Dijon crusted rack of lamb.

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okay right now we got to do a rack of lamb actually maybe a crusted with the Dijon and farmers on the rack of lamb so let me show you here's Pat the rack of lamb see very fresh it's from New Zealand so nice cut actually now we gonna flavor it with some paper season it no there you go you put a pen on first can I use some well but vegetable oil not olive oil my wife is gonna burn well we want to be a sear our meat so get a pepper and some salt there you go there you go there you go now we gotta meet bill wait for a second for our oil to be hot because what we're gonna do is sear the entire meal all the blood all the juices to stay inside so while we're doing this we're gonna need some fresh Parmesan cheese that we're going to put in a robot and some bread to coat the lamp after so we just put it don't run it it's quite nice we're gonna use it later to put on top of the lamp so let's see our friend here pan is hot take the lamp we go back first down right leave it there we're gonna sear everything that review committee so we go sir all the sites and we'll come back after that for a second part of our thing okay capture the second alright so you can see smoking a little bit you see some nice sear on the outside here every part of it see the bottom a lot of people tell me they don't want to make land but they think it's too toxic anytime she's not very complicated cigarettes just jumping in hot sear on every site and then dump it in the other doctor and wait like 10 15 minutes the surgery is doing it very nice and juicy very very complicated here we are all right our serious finish we're gonna pick it up should we go back to our over here what we're gonna do is join it up a little bit they come I like all the oil you go and now what we gonna do is add like a spoon of mustard just ed up face it like that for me I touching my hand cuz my hands are very clean a lot of mustard there you go big on the inside there you go under Elsie there's more here under this more go alright now it's covered in mustard what we're gonna do I have some chopped garlic here I'm just gonna put it on top here good season push it with your hand get dirty a little bit it doesn't matter it's okay go watch my hand a little bit and now we make the parmigiana with the the bread right so we're gonna coat the piece of land Iraq oh here we go you push on it to make sure it sticks good you're on the outside here click on the inside here one it coated push it in rub it in the mustard right so you just pick it up from the board put some more back on there you go all right now we put it on the bend put the belly on top then we're gonna put in the oven for about 10 minutes down here my oven is blasting at about 450 by tonight's all about 10 minutes what we're gonna do we're gonna check it a lot after 10 minutes if you're the trick for a rare medium rare medium put your first finger here and touch here see it's very soft so that's a medium rare but the second one it's a bit harder that's the media put your other finger it's very hard it's a medium well if you put this one here it's very skipped does it go in so that's a well done it's pretty much a rule of thumb rule of thumb right no pun intended so that's what we're gonna do for now I'll be back with you in a few minutes what this is almost ready I'll show you what I like and how did they care of it after see you in a sec all right so let's go check our lamp I think it's about ready let's touch it and see there you go that's perfect texture let's take it out bring it over here right on the board here all right it's pretty beautifully so this was a prize in for the start as a mount for our Lambeth we're gonna take a knife we go this places look at that perfect cooking it's a medium that's just fantastic and that I couldn't I don't want to sell it I want to eat it now let's wreck it up [Music] there you go now with this we gonna serve some aioli for the fries and some Satsuki sauce that we made yesterday and we are ready to send them that was it number er took me about 20 minutes it's all chicken done so I'll see you next time for Nick's dish bye bye
Channel: Life. The experiment.
Views: 30,336
Rating: 4.2090397 out of 5
Id: z2kKv1gKBww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 14 2016
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