Race War 2018 - Team Human vs. Team Undead

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ladies and gentlemen on YouTube as well welcome to race war day one is team undead versus team human in our first game of the day is the best of three between yes it is a match between those two guys Lucifer and th in the best of three every map counts as one point at the moment of course at 0-0 s this is the first match of the day trader vs. Korea the two-time world champion is facing one of the strongest and that in the world at the moment and yeah looking forward to it guys without further ado here's the game and let me know if the sound is alright if I am too loud if the music is too loud I always need your feedback on this because I don't hear what you hear the mirror Mads yeah of course Lucifer here in blue in the upper left of equals which is quite a hard map for undead because the expansion is so easy so lucky draw I guess for th if it's still the drawing mechanism they have for the maps a cube and to your opponent bands - within the first map is random we have an arch match snow mountain king early that's more like an in fear proach in fee decline this is turn or to play in this tournament due to personal reasons so team human is kind of weak with th sock blade and who's the fourth one come on jamika of course since he's playing the next mr. Creed as I said before one star player can win you this clan war but team on that is quite hard with Lucifer wfz 1 to 0 and TBC who took quite a few Maps recently against th maybe th didn't take him too seriously he's opening up with the scouts our aware of what uber is doing opening up with the DK with rot of necromancy harass of course and then paint follow up so DK out runs over immediately the acolyte go scouting already so the footman is far out on the map this in Wow two footmen out this is really weird sends one back to help creepin but this delays creepin and he has to use the militia for this little one already but the expansion will be rather a late one arresting footman I kind of like that to put some pressure on the DK but this is guaranteed experience for Lucifer opening up the claws of attack which is nice and here comes the expansion with more militia support of course level three kind of easy to do th pokes the creeps I haven't seen that in a long time Lucifer is moving over has three charges left so average is level two can't deny that anymore good timing by th for creeping this thing is the car oh we actually get sit before the coil arrived so Lucifer please be a little late to give the first person is down that's okay I guess especially neck piles more experience due to the killings of the militants here but the second kill it's still okay I guess I mean the pressure will be bigger once the first fiends come in check us already on the way the thing that th can only dream about and how the expansion starts with the footman standing still here new militia coming in he hasn't seen it's only gonna be for I know here's the pic one didn't see that has to wait for the militia duration to end but I like how poor th was putting a lot of pressure on DK here putting him down to 60% already a power bill doesn't work that well yet first fiend is coming in the middle of the map and morons but that's actually the last one did you research backpack yes and even a skull for more region he kinda needs them for the decayed because he is so low already oh my god this is so hard he's killing so much it's close to three for the Archmage but this is another hero was a little bit unlucky with the RNG of the damage rolls but this is a super late expansion for th he has to call new militia that goes into the lumber intake and this delays the tier two text by such a long time so skull has been summoned you don't see all of it but there's this additional region now and another worker killed old way he's close to level two with another kill here but one creep and only peasants this was like the fifth peasant dying and th is still at level three he had to camp at the expansion of players he four super short on lumber has to go for lumber mill before tech a way before tech this is not working out for th at all I've rarely seen th being dominated by Lucifer like that this is most likely gonna be the town poor so 3 HP Wow Wow he's running away without an holy aura he's so slightly out of range but the Archmage has to go back and so the DK survived or C or step I can't step on to anything q2 is done Lynch is coming slaughterhouse this fur is wrecking him here it is level 3 now though and boots and staff he wants to chase the death knight to get some time Expo is up Tower is there as well but the undead is far far far ahead in this first game but th is the master of the comebacks we've seen horrendous early games for him and with a nicer city whoa potion being youth last second place with a nice little city he can't buy a lot of time for Knights level 2 now finally we do have the unholy aura even more HP regen and of course the movement speed but this is something that makes th so strong against undead footmen harass in the base they're all pretty low though there is only one nerubian and the main and he cancels to push a player's forces are under attack but he cancels the flush in favor of keeping his expo up which is understandable he to tech has started so he's fine I guess 7 minutes in now this taxes will be canceled or is he just going for the workers three teens force five skeletons man this is so much stuff you can just yeah nice nobody can just focus on the auction Tower doesn't do it can't really reach with the skeletons just yet they're massacring the Passons once more while the fiends can reach now a lot of people out there and they're across a nice counter to those fiends gets us around nicely done defend us there as well the strong defense so the only thing that does damage at the moment really is the heroes and skeletons if you ask them or nicer second surround by th the early-mid game is so goddamn strong 420 gold lost but Tier three started but this reliefs th for quite some time firepower is getting less and less can tear down the towers much gets another kill here that's alright two point three on the DK and up level two on the ledge still no frost are more to help against the hoodies Knight micro by th and what's he anything what they are capable to do with footmen it's justice the first dead she was out though so there is region poor Lucifer now he's going double slaughterhouse he can't afford it actually and their second hero coming for th may be oh please yeah waiting for it ah quest against under quite a rare choice I like it he's not that easy to new because of his high HP pool mark is not Oh almost million hours not that important against karlova it doesn't effect spells what he loots for accomplish this was was like you steal here at the farm of the two heroes chicken down so I think he has to give it up in some rat gets another footman close to level two saving that fiend for now so th was not able to wait for a mountain king was with which weakens the super late game destroys our poor is not affected by acid bomb but heroes in fiends are but it looks like players forces gonna be the big destroyer push very soon 39 supply for Lucifer 44 by th and the expansion is paying off it's fortifying everything with towers and he's going tier three immediately improve lumber harvesting is nice especially on a map where you don't have a shred up Alchemist far away from level super the first rounds of Iker items went through the human he didn't make usership at all of the staff so far so that's a little gold wasted and then there's always the possibility of transition ship lizard and acid pump lizard combo is really really strong so if you have a player's very effective and area of effect damage that's a pretty nice pretty nice combo then he has their double workshop for the gyros or the tanks I don't think so tanks usually triple work of course nope it's gyros immediately he could go for some distraction tanks which if he's in trouble you will do for sure Lucifer what's his reaction 30 rope Anna it's very hard to level him and this is the cement city that I was mentioning everything year is protecting the Town Hall the workshops the farms the tower is forcing quite nice here comes a little push three destroyers four towers but the gyros are there four of them and there's no Panda so he's trying to get rid of the towers first that'll - on the Lich but she doesn't help here at all sound portal in by th he can defend this seemingly with ease of course the alchemist can attack hair with right-clicks but the longer he delays this bush the less malice on the destroyers and the less he can do for them against the towers Tier one destroy - the story is about to fall he has plenty of coils has to use one soon can't decide on what though he needs to keep this destroyers life otherwise he has no solution against two footmen on the ground one destroyer dies five supply gone more and more gyros he's waiting for - you're three for the planets and here we go this changes everything only once our remaining though he was about to break this do we have web upgrade I don't think so haven't seen it yet the players forces are under attack black cannon upgrade turns flying machine from single targeted to area of effect against there yeah that's certainly an upside of The Alchemist to the mountain king that he can right-click destroyers but of course the damage is that crazy hi depends a little number on the damage role certainly better than an ostrich right like yeah and what elementals don't do anything at this point they are just feeding the destroyers so Chum our free training kind of mandatory act meal even a bull coming in nice tonight and leveled Foreman this is so much mana especially in the optimist I feel about the ground army of Lucifer really what's it doing it's a dreadlord third for carrying with supports also nice but this might be a little too late we do have a little web but we have a lot of gyrocopters Lucifer is losing one is about to lose the second one night 7 as well against the ground army two statues have to be micro back which is quite hard and he's chasing the flying machine suppose this super fast unit the death light is not in ranged player sports water come back by th killing every single destroyer that's on the battlefield and on the ground what can he do on the ground this one feeds remaining plus the statues which has to be called mount Kings third going for a storm bolt here we go disabled fiend dead coil what's to pull the arm cool down he has enough ground now he should go for us around maybe on the legs slip just strong the gyros of course death supply now oh he even has ground balls or I can detect rounds which is quite nice against civilian statues and here is the surrounded term works and he spoke the townfolk any swaps something or kenny fight out trying to do so with nova and coil helping village stay alive but no he squishes through that night which is slowed dreadlock comes in carry and swarm against the air unit for the asset our target limit day five and I don't know if he has the time to metal them because the expansion is paying off and there's no calendar expansion coming which was kind of the strong suit of Lucifer recently feeling the effects of the carrion swarm though but how much is really left maybe one another feeding debt the statutes are suffering slowly but steady damage another nuke being used here to fight out but the fiend dies anyway but my nations are coming in I think it's a good idea to make these gyros dead supply the damage is the flexible statue down lips in trouble no coil for a few seconds three to be precise Oh Deb I getting Stein damage is not enough though he can't escape with the town portal no storm won't left to kill this little the dreadlord but he held this expansion he's going tanks now he has a nice anti-air army still his hero levels are decent becoming very good and Lucifer's in trouble what can he do except trying to counter expand and that's exactly his thinking hopefully you're sending an acolyte now but I don't know man harassing gyros harassing tanks DHS hard put the hotly pushing forward to the first victory in this clan war going animal war train going upgrades for tanks and gyros going defense upgrade for fiends and I get and here is the tap out by Lucifer gg despite having a phenomenal early game against the expansion where he killed six seven eight Passons and too late the expansion by a long time no chance in the late game or even the mid-game like the first fight the first push where the two fiends died that I don't want to say broke his neck but severely injured it nevertheless you you whoo tough tough tough situation for Lucifer first point for the humans you and th takes the first one for his team he is the star player he has to carry this team and he fulfills his duty as the team captain Nate doesn't work oh I see I will fix it you you now it's working sorry for that you all right the next game is coming this was wait what you Sekou l again ah everybody needs to room the host a little mistake I was very surprised because the map was hosted as echo else again I thought okay is this a new format where you played the same maps over and over I really like like that th was going for gyros instantly like no distraction tanks no rifleman nothing that the latest gyros and then he had four to six gyros during the first push I think you so didn't call appropriately there were certainly chances to save one destroyer to destroyers she didn't do it though from then yet no chance especially once black Helen was done they saw how we melted the destroyers Luther was trying to fly away but you can hide from gyros it's impossible thank you cheese for this up you and the next game is all rock other vetoes at all because usually you get rid of AI and TR as a human so I don't know maybe they all know Vito longtime lurker let you found your way to the subpage wait enjoy your tour experience you you you yeah first casting uh quite a while for me I think since Friday so I feel a little rusty but hopefully it was okay the first game here it's gonna be a long day - best of threes will most likely take like around two hours and then the king of the hill start which could take another two and a half hours maybe three hours it's no hiding from the Kappa that's true I hope you were satisfied with removes casting at the weekend I went to my first wedding ever and was was very very cool but of course I had to travel a little wasn't in my city so that's why I was gone for two days and he had a lot of fun it was kind of exhausting as well because I had to get up at 6:30 and we partied until five six I don't know not my wedding wedding of one of my oldest friends actually wasn't a super big one but it that wouldn't fit them as well you I can't ice up in the twitch app I don't know man I never use the Twitter and to see the beard is still going strong am trying man you you I trimmed it a bit but yam beard is wedding wasn't be small no it wasn't done gust at the North Sea the at the beach you the DJ was so awesome like I was afraid that there's going to be old people music but he did a great job with a little bit of a little bit of hip-hop a little bit of pop lots of punk rock but it was a good mix for everyone something seems to be up with fly joints the room leaves the room I don't know what's up actually company heads now I'm not too much electro it was you you you you can turn the phone sideways click on this dream prints up the title another cast click on the channel name and should redirect wow that's kind of complicated who's the best worker 3play in the world right now in your opinion all around you very hard to say I think offline it's th it's it's yeah often it's th online it's Lin I think so they are more consistent than one to zero so yeah what are the two I mean th and they are the most consistent on the highest so one over the human 1/5 of the work is done if I am calculating this correctly you need five points to win this clan war