Race War 2018 - Team Orc vs. Team Human

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per game starts welcome to race war day 3 this is human vs. walk and we start with a bang up as we have th vs. fly the remit of the JC s grand final of this summer of the world champion faces the vice world champion in this first encountered it's the best of three the winner of a map takes 1 point for their team and we start on equals via player's boat from China of course th a little younger back-to-back world champion he was a he lost to loose in the king of the hill mo last time like two days to go against Undead he won his best of three though - and of course he is the star player for Team human he has to carry this team Sancho Miko and especially played one tier below or two tiers below him and for the orcs who still Evelyn Shaw KK and soin to make up for things so why isn't the carry here certainly one of the star players they doesn't have to carry this team alone we start an echo out which is one of the most interesting maps in this matchup in my opinion because you can see double base with an expansion which this could turn into with an average first you can also see Fire Lord rushes here and what is fly going it's a Blademaster if this would happen Lyn I could totally see a faster or focus focus by the way in Germany at the moment or going to Germany tomorrow or at the moment but yeah th in the upper left and why in the upper right starting to the normal build with a shop this donation goal and play your sponsors are under attack at the moment only creeping all right we said it is to to check my flier started starts off with a lot of attack and yeah this could certainly be an expansion for th one of the very few maps where you can do it because oh this is so far away from your opponent's base won't have that much time to cancel it he has a grunt he has a blade master Scouts in the main and scouts directly for this Expo militia duration not expiring yet no level two yet so he skipped all the green spots no brilliance are at the moment and like going for a circlet for more damage +8 already grant arrives what elemental has been summoned this is one of the best moments to harass this expansion oh please once it's done it's really hard to take out and one of the passes took some damage gets killed right away what does the mental ends equipment take care of this frontier but it's only right click through this expansion is damaged enough a little stutter stepping by fly I don't know man he has to investigate boksoon this is really really really close if you have to go into wind probably cancel this first play of course notoriously famous for losing his platemaster not here but it's not enough damage despite the +8 on the blade master to knock this expansion down Archmage can't cancel the next healing one more fireball there is more wink walk he has to go for it now otherwise canceled again thus being purchased I like that one the blade master can be detected and Boots as well but actually didn't cancel the healing so there's a second coming for this blade master while this expansion is up no repair by th at the moment t2 tech is almost done and then the question arises what is he going to do counter expansion tier 3 mass Raiders everything is possible second grunge is coming at the moment oh the Burrow is late he can't go for a second here oh and this could certainly be an alchemist at this point to heal yeah this room timing might cost him the game you can go for another grunt already sacrifices the peon for this Oh players right now with the boots of speed of course the Archmage has to run away late master on a prowl more more hits and this first hero can pretend to be can't level at the same time also no militia at these green spots so it's not level 2 is short on mana at the moment and the little raccoon about to block now he blocks against the blade does he want to sacrifice himself into the creeps or is it a town fork or still trying to run away but not for much longer waits up the creeps half a level for this plate master and the Archmage is dead does this open up something shadow hunter is coming launch as well beast to me too so it's no second base play yet it's no mass vibrant there's only one Scouts our or a one guard tower in the works also in the base one guards are being upgraded of course ths tech a lot delayed now with this expansion with all the towers with the Archmage loss and can lock it down now as long as the guard tower isn't that this weapon six footmen of course can surround pretty well we all know the strength of th with those tier one units well that's a nice idea might fly steel this big mercenaries can have a big item for the level two blade master Brad he smelt it dusty it's nighttime he did you see it [Music] laterz forces are under attack you think an order so far levy jack doesn't seem like it take care of this one ash magic the shop and this is the ring of regeneration what a great item for him here and now the foot them come in it dance around looks like he's trying to but he fails the first time do this one footman and the other one can just run away as well there was a big potential for double surround and another block comes in but Jack shut up as well a little overwhelmed with the multitasking as it seems but it does have boots of speed and in the end she will most likely get at least one kill one more hit the green spot was of course level 2 for him this one gets away so it's no disaster for Klein not ideal but certainly still doable because the anti-mage is not level 3 expansion is kind of fortified I love how he positions two buildings right next to the Town Hall but there's not much surface for the Raiders and with the grunt being gone you think this spot is seen not as easy as it used th constantly checking for a counter expansion here which is not coming a huge amount of footmen and there's only one target and these doors it's only one Raider not much siege damage here by it's not investing into more unit at the moment I wonder how well this goes also blocking to the pharmacy that lightning shield though that's a tremendous item poor fly of course humans were crying when Blizzard reintroduced the lightning shield onto Amazonia and here you can see why one tanky unit in the past line so much a weed and he can't kill the tower it's close to completion sound portal back while he killed at least one goal I care I kill - that's big the tower Oh Walker about to die is going for the oxide but yes oh there's no windfall for fly and it post and another lightning shield Archmage dies for the second time you wave against it in these pollution they are taking so so so much damage there is no escape for the plank master though but he did so much damage that I think it's worthless it's a level 3 hero but he has to pick up the pieces now he has to kill like five passes to make up for it one to the walkers of course of range magic attack great against path of militia and footman alike can't stay in there for much longer the siege up to to tech is done once again he has 1,000 gold for th three tech by fly now who's only now reproducing the garrote that means he can't get his blade master back that's bad what a play by th again bang sometimes some some time kills the burrows and then killed to the blade master but he took a lot of losses look at the corpses here almost all human corpses but the Expos up should be fine it's a double sanctum plate not the triple sanctum she's not in time to kill the Archmage here even though he's trying hard the black mates won't see the lineup ah it's doubled sanctum rifleman anyway engages with the footmen this could be very bad for brunson Raiders here's good microwave nice so far then we'll brief on the shadow and he doesn't have man up on the UF at the moment it looks like the Archmage is stuck but maybe he fits through there and he's good play by play leveling so much on his Sh trying to get a rifleman now th on the other side trying to establish his sanctums to get some casts at least and that's the mighty level to your way this barracks won't stand much longer panda seconds so he abandons the idea of a flatmate then what can he do with that really half the time just break them up to level 3 when he becomes really effective I doubt that where's the blade master here he comes formal as well we say 2/3 dozens why is stealing healing so much damage still 1000 volt but yeah but the London is the issue you have to invest so much militia time into this defense if I can't stay in there for much longer of players under attack and now we retreat because he has to yell out whoa what a mid game what a mid game we have one sanctum here one second here but no riflemen anymore which kind of became the standard on echo to go double sanctum riflemen takes forever but solo experience on the SH and the shop in the middle of the map save simulator a lot of time while you can creep at all Archmage's still level two huge economy for th to invest a lot into new buildings and research the barracks going for break-ins immediately to steal the spirit link and it should be sorcs as well no it's just breakers no casters at all tiny great hall cameras - is it in time a players force to withstand the 70s apply human push I think so especially since the Archmage and the Panda is so under level and in general the Panda not the greatest show it looks more they also tanky yes any damage is nice anyways to use the force that rubber band that cures with spirit link ready that's no Codel yet which is kind of surprising town training there's too much snow Manish can't take the try bluntly who is at the shop and of course he knows about the Panda so he'll scroll should be there yes it is I need in 13 minutes in Addis late master joins the fight again moon defense up great number 2 1 1 upgrades already th really invested hard into those another first saw sri sathya so slow is going to be there but the walkers are online for a long time they didn't know you're just spell anything or attack maybe some water elemental but that's about it we haven't seen much slow yet so sir they're all full mana they get the master upgrade [Music] Berserker strength as well by trying to stay below 55 for as long as he can like master sees the movement here goes to level 4 once again the base great so far flies playing this great keeps the human busy even though he a 70 supply now he just needs to buy a little more time horses are under attack I built this army but he's a little greedy at the moment mana potion and it sound horrible well the house is under siege hey what elemental sees this now still we don't have reinforced defenses an upgrade that he certainly gone and now that they do when is busy in the middle of the map lies he's another point of attack they're not how he goes for those production dollars first the barracks in the north he cancels the double sanction before while it was in wife was introduction then he canceled the barracks now he killed the second sank I mean he is at 73 supply already and most likely this could be enough to kill it already to sense only three footmen and the blade master it snows though and with the speech football force fly should have to time and speed just run away especially with heads hair really really interesting game to start off this clan war power but on the second tier 3 we see a tier 3 human versus orc isn't that an invitation to Tauron attack upgrade before reinforced defenses those Cotto is here where sports is able to attack this one is at sixty supply now forms back to politely late masters missing in the fight though is he let me sleep doing see missing in the control group or something otherwise no more Raiders more grunts he parks a lot of stuff like 9/10 supplies parking his base another he'll score on the blade master said I want to still have the mana potion that's the second shop in his face constant distraction but fly finds a way to slip out of the rivers of ta to go for another attack but now the greediness bites him in the ass as it's one more time horrible rush Buffalo go first one down oh and he is sold short on lumber he's at for lumber at the moment he can't rebuild those four Lin army reunited shadow hunter in the middle of everything like a little cocky off spell breakfast to each other loses man I was super quick late masters backing us laying on the dodge rage of the town portal so feeling being used to vice not losing anything I guess we'll this way it was we he's going through with this troll regeneration rise bear so he can't go up to 80 but it's not that t-34 th is finished is it nighttime alchemist third okay that was once an orc strategy against human rights in a fire polymorph multiply clean up another bow here obvious magic damage super supportive and this Breath of Fire will be HUGE if you want to mess the mana anything he has nice positioning for th right behind the great wall that blocks so much surface area for all that melee that the orc wants to throw at them to make max going crazy Lane crest the hill let's close buddies just firing away there's no wink walk fly this is critical you but he escapes man there is the he'll wave that was as close as it gets and so far but all those units the th as well but now the rubber band comes in wow what a deal wave saving three units at once but the people focus fire continues this rate of fault as well to work the water elemental we're not being dispelled at all level form the Shadowhunter now Blake master cylinder trouble get Lydia wave alchemist gets a lot of physical damage thanks to this one are more cool be test not eaten yet trying to go for the focus fire on the Pandava the Blake master has to run away once more as he spoke with too much of the human there was the last one he used to potion to heroes hurt alchemist is the first target or get purged had killed can he gets the second kill before his army just disappeared it disappears completely or this expansion looking very bad for this army there's like nine Supply on the verge of dying or excuse me 12 supply and the Panda is still alive on level 2 only but making the jump soon what elementals took out this entire P online but fly is still alive close to level 5 on the blade Shadowhunter will take some time 52 supply for the org 77 and look at this act more the teams and fragmentation starts you really wants to end this this is not the patch fragmentation chart it's just still the buck version so it will deal tremendous damage and the question that I wrote before will you be able to defend the 70 supply first well it was a 75 supply push but the answer is known as even the you and shop here yet yes mana pushed me on the Panda Breath of Fire level two the only thing that can help him is a lot of crits on a level 5 blade master which he still has to earn powers are coming up of course a lot of abstraction soaking up way too much damage there is seal in the back with some fries only one that's not too much but in a fire he's not dispelling against it more damage on the tribe when the first ball team joins the fray a perfect position for him he has to invest way too much to get rid of it at the AoE is just way too sick you can't attack everything it's effective against Raider for the pigmentation charge and against the walkers and fly is plummeting and supply what a breath of fire against you waver it helps a little but it's only a little band-aid on a wound that keeps on bleeding and in the Mane's there's only 1000 gold remaining alchemists are stuck by the way five blocked supply in the base of th now we have four Walker's five walkers and only one Raider remaining what is he supposed to do against this more teams are very rare choice in this metric mr. Blake Master Kent's knife with that much but what kind of fire and slow and maybe even drunken haze I don't know PS drunken haze or drunken brawler actually they should be fine of course there's vision now he sees the blade masters driver doesn't have an indoor person nor a healed stroll I hope for him that the shadow hunter has some mana potion incident [ __ ] rifle being taken out and where is the damage in this army I think the answer