WC3 - Xellosred WWC - WB Final: [NE] Foggy vs. Sheik [UD] (Group D)

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it's time for our winner bracket final foggy was to be expected there two o versus sonic didn't seem stressed too much shake is causing the upset here in group d after defeating suck in the winter bracket they face each other now we have the countdown foggy the happy slayer the chosen one harry potter defeated voldemort just four days ago and now we see the same matchup will we see the same play styles is the question shake certainly different from happy foggy how well are his anti-happy bills working against the only 25 year old undead talent from the very east side of russia to start on last refuge [Music] and what will be will we be seeing on last refuge fast expansion demander dk glitch keeper i'm getting surprised here quite a bit already sheik showed the uh fast hero build into ghouls on amazonia just a second ago is that the same build again so far it looks the same could be the happy build variant so very likely gonna be a death knight foggy i think uh what you were saying is that a part of his recipe to success against happy was uh keeper into demon is that right keep her into demon indeed and then hold on hold on until a couple of mountain giants or chimeras or ideally both foggy's builds very very very late game centric and i wonder there must be some timings prior to this of course the keeper is always hard to rush because of entangle and trian so it's the perfect anti-push hero as well i'm curious of course jake saw the game everybody saw the games of money except reboy had better things to do but yeah um he's very creative in what he does goes for a dk goes for a couple of ghouls and then we'll see can shake find the timing before the ultimate knight of army now can you perhaps uh even find the cast on the expansion depending on how much pressure you can fly early slow down the keeper um you can't even find a castle at times especially with gargoyle bills which is still not out of the question keepers starting off with entangle here first i like that you can take out the acolyte right away and get the safe experience you're going to be getting harassed by the dk right away anyways very likely and so the trends here wouldn't do too much for you however moving on to the next green for creeping not too easily and i think this is what it's going to be all about here in the early game how much creeping is going to be occurring foggy just wants to be left alone wants to creep level three wants to control the map and use that map control to safely get his expansion up and she is gonna try to delay and prevent all of the above yeah so far standard tetris not a fourth ghoul there is the fourth cooler okay upgraded the ziggurat first and so far the decay doesn't do too much that it's obvious but it's buying time prevents level two for the keeper lures him out not too much to creep at the moment for foggy without trians and with only archers but he's taking as well of course tier three a big part of his game plan with orbs get as many orbs as fast as possible [Music] keeper getting greeted with the coil once we have like four archers creeping more camps for more experience should be pretty easy as during the tech we have the proxy tree of life the night of classic she's gonna be scouting that here with a skeleton but that's the thing about this opening that with few ghouls you can pressure this um not very easily at all and the fact that the skeleton skeleton got the entangled right there is very suspicious indeed yeah that is focused game plan of course his tier three playstyle doesn't work without an expansion and shake is playing an anti-expansion build with double crypt guards first attack upgrades coming right away and he's creeping at the same time and he's causing some problems shake is very ready for this as it seems and of course we know that happy isn't playing gargs or just once in a lifetime so this will be something new but if you get us around with an entangle that's how you keep the dk away from where you want to creep but there was a staff in anticipation of this already yeah even if it's only a staff no atp is still a great nighttime ambush foggy knew that uh very likely the dk was going to be heading that way had the archers in position and quickly snapped that's around so is she gonna go ultra aggressive with these guards or is it going to go for an expansion both are possible as tier 2 finishes and here we go garx coming out right away she could also add in a slaughterhouse add in a lich or add in tier 3 but only one of those three things is really possible by the way foggy in the winter interview on monday said i wasn't too sure if i should reveal my builds prior to dreamhack but i did at some point maybe that will haunt him in a month when there is the european region finals of the esl pro tour where of course happy and foggy are both the big favorites and goggs are coming and use them aggressively a player's forces are under foggy even scanned the main by the way making use of the lab right there he saw the double crypt he knows what's up so normally what you have to do is leave like two archers at the expansion either close by like you see right here or just actually park them right there and we see the second hero choice also being modified it's the panda not the demon excuse the demon already he cancelled it so this is an adjustment to the garg play i'm kind of curious that the wisp didn't see it earlier and now the tree is under attack no nature's blessing [Music] archers and the heroes can easily enough defend the tree but it's still delaying the expansion very importantly there's a wisp in the north foggy wants to know if there's a counter expansion coming up for sheik and how