because there's two points to gain in the best of threes as each map counts as one point and four points to get to take in the king of the hills so that's eight points and with five points you should be good so this is Charlie Rock a bad human map historically because expanding is so hard but they kind of made it work to expand somehow and that kind of made it work you go one day we'll see eh what is firstly if he's playing the super aggressively or not so far I can't see a graveyard but the crypts are it's a super fast hero here's the graveyard who is playing normal feeds I don't think he will expand it's also a fast hero by th what's going on maybe but of course you need here on TR bonking can't really creep anything counting by Lucifer sees the right starting position immediately never seen someone play as well as one two zero ever when he's on this game that's true same can be said for learned in certain matchups so let's say it's a perfect world and everybody plays as good as you can maybe you are right with the ones whose leaders forces or maybe it's lit but I mean th is a two time world Sam how in a row so should we really doubt him it not give a title to him I don't know it's certainly a monster th10 let's talk about Lin we have won 2-0 later in the best of three against amico and of course we are all hoping for the match of won 2-0 leaders versus th to happen back-to-back in deep for waltz no tech yet Percy's bringing the lumber home so he can tack now and th what are you doing it looks like an expansion is creeping first is speculating a little or this expansion here this creep to happen but it's not the age is tricking him and now he's far away once the creep starts the spur knows this now gets to skeletons but the first turtle is gone the second turtle is gone he has to be careful though if giganto NC turtle goes to Lucifer it's a disaster for th not level breathin to get the experience with a water elemental and of course he knows the toil first worker is down can he prevent this at all mr. Coyle there we go in no way Archmage gets it loses for too late arch which gets the item as well this is so bad for Lucifer he kills a lot of workers though gets this level to lots of skeletons here even the goal coming in from this arrest it's only two workers remaining excuse me one worker remaining can you kill the last one he has one more charge of necromancy will gets killed and here's the run and there it's the fifth kill on the workers he has to get an entire new group of workers gets the tower up for four Town Hall and of course those for a second so this last tip was absolutely crucial for th to get his level three other level to welcome and just to be able to defend an upcoming push it helps them to keep its automation life against the new Canadian potion as well but this Expo is gonna be incredibly late a and kind of easy to attack as well what's this position that you put offer I'll try to rock on the back so first screen is out very interesting that we see this for cool play against you in as well now we saw it against undead where WZ prodigious forces are under attack and now we see it versus human I like that approach so far harass continued with a new child to product necromancy and the tower is not yet up one of the strongest timing in the early game Oskaloosa one worker down again second one as well third one can be foiled soon over the skeletons to the job only one remaining woods oh there we go so this is eight pass and eyeing that's true and with the surest like usually this would be a nice timing for th to dive the base because of the tier two tech up lucifer way can't reproduce the acolytes but he just can't leave his ex with a special on short walk and therefore only one worker is hammering up the townhall fiend dies but I think that's okay nature's coming slaughterhouses Welty three take a little delayed it's only four footmen as well are doing a great oh my core forcing the teleporter with one city block that wasn't the greatest move of the skirt at all and he can't get a potion he doesn't have the best items though does he want to creep now I mean chasing the archer is really hard o plus 15 damage at more attack speed plus against them teleportation for th the Chop control here he doesn't have the amount of footmen for his typical base dive so that worries me a little and there's no God's our wish Lynch push with new rules with new skeletons expose up and running though and he's not focusing on the towers guilt the ghoul okay only now nice to burn the matter of the lips whose senses well his regard with a Nova into the worker line no statue pushed this is the wild and aggressive Lucifer if you think back on the games of these half a year ago it was a walk in the park for th game for over in five minutes and now he's struggling that shows you how much stronger stronger Lucifer became in those six months footmen defenders ready no level three though and the expansion is still standing of course he's buying time for steal you check way down it's your second destroyer and second slaughterhouse as well sorry for my coughing we have a lumber mill now you're finally able to go for God's hours and t2 is ready is it Alchemist again is far away from the tavern so maybe it's an MK this time this feels more safe defend of course distracts but in the end it's gonna kill them you can't kill any buildings you can't die for the Acolytes Lich's there with a nova damage is widely spread yet though on decay and two teams there's no coal anymore so these fireballs are so strong with the +15 actually kills the pinna I didn't think that's possible is without a branch of the healing of the statues of that helped me just right-click the decay let's it's really only three years left arch mate and it does so much rich level to now though at level three left light getting more experience here with the water elemental the expo once again and it is the marking second this is basically a mirror match of the game pop or super strong early by Lucifer so much pressure so many kills on the web occurs but eh holds and the longer the game goes the better it is for him Tier three tech immediately a player's forces are under attack and I love how th paints these little moments in the game too creepy tell us one of evasion in 15 shots that makes sense three stepkids now there's only one guard tower and this time he goes for sanctum by the way not for insta workshops yet Ria's done destroy Afghanistan to destroy us up in the air third one as well no healing anymore mass AoE on the workers no masonry upgrade this is hard to hold this is very hard to hold for th but this is the do-or-die timing for Lucifer I feel towers gone floodgates open deaf not distracted though but yeah Exodus counter push as well close to level 5 1 kill 2 5 he's trying to cut the reinforcements I like that play only one base income for th suppose doing single workshop single sanctum interesting choice destroy supplying back to get rid of the threat Oh elementals 6x lightest time well that's no problem here's 5 left this magic damage it's way too strongly killed 1 X less than 75 gold portal portal and the towers and a few workers a player's forces are under attack I guess it's alright it's gonna be level 3 Waterman hope he had a sixth eco light before this time it's a panda on Exile before it's not much to creep over pandas and third zero here you see poor rats what still remaining also two big orange ball so it makes more sense to go for a panda here then it is to go on a cross no wagget and transition know a bomb transition it's even more akin verbally nice the nuke will come with stone ball and Holy Light second workshop coming this time the flying machines are a little later due to the sanctum there's not too much to creepin so much vision for th on the map thanks to these two watching words he knows exactly where it is we have plat Canton's already no upgrades in the works though a players forces are under attack nice tanky mountain cake with ringing telephone leaves and do more oh that's so good flying machine and tool board that's insane but this is actually great polluted for as well ten percent damage on everything that destroyers don't do that much damage without mana so having a plus two is very nice a players for Cesaro cigarette just first getting ready for seventy supply sense one cool into her ass and flak cannons are done you have three on the map gonna be twenties and lucifer's T's the need nice split push he's going to the base years he sees ok there's no tower at all he's creeping with the Panda getting big solo experience from the top arrows and that's double three double envelope ocean and experience and damage to the economy of th this would have never happened half a year ago with yes oh no let's just also three four three three heroes the question is can you deal with the gyros with level two Breath of Fire most likely can you keep the Panda alive with two involves also very lightly but it can't Harlem Panda I mean paladin gets caught up nice breath of fire if he survives as long for the second Breath of Fire all the anti air is gone nice cause keep this destroyer laugh again to this coming person who's being used there's the next rep of fire is going for the Paladin first while the destroyer suffering in the air the next part of vailable no but the next Breath of Fire is he's not focusing with the destroyer against the flying machine I think it's a mistake he's losing each and every single destroyer in the Panda as well of course it's on cooldown year double kills a footman finally he gets her of him and he keeps the destroyer alive but boom this is the storm well on the Panda he's not that necessary at this point anymore he did his job going forth on nice dodge here with the divine shield on the paladin he's up necessary anymore more speeds of falling and there's a surrounded indicate he has no TP yes he got rid of the anti-air I walk twist the ground army nothing GG Lucifer losing this match - oh and th man what a strong team captain he is being under so much pressure but there was no nail for the coffin of the three acts and the tier 3 you an army is better than your undead army you was quite interesting how in game number one the anti air was ths key and Lucifer in game 2 prepared to counter this anti-air and was the gyrocopters were gone he was reigning supreme on the ground that seems very very easy the gyros bought the time he killed the fiends on the ground he got rid of the Panda as well very good mku this year so yeah 204 th that is 204 team human but now things are getting pretty rough for the Alliance as one 2-0 steps in the ring against amico we of course take a little break to breathe a little and Kashmir and then we are back but not without thanking our subsea Thank You Noah 901 3 for the two-month recept hooray tail back to Warcraft that you have a 2 month lease up here thank you very much for Matt and crook see with a seven-month resub he is cheering for the team 9l saying go go team elf yeah they are gonna play tomorrow against team walk with moon Lala Yoshi she and califor our next match is another best of three 1 2 0 vs Tamiko and certainly gonna be interesting can the human hold against it or will it be the 2 2 after the best of three the second game of this Claremore the second best of three of this clan Ward's won 2-0 vs. Sumiko and start looking good for the undead were not able to take a map against th as it is oftentimes the case here and now the big favourite in the past best of three was the human in this best of three it's all day one to zero the wunderkind the necromancer the guy who brought the first major tournament winner on dad since 2012 stepping into the ring against SHINee ko who did have quite a few good results here in their top three from four and qualifiers but I've just yes he failed in according to our statistics is a zero percent win rate versus went to zero yeah it's not looking good for him but we're here you say the same year inter said 80% ruining for watches zero or guessing that he's gonna win Tomiko the clear underdog here but maybe he has a special Strad let's see he has a little pillow to rely on because th the team cap did what he was supposed to do and eliminated his opponent - oh so because there was a question in shed why don't they put 1 to 0 against th and make it more equal player succeeded we can't choose the matches so you see game 1 then you put your one player on game 1 your second player on game - you don't know who your opponent's gonna beat so we end up with th what's Lucifer let th one - oh and one to zero versus Jimmy go 2 million favorites here that night first with a late teen opening and on the other side we see a mountain King rolls Tirico one of the best surround us in the game and if you get a few cool storm walls up and kill a few fiends the mid game is the little easy so let's see if this works we have a first bit donation here whatever it fits by the crestfallen pride 110 second everyone how are you this fine day little issues with my throat but apart from that very very fine hi guys sorry but that fell ceilings work maybe later in the king of the hill phase there's two phases then work two best of fries and then king of the hill maybe we're going to see what to do with the ch later which is of course the dream match that we're all hoping for so monkey moves out with malicious support we call the instant Expo maybe first on ball of the game and obviously a first blood of the game but this is a good tell for one to zero he knows what's going on actually doesn't know if it's expansion former camp he's not to the MER camp to have some self distilling some healing and early access to further search as well almost losing this one fold the toes on the mountain thing this can be dangerous here's the card but not on the Mountain King on the worker to get the guaranteed kill second kill coming in with the skeletons no pressure at all on the monkey but three workers dead so we mask for Sumiko it's quite nice more mana of course without the Archmage nobody gets the Shadow Priests so there is no healing there is no dispel and there's one more coil suit this expansion is gonna be laden this is a lot of tires for one 2-0 tak to go for tier 2 and for the push so this creep in general is a nice idea because you get level tuned guaranteed and a nice item Admiral where excess but it gives so much space to your opponent with all the kills it's level 3 here immediately good creeping by 1 2 0 this is perfectly whoa look at the HP on those skeletons this is mid maxing at its best it takes some time but get some close to level 3 and the expansion attender still it's yet to come he's going for the green spot early to get closer to level 3 but he won't reach that level this is all family no no a few kills only though but once the zeros doing the same rushing to level three and the tier two is more than halfway done and he didn't even start his expansion all right skeleton comes in for the scout so he knows what's up but it's not in the greatest condition he's kind of lucky with the region potion to get a little mana back and HP's without a statue or anything he just lets them go with the second interesting approach but Jimmy cooks just tank you do have the first Berserker f1 to zero ego performance no it's just the normal prequel build otherwise we would have seen one wall and the push to come and then the Berserker would be great again speeds not so much against skeleton he is but all right with stumbled Oh collapse now you can creep super fast and quite safe you have the second Shadow Priests of the game that's the what I need is tanking with a monkey so much and the master is the reason he can spam those spells this is not looking too bad but Shamika but he's wow he's playing this one base layers forces are under attack and what 2-0 is surprised as well this is all my games bite Sumiko rushing a high-level Mountain King and we saw earlier this month or the last month how dangerous the clapping stumble we even see it acolyte led for a possible counter expansion or just to be saved players forever