh they're invading a different territory there i'm gonna just take it off oh i can't declare i can't declare i can't [ __ ] declare don't don't mind them it's all right do i have oh my level of fame is less than exalted among men so i can't doubt yeah that sounds awful go home champion all right well let's just declare warn these fellas then off we go i need to i need to sway didn't wait did someone else die because i just got a new air is it did someone killing my family again what is happening over to you kevin are you killing my family are you killing my family brian no i'm not doing nothing here a lot of family members are dying it's for the time i don't know i'm trying to kill estonia that's all i'm doing it just seems rather suspect it does say child birth and in like natural causes and pneumonia but i'm just i'm worried i raise all army's voices we're heading off with six thousand men a lot of people in my family are dying why is he imprisoned i don't know over there can i raid these lads off you go boys i think we're getting control of this place here doing pretty good here not endorsed by your half-goodie oh no i'm starting to lose true wait who's who's laying siege hang on oh yes heavily in siege what what what is what i'm playing huge who's that wait did you take nordmark one of your guys is invading me me no no no no i'm not invading you i'm going to leinster just let me pass no this is all in denmark who's oh no [ __ ] wait intentionally invade you she's outside i'm not there dan i don't know what you're saying it's one of your guys though i think where it's like it's like on the bit of denmark it's like you're taking over norway and sweden it wasn't just wandering am i doing this wrong the barony of the what's he doing change objective kingdom of estonia i'm on estonia i'm superior i don't know why are we are we doing it let's see you know famous less than whatever declare war your level is lit i need more fame no idea it's great title there oh [ __ ] i'm not mutually sorry give him that i'm trying to learn there are a lot of wars i wanted to keep some more something's really happening over here i have 6 000 people coming in to some fellow of 500 he's in a little bit of trouble i get i have prisoners i can ransom but i don't even remember taking these guys hmm they're just chilling no we're all right we don't need to exchange that all right wartime boys that's fine all the banners how is the siege of ireland going no i'm about to i gave up i went to northern ireland where where are my troops i didn't mess around there how do i declare war on someone yes they are ah they're taking wexford that's great i need to make a claim don't they i've almost got the province are you winning are you winning son who's this people in my chat are saying kevin's trying to kill you kevin they're lying to you i've not done anything that's cheating that's cheating happy doing that good thing i'm not actually attacking oh shite how are you really clear war again because i thought you needed the bishop but i don't have one colin and ally this is unfortunate here big time uh okay first in line to inherit that's fine lot here yeah i need to claim happy if i take that i'm being raided i don't [ __ ] did i own this territory i my arrows are just like doing their own thing i think yeah my armies are just going into places and having drinks with everybody i think also the kind of way was a zero year old child so i feel like i should go attack him northern ireland too do i does anyone know how to put a claim on somewhere because we don't have the bishops anymore well at least i don't no if you don't have a bishop you're out of trouble there oh hmm i'm jorvik by the way i'm jorvik i've been setting up the lineage of the bodies chilling out here once i'm done with these guys i'm coming over is someone taking over right now my arrows are just like making the rounds and doing a bunch of stuff that i'm not even noticing like like i apparently i've started invading northern ireland i don't remember doing that classic dan the dictator i didn't know that war was happening rt game stands for really tyrannical i can't seduce her on unfortunately sway at scheme uh make concubine maybe yeah i made her my concubine still doesn't like me it's a little weird to hear you just being like yeah i made her my concubine whatever i'm struggling to uh attack here i don't know enforcement yeah i send my armies everywhere and nothing really happens to any of them i'm being raided i i can help you all um d are you trying to make a claim to go to war is it uh i'm just trying to take over as many places as i can just trying to head into town because if you go to uh council and then the top right person so that's all my route i i don't how do i take him how do i make him go home kevin i have a bunch of [ __ ] here now and they're doing that click military and then disband all in the top right election well it won't let me okay well then they're probably dispen can it say armies can be disbanded no armies can be disbanded yeah so they're already disbanded i feel if i don't he's the only one you need to raise them again voting for her no okay more either if they're your races second for there yeah that's what i'm saying that's what i'm saying like how do i do that i just walk them home okay that's fine well i mean i'm doing well each has like expanded quite far quite quickly okay i think i'm doing okay um okay [Music] good news i took over quite a bit it's up well ireland good job i did it are you reading them or taking them over i took them over oh very good yeah i have low county control in dublin though i i need to i need to work on that okay i think okay i think i'll be able to send them home okay we need we need to get some more going there i am being raided is doing well but it's like part of sweden and i don't understand why that's me i think i've got to tell you there did you take over a part of sweden me yeah i don't no that's kevin kevin came in a bit i don't know why you keep putting me under the bus when i'm not doing anything i that's him where hmm you kind of stretch out a bit there kevin from allen do you see it where in the south or the north ah it's it's in the north it's kind of like central i'm just making sure everything's going all right no i'm i'm not creating control to be honest with you all right this fella oh wait for captives oh it's a special type of marriage for him oh you can marry manis i'm just his friend he likes me more than you i didn't take that place over okay everything's going kind of well i've got a good steak um on ireland now a lot of it just became denmark um you know so i think i'm doing well who owns meat uh he's like oh he's only seven i'm gonna murder him yeah sure okay let's um let's get that set up all right whatever he's just a child all right boys it should be it's like taking candy from a baby except it's ashland here talk about my whole name like that i tried to raid it but it was already raided there's nothing left there no i don't i don't everywhere in ireland is already raided there's torches everywhere what did he do oh he died i just got out of here 62 years of age he drank himself to death a keen and dedicated hunter what a legend [Laughter] he went out in an open field [ __ ] i need i need to bestow some titles i can't believe that he's dead already hold on i gotta take a couple of concubines here i've taken this oh god i can declare war on like everyone apparently oh no no no [Music] let's grab him a title okay are we still in war with these [ __ ] oh yeah just gonna be perfect everything being quiet and then i die why did all of france become west france when did i take over brittany hang on where are the [ __ ] are you doing i don't know my guys are just like operating themselves i have a mistake in france when did that zoom at some point and the half of the world will just say denmark on it i own some of wales now when did i get here no you've been in wales a while i was thinking about taking that off when did i take whales it's understated by someone else why did anyone take whales honestly where else is denmark going to show up the super power of the world where else have they gotten to i'm half expecting to just be looking at like central europe it's like yeah where's the [ __ ] war i'm in how did they get there that's awful oh jorick in the java claim on earlham of derby ireland of derby where's the ireland derby give me this [ __ ] place how do i get it oh my god i can't [ __ ] [ __ ] oh we're doing well i think why are you playing that's what i don't know what we're seeing we're in the siege right because i'm trying to take estonia and it didn't work and i've never seen a patrol in dublin or finland okay so i'm gonna mute and cry here just asking so so this is one of my armies these guys are just chilling can i do i have any reason to invade athlon no i don't why do it do it for me i couldn't raid because it was already raided why can't i let me see can i take truly oh dude oh no she is i need