he likes to play on multiple bases wouldn't be too surprising we don't see an attempt like that just yet the dk experience not the most impressive so far finally gets the level two it's gonna be a big help and four guards at the moment shake didn't forget about the ziggurat so it can pump up to 40. tech is running as well so it's not a super dedicated tier 2 but with a transition phase next this is uh whisk number two three four i'm not too sure it's definitely working out so far and all the night elves watching right now they must be aching in their chest right now because every night of his face this before goggles going for the wisps killing them over and over you don't have lumber your buildings are getting canceled you're haunted or entangled isn't coming up very annoying very pesky to deal with but with the archers here now in position perhaps now it's gonna be fine very important here to level up the panda fog has been doing good job of that and he's going tier three he was going tier three very fast as well so he's gonna have orb and marksmanship to soon come in as well yeah quite fascinating how he gathered so much lumber while losing a couple of wisps and not having a shredder but the lore will be cancelled so decent push for shake for sure he couldn't prevent everything but at least like two objectives delay the expansion delay whatever foggy is going for by on tier three shop an ap coming up to fortify this expansion is also foggy classic while creeping the panda and orb as you said is around the corner shake is hopping around the night of main base see if there's more kills possible with two attack upgrades aiming for the entangle now which can of course be repaired for free but then the wisps are exposed tier three almost done for shake who also has a sack pit getting ready for the very late game maybe even worms but for that you would have to be on two bases and have a big economy that's of course not the case here foggy is uh doing this very well he's minimizing damage as much as he can he's got the wisp scouting on the other side of the map but also pretty good goggle play here by sheik has been finding a little bit of damage to be doing here and there and hasn't lost a single goggle just yet while the dk is still sharking around looking for any kind of damage he can do but experience wise it's looking a little daunting right now sheik is really far behind he can of course power creep once he's on tier 3 but you don't want to give foggy too much time because he will have the expansion he's on the same tier and the panda is scaling incredibly well with venom so yeah shake needs to get a big play here oh arm was already in the air he wants these wisps to repair this fully not too sure if that is the right player nice detonate against the skeletons can you still hold this drunken haze breath of fire dodges quite a bit but not everything no stone form yet panda has enough potion just to hold his ground it's actually even threatening the dk over here but the dk is fast we'll be making it out this is annoying this cost a little bit of mining time but for the most part foggy should still be fine with what's happening here he's still sitting on two bases he knows the opponent is still only on one sheik is going for the third attack upgrade and a boneyard off of one base yeah against archers that doesn't really do much it's mostly against bears when they are effective but maybe for the future i was quite surprised uh by foggy to see bears when he had the chance to go mountain giants it's of course a little quicker but we don't see anything in that regard yet so far it's only only archers nothing else people to dry it somewhere all right a berserker a couple of shots here and there but foggy's doing this well really well he's got good ap positioning he's got the double shot for mass clarity's moonstones and a faster global venom it seems like sheik is gonna have to do tremendous damage with this first frostworm but where does he hope for this frost room to be so effective i wonder because there's only any good targets also there's no lids you kind of for the for the combined focus fire you need the lid but he's curing the first worm over the second hero flute wonderful item two berserkers for anti-air pandas gearing up to level four now level three dk with the mana stone that's something but yeah shake needs this second hero supply wise we see foggy quite far in the lead already whether the the attack should be coming towards the main or towards the expansion it feels like foggy would be ready regardless with the moon wells and uh with the ap foggy wants to creep up as much as he can right now maximize on experience he knows he's gonna have to tp back to defense soon and that moment might be coming now as cheek is close to the expansion for an attack and he's going in double hit scroll this is pretty much the single all-in that she cares yeah i thought for a second he would go for the red spot but foggy saw it before drunken haze canceled but can't dodge the breath of fire anymore so how much damage can the worm do there's not much mana actually can't devour the stone of course but the majority of sheik's army is stuck in stone waiting for the guards to lift up again they do they get greeted with the breath right away the alchemist can also be very effective here this seems like foggy is absolutely ready for this gog style and yeah sheik is uh in a horrible position this is looking almost checkmate she didn't do enough damage early on couldn't prevent this tier 3 by foggy and now i'll man that's a unique hero combo if i ever saw one keeper panda alchemist can work he'll spray against the single target focus these breaths are just tremendous that's the problem heals goal was nice but yeah that's the problem if you give the