for and protected but he's completely skipping the towers shredder without expansion also an interesting approach shoppers ready you can get everything back up its war equipment so he's not over shooting our footman with all the marks that he gets you can't really afford it but he's still floating in 700 gold so blacksmith is ready rifleman will come and then I guess it's breakers rifle more players forces are under attack which is there with nice vision thanks to the watch award cigar two rings of protection of course not what he wants and now clarity's on the mountain king full aged the full mana despite having no option this is already such a scary hero and of course with the decay you can't follow it after not that versatile with that hero the Lich yeah that Nova is doing well but the single target storm bold and the clab should push him back for quite a long time two-three Tech players statues all of that is good Alchemist second as well make sense against Nova and this destroyer a lead very passive game by one PC which is okay he has the stronger late-game this fight the high-level MK I guess a player's forces are under attack but in theory destroys an abomination should be great here with the hook off the dad's this is the expansion this is the t2 attention but he's being sniped slow on everything but a lot of its peers well nice steel level to give some more mana can you snap yogamaya hide if you want to go for it no he doesn't go for the rifleman and steps cut the book of the dead without destroy it just helping out so much now again everything is healthy though and I will show the oculus must be as a bomb almost life no defense that hurts a little bit I think he doesn't didn't have the time oh chemical H actually what is he reporting the game again this was like storming that hill against Claire but she knew and The Book of the Dead what she saw I don't know man was that the right approach to Michael's doing way better than I thought but here three is yet to come who but it's no expansion yep almost able to fall in the decay but what's the mountain 4.6 upgraded fast a bombs make sense against riflemen it's the lazy counter expansion but it's gonna be Oh actually started counter expansions just a normal expansion also no workers being called there we go so with that fight that went great butcher me he's finally expanding in the upper left ten minutes into the game once you zero that's the same layers forces are under it he sent them back right so one base no push can this work I sense them here guess what there's a sentry ward he knows everything skeleton scouting gear Ward scouting gear so nice for the rifleman but he wants to creep check this teepee out and that buys so much time for this Expo one two zero knows this but he's across the map one a box oh this is so smart he might sacrifice this a bomb but he's delaying the Town Hall with this Mayday and he's right on time destroyer in the air dark Ranger therefore silence and he has to cancel this time this a bomb MVP and now with the dark Ranger and so many low HP units this is gonna be a snowball of skeletons first one dead second one dead good killed seen so far and the expansions coming up for him GG he knows this is not beatable I mean it was quite a good game for Sumiko but I feel if you're going one base you have to push at some point and are playing defensively otherwise the undead is just steamrolling you at some point and I don't know if he gets the expo up if the abomination is not there it's on the high ground it's cool to defend but like this there was no chance a little anticlimactic but he was right I mean this was almost you the abomination did nothing okay just uh he just moved two workers away so the expansion was a lot later thanks to ya power bill but not a real power bill you to one and that's are catching up after the two will win for th it's now match points for one to zero years well I have no clue how this tournament works okay once again I explained it to you you get one point for every map you take we start with two best of threes the first one was Tamiko where was the th versus Lucifer th one that - oh so at the moment it's it was before the match was - oh for the human now one two zero claim the first points for the undead and therefore it is - one at the moment you you and trying to update this as we speak hope it works the way I think it works yes sir okay see ya liquid videos updated now we are waiting for all the players to give us a go so after these two best of fries we're going to have a king of the hill mode you see two players the winner stays alive if you eliminate the other team then it's over now but I think it's just first two five points because in total you can claim eight points in this war you and so you need five to win so one star player can win you the entire clan war fancy background graphics thank you its logo of the tournament sponsored by do you at which alternative and yeah we can thank though you a little because if for example the Koreans want to turn them in an ice-cream teehee we're never allowed to cast because like Twitch's their competitor China doesn't really mean anything to them we are allowed to cast here on Twitch so thank you know you I stink it's 3 1 th got three points for winning - oh where is that mentioned oh one liquid I will ask you Oh you you okay I asked the admin so hopefully we have an answer on that I wasn't aware of here was god damn right I am to point okay so liquor PDA is wrong I was right every map counts it's not a bonus for winning - OH yeah liquor pedia is wrong then maybe someone can edit it so we were right and we go up onto map number two where one two zero can equalize or the Scourge if there's no big upset and shimmy coincidence Amazonia is fairly hard to expand here can be arrest very very hard and we have a fiend opening huh no early DK RS waiting for the t1 and a half minutes what is zero and blue in the bottom left right editing Wikipedia is fairly easy by the way you only need to have a team liquid account and then you can edit it put this be a neutral hero build haven't we seen fire Lord by one to zero if he's fooling around here which she certainly doesn't some team games why not why not it worked against infi if I'm not mistaken Archmage this time betcha miko tavern built or not lit first alrighty this is interesting nova of course great scales amazing focus fire a single target damage off the charts but lips first really it should be a quick level three level two it's guaranteed and then just supernova harass this is what costs one two zero always some points in cheating games its clowning around first beam coming in to Miko take some time players horses are attack creep the green spots - for the expansion what's it trying again to play this solo I think on Amazonia so here's the arrest with the first run of skeleton and the first fee and the second feed this could hurt so much how many last is Kenny Kenny three walk even though is the first Nova so much experience already without creeping anything he's trying to surround the Lich instantly who gets the rock golem Sumiko and that was big and applause Oh drop the Beast used immediately Lich already hurt without having level to another person dead that is his level to chase the way though and never kill the water mental more experience to kill how many peasants to be killed I don't see a single one remaining he sends a few back here one to left you can only build with three now right this hurts she to take on the way morphine's leaders he can't coil so can he keep this fresh up or is this now an unpunished expansion question ego I don't know if that scroll it pretty much rich now creep white easily with full support as well whole second lightning shield no in Fiji G no claws of attack is nice and this is close to level three with this on our course it is a player Sumiko comes in put me arrest before level three that's nice one feet on my god is suddenly dad touch me Oh saves it to the right nicely done ouch Mitch cook chase with yellow boots th tip second feed Superman they are out of the fight for such a long time and the Expo is coming up hydration hoodie distraction works so well split the attention and the school dice as well he doesn't have that much lumber did he lose one already due to the three pack as I don't see a single gold anymore do I know ah there one okay but he has to rebuild it this is super low lumber on one to zero side keeps that fiend alive keeps that fiend alive and the outrage oh my god catches Innova has to TP out almost missed this but those saves up insane it keeps them away from level 3 with the last hit of the water elemental well done chasing eating the skeleton more Nova likely wants to go into the passive line there is no Nova anymore and finally kill this feed can you finally clip of this fiend I think so who frock blocks a little skeleton skip the kill most lately there was one hit don't block mark feet finally dies how about this one can this one save itself Oh slow coming in and the damages go whoa this is risky speaking of risky this Archmage doesn't have boots doesn't have a TP doesn't have a step and there's a note bar in 15 seconds or so that night second I think this Lynch first plate didn't work out at all it can heal a lot any push with just three fiends without his stats who already he stays on tier two he had to invest so much like those gold goes into Gold's the lumber was gone for a long time he built a spirit tower to defend but alrighty when ov already towers only coming up now certainly an interesting approach get some more kills here to worker kills but we work the kills here comes the human army with six five foot six footman at militia support if he doesn't reposition the fiends he has to TP out here's the first around there is another coil but is it worth it he's the first kill Oh death fights around as well yes just walk the GP otherwise the second hero is dead on Tamiko you and your surrounds he can't reach can you get another one there's not even a mountain king but it's enough triple no-nuts triple killed still double kill but man falls to town portal and gets two kills that was a phenomenal defense by Geneva it was an invitation a player's force to do that attack all right can he claim the surprise point for team different tech almost done one two zeros tech is very very very late automated level for more water Mendes and the dispel is far away he didn't do the necessary damage with that ledge simple as that players forces are under attack he skips on the town portal he skips on potions he skips on every lake he can philosophy in time I get the idea with the lid just kill a lot if he gets the lasted on the rock column of course everything changes he did good damage not nearly as much as there at Agra training I don't know no Barnack spoil but yeah there's little damage against the pen a player's forces are under attack jamika was very very very annoying here Martin King out as well if this is Blizzard and he has a Zeppelin at not too much entire okay so most likely Oh crash and burn let loose quite a few or you will lose 20 you and the town poem is far away Tomiko losing all of us footman here beating the DK that was the smart now that's the clash in the human armies basically an existent but storm bolts are another Nova or poor m'kay that's also nothing to save them second hero dad keeping the m'kay and maybe even third here alone yes he is going 43 with triple Griffin aviary taking a play out of ths book this divyam and welcome to the destroyer push against two guard towers only here's Blizzard canted to many themes though the problem is not on the ground the problems in the air nice Nova this man is getting rekt I like the blizzard transition of course gets to destroy as what the mental don't do [ __ ] except feet punking ass bag almost surrounded four is good damage now yeah if he gets the shredder that's a big big big big free reign until the arrival of Dragon Hawks and even then doesn't yet upgrades no getting close Expo is quite safe though I wish to do again oh yeah drank walks out think he has to evacuate three destroyers versus three Dragon hogs but he saves all of them no gyros this time dragon Hawks are a lot slower so you can't fly away from what now town is under siege Griffin's immediately Haledon as well of players so we get stone ball holy light right-click magic damage ghost level 5 his limits k level 3 it's getting better think it dark range is necessary war dreadlord creep Jack the kick speed for the Mountain King but another big item is the first kill thanks to the Opera traction recommend getting stable small shamika's going full anti-air right now with exceptional players how long can he do this knock Ranger it is also against Oh calculate steak by 1 to 0 it's not working I mean it is a little you shouldn't be able to once again a massacre in the past slide pros Jimmy Kobach who's just gathering experience remove isn't here so I can't remember its level three Nova any good I heard from Remo was pretty good expertise level three Nova is really good and we have that plus fourteen limbs in general very strong right clicks and now Nova levels great and he broke the expansion as well crippled echo watch some echoes down to 300 gold only at forty six supply this is not how it usually is level two to level three Nova's now wall boy ste the area of effect one Holy Light that's not gonna be easy silence on almost everything there's no home light at the moment it also no storm both good engagement by one to zero is going for the Paladin here no one on the Mountain King he wants to get rid of many zeros as quickly as possible oil not used for the nuke but to save sad fiend sacrificing it for more Nova there is almost no there's no matter anymore but the Griffins they can't attack the destroyers so he doesn't have a solution against them at all that was the last hole light for a bit and Tamiko taps about seeing the overwhelming mass of destroyers and can't do anything against it so th winds - Oh what - zero wins - OH human versus undead it's - - in this race war and now we start the king of the hill Mo's each team has four players we have seen th and Sumiko we have soccent blade as well and the team undead we have seen one two zero at Lucifer and the additions to bear this WFC and TBC so whoever eliminates the opposing team wins this race war and claims the points we don't know the seats yes but we will in a bit we send you into a small break to catch the breath and get some eSports money off of twitch and then off to the king of the hill mode just gotta win it team undara team back with the first match of the king of the hill system it's do-or-die now for the human race we have sock or for the undead we have W of Z I just got the notice that is if it's t bc o w FZ both with Chinese characters okay now I move as well so the winner of this map will take the lead and the loser has to be replaced while the winner stays alive that's how this king of the hill mode works and yeah since the two one or ones for both - oh it actually is equal yeah the winner of this king of the hill wins the clan war sock from Korea versus W of Z from China the king of team matches and we start on twisted Meadows and very very very good position for WFC usually the under the human always go for the laboratory creeper please well there are changes - and this is what's happening here yeah we see the militia call acolyte is already there how far along is the DK can get quite some hits but of course the Archmage can get almost up to level 3 here as well 1 2 3 4 6:7 militia should be able to do it slaughtered already gone DK is making his way over Oh Mad Ants they're here this one is certainly gonna fall twelve intelligence ago and the flute dream drops costs off right off the bat I mean to experience would have been better but this is plus two damaged and in gets the kill from the creep to zero experience use the first one to new skeleton see one who woke them and what's worse with the experience but he's focusing first of the workers to the lay the expansion even further