to increase some opinion i can invade the kingdom of brittany i you know let's just start taking friends you're getting too powerful oh my thing's on fire faction created against me my [ __ ] uncle oh are you making a claim on there that's not hot he's starting [ __ ] dude dude what's my [ __ ] man i may be losing some territory what is this siege one that's good son of a [ __ ] i lost a different siege when i lost this what's happening oh no oh there's people attacking me this is going to be bad good in there now and sort them out there i have to siege my own city again because my uncle was acting a wanker i'll put him in prison now that fucker's getting it where the [ __ ] is he you some some of you [ __ ] are getting killed which [ __ ] uncle was it low county control okay all right dan my lads did the same thing now part of ireland is sweden apparently sorry i didn't even send the lads into ireland and now sweden is part of ireland i weakened them oh god i see i just took over desmond apparently i was like you can't breathe oh my god am i still at war genie ireland is a mess right now ireland quite bad quite quickly yeah we're doing a lot more damaged ireland in england of dublin if anybody wants to come over and take over let me know who is this the man tried to clean the crows who's this all right dahi i'm arranging a marriage there with you yeah it's a bit down the line like but i thought it'd be nice okay go on there you go i don't think i'm winning the war in um brittany it does seem south why not kevin thank you so much quite horribly [Music] uh that's lovely now that's lovely isn't it great now what we've done there oh someone killed my air again who keeps doing that who keeps [ __ ] doing that guys it's not fun oh what's that you can't just keep killing my air i'm gonna have more kids all right oh no they're doing it again what are they doing oh no and now my wife is not doing too they keep killing my air who's doing that okay who are we taking over here i don't like when when did i take brethney ah you did it i mean i i'm apparently at war in wales uh my guys are just working away wait did i take the iron man as well who wants island here who's [ __ ] how do i stop someone from constantly killing my air i still think it's kevin i know it's nice you got to put rats in his bed that's my calling cars just filling your bed with rats oh i had another child stinky could start a war with sweden i wanna don't you [ __ ] dare sweden's taking over the entirety of ireland without me even doing anything all right i guess albert is then how old is my heir he's only seven i think of h i think my half brother deserves to be the heir your armies are raised how are they raised they're just having a party somewhere apparently i'm constantly at war i'm just taking over everything that's it for my children i killed them ireland [ __ ] them up oh that's fine uh-oh how do you how do you oh yeah half brother is now the heir because i i've made it i voted for him yeah i think i think that's right i'm trying to make like make sure i don't tear the family apart because i'm very worried about doing that i've had trouble with that in the past what is this voting thing you speak of why democracy denmark has a democracy apparently ridiculous um yeah it's like we keep voting in like it's someone new so it means that even like the air constantly changes so it means that even though someone keeps trying to murder my family it's never going to work you keep sweeping them out kevin huh i keep swapping them out lads my king got put in jail in ireland oh jesus we gotta be captured and detained chieftain john took me over where is he oh wait no never mind time passed i'm out that was a short sentence did you litter or something i can declare war on meat i'd love that okay okay i lost part wait dan your lads came and [ __ ] me up i i now hang on they might not be my lads they might be like uh cousins or you know second cousins i think they're a bit removed sean i had the south of ireland all to myself big beautiful blue sweden on it and now it says [ __ ] [ __ ] mark on it don't like that oh den works there too yeah you guys came and defeated my army sure are bastards i inherited a new title so that's great i'm increasing all my armies okay how do i take how do i get like half of my army up search for a position i think when your army's up you can split them off in denmark spread this is the most warmongering denmark has ever done in their entire lives i don't have a lot of money so we gotta gotta how much is not a lot of money uh you don't need that okay so to to mute and philly in a bit i saw someone suggesting it and that's a good idea i've been just trying to get my bearings here because there was a bit of war going on here so i wanted to stop them but i've put in a claim for this land now because this land should be mine and every time dan accuses me of trying to murder him even though i wasn't i started scheme to murder him because well he's asking for it uh to sign someone here on my council yeah i go on carl he's a nice feather so i'm scheming to kill his current heir it was him he's just gonna change him anyway but let's see how it goes [ __ ] raided why is your wife in prison don't worry about it just just don't question it children yeah i i gotta sail across the world just to delay siege the mead i gotta get a flow from like this seven year old kid i only have a son let's just send them over there yeah you've only got a son okay this is not going too well at all at all sweden let's see what jack has no there's no way daniel what's that seven-year-old's name how do you pronounce that jesus christ's name sagan it's like in macaroon male of me i don't know how to say that oh he's ate now is that irish maybe i don't know oh my arm is so hard to tell sometimes it's it's so irish we don't even recognize it we can't let me tell what can i do decisions how do i stop me from being raided okay so my scheme was just discovered but it didn't reveal who it was so it's fine he doesn't know quite well so far i just need to keep an eye on the election every time it comes up i can create the kingdom of ireland are you gonna unite the country i'm gonna unite the country i i just need some gold i just need some gold i can do it what the [ __ ] i keep oh oh oh jack wait sean did you change character did someone die what do you mean did i change characters oh you're taking the piss what happened what's going on with you sean you died oh my god took my place oh no way kevin's invading kevin no not you dan you're fine are you not where i know kevin can you [ __ ] off listen you keep blaming me for things i haven't done a thing so it's about time i do something to deserve it no available spouse oh [Music] i just lay siege to like his capital i just watched probably right but whatever happens we can only fight in prison we won't we won't kill the other that'll be the victory because if we kill them i need to get these guys home difference in faith [ __ ] they're so busy laying siege to meet it was high on the priority list i i i need to get him home come home lads i'm home what no armies can be disbanded of a truce i can't [ __ ] do it get them home what are you doing over here lads where did they go have you lost your army oh [ __ ] i they ran off where are they i got positive where the [ __ ] did they go i've lost my entire army sorry how do you lose the there military are oh get back here you [ __ ] they're in this boat here oh my god look at ireland it's a disaster no i kinda i kind of need them back here don't i can't i kind of need them back look why don't you just take ireland you can have the whole country and i'll take care of denmark for you kevin you're gonna be doing that yes you can oh you're lying siege to it how do i i won't take anything i just want to imprison you for a while that's all i want to stop you i married into estonia okay i don't know how smart it was for me to declare war here thank you troops where's all armies boys hopefully my uncle doesn't invade me i was just asked kevin white to declare war that war wasn't supposed to be between us i've been um i've been blaming too much myself i can create the kingdom of ireland but you're gonna ruin it i just wanted to unite us keep going then you can do it you do yourself yeah you're doing pretty good as denmark to be honest there's a bit of leinster there there's a bit of meat has five soldiers i don't think you'll have a problem yeah you have a nice chunk of france going on how about no my capital is under siege right now oh that's a problem i just want to pop him in prison for a bit give him a bit of torture and then i'll let him go i won't even take any territory here where did they go and some prisoners for cash it's not that's not priority right now all right all right we're going to press play here create ireland you're pressing play and always speed it up where where are my troops they're on their way home this was set up for us to win and work together and we're already