panda time for level four he's doing some damage he's getting some kills but foggy can a afford this and numbers for shake are dwindling as well foggy scales like crazy every level up here he gets is absolutely tremendous alchemist level 3 level 4 would be super strong panda 5 mountain giant even the keeper 5 is really good because there's no destroyers so this captain tank will always be powerful and what's what's coming up now there's still mana on foggy still no second hero for shake this also just useless after minute one a player's forces are under attack and now red spot for foggy the momentum of shake has certainly stopped after the winter bracket semi final now we got was some battle drops on top of the flute that's plus four on archers without a single upgrade yeah speaking of which i'm surprised we haven't seen marksmanship yet but lumber was always a little bit of a problem so maybe that's why dk is finally getting level five as well getting plenty of donors experience of course being single hero foggy he's got a massive army he could expand again if he wants and soon he's going to be strong enough to just a click into the under maine never fighting an undead base stream what are you talking about this is uh blasphemy of undead bases second worm coming shake is wow 26 supply down yeah it's uh looking to be a bit of a rough one in the meantime panda almost got level five a single kill away from level five and with that level three breath you can even run into the underbase start roasting those buildings oh yeah if we saw that low light versus terra where it was pretty much exactly what happened until all i had lost his panda once but then found the way to do it again 50 minute game on tuesday if this game is supposed to go that long then our unit will have to reach deep and uh have to have a few amazing plays panda gets level five the correct camp is also going to foggy you might be getting to five five three levels over here battle drums number two maybe the last fight oh no shake doesn't want to take this too many dry it's too much slow there's decent mata on the dk and of course no mana burn as he cancelled the demon hunter before free damage we do have a third expansion now coming up at the third base position is the shredder still alive oh yeah it is oh that's very nice he's gonna have all the lumber now finally that he was lacking so much before one of the illusion that's really good with frost runes as edo boy can attest there's also triangles playing on when he was playing on map with marketplace he always dies owner of illusion for those wonderful frosty dragons level five now on the keeper intensifies the hero focus getting level three on the alchemist as well foggy creeping this very very nicely soaking up pretty much the entirety of the map harry up and yeah that's the illusion push here even with the scroll of protection but we also get the second attack upgrade garx are coming in but for how long is the question everything's clumped up we go for the dk there is a heal scroll but only for so long the ap is still up level six is it time for the undead ultimate yep he got anime dead wonder when we will see it there we go a couple of giants couple of arches but that won't turn the fight around as shake is down to 28. it's been a while since i saw anime dead but it uh yeah still turns out it's not the best alt in the game dude always feels so bad when you have dryads and you don't even get the poison attack so they just on tuesday uh there was this great there was this crazy bass race between terra and la light and tara thought hey i gotta animate dad i can animate ghouls from my graveyard right but the game was on tarana so he used anime dead he sent the ghouls over and before they could do the first hit on the bill on one building of lorelei the ultimate duration was over that was the worst animate that i've ever seen in my life a player's forces are under attack foggy must be feeling way better he's in a great position this game soon gonna get back up to 80 supply soon we're also going to mine out the mains by the way and then sheik is truly going to be out of options yeah he's going for two more frost worms or rebuilding venom neo here we go oh it feels real good ap ap is making uh sure that there's no expansion panda everything's stacked and the dk's kind of trapped there's no tp anymore entangle go for it can't reach can't reach yeah simply entangle and then attack with triple orb i think should just be the dk's death i think foggy is enjoying this way too much though gonna pick up some sticks now feeling strong enough finally attack into the end of main panda staff ready oh no 40 seconds this gold mine will be delayed or this income will be delayed i think shake is trying to mine this out build the biggest army you can and yeah try your best i guess single hero undead also little questionable yeah this was a popular style many many moons ago but against the best night elves out there this goggle harass dk solo stuff like it sounds like not always that powerful also in dreamhack remember when a vortex destroyed all the night elves with his dk craziness oh anime dead we have the ghouls back again yay oh man look at the damage look at the look at what they do foggy just counters this ultimate with shadow melt and that's so it's gg yeah shake has had enough first one goes to foggy who's still undefeated in this tournament but yeah uh that didn't go as well the game was kind of over for a bit as the initial harass didn't work too well didn't do enough damage couldn't delay foggy as much as he needs to and then this is how night of late game looks at the moment even without chimeras well that would have been one way to throw the game right go chimps against mass garx so good thing foggy didn't do that but