is this unit this hero 180 critical strike butter spray that's about it we're link being stolen over and over and over the break is doing a good job with the one two upgrades here one man are being hurt by the breaker single for the Shadowhunter it leadeth to revive on the walkers IgG fly sees no solution to this anymore and th winning his third game of this race war he won two times against Lucifer now fly suffering fly did a great job usually it's a lot harder to play echo else here usually the matches are over a lot quicker but it wasn't enough it just wasn't enough and I think he was too greedy I think not going reinforced defenses broke his neck you if he goes for reinforced defenses then he can't go for the double burrow go you that was so like the entire game was so well played by fly running away from the human army canceling the barracks canceling the sankt like to sanctums in production then killing the sanctum down there he played it almost perfect but he was 10 seconds too greedy maybe amazonia's next second map of the day and we have a few research here miss Stella for 22 months let's go human let's go Nia let's go back to Warcraft 22 portions of love meant when eating less than fries thank you mate he's gonna produce the rap that I have to do so shout out to mr. love and the entire smash community and thank you what is own for continuing the sub that you are gifted by her Boozer it's September so you can renew the sub that you were gifted before for just $1 thank you very much man can you explain the rubberband analogy you use yes currently works in a way that you apply that spell and it spreads the damage that you take on one unit to all the units that are affected by spiraling so single target damage is reduced it's kind of AoE damage thence that's great in the early stages of a fight where you still can heal against it with a hear wave with heel scroll because then your entire army gets healed up again so let's say you fight you fight the fight you take that you take damage on all the units they turn from green into dark aura or into bright orange and then into dark orange when they aren't dark orange range you pop a huge scroller and they're back at green so this works fine as long as you're healing but if you don't have any healing that you can't heal against it all your army is red all of a sudden and about to die so this is where the rubber band cells back in your face basically so that is my rubber band and ology I hope that was understandable and I hope that makes sense so this is only the second map that the orcs lost yesterday it was an 8 to 1 victory for them against the Night Elves which includes moon la lion colorful whose best matchup is Borg and shall kaykai you you what else I might go to London actually next week that might be a little spontaneous but there's a concert that I really really really really really want to go I'm not sure yet Delta sleep is the band and I love them it's my album of the year one of my two albums of the year and they're playing in London and a very beautiful venue so I might go to London for one night I don't have a place to sleep yet I don't have flights yet I don't have tickets yet but I'm thinking is it cold at your place no but I have a little issues with my throat since two days ago so try to keep my throat warm and that's why I wear it installed so second map as I said Amazonia th leading to 100 and it would be a great start for the human if they win this tool I mean they rely so much on ths points I don't see much chance for sock to win against Lynn for example and the human lineup in general is kind of the worst in the absence of NP I mean work some missing focus light up some missing Pocky in my opinion bugs and they really got hit hard with the second-best Engel player not playing for them so th kind of has to carry in the 200 would certainly help humans this is the personal best of three yes indeed [Music] ready to learn all those grandmother of things like wearing the scarf for your throat just make sense you just I don't know grandmother to McFly is playing a party or what the [ __ ] I apologize for my language but I think I have never seen fly with the past year ever can you can you guys recall a match a fly playing farseer I mean my memory is not the best players forces are fly Blademaster is kind of set in stone as the shishi demon hunter at least he can't lose his blade master like that is that stupid so he's creeping usually the past year is instant around not with a fly Glaser move to the night getting it that's bad not the big one but while your scream was denied wolves are attacking he gets one maybe nice microbe ith to save both both passes and of course orcas on the way to cause more trouble this goes hand-in-hand with a fast tech and he edge has to invest in just outside before so far the wolves are doing a good job but multitasking by fly which I think was a little mediocre of the first man with some attempts and experience for this am all the other questions are under attack close of attack would have been the best again [Music] so th is hiding in his face not even upgrading this arcane tower I mean Amazonia is always a little hard to reach level 3 today but he couldn't even get to level 2 I think that's why he played for servers in in the WCG pile well that is nine years ago awaits pretty much exactly okay I think in peachy Ellis well right but that's awesome if you have to think that far back I think it's a sign of power on the sly Oscar's another kill gets level two so unlocks Chain Lightning there it is not a single wolf died with one more kill it gets level two in the Brillion zone here we go that was a last hit but from the tower but from the unit also human versus Orton farseer which actually wolf versus walking rentals he too is finished though a player's notions are under attack what there's no tower in the base except this one Tech is 40% slower than flies this chance like for BB story why were not just going to walk I'm pretty impressed by flies fossa no sign of pressure relief 48 it's getting better now with the brilliance on there's no matter on the path here anymore TC wave he's getting the kill said usually you don't get it saves the footman in the back like this and then he'll come up with the shop I like this black mage plate there's not much single target damage as there would be with late master hex for example the multiple it's area of effect so you want to drain the manor the black nature is squishy but you can't really kill him that fast the town is under siege like it put in Scouts all of this it's just later Walker he sees there with a way first players forces are under attack got 1 cell 30 I think shield speak again Bossier tanking why you need a bit of damage you shouldn't deny anything yeah denies the first one oh it's so much experience already and he's giving up some experience God finally giant strength okay back up to break all of a sudden we have a level 2.6 Archmage with almost infinite mana there is you the fly finds out about this it's an instant CP if he doesn't if should be level three pretty close but here we go he doesn't have to man up or chain lightnings because of this type of manner he gets it replenishment potion nice to have but there's so much to kill now flies not engaging he was creeping himself for the level 2 TC with sentry ward slow and snap great coming more walkers which of course you need against the upcoming slope incoming slow put men down first shockwave of the game but no follow-up for more damage as he lacks the Blademaster damage fighting with militia at this point works quite well because there's no mana for change lightning and the shockwave this is very impactful but this is becoming harder and harder the longer the game goes and TC all your scholars are under attack and it's not a single level P here will change now very happy at least is an option with a certain baseline this is level three now all four sets of century or two sets of centuries for charges engaging with the speed scroll against the sorceress you get rid of more slow if you ask much what is he doing a little out of position and snare helps around it is and this monthly tumble we go flame strike everybody countering fire with fire the AoE was more a we looks like he's just siphoning everything everything is below twenty man I think a players forces are under attack should be nice in this another wolfboy experience little three for the auction age but if fly at some point can gather a little bit of mana then this AoE combo is hitting gonna sleep is th creating the Song of Ice and Fire though is he going for Blizzard Lee Massey oops level to where there we go oh you see the damage against the past that's exactly what I mean everything is down to 50% I don't think he has a huge scroll no he doesn't flame strike coming in he wants to get rid of the black maid who was shockwave again and the Black Mage dies and the sorceress and the trees it's not looking good for them great engagement for flight who has to fight the Dee endo or him who has to pull the end of a post here spirit link reapplied speech to all forces are trying to chase further their useful no there's not and this should be a massacre no manner remaining from the orc but I think the damage is enough anyway as long as he has to spell fairly low level for now level 2 by 855 supply completely overwhelming it looks like for the first time in those grateful mr. Frese we go full distance and that's exactly what happens fly with the surprise factor Farseer TC defeats th and equalizes and that is one point that was not to be expected I guess for team or who I was under so much pressure c8 was under so much pressure you you that he couldn't really get rid of late level-3 Archmage good levels on the orcish side at the age had no real answer to this right I mean here in his base for a long time that's about it was trying to get some levels and even though fly the night to creeps here he had a big level maybe fly should play this more often I mean of course you play differently against it when you expect it and it doesn't come out of the blue for you how's it going for the undead so far they won the first clan war with six to four against even they are playing lady against neither that's tomorrow I know tomorrow is human versus night out it's going to be great Remo's joining me tomorrow and the undead play Saturday and Sunday against night off so we get the undead expert for undead games until then you have to [Music] you if they're with me you in case you missed the prior to clan wars they are on YouTube now youtube.com slash back to Warcraft he was a sub to get continuous content everything we stream here or almost everything the stream here ends up on YouTube in 1080p 60fps best quality whatever quality for the recordings is always a little higher on YouTube as we don't have to stream so we can use more megabits per second and we do have something plans to increase the production value a little more that should be done in like two weeks I think it's not the big thing that I'm working at that we are working at but it's kind of nice it's a nice to have thing you might have seen this feature before not so of you you [Music] now we are working again with our YouTube hero Stefan and Stefan is kind of a magician when it comes to the technical side of things and he has quite some improvements for us in his pocket without Stefan the stream wouldn't look like it does now the quality would be way lower and Stefan is also improving our audio which I think many of you are asking for so that's all things to come in fall what kind of earphones are you using I'm not advising to buy those it's I don't really know you check there's some number here Panasonic and they suck I ordered two Xiaomi Pistons from China they will arrive in two weeks they are much better if you're looking for headphones go for Xiaomi pistons they are great and don't spend too much money on it feels like these headphones have a battery and I don't know why the longer I use them the quieter they get it's a miracle to me how this is happening don't buy them by Xiaomi yours so Mac number three is last refuge decision in this mess of great the only first use since they play really well in the end but how do you like that yeah mr. moonstruck I don't know I have no idea I was baffled as well but it worked out for them so they had better knowledge than all of them okay what Amazonia go well Fosse at ICI stop like not the skills form but what stop all right let's go into map number three Archmage first and fly is going for a Farseer again it worked really well on Amazonia but the thing about Amazonia is that it's so small and based based distances in short and therefore the vasya works better because he arrives earlier you do more damage earlier and therefore the main detect more is this working on last refuge as well I am a little skeptical but do you know what never change the running system and I guess that's what question is will th go for an expansion here it is possible it's not very likely while this tech is so fast 2-minute tech by pliers forces all right without a barracks without a shop just the second Perot here that's pretty crazy and pretty dangerous I mean we have seen fire Lord placed on LR rare but we have seen them if th would have gone for Terran built our rush it would give correct but he scouted it arch match is running into the base same goes for the past year sour is not up so who can do more damage a players horses are under attack there's no grunt to defenses only furrows and I think sure that the barracks get canceled can he cause more trouble doesn't have another wall to the mental you can repair now but it's better and it takes off I don't see a single corpse yet and he buys time for the tower all the time th Colts gg this was yeah I mean the tech was almost finished the tech was finished and th didn't even start the tech yet he couldn't cancel the barracks and it was just too much militia time so he didn't even have slightly enough lumber for the tech and then it would have just been wider right with a harass like that kind of th was reliant on killing that barracks please correct me if I'm wrong here but that's the thinking right Tech was almost done women would arrive in like two minutes and he didn't get the burro so he can't play ever the barracks he can't defend at home I'm kind of baffled so Chad what are you saying three minutes 26 seconds yes fly at zero units I don't think he needs units at this point berrak didn't matter at all yeah I agree [Music] you are you agreeing with me you okay no one is really definitely over yeah I think so too right but it's because of the wyvern play that's right or like whatever even if he goes mess writers but mass traders can D count it more easily by footman of course and you can maybe buy some more time you all right so I guess that's it and that is the 2-1 victory for orc in the first best-of-three two points for them and yeah doesn't look good for the humans we get the next game it's learned versus thought we go into a small commercial break and then we're back with the next mr. three here orcs seem to dominate but sock is always up for something special strategies suck maybe they'll seize it best of three number two the orcs have taken the lead with two one as fly got the revenge for the GCS grand final and defeat of th two-to-one we go into Amazonia once again where we saw the Farseer plane fly before but now it's two different place we have China versus China now it's Korea vs. Korea perfectly little living in China seems kind of half Chinese thank you no sock the bad boy of Warcraft the b-boy not only bad you know breakdancer as well he is slightly he's pretty good versus orcs you can see here with 52% win rate but only 10% vs. Lin we have one big favorite he starts in the upper right representing the orcish sport is Lin guy who won almost every tournament this year except GCS and color cut I guess which when she moved and sock no big accomplishments this year no big result this year ox mage first in Amazonia pretty much set in stone and we have first donation of the day matrix killer