Rack of Lamb

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all right here we are daddy Jack's cooking with the blues I'm gonna do a recipe here at old signature rack of lamb easy to do you don't see it much too often but unfortunately nowadays the lamb prices is so expensive what I did is I picked up some Australian lamb it's actually looking pretty good these days pretty nice-looking lamb I got it at a fairly reasonable price I just take take that little piece off here and then I like to cut most hardly cut most of the fat off so it's there these are been frenched already where they cut the fat off it I like to I like to give them more of the fat off so you should do about you know do usually do about four four racks per you know four ribs per order so then we will do here just salt and pepper make sure this is topsites seasoned real good like that extra fat off so what you teeners up a little bit of butter little bit of oil in the skillet I like to make sure this season real good I finally put a little black and seasoning on the top here all right started to start a fat side down so it'll melt off some of that fat in the skillet so I like to cook you're probably fry bought medium rare alright so the brown this side real nice okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to put in the oven and cook it till about a rare maybe close to me rare they went up there with a brush with Dijon mustard and I'm going to show you right now the herb crumbs so right now we're going to put this in the oven about 10 minutes all right we'll get a mouthful of butter for the for the crumbs got some green onions Josh okay get some breadcrumbs and like to put a little bit of box Eric tarragon a little bit of garlic power I'm Marcia come on in get again okay get a shot of Marcia with the umbrella my homegirl for my for my rock high school high school together all right yeah when we cook the garlic a little bit butter is melted we'll mix it with the crumbs I'll put a little bit of blackened seasoning in the crumbs but throw it some green onions okay now a little bit of olive oil and the crumbs just a really moisten the crumbs real good no of chopped parsley is good to throw in there too but I don't have any right now okay let's look at our land right now it's about a yeah this isn't working turn it over for a minute we'll let that go for just another minute still riff pretty rare that we'll hit it with a Dijon mustard and the herb crumbs will pop it back in the oven okay so we got this right around cooked about rare right now here's what we feel we brush it with Dijon mustard maybe would like to get the sides a little bit you'll get some good some flavor on the sides even but all this she even puts them on the side yeah why not write a little bit on the side all over okay and that's it right there coat it with all the crumbs nice got a green onion on there I'm gonna pop it in the oven now for probably another 15 minutes okay that uh lamb is just about ready so we're gonna make a little bit of sauce right now make a more local sauce if I had some shallots I'd do some shout they don't have any right now so butter put the garlic just a little bit Stone cellars Merlot we'll use that today nice Merlot or Zinfandel goes good on a kind of a heavier heavier red wine Cabernet you want to Shiraz well cook our garlic cause we're not gonna you just do it a quick sauce with skillet here one we're going to put a little bit of marinara I got some veal stock cooking right here what a veal stock tributed you know whatever that's what I like to do with the sauce is like here's this goat sauce with a the veal stock is a little thin a little piece of butter that actually figures the sauce for you so you got to see that sauce is already picking it up we've got a shine to it now for the butter okay shut that off little bit of green onions so I'm going to plate it up does that look Bob looks great jack that's even without the lamb look at that's it oh very that's how we call that roasted rack of lamb Provencal that's going to Provencal topping we put on it that's daddy Jack's cooking with the Blues here Chaplin's restaurant 165 Bank Street and new beautiful New London downtown to London Connecticut right on the water we got the ferry boats coming in you should come visit us sometime and got Bob Jack oh my friend on camera again doing his magic you'll see this soon up on the Internet peace you
Channel: Chaplin's Classics
Views: 332,246
Rating: 4.5661378 out of 5
Keywords: Best Rack Of Lamb, Rack Of Lamb, Best Lamb Recipe, French Recipe, Easy Rack Of Lamb, Easy Lamb Recipe, Greek Recipe, Daddy Jack's, New London
Id: 47Aqtp8o1Lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Mon May 21 2012
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