against the third one yeah so far nice micro can you keep it up or militia form used this is close this is real close no tower in the main though but he saves it so far and this skeleton will die as well good an important save for the career the undead what did you get done to kill zone leaves are under attack one for one for the creeps and one was the night I guess so quite a few losses but not much XP which i think is good ah but it wasn't for the creeps sorry it was the Archon age so even better oh can I keep this alive just fight the two Skelly's it can run away but one of the militia duration is over arch mates trying to help the duration for the skeleton he's expiring first yesterday oh he's so close one more sorted and then he has it but he's about to yeah what is it Dino turn into dust and that's what happening Bear Grylls and this is visitor clouds for sure mighty mighty person so two to check on the way halfway done for WFC and would be very surprised the end it won't win this he is the big favorite here more militia the expansion creep didn't even start yet it took a long time for him to recover our attack from this we have ruthless back I will think of him once we have a little downtime here it's only Carl it's no unholy or I doesn't get the first-class city does get the second one though one foot then it's already down it gets the big one here as well with the ring of regeneration which is always nice another footman dies that's the second one that's not too good but now we focus on the workers gets the level to finally that's too big the rest but also level three for socks he has the Walkmans how long can you stay in this fight nice damage calculation he knew that one fiend shot and one coil was enough so he got his level two which is nice but he lost he killed quite a few footmen but he can set this Expo and the Expo is far far far away from the undead mix which is coming slaughterhouses well III once more delay under siege what now creep up to level three on this side forces are establishing this town halls can't get the kill sokka's might bring well against WFC he pulled six workers I guess so losing one sending one away isn't the worst thing in the world he's not losing anything in the base so far I like spike how do you do this expansion will be like oh he's about to be forced to stop our bill into his resources skirmish in the middle always right clicks on the DK pretty nice especially with the police forces are under the past three damage and now Scout towers already skeleton arrest doesn't do that much anymore but all it's being caught kill again this is his first look for the village this was the last court I don't think wz can engage much longer against two upcoming water elementals well the heroes are just two nobody keeps them away from whatever sock has Sookie boots yeah no need for heal this of course means can later solved but you can't deny the towers because Tier three is over [Music] how many people right-click right-click town is under see very difficult situation for WS despite having the two for teens I don't know if defenders ready either he researches already or it will take some time if he doesn't have to fend this looks good for W because you can know about as long as this DK is tough it's only right clicks on him nights around by his sock that has to be the TP whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa this was cold and cheap he basically at the same time keeps the feed alive and DK as well holy [ __ ] that was like a split second he is forced into a potion though he didn't kill too many footmen teching at the UH players forces are under attack to be able to call militia from there I like it statutes have to work overtime it's gonna be a double level up there we go so much time for some tonight the big red will be obviously nice no bow or everything is slowed we do have to fend now but it results in another kill if it keeps those footmen low footman council think he has a decent chance of players fortunate and snare this is the killed statue and therefore our elders the destroy a push is less effective already Oh coleauxv on the Archmage is he over extending his welcome what's he doing temple he had so be masters here three ready only one slaughterhouse in a dark ranger sir showers coming up now I think he does it in time see cuz it will take some time and a lot of resources to be able to morph or destroy he only has two when two destroyers is really a threat if you have some towers up just the first one Nova will hit big that's it big let's try upgrade finish so now it's kind of do a diet pisaq if he loses the expo now his game is over as I said only one got home only one level of masonry no anti-air solution at all blacksmith laid lizard transition okay this hits the fiends super duper heart he's not my career out of the blizzard and you know fiends don't like the cold weather at all he's losing more and more mana on the destroyers speaking of mana there's basically nothing left except one Nova it was a perfect opportunity I'm just waiting for an opportunity for a hero soon or something I don't know on that handout seconds against destroyers he wants the full AOE mode it's no statue anymore maybe that was a mistake because reinforcements might be cut up and he needs the a we heal yeah absolutely does he says the three heard fiends a waste of hand I wasn't able to reach love your lure Neal yeah you know what I mean I know I know I know I mean apparently they got used to the better weather here on twisted and stuff otherwise that wouldn't be worth that much problem is er if they enjoy it and it's kind of spiky you know char matches around the quite a few sacrifices to keep WFC away from the expansion nice coils he's really doing this well shuts him up with a silenced and level three Lynch and the healers back the focusing on the workers at the moment not on the towers or this is over corruptions a big help but the Blizzard helps them stand the ground speaking of ground I like to burrow reach it means he doesn't have to use that much manner first breakers are coming in burning some mana on the lit shoe just have another loaf of frost armor or car no box but the potion is there whoa what a game on a knife's edge where is the anti-air he's only going for one sanctum where for double sanctum only going for second purpose ostrich in trouble has a potion there's coils goes for it another one silence again but a little too late but her fire hits but the problem with the Panda is he's not getting its peak w of Z is not losing too much he has zero experience I was like anything since the arrival of the Panda that's huge one Minova one more coil in the bed the reinforcements are constantly cut off the breaker dies he needs gyros so whatever we love to see the blizzard into the statues or the breath or anything opposed to can't overextend and the set is of far in the back so the positioning for the blizzard against the fiends way easier this repair costs a lot of resources more reinforcements this time with a meat wagon significant damage increase men against buildings costing more repair everything is back up to green mass militia be called wow sock is kind of desperate or knows if this wagon stays alive I am gonna be losing this game but with the cross-arm or it's kind of nice so far still no experience still all the fiends up 65 supply diseased club works against practice as well he needs more healing with Locke what a nice army composition is throughout the entire game only 1 damage top of time and that adds up going for the arch match now here's Kali is nobody is right click so that's it gee it must be gg without the blizzard how do you want to control this army this overwhelming 70 supply undead army the Panda is trying to hold against this but since his arrival it's still zero experience more and more militias are coming from the main trying to hog down this mate a meat wagon but there's cost to repair from his acolyte and these militia are just butter Stein one after another he never got rich again what a die back GG whoa whoa whoa WFC in the end this was really strong sock making mistake of not going into air but I like the more conservative play by wfz a lot more not morphing all destroyers just going for a few and have a statue on the ground not this all in push if you know Stanny damaged it didn't look that bad after the early game though but then pressure was just you it was close position so yeah that was help never suddenly out but the initial arrest wasn't too strong and then the expansion of course is far away like if you have laboratory close position the expansion is far away you you so Sumiko is stepping up not late so it's Tamika versus wfz now who took the lead for the undead it is Amazonia again but yeah finally some time to thank you loser who once again gifted 10 subs to random viewers here to stroke if need is one Kongo Miller 88 hints damn it TJ existentialist lemak marina no nightfall MJ e raffle ESCA gone and commuter heavily I don't know man what would be be without you we are at 655 subscribers now and I think the path to 700 looks quite good we have this way race for every single day of the week now starting today tomorrow is gonna be Nidal versus work on Thursday there is human versus work on Friday we have human versus night out on Saturday night Oh purses on dead and my favorite matchup on Sunday for courses it's really crazy how much a business supporting us WFC is going for a little toilet break you so if you have questions let me know there's always small periods of time where one viewer is supporting us a lot but here who's keeping this up for such a long time already speaking from the heart man thanks if I can ever help you out again with something like this late master model then just let maybe we have a cup cast on Saturday as well should be done by Remo then is I'm going to meet my father or first time in a while and thank you to the boys ticker at liquid now let's appreciate it that I don't have to do it myself you yeah let's call out my favorite coat I still didn't try me Oh coke but would be nice to have a sponsorship ifit's or monster I am so bad in approaching companies we do have a sponsor presentation ready but I'm just reading I'm just so bad if you guys are experienced and want to help us out feel free to drop me a message on this corner of your mail I mean we have 50,000 Twitter followers now 5,000 Facebook Likes 20,000 YouTube it looks good I think our numbers aren't the worst so if there's some marketing specialist out there just hit me up this is the next game then we have wfz stayed alive and that's why now the lead is on the undead side - spawning in the bottom left oftentimes an MVP at nostalgia battlefield at the latest race war he's always there defending the scourge defending his team usually when he's alone Danna that's where he takes a few hits here and there Tomiko is a decent player I thought it would be an uprising star he kind of hit a ceiling at the moment but maybe you can surprise now yet good games against 1 to 0 in the NT and that was too strong now WUF is certainly at least half its year below 1 to 0 has a very different approach to the game than 1 to 0 even though wow what amazonia Mountain King first what the hell am I seeing this is so rare I mean level three is doable but it's not easy we saw this MK play on last huge where we tried a late expansion that didn't work but it was close but especially here like Mountain King first you cannot go for the gold mine the players forces are under attack all right let's see no lightning shield here so this creeping takes a little off the pace it's nice for Beth but I think you want UK starts with a further not with this laboratory is closer to the human base and key positions himself closer to the Shawn I mean you can't prevent level 2 your attack this is best of one you can cheese as [ __ ] yeah it's true what's this game plan okay it's the expansion what the hell I don't understand this but since he's doing it he might have a way of wak'd making it work lotto skeleton coming in for a skill here but he needs this Brock oh absolutely Clavis was nice against the skeleton but everything here is hurt two three work assert for workers hurt walking disaster yeah all but two peasants at that and that's not even a single feed yet he doesn't want to risk this so he gets level three yeah I guess the spread of the beast yeah he has to send in three new passings level two is up now we can start this creep he has an extra acolyte against tier ass that will be coming no doubt about that players forces all right five six footmen still remaining lightning shield is now can you get to level three quite fast as you want to go for the Morlocks already this takes quite a while without skeletons jamika scouts this should be boots no it's a step okay so constant laning interesting with the Mountain King against the echo lines were ready gate went to DK to be careful though can't give this up he does give it up to a stone ball but now he's slowed and now is he surrounded as well he has a step so it's not even that bad like surrounding with fiends its mission impossible so he just gets out g2 is ready expansion not a player's force only one tower AK nothing in the base no defense yet white close to level three but no real targets in the human army compared to the play of Lucifer won 2-0 before his DK is almost always full help I like that approach but the taskmaster yes so he has to focus the Mountain King before attacking the taskmaster here this cost time that's cost HP but you should be able to secure this okay will be level 3 if he's getting it all bound King steals at level 3 point 7 already those steals were really really good now he's retreating to the safe space of the arcane tower and the shop so skeletons don't do anything DK has to have three coils if he has defense soon then what can wfz do at this point and he asked a fancy motion of man already that's a fast one so defend is ready right now that makes life of the themes a lot honey can't lock down the guard tower those split second thing he's always going in favor of Kimiko with a taskmaster with a renegade now with the tower case he has a lot of coils yep he does have a lot of nobody yep but bolt surrounds all ways possible clap as well one of the beasts as well oh this looks like a disaster first fiend dead second fiend about to fall he's no buying against it but that doesn't work mana potion being used to third fiend getting coiled getting safe but for how much longer nice Nova timely securing level 3 and there was a lot of wasted mana on level 1 coils if you really really don't want to use for you're that close to it honking a lot of region mana and HP likewise and now the siege begins are under attack still with it or other tier 3 tech is so late but the tier 2 tech is late as well right 8 minute from the teeth readings of a Tamiko blade this read his mouth can play pretty damn strong the shop I don't think you can break this let's get up to mr. wrestling if he sees that there is no tower calls for new militia and this should be the end of this little vacation W did clap should be counted by Nova but it's not trying to surround again surrounding actually fairly easy I got at MIT with bolt and clap or else against it but add those coils on the fiends really justified I mean it prolongs their life for like what three seconds ah this is the Zeppelin can't help the ghoul but can't help the pean some experience with passes and one footman here and there but it's one seven footman Tech is still there only one nerubian with Anika which is it up to this quite a trade footman versus feeds a plaque is is the Achilles heel note our able to drop into it shredder is there so easy like sniper there is an opening for WFC and let's destroy pose to the press the blacks in masonry and more more towers of players forces interacting with the Zeppelin pretending is not really pretending to draw it's just using it as a snap because there is no anti-air at all but of course tamiko's not falling for it destroy upgrade first hoping for a potion of