donates 10 bucks greetings to MTV Devin Neil can you talk him into a show mate he still got it get back to work ref guys are doing an amazing job greetings from Berlin yeah Devin is watching quite a bit of course still very very busy with his poker career would be a cool match to have Dom inversus spell baby we'll see what we can do I'll try but as I said before so much stuff going on that I mean it would be interesting to have to have old school show matches let the moment there's really no time Sox personal interesting new proud I mean romantic mood before but he really picked it up with the shop pretty early for the circuit as well while Linda decides to go for Blake map here but kind of unusual for him to do that he's also one of the guys and picked up but not here today using the grunge to lure up the little trappers to get Berserker easily and the Archmage oh yeah mass precious that's what that is exactly what makes sock so strong instant pressure and a lot of that Lin trying to counter this with an earlier section Perot and a lane shop to the spoiler finishes and he can repair against now our unity face won't fly understand but it's not getting anything now the ballroom is saved the shop seems to be same especially with the [ __ ] event you know no he cancels but the Archmage coming back there's another one so getting the resources back but you know selves no clarity on Spitsbergen sokka's still until one what a players forces are not checking at all oh there's a lumber mill already tech 50% done he didn't get the borough this is bad for sake knows all of this because of the wart that he got from the shop the town is under siege she's checking now dikes counseling the next borough as long as this one up you can go for a second here that's all fine and dandy they're coming in this no second mentor this time Oh lightning shield helps out as well the creep sent their regards against sock and yeah nice little harassed by the - grunts you are not helping it with the premise that wolves are under attack still getting two kills problem of limited he still doesn't have a shot this tech is done though shadow hunter coming and what is stuck going to do it's not even at our thing all that suck does canceling then with great map awareness always moving his late master out once he can still has enough course that's enough lumber but the two two buildings are delayed at least you got that so he constantly had to rebuild the buildings and forest in cancelin so he lost some lumber and he had to repair a lot so Raiders and walkers are late he makes up for the late tech that way but he does have crit he does have the second hero and a wobble in the back to counter is how the players forces are under attack that's not gonna be easy for stock at all I like what he made out of it though if he gets the borough I think things that look great for it because that's a lace the second run and you can't go to the laboratory can't arrest this creepin and then the Archmage is getting closer to level 3 but just wait everything he needs is out with Hank first most likely your attacks the [ __ ] on fit here they're all Hertz that will sanctum normal play Mountain King seconds so interesting but he decides to go for the late game and he can direct us to YouTube so he's gonna have a fast slow and fast we won't have any anytime soon so that hurts and that's good for salt he proved me wrong horses are under attack walkers are coming 34 supply coming in dick wanna start room braces nice against the storm balls off forget least one in revenge kill over the army so he's protected and getting healed by the priests well then a player's forces are under attack eight minutes sake to Manas something that newer players never really realize saving your mana for important time out is under siege but not spam everything that with layers forces are under attack sub is coming up now that opens up breakers the sock is just gathering strength for the big push but he only has one lumber y-yes no lumber mill okay that explains a little of players forces are attack toko Toby's Foreman yet yes [ __ ] forget it indeed no sock since Josh which way then stop playing this a lot better than I thought but he's facing level three thank you very much well beat for the 9-month Rhys up I am Alive that's good to know for the steel doesn't get it it doesn't get the big item as well he's still in which book didn't even try to go through it horses are under attack that could have been a big kill Ashley H three point six already useful double mint nice now the Kota Beast is coming fallen upgrade is ready as well we're getting closer and closer to the first big fight socked with 1200 gold is waiting for more study the next bomb and then push it to 60 and then the players force fight Lin is kind of ready as well I have two damaged either with Berserker has two total now that's not enough three Walker's patrolling on Raider mr. ball is available in South Yarra obviously in this mountain King I like that early in this right yeah audio depth upgrade them cause haven't seen that yet you make it a little only Raider very very soon second clap to delay everything a little tough forces with that can tight with slow and clap everything is slowed down that much matter anymore one scoreboard I guess you never wonder that Cody's have eaten the break up another break of Paul's in the front man Lynn the good Microsoft are in the post on the blade master second cup champion and he killed a lot more than [ __ ] [ __ ] loud just us coming in as well when the final scene being used clap again kion's are just soaking up - damage - it's not damaging anything of value now many kills shocking messages entire 1000 golden eyes but how long can you fight against this close to level 4 wall breakers and shop control only an anvil potion no he'll stroll but more and more and more breakers that was a fight though we're sock had a pretty big upper hand not really in level but an army and item sock has vision so he suit and starts like vision with the fray korean sonic you shouldn't stop this must be aware of the blade master come we rock all of us to the line was a little overwhelmed with the multitasking as it seems very slow and careful creeping now in general that's a lot easier from you opportunity for the whole the physical damage should I'm just doing the same though don't think the up K thank you very much all be for the 350 bit sheer saying you need about three-fitty that is correct thanks mate that's a kebab so useful involved a roomful of course help a lot usually against all ball close 12 okay I'm the Archmage but instead 84 48 survive and the not an important level for to be honest the brilliance are a lot stronger the item courage more matter and that means yes 10 plus the teller engaging now to admit nothing else one interval on the Mountain King nothing else when in world one heels from the oxide a lot of mana Thunder clapping to nowhere what was that Oh miss click buy a stock and one of his daughter spells gone for nothing this is not bad dizziness is gone though clap again to reposition the hiding game by soft so far there's no scribbling he stole it all as it's me yeah he's little what did you just not reapply it typing some casters on the other side totally it's gone nice new wave getting healed again by the scroll you really want to scho to means to get the breaker back any succeeds losing the breaker over it but at least one for free in our Sox TV now almost no Castle award didn't want to lose too much that was a decent fight double level for here on the level to strong ball just won it some more mana it was completely dry on Manor without the spell can't really stay in despite once you download our attack again little skating tie no TP anymore only one enjoy finally got a big envelope that's massive double clap combo love she Blizzard in this even more synergy one bowl equals one year wave to save you an Archmage a little far up front kept in a back step and the crit link can you cancel this meeting well done by Lea little sloppy I saw cancelled I got one more clarity of course is running and running and running and running here how the mass is overwhelming Kirsten who posted being used and that was the big one the 15-second one level four this is where or gets really dangerous when he gets the five five heroes sucked it's pretty far away from that and that hurts now constant clarity's on the Shadowhunter constant healing possible talk did well photo s eaten that's another free supply god so 44 verses 46 even but this one will make a difference in 27 experience the Shadowhunter is off the charts good the lint continues the subcontrol the players forces are under attack well sock is grasping little lass was gonna be something today forget something I switch went to the shop only for region de clarity no expansion when it's checking for it a Korean walk was struggling for a little but in general he plays it so well most exactly what's coming and is prepared for that a players forces are under attack corrupted solo but it's still not enough you just want to look for the scouts shadow hunter on this shop getting a heels for late master and this shop getting a huge stroke so much money invests into ice and invested dragons double in vogue as hero focused but no way to hit up the army and that's going to turn into a problem [Music] there's no damage there's Lin engaging you wants this so bad in the ass of a fighter here we go oh where's the clap where is the clap there was the first one hitting a lot take naps in focus or the other the heels drop and the room braces and the other post he should be same that'll have to pull matter who doesn't have to be too careful clap again killing the truth is the book the second last one the backup Koval is still there with a full stomach clap is reck Kings the walk army as it seems we haven't seen too much level three for that as well so many even you're gonna die and the cold was gone so the 10% damage aura is gone as well late master is a lot weaker another photo reinforcements coming in and sock is doing surprisingly well with the clap three look at the damage against everything make mess use this in Vellore a there's no clarity on the Shadowhunter anymore but maybe account for this in the post of course no matter on the bottom anymore so he stopped that important but with brilliance our level 2 then Regents a lot faster now we have level 5 Archmage and well five five five five heroes if he would rescale to Blizzard I think it's instantly but the main goal minds about to expire he can't afford it kind of a do-or-die situation here who wants to push into the opponent's base it looks like it's soft with 13 supply advantage grabbing a map off of lunar attack would be a major surprise I was a little surprised that they didn't teach Sumiko but that makes sense beach ball against the clap English on the ostrich is going for Hail Mary here focus but the storm ball prevails it prevents it pouring out there trying to dispel but that took way too much Lin is heavily struggling with the main goal mines being expired to being used up using damage is just too sick and Lin has to give up this map resulting in a 100 lead for sock and the 2-2 in the clan war pretty damn well placed by a sock even though the early wasn't good at all by not getting the Burrow and basically nothing but he delayed everything as much as he could caught up in his tech which was very late what impressed me the most was the town portal out of the fight where it didn't look bad for him but also not that great and then he realized he had no mana anymore and just ran away got some mana and engaged again without giving Lin too much time fiddlin overshoot on items you clap was of course like even though he had one bad clap recipe transfer and finding the time to creep the Mountain King to level five was also a game-winning move Oh you catapult I don't really think you can defend them against strong water elementals wyvern gets like my slow istanbul water lament holds etc there's not really a solution to this on the oxide next member strong rock chosen by Lin this could of course backfire of its position you've got disenchant you got a lot more slow than your opponent you I think the first fight on the bottom the middle right-hand side of the map was kind of the key for Sauk to win because there I got the little advantage without too many losses and not enough for a dress I feel you you so two two after the first four maps that would be a massive surprise soft tags out we still have the king of the hill where th and maybe Linda retribution so far looking good 15 Ewan I'd say even without the wind of Stas eh at the moment he just made up for the mistake that th did in the game against only the games against Y because he was supposed to kind of equal you is no late game for all if the human hands clap I agree it's really hard Jiji games are played great indeed this is always the case in race Wars or team battles in general that some underdogs are over performing we've seen this already with Xiao CAI que and so in both playing great against colorful and and now maybe stock again fly was not the fabric and th at all remember she she and wfz a nostalgia battlefield alongside grubby another rig that wfz in general it's a great example 104 sock - - between organizer a pork and human and we are interlocked crossed position suck starting at the 11 o'clock position after his victory of course wouldn't love to have those position but F as far away as it gets and this exactly what Lin wanted he does this past year time [Music] we certainly hope so variety you should play good to the really osseous like TV in the old days great adventure but not top-notch player TD won two major tournaments something that other undead were not even remotely close to well happy me the chat wall and video game festival and WCG and so I think TV is certainly a top-notch player [Music] so late master it is on this map very understandably so very good good map for him because of all the islands isn't that map that for human if it's all closed position certainly yeah far based based distance with that but it looms map choice so that's why you fix it [Music] a player's forced 100 viewers by the way nice to have you all here this will continue until some day each and every day 1 p.m. starting time and the great matchups are yet to come guide with light of human night upon death remove did some cherry-picking here certainly as he will arrive we have protection plus sleeve of the worst here but at least experience and the ward fallen else off slightly the items focus style and checking a lot faster this time trying to catch up with Lin so he got his level to a lot earlier they needed before a player's forces are under attack forcing another win talking to self into the ball can't finish this this is a nice interference by a song well it's on average creeping more and more now and more experienced run really kill you lionesses are under a tripod late master came creeping over major [Music] there is a very interesting map because I don't think you can tell rush here it's just too far away on these positions where do you want to face them what do you want to choose coming into this prevents level 3 watches look way too early way too early that is very rare to see from Lin making such a mistake and that gives him the level one of the hardest task forces are under against the well-played plate master get level 3 [Music] music - now shut a second I've switched out the bass he's a noted two buildings yet only now this players forces this is really for the towers see building the guard towers against the potential why burner ass or does [Music] Ivory's okay off we go first real tower pushing this clan war performed by sock displayed master is only level 1.7 Archmage cross level 3 shadow hunter is out so comports can help burrow is not really accessible as well what is it Fire Lord old school not first but second this time and this is quite a fast I'll push here man with ivories even the shadow on - what's he doing he sees only now that's impossible this is the blade scout this he has to run all the way