Korean Barbecued Rack of Lamb - Food Wishes

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hello this is chef john from food wishes comm with korean BBQ drak of lamb that's right before cows and pigs got involved America's earliest forms a barbecue featured lamb and back then barbecue simply meant wrapping meat and leaves and then cooking it in or near a fire which is pretty much exactly what we're gonna do here except instead of using leaves we're going to use a very simple incredibly delicious Korean inspired marinade so with apologies to those that we're hoping for leaves let's go ahead and get started and we'll do that by adding a couple tablespoons of Korean chili paste to this bowl and if you want to use the proper name this stuff is called gochujang and what this is is a fermented rice and chili paste and it is for lack of a better term a flavor bomb and by the way in the blogpost I'll tell you where to find some and then to that we will add a whole bunch of finely minced garlic as well as some finely sliced green onions and mostly we're using the white and lighter green parts and it will also want to toss in a spoon of brown sugar actually let's make it a spoon and a half we're also gonna want to pour in some rice vinegar as well as a little drizzle of sesame oil and if it seems like I'm not measuring these things very carefully that's because I'm not at all but anyway continuing on of course we're gonna need to add some salts which we're gonna do with both regular soy sauce and no low-sodium please we're gonna need all that sodium as well as a spoon a good old-fashioned kosher salt and once we have all that in there we'll take a whisk and give it a mix and as soon as everything's been thoroughly combined our marinade which by the way is also a Brian Anna sauce is done and what we'll do is simply set that aside while we move on to prep our racks of lamb which should be pretty easy since these things are generally sold already trimmed and the ones I bought were and by the way these go just about a pound each and one rack will generally feed to hungry people and it's pretty key that we're using racks that have been frenched which means the meat and fat around in between the bones has been trimmed out and if it hasn't been no big deal you can just stick your knife in between the two bones and trim that away then besides making sure the bones are cleaned off there's also about an inch thick cap of fat that come on these which will usually have been removed if you buy these trimmed which again is how these were purchased but if you do want to trim a little more off where the bone meets the line feel free and then the last little bit of knife work we want to do here before this hits the marinade is take our knife and cut in between each bone almost but not quite until it hits the loin all right so we're just cutting in between those rib bones and not touching that tubular piece of meat below and not only will this let our marinade penetrate a little better but once these racks are on the grill it's also gonna make them cook a little more evenly as well so I went ahead and did that to both racks or as you Game of Thrones fans might refer to it DOS Rockies but anyway once our racks are trim we'll go ahead and transfer those into a zip-top bag and then we can carefully and confidently transfer in our marinade but before we seal this up we want to make sure we give it a very very very thorough massaging all right I'm gonna edit this down to just a few seconds but you're gonna want to take a couple minutes and make sure you work all that marinade in and around the meat into every single nook and cranny oh yeah don't forget the crannies and by the way I've never done this where one of the sharp pieces of bone doesn't penetrate the bag and some of the marinade will leak out which is why I highly suggest placing this in a bowl and what we'll do once those are thoroughly coated and this is sealed up let's go ahead and transfer that into their fridge anywhere between 8 & 24 hours and it's usually not a bad idea to give that bag of flip once or twice while it's in the fridge but anyway we'll go ahead and let that lamb marinate overnight at which point we'll pull it out and transfer it onto this plate and of course you're gonna save any of the extra marinade just stick whatever's left in the bag in the fridge and I'll show you what to do that later and then all we're gonna do to prep these for the grill is blot off a little that extra moisture from the surface with a paper towel and by the way we're just doing this to the fattier side speaking of which once we have that dried off a little bit I'm also going to apply a little extra kosher salt to this side and suggest you probably do the same and then once our racks have been seasoned we'll head outside where hopefully we're going to cook these over some nice smoky coals so that we can legitimately call this barbecue and what we'll do is want to start these with the fat side down for about seven or eight minutes before flipping them over and I should mention we don't really want to do these over super high heat okay I adjusted my vents so I was maintaining the heat of about 350 and at that temperature these are gonna take roughly between 20 and 25 minutes depending on the size and of course how well done you on them right I'm shooting for about 125 internal temp which is gonna get me just to about medium rare and like I said earlier I like to get that fat side about seven or eight minutes before flipping these over and we'll go ahead and cook them the rest of the way just like that which is probably gonna take another 12 to 15 minutes but again it depends on many variables which is why you're gonna use a thermometer to check your work and if one of your racks is a little bit smaller like this one here it's probably gonna finish a little bit earlier so I pulled that one off first and gave the other one a couple minutes and I should mention fair warning the smell is incredible so if you don't invite your neighbors it could be problems although if you do invite your neighbors there could also be problems I guess it depends on your neighbors and then what we'll do once we've decided our meats cooked long enough his head inside and let it rest for about 10 minutes and what we can do while we're waiting is go ahead and transfer any of the excess marinade into a pan and bring it up to a boil so that it's safe to use as a sauce when we serve our meats and above and beyond bringing it up to a boil for safety reasons we of course also may want to reduce it a little or thicken it up which is exactly what I did at which point we can pull it off and go ahead and brush it on to our racks which as you can see we're presenting Flintstone style with our two sets of bones in turn woven and criss-crossed which I think makes for a very exciting visual especially once glazed okay so this step is optional and you don't have to do it if you don't want I mean you are after all the jon hamm of your rack of lamb but personally I think it looks amazing and you'd have to be a madman not to do it I mean come on look at that that's almost not fair I mean I could seriously look at that all day but I'd rather cut into and try some and to carve this we simply cut between the bones normally allowing two ribs per piece since there's usually a bones but this one had an extra one and not only did our marinade serve as a marinade and as a glaze sauce but because of its sugar and salt content it also acted sort of a a brine and it really helps that meat retain a lot of moisture as hopefully you can see here ensure it helps we didn't overcook it but this could not have come out any juice here and by the way if you overcook yours just a hair and it's not quite as pink as you want don't worry just paint some of the sauce on and no one will ever know because with this marinade even a little bit overcooked is still gonna be very juicy very succulent and extremely flavorful and I would have been more than happy to eat the rest of that rack just like that but I thought it would be a professional and plates them up for the final shot with a little bit of our famous prop coleslaw and while our Korean style marinade did amazing things texture wise the flavor and savoriness of this is just as impressive so to summarize there is nothing I don't like about this marinade but anyway that's it what I'm calling Korean BBQ drakul am while certainly not as popular as pork and beef when you consider its richer or slightly gamey or flavor lamb may very well be the ultimate meat for barbecuing but of course having said that if you're not into lamb this really would be wonderful on pretty much anything else including and you didn't hear this for me grilled tofu pop regardless or whether you use some Rocco lamb or another cut of meat or curd of bean I really do hope you give this a try soon so head over to food wishes comm for all the ingredient amounts and wonderful as usual and as always enjoy you you
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 365,350
Rating: 4.9400396 out of 5
Keywords: Lamb, Rack, Korean, barbecue, barbecued, meat, asian, spice, chef, john, food, wishes, summer, grill, grilling, cooking, recipe
Id: zllpghsaUns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 26 2018
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