destroying each other yeah i can't why not well you were playing the blame game for too long you were pointing the finger and it's kevin if you if you take my capital i'm gonna take yours i don't want it [Laughter] oh no i i only want to imprison your guy there needs to be no bloodshed here sure i like how you're going to work great my champion's dead i'm waving the fingers no no no no no now cornwall is gone someone fighting me here get out of there speed it up there go back get there down get it up there then i'm not in control where oh kevin speed it up there we go do you want me to the [ __ ] siege going on here there's 5 000 people sitting outside just hurry it on ah kevin why did you have to do this i'm not gonna take anywhere dan don't worry just pop in my prison for a while okay let's vote for my sister okay wait i think two empty council positions now move up how do i check who's in my prison my chancellor my champion my court physician yo my you can be the are you spymaster get out of here why did you have to do that kevin give me one of your kids i can't i don't know how kevin i can't just give you my kids why not it's you all in time it's fine that's not how it works it's fine nice siege won you keep trying to claim my country i just wanted to take ireland oh oh [ __ ] on them now i'm going to take you with my concubine oh i can torture why would i torture though wait oh no this is give me a character i want a prisoner i can't i came all this way i can't go home without nothing i'll be embarrassed give me anyone someone you don't care about wait what um there we go wait no this peace offer is to accept everyone in my family i can't accept that wait no that's not what i meant to do that was every one of my family you're gonna lose more people don't attack me sure i get her out oh wait i got someone dan i got someone there's no need for this oh jesus stan you're going to lose oh no this is the massacre get out of there i can't how do i stop hello oh dave they've killed themselves god those poor man you did walk into me to be fair now this has nothing to do with me i'm leaving i've got someone we can negotiate peace get out of here all right offer peace that's the man wait no hold on hold on hang on you can't just take no i'm i'm offering a piece hold on there you go i become a drunk like my dad does that is that what i want i think that's what i want that is what you want there we go i became a drunk voice okay peace in our time i can get back to what really matters and that's the conquest of ireland can i at least come with you i do let me create ireland first okay because it's mostly just denmark now okay all right i'll go home for a while so and you call me when you're ready yeah let me i'll get back to you when like ireland's become denmark okay maybe we could split it up i could take the north of ireland or something i know kevin history's tried that before and it didn't end well all right maybe you're right i just split the country up again i'm being raided again whatever at least i still have a good chunk of ireland me and me and dan are just god damn it my family keeps getting [ __ ] arrested what are you doing sean how about we go on a joint war for lovely scotland up there oh no i've disappointed someone i'd like to but i'm already good at raiden i'm not going to go into war hmm what if you raided them i need money for everything right how much how much loot do they have wait let's make an alliance you're sweden aren't you yeah what part of scotland there's a lot of provinces and they're all spread out like a web um wait except my alliance first i sent you a letter earlier but you're not replying oh that's rude jack i i don't know where to see your [ __ ] list don't get mad at me so up the top it should be somewhere there an alliance i proposed to you earlier i just have nominate success or an empty council position send one again i can't send another one it says it's still active i can send you a gift oh [ __ ] an alliance there oh i can go to war if i want this news i don't really care if i'm being raided it it is what it is it is why why is there so many of your leaders in prison kevin what i keep going to check in yeah he's in prison everyone will why is he in jail why is he behind bars where is telemach i i don't know where that is to be honest with you you can't find it to the course let's get some new champions up there forgot i had these little islands there we go i can create the kingdom of ireland once i have um 250 gold can people give me some money so i could get here go on my prisoners i feel like i owe you a bit uh oh there's another war going on with you oh wait what is this what's what is going on here i'm in line to inherit oh no that's not me i've been lying to her inherit some titles i can call another guy into uh sieging like crazy here i sent him up there speed it up there let's get some let's get some more people in i sent you some money then yeah i don't bring in as many people as i can i'll accept it now this place was once everyone thank you kevin you're good you're a good man it's all water under the bridge let me rant i can run some of your man back to you for another 20 goals wait i know you have one of my people i i think i do i'll give them to you for a favor where are you seeing that i i don't know but apparently i hadn't kidnapped i think it was the guy who was if anybody wants to marry many me just let me know i do i've loaded the children it's an active election give me that just let me know all right there you go send proposal it's sent it's in the mail there we go yeah election elections underway i'm in london can you surf this guy if i get some more money oh all right where do i want to go i think i do want scholarly i don't have enough fame to go to war i want to kill people call dynasty members whenever you're taking prisoner ah [ __ ] that lad i don't like him low control in this place a good chunk of uh ireland now wait did this work do you know how to fabricate the claims sean to go to war thing i did a thing or what does he do what did you do um what you do no it's not to worry about kevin it's nothing to worry about oh yeah no what did you do what is this dan go ahead and tell the class i i may have seduced kevin's wife oh no that's it murder imprison her i just murdered your wife it's okay wait what can i oh yeah there we go she's imprisoned ah wait why didn't she oh there she is she's imprisoned did you just imprison she's imprisoned yeah you won't be seeing her anymore now i'm so sorry kevin i'm torturing her and it's your doing torture oh i'm proud mike i just said oh the sweet kiss of the whip i don't know if this is just kinkiness or what yeah we whipped her negotiate release i don't want to hurt the divine well child uh i think i'm in a holy war with scotland how did that happen i don't know somebody was like you want to go to war with me and i was like ah [ __ ] why not that way all right what do i do to win this what what do i do to win this uh like if i have a war with someone and i want to just basically win it i don't have any allies [ __ ] where are you i'm in scotland i'm being attacked by 5 200 soldiers i think you can call me into your war if you want another kid well it says plus allies and nobody shows up um what if you right click on me can you invite me to your awards right click on your king and then request to join war i don't see that oh offered a guard i sent you an offer there i'll join you i have a lot a lot of fun king dag of norway joined the holy war for the chiefs of snowden okay fair play to you okay i'm common where where actually are you i mean scotland kingdom is this i've loaded oh yeah so in the bottom right now it should show like a little uh symbol saying zero percent oh [Music] see where in scotland it actually is though daryl stinky has been pestering me for a long time she is the worst um yeah i just clicked the symbol see scotland has like a big fire on it now oh yeah so you're going to the fire okay i'm i'll meet you to fire okay people are drawing in wars i can declare war against poland for some reason i don't know if i want to go for it do we have to do we have to actually send the soldiers there then i'm already there okay i'm raising all my armies hold on oh jesus christ i thought i was meeting you here i'm educated no i was just i just started a war i didn't actually go there yet oh jesus area the one with the fire i'm taking that so i need to get there i'm back i still have him why don't you want your kid kevin wait a [ __ ] this is going to take where do you have him i have i keep trying to negotiate and give him back to you but you won't take him he's old now he's 44 years old i don't know where he is i don't know how to see this are you ransom you gotta take that oh there we go i found it he's lived most of his life i have to pay 20 gold for gorm i don't [ __ ] think so decline he doesn't even have a second name he's just gorm it's like samantha i'll do it for a favor i just don't want him anymore all