back so much damage on the Buddha Laos powers are coming up in the back yes take care of this Fire Lord and make his Lamas Poncelet but the shop is gone and that's the most important thing for a start we scroll engagement on the Archmage he hacks a semi surrounds him as it seemed close yes it is no town portal this one is dead level 3 Archmage instead death with the beginning of this caboose and that is level 2 but this all bought a lot of time for the towers we can hide behind one grunted and the lava spawns slickness there's not much mana on the Fire Lord but one more spawn should be doable and now we bought the time for three dollars he's not attacking the photos he's not attacking the echo and he can do damage to the barracks which is super important for catapult later why burn oh that's a big investment he picks it up oh no this is looking verandas : if so can somehow get it Archmage back lava spawns have to be focused by this blade mass otherwise they'd split again but the time for summons is somehow over fourth tower almost on level 2 here way war is at war he gets this one nicely done has to cancel two towers here the bank master is low and there is only okay he has some ostrich at the alt takes around two years but this far powers are up meet small matter lava spawn mana is now available damage is split between the barracks and the stronghold can still repair is there another shop coming folder in the back no that's the first Amazo is up and that means area of effect damage I guess he saw it I mentioned back in the north lava squad is diving for this catapult those 125 miss rally I guess HP is damaged but Linda's taking out the path you quite well ostrich finally back with more ivories and the heal post and Clara's own shop or just I won't tell us that this going hot for the stronghold now can't cancel the shop anymore but maybe the entire income by on this walk-up almost gets rid of it later sports but only to work is remaining you can't repair the towers anymore kind up and all in by sock who's losing another footman another source of damage mass repair next what elemental there's another lava spot in a bed he's repairing with everything he can and he can't repair that much longer level three for the blade mass critical strike number two must be and now live at zero lumber he can't repair anymore where is the damage commitment to this trouble I don't see it diving for the demolishers and I think that's the right call he gets at least one next lamas ball other towers to the damage bursts catapult down second catapult down sock see it seems like he's - Oh England who got another tower up oh oh oh okay gets out but level 3 for the Shadowhunter now is this the saving grace basically no income pullin as he has to repair the entire time now us is still up one worker can the lava phone split actually focus fire but no matter for a hex I guess now maybe one hex what a game Lunas holding on as good as you can militia reinforcements this lab Osborn our disenchant very nice it was about to split here no mana on the fire load anymore also no man on the Archmage but the blade master next lava support all we have so burn have a clinical strike he executes sin but is there enough damage somehow no that's not windwalk hue way plate masters still up more repairing the stronghold and I think Lin is back in this game oh my god what a hold there were four towers up attacking everything the strong rule wasn't like 150 HP he is a gosu in defending these rushes no one did it better ever but the game is not over another what elemental in five seconds whoa whoa Leo what a game where's the Firelord coming back in the pit it's only level two doesn't take that much time he has to tear on the towers he does damage to the economy already lose just a walk up again distraction to get some piercing damage but these headhunters so squishy speaking of squishy Automation trouble no item at all the black mass has Pete's crops can he somehow run away it looks grim pitch black actually and he gets the second kill as well and now soft playing Starcraft close to level four on the plate if you can't get rid of the barracks you can't get rid of the stronghold Fire Lord is back though full mana new ivories tug of war don't want to take some damage here that this sophis up what's the saving grace for me there's no man at the moment man up push and the Archmage's back as well that means the aura is back to new ivory towers in construction but this is gonna be a die back oh my god 163 critical strike is super duper expensive time back for sock and this will just repeat this will just repeat co-opted kill basically fall in the hero focus is doing it the chakrams can't reach bow wind walk though just barely ready no lets him get away he lets him get away because he needs to damage him his base to lava form they split again the counter pulls down and the file authorised to the creek oh the Blake master got it at the end level four and a half another tower second new tower about as well five towers now whoo we've been walking to the tower concave this tower is so important because the Shadowhunter can you know I can't reach in the manner right now it must be time for the barracks to fall it just must be I can hold position prepare it's only towers and workers he has to not think else in this office now another one another catapult that's the second one I think it was a mistake when the Archmage got back the first time he didn't bring us for a feature and he never established a shop in the back these workers will split her into pieces one after another first one and now the second one and now not yet the third one but it's coming water hold the chakrams come in first kill second kill third kill almost no repair anymore but the Archmage is back with a strong water elemental diving for the system walruses again Setanta has a lot of heating what of cause he can't heal mechanical units can hang with lake master can do damage with Costa level five this time you use the scroll of region walk the game what a fierce fight you get straight off the catapult again you wave on to pile on is coming back the barracks still producing it baffling how this works for safety I fight this time but he's committing heart to the towers at least one gets canceled so we're down to three again how long will he survive if you reform and that's level five level three crit for sure doesn't work against buildings the pylons back as well one more lava spawn 17 minutes of Awesomeness between Lin and sock again he needs the crits he blocking himself a little oh no speech 12 invested just cook the another kill this should be another kill this is another kill docking with the Shadowhunter now that's the next act with the last bit of mana he gets to third double kill in this very game Lin is insane but here he loses the catapult again the lava spawn split it's time to go for the workers again an unbelievable taco for just seconds finishes disenchant again against the lava for saving the catapult but is this the last catapult he's not willing to repair anymore the barracks faults finally it took him forever he tried countless times but we have 5 5 heroes now good heal wave after you went after he waved and only one has really 12 supply for sake and no repair anymore after this I think he broke it I think after 19 minutes he finally broke it jayjay buy stock we go Game three on his undersea water game until the very end I had no idea who wins this this was one of the very very very best our Russia that I have seen against Lin since 2016 almost got it I was actually surprised that he got the first three towers up because that never happens again you I think he must focus better with the towers before she either go like commit all of the towers of the barracks for all the towers to the straw hole you and no shop in the back hurt as well maybe like you don't have to build it on the little island where Lin spawn but maybe a little back but Linda is so Linda is shredded you thank you Chris a kiss bump it's for this up I know you stopped before so thank you very much who Orcs take the lead again with three two and sucks map choice now he can equalize you last refute to this we've seen fly destroy th year in three minutes 20 seconds human export analysis by Boca one of Germany's best humans yes you have to chance to kill the main building with Linette zero number still mistakes lead to good games and that's exactly what I think as well he didn't realize that the transport denser microphone that's like a pop filter so whenever I do you don't hear it that much so as annoying the microphone is like in there but either you have this in front of my face or you have worse sounds and I think we go with this solution I don't like it anyway it was a great start for sock to get the shop that early but letting it back up I tell maybe you should prioritize you next map is last refuge yes of the popular call I got a road SMR spider so it's building soon neo soon yes Stefan I praised you before I don't know if you tuned in late or later than I did but it priests you quite a bit Stefan / our YouTube God and soon to be more than just quite a few improvements no wrappers you children late so mister are sooo bad he missed afraid so last refuge it is we're waiting for I think the Chinese Broadcasting yeah the pole is broken I know I don't know why but it doesn't matter anyway because this one one you all right you hear them chains right let's go so aunt Lin map number three funny this is the first clan war where the best of threes go full distance and both of them actually so we're on line for two hours and we still didn't start the king of the hill mode this gonna be a long day for us boys and girls sock surprised by taking map number one was incredibly close to taking map number two and now can you get mum can you get met number three just as fly did as he was the underdog against th Lin apparently is he playing it like flight no it's not the super fast tech the two minute tech looks like the normal build and sock I could see it could see a mountain king maybe but in general it should the Archmage with this aggressive play that he does usually but that would be a curveball for sure to tame up confers that we all expected options which it is [Music] third game third late master not that usual from Lin as he knows all right as it does a very good pass here as well as a very good shadow articles so it's an entirely different game than was before between client eh [Music] you could go for an expansion on this map as I said not very likely especially so I think you will go for past level 2 and then her ass I don't even know maybe just goes green spots when Scout sees the normal build sees the tech which is of course fast with 2 minutes to 20 but not super fast so I'm following up here for a little more footmen and that's this way I guess a lot of footmen early therefore little late tech very very very good editor plus nine right of layers forces are at level two and he's away from the base looks good for sock so far Oh Kenny canceled yeah this poor oh for sure not the thirty supply bro still no techno louise tower ring that comes as a surprise layers forces are under eternal he's creeping okay it's creeping plain what does the do noun is under siege creeping the expo that's all the unexpected okay I have seen this before a little overwhelmed I guess using two footmen here he's okay he needs it for level three but this was quite unsuccessful losing two foot with those resources or the grand seated on the layers fourth and the grunt punishes it oh this is bad Circle it no way he nested that he did write the grunt lasted hero can he get a revenge with the grunt kills the surround doesn't seem like it needs more militia she's gonna have Blake mess already with more kills surround okay but what's it worth if you have one yeah grant guarded check confirm all level three is so hard now there is more windwalk there's more clarity err more self where is he gonna get this cure or Linden eyes while the plate master was healing up not a sign of a town-hall no tag forces are under attack I can run back get the nervous around almost ech it's already done close to level 3 tonight nasty whoa this game is one-sided on paper a nice idea to erase and built the expo on the back of the harassment layer forces are under attack well only on paper I guess so fast the lunch hour is up second one as late master can't do too much anymore but what is it BB sorry don't play that the standard thank you in mad for the prime service forces are under attack you should freeze up well of course if you stop all the replays are available in our discourse to you at no add that is the natural problem here for humans on L our level 3 if a blade master is played like this a player's forces are under attack just cover expanding yep early to counter expansion which is okay since sock just still not start the taxis it must only what elemental one you can hex one of the I got it he got the last it gets the revenge but will he pay with his life grid after backstab is that another hex and he's dead DC yes he front comes in for the block its must be a CPS or players forces are under attack who doesn't have a shop sock has no shop needs power bill that lasted with pretty damn important sokka's crippled but he prevented the expansion of Lin was only at 37 rebuilding it now we've seen this quite a few times from them players forced to great attack a town is under siege a players forces are under attack soccer starting to lay my guess that's what he was known for last year around this time always some interesting strategies to say the least like east master first against time dad with a lot of tanks he Zeppelin drops won't hurt too much players forces are under attack he's creating little fires everywhere the nest repair here ostrich is here he will drop it till the expense or against his pension here and although now get all that time he's mining number one inch at number two check number three that cost a lot of marking second double arcane sanctum and now open expansion this is smart play and well executed as well does he have enough damage there's another Waterloo mental wants to cool down runs off I think he gets it basically no repair boy he does have a town portal prevents the damage here this spells against the hex campus the export needs to cheap the out though yeah goodbye it's level 3 with another killed footman but the expo is down Lynn why burned play I think would have gotten you the to win a player's forces are that was a nice little macro move my sock he didn't kill the borough but he distracted Lynn who was focused on his main then dropped with his Apple in which was expected since there was a bat right Oh coach Molinaro nice and City my sock horn check up great first source was coming he's stabilizing the only problem he has is his weak cup creep Jack who knows this I didn't get this one but the item isn't matter stone then we'll have been so beneficial didn't get the big one either such big experience for the man King but he pulls it to another one sock is getting stuff done but it's so expensive that he doesn't really get in a player's forces are great a manner at manner so oh yeah yeah picking up this mana stone could have changed the game could change the game as it is way less clap and way more you bet a player's forces are a level two then it's not changing anything you should sit on this Great Hall like a head on the act they kind of does it he should know where sock is nice loot against Vampira interesting dynamic item here Captain America hammers okay so expose up shop next clue to help on the defense good levels for little four and a half under attack we twist how my batter isn't good crystal ball most here three by Lin fly try it again stage 75 per 65 of players force okay sock is there any transition only rifles that's it it's not super fortified Lin builds towers to protect him and wipe with all the melee that he has wyvern are a good addition you have to focus them because they damage output is long so it buys time for the rest this is the big push to come with tower support with the mana potion