Rack of Lamb with Rosemary and Garlic | Emeril Lagasse

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let's talk about limb okay you go to the butcher you want domestic limb preferably from Colorado is a great Lamb State we've been doing using it for 25 years when you buy a rack of lamb usually for the butcher it's gonna come like this what you want to do unless you want to do it at home okay you're gonna have two decisions do I leave this fat cap on where you can see that the meat does meet there okay so what I do and also a lot of flavor ask the butcher leave the cap on but I want it frenched what does that mean that means that they have frenched the bones like this and then what I do is basically now I cut it say like into three portions by just going with the bone like this okay and then what we're going to do is we're gonna put this in a marinade of rosemary garlic and lemon zest and some lemon juice and olive oil we asked the butcher to friendship which is that you know when they come out with it the bones are exposed when you put them in the grill okay like his is an example at my restaurant Emeril's we have rack of lamb right so we grilled the lamb first to sear it take it off but if we kept it on the grill like we're gonna do today those bones probably 99% sure they're gonna burn they're gonna burn they're gonna probably disintegrate because the heat is so intense so I'm going to show you what we're gonna do first we're gonna make this little marinade rosemary and lamb guys the perfect mix rosemary and garlic a perfect mix trust my own yeah exactly rosemary and lemon this is the lemon zest so basically what I did is I took a zester or you could do a microplane and ii took a zester like this and put the zest off of it before i cut it in half and then what i want to do is i want to squeeze the juice of the lemon in here and no need to chop the rosemary no no no if you want to chop it great and now and i'm gonna tell you why when we get it on the grill now we add an oil and microplane like this it's a it's get so fun that it almost no yeah that's why I'm using the zester yeah that's a great question Phil because I'm using the zest an old fashioned zester I like the Michel cleaners I liken the great Parmesan cheese like you know all right we're taking that marinade we're putting it over our rack of lamb guys and now here's the key what I was telling you we got the cap on and we're gonna stop put them on the grill my grill lamb put the cap side down the flames are just out of control yeah cuz you leave the cap on like we have here this cap right okay and you had a question about the cabinet say I'm not the one to take the fat off but I guess some people oh look at this if we wanted to take the cap off we have this here so don't throw it away it's got the meat cut it in pieces like this guys like little lamb lamb riblets right then grill these babies by himself and have that as a little snack yeah while you're out there having another beer I'm telling the missus yeah I'm gonna be another 20 minutes let I'll take the edge off but so that one doesn't happen the cap came off for that one so I showed you the trick about the riblets answer your question because I didn't answer your question all right so how and you're gonna see it in a second so now how do I do this without it like flaming up guys it's all about the heat do you guys have a spray bottle with water fight your grill why you grill them now now close this thing of the garden hose yeah right invest in one of those 79 cent spray bottle net right fill it up with water have it by your side by the grill that thing starts getting out of control you guys gas or charcoal users yeah yeah yeah everybody's gas yeah so what I write so have it it starts getting out of control we're gonna a little bit but I have the heat on on low the thing is that blows my mind what we talked about earlier everybody Jack's it up full blast and what we do that's why they got those dials so we're going to continue to keep watching I'll am grilling it back cap side first then we're gonna get all sides done it's already smelling fantastic in here oh it's getting a little crazy in here look so we got that water with that spray bottle it'll tone it down a little bit there's that cap now what I'm gonna do guys is I'm gonna let these babies does that try you like right here I'm gonna let these babies just kind of rest a little bit cuz they're about rare almost medium-rare right now which is about a hundred and thirty degrees I'm pulling these off because they're gonna continue to keep cooking right all right how long you want to let them rest we want to let them rest for about five minutes your protein hey welcome back check it out look at these grilled potatoes underneath is a bed of arugula that we just tossed with a little light lemon and olive oil salt and pepper we've got our awesome rack of lamb that we've grilled with that marinade got a little lemon on the side and then of course our smashed potatoes with the feta guys dig in we've got our beautiful herb pesto now you you had mentioned you said something quite interesting during the break that you have a child that has a nut allergy right guys listen let me tell you something you're not alone there's a lot of people that have those allergies out there so leave the nuts out of it use all the herbs the olive world a little citrus etc leave the nuts out of it could you use anything else for texture or well for texture I mean you could you could use you don't want you can put some of this arugula in it it doesn't have to be just the herbs what do you think my you know I gave you the one with the the good char on to that one has the charred am kept the cap you put the Fatima yeah yeah absolutely put it right on there like that and you can see you know it's like it's like medium-rare perfect right now perfect okay guys I want to thank you for sharing the thrill of my grill and I want to thank the grill masters for being here and for these great recipes and see me make the perfect country-style mashed potatoes visit Emeril's com remember folks food is meant to be shared especially with friends like you I'll see you next time on Emeralds table yeah I think the temp guys what do you think is just low right perfect navigators are amazing amazing dishes perfect and doing this a day before no problems at all the pesto I had this world when you were cooking these you kept you were flipping them yeah lot yeah the way you know with the steak no generally you don't know great question on the statement you know you know let it come up to room temperature seasons put it on maybe turn it right flip it over maybe turn it and don't cut it [Music]
Channel: Emeril Lagasse
Views: 188,253
Rating: 4.816092 out of 5
Keywords: Emeril, Emeril Lagasse, lamb, chops, rosemary, garlic, lemon, juice, juicy, savory, dinner, how to, prepare, cook, meat, marinade, Rack of Lamb with Rosemary and Garlic, herb pesto, grilled, special occassion, special, treat
Id: kILWQ27DonY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2014
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