foggy man he seems to have figured out this matchup he in in many different styles as well he knows when to expand he knows when to creep how to utilize his advantage his execution has gotten much better over the last half year as well and takes the one no lead here could make it a perfect 4-0 into the playoffs something that i think only lawlite no not even lawler was able to do everyone dropped at least a map foggy might be the first one to accomplish this yeah lola lost to a map to in sub was really close these ghoul rushes by insta man was pretty amazing maybe he underestimated himself a little hitman lost the map to thunder which was also not to be expected i think mikhail lost the map to sewan so yeah you could do it for sure yeah so it actually played really well so in sort of through the game on northern ireland towing could have very well defeated mikael and he defeated chimico later as well with torrance bro with torrance that's amazing okay chic ready foggy ready we are ready for map number two of course we have the lower bracket afterwards where sonic and suck will play against each other and then the loser of this map is oh match is waiting still having a chance for the quarters of course is the return of carson and theory craft yeah attention was asking earlier if we cast silver cup but i am busy tonight [Music] yeah i know i think uh i think that's fine i have a yeah coming up everybody's already back in the game and these rehosts are so fast with the flow servers love it [Music] yeah silver cup back next week tomorrow i'm at least back with skill cup foggy's not allowed to play anymore so i wonder who takes the championship in skill cup 280 dollars on the line so with uh happy not allowed talking out loud exlord band it's quite an interesting lineup there for sure well yeah foggy has 2400 points now yeah 15. yeah turns out you get a lot of points when you're beat happy that's not even in ah that's not even in yet updates on saturday usually so happy is also going to dip quite a bit finally we need it below 2500 for losing three maps to a top 10 player why is x lord bad because he acted like a [Music] two weeks when he was playing against mikhail he wasn't satisfied with the ping and on the first map i think it was he unsummoned his buildings in protest and then won three maps in a row all right now everything is working out fine [Music] shake facing the lower bracket and foggy one map away from the quarterfinals on our map concealed hill yes sir concealed hell the best garg map in the pool not just because the fountains and the fact that you can creep the drakes well there of course that is also a factor that's very nice but i think more importantly this map is really hard for knife to expand on normally you can pretty much never creep the natural early unless you're left completely alone you pull out the creep you lose the use the entangle and stuff but uh the energy always be scouting for that and if you go for a later expansion and you creep the expo with the tree of life then an attack that comes in at the perfect time can be very very scary so foggy is usually a player who relies on expansion quite a bit and on concealed hill not that easy to do we see a keeper again and a different build this time by sheik he's going for the ghoul build not the same happy build opening that we saw earlier oh yeah ah didn't was it foggy who had this new creeper out here with the lap i don't remember i should remember i don't but feels like the night elves are approaching the expansion way later so i wonder if the school build is really good against this of course if foggy's going for the expansion very very early on then it's fantastic maybe foggy knows how to play around it yeah i think they can still be a good timing for this cool build creep up board two camps fast and then be aggressive with dk ghouls and the level two aura i thought about this the other day the increase in power level from level one to two i think must be the strongest in the whole game on the dk keeper is also good but probably not as good what about here with level one but uh when there's only level one entangle not that easy to do you might be able to get this ghoul but of course can also be denied but sheik wants to keep all of his little friends alive oh he doesn't get the trapper survives with 50 at least for now what about fire lord though remo a player's forces incinerate please generate plus the super strong spells yeah uh yeah maybe maybe maybe not the aura definitely a big increase in strength makes the united army just feel much better you clearly feel this when you play lord and you play fiends and don't have aura it just feels like everything is just on sleeping medication you know that feel don't you people just harassing on level one so this is maybe the demon hunter style then we see foggy sacrificing his experience on the first hero a lot for level three demon afterwards which makes a lot of sense which seems to be the right thing he's attacking already not expanding so yeah later expansion and low level first hero very different situation compared to a player's forces are under attack very important asset before we can steal this one this would be a big deal skeleton scout also in the south sheik knows behind this pressure there could very well be an expansion coming up but we actually don't have that yet oh and she realized he just got entangled on his first hero so that should be a surefire last hit for him there gets the mantle mantle and claws scouting skeleton was gone or is gone now expired could be a chance for foggy to expand but he doesn't have the gold staff of tally to get back hunter's hall seems a little late as well but for foggy that could just be time for the build finally some experience finally level two with archers