with an integral poster but Lin is ready and keeping him away from the expansion there is blizzard this time well the very first time of this clan war so he positions the towers to puzzle in distraction this is good damage for the hex comes against this the Iranians are far away those two position for the outrage is great they will fall for him now massive clap on top and he has to use the Shadowhunters mana he granted he has a lot of that manner so he can't afford but the Mountain King and up front can do whatever he was but and is killing so much in the potion used on the plate now as well as the next few ways this like 12 supply gone for Lin who has to fight a twenty supply advantage for Sokka this Blizzard transition was absolutely perfect the Archmage position was absolutely perfect and the orc struggles can suck equalized the series it would be a massive surprise sealing up it's not over shooting over-committing he's cancelling the healing though other clarity on the set hunter who's super close to five he shouldn't allowed too many kills but again everything is red is he going for storm bolt he does have the mana allows 'ln to heal a little but at the same time doing damage to the economy walk might lose the third game [Music] oh boy there was more damage than we expected Shadowhunters still has a lot of man but both of the consumables are gone the mana stone isn't returning anymore so who's gonna die first late master amount King late mass in the still at level five is there in this is constant and snares Lin taps out soft defeats him fair and square with an expo play or less abuse wow just wow that was absolutely solid human play against orc I don't like this expansion against expansion play that Linda's I think it doesn't work because the human is always fast in human push is always faster and then I don't know it doesn't work that way but the position of the fight there was exactly what Salk wanted the transition to Blizzard was great the timing was amazing and the position was the best thing that could happen to not in range of the ensnare forcing the Shadowhunter to use both his consumables for the hexes to prevent the blizzard that was it and Lin giving up two maps and that equals the series three three as th was defeated one two two sock I got the revenge over Lin so to upsets already and now we're done with the best of fries from this point on everything king of the hill best off won the four players of each team against each other we have th amico sock and blade versus fly Lin Xiao KK and still in so we're in for a treat this clan well so far has been great and more action is to come stay tuned little break I need a rest see it a bit have the first game of the king of the hill the clan war is tied three to three between human and orcs and now the two two players are starting here shell KK and Tamiko this is China versus Korea both pretty young Tomiko for me one of the rising stars in the scene with in my opinion a very good human versus orc matchup which was why I was surprised to see sock there but after seeing sock again Flynn not surprised anymore everyone was bashing the human team a little for being too weak maybe they just are good against org and yeah the matchup suggested here 82% win rate for Tamiko against our KK jamika was very strong or the strongest during the Firelord meta which kind of is not trendy anymore so let's see what he can do with what shock I can do in the upper left we have the walk in the upper right we have the human so it's a Blademaster first and a blood mage first all right that's something we've seen from for example Yumiko certainly an expansion then with this black mage that's gonna be interesting a great disabled against the blade master but you have to have a lot of mana and you have to keep them safe from plate masses hips of course so this being echo isles and this being a black mage i can only think of an expansion here which goes a little against what i usually see from Sumiko and I feel this is still very very hard to overcome this expansion especially on Echo we saw it all your laughs if you to know as well that it works for soccer slips up well with the pause of attack make master ring the unlucky the big strength of char KK is the early game when grunt control matters when you can block when you can catch up with the blade master and create a lot of damage with the late master weird mu fights amico wake up the center crease but it gets slowed and punished so hard with the bash as well ru survives in the end but that's the gift full of late magic a short second Clause of attack for the blood mage which is now scouted the strength of the black mage is slowing down grunts as well so you can slow and surround them and then they pop out off the banish and then your sources are under attack and I wonder how KK is reacting to this we got the big in wall and he spent quite a bit of time on this creep spot the unique to spot the only big consumable on so Shadow Priests is fully healed vanish has another nice synergy he banished a unit and then heal them it gets twice the yield and KK is not aggressive at all just creeping a little he asked what items and he's checking so it could be mass Raiders it could be Y burn but we've seen th versus fly oh no tower and that's an opening in the base i yanking a this herd and yeah flight decided to attack the expansion immediately against th socket hey is a different approach here not punishing the expansion at all makes us a lot first hour is up put all your arcane footmen I'm not harassing at all they're helping in the defense in the main but that goes into the lumber and yeah very interesting position for the lumber mill here Wow nice Michael those two are among the best when it comes to surround and blocking especially in the lower tiers like not the s tier of Walker that we have so very much looking forward to these skirmishes in the middle of the game night master waiting always staffed in so there wasn't opening it just after and he spent the entire duration of that staff in the rain but this only one course this is quite nice for Tamiko also got a good amount of lumber here all the militiamen can't afford it as it seems so t2 now spirit lodge sh piece to me radar Walker play the normal one justice delay the tier two enough Tomiko is not checking Tomiko has no water elementals to work with the center to the base should have been you know for the heel siphon mana he can't win for God but he's just waiting for the staff can you okay can you cancel the staff of banished yeah right in full force to get more damage the big in water stepping up now black Mitch can't reach so is getting out to the to the expansion where the tech has started it's still only an arcade it looks like shower cake aid is absolutely dominating this match about to compare the gold mines here 10,000 versus 600 called advantage a little less lot of workers died though he kept all the footmen alive a player so I guess with only four footmen you can't really do too much in your face oh yeah the big in world the tech isn't time but will he have enough resources later for the Tipsy buildings and four towers I mean she'll Kiki has to win quickly now it's not too much lumber you because he invested all in two towers and I think that's worth it that's absolutely nice betters a player's forces are under attack the henesys is so annoying so many acts used like it doesn't really matter if you use benefits to get the matter back anyway even have boots now so I don't like shower cake is approached here he's not aggressive anymore he's not counter expanding he stopped once for base which is not going for a while anyway so what is he doing giving jamika the time that he needs and now he's had a thousand call this one sanctum only so just like fly did against th you can't leave the shop canceling the sanctions and that's important because Tamiko has a lot of gold but he doesn't have a lot of lumber and tier 3 okay I like that didn't see that before I like that tier 3 then it explains why he was so passive a players feel the same banishes himself stay in a little longer and saving himself take his supply stick for that oh hey as long as your tax rates you banishing the plate okay do not lose HP good surround them that burro you can't cancel it well you can kill it Oh master pear now that's tears it's enough nicely played by Chiquito so we really have to start worrying about the orc option which second base is protected blacksmith is coming it's going to be the double sink and rock on the play a player's forces are under attack [Music] the kind of needs or doesn't need to spell so the upgrades are not really important early pleasers not going for water let me just listen he can't ak-47 he absolutely needs to cover it [Music] a player's forces are under attack at this point shamiqua is already at sixty four but this is like just you stuck between a rock and a hard place now you have to produce units to be able to catch up with the human you have to expand to catch up to the humans economy so what to do I don't know forces are under attack three three though against three to come of experience here getting closer to three three only two breakers there's not much damage in this army but he can disable the Blademaster for the longest time so it's gonna be lacking damaged on that side as well who will speak reinforce layers forces are attack yet long rifle upgrades militia push towards the expo which is totally exposed there is a teepee on the Shadowhunter can he kill this expansion that's a lot of raiders and and snares to prevent the repair and sock to a sock Tomiko turns around to hold his expansion that's necessary both the TP keeps a sec co-op loses a lot of workers in the process only trade the core rater than TP players for that was his wind condition to keep this explore 70 supply pushes coming with a nice pendant and nice ivories and a nice round of items here is the answer the world okay he's just doing the same thing again no was that he has to break it soon again investing into this town portal I don't know how he wants to hold this it's a base rate basically an expansion racer repair it's basically impossible against blizzard because the peons suc suffer as well on the other side see kind of the same so KK has no pillage suffers a little from the towers Expo down TP home any defenses there's no repair both X goes down but this army is so so so much bigger from Sumiko a player's forces are under attack number mill builds fast super pounders get at least some lumber income at the second one here jamika plays a shark hey places who white smart that he needs the lumber for the second gold mine again he doesn't have that he can't rebuild it well Shaw KK has the gold for tiny Great Hall but he has to run away first and there is no speech for anymore this fell on the banished he has to take this fight automated positions not the greatest but he wanted to block expertly will he pay with his life nope banner Satan and there is a potion on top of things McMasters no matter his slowed was slowed a lot of disenchant going into this anti slow when you buy more on paper Chaka K has no chance can he run away from the fires force hitting her imagine chained wave now on those levels Rico doesn't have a tech anymore he's basically tier one it was to keep it all perfect for this puzzle isn't though I'm not 100% sure but you still can go for all the casters right and you can still with only 60 lumber Xiao CAI que is tr3 yetsko toes now doesn't have the Warsong battledrums yet but still 10% damage 60% there 60 supply and all of a sudden you got a lot closer a lot pools one base versus one base with the auch able to expand at all times basically well some pumps operate under a walker Massa upgrade or no upgrades on the units Oh shriek Oh he invests into another Town Hall keh keh going for tiny Great Hall as well Tomiko expects it but there's nothing here instead he's going for the base rate with Cola bees this time plus 20% damage on raiders that's the second one yes and so the raid begins but love will have a new wave here the typical or play now in those situations village and leaders Town Hall is up again it was broken once but can he break it twice he's still not going for an explanation is coming back so maybe he's just expanding with this one I don't know who really has an edge I mean Shamika was at 80 but I Blizzard is still rocking that makers always good to disable so the Blake master won't have a player's big are under attack this is constantly being banished but we do have master Walker so you can dispel against the banished and no it's not the peon it's another tiny Great Hall Shameka was getting ready for the price involved he'll sprawl another involved he's ready for the hero focus that for sure I would love to see a catapult something he can protect it another useful as well so double items versus W roses no spirit link on the Raiders yet many history so spirit link will be up good timing the tiny great hole has not paid off yet hence apply advantage watch Sumiko who have attack upgrade only on the rifleman lizard on super Walker's locks offense nears who has to banish against the blade and there we go haven't seen it yet and a blizzard on top for extra damage I like that the footmen are storming into the Raiders dealing tremendous damage that late mass has to retreat once more that's no matter on the shimanto anymore because we have to use so much and yeah what is the cooler doing here completely out of tradition he keeps the aura up though I don't know that's working so well one useful has been invested bought to Meco already and the blizzard is peeling the skin of his body slowly what steady there's Mickelson at sixty good damage with everything and everything is calling for chocolate air force are faking this is nine supply coordinates and Tameka wins despite a good arrest despite a delayed check despite a canceled expansion shaka k didn't put up put on enough pressure once again he allowed him to get back once he had no lumber if he doesn't do that what the fight how can you fight their foreign for Blizzard odds match that the best we got recognized by Google yeah that that wasn't supposed to be a fight that you take sure thank you puffed up for the two-month Reis up much appreciated thanks for your pride and we go into a little break here as it is best of one I can rest my voice a little and then we're back the humans take the lead this time it's for free for them now let's see who the next opponent is could be so in Lin game number two of this king of the hill battle jamika took the win over shark okay so he stays alive in the next Challenger awaits it's his clan buddy it's from a flatmate it's soand they know each other inside out and they meet on Terra nest and it's of course Korea vs. Korea both relatively young for the Warcraft scene and yeah both around 50% against each other so in in general not that great against human as it seems here with only 42% but he faces th and in a lot so maybe that is a little screwed here on the other side Shaniqua faced them and by a long maybe is in-game we go so when kind of has to make up for the mistakes that she'll KK did as the orc team for the very first time is the high as we have a great coverage here on liqui pedia Oh No th took the first map though it's the second time they are behind but yeah lasts played a the orcs only lost one map today Oh ready for looks like the human team is well prepared for the orcs and I pointed it out before it's not impossible that Jamaica goes for Mountain King and here he is for the very first time it's an MK first so when starts with Raiders and this is gonna be an interesting match it's Owens map choice so he wanted this map especially for his tactics that he does and it's already a tuber oh no shop tech at least not yet shop oh there's a shop here sorry so it's a very late tech early harass of self-esteem he immediately gets a circuit for that and yeah does he expect to smart-looking I mean if he gets rid of his storm balls early looks like he's not going for cleverly then he can't arrest him quite well but of course later on he is the