Race War 2017 - Grand Final: Team Human vs. Team Undead

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race war 2007 grand final it is humans versus undead and of course we started the 101 uh at zero zero but it's not the king of the hill style anymore it is again the three best of threes that we saw in the winner bracket the entire time and the lineup is here romantic versus one two zero th again for the third time this week playing against lucifer and then if it comes down to game three we have np versus wfv the the two star players at the moment as it seems for the two respective races on paper this is uh one two zero winning romantic th winning lucifer and enfie versus wfc is for me unpredictable because infi is freakishly strong against human but wfz is playing one of the best tournaments that i have ever seen from him so this is going to be good and 120 was surprisingly weak against night elf before it's not romantics tournament though to say the least losing to foggy losing to wfc only one map has been won by romantic so far w uh 1-0 on the other side defeating fly 2-0 and losing to infi only one two two unless with huge amazonia and twisted and one can argue that oh well electric huge is quite a good on that map so yeah oh boy that's going to be good that's exactly what i wanted that's exactly what i think many people expected it was a big surprise to me though that the orcs lost first in the lower bracket semifinal eliminated 2-0 by the undead would was the only uh clean sheet game though with with one race not winning a single uh series and then it was law lights to defeating them and throwing them out of the tournament with a three win run so once again we can see the bracket of what happened here at race war 2017 launch it a bit there we go team human's way into this final foggy winning against romantic then th and infeed they are like the destructive force of the humans and maybe the guarantee for the win they seem to be as dominant as they were in 2014 this weekend that was their semi-final undead as you can see here wfc and one two zero both winning against focus on one two zero then we had the clan war yesterday already th winning to o against lucifer he is now on a 5-0 win streak over lucifer just this week and we will see this as the second match wfc continued to impress with a seemingly easy 2-0 over romantic who is not in shape of gcs that's for sure and in fee in very very cool games defeating one two zero two to one so they are the favorites they are coming from the winner bracket but the undead we just saw it in the lower bracket final lucifer winning foggy life winning uh lucifer and one two zero and then wfc carrying the scourge into the grand final ted says we're gonna start in one minute and we're waiting for one more streamer maybe okay romantic is ready one two zero is ready and we start the grand final of race war 2017. those are your two players for the first match of the day of the none of the day of the final once again both very very very young with life together those three are the young lions two of them from china all three of them from china of course one to zero is the most successful of them all romantic's biggest win recently was the fourth place at gcs which was one by one two zero as you can see the statistics might be a little misleading here as it's only slightly above fifty percent four one two zero and over fifty percent for romantic oopsilla didn't want to do that because of course one two zero is facing infinity age a lot and they have like 70 percent win rates against undead for quite some time before 120 finis finished his ascension to the throne of warcraft 3. this matchup seemed to be impossible for undead but he and wfz they found a solution will this solution work today we're going to see about that the seedings slightly better for the human i would say but you know in finals everything can happen we start on echo isles which is traditionally a very good human map and it's again a mountain king first we've seen this yesterday quite a bit definitely more often than usual it seemed to be the case that it's archmage and especially on echo isles we saw this cool strategy by infie to go blizzard very early sometimes even on level three so you have level two blizzard level one aura ditching the water elementals because they will be dispelled anyway and then you have your expansion it is walled off you position your archmage here spam blizzard against fiends and statues and slowly but steady uh getting the damage that you need to finish them off but that is not the case here it's gonna be hammer time as the mountain king is the first choice death knight on one two zero side and romantic i think especially after the past let's say 12 months he has established himself as the third best human in the world which was for a long long time yumiko but what a depressing year he had played a bit of two and two together with wfz but not winning the tournament there either wasn't qualified for gcs if i'm not mistaken i'm going to get the shadow priest here for a little bit more healing and you guys please let me know if the audio levels are correct now i just boosted it a bit again wfc uh one to zero comes in for the harass kills the geomancer but that's not enough to keep the mountain king away from level two he's gonna get another passing here though actually didn't as it was a deny no last hit and one two zero has to make up for his little slip that happened in the night of clan war because he was supposed to be the all-kill guy for team undead and he was quite lucky actually that wfz again having a great day we haven't seen the humans today yet yesterday it was a very close clan war especially the third series th storming over lucifer and i'm afraid this will happen again today as he has not won the single map in a best of five and the best of three this week and there's no real time to adjust to this on a one-day basis this is fairly unusual to go for that ogre magi is super quick with only a few skeletons here but with the coil it does work it gets the big potion of mana so it was absolutely worth it second word of necessity is losing quite a bit of hp here though fiend is coming in but that gives romantic a lot of time for his expo and the creeping close to level three so you see how important it was for one to zero to steal this one creep so the mountain king is not level three he will get it at the murlocs though but he's forced into that creeping