here perfectly done healing up moving back cut into pressure but shake finds him yeah excellent scouting by sheik he's got the scouts in the south he's got the scouts next to the army he's uh reacting very well really good early game here so far with an ensnare should be getting the first kill of the game as well claims that archer and that archer count was pretty high right it's still yeah five roger so we had six before as tier two finishes it's time for our second heroes and they say never do math on stream perfect calculation by mr remo demo we got a demon hunter second as expected and lore coming plus the soon to be three but still no expo that is confusing 600 gold now dark green oh panda again as there is double crypt that makes a lot of sense to go for an anti-god build while you're trying to go for the overlord a bit of a risky play he could definitely be getting punished there but for once sheik's scout slips a little bit he's creeping up himself he's going to get level three here at the merchant but the big item goes to foggy and it is just lost 12 that's actually one of the worst ones but a bit more down on the keeper i suppose yeah for the most part true i think the tech here is quite a bit faster than we saw before but it should be working out much better because of this being concealed hill and how hard the expansion is you know there was until this point no window of opportunity for foggy to safely get up at an expansion so he skipped it for now and now if you if he was to go for it at this point then the guards are out to harass and cancel it already thank you synthetic for the two month reserve much love give me all your primers keepers still not level three a player's forces are under attack and yeah garx of course serve a double purpose now if they don't find an expansion to push they can still go for the fountains yeah and the dk level 3 full mana can apply a lot of pressure to the archer creeping and oh he's almost seeing them there we go see them now a little too late okay gags are here first coil first kill skeletons of course big part of the damages he's moving the garx away for now out of range of the arches there's another car that's another kill a player's forces and that's why at one point they got a loons grace i could almost kill another one archers make it back to the moon wells healing up now but foggy definitely under serious pressure this game he needs tier three he needs the oval venom with that it's much easier to deal with the guards foggy wants to creep up a little bit himself probably get this expansion going but he also knows if he sees the garx i mean if he doesn't see the guards for like a minute or so it's going to be two drakes going to sheikah and he also doesn't want to allow that to ease true he was scouting he was uh spreading a little damage with that keeper here should be time for it now and it's also preventing creeping for the panda who's still quite far away from level three can of course go for the natural but in the meantime shake is creeping a lot as well for the supply i think he forgot the ziggurat here which is a bit of a mistake yeah that for the cigarette we've been seeing missing at times keeper sneaky little guy tried to steal away the item but it goes to the dk that's the robe would that item be like yeah exactly with an inventory like that you have to go let's dude yeah come on bro a players force that was risky by the way the arm was already in the air for the coil when the staff went out but since it's foggy probably well calculated dust soul there's no need for that anymore creeping starts still three coils wonder if you can get last hits here it would be amazing a level two aura fantastic and everything you steal doesn't go to the it panda save the car baits the drunken haze doesn't suffer the damage of the breath but the panda's gonna get level three now it's a big level up for him okay [Music] still knowledge more garx we got frenzy finished we go for a sack pit so maybe just worms dk solo first defend upgrade by foggy shake is creeping the red drake probably for fast level five lich is coming finally hey it's gonna be greeted with some nice items yeah but not too much experience left lap time i'm feeling it giant strength just kidding this serious business remember there's no time for jokes you little jokester little prankster you me you and i both you know we are we're germans near we are naturally gifted with humor i'm so serious yeah and the expansion is coming up for foggy finally but there's gonna be a good window of opportunity for sneak to come in with a big attack bring the glitch with the orb and some ghouls and double heel scroll and holding that flood is not gonna be very easy this is a lot of damage man he's getting some wisps here as well for he can't really prevent that just waiting for it and he knows about the expansion thanks to the shade glitches out and it's more and then this is a lot of damage that you didn't have before this delays worms of course but i think it's absolutely worth it yeah she could come in with a an attack with three heel scrolls he's got two already he's got the orb he's got tons of ghouls that's a lot of healing did you zoom in quite hard for foggy to win this fight and when he's next to the tower maybe but on open ground is there moon wheels oh i love the moon wells it's gonna be amazing for the panda and some units to be healed did you zoom in accidentally by the way does it reset yeah i think it does cool cuckoo cool super well upgrade coming three no nature's blessing four scrolls for chic he could just attack into the main because there's no ap there scouts this not the overwhelming heroes double anti-magic i don't think he has to fear a hero focus does yeah it's kind of surprising because normally focus will always