mana getting his way during healing this solo m'kay is so scary he finds the time for the time and for masonry first level is up six towers I don't think it can break this without wagons two destroyers up but it can't even go for the bases this has to be accounted leaders forces are under attack second SEP hose a purse against this tower is scouted though and yeah there was always missing a coil interestingly two footmen down the T piece out immediately don't think he got any killed because there was no spell six-deck light is still up didn't get level five blacksmith and power belt now flatmate vanish ball combo coming up leaders forces are under attack and then tanks or the Queenie gyros nice play by WFC getting quite a few kills with this nice district positioning denying this gay town is a little on the magic so it's gonna be nice oh no it's Bruton aviary again but only two does have the resources for more well this poor flatmate though he is so dead oh don't say to the back like the scout this is 7/5 but if he kills his old so there's no paladin so at least he has that no level-3 lips rebuilt the altar it is triple aviary now only has lots of gold to spend for Dragon hogs everything is super well protected layered sports taking time for meat wagon but it he said 62 supply already okay he's storming this now in were posted on the Mountain King and yeah with level 5 man holy [ __ ] slap again it's kept level 3 by the way and he break all of these towers without losing too much all this destroyer about to fall clutch coil nice silence going for the bomb King but he's so tanky let's just stupid dad okay see there's a coil now and again can't do substantial damage to the human economy Helen incoming Griffin's incidentally again he won't have a solution to destroy us so he shuts down any opportunity for wagons with that because they just melt but what to do against testers it doesn't even have right kicks from observation storm what level to clap level three the stability a lot of her teens could be target for one shot especially with banished but he doesn't have that yet oh boy - I guess the coil was on the way but collab bold and right flicks from Griffin's destroy the starter this dark Ranger and of course he's feeding and of course he's chasing and of course there is a tongue buckle I was about to say holy life but no can you imagine this damage was banished can you play it in your inner eye how much damage that's gonna be with six Griffins vanished bold and holy light and clap icon a player's forces are under how long did he endure the seats how long did he had to wait for this level five and four the necessary units so patient rude braces for once the end that is happy to see it how can Griffin counter destroy as they can't they killed everything else and then the manner from the destroyers are gone then they just do 20 damage and then you don't care that's what you do storm em up great as well a players forces are on roofs with AoE he needs that W as he needs to change something here this is not working and this is level 2 for the black nation have fun with vanish balls nice silence you know good coil is well with the clap is there doesn't get the lasted only on this one next destroyer up in the air and weapons coming in this but all miss micro that's the kill for sure it's one of the Griffins you need to remove this Black Mage it's such a huge support right now amplifying the damage by so much : can be spam but actually wfz is taking an amazing fight and killed so many of those Griffin says everywhere no but no about ethical wow what a comeback he just went into the ropes and comes back with his super big lariat and now it's anti magic shield time did he just lose five rivers forces are under attack I think he did astonishing comeback Benji's will take some time though until they're able to protect against all this magic and spell damage this room bracers is so important it can produce themselves way more aggressively with this little despoil always going for the black bedsheets take it out but not yet a weapon again now we have four Destro's he is in the position pick and hurt the economy again he never caught up and spy what a tug-of-war this game is we do something at the exponent nothing coming and now with the lack of the lack of Griffin's you could go for meat wagon again but of course we invested a lot into the Temple of the Damned you want the Santa magic shield and curse as well there's no dispel players so the unit's most happy be using only Griffin offs anyway and they don't do much against the stores I don't do anything against being they don't do too much against heroes can he again start a comeback anti-magic shut us there on the lid on the dark Ranger not on herself this coil Castle is about to fall he is pounding for such a long time on this castle door and Tamiko has to engage to save it but there's anti-magic shell he's going for the Griffins immediately first one almost dies doesn't put it the last hit here though all the marking of prod nice clamp again little mistake by wmz cannot focus properly this time the nuke was nice illusions everywhere fiends are falling was starting to fall this range for the Mountain King catches the holy light his silence though is being chased again level up level 5 of the decay that's another coil saves the unit with that but this time looks like some equals you as with the effort even though everything is hurt leaves kicked all the banking guys this time this time he got the damage necessary he's trying to chase but no they was Dark Ritual he went for coil or in a way they weren't the most emotion or use Dark Ritual maybe a potion and without this MK without the control what can he do the heroes are still up the fiends are all dead though can he engage this I think WFC could have won this with better focusing quite easily they were there were a few Griffins up for a long time with like 10 HP he need the healing transferring the manner and now it's magic solo the pop big pop oh yeah thanks thanks thanks yeah he found the big potion before true that there was also a little too fast to me Mountain King not getting back from the tavern but from the outside that will take some time doc Ranger has the time of her life Lich's well innings six targets at the same time and the cast and there's no repair even the DK in tower age now but he breaks the castle no Griffins anymore aunty supply suck Tomiko desperate attempt to cancel this counter expansion or what it's not too much gold left in the mines so you shut this one he still has mining at the expansion but the Mountain King will not see the light of day has to be a temporary Bible he didn't rebuild it here and that is so expensive town is under 700 fool he has enough lich super close to five dark ranger level three and a half already and yeah the mountain can respect instantly getting some mana transfer but what we've seen against the castle will just continue against the townhall you can't call for militia there which will be eaten up by nowhere anyway we have master training yesterday so what now nothing no consumables we just sold something to get mobile he still has his production buildings up but he's still surprised this gold mine of course lasts forever but this main goal - down wfz cannot make a break in this mountain king is the storm will use the clap there's no coil at the moment heading for the dark Ranger oh did she coil the wrong target there clap again he's in rage can he chase his Chinese back yes stumbled there's no silence anymore now and Kenny turned this around once more there's so much damage on this decayed he's trying to hide a little with the weapon that'll feed - oh god it's my level five so bold again old boy there's a town full of the Mountain King this is the last storm well can he prevent the damage he's trying to with no bar this is so sick he gets the kill and now no Carl's anymore Tomiko seems like he's defeating WFC and that's exactly what happened back whoa losing his castle but again the rebound after being almost his penis there his army was gone almost gone his cast was gone he invested his last gold in the last second into the last possible Griffins and they gave him so much damage than the six sick Mountain King control you just fantastic wfz didn't make sure that he would get an expansion so he was forced into this all in epic comeback absolutely great and so he ties up the series once again one of the great undeath is down and it's 3-3 between human and I'm dead and we're gonna continue with the next challenger who will wait he the Lucifer 1 to 0 or TV CBM stay tuned hello and welcome back to race war day number one I'm dead versus human the series is once again tied up 3 to 3 before these between these two teams and now the next challenger awaits watch amico what to come back holy cow this time it's TB CBM throwing his hat into the ring and the map is Anton's okay the remaining players are Tamiko blade and th versus TBC lucifer and 1 to 0 the star player is still on the bench they don't want to throw them and yet to save them for the later and more important stages of this plan TBC he defeated th white a few times recently on single maps and this is best of what and this is the best on that map or the anti human map because expansions are so hard to do so what do you do Tomiko he's not using his ultimate weapon from the past game not going for the mountain thing this is an Archmage so Archmage one base for expansion with like 9 peasants we have a new sub here thank you but how's our motto for this up helping us together up to 700 which is quite nice he loves of haste DK coming over to arrest of very early TBC certainly not on the level of WMC off Lucifer off especially not one to zero but in this matchup can cause a few surprises very aggressive coiling to make usage of that mana regen are not throwing it away forces are under attack so so far two points were claimed by th by defeating Lucifer of two points were claimed by one to zero but by defeating Tamiko then WFC won the first game against sock and Sumiko got the revenge to their 23 3 at the moment interesting approach to not go for the expo he's checking one base second time we see Tameka with one base play today first on last refuge verse 1 to 0 and now against TBC with suddenly all was expecting this attack this little green spot creep tells him ok it's either a super Lennox for what he scouted it was Phillips wheels or a one based play and he responds the check himself the human tech is faster than the undead tech when did you ever see that all right lots of tools and that is bad hmm it's good against footmen early there's no clap so that's also fine they melt against water elementals though especially once they are little too they are better against footmen once they have defend but of course against it you don't need a pen better chance for surrounds of course as well riflemen will suffer if the ghouls can reach under attack so we're gonna have skeletons near tikrit Archmage is super close though TBC doesn't really know what to do he's kind of trapped she knows okay I need experience I have zero and need to make use of the gold because the ghoul timing the earlier you hit better but once I saw the scream I'm gonna get jacked I'm gonna lose like three goals a place so what to do I mean yeah you can go for the berserkers and creep them that's fast you give up your neighbor creep spot to the Archmage gonna get level three TBC is completely baffled by Tomica going one place I don't think he predicted this at all I don't think he saw a chance for the human techie he's already on tip - he's getting his Mountain King one arcane sanctum blacksmith to stir up riflemen are coming and he's rushing tier three winners those thought I was here doesn't really need it he's not taking any damage so far [Music] WAIS jamika playing because he won the last game it's like winner stays alive loser gets replaced pumping out secular drivers are under attack plus the long rifles upgrade finally you can stop yes the aura and the synergy with the ghouls and the auras I mean if they are fast already with the aura they become trying this expansion again just like you did against won 2-0 against I don't think this works with a later tech still going double slaughterhouse of players forces are under attack we'd love to see a dread Knight grand on 3rd and the problem is now that there's so much piecing damage with a level 2 what elementals with the rifleman and you have more single target damage to nice deal more single target damage was with a storm ball that ghouls just melt so he needs a different approach going for statues of course dock Ranger is viable as a third tier Oh dread Lord fire missile 30 [Music] Blair's getting away with this abstention despite there being six goals that cannot happen he has some good scantiness Kelley's scouting so he knows the positions first Walker down second worker about to fall and now the boots are there to knock down this town hall that's a dangerous timing fortune Rico because he invested so much into this Expo didn't fill the 50 supply army mounting as level 3 though a little too late with the clap nice timing by GBC who also killed a lot of workers so you can't go for the second attempt immediately but that is the mighty clap against tools how many will lose here's the first one and the second that was ok that was absolutely ok the further you get gee you go down to the tech tree the stronger your army becomes a player's forces are under attack and the more likely it is for the undead makes sense against all those low HP units who are medium our skeletons are great and having silence against the mayor's forces all right what to do now it's very very old-school on that now with ghouls destroyers nation progress and that's a lot of stuff coming pancha miko he knows what's up but the timing is a little off the militia arrived a little early taking some pre hits but they will soak up so much damage if TBC takes this fight but she absolutely should not destroy us right now though five riflemen and what elementals you can only more one once not going abominations early just have the destroyer against the water elementals militia move back no second expansion attempt it continues to pay this one base gets another destroyer saves the statue with this now at fifty supply both stay below upkeep to not you lose the echo advantage a player's forces are under attack the levels are not scary the level 3 mountain is scary the Archmage is not scary at all but level 4 he helps out so much doesn't get level 4 years yes he does oh boy he caught us right in the middle of everything where's the Nova where is the perfect situation for Nova he doesn't want to clean the staff puts it back to the economy it was I think a lot more potential everything was in one place you could have no but everything but he wanted to go for the guaranteed killed he was also a good approach just at mine but he must once again the mine saturated 5700 here it's the same so no big the first of all my nations forces are under attack it's not too much damage for the disease cloud is there as well so the priests have to heal the entire time of the Mountain King got an insane mana regen and a mana potion Nolan follow-up gets the priests return kills are obvious the town is under siege he spends a lot of mana knowing that he has another potion and the players still walk the mentals who are now just butter to the Destroyers can't pretty position this a bomb up front the meantime little scouting going on TBC 44 he lost a lot of ghouls there likes three she cannot breaking up keep just replacing what he lost a player's forces are under attack there is no not a single tower bodyguards is main with the rifleman which I like it's almost no anti-air here's the dragon will take forever in the bounty King causes a lot of the traction here getting nuked though but he has a post and an involved we should be fine but you get rid of this abomination he gets river disease cloud and that's big I like how he stays away from this plate so nothing gets diseased clouded Wow except the