right you take me for free and i'll take them but dude i can't give them back to you for free a favor is the only way i can do it take your phone back and take [ __ ] gorm backwards yourself good man yourself is he my son she's i don't know he's related to you though i don't even know the guy he's just saying take me back i don't see i don't even see him all right kevin i'm here oh hello one second am i am i doing anything with you are we just standing here i'm taking this city if you want to take another one i've almost got this one son i got their son sean i'll play it here i'll start the torturing he's four years old put a bucket of rats on him kevin wait why can't i not torture okay we're plus 40 now we're winning oh it's going that can't be good all right i moved him to the dungeons okay i've been lying in here quite a few titles now regarding ireland norway's just come in there now hang on i'm trying i'm trying to create kingdom of ireland where where the hell they're fighting in leinster should i just send my troops over and just [ __ ] bait them why is she in prison all right kevin i'm about to take this [Music] you might be interested we gotta go oh sweet jesus this war was a bad idea why did you why did you join me over there it was a [ __ ] mess i don't have a lot my son needs someone to marry you became the culture head of norse culture take that i don't know if i should remember you are so cultured wait what i'm the i'm the figurehead of uh norse culture right now oh no we're supposed to be competing for that i don't know it just told me i was don't go to scotland whatever you do it's a [ __ ] bad idea me and kevin just got our pants pulled out and the whole class laughed us i'm just out at sea licking my wounds at the moment they're gone a little go on a little bit of a raid here guys yeah we'll do that instead a lovely love balance we're gonna get him my wife is just glaring at me from prison huh is she still in prison oh she's not coming out i'm waiting until the 9th of october when i can torture her again there's a little time for them wait oh my god we're doing we're doing pretty good wait is that you already had oh wait i have two parts of wales now all right so hold on i'm getting advice on how to join join you jack oh jesus okay good i need to collect taxes we need we need more money where are you jack who are you sweden jack i am yeah all right i'll right click on you and uh offer to join more offer to join can you uh uh apparently you're too far away to enter my wife i don't care i lost at the battle of dundee the slaughter at angus i don't like looking at that sad all right i have to wait for my soldiers to gear up again and then we can go back and fight again where are you fighting can i take anywhere in wales i need to do something go ahead um marry your way in go on you can raid places to take all the loot if you want i don't i don't know how to do that you just raise all as raiders and then head somewhere and you take the loot that's there and then head home again oh but that's nice okay i might do that that's good if you if you click on the little towns that says loot on the middle right and tells you how many coins are there that you can take oh ireland's been understated hang on brethren's under siege yeah denmark's been in reddit i can't get all the way over there to fight that [ __ ] off raise the troops go over there dan and fight all them for me will you take brethren back ireland's being kind of divided right now classic ireland why i'm on my way my wife's pregnant with someone else's child lock her up see what he didn't read enough people she's like i can't be with someone who doesn't raid everybody all the time in prison straight into prison you go oh i click on you and murder right okay that's what happens when you push you know what you know where you're dead ah jesus christ it's not for us to say i can't believe i just want to i'm so close to getting the kingdom of ireland together i'm losing a bit of money i need like 100 gold and i can do it would anyone like to marry gorm i'll marry gorman yeah sure you we'll all marry gorm we'll all carry corn married son off guaranteed okay primary air there hasn't been an election in a while has there i'm on my way to save ireland flats where's gorm all right come here anybody's i really wish i got oh no hang uh kevin are you sure you disabled nudity uh yeah i did it was the game wasn't set up by me oh stinky well i just i i apologize are you about to get to s ah kevin wait it wasn't set up by me deal with them not me i who's naked who's naked out there who's naked kevin can you can you make sure it's off oh my god the game cheated on me gotten pregnant i imprisoned her she had a miscarriage in prison and now my second child just died in finland i'm having my own little soap story this whole time while music this is the days of our lives just happened it just went into eastenders yeah but i checked it before we started to make sure and it was off uh yeah character knew never [ __ ] it well i don't know what to say to that because i think i just saw otherwise i am not too sure ah no i apologize sorry about that let's just create the kingdom of ireland it's got calling allies calling allies now that's it i'm already just king of ireland now do i own it where's the music kicking off probably not because galway and everybody's been raided and attacked and everything right now are you attacking me if i swear to god if cuda says denmark over in a few minutes i'm coming to murder you dan okay well i i've declared the kingdom of ireland despite it being heavily divided right now that's okay can i can i grant it to someone and just throw the region into chaos who who do i wanna oh god i don't think anything you want do you want to just have the kingdom of ireland who i'm just giving it to like one of my guys is he gonna just be able to take it they become independent if i do that i don't i don't want that maybe i should keep the kingdom of ireland maybe i shouldn't give that away i'll give you give your chief them of dublin there you go here you go where is my army they're here fellas uh my fellas are swimming around the place now right let's let's [ __ ] kill lads i gave gorm a title i i gave him the land look where is he we've been very peaceful here he's chieftain corp now he's still just like a peasant i wonder can i give i don't even know what i agreed to there i wonder i can't give him a makeover right who is this oh i just gave him i gave him the wife there okay so arrange marriage let's see why can i not marry gorm i wanted my king to marry gorm but it won't work he already has a spouse maybe if i try and get rid of his spouse one second let's imprison her oh 48 if you fail to imprison her she will leave chiefs in gorham's court all right let's chance it 48 yes yes okay she's locked in the dungeon negotiate release what led to she won't accept anything okay okay he looks so blissfully unaware of everything that's happening he's just like staring off into space he reminds me of the characters in uh the movies who like that all the time all right let me let me see can i arrange a marriage now that no i can't arrange a marriage because he's already married the last time i could have multiple marriages is okay let's just let's execute her all right yeah she's gone all right oh god um oh wait jack is yelling oh no sean did you need me or we're minus 91 percent what where where are you at war i've been tending to my gorm it's still in scotland the war is still going i thought we went home yeah we did we raised our armies more oh i didn't know that hold on give me a minute we have more soldiers now are you in immediate danger uh yeah we have seven percent left in the war well you can make ireland your primary title can i just rebrand denmark to ireland hang on how do i change my title i'm heading into scotland again if i get spanked it's kevin's fault wait i'm coming hold on slow down now no no no we don't have time minus 94 percent no time to explain we got it okay raise army go kill all right i've got four men uh in jorvik there i'm going to head up to you i mean i have a few thousand on the way but you went really close uh minus a hundred percent i think we just lost wait my four men are still coming you can see your titles in your profile seven oh lord we [ __ ] lost let's just assassinate king congress i didn't realize his name was king kong instead of that proposal there kevin okay hold on i'm starting a scheme against king congress that's revenge okay guys i've rebranded denmark it's ireland now oh nice says ireland beautiful you've done it i'm king of ireland now that looks legendary except for the big chunk of it that says we're working on that hey i'm sweetie that's where the ikea goes just leave it just leave it on oh no wait we took over cornwall at some point when did that happen where the [ __ ] is cornwall jesus christ ireland oh yeah ireland is now part of wales oh my god gorham got married why seem to be such a chick magnet i was