be going towards the archers and dryads seems a little overprotective but okay in we go first scroll pop first breath of fire dodged with a stone form holds on to the heel scroll for a little bit longer now the rest of the united army is chasing with the aura they are very fast and these triads are taking a beating right away foggy needs to get back to this tower yeah man no other way there's two posters two scrolls gone already imma potion on the panda but jake is moving back didn't find the angle he wanted everything is a little bruised he doesn't want to go for a nice block by foggy doesn't want to go for another potion here maybe he has to otherwise might be three kills oh actually not very good his goal there as well panda stabs back drunken haze brother fire but again the guards are untouched and they can own these dryads it's too low on the gogs it gets only zero one on the dryers more and more are almost going down the one hour upgrade is probably the one armor upgrade is actually preventing one shots which is really great attempted surround but that doesn't really work against the panda level five on the dk coil damage intensifies it's only level one but man he's doing his job foggy does somehow hold though against this push where almost everyone else would have died crucially the double moon wells and ap at the expansion roots are falling here lich is getting quite some damage there's still no entangle against there's there's still this dispel against the entangle so that's again a little bit of an issue panda has full mana level two breath this time can't be dodged and the skulls are gone beautiful staff gets the panda out of there just barely in time oh the drives you can see when the guards get on top of them they just melt away cheek with more than 900 gold still remaining by the way keeper has to be careful has to run but there's no mana for anova right now a few more rides going down level two for the lich frost armor here wouldn't make much sense so it should be dog ritual doesn't have it yet garx of course can fly across trees so they find more and more chip damage on these dryads and foggy seems to be in serious pro uh trouble has to rebuild an entire army and still doesn't have a panda level where you can rely on it's only level three very stressful to get these dryads back to the main you have to micro them in multiple different groups you know the goggs will be flying in panda also flies in with a staff focusing on the dk but it's a tanky boy and this belt is actually useful yeah man three heal scrolls again for shake he's it no upkeep so you can probably afford that for now at least no worm this time just pure garx as the ghouls are now all gone as well foggy put a ton of damage there on the dk but he can just heal up at the fountain and foggy doesn't want to follow to the fountain he knows the guards are still dangerous shake back up at 50. foggy above 50 though and now he's sitting on his two bases still pressure on sheik to get stuff done here [Music] no counter expansion at all not even an attempt shake is getting ready to break up keith would love to see the third attack ah it's coming already okay so then if foggy is not going for another defense upgrade which is finished as well yeah what am i talking about players are doing everything already who am i trying to give advice so this cancels each other out and the drive should once again survive one shots demon third that guy could die so fast just go evasion first [Laughter] then you have a big power spike on level two oh chasing here is the dk no mana potion on sheik this also could be worth consideration shakespeare has so much gold left panda oh makes these two moon wells dude have been so good yeah probably always with wonderful uh positioning at the expansions shop moon wells sometimes engines of war healing against the aoe panda has a mana potion dk is probably a little jealous okay if i hit the fountain now is trying to force a tp and i think that is successful commits to a heal scroll though and now tp's was that worth it i don't know yo super worth it big hero kill right there more experience for she getting closer to level six dk still has a lot of guards so many guards in fact goes for mana potion as well sheik has been playing one base versus two for a very long time but he's always trading so efficiently that he always has lots of gold for more items and more units and he's always got the scary force yeah there was only one heal scroll as well right yeah bring up protection now can help there was a little bit of focus on the dk so why not if you're more if you want to be more tanky anti-magic again keeper revive second shot at the expansion this is an expansion for shake now and if the ledge gets to level four he can get plenty of mana out of these gargoyles eating them with dog ritual wait doesn't have that dark ritual he does i haven't seen him use it here in quite some time on the skeletons what do you think our overlay is bugged never how could that be the expansion coming up now for sheik still has lots of gold he's always had tons of gold magic protecting the demon hunter keeper is not back yet that means an orb is missing as well it's a big chunk of damage a couple of guards are falling but also the 1-1 traits against giants are really good the panda is so far away of level five stone form a little too early i guess it's the full breath of fire now the keeper is back too but all the dryads are getting wrecked and we have level four there is double orb d minor getting focused now next could be in trouble with the dark ritual that could be his end lips trying to dive he could eat the shade dude how's fog you holding rather fire and all the venom i think is mainly responsible for this and you can go for a third o or soon if it's