mountain king but he can certainly afford it now this cloud is not spreading at all very very good position mentioning it we'll post it on the mountain king going for the DK trying to force a town portal to get this dragon himself which is easy to creep with all the rifleman of course finally silence a player's forces are under attack crates for the rifles he breaks up as he sees the TVC is breaking up Kiba doesn't himself mass a bombs now you can maybe you find a position where they cram ball up and block each other still not and this time the riflemen are not there is calling undersea no militia it's just a big conga line of riflemen I don't know how long it can take those fights anymore no one's getting better soon abominations are becoming more and more under attack and one was ok to new with stumbled and focused in that very position before as I said the longer the game goes the better it is for TBC shut up giant strength peace it against the storm bald on the other side first loop would be great robot the mage I also fantastic so much now it's trying to break this again destroyers put me to core over this with Nova so much damage against the echo but he doesn't want to let it end forces are under attack and then just got 10 percent stronger second up I feel like Kimiko has to push this GBC forgot a cigarette so he stays at 60 if she Miko consequently starts to south production here he should be able to take sixty-five sixty-five and I guess he needs to hide but how does fight against destroyers can't go for slow [Music] you do have slow with the clap but you have to hit it really really well aash match for six Blizzard is absolutely necessary there's no reason to stay at what elementals at this part of game he needs clap lattissima well I think the rally point was on the mountain Kings are using this one for free does he know now granting level like the constant harassed by TDM to TBC p.m. daily playing it a little bit like a guard did he have the time for the blizzard transition we haven't seen it yet no one to the Soraa yeah these swordsmen they don't stand a chance how well can the a-bombs connect the clap is nice but there's Walter mental still he is lacking damaged so goddamn hard nice position for the Destroyers barely touch tubule here by these riflemen bonking always in the middle of everything the kiting game is okay so far but there's plenty of coils I like the positioning of CPC mana is almost gone now he just have one more post has to use it soon the mount King is the only thing that actually does something it was a little afraid of the dark Ranger picked up the post from another mountain king falls into the envelopes another clap there is another coin but that was the last one he doesn't have her mana potion himself and to a bombs already died and the rest is dropping low he has to get out of this Tomiko holds on rather easy getting more kilts on the a bombs and now what two more coming in one is super hurt and that's level 5 on the Archmage can the heroes carry this almost alone without too much mana that's it one more coil and no mana burn you from any breakers this Nova will hit hard in the priests you can see the constant decay what the coil again haven't seen the noble but I guess it went into the priest what a slugfest here Tomiko is losing almost everything and my prediction was completely wrong and this snowball though with a level 5 MK he does have so much mana thanks to the brilliant aura nice detonate or dispel rather trying to get the town for love unity swaps the Arg really like that play well there's two more stumbles 36 supply only 40 miko let's check the gold mines 1,500 all star ball again is there a connection with more it's not get the Nova and he somehow guy ran away this is so close to Carl and to know by invested we had the priest to heal he's running back in a little Miss micro but he's not punished for that can he storm bolt him out of nowhere scout with a water rental and get a long-range stumbled out no expansion possible he has to rebuild his army 1100 TVC as well to a bombs in the base 8 supply in the base but now is Blair's Tamiko stays alive thanks to the level 5 MK spike killing 3 a monster Soviet now it's six it's a disease cloud not so much nothing left to creep love these mana potions same as Linda's with the TC against NATO you can just spam everything does anyone want to whether slices are under attack double level 5 you scroll in full mana potion on the other side barely any consumable except the invocation no fiends at all they will just die he needs some more precursor but against leave our horses are under attack they didn't waste ok all in by TPC sells to production buildings sells the graveyard so no upgrades on them one defense oh no not at all in it just sells the buildings to have more gold for this expansion Mountain King Scouts it these inves casts so he knows gold mines are dry on both sides what should we go to 30 gold for me not enough optimal betray so it's still watermelons they are super strong they are very hard to dispel especially with only two destroyers but you saw it's working and here's this but again you can just spam the spell they will for the Lich doesn't make too much of a difference though no whereas today on two gold mines Mountain King is to carry Archmage is only there to provide the aura and the Mountain King has to do basically the entire damage there is two Oh riflemen yeah when what count is the collapse level five on the decay and now coils against a bombs are absolutely worth it was waiting for red where are they first one died for the next one dies big Nova big Healesville against the next a bomb died he's full mana why is he not calling this maybe saving the mana for the funerals but I can't believe it should we go down to 41 the mass of supply Adventure three able to dump 2% that will fall the dark Ranger niches far away from level five flap again get rid of another a from the nation and another one down south these a bombs are not working he is not calling a single one of them there we go but way too late TBC is dropping heavily and somebody's trying to go for the yellow focus is there something to save him not really when he has to set up the fight for a little bit and at one point there is cocky there's gonna be hell that matter for the decay he's going for the nuke again call comes an MVP down and that's the GG that was the wind condition getting rid of the mountain king I was very very very afraid for TBC in that last fight there was basically only one a bomb left but in the ends the nuke was all right and he was I wasn't all right to save all this man I in the end of course he was right but couldn't this was it worth it takes us to risk I don't know man if it takes if he stays too if it keeps to a bombs alive for more a bonds live maybe it's a little easier but he did it all right he won the games Who am I Who am I to judge you you so TBC wins this and the next human that's coming up is either blade or th so we are fall for the undead three for the human and we will see the next opponent is no commercial break right now hello and welcome back to race for day one human versus undead the scourge is leading for three and now it's up to blade to make up for that the European contestant is stepping in the ring on last refuge he has to face TBC Lucifer and one to zero they're all alive his partner in crime is two humans left alive three Undead one of them is going to die either blade or te see who has of course the ping advantage this blade is playing from Moldova but he's used to that he plays ewc el e w c3 l GW CLI thing chinese clan war he also plays w knee which is also chinese competition so he's used to that he's making a name in china and they selected him as the replacement for interview declines invitation can he justify his nomination as the fourth human well will he give yet another map to TVs I'm starting off with a normal build order here on last with huge on the other side Lane isn't Mountain King while Archmage usually it's always hearts rage for him but maybe he wants to switch it up a little if TBC loses it's gonna be three match points in a row there wins sorry if TBC wins gonna be three match points in a row for team Undead but then they have to eliminate it's an MK you've seen a lot of claps a lot of star bolts didn't bring too many victories though he died in the last game and that was the demise of Kimiko if he plays it as a first-year though we're gonna have these stone balls earlier we're gonna have these clips earlier we're gonna have a level 5 Martin King in no time here on this map at least level 4 but he has to be a little more conservative with this manner because there's no arch match at the moment only at tier 2 maybe not even then expanding here is possible with a mountain King so easy to take out Tomiko decided to go for the mercenary camp for expansion and play at one base and try to teach work for that didn't work at all starts with the green cab they're not going for the most protection they've seen a lot of bad items so late fiends of course by TBC checking now play producing more workers and I think export time soon oops out looking for the Deaf night here at the green spoilers and the high priests are attack late oftentimes struggles with Lucifer or she he BC is certainly on their level or even below compared to she coos but okay Expo coming now without level 2 DK Zack but he's not contesting this at all will come in for a Slater count expansion yeah the six echo eight already forgot a cigarette oh boy stops the fiend production for a long time but now we have a level-two m'kay Blair's shower first again that's gonna the rest of course as long as you have skeletons it's all fine and dandy you don't want to send in one finger loan yes there's no backpack or storm bolts around just barely makes it out there's plenty of muscle do you want to invest it oh it's - Tomika plate clap was a no-brainer for em apparently late doesn't see the value of going double self service strong storm bald wants to have a lucky bash here and there a player's forces are see if this works out didn't work out for Jimmy Co he didn't decide to go for q1 expansion anyways Scouts are already in case there's extensive skeleton usage he has to invest so much sorry for my boys boys going straight downhill I ain't notice it as well so Expo op guitar as well played one of the only players who goes for quick car tower and not arcane players forces are under attack and it works out for him I mean if he doesn't want to burn mana it's all fine there will three here double gloves of haste and with his skill bill of calling stoneball bash these two gloves are insanely good it's a lot more often that means a lot more chance for the bash that means a lot most on checking out the main Midas carbons are expiring soon so it could be time for blades to upgrade this forces are under attack boss wants to save every bit of lumber that he can for faster tech Mountain King is creeping in the front yard of TBC's base that Oh so worth it I was about to say so risky but no no so worth it an additional mana regen and a big mana potion here and getting close to pour off this batch pays off nice everything going well according to play Stumbo doesn't want you to commit to the surround because he sees the narrow tower it's not even Nova its frost armor pick up 40 BC with a coil they want to chase lose another 75 mana very very valuable resource here now but at some point he has to push somewhere he sends in the skeletons okay drew see he needs more heat or he needs to push with the fiends very possible expansion Glade is so greedy he invested into a lot of footmen but no static defends of almost no stack depends at all one guard so that's it in second one now yet so can he hold on with his mask footman who stumbles around oh he's trying to force the town portal he's courting his way out of leaders boys are under attack Mountain King can't reach because he's sold so thanks to the frost I like to play with first timer first actually against the bash Mountain King and this amount of footmen is breaking the blacksmith it's getting better and better for GBC that's for sure start tier 3 to 2 well that's fine pretty fast it'll be an eight-minute tier 2 which is also fine love to have a Nova now because if there's the fence it's very very hard to break [Applause] in a bit of three damage there's so many footmen must be waiting for something black me she's not going defend or he doesn't hurt but does he have it already no we're choice we have so many footmen not investme to defend all right super short on lumber here power built almost not possible anymore no I can't our don't kill but the blacksmith is ready Slayers forces go right now can go sidewalk off this time trying for some clean surrounds which does not work and if he had defend now man how much easier would this be for blades he's for the second time he doesn't get the surround siphon man are nice block so much more normal to the forest you can see he basically has an unlimited mana pool now with this mana stone and the siphon but he's constantly losing footman TVC spooning his way into the game when tier 3 is ready horses backpack destroy upgrade and more laterz forces are under attack destroy us up and still no anti-air nice being siege but he has to do something against his rate that's going on in this expansion casteth are just being slaughtered and he's giving him level 3 what did she want to achieve it's such a weird play by play this is firing away at the Hmong here what is the weight for mass breakers yeah but it's an orb and pin shots I think you can get rid of them losing his export without trying to repay okay now masked militia it's not that costs so much especially time the going disease cloud already attack upgrade for the creatures okay yeah nice way of countering this master breaker play with spores he scouted there's only one Savior that's monkey but he can't even get him to the high level he's constantly seach now a players forces are under attack way all this new it's really sick of course he can't banish himself I mean he can but he shouldn't he'll sell for he'll wave guilt ward gone I like how he's trying to burn the mana here but he is catching someone trying to go for the doctor engine new works out fine but all the TBC has to do is kite a little he's standing in the middle of all the breakers I don't really get that ladies trying to free himself with the hero new oh he's getting it actually there's a counter focus how much longer if he gay if he's getting bashed oh he's dead take the risk they do this another doing it done 48 at least his expansionists running again but it's so hurt he lost the block match he lost quite a bit of supply and TVC is still selling strong at 16 under attack his e scouts started again dark range bull he actually got himself trapped so he has to sell the talk I think one more attack and this expose down shrank roof double Griffin aviary now with Tier three I mean it can dictate why the fit with these breakers but if he keeps up the number of fiends and the Lynch live which is in danger right now and you should be able to take this and this is appleton be able to escape easily that's know passionately and he does have the high ground now yeah he's keeping him away from the expose there's more gold coming blades way boys are under attack there's a nested imbalance between his goals in his lumber for sure still not breaking up - despite having a thousand ball he needs level 5 MK otherwise I don't really see who a bum anymore so I don't see if the ok discount finish this time and he didn't repair it late is so greedy that he didn't rebuild any towers he didn't repair the townhall also due to lack of lumber I guess he never broke upkeep and his test Lion King slaughtered again from this time the defenses can explode play your sport pretty sweet didn't have a town portal did have a time but he's giving the expansion up local flames but is it really worth it number 5 DK soon dark rain has silenced and it's not a level 5 MK o players now he TP sorry listen