trying to arrange something and i got distracted oh wait ireland is next to norway and sweden now as well that's lovely wait how did you active election in the kingdom of ireland wait dan how did you change it to ireland um if you click on your king you can see their titles and you can just like select one of your different titles so you have to you have to click on your king and bring up their panel i don't know if you can see it on my stream i don't have your stream open why don't you well i will now why don't you hold on a second will you genie ireland's getting fairly big no i'm trying i'm trying to finish them off i have it open then show me what to do i want to make sweden ireland as well we should all be ireland okay so if you go to here see you can see your titles down here and then you click on the title and there'll be an option at the bottom to make it like your primary wait where do you see the primary it should be at the bottom when you click on the title you can rewrite it too above let's come in let me play one what do i [ __ ] revoke title i guess how do you raid people i'm getting so frustrated active election in ireland the adjective is swedish um go to your armies brian they can marry yeah send them off there raise all the raiders one second i have this stupid personality a lot of people are being married off a russian man wants to do i don't it's a [ __ ] keep raiding me i'm being raided again can someone [ __ ] alba up for me please because they're pissing me off okay raise all is right why won't they give up no oh no congress knows i tried to assassinate him oh jesus [ __ ] man where the [ __ ] are they going how do i stop raider why why is leinster not defeated wait they on the uh when do they get to the isle of well i like how dog says ireland except then it just says me in the middle am i at war with the isle of man i don't remember that oh no can i change the color of it oh yeah wait no they won't accept i just keep fighting them whoa okay uh oh why are they not we're doing good we're fighting them back i thought it was a war it's that oh i'm at war with if when was i war is that england who's there with him oh i'm not married hang on uh should we marry our way into poland's next hmm oh that that's not poland hang on my son gorm all right dan it all says ireland now but i can't change it to green sorry that's okay that's okay don't worry um and ireland is all gormland okay that gives me an idea ireland is too stupid for a name it has to be something funny [Music] we finally got it are they going to surrender in leinster they keep the [ __ ] fighting back like where's left oh no no no no no do i have to get there too why it's enforced the 90 percent defeated can't try and murder him again fairly sure i've got them all i can create some titles too there's another active election key why do i have to be next to stinky over here oh stinky he's trying to negotiate with you it's stinky i can't negotiate with stinky why is it all good kevin it's [Laughter] am i at war with those guys just just invade them i do [Music] oh wait that's my daughter to be fair i had athlon last time and i managed to keep my land without doing anything because athlon has the shannon right there and the castle and the bridges you can't get through it oh they're late siege to my city now when did they get there i sent you a proposal sean i want your stinky son where did you send me i don't i don't even remember i don't see where you're sending these proposals it should be up the top why is there a seven-year-old child marriage proposal i don't know i can't remember there we go yes ah there we go alliance formed with king suminder of stinky sheesh i'm getting someone to pop up here at alone it just won't go like have peace i'm just gonna go to a white piece for now red the land the vikings don't need to take the land they just need to make them poor so the land destroys itself all right lance the plan now you see i'm married in i'm actually married in i think to the is this me i thought i was married to dahi's heir maybe he had just oh my god who's this person 62 jesus christ she looks like she's dead already um i thought i married in here with dahi but i guess i didn't but i have married in with sean as his primary heirs wife look there she is the beautiful sigrid she looks way older than him oh yeah that's cause he's two and she's 25. whatever it's he olden times um what was he gonna say yeah so i'm the second in line like second line's wife uh primary heirs wife and we gotta kill sean's king to become the queen i i like it i want to become queen stinky i'm just part of uh kevin's that's norway what is this iceland oh yeah oh that's gremlins oh gorman sorry yes it's gone slip of the thong all right i have a load of money i'm heading home yeah i think i could do with a bit of raiding to be honest i'm trying to do like my arms highly recommend it none of that wait who is this i'm being raided again that's fine is that my army where do they go that's the barony am i still at war am i still uh we just don't know i can't remember you just lose track it's like god who is my enemy again my arm is back in denver but i don't think we [Music] i'm getting it back hmm nice okay i mean let's take care of something let's take these places back kevin's been awful quite and whenever he does that it means he's planning something no i don't like that i'm planning out the gormland's future i'm trying to figure out who i'm at war with though there's a lot of different flags in sweden like sean what is happening there uh what is going on between sweden and denmark i don't know in ireland right now i i don't understand why are they all that well i have come to expect mischief for my son and heir blinky uh yeah i don't know what's happening here but apparently i'm getting my [ __ ] ass handed to me i i don't understand either where's gorm are you just trying to take over my land is that i don't i don't think i am without even lifting a finger i think they're just doing it themselves sean i should let them off we'll see what happens boys i can i can raise a new military maybe um sure that's just fine i want to marry your daughter jack let me marry her okay she'll be the third army there you go i'm in the family nice stinky and finland are going together wait we're at war daddy what how the hold on how are we at war wait a minute wait a second and that's right when did that happen without killing you i peace where all why did you do that i'm enforcing my demands on you i've been told do i have i just have that one army don't accept the demands no you haven't even attacked me why would i accept any demands accepted accept it no oh no wait i'm at war with this place i was about to murder the wrong guy sorry there sorry just accept just accept it no thanks demands and it'll be over it hasn't even begun literally nothing has happened i can't believe which one of you is trying to kill me what are y'all about i don't think we're having any kevin you're trying to kill me i'm at war with dahi sean i've got bigger things on my plate right now no no no no he just has to accept my demands i'm not accepting your demands it's not a war if you surrender with this earl then i will enforce them again the earldone of ormond why did ormond get this started five years ago kevin if we could just get this over and done with it i thought we could just wrap things up we even seen you why did we go to war uh apparently a cousin of mine just didn't like the way you were doing things not enough soldiers i'm gonna send gorm to sort this whole thing out is it just it's just the one man how many there's four men here why is there only four men in the army where are my men there you go come here four people there's the main army why did they split up hmm how do i merge them get in there i've been forcing the demands again kevin what are you doing heaven if you could just accept how do you emerge why are you stomping around my land like that i didn't even know that was you who are you talking to your man what's his name my man doe he i wait do i have a man i i have an army of four men guys and i don't know what to do with them there's one army there's the second where no no that was the third wait there's an additional army somewhere highlight football prep high level image in it together and press g thank you because we got to get the four-man army like back with these guys because that's just embarrassing hmm how's that why can i not raise any minute ireland ireland's looking good uh-oh winning more battles only lost 21 troops oh shit's going down i don't sean a lot of your places are just at war i mean i don't understand what i did wrong i'm not even doing anything so they just hate each other three different ones are like trying to kill me right now like the scourer there's upland and then there's oscar gotham oh there are pockets right now and i don't understand what i did to upset you oh my god he's dead wait oh kevin i was wondering so who the hell is this what's