off cooldown i'm not sure but it should be before too long he in fact even has double shot so you can definitely get it shake is getting further and further ahead and experience though big lead close to level six got the necessary level four gold is certainly in favor of foggy more garx the first worm and the expansion is running classic foggy play against this expo would be zappers foggy loves the sappers perhaps more than anybody else in the game so far it's only triangles moving north to confirm this then let's see how magical foggy still is with his staff teleportation with panda and keeper he has two heroes who can do good damage demon hunter to a degree as well and there's no spell so foggy is abusing that fact going for bears now keepers entangle can still be very effective but mana is super low as the main expires by the way fog it down to one mining base and so will be sheik nobody has grabbed the third base yet in the middle of the map very important push for foggy now of course if he kills that base looking really good for him as his mind is still going on he still has income level six this should be aura then i guess how can you deal with the heroes how can you deal with the giant stone form again a little early invite to a pen a little premature only physical damage possible against this uh keeper he wants to force the tp and it's working rather well here demon hunter survives this time and the supply gap is closing with sheik easily holding this foggy maybe a little over eager to attack into the base didn't need to do that he could just mask more dryads gotten more upgrades and just sent his tree of eternity into the middle sending him there now which seems to make sense but especially the third bubble venom being missing it's such a big boost in damage if the panda also grabs one i love the shade by the way it's kind of getting into fashion the past six weeks right to build this fella again pro players are not too fine i'm so good i'm scouting with my units anyway i don't need that shade makes things a lot easier who needs that well i can tell you a couple of people he's pretty much always had the bigger army but the nature of how dryads and gargs work and air unions always being able to attack at the same time cogs have always been always but oftentimes been coming out on top of course also largely thanks to orb and upgrades where they still have more damage but i guess the same amount of upgrades and totals forces are under attack and again sheik sharking around the edges wants to see if he can do any free damage before heading into the big fight only acolytes here that can of course be eaten from mala engine protector is moving north but that's getting sniped and that's a big deal shop snipe and ap snipe the dryads getting caught that's one dry head easily taken out straight trades it no ghouls anymore no a bombs here so killing buildings is not the easiest task with this army frostworms of course help with their 3-0 upgraded aura three this time foggy a supply block at 70. she is playing around his strength of mobility very very well the lich gets caught a little bit on the back side could be getting surrounded here perhaps coyle flies through glitch does escape but the panda is in here now as well in the breath of fire we know how scary that is sheik takes out a few dryads here and there never loses anything super super efficient play by sheik yeah the panda can't really reach level five because shake is uh saving so many units with the help of the moon welds now that worm might be in danger seven supply but there's another coil t piece out now to keep the heavy air up and what about this gold mine guards are stressing it already but the panda is here drunken haze breath of fire can easily be healed at the fountain though the positioning for goggles is amazing to just uh fly in and out do some damage heal up again for some mana off of the panda it seems like a few more aps would be very valuable to have not sure about that move to uh move the other ap around players but of course easy to say you know that it would be great to have more orbs great to have more aps fargo has been pretty broke for quite some time because he keeps on losing units because she is being so cost efficient his movement around the trees with a level three aura absolutely outstanding aura and that is still good nowadays even with that little bit of a nerf recently yeah thanks for that stop in the middle for potions kind of makes sense to scout yeah who makes the first mistake who's overstepping their boundaries who stays in the fight for a little bit too long anti-magic always name of the game scrub protection okay shakes committing to this fight once again the stone formed very early baits it a little one worm goes down second one is getting focused hard core level five lit though there is a coil ready is it worth to save the worm or does he want to focus on the garx worm is being saved lit so much man are still left field score coming through big heel scroll panda is the man on potion still in his inventory we're going for the heroes now pretty heavily it seems panda is getting focused hard and remember if he gets staffed out he's next not next to the moon wells he's off in the middle and the drives getting completely slaughtered it's heroes against heroes and triads against gary's on the other side the panda at the moon well oh my god last second during his but the fire coming through panda and trouble still gets stabbed but now he's in the middle but he stabs back from the middle back to the main towards the movements great play here by foggy as well both players playing such a great game crazy fight again indeed foggy's getting three kills on the way back goes for the demon until now close to level three that's a big deal stabs him