I really like this destroyer there's no anti-air at all and his Scouts and Scouts and Scouts and Scouts and Scouts and Scouts he knows everything that there is to know this is 7/5 and now Cordova in the absence of a paladin use a player's forces are under attack counter expansion by TPC off the ice a counter expansion expansion by GBC getting the second goal - the only player now like finally breaking up weird decisions I play to not try to save the second players forces are under attack the counter to abominations of course Griffin also good against heroes under siege if he goes temple of the Damned which she loves in general that's all countered right TBC expects another expansion here but there is none number five now that could be a game-changer is getting nuked himself here has to use the potion but for how much longer Holy Light for little fit no stem bunking down it has to be Gigi he's getting the second hero as well double kill for TBC and that must be plates elimination and that must mean that th is the one true carry off his team which is alive everything is disease clouded break of Paul's one after another and there's an under expansion your small no we do an expansion to the back with a bigger on that army with the only hero here being the bluff niche that game is so over and he reached one of the know why doesn't have a town is under siege late unfortunately notoriously bad against undead he's doing his best questionable decisions yeah guess this web if there's web could be your renders oh oh TBC next level if he realizes this he does that hurts so much of players forces too very cool idea to borrow them 1:46 apply only breakers Mountain King is back though there's always a chance for Hail Mary stumbled pocus [Music] all he needs a new pose it's the first one the second one mango runs out buckets around his undersea ladies only on three hundred gold once again breaking up you keep you see made sure to have a different source of income a player's forces are under attack like TBC enjoys this why should he push he knows that the goldmine is expired he knows that he's still mining why would he force him his blades turn but of course the scouting he knows even nights now but will they turn the tide late at 58 62 now but he should wait before or whatever is building nights one more night and lot of militia I don't know man 62 versus 73 supply and towers about to be finished layers for if it's not a hero focus then it's a win for GBC one pin fall so for the second one is surrounded as well good start to this fight by blade the third one is falling - nope gets a fire foil no focus on the heroes so far and now the paladin's a little bit in trouble Knights tank a lot of damage so far like that for the dark Ranger in trouble now Zeppelin back no bar its silence as well in the devotion to save them over there next we've got the Paladin maybe there's still two coils - man on the lips listen no Nova available at all and I feel like the undead is losing quite a bit more than he's short for now he has to retreat with a coil with the second execution of the mountain king jinji second within a row for TV CBM after eliminating Sumiko he also went to the second game in therefore the first player in this king of the hill mode to win two games and granting team Undead three match points in a row it's time for the three acts defending three match points the next opponent for TV CBM is CH the star player who defeated Lucifer sOooo already looks for in tremendous shape Kenny turned this around can he reversed sweeping this or will TV CBM bring home the glory we'll see about that small little break be right back with maybe the decision our game is not equalized as TBC has 3 or the undead team has 3 match points now th is stepping in the ring though the first player to score some points for the human but as I said before there are quite some wins on GBC side against th as you can see here it's only 58% vs. 42 in direct comparison he was able to take some maps of the piss in recent history and this is best of one so th will you play super series and destroy TBC it's no time to fool around the human race is on the verge of losing to the unders TBC in the blue in the upper right can decide this clan wall right here right now see I just saying against it by the way if you want to replace to all of these race Wars you can subscribe to this channel connect for disport account to our Twitter no discord get access to a hidden channel where we spread all the replays that we cast so ok yarn equals this is a good human manners forces are under attack what's he going for something down the deck light so he's not seeing what's happening now oh he steals the Shadow Priests nice little touch but I mean he's getting killed so mad just a waste of gold as T I just decided to not go for the mercenary camp despite then what should we quit before less cute but going for the expansion right away chocolatey right off the bat for him that's nice - so is this a bull bolt not really we do see the graveyard mr. ass won't be that threatening gets the first experience on the DK who heads over with backpack and run of necromancy with those skeletons are the only thing that can th was managed to lumber he can't built the Town Hall right away attack which gives of course TV steam wartime gather some skeletons and even start the bean production oh no th-this is not supposed to happen he's saving this one not giving over more corpses Oh double kill for TBC but the only thing he loses is HP and skeletons of course a little experience for th but he had to call more and more peasants and can finally can build this one but Kenny Powerball Villiers forces are under attack yes first fiend is out here - on the way and th is tech will be very late but all right we've seen this before Lucifer ditch almost the same and struggled at the end TBC did it quite a few mistakes today but was always able to win those games I say again this is not as bad as the i-rath that Lucifer did to th he was still able to come back gets another kill here players forces are under attack and the stuff that was coming all the tower coming despite the little issue with lumber it's still an okay expansion five minutes in he will have some struggle to get to level three with this creep route and the pressure of course intensifies with morphine's I think he can kind of easily defend this but just right-clicking the DK and that's why it's getting boots so she aged in the same path with me oh nice to see you Jimmy key favorite reddit user of the world the players forces are under attack so the expo was fine but the tech was fine as well Lynch second of course as always no big Nagas push or summin push or anything he struggles with experience though heavily hoping for to experience your typical TVC but what can he do I'm a mercenary accessport th now get the berserker nice again skeletons close to level Korea for this cloth first nine it's fantastic yeah all I can do now is wake up to you three I guess slaughterhouse latrine and then tier 3 in a bit towers not too much but his target stick with one tower in each space it's okay and deepen that costs a bit still getting photos to listeners of bliss eh seaman dirt on top of the game right now I mean how can he threaten this income how can you threaten anything he has to be aware that there's 5 foot but he doesn't probably probably doesn't know about defender oh that's not even a narrow challenge yikes this I mean we saw earlier how awesome th Finnegan Duisburg and this will just happen again most likely use the town portal with the extra gold it can't afford it obviously much much running around now without a cheapy against coil nova though town is under siege any cancel the towers can you cancel the blacksmith especially canceling the blacksmith like th played super fast gyros against Lucifer which is not possible without a blacksmith so maybe stopping it is the right choice and here it is signature move Oh No this kill would break canceling the tech oh this he's canceling the tech he's killing the shop that means no orbit after this Noah statue anymore he has one on the base is upgrading way too late he's kicking some workers alright but there's no defense at all he has defense on the footmen he's chasing the statues production stops entirely and 39 he doesn't even go for another ziggurat this game could be over right here right now cleans and DK are coming back but this was just resolved in a town portal so worth it even saves the priest he lost one acolyte he has two statues okay but what about this fiend hurt cleaned her clean dead fiend hurt nice blocks bouton the Archmage this is an absolute disaster for TBC twenty-nine supply and this is the time way supposed to push I mean at least he doesn't have to rebuild a cigarette right now a players forces are that's okay but yes to catch up and tech yes to restart the tech we had some rebuild a tech life just Reebok the soft he has one excuse me zero charges of rod up necklace I'm sorry but to me this is hopeless he's not level 3 he didn't split the experience very wisely this job is going down again and a second once more I mean why not at this point he can play everything she too is done what's he doing nothing yet just defend upgrade of Defense upgrades I mean it's th it wouldn't be too surprised to see an expansion here the players forces are under attack is he too sure to win this he still can't produce Muslims because the shop is lawyers forces are under sorry more defense footmen storming and nice Nova here Breath of Fire to counter that but as long as the statues are there TBC his old 8 years shakers bomb blight he's getting oh no that was such an invitation to the surround hosting a town portal saving this all spiral come liam he afraid is skipping every single tear to building there is goes straight to your three upgrades for well flying machines rifleman and siege engines so doesn't tell us too much the workshop workshop oh nice job we run up too fast gyros or the normal ones 1,300 so level three three that's good for TV see you can build statues again can do the destroy out right now he's going for the or which is big skips the town for the ball so maybe Panda wasn't the right idea but what's in there for TVs at this state I don't know the earlier you get the ring the better it is destroy upgrade is finished but the only has three destroyers see kind of relying on a counter expansion that can't you can't be serious it's dreadlord again as Lucifer played as well takes quite some time to get online and here comes the next event once again to the to operate I've been saying this for a long time that this is the Achilles heel of the e on that base if you have this solution to it if you don't have to dive into need kill it stop production of the statues and you should be fine because it delays the destroy push so much here three is done and it's tanks upgrades already we do have a few flying machines maybe it's just to distraction tanks and then he goes into more flying machines all players forces are under attack gret loaders ready shut up his back well above the pan that will certainly add some trouble getting online now the flying machines are there oh the PennDOT's but more hair did he dies but no he has to stop this oh can he still coil it's nighttime he doesn't see too much and a good block by th as well saving his second hero but now as first heroes in trouble steps o sleep against it hosts to TP then achieve easily with 1.4 cake war tanks want to upgrade now the transition to Knights pretty soon I guess masonry th is playing his cards very safely not skipping on anything just make me sure as long as he has the expansion of players forces why should he force under sea Vanessa Meade went to defend okay that the shop is down again hello 10 seconds against the new Oh that breath of fire wasn't too good fools are helping in the defense let's see we do have carrion swarm of horse against the mechanical units which is happening that's possible since one point tonight office there as well so to defend a decent defense saving his mana for flying machine that is for siege engine picks up quite a few um layers horses are under attack there's not a single destroyer oh yeah it is dry so maybe it's time for Blizzard to support the building kill next upgrades more tanks to 3 then 8-hour so are so so so so hard also nice yeah something cool in a players loss or an AK pendants maybe Klaus would be worth it PVC Scouts is kind of well but let's go what so it's only the lid shear and the to me traitors freed me which is of course mandatory but he has to fight down here but only the death knight of the dreadlord going hard for the Panda but without Noah not really possible staffs now on to the siege ended with the Archmage to get rid of those what all these big Wang's I love this play I love love love love love this play so smart by th easily killable beat wagons well the goons are doing a decent job for steps one out GPS out keeps the black/silver alive and he didn't accomplish too much and snare helps as well the blocks by GBC action up that bad sleeps again this must be a dead panda well can the peloton somehow rescue him nope good kill level 4 thunder see maybe he can hold on to this he's not mining at the moment because he had just prepares repairs repairs repair repairs and as long as yes the meat wagon as the dreadlord lips turned up okay I mean he's still up against expansion he's still struggling hard but he holds on 2,400 all remaining gear 3,600 its 1200 golden thread just for a snack BBC is hoping to try it something somewhere players forces secrets thanks to three can only imagine yep three three is in the works all right I can sank them now or in a fire Knights are coming as well you can take some better trades mooo level three now level 2 carrion swarm got a lot better and cheaper got to see Winston's I'm going completely batching truth Lich and wagons are still waiting for the next attack are under it as part in the main for breaking the 20 minute mark and chibi steel still alive 20 minute mark always suggests mines are about to run dry boneyard ok so too much anti-air going for the Panda again he hits him with all three spells coil Nova and carrion swarm but there's the Holy Light Knights of course racking beans if there's snow Frost I mother Pamela dies again but doesn't really have that much value I don't think so that's an out chasing the meat wagon so they are mandatory for this defense one down to once ago tanks are falling but once this one is down there's no siege damaged anymore and the tanks can do whatever they want I mean there is carrion swarm but that's about in this black Citadel can he hold it can he hold that the knight comes in and the tank dies oh wow this last tank secures to kill though and the boneyard falls as well so his clan B is out the window 246 supply carrion swarm hitting again but only the flying machines up and their uses anyway only light over and over and over again level 5 Archmage right around the corner there's no destroyer so this Waterloo entrance are so sick it's one more kill okay he stays alive but on what cost his entire tech dis gon his bowl on attempt is gone and th even with the cannon tower can see it really but yeah TBC sees it now and it goes damn this is not good at all main goal mines are about to collapse in like 40 seconds and he hopes to beat hold on he repairs like crazy 200 remaining in the main 2000 remaining only here he kind of has to expand 1650 BC one meat wagon still on what's the meat wagon again sauce six of them break grenades I think you stopped tank with actual rights are under attack there's gonna have a massive ground army with this poor dreadlock it's a coil sin but there's only one remaining two chase for the wagons again Helen is about to hit level three though and then the nuke is entirely different Hannah comes in for the Breath of Fire doesn't hit it paladin oh we forgot about the statues can you intercept no he blocks his own stats which is not ideal but not too many kills for THD the beats are suffering heart will not execute them