The PERFECT rack of lamb!

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what's going on guys welcome back to another episode of dishes and fishes where i show you how to cook and set hooks in today's episode i want to show you how to make one of my favorite appetizer or entree items that is honestly probably tied with ribeye steak for my favorite meat-related thing and that is roasted rack of lamb [Music] first of all when you buy lamb chops sometimes they can be pretty expensive so in some of my posts in the past you may have heard me refer to the magic number for buying certain things when it comes to buying lamb chops i never pay more than ten dollars a pound it's really hard to get them any cheaper than that but you know it's pretty normal to see them on the shelves for like 12.99 13.99 14.99 a pound like really really ridiculously expensive so anytime i see them for 9.99 or under i'm stocking up i'm stocking up so you can see this rack of lamb cost me 18.38 you know you get what you pay for this is a absolutely delicious piece of meat normally you can see the price here 16.49 a pound thirty dollars and thirty four cents restaurants would charge you thirty five to forty dollars for a portion of this so for eighteen bucks and the amount of enjoyment that you get from this so worth it so let's talk about prepping the rack of lamb one thing you want to make sure you do is avoid trimming the fat on this thing if the bones have fat in between them you can french them when it says french rack of lamb that means they just take a knife and just kind of scoop the little fat out between the bones so you can do that but i definitely would recommend not trimming the fat off of the meat portion because when you roast it it's going to make it super super juicy and whoever eats the lamb chops can trim it off themselves they're big boys and girls i'm sure so i've seen lamb chops serve a bunch of different ways they have all these coffee rubs and they have like mint jalapeno jellies there's like curry seasoning i'm here to tell you today the best way to season lamb is with rosemary and garlic there's no contest not only is that the best way but it's super simple super cheap please people do it so what i'm gonna do is strip all the rosemary needles off my stems here and i'm gonna mince them up pretty finely [Music] then i'm going to peel some garlic and mince that as well [Music] then i'm going to combine that with a little bit of olive oil to make sort of like a paste a rosemary and garlic paste [Music] awesome then i'm going to rub this thing down with that rosemary and garlic paste very generously you can't add too much of it to this lamb [Music] some people insist on marinating the rack of lamb overnight i don't think that's necessary i've actually cooked a ton of these in the moment just rub them and throw them in the oven but if you have the time it definitely helps the flavors get in there to marinate them in your fridge for a few hours so i'm going to rub this thing down it's lunch time now i'm gonna put it in my fridge till dinner time all right so my rack of lamb has been marinating for about four to five hours now it's time to cook it off before you put it in the oven don't forget to season it generously with salt and pepper lamb can actually take a very large amount of salt i think more so than like beef so season it pretty heavily with salt and pepper on top of your rosemary and garlic paste rub and when you're done place it with the fat side up on a sheet tray so you could probably argue that slicing these lamb chops and then grilling them individually is better but for me i like to roast the whole rack of lamb let it rest and then when it comes out i like to slice it and get those nice beautiful juicy medium rare lamb chops so anytime i cook beef i usually shoot for an internal temperature of like 130 to 135 lamb is a little bit different in my experience at least 130 is a little bit too rare for a lot of my guests so i like to shoot for an internal temperature of 135 to 140. so let's quickly talk about carryover cooking anytime you cook a piece of meat whenever you take it off the heat source the internal temperature is going to continue to rise it's pretty amazing how much it rises actually i've cooked prime ribs and i've seen the temperature rise 20 degrees while it was sitting on my counter so this is super important when you're cooking red meat that you don't want to overcook so when i'm cooking red meat in the oven at 350 to 375 degrees you can expect the internal temperature to rise 15 to 20 degrees so we're gonna bake this off with the fat side up at 375 degrees for 30 minutes or until the internal temperature is 123 degrees that's going to give us enough wiggle room so the internal temperature will rise to that 135 to 140 it's okay if it goes a few degrees above the important thing is after it comes out let it rest on your counter until that temperature starts to drop back [Music] down [Music] that's going to ensure that after you slice into it it retains that moisture for maximum awesomeness i like to roast it off at 375 as opposed to 350 because i feel like that fat gets a nice little crunch to it when you do that if you don't have a meat thermometer you're going to do the old-fashioned way pretty much what i look for is the lamb to have a nice caramelized outside layer and i just squeeze it or poke it if it feels firm chances are it's done you can set that on your counter to rest until it kind of becomes less firm then you can slice it open and eat it the length of time that it takes is honestly going to depend on on the size of your lamb rack i feel like most of them are going to be done 30 to 40 minutes at 375 but no matter how you guys get this thing roasted off just make sure you let it rest for ample amount of time it makes all the difference so let's roast this thing off and serve it [Music] i honestly just like to eat these little meat lollipops straight up they don't need anything they're just so naturally juicy and delicious and god i love them but if you absolutely need something to serve it with you can make an aju with the pan drippings you could serve them with some pesto you could whip up a quick tzatziki sauce if you want some type of mustard base sauce would probably be good honestly it doesn't matter what you put on these they're gonna be awesome so that's it guys if you ever look at a rack of lamb in the grocery store and you're like how do i cook that that does not look delicious try this recipe out i promise you your mind will be changed thanks for watching
Channel: Dishes and Fishes
Views: 23,659
Rating: 4.8149099 out of 5
Keywords: 10-12-20, lambchops, rackoflamb, roastedrackoflamb, rosemaryandgarlic, legoflamb, howtocooklamb, howtocooklambchops, bestwaytocooklamb, leg of lamb, rack of lamb, best lamb chops, how to cook lamb chops, christmas recipe, thanksgiving recipe, christmas dinner, medium rare
Id: k9vlsqc_O14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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