single target machine is an AoE machine as long as he has man on it's no matter it's creeping the mercy whoa these items +8 after 2 minutes 40 that attack speed are more damaged everything and the big possibility his harassment potential is off the charts already this one here also good a little damaged a little manner invulnerability as well looks good so far and Shaniqua what are you doing are you expanding again on tearing off stands doesn't seem like he's continued to build peasants okay this is weird it's an expansion play on Terra nas so instead was late well the three minute tech compared to the two minute tech that we see or the two minute 30 technically see usually okay now we have flap on level 2 backs up against the trees the healing is gone but the experience goes towards to Nico's closing in on level 3 the grunts come in as well with the shadow freeze don't think up that one yeah when shamika's goes the first Walker worker is dying so far you got every single creep at lost two workers the enforcer now in precaution banking gets it as well but the big one the Ark of reincarnation goes to the blade master if this would have been the book off the dad I think you can call Institute or a wine upper window sir so quite lucky with the item drop here but great creeping by Tamiko keeping the blade master and based on board here and picks up the berserker immediately didn't do a single point of damage i thing any reach so against this expansion the to borrow text is great because you have to grunts instead of one more pressure against the Town Hall there is power build but the damage especially with this it's just way to me he also lost quite a few workers and almost another footman here saving both of them saving both of the grunts killing another footman with a lasted off this little priest and he can't reach without Istanbul there was one storm boat but it's alright he saves the mana for wind box we can always escape us around it's time to go for this Expo again it's not a stepping to +8 damage losing only a little HP used Istanbul but the grunts are coming in great play by so in all my revealing mini immediately ia ia I think's get a lot more dicey here you can't block of course but you can do damage at the plate master device book third Expo attempt this is so expensive BB story and the position can only mean one thing in its y ver this is as close as you can build them to the human expansion we can of course go into Raiders but this must be your wife Shadowhunter as well and what is Tameka going to he doesn't have the lumber for power bills we go east to me number one mystery number two wyvern number one and why we're number two there's no God's our there's no tower at all there's no water elemental the only anti-air that he has Istanbul and the person now he comes in with a not that healthy blade master but there is along even more text even more damage this plate master is out of control already and he has sex I don't want to spoil but this doesn't look too good fortune eco tumbled hex she can die no problem here's it on the last anti-air unit is gone and the Arats begins to widen out under attack and it's so easy to set these towers that's exactly why th tapped out against fly earlier today once there's a good amount of wipers can't do anything no freaking chance he's trying with militia and more mercenary support Istanbul against the late master again let babe if soon if the entire is gone what is he supposed to do who has good manner so that does help in her attack rock himself a little gets in fron gets the backstab can he outrun him I don't think so this is stumbled soon that might help him for a while till hunter is a little out of position for another hex or anything the wyvern return to not allow another tower whoa there's vibrantly I was waiting for it the entire clan war that was such a one-sided game just outsmarted here it was built Auto win by soin and he defeats them in eight minutes it all began with a tech choice of soin going double grunt against Mountain King Expo on this map so hard to do and even though the tech wasn't super fast by soin he put on the pressure on the expansion as he needed and you that will sit for four the two teams go toe-to-toe and this king of the hill continues the next challenger for so in a way it could be suck late or th we expect late I think but yeah little break again sorry about that and then we're back with the next game here who's taking the lead or human so in and see this is the next game that we have so in defeated Sumiko equalizing this series once again two four four and now it's blades time the human player from moldova who has some issues joining the game at the moment but we have seen this before usually someone is a little late now it late I hope that doesn't tell us anything about the connection then yes maybe it's just a join bug there is so the game can't start and we have our layers here Moldova vs. South Korea most statistics are a seam should be a little off as Warcraft 3 dot info provides us with different statistics it's been more than a year that these two players have met in a competition and last time they met wasn't holds cup you remember that so when one that won 2-0 but they also met him Jarek have 121 yeah those were the days of Jerrica where blades took the quarter-final to 2-0 so yeah what what does it say though not too much it's more than a year ago so when I think was at the round the same level but playing a little differently finding his play style a little more since then and blade got a lot better he's standing at 62% wind right versus or and this against I'm dad he didn't show his best I feel but against or he really should last a future days so in in the bottom left of this map late in the upper right and into the Mountain King in the Black Mage then an outrage I would be very surprised to see anything else for an Archmage I can't see so in with a past year outrage here no big surprise from the orc side of things who came what the pugs did the wrong any where's your mana man very similar so this time it's a one borough check with the shop so a little faster than before suggest that he's not going why bird this time but things a little more normal so as always creeping this Archmage to level three years hard because black master will harass you he's likely going for an item here maybe going for item he Europe's and then rush over and then harass you and attack you especially if one of the expedite master got the occupation here's the tech two minutes 20 as it is the norm and it's saved with the one below check later on the circuit which is nice Blake master a claw and that's about it but he wait for the shop to finish so he on his beach ball one interesting choice by blade to go for the Merlotte's I mean it's absolutely target that can be poisoned bait masters coming in didn't get this feel now plate knows that he's around continuing to talk the film is tiger on earth this time the Blake masters around and gets a lot of experience from those watermen so we're not denied by blade close to level two now and snare on this grunt oh is it enough damage I don't think so it's not even level two for Blake and now with the plate master being so strong with the possible attack he just has to run away and this he would have loved level to region some more mana and attack with more water elemental he is a little late for this furrow who can't attack this one but this opens up more grunts as if they were just going for ladies checking as well not too far behind the orc any of course late has a little thing disadvantage so for the merlocks again I wonder why it's not too much to get there forget the cheer one permanent item of players force and everything gets poisoned so you take damage no matter what they don't really like that one seems in the second walk memento they deny it this time no all critical strike at the perfect moment and someone is off to a good start once again not as good as it was again Shameka woodstove for a decent keeping the outrage away even from level 2 so that shows you the dominance of so insofar check out 3/4 take almost any warmer I don't think blade is in the position to push with towers at all absolutely why the world are under attack oh thank the grid here boots no he doesn't put more windwalk at least one more tech is finishing now he doesn't even have a shop I think he's very greedy with footmen as well right only going like four three hits and now he sees the opening with the speed scroll with the back step with the blog fits him well done of course on level one you don't really want to use the telephone especially if you don't have a shot but this is a level two and a half light mass if he was ever afraid of a tower rush to come then not anymore it's ridiculous he creeps and his front door ladies shown pretty good results and ewc dl chinese clan wah-bah this could backfire now the king is coming we heard units late message revealed stop it all the hacks what a hex is split second save and with another speed scroll that the shadow hunter brought in he saved all of the army so well done by sowing and of course you got the item right it wasn't beaucoup here's a timing window for this item but it's still damn good this hexlen a players for a four game pack so within this tournament playing a lot better than expected also again so finally level 2 that took forever but this is all the time in the world for someone to prepare hoping for manna stones are under attack getting Raider is getting all the upgrades getting even the first attack afraid of the blade master is just one mission summon the dead and the base ok the sand comes are up there we go eight summons and no arcane tower as it often times it's the case with blade he skips that one and this is to dad passes militia are called already right master yes nobody has been trough whatever the town is under siege forces and back prevents level three buying so much time or the shadow anta in the south of the map it is a little experience for the apps page which might help to get number three there's no dispel yet a nice loop advice so everybody killed more and more you saw two corpses you will see a third one of you my crystals correctly yep there it is so this is waiting for the attack creeps did some damage back here more words more damage opportunity +2 damaged tip of the blade coda beast is there as well let's pay them fifty one supply is under so you really don't want that as well so economically is behind to a player's forces are under attack he didn't get too many kills at a lot of militia time oh yeah and now he's pushing it to the face warp essence tae ho and now the Book of the Dead yep that is 16 skeletons everybody that blade has to fight against without this belt he's using a clap against him yeah I mean he's calling to arms to health as good as he can finally level 3 on the Archmage but he just gets rid of everything so quickly and I think for Blake mastery as well with the shop in the back now there is the mana potion good pickups with the end snare Cotto has eat some nice thunderclap so where's the heal doesn't want to use the post and it seems use the scroll of healing and the next door thing I guess so is building some units in there so much clap and that helps them to hold this for a minute or two no more he went after the next one so we're just dropping deeply in supply actually can lead the hero kill there is no man anymore nice block from the grunts sacrificed his life for this wolf latest kind of back now the shop is up though in a second he needs to hang around he doesn't late fights it back like what's so into greedy can he reach the stage slow against it doesn't work totally still up another clap another kill pace with his life again but man so in you wanted too much you wanted way too much here but then let's not kid ourselves of players the damage was done tak he has one lumber worker you can't call militia and all and so in kept like three units alive before at 300 Cole will go up to 50 soon and the hero level 4 it was way better complaint than I expected especially against the double-booked of the death players forces are under attack slap again but this time he gets caught dispel hex and this is all another invest but he's still under the net of Revelation and without clamp how do you want to win this as blade I think this beautiful this could be a potentially great position but he doesn't have any pockets that's the last one and he dies too quick shadow answer is basically without mana except the post so I'm restraining okay Blizzard have to do it the shop is still up and that's a huge thing for stolen right go for more clarity's used one before but it can go for more constant access to potions this helps but their infants there he's up move far away so he can reach with the Raiders but the thing that he gets drunk off big there's an envelope made but he can't reposition at all he's surrounded with his own unit in this the spell hex against it and snare with it there we go he's dead double kill GG so it wins the second game as well in a very dominating fashion once again so he takes two points in around 21 minutes pretty damn good for the orcs who now took the lead again the momentum is shifting a little thanks to the great performance by suin and now we have two humans left we have sock who defeated Lyn earlier with a great great harassment style or the best human in the world th one of the two will step up so in still in the race stays alive and will race war pork versus human it's Five Forks thanks to soin who seems to have a very very very good day only losing one map and that was - oh actually - oh sorry didn't play the first round so yeah undefeated so far - we know today yesterday he defeated colourful which is a great accomplishment he is undefeated in this race he's for a No which is something that I didn't expect there was a little bit of a pre-match banter so in says you selected the wrong map man you will regret it and success no problem you have it to me co-education no shotguns please so I think no rifleman or something so yeah of course their clan mates their form of flatmates and I think it didn't say it yet sock is the player that team human is choosing to a-1 players against each other the reigning champion for such a long time and ewc l the biggest chinese clan league there is of course there are koreans they're all good friends they lived with each other under one roof and they should know each other inside out and that what son showed before in this game against Jimmy ko and maybe it goes the other round this way sock was SuperDuper impressive in his game before against Lin he took the series 2-1 against the strongest off there in the world and yeah Nero speaks Korean no their children English maybe for us for the back to Warcraft audience to shout out to both of them I haven't met sock yet unfortunately hopefully he will make it to WGAL this time we met so in quite a few times before and he's just he's a gentleman so it really is a general but not to the humans in this clan war we go rocket is closed position or not no we have the two players as I said both from Korea both the same age and actually they have a 50/50 win rate against each other could it be any closer I don't think so it comes down to who knows the other better who has the build auto prepared who wants to come Wilson lose the first map in this race war or will his dominance continued and he will face th nature so installing in the upper right with the 11 o'clock position poor Clark pisaq Rock usually not the best human map on this map I think it works quite well it's not the tavern hero build so it's not a Fire Lord play at all but he did almost beat Lin with a pile or tear to push there was just as close and it gets and that was cross position this one is a little closer even so it hits faster maybe he decides to go for the same bill we have a blade master again one ball so far and no shop as it often times is when they are on the same Lane this shop gives the orcs so much if he has the time to creep that's a big hit though how aggressive is not gonna be oh so an interesting position for this