happening i haven't just died of old age sorry sorry hmm [ __ ] [ __ ] is going down [ __ ] me try to go to how do you rate a kingdom i actually haven't been doing that i've just been laying the scenes coming at him what is happening uh if you raise all your dudes as raiders there's like coins in some of the little towns if you hover over them and then you can take that loot and then head home again [ __ ] scotland can someone [ __ ] help me with scotland please me and kevin got our asses kicked in scotland earlier i'm i'm i'm done with that and you're actively at war with me i'm not helping you oh my god i'm gonna scream i was winning a war and then kevin died and then i lost while he was dead wait oh no you lose to it wait that means you were fighting with kevin no no i don't think so i'm fighting and why did me dying affect it because while oh that's why because while the thing popped up my screen saying you were dead this massive army was rolling and then when i came back oh you really know how to pick your times when to die just muting for a second guys i i am paying attention to what you're saying don't worry but uh i can't raise my enemies this this is blacked out it just says raise all armies but it says i can't because you're at war which is why i need them ironically enough but i can't but they might be already equipped i just can't find them rally the troops that would be nice yeah where are they are they over here by any chance is there any way of um of actually locating them there's got to be a a button that brings me right to them being raised that's the least of my worries uh raise all armies yes yes that is that is blacked out see okay uh okay so it's dahi that's blocking me where is he though also is it this guy his 22 soldiers is blocking me change my rally point okay let me try that when i figure out how to do it this is beyond my level of expertise i remember doing this at one point was it under army actually rally point if i could put it here wait is he also here hmm okay another rally point let's see he's kind of everywhere it's location's occupied is it the green ones that are fine okay raise all here okay great so they're raising now uh stop sean what's he doing i'm kinda i'm kind of okay with sean doing whatever he wants he he's stinky so he doesn't have a lot going for him let me unmute oh so what happened okay i missed it i guess i own that i own a bit of spain now i don't know when i can't remember invading there i don't think i did boys territory just being handed to you yeah what are you doing dan and how can i do it as well i think he got a bit more land there okay where how would you change your [ __ ] names actually i got some of wales and some ireland i'm sorry i'm spreading into russia it's great oh i see actually you're doing pretty good there brian i i don't know how you've done it i've i've lost three wars i've started three lost all but i'm gaining land i don't know what i'm doing i i have a sign of a good change there's a lot of people here i you know i married my wife she cheated on me she had three kids none of them yours none of them were mine she's now dead sure and now i'm married into your family beautiful stinky how can you i can use serp you should i can't go to war with anyone because my opinion is shite you should have called your land ikea that would have been i would have made more how's my council do that we the empire of ikea holy [ __ ] ireland's everywhere ireland's taking over the world ah that seems fine [Music] let's just marry them in he's in france he's in spain oh jesus okay sean i i have to kill another one of your places like i don't know what's going on i'm taking over power to stinky at this rate you guys won't get off my case i'll [ __ ] kill you dan i think i'm not trying to fight you they just keep fighting me who's this i might have to come back and kill me oh seizing me being raided again i've got a bit of ireland there and i don't remember get ireland keeps expanding i've lost control of the country we're spreading our seed far and wide and i need i need the ground to grant some more titles uh to keep my court happy what's going on here with my [ __ ] place who's doing all this [ __ ] gormland what are you doing here hello how are ya what the [ __ ] you doing here i had a title there you were visiting mine so i said i'd go visit you oh is that how it works is that [Laughter] do you want the arrow done with britney i was just making a good old claim that's all there's nothing wrong with it dan i can't raise anything because you're being raided like crazy not right kevin not right now i apologize but i don't i don't know why you guys are just so hostile i i think i just have to keep conquering now i'm sorry i don't like this i can't declare war on anybody because i don't have enough fame for it get from prison go [ __ ] yourself get some more money kevin can we get married more we haven't been married in a while i kind of got a lot going on to be honest i'm enjoying the single life i sent you a proposal come on go on you know you wanna you can marry gorm it's what the fans want no sure why not all right all right then kevin we'll do an old piece here all right no no i don't i don't think i will i force my demands then he won't accept i don't think i'll agree are you bastard hmm oh god what's going on here no at least the army the army is coming together gormland refused kevin what did i refuse i don't know what i clicked i was just i wanted to marry you oh yeah i know that was all right no it's not looking good here now a lot of different happening i'll send it one more time why do you want to marry mary gorham i just he's the only one with that mary gorham i think he's already married he's very that's not how it works kevin how could you do it to me what did i do [ __ ] i'm gonna be conquering a lot of them i was where spanish ireland's doing i haven't checked the new guys did you guys realize that we can go kill the pope oh let's go kill the pope oh we should do that all right i've asked for peace dahey it's only a five percent chance to kill him though and it takes eight years to do it all um [ __ ] fine oh ireland's expanding in wales it's expanding everywhere it is what it is uh anyone want my son named after them and you and you have the name really stinky stinky yeah mine is oh different religion they don't want right stinky okay fierce fiercely far i wanna marry my way into portugal good battles little skirmish man who can you marry different face i am no one no they're all different i can't marry my way in they don't like it i'm going right in the pulp i'll marry my way in here oh my god he has to go so [ __ ] far it's gonna take me 14 years to get there i can put it on full speed if you want go for if everyone else is okay wait can i marry the pope okay can someone help me murder the king of estonia he just stole someone from me why did england become america that's what i said it's mercia oh my sorry i i i need help i need to die i'm too busy going over and raiding the vatican and then i'm going to marry the pope and seduce him with a sexy striptease very interesting all right where are my men they're all catholic what what what religion am i again i forget i'm like can i change their face i'm acid that's true okay yes i can't convert anywhere right now that's bad news you can't marry the pope sad times oh my my wife is probably like the second time in her life god love her is it the pope's totally great no this is gone they keep just taking more and more of me and i don't want to fight them i don't care about what's going on in my kingdom all i care about is how much i'm about to make by raiding i just want to do a bit of rain oh my god hope failed you're stinky jack aren't you uh yeah crazy okay all right listen i know you're taking over the pope but this man has imprisoned your daughter my wife who proposing an alliance stinky jack's daughter this estonian little [ __ ] story hey i only married into the family i didn't condone anything they did i just wanted land where's my wife how do we become allies they're uh dan uh and the guarantee can take over spain instead of portugal i mean i'm trying to oh did you want me to become alex yeah i would go on send a request how do i do that oh yeah i'm just trying to marry as far and wide as i can can i carry my way into spain arrange marriage there i i sent you some marriages there having any of us i'm going to sway you a bit as well why not because i accept these wait no these are bought my people that's my cousin and my granddaughter who are these people i was just arranging america no these are both my family though why are you arranging a marriage within my family i think we're already related daddy oh maybe that's my granddaughter that's my cousin can't marry them it's a big family oh god i i see i'm trying to join your war but i'm not able you see can you have some trouble up there kevin i he won't give me peace so i went up to try and kill him i see oh come on i'm so close to taking over