one after another where's the anti I think you forgot about them there were few remaining blank machines and soul yes disengage yeah play machines are here but the Expo is coming 1400 lumber as well more gyros now has to seize the destroyer of players good use of staff of this night is trap and what is he supposed to do against these powers we see s600 : oh here we go gyrocopter soar in the race but the level soup carrot swamp keeps them at bay first one down second one down being wept as well and he wakin out for now reinforcements developing looks like an overwhelming mass of flying machine death by falling low as well and they're still not level 3 the Paladin is there in swarm into not too much wrong speculation maybe could have been a quad kill but everything's falling 33 supply only 40 BC he's fighting hard and he held on for a long long long time but I think this is just overwhelming 76 supply more than twice and his opponent - gee ii undead is down and th is still without losing a single map on this very day if this continues team UN wins the race but the opponents are becoming harder and harder wfz is out GBCs out - I'm dance remaining and that's Lucifer and once you see we are all hoping for the big showdown of thos one to zero but my guess is according to how they place the players so far very conservatively that Lucifer is getting his third shot at th and hopefully for the undead this time he will be successful and that map choice th catches up for for the human 5 for the undead and we're going into a little break stay tuned if human for undead 5 and Lucifer is stepping up to try for the 3rd time to defeat th today which is not that easy man but it is talk rock so it might be possible and my throat is completely crapping out so maybe this will be a little kamar and casting a little bit of a problem to connect to the game but it's possible now so to recap this clan wars so far Tomiko i don't th started it by defeating news 4 twice in the best of 3 then 1 to 0 followed up with 2 wins against me that was the - - wz was a three to four beyond dad was defeated them by juniku equalized the series once again surprisingly TBC took down Tomiko and blade making it a 5-3 for the undead now GH is back now there's points for the humans again with the five for still match points for the undead if Lucifer wins this it's all over and we have a winner in this land well that's gonna be hard it's not closed position but cross so I guess with little base to base distance this is even harder more th to expand on the back of the turtle but Zeus for expected him here before so maybe you can make that work this time so it's an Archmage first no mountain king on this side it's a DK personal breadboard or any other fancy strategies so normal opening for the under normal opening for human question just is one base or expansion if expansion where and when usually this this this but it's not really effective right so maybe you rush it but then grab less footmen it's hard chuckle rock is so hard they still won 2-0 on the bench per team and a sports also undefeated th also undefeated 3o so far against Lucifer and Tec but the big question would be moving match between tha right back pack early later means more harass well this game is still a little bit slow we have players resupply Jager back awesome pinkie music's on woohoo thank you very much Oh Theresa dreamy robot with a 100 bit donation thank you very much and yeah girl again with a gifted stuff this time - that's our best or in case you don't know it's September so every gift that sub can be renewed for only $1 you make use it and thank you so overs out more put mental forces on g2 textile for Lucifer before the very first piece so basically as fast as it can with this I wonder can't you just stop skip the graveyard a little so th is going for the guaranteed level - with the sea turtle last time the mist coiled this time he gets it prevents level 2 so Lucifer learned a little it has a little bit of a better early game than before when he missed coiled against the gargantuan sea which was and yeah against the - berserkers there defend is helpful that's why it's reached researching it that early for the charge I mean in general on this map lots of piercing damage and against the fiends who need in anyway later why not Russia's and later sports so far this going forward six seven nine okay this is an expansion of questions when denying more experience for the decay that killed what with mental would ependymal to to cloak of shadows man very unfortunate and the ring of protection also not great see to check halfway through and the creep hasn't even begun four minutes ago so how well can he do this force Kelly's they will expire soon though and these two of them and sheets oh this is so hard and even the skull being used th has to invest a lot of workers here let's cut them he called so many and then was a nice kills home experience for the outrage so that will give him the level three later but it's level super Leon has so much HP regen now with light and unholy aura he does have two more watts of necromancy th is losing more and more workers you got half a level in this lasted goes to the Archmage and finding level to off elementals but he has no mana still five peasants alive the battle for the warlord is on the item will certainly go to th but the experience is on Lucifer's side oh boy he gets a good item with a robe of the Magi but that is almost in level three years force from a morass and that's pretty damn sick his tear tube is finished the expo started only now five minutes thirty but okay power build is working he can harass he has five footmen remaining not going for more at the moment as he is supply sir useful for more kills to fiends waiting for doesn't have a new rotor frequency you know he doesn't literal greatest forces are under in chess he had no gold who want to rest slaughterhouse as well wouldn't be too surprised he skips Tier three and just adds the tier two pressure no towers up yet cleans - damage to the towers only Scout towers not an upgrade yet but defend the early defend is very very very helpful but layered forces are under attack Lucifer was kind of close to defeating th the poor in their best-of-three and he's off to a good start for the third time it was always the problem finishing th was never knocked out today he was a little dizzy he was in the ropes I've never knocked out those how horses are under attack Tech has started kind of greedy but also necessary [Music] how long can th hold on this time Lucifer anonymous blight is good for the Arts which with the Nova interesting for the coil as well there is another one the apps nature's go on for a little bit of time also know both Carly and Nova available there's no pressure on the D K now not at all for pete's what elemental duration halfway through yeah you should run away with a DK you can't do anything against the towers anymore really about the statue is there no this is blight unholy aura and stats you he'll at least for whatever stands on the blight no no man this is not looking good for th at all is only for footmen is this enough the SimCity is nice so g2 is almost done but ca3 escala doors are under attack these perverse things welcome needs to react there isn't a rubian tower there is Oh even a ziggurat this is nice this is really nice but again th and his love for the tomb of relics where's the TP when is it happening how much damage can he do beforehand he sends the DK back alone so it's impossible to TP he loses a supper party at range you won't have an orb and now only the outside the decay is there to the better trip full water elemental trying to get rid of the spirit I would ask constant repair one expires second one is about to expire CH is buying the time that you needs but the lich statue and teens are still applying pressure lots of corpses there not too many here he's losing more footmen to [ __ ] that cost a lot of resources to th could still lose this town portal out but he can only save every single acolyte alive tier 3 done shop backup this is the best mid game that lose ransom paladins second that shows you how th struggles a player's forces are under attack I don't say this was bad by th at all it's still for footmen up Wow yeah footman up these are based on a good level etcetera etcetera he can still come back because he's th but would he be any other player in the world except maybe in fee this game would be over he's engaging now no tpd there is one Nova and more kills guaranteed kills has to invest Auto retraining and staff so it's Nova he knows that his teachers coming he knows that what lament he'll stoned to the job anymore what's the sauce when it's finished ACK if this was NP the game would have been over eight minutes ago Nikki lotion saved him before the dust of three at least for a bit and this is level three now and he takes away a camp super close th basis so Tier three of players more towers masonry upgrade all that good [ __ ] of course that's what th has to do against the dominance of Lucifer so far who is going early meat wagons he knows second Perry up of vitality still didn't use the toll as it is th you can play this moon style with mass expansion sometimes we do have another gifted sub by Yaga thank you very much going to arena master high def it Lord oh hi derp Lord arena master hider counter expansion here and anonymous Walker of 3u god seven month Risa best channel period exclamation mark you deserve 1k subs thank you thank you thank you I would love to have a silk right now instead of 1000 a town is under siege so there is disease clout there is a meat wagon there is a counter expansion of players force what to deal with first okay but this kind of a distraction by Lucifer as well that buys time the apps which can't be here disease cloud is spreading everywhere Nova finishes the job as well but as it is th old rep carrion swarm against the herd workers is such a nice synergy that comes up more and more and more than procede like Nova and meat wagon prepare everything for this carrion swarm now we have Blizzard doing damage to buildings but it will take some time it's only level 2 can you hold this Expo carrion swarm was not used yet but I see it come he doesn't even need it he finishes it with Nova and there is no repair any more against expansions forces are how much damage can you do is only attacking the Crypt is nothing what a trade town is under some bars here cheery and Griffins it doesn't have that many beans Oh last second that was so god damn close but he killed it oh please there's no worker to me to set it up again to rebuild it and it's one base versus one base with a Griffin flame Lucifer invested into an early meat wagon for early meat wagons they are useless now except against buildings but it's a QC supply briefing is easy with Blizzard so you might be able to run away we do have four to one which is of course not the order you want it to have you looking out for close to level 5 and again this is match points for undead second attempt of the expansion level two Oh engine jangle second movement speed are fantastic eh Capri all the rest again a player's not rebuilding it it'll pass this is the perfect counter to meat wagons something they sleep on the griddle and rep it's nice man that didn't think of it before and you get guaranteed chill to sleep on Griffin's that's one of the sickest power lever links I've seen a long time rule traces the link was sturdy against Cordova but there is another meat wagon than he's saved from the Griffins and he's so far 64 supply only still a thousand gold to work with no soft anymore a player's forces may attack I don't think yes time the town is understood to engage there I can't ours god that's great TP home to save that group because he needs the beads another Griffin down that hurts it hurts every single time it happens Tier three units so expensive and more time Hanako - up and it's once again one of these rare cases where we have to base on that versus one base Slayers forces are under attack level five DK is again a little lazy to not send the DK away to give full experience to legend read more what is ths I mean if these Peugeot's mess decimals we all know our and by not sending the bouquet way I think he denied the level-5 3mk but he's getting jacked and there is no TP just a big potion can he sleep him they have cistern at the moment that's a big clapper that's also asleep and this is the kill there's no staff it's on cooldown you get to the Nova and this is very particular even if there was would be a staff that will still be asleep the second grad spot goes to Lucifer as well this is the second engine of ancient Django and more and more experienced 5:5 green he sees the expo now no tower up can ETP does he have a TP he does speak mana potion as well does he want to cheapy because of those two griffin jesse was i wants to mountain king alone without a TP he's being fought back from the tavern arch matches in the base is he trad of a cult trapped they are they are both trapped kind of players forces are under it he comes the undead piak no one to the Griffons of course blizzard can do a lot but he's not level 5 for webs and massive Nova again scroll of the Beast being used there's no dispel sleep was maybe a mystic you wanted to use it on the mountain King I guess look at this rocking through nicely big title a timed coils but now the beans are dying with some of the Griffins and of course the traits you take them all the time no matter on the Lich anymore militia being cold but he's going for the ostrich now I guess there's no sleep against this the Griffins if this one Falls they're all gone and two feet still available for much distance this is Lucifer winning this I guess he sleeps the he sleeps and the execute of GG th losing to Lucifer surprisingly on Turtle Rock it wasn't the saving captain that we expected to make a three open a row here Lucifer gets his revenge from the best-of-three and wins this clan war for the undead gets his Redemption and watson almost flawless game here on turtle rock absolutely fantastic and just shows how much Lucifer stepped up his game in the past six months there was a tournament where th went what 9 and O against Lucifer without having a single problem and now we see this of course it's Turlock of course is hot for human but think back beginning of this year and see Lucifer's improvement I just appreciate how much better is 31 year old guy God damn crazy so since my throat is killing me and I have to cast five more days this week I will cut this short human loses four to six I'm dad wins and tomorrow team our pristine night off with so in shock I can fly and linen versus low light mundo shi shi and colorful I'm gonna get soup and tea and ice and everything to be able to cast tomorrow for you and not have like the super big blow and then hopefully tomorrow it's better maybe Remos there as well to help me out that would be nice and I will shut up now all the important links are in the stream description Facebook Twitter discord Instagram how to donate how to buy merchandise how to use Amazon referral links and whatnot you can sub to this channel as well it's it my voice is gone the claim was over and I just have to load in the song and then we're done you he ever - let's go party thank you for the contributions and the support today and be right back tomorrow adios
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 49,393
Rating: 4.6986303 out of 5
Keywords: race war, race war 2018, douyu race war, douyu, race, war, team human, team, human, hu, team undead, undead, ud, 2018, 1on1, 1v1, neo, warcraft gold league, gold league, gold series, league, series, gcs, :w, winter, warcraft, warcraft 3, wc3, war3, wc 3, Back 2 Warcraft, B2W, Back2Warcraft, back to warcraft, warcraft III, esports, esl, gamesports, esl-radio, esl tv, rts, real time strategy, frozen throne
Id: 2pCnEgVg14I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 215min 9sec (12909 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 11 2018
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