shop this is where Lim positioned his shop as well in the second approach like here there's a little mirror to what Lin did later and it is closer to the to the ogres and to the shop so that must be a reason for that suck on the other side scouting already and scouting in the right direction he sent a pass into the closed position so he knows that damn I can't rush instantly nose in this now that he's on the right way Oh creeping four boats are under attack also the same spot for both nobody's rushing the shop nobody's going to the green ones she to tech right so in 380 past two minutes ten top of course can't catch up takes care of this footman so the last that belongs to him and the item is well off the pace meet with the support being called both of a tech for him everything is a little setup because he has more damage now faster creeping no level to though he gets the T at the green spot and then he will dictate the pace of the game is he going to teleport when it's going to town for this is going to expand mostly that would be crazy but I mean it sucks so we never know running a fire attack go for the first shop without being creeped Jack well that opens up the right side of the map entirely for saw but he notes he knows exactly what's going on you see the blue dots on the map for your protection the worst item you can find but that's some free damage didn't fight a dust can be reviewed a bit 60% tech compared to all these bar but it is a lumber mill again suggesting another tower push a player's forces are under attack I saw but what did he accomplish see he ran over the entire map didn't get any experience didn't get any items and the Blake masters is another himself and he will be fine in no time and he's so far away from level three I like this little attack here sending four put them into the base to kill the shop if that succeed the chances for a tower pushed our way higher a little bad timing for this turtle needs the experience there's no reveal that's a guaranteed kill for sowing I guess whoa ouch match got it and the item went to the plate now so alright so it gets level two with the water element Club no sweets and I buy SOG really well done and the shop is gone he has to rebuild it a player sports a go under it that he invested here can't be spent in the bestiary and I think so one is in the world of trouble didn't use them heal self before going into the wind wall so he will stay like at around 150 HP for quite some time or revealing himself okay get the back step he'll here that's level two players forces alright have you lose the grunge here and if you get this is level three key to take us started I can sank them but it's a mouse so notice is kind of tricking blasted by socket by the way one more kill is the level three gets it soccer's thank tremendously well today even though he's losing two footmen here and all right in a trade for a level three forces are under attack these three is up as well radar Walker lots of vision here whistling sweets just getting ready for wyvern morass which is kind of a typical so in play plus nine damage now ah yes RH 30% damage increase and so it needs to find level ears forces are under attack the best thing like something left a lot of mana into is three things which is okay okay there was a risk the wind of mine are sitting good against Mountain Kings they have to be in the front line and then they are accessible for this manifest he's calling militia for the total creep speeding things up under a spot so far so good one is coming up or another skill in racing against each other you can stack both the areas reveal but I don't think I saw it who we saw the flag and so he's not going for the kill gets it in a big matter potion as well that was great play by so in he knew he had another wind walk so you can escape or can he another storm alteration is running out but the speed squall saves him while he's briefing with the shadow hunter simultaneously holy [ __ ] look at this inventory so be mask for mana regeneration can enough energy for mana capacity and the blade master has a potion of greater mana that's gonna be players forces are under it hex hex hex and he awakens away from that's really really rough to overcome so when is storming over he has the vision on the shop so we know he's not there and this is resulting in a town or should we locking the town portal as the rest of the army is coming but the conga line is taking a Buick spear and new this two of them in the beginning of the fight so just almost out almost throw them this brainer but he escapes for now stone balls and follow-up new wave and left us there as well lots of stuff happening all over the place when Britain dies in the front row so you can't steal the Sterling anymore either you a tiny little bit too late and I was hacking and slaying away on the Archmage and there is no GP possible as the mighty axe helps him out for sports first hero kill Oh No a disaster for sock he was losing more and more units this Expo he can stick it up to the place where the Sun doesn't shine and so in now absolutely dominating big big big buyback sock down to 38 supply still so many good items the levels are insane for 10 minutes in the immediate resolved or Cesaro this village and expanding his advantage good thing that there is a tower I don't think he wants to dive into the base that portal in now he has two three oh no very bad and that's all he has mass militias are called to arms but come on what does it do yeah clap yes exercise shop but it's level 4 and this inventory is still so insane he'll wave after he were after here if he's going for the Mountain King if you take this one out the game should be over another hand snare no Chris yes but there it is and that's GG Wow and again in no time so in defeats this human opponent three-and-oh today 5 and oh and race war so in is on fire this creep check of course the main reason for this sucks at that game and so in said it before the game like this is the wrong map you choose man he called it but yeah there was vision on both legs he scouted a bit realizing okay he's creeping a big spot and he got punished hard super duper hard you I am impressed with so in here today I mean I expect the win against late I didn't expect the win against amico that kind of 5050 I thought sock was would winders maybe wrong tactic to go for the Mountain King hmm he killed the shop so maybe whooping better to go for the tower rush I don't know that it's hard and so in taking the lead or expanding the lead for the orc who are now six to four and they won the clamour versus night of 8 to 1 so it looks very very very very very good 40 more and that have to pummel them if they want to have a chance unbelievable sock next opponent awaits there's only one human remaining but that human is the best human in the world the two-time world champion has to make up for his loss earlier against fly it's Owen versus th coming up team human vs. team org is 6to4 public or crazed who could and this clan war right here right now soin is on a rampage he is undefeated in this tournament he's undefeated today obviously but now biggest challenge awaits this double GCSE champion th-the 3 X the best human in the world who has according to our stats a 100% win rate vs. so in let's see if Warcraft we got info says the same yeah they only met once though in March in the GCS marched qualifier that doesn't say too much th today lost to fly two to one he can't slip anymore if he loses human he stands for the entire race while sewing is backed up by his brothers fly inland who would have mapped choice against th step we go Blake master versus ash mate once again we find each other or we find ourselves from Amazonia and that would be a miraculous win for soin if he defeats th as well was kind of the same in the matchup of human versus undead where it was th carrying this team but then he was up against Lucifer losing and then there was no chance for human anymore so when in the bottom left with the lightning [ __ ] so ya going one bottle shop this time mixes it up a little again the edge getting double to this unpreventable finding nice items of intelligence of course so what is your tactics here can see you too much against for krisily it was against Lynch that I've seen in the fourth at GCSE it was th three owing limb but then at masses Coliseum didn't got the revenge so it's basically 5050 but so when is Nolan and he plays differently how prepared is players forces are under it how well did Lynn prepare him for this match no mass aggression from th a sock to deflated on this net for slightly and snare you might be able to help move the blade mass but that's a lot of damage already he gets rid of a watchman but another ends there from the trapper and that's a kill never lose the ground in the early game they say can you deny no more experience here 48 climbing up to level 3 and snare see and now I'm the UN side but mighty fireballs and footman swords lawyers forces are under attack he has to use a windfall and he gets Oh Dutch courage isn't gifting mood again gifting five stops here thank you very much to kappa yamaha OGS fruit dealer Matt merry night on the EU and it's just then thank you very very much for the contribution it's September earlier so all you guys have got a sub gift is you can renew it for just one dollar and there was a 100 [ __ ] here by Gore 2106 as well thanks for all the streams keep it up hope you guys have a nice day indeed we have with all those matches here I can't get the smile off my face and another sub by warm up thank you for your prime so and here's a lumber mill now in the base with a cheer to tech which is it's a BMTC combo of layers forces are under attack with the wombo what's why this TC I mean and Emmas only we see quite a few t seas but usually with the pasta but okay he must know go for the boroughs begins mass repair so it is ready but it's to level two of elementals and so much damage how long can you hold on not too much longer tavern hero is the alchemist for more healing and yeah this is a great counter pick against this TC leaders with area bec but he can get can't get cut into pieces by this lateness fifty at the time but so yeah just pushing forward TC is out he sees it now thank you very much Mithrandir ninety two a little lot of the Rings fan huh thank you very much for yourself also with price getting some revenge for blade to Miko and sock he is just demolishing see another grunt fall the Perot is gone you can still produce that's how bad it is like he lost the borough and he can still produce that's not the case anymore as he loses the second film no counter aggression at all and there's still mana for another woman th with a knife between of teeth killing every single Varro that stomp didn't do well and he keeps this one up actually but there's no mining going on at all no lumber no goal it's just mass repair he doesn't have two tier two buildings at all there's a town for so you can't get out his boots well so even nudist as well there was a statement push you don't do your shenanigans against me my friend uh uh I saw what you did to my team but not with me I'm the raid boss so no TP anymore lilulu shock coming you could creep this noise a player's force Reuters dose for the towers cast is coming he does have quite a few and he skips the creep spot immediately while so it is still creeping his desk what's this will take some time and he's supply stuck he's trying to get double towers up I guess that going to go clarity and Archmage hora helped him first tower down second tower not going to work and they're slow and there's more damage th even with this applet how else are coming here TC is out of the fight until forever he's trying his best to somehow buy time with towers with head hunters who are great against ours nice movement to keep the alchemist in range cancel two towers here nice stun he gets to shop can i buy something yes the potion there's no TP of the Archmage but yeah I think that's it in the post you might be one but so again it's taking this game there was no way out and th he lost to fly so I guess he's a little angry and once revenge seeks revenge against the orcs and man was that one sided man found the perfect timing for the troll creep in the bottom right got the grunt for free and from that moment on there was I don't want to say there's basically no chance anymore but he found the perfect timing for the pushing too so it stays key to Burroughs and then that's no so we are down to th versus fly and Lin either the vice world champion or the dominating workforce in the world rematch of GCS again rematch up earlier today for the rematch of maths Coliseum we go into another small didn't break and then we're back here with human versus or get six five the office is still leading but th and again we are back with human versus org maybe the final match of the day it's the two team captains it's the two star players facing each other th is the last man standing and he is facing the ultimate weapon of war per three in 2018 it's Lin they faced each other two times recently at GCSE it was a 3 0 4 th at masters Coliseum though Lin got his revenge if I'm not remembering this I know Linda feed it in my mistake my mistake but there was some time when Lin got the revenge when water wgl I guess yeah w GL and the quarter-finals that's what I was with so once again Lin has the good work starting position in the upper left to be able to do the rock column trick but th spawns with the laboratory far away from his opponent so basically untouchable when it comes to this laboratory Creek both can be happy about this I guess and it stops if th loses the clan war is over 58 wins we go into it all the siding last match of th vs. late masters not out yet there we go he pulls the golem it's a ton of experience for nods no come off knowledge and the robot imagine I robe of the Magi is amazing there's no passage here to prevent this slow on the blade master stop - great all right howtechs a lot of damage here actually the creeps want to help their buddy still a crowed but no threat and line Horn of Stormwind only the experience is good 60% to walk level - and now he's trying to do some damage th what's your game plan twisted for a long time was the human map due to this creep spot and good tower possibility sources are under attack yeah you can't punish this if you spend your time creeping so Lin with the to burrow tech and shop so very slow eh on the other side didn't start his creep yet either you soup below on lumber so Lin will have the upper hand well the blade master comes in no reveal here also no damaged units and some fact eh knows exactly what's up good amount of footmen lot of passes here a players forces are under attack and now it should be tech time there we go that is white late even with Lin slate tech he's investing a lot of HP in traditional overseer while the Archmage shows invasion creeping for the little green ones they don't give him too much except experience like no item footmen are scouting grants are scouting the ants a little around each other militia creeping here he once level three so bad and he's creeping on all different sides of this map booth to speed and dust and level cream cannot be denied anymore but also the blade master is left alone from footman and Walker metals and Archmage's increases by himself if you check almost done the taxis are under attack a lot of help went into this creep though and of course th he loves this and he has a nice throughout of this poem basically no surface for repair to level to what women always this level to what the mental push that makes th so strong and the blade masters nowhere near has to go for a staff I guess but he couldn't that this for a fault and with this little falling means oh no second here he started at last second before the photo falls that was really the split second away from playing kitchen without tier two hero he's losing a few footmen late masters cleaning house now but the damage is still there and he prevents the tier two buildings as well just push again phenomenally done by th he doesn't get it okay so it's only one borough and