this place little longer come on oh if i get all those territories that's going to be amazing where is it that you're attacking uh there's like a few of sean's territories that keep declaring war on me and i've had it oh apparently apparently you see them what what no where lands that war with me yeah that's that's not me why don't you just roll over and take it dan if they're going to war with you maybe it means you deserve it i know shawna i i got to fight back now i haven't triggered anything i'm a good your people walked over and they started slinging i i'm down here raiding the pulp i'm not even trying to do anything oh post a feast and be merry welcome friends there we go do i have this place i believe to gain friendship with me there we go champions are arriving higher standards of courtesy on to the next one wait oh did i win uh enforce demands can somebody please murder us they they've stopped i think i tried to scheme to murder him but it's too powerful he's too powerful i get a five percent chance by trying same i need someone to kill this man i can i can turn my way i have yaral stinking into a woman of the night i mean if y'all stinky they i i'll rant some of them back to you hmm when did i get i don't know when i got yarrow stinky i i must have imprisoned them sorry about that oh i got a bit of sweden now you're not sorry you're tall at all i'm a bit sorry i have no help here boys and i'm getting destroyed i'm about to die i'm getting destroyed here boys is that her active life we should not get an attack by us i can create a new title the kingdom of britain call it the kingdom of i surrender and i'm going home oh no i have to just surrender everything by what's this i reckon call to what this is rough let's go to war again raise more armies and [ __ ] do not got a big boy army here is all my land gone now who am i wait who am i who declared war on me again it's going grand estonia did you should uh fight them back wait where are these people from the war i don't see them oh it's nordmark oh i can find i've been wanting to take there for a while now oh that's great thank you everyone is dead make your way on down holy siege nice culture don't like all this moving stuff no spouse our ireland's doing pretty good we've been expanding a lot lately yeah more like conquering your friends but no you invaded me i'm not even there i'm down in i've been down in [ __ ] rome with the pulp ah but you still did it though i didn't do anything i'm the only thing i'm guilty of is being a good friend i can guess ah let's see that's fine i think i'm the magic it's that scandinavian elective succession why will he not stop this war no i kind of like do i want to change it to scandinavian elective succession i can change my democracy i don't know if i want to do that i feel like this might have consequences um what are we thinking here now we won the war against nordmark oh we took him and horde backs ours how we did it that's grace got my wife back look away i'm sorry guys a few of you are right in the chat i do not care about the red notifications i am completely ignoring them all i want to do is end this war and go to war with the pope so i'm just i just keep pushing available perks i'm in a bit of a fight here no who's over here on the north opinion scheme oh no he's coming oh did i make that decision yet i can make someone rule if they want to well they're a wall you rule come on i'm i'm in three wars apparently monsters independent now they're gonna just manage themselves where you going get this [ __ ] man sick of being [ __ ] raided where you [ __ ] going you're getting [ __ ] on oh [ __ ] ain't raiding me anymore [ __ ] you i have more wars wait who who's now at war with me santos at war wankers wait what happened oh santa took some of my territories you bastards i thought i had them i don't know fez down here is that wait why did ireland expand into morocco why are they here dad i'm beginning to think that you're [ __ ] everywhere they start they they have a place in morocco now i don't remember moroccan ireland i like come out war in africa thanks amanda for the bits i appreciate it yeah i'm trying to um uh second i'm trying to stay away from here by the way i know i'm done these but there's a big army up here and i'm leaving i'm gonna fight it out maybe you're all right that i should go back but i don't know if this is uh they're doing or if it's dahi's doing let's see yeah that's yeah that's him okay maybe i should go back and play the defense now yeah it's scotland still trying to kill dan here's a little banner for you um also just i see a few people in the chat just demanding that i do stuff i know like if you're really familiar with these games it might be frustrating that i'm not doing some aspects but please understand i'm pretty new to these games and there's a lot going on so i can't do everything but what i can do is give you two banners in a row abortion thank you for the bits thanks for all the support guys i appreciate it wait wait what happened to my entire [ __ ] did you die denmark no you died all of maryland just died why what happened you died what why am i just lenster now oh no oh you lost your entire and i'm declaring war on you you're getting [ __ ] no in the interest of honesty then i did assassinate your king but i also didn't realize it would do that on the right side your guy's an absolute unit look at that guy in leinster he's a unit that's that's nice i lost so i can't read this can someone just kill me in leinster so then i could assume control of denmark consequences happened you had your channel only a 9 chance of murdering him but your king was way easier to murder for some reason oh no this this is pretty grim i don't know how that even happened was it somebody kevin yes i killed your king quite a while ago why would you do that uh chad told me you were trying to conspire against mine so i killed uh well to be fair i was so look i can't be that heavy i've i'm being raided will you defeat scotland and then i'll marry you this is the only way to meet the family oh wait i should marry into the denmark family no stop that person coming to my [ __ ] man no i'm not going near him wait i can vote for my heir to be the king of denmark so that means when i die i'll be the king again someone please they're laying siege we've done it lads that's me i'm taking over i die you've saved me honestly i didn't do it because i like you i did it because i don't know what i'm doing [Laughter] i'm getting raided out of my [ __ ] hall we'll get back in because the air is now um the current king of denmark please do we just need the king to die here accept the demands i give you all right no execute them execute them uh now i'm [ __ ] fighting now in this war let's see who wins kill him uh-oh oh it's a close one this is a really close fight this is a really close fight oh i turned it around right turn it around big time let's go [Music] um there it is enforce demands let's go we did it well no wait no it's just game over but i can i can just quickly um pretend that the line of succession worked and we're uh yeah yeah yeah that not was have have to can you please accept kevin for [ __ ] sake just accept my tartar oh my god how many and how many letters did you send i've got spammed with alerts you trying to marry me we're trying we're trying we have to get back in with every family uh we're now now learning uh where's my you should grant our brother's been released we're being raided that's fine i have two men in my army why why don't i have more the course titles can be created up here a little bit actually things are going good wait who is this county control in leinster oh elections kingdom of britney has their own election how am i a different person all of a sudden that's fine kevin don't question us i'm not going i i got cancer where are you right there i'm too poor i don't have some money i think that's all of us i think we made it back i think i think we can wrap up the the stream soon yeah yes i i think it's a great time i'm glad that denmark was re-established wait i can make it again oh no wait no i i lost the title of the kingdom of ireland someone else and i'm taking over more of ireland ireland's becoming stinky uh wait i can can i can i rewrite denmark no you're not allowed stormland is torn apart yeah gormland you're kind of doing well against alberto i will appreciate you there i had to really be a bit of a bastard like if he just left me alone i just wanted to go after the pork yeah you lost the capital you have a different capital um the kingdom of better ireland has been established kingdom is better ireland it's very stinky but it is better we've done it lads apparently i'm in a war with you jack of course here uh he's he's invaded now he's taking over sweden and now he's made it stinkier ireland what the [ __ ] dan come on you here jesus christ guys 99 of you are really supportive but there's one percent of you well no less than that like 0.1 who are being very harsh there's like no