Classic Eggplant Parmesan

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daddy Jaczko blues welcome to my kitchen and we're doing here today it's a chaplains restaurant where chaplains restaurant soon-to-be next door at daddy Jack's and both Bob Jack on camera Jack chaplain Tommy Walters back here with me and what I do I did it the other night at home some chicken parmigiana and then I kind of did I added one dish with our ricotta I did some with ricotta and so they're not what do you point Bob hey know what I say chicken oh man my bad I also know what I was thinking because I talked to my partner Dominick down in Texas and he was saying about the eggplant that he does some with eggplant ricotta than a breaded piece of chicken on top so I'm gonna do that for you today too but I you know I'm gonna try to come up with a name so maybe we'll do the video and we'll name it later on down the road okay Bob right on to it and I knew my mind was going so everybody thought I was losing it you're too Tommy okay so but what we're gonna do is so I'm starting to Dominic I said I hate you know like overcooked egg plant and the Dominic takes it breads it sprays the aerosol oil on a pan puts it down sprays the table just banks in the oven so it's good doesn't absorb a whole lot of oil but then what I was saying is you know breading and the eggplant you know I came up with an idea and it really worked putting the ricotta in with the egg mixture as you read it so this is what I'm going to do it I'll show you out it also they say never crack an egg on a on a sharp surface so you won't you get the show they say the best way to crack an egg that's flat you know see what I do is I did and that create crayon lip between two fingers and your thumb on one end and then just pull it apart before it put your thumb be hope to see how you pull it no so mate I knew I knew somebody could crack four eggs at a time I don't know how they did it I'm to two or two hands won't put a little bit of fresh garlic okay I'm gonna put a little bit of salt and pepper not much okay I'll put some parmesan in there and I want to put some ricotta cheese okay and see normally I've always put it in flour first I just put the eggplant right into the ricotta egg mixture cheese mixture and just for a little flavor I'll put a little green onion in there [Music] sound thinking good clock okay so then what we'll do is and we were not they say there's difference between eggplants male and female and somebody said when it's rounded and wider it's a female I won't go there that kind of sounds kind of a chauvinistic great time rounded in bigger coach but no anyway let's see how it's dimpled that might be a male plant so what I'm gonna do is cut the end these are really small so I'll show you holder do these here I don't know that sometimes your sharpener gets sometimes the sharper it gets up dull so here's what we used to do if you have a steel at the end it kind of opens it up a little bit more the oxy then what's better that cut look at that hi Bob let's see how you got to work quick with these very plain and because it's thick I'm going to cut them on an angle see if I just cut it be someone cut them on an angle so they're a little wider put him right in the egg after this point I try not to touch him you know so I'm not Britain up my fingers there's another little trick I do here just to get your hands up so you got a renegade there doesn't one get wet some people saw the eggplant but I talked to my my partner dinner daddy Jack something for work Dominick the best Italian chef I know it hit well I gotta say Carlo Galasso is the best he's my mentor I've muffled egg of eight times more complex but Dominic guns these workers dad in a yacht Italian restaurant Texas tired Pizza Shops of Manhattan in New York and I said Donald yuba you saw they're not solved the eggplant first he says heck no so I never did either a lot of people who saw them I think it makes the eggplant silent and you lose some our natural flavor the eggplant so I don't do that okay so I got my skillet hot here real hot Raleigh I just need my flour my bread clothes right here I'm not using flour and give me a half a sheet pan Tommy say put olive oil there's some butter it is already right so then what water pilot like what I want to cook the egg drink off the excess then we can do this [Music] move fast [Music] it don't let the hardpack it on there just do a little pat-down it's not a tedious work marking it again on the eggplant parmesan and things I don't like to stack many layers together I'll show you how I'm going to do this this way still your all sucks up quite a bit but not too too bad by the oil [Music] that's all they're bred for first batch [Music] just going to hit the outside a little bit with a little bit of olive oil salad oil mix you see where it's kind of dry like it's dry right like turning it here a little piece of bar then you know these are the first ones going in so you'll get our heat up so get a good brown on it I love kind of the heat down low on purpose but now it's recovering pretty good so Brown these up I'll put them on a sheet pan we'll do the second batch let's turn these over Brown them on the other side feel it around you get it closer to you [Music] all right look Bob now it looks great a Dustin one just a little bit of parmesan okay I want to put too much on this side cause I'm gonna put him in the oven or a per sheet pan here [Music] I'll tell you what I made it the other day and ate them cold the next morning the next afternoon so good make a big batch of it Sunday no make a make a chicken parmesan sandwiches later on the week all kinds so I do is that take paper towel for the second batch careful of the brown your fingers put these up here to do the second batch and I'll be back with you I'll show you how I'm gonna finish them off okay okay so here's what we're gonna do there's some different so I'm going to do something with the ricotta I don't want to put the sauce down first and again you do whatever you want you put a fresh basil in with it lemon peel fresh garlic roasted garlic you name it whatever you want on this okay well this is how I'm doing it so I know you're all cook better than me out there some can some can't and you know a lot of people learn but whatever I'm not it's a million the beautiful thing about cooking was adapted to your taste oh don't let like wine you know people say back in the old days they had a dream they had a dream red with meat or they had to drink wine with fish you know it's whatever you like I even like to put ice in my red wine I don't know I do I like it even a good one and I tell you what I've made a lot of people angry you know but if I'm buying it that's how I want it that's how one eat so then we want to do is do to carvaka Tommy so these here I'm going to put all together right Bob put these all together give me the cotton with the top on that place so what I want to do is this came out real good the other night the way it did it little garlic powder on top all right it's a little bit on top came up beautiful okay now marinara I can't I just put a little marinara I don't want to sock it out at this point [Music] if you have fresh basil leaves not arrests I want to put the summer some marinara and then what it suggests to serve more marinara underneath okay so to do some with some some grated cheddar and provolone mix so I'll do some with this maybe these here and then personally I like some just with their problem with a like I have to go my chicken pond you know just Parmesan cheese no problem doesn't have a whole lot of flavor I mean aged provolone is good [Music] [Music] hi Bob I heard you even though you didn't tell me man I heard you telling me verbally I'm gonna put a little more cheese you said all right you were thinking open chic that's it but a boom butter being ready oven huh does that look Bob all right huh let's hang okay and you don't wait to try them off yeah no no that I ready Bob that's working all right you'll be right back okay let's check that eggplant now Howdy Doody looky looky see we'll try a little we'll try one of these Bob uses ricotta we'll try one of these small ones and one plain little Dicker's here and then what else we got and then one with no well that's got cheese on just cheese okay they're like I like a meaty so you get the little thicker well that's with the ricotta want tried Tommy listen loser car comes out nice right you could stack these and make an eggplant lasagna you can call go ahead which one's this ricotta thank you very good this our then this one is just the plane with the uh as the NP is gonna be kind of tough yeah love it love it hot or cold ooh at winds kickin Baba all right hey plants good 42 good tasting cheap dinner right there dial 29 upon 4 eggplants peanuts little sauce little cheese beautiful dinner make a hole big fan of it you got a food for a week there's daddy guys come with a blues stack them up a little bit of bread chicken on top a little more sauce combinations breaded shrimp on top miss daddy Jack's going with a blues Tom Walker's back here Bob Bob Jack go on camera about Jackyl productions 165 Bank Street beautiful New London Connecticut abbondanza
Channel: Chaplin's Classics
Views: 105,292
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Keywords: eggplant recipe, parmesan recipe, Italian recipe, best eggplant parmesan
Id: IAJbuSsEjrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 23 2014
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