a decent amount of experience for the blade master as well trap this now not really he has boots though and winter walk the Archmage so meme just going right back in canceling this again then has no resource problems at the moment we're sports but if he wants to build Thoreau Lodge and these three then he certainly isn't wrong that he certainly isn't problem first experience for the shadow answer well at my chest booth as well so they're late master carefully chase the first sanctum or both sanctum said earlier than the Beast to me with a warm kind it's not really a lack of lumber actually so he could go for the B story is no goal but then he could cancel the woman anyone's head out the C's The Alchemist second T ages go to strategy at the moment as it seems as he played the same against fly once and also again suin of players forces on so he made up for this tech deficit by just going for the bonus with two two easiest trick in the book but little was prepared plus ten is quite some damage he puts on the horrors in the old man for the big cast of army that he wants to build a the b-series only coming now both sand comes already up slow coming and so far I'd say it looks good but eh what you can always creep a little better The Alchemist water surround hex around kill and he stays on the level that way one move Lin back blue hand push it shouldn't push the base without that awesome is but he can certainly creep tack only once the items Ephrata banner amazing can turn fight surrounded that way it's worth it to take those risks none of the pipe and want to share that the same paid at the alchemist everything is slowed no dispel miss my courier from this front those things be done though eh police forces are under attack eight militia he sees himself in a good position Lin going headhunters Lin going early koto a very good way of depending how a Russian - kissing damage and damage increases he still hold the stealing magpie of Lin so strong and he doesn't have a town portal 300 gold and the push comes he'll pollution ivories again the life of team human is on the line towers are coming up and snare only now with the Shadowhunters level two and a half plus he has this potion he has a heal scroll as well which with all the scrutiny will help there's no breaker can you get enough damage on to the towers with the koto and the headhunter certainly not taking credit this photo once the kill so bad losing one grunt against all this magic damage and the piece of day or triple what the mental he has to hold on until the duration is over then things become a little more easy big man opposed already used because he has to yield so much first hour almost upgraded has to cancel has to take that we cancel second one as well and master spell now against these wat elemental that helps she doesn't get much better than this fight ladies and gentlemen Lin vs. th gods of their racist Lin was defeated earlier th was defeated earlier by sly and sought they want to restore their honor mass mass mass with here the koto has not eaten yet another grunts [ __ ] balls the walk is about to fall he gets all the towers but what's left of his army third t5 supplying in 46 it's not reproducing anything the plate master is in trouble or has to use the potion there's quite a surrounding on the alchemist there on the outfit but the alchemist shields against it he way from the blade as well he doesn't have a potion anymore so he has to get out and how to heal now there's no potion anymore and the tower push continues pressure intensifies and this was Lin's map choice the blade mass was about to fall post it again must be out of stock now the tower or the towel the shop is still up how much longer shadow hunter doesn't do the clarity but level 3 finally he saved this matter for that year way some trouble with the towers now he defended a tower pushed by sock before that looked even worse but he can attack so much with these towers shop is gone Shadowhunter has a clarity though late master heels close to level four Archmage is the same only the alchemist on level one but now this is quite easy for th to take out burrows he only needs this one and then he supplies tuck towers are up three of them yes - go forth demolish is buddy Kong actually can excuse me double level up as well acid Bob now available that correctly four towers up so much meat shield with the past this is all that live has you can go for more at the second photo yet the ami of th is not that big it's only a few swords he's building a shop in the back and that the positions of the production buildings you see it great position for the army here gratefulness for the tower there he can't attack them and he can't filled the catapult he just can't he's preparing pillage for potential face race as this army doesn't do damage against building at all what is our power age only two Raiders chop it back up clarity's running again gets these drive-bys the photos are helping a lot even killing a sore and another one W : but now a support the barracks is falling as well Lynde off the bolo back up at he can still can't get a quatre for them that's the major difference compared to the game against sock we had to catapult at the same time even keeps this water elemental alive and not feed any further more more units for th streaming in and he kills that there's no production building left Poland he has to go for Hail Marys but it's against SS farm how the units are melting even the first breakers are coming in to steal the turret link there is a town for goal and there's more human in his fighting with everything he has but he has to move up to tower range gg second wind by th in a row and we go full distance Lin has a use day here not winning one of his seriesis one to two against sock and now defeated by th which is of course no shame if you can't get defeated by a human player that it certainly is th who saves the honor for the human team here today alongside sow yeah this is six-six who would have thought after demolishing Night Elf yesterday orc struggles to win this clan war against human and we have one more match for you it's the game that started this clan war and it's the game that ends this clan war fly versus th one more stage welcome the decision and race war day three orc versus human have battled until the last possible match we haven't seen that before the humans were defeated by undead 6to4 the night elves were defeated by org eight to one but now it's one match citing the entire clan war and its flight vs. th yet this game is the opener to this clan war and th one the first map but then fly stroke back twice on amazonian last refuge we start on a map where we go into a math and we haven't seen today ancient Isle it is library th year China vs. China two former world champions is fly still in shape or is he in shape of yesterday where he lost his heroes three times in one game th seems unbeatable versus soem th seemed unbeatable versus Lyn in the bottom right the 3x with a late hero with a tavern bills is it a file or tower push right from the bad to decide this game or does it come up with something new we have again a fast year the hero that killed th twice earlier today he didn't expect this but as I said if you go one Verone no barracks no shop tech and this can be punished incredibly hard and it looks like a build or a win for th so there's a lumber mill it's gonna be a fire Lord most likely we haven't seen a fire Lord first in the entire clan war sock plate one second but that's about it and it was such a strong strategy by the humans for many many many month [Music] how much damage will let me there's no tower in ths base it comes up only now you see that it's a Beastmaster no Fire Lord but Beastmaster foolish will it work better than the Archmage before tower is up not upgraded yet not even starting to upgrade this the wolves on last refuge did a hell of a damage militia instantly against this past year so he is not pushing this base at all he's only defending preventing the damage that he took our last refuge these poor wolves don't do too much they don't get a single kill players forces are under attack good reaction by th the cool beasts of course you can summon them more often they're not as game deciding as lava spawns are but they're also good against wyvern if fly sides to go for Ivor Chi to take 60% done already three minutes 15 in of course he has to invest into this lumber mill or he wanted to invest assumable he has to invest into the scouts hour and the irascible farseer continues ta just reacting so much better than in game two and three even got a little bit of experience from this why didn't we summon them very very rare you see a farsi upon fly creeps experience goes breathe so can you get the last of the lightning balls just trying to right-click the Beastmaster th scarlet last second and there things at this time the reader protection against the wolf is actually good and should be an overwhelming mass of units here for th but more experience for the fast see the first one actually he's messes Kosovo to almost getting us around here could have been the end but he gets the brunt oh boy is trying to fight out but he's only going for the beast faster with the finger protection it is a lot of damage the ground falls but well the Beastmaster follows Beaufort up one level up saves them for now lightning bolts are coming and he kills them level two beasts master falls th with a mistake that usually flying us all the time and he kills another footman grant vs. hero trade oh no the humans are burying their face in their hands I can only imagine this will take some time the tack is late please super late tip 2 is always already done TC is coming we have seen chain wave shockwave combo before and it was devastating on amazonia one more killer it's level 2 what an opening to this game once again we all thought that Lin would be the end boss but today fly seems to be in GCS shape ly seems to be an offline shape what that's changed compared to fly yesterday he really is this graphic you never know what to get with this thing taking its time to breathe now time that he has due to the early tak due to the hero letting it die is cheaper than Tom portal true experience you can't pay experience and they can't pay time piece master is back yeah I mean it's okay because he didn't have a shop he couldn't seal him up anyway so I understand the reasons let him die but this is so much happening somebody mask um should be given to the party he's taking out the mercenary camp he's taking off the shop 36 applied for radar Walker and what do you do with the Beastmaster against Oracle's against level 3 now investing a lot or a lot of HP how to make second but this book of the dads are under attack and change everything and again the Achilles heel of every war face with summons therefore the repair with the big thickness he totally did not expect this look at the damage and all of a sudden with one risky creep spot th is back in this game is there a walker with the spell nope he's on initiative no repair here shockwave against the summons but there's no repair not enough apparently huh that wasn't the spell right he needs to keep this up so close and he blocks them Oh No wanna go to move fly you genius forcing the town pod with a peon block so rare the orcs of humans put a peon out of their gold line to do something useful with it and this was maybe a clan war winning move by fly a players for the Book of the Dead helped certainly this buys a lot of time t ages actually ahead and supply now but the level 3 2 3 3 and here read if someone can come back from this is th but the Beastmaster is certainly not a perfect hero or attack against walk like you miss clap to miss stone balls you miss ask the pharmaceutical and the optimatus underleveled as well fly destroyed THS game plan with pasty harassed very early shoppers gone no brakes get to us shockwave he needs to repair this keep of this and snare its Chain Lightning and there's shockwave even a mana potion he's going for the Beastmaster again he's raw Wow Shane wave capo he had the info potion he had the heal scroll and both of those who windows and the first hero dies for the second time this is a disaster the tauren chieftain is splitting this earth for the shock wave over and over again leveled forth he has one more watch out for it the casts are perfectly lined up it's just waiting for the cooldown wasn't going for the outrage no no he positions himself perfectly does a tremendous amount of damage finally level to walk to the mentals but it's too late it's all over and fly defeats eh three times in one day oh boy what a phenomenal performance by fly winning this clan will almost single-handedly don't forget the performance of soin who got three points as well fly and so an unbelievable you but when did someone defeat th three times in a day except maybe one to zero I don't know what a game what final what a performance what a clan war you good performance by the UN team sock especially 10 th of course winning two apps but the MVPs are orcs and they are so on and fly nobody expected fly to play pasta seriously no one and it worked like a charm fantastic the best clan war so far and we're at half time now orcs now with eight points taking the lead human minus three still far ahead from deep night out they would play tomorrow team human and team night out Remo is gonna join me as well on Saturday we have night out versus undead and the main event on Sunday with team or versus to you and Dad you can re-watch all the results on liqui pedia if you type exclamation mark grid I'm gonna go for re stream here or rerun here on this very channel so if you miss some matches you can catch up or wait until the YouTube relief which will be late at night because the YouTube servers are kind of buggy at the moment it takes forever to transcode them into HD whoa works still super strong orcs ooh with the lead but that was just great this year I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did I had a blast today [ __ ] my throat well that sounds bad my throat is still hurt but I had to scream like I did it's just overwhelming emotions here seeing this and this is what Warcraft is all about sometimes some people switch things up and then there's greatness if you like us and if you want to tune in more often you can follow us on social media Facebook and Twitter yeah I know that comment was so bad Facebook Twitter Instagram you can also fall join our discord where we post everything and chat a little with you very interactive very cool if you missed some games and went to rewatch it youtube.com slash back to Warcraft is your address and if you want to support us if you want to keep this channel going and growing feel free to support us with a little donation via PayPal credit card or cryptocurrency or buy our merchandise year and future alerts or stream alerts you can also stop here at which we're getting close to the 700 and that's absolutely fantastic thanks for the 1600 viewers that zoomed in in the middle of the week in the middle of the day and yeah check out all the links underneath the stream ways to support us et cetera et cetera that was a great day and hopefully it's just getting better from here with the three clan was about to come that's it from me here the do nuts goodbye routine as always watch Warcraft support Warcraft it's the best game of the world thanks to thank you very much for tuning in and see you
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 47,121
Rating: 4.551867 out of 5
Keywords: race war, race war 2018, douyu race war, douyu, race, war, team orc, team, orc, oc, team human, human, hu, 2018, 1on1, 1v1, neo, warcraft gold league, gold league, gold series, league, series, gcs, :w, winter, warcraft, warcraft 3, wc3, war3, wc 3, Back 2 Warcraft, B2W, Back2Warcraft, back to warcraft, warcraft III, esports, esl, gamesports, esl-radio, esl tv, rts, real time strategy, frozen throne
Id: fOgFPZcXx3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 221min 55sec (13315 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 13 2018
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