need for that come on where's this negativity coming from i don't know if this is people from outside the community because i don't recognize your names but there's no need for that uh it might be just people watching who are just looking for interest in the game but uh yeah it i don't i don't recognize the the people saying it to be fair but sketch go away go away it's my birthday get lost go elsewhere go to gormland the normal people thank you thank you for being nice because i don't really like saying negative things because it is like a super minority it's like zero point zero zero zero one percent literally like five people in the chat but uh everyone else is being so nice so thank you guys sure i don't like saying negative stuff but i shouldn't say negative without positive stuff because it's just focusing on people who are just being [ __ ] sneaky me thank you for the five gifted subs i'm just like looking over and people calling me an idiot for doing stuff in the game that i'm like just messing around and i haven't played that much it's like what's the point dude i don't know off the gormland with you and the bad half of gormland at that and together because i've got i've got it and jack's got him dan's got it so we actually we did get ireland you know this is ireland our time it's just north and south together ireland better ireland than jorvik there's southeastern ireland too or just ellie thank you for the bits i appreciate it this is the homage by king i don't know if you can call it king maybe give it to rap boy oh yeah they're together okay i'll talk to you later it's all the best all right see you later danielle all right are we off so lights yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna raise an army and try and kill estonia fail and then quit the stream and cry you've been fighting estonia for how i could have helped you out there i'd say i cried numerous times no one came to my rescue i kept trying but i couldn't do anything too far away i'm um i've set up exactly a good time there i am invading them i'm gonna murder this man will i put it on full speed so you can see what happens yeah yeah just put on full speed and see what happens oh my god what the hell i is okay whose boat is this someone coming in oh faster kevin that's not full speed i had a full speed i was starting a scheme to help your brain but i instantly got imprisoned so i can't help you anymore oh that's that's fine that's i'm used to it i'm used to it so okay a full speed on here full speed ahead there okay it keeps pausing because my guys keep dying i'm gonna i'm gonna wait for no go so you're going to estonia yeah the capital is that right now ireland so i'm out as well thank you for your service seniors thank you no problem it's been real no problem i'm just taking over your land right now have a good one i'm not i'm not even in the game anymore no no come to estonia come to estonia please please i don't know uh come to estonia no we have to be friends can't just do it mary might marry my child or something am i able to swap post here or am i just stuck because i i've lost i can't do anything oh you can't move ranting no i'm imprisoned oh yeah i got a game over enter observer mode i can't do that either yeah stinker ireland is not going too well here oh there we go names oh my army's growing ah it keeps slowing down by itself well now we're losing against them wait are you just turning this [ __ ] around okay i'm leaving before jack wins here yeah i'm going to peace out let's thanks for the games it was fun it was good being destroyed by your armies dahi so i'll talk to you the next time i played all right there we go jesus let me give you a banner um i'll leave that open in the hopes that they can keep playing uh let me see can i just i might be able to put my camera up here and change it there we go it's a stream starting soon but i'll just go there now it doesn't say stream starting soon and just spam the banners uh miss bethenny thank you for the gift it solves i appreciate it um oh christ almighty let me check real quick oh sorry alrighty let's i think that'll be the end but thank you very much for hanging out with me you're very nice and sorry for focusing on the negative there i don't mean to i was just like there was people that i was seeing repeatedly like demanding i do things and i'm like dude you're at the wrong stream just just go so i was just like i'm just gonna mute a second and let them know because i'm just trying to read my own nice community and then there's just egypt's chat away there it was literally like three people but they just kept typing in i was like it's scared annoying every time i look over it it's just wait yeah i appreciate all the positivity from the uh uh from the nice people the the regulars and the new people because like obviously we have a lot of regulars here that i i recognize um in the chat and you're all super nice but there's plenty of people that i don't recognize the names and they're also super nice so i don't mean to be just like oh if you're new you're bad because there's loads of really nice people but um yeah that that that was fun i got a bit lost towards the end i was just trying to i was trying to end the [ __ ] war so i could just go to the pope but the guy had like some base trait that was like he was just stubborn and wouldn't let it go even though i had the upper hand in the war so there's just nothing i could do it's really annoying um but anyway the pope lives i guess um okay so the stream is sponsored by crusader kings as you already know the game is um uh oh one moment i'm getting a message oh never mind they were just saying that that we did good apparently um but yeah the game comes out tomorrow it's on game pass if you want to check that out um uh oh i just saw someone oh jesus i i s oh damn it i saw someone saying it was their first stream and it was fun but uh thanks for joining i missed your name it just went um but yeah it's been fun i'm not sure what my oh to finish what my thought was uh xbox um xbox game pass for pc has the game and it'll be out tomorrow if you want to pick it up it's genuinely a really fun game um i i think people who like strategy games will enjoy it because even though when i first played it i was super confused like i was really overwhelmed but um you just start to get into it and if you take it at your own pace it's actually quite relaxing and you don't have to go to like war and stuff so um yeah it's uh it is a very funny game but thank you to them for the sponsor thanks for watching along um honestly the game pass is so good i've been playing a few games now recently and it's it's crazy how many new release games you get in it gaming has changed so much like when i was when i was a teenager like you couldn't get any games for free call me winter night thank you for the donation exactly exactly i like what you're saying there but thank you for all the support uh throughout guys you've been way too kind very very kind i feel bad that i can't thank you guys when they're coming in because there's so many but um uh i am i was noticing them coming in and i i really appreciate them and maxwell if you're still there i don't know if you are not it's been a long stream but thank you so much for being so generous way way too nice with the streaming schedule i'm not sure what's going on because i'm going to be streaming friday this week which i don't normally stream and i'm streaming today which i don't normally stream um i'm either i'm i usually stream tuesdays and thursdays i'm still going to stream one of them but i'm not exactly sure i'm thinking uh wait oh wait no i have to stream thursday so i'll be streaming thursday yeah so i won't be streaming tomorrow i'll be streaming thursday and friday and so hopefully i'll see you then this week it's just a mess but um yeah so i won't be i won't be streaming tomorrow but uh yeah thank you so much for joining me jaz thank you for the bits as always you're way too kind um oh you're looking forward to the game i'm glad to hear that let me know how you get on uh surfing thank you for the tip as well i'm glad you enjoyed even though you didn't really understand the game it's still fun a little back and forth um and heroin fiend thank you for the sub for now guys i'll thank you again for watching and i hope to to see you soon on thursday if you join the stream uh we've already got a plan for what we're gonna do ah um and we're gonna raid tyler who's a super talented musician it's gonna be a really chilled out stream um if you can request chlorine i always request chlorine from super talented uh is really a nice guy as well so yeah enjoy that and thanks again for joining me by
Channel: CallMeKevin Stream Archives
Views: 99,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CallMeKevin, Twitch, Stream, Archive
Id: Eap9_dzufGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 53sec (9233 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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