out that was the level of level two mana burn now making shakes life a lot harder this will be a lot fewer coils how long is this expansion running 4 000 still because it was a late expansion trying to heal up for free 15 supply lead for foggy and he's getting closer and closer and closer to that level 5 panda and for once sheik only has one heal scroll and this shop in the middle so smart dude foggy knew his heroes were going to be exposed after the stash so he needed some heel potions from that shop there maybe an anti-magic these anti-magics also by the way have been looking really good he's been spamming those to always be able to secure the dean hunter's entry into a fight it was expensive but definitely worth it and now foggy has taken quite a sizable supply lead and i think more importantly has the really good levels the demon is level three the panda is really close to five but the keeper it's gonna be a little while longer but if all these heroes manage to get one more level i think sheik is gonna be out of chances yeah there is the third defense upgrade coming as well so the goggs already had a toughest time taking out dryads and bears this will intensify once this upgrade is done of course does take some time is very expensive but now heel scroll rod of necromancy mana potion another shade still not too sold on the worms they don't seem to be doing too much they are very expensive garx are they buying time for the main we don't see sappers just a normal attack two prong pressure here by distracting with the gorgeous in the south and takes out that shop and we saw how impactful that shop can be so this is a big deal losing this one foggy should definitely remake that building a town is under siege more driving fog is able to build up a decent bag again oh the keeper needs to be careful quick on the trigger with the anti-magic okay i was looking at the moon well which is now killed by gargs foggy supply stuck but he started the last round of production before the moon will fell so it should be fine is a little bit of an issue to not have moon wells here missing region missing mana but everything else kind of good so there is nature's blessing so bombing that tree in the middle is almost impossible hero focus again very committed this time he wants to get this demon out of there but there should always be a staff in fact there is demon out of the fight weren't starting to fall level five for the panda oh that's a massive level up for the pandaren and this might be foggy finally taking full control of this game now level seven no mana for the ultimate if you okay it's it's it's death pack but jake is losing this entire army again he lost the worm he lost two three four guards i think a little bit sloppy by forget to donate but whatever it's fine riju is working as well panda level five is the biggest difference possible yeah the keeper actually got quite close to five as well that level three entangle which cannot be dispelled is also really strong aps now to hold against the guards foggy has had enough doesn't want to be bothered by the garx anymore yeah it's con it continues to be two ways one base gold difference must be incredible four 200. again the two-pronged pressure threatens the tree in the middle cancels the aps nicely done and looking for a few dryer kills as well but dry it's now very well upgraded with that third armor upgrade there's always enough items foggy is never too complacent to go for more safety items he knows the most important thing is to keep his heroes alive and with the mana burn now he's also reducing the nuke by a lot the dk gets surrounded he might be stuck there he'll potion transferred is that enough still going for the hero now for the bear could have done that a little earlier maybe and the dk is trying his very very best he has death pack can heal himself for a little bit but now shake taps out and foggy the ukrainian wall holds every single push in this game and he's the only player that makes it into the quarterfinal without dropping a single map well shake is relegated to the lower bracket final where he will get either the rematch with sock or the first game against sonic yeah really good performance here by foggy he stands out the most but also sheik played some really good games there that match and concealed could have gone either way he played the garx extremely well last refuge i guess all in all was pretty one side but again stock also played really well so sheik still has a chance sonic versus suck coming up next it seems like everyone is expecting the human to be the big favorite there but with sonic you never know what he's going to do so you have to respect him as well exactly especially if you're not too familiar with him but sonic has been to wg also sucks to at least know who he is and what he stands for that is three games done we got two more for you would be a little uh humiliating for soccer i guess if he gets eliminated first round in this tournament where korea seems to be very good so far or we get the european lower bracket with shake waiting there good performance by shake maybe a little stubborn with the human uh with the unit mixed with garx and worms especially the worms continue to feel underwhelming maybe statues maybe meat wagons but you know it's easy to say afterwards he was able to hang with foggy with exactly like in this matchup isn't too easy to do and we'll see how he fares in the lower bracket we'll be right back with sonic versus suck
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 7,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2021, Reforged, Warcraft3 Reforged
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 35sec (3515 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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