going to the shop most likely boots he doesn't have the gold for it he's selling something yeah sells both items hurry up i kind of like but mountain king is tanky anyways so doesn't really need it there's level three term of agility not the best thing for him obviously morphines and close to tier two so how does he want to play it echo out the base is far away from the expansion so you can't siege this in waves or storm the expansion in waves it's most likely going to be this either a very very long siege or a huge push with destroyers so we see the first slaughterhouse since he has fiends i think it's not going to be double slaughterhouse we've seen this before but i don't think it's that effective four footman and mercs not the biggest footman army i think this expo is a bit too far to the right but only a tiny bit he has like an emergency exit here which is always nice and but there's no tower up so he gets a few kills again the skeleton usage of one two zero is why he is the necromancer staff and boots so this points towards lame and he doesn't have anything to stare for maybe he just walks in and then stabs out glitch is coming second it is only one slaughterhouse a lot of fiends the fourth one already and now he's storming into the army this is not what you want you don't want to get surrounded which is not the goal of romantic as it seems is there defense yet no so easy kill and he's keeping the footman numbers low only five beings investing a lot into berserkers second kill here with a big mana potion he can spam coil he is level three lich is coming with a new lord of necromancy and there's still a tower right only the arcane tower now but he has to abandon the shop mountain king is three storm balls he has to be careful with the fiends he cannot allow himself to lose too many of them malicious support coming and i wonder it should be yeah frost armor first as it is against orc no defend lumber mill only now still tier one of course looking good so far for one two zero saves that fiend as well the surround is closed though but he does get a lot of damage killed the berserker that's also nice experience but the hammer time is hurting and he loses this almost a second fiend but with the surround being closed no we actually moved it down south so one more storm bolt only but i think romantic is defending fairly decent it's uh half a level here on both heroes with this but the arcane tower is up so skeletons not that effective anymore eminem the eminem of warcraft not uh marines and medics but muddy and the mauler so you see trying to knock down the arcane tower with four skeletons three fiends i don't think that's enough mass repair being used so that's all resource that he can invest into attack if he doesn't go for it yet coil again use the big mana potion has two more coils and again the surround romantic is playing this really well against the mass fiends he has of course a lot of opportunities to get rid of the fiends but he uses them almost every single one of them steps out and i bet he has a shop in the north now yes he does clarity and then he will be back for tool time and 120 is fighting the entire time but he doesn't do too much against the economy three fiends lost at least his supply stuck now does not go up okay that was i just finished the cigarette then romantic supply stock as well with only an arcane tower you can stand there with the fiends it's no problem because they don't have mana won't be burned oh nice positioning with the mountain king here who's almost full mana one fiend will die again this level two storm balls with this amount of footman is no way and yeah he can't fight out anymore he should tp out i guess and then come back with a destroyer push because he's just feeding the mountain king oh oh storm bolts around trying to fight out everything is slowed but yeah he's forcing him into it ye or is he yes he is can't get the kill on the mauler which is quite big level two so now he has an over but was this enough already for romantic i still tier one that changes a lot because tier three is finished and destroyers are coming four statues he lost a lot of fiends but what's it worth if you feed a mountain king if the strongest weapon of your opponent is magic mute and air not too much i'd say glitch has a claw dk has nothing in the potion being bought storm bald healing oh dodges the shot with an involve to keep the clarity up which he needs in the upcoming seat but we've seen this so many times yesterday and the undead had no solution to this footman storming into the base there is a spirit tower it's a kind of a casual spirit tower at the moment four one two three always does it step in with the mountain king and yeah getting rid of the achilles heel nice ward first ackline down he's a thousand gold for romantic wow usually you want the acolytes to kill them in tech but of course he's too late for that as he was busy with his own expansion and the siege towards that 120 still creeping this he doesn't have a town portal he can't defend this the only thing i can defend is the destroyer once the berserker is gone i think he has a fairly good shot but it's not allowed to lose that grip he's rebuilding them already because he's very very sure that he will lose this the question is how well will the destroyer push go there's three towers already can he even more for destroyer no his supply stuck and the one destroyer that was supposed to break down the towers is in his base romantic sees everything that's going on in one two zeros home [ __ ] can use another nova oh but he's out of range dark rangers third crypt down again but he's heavily lacking lumber almost a thousand gold needs new workers he's not focusing the lich only now where's the nova where's the nova there we go before it goes to waste but still the human man with only a few and he's losing more and more of them i don't really know why he's sacrificing all those footman of course he's freeing up supply but he's only now halfway through tier two so he's down to three guard towers and of course piercing damage doesn't do too much against the fiends he's keeping the death knight out of arcane tower range the entire time he delayed the attack and he delayed reinforcements of statues because there's no term of relics but that has been rebuilt quite fast but the damage at the economy man holy [ __ ] full queue of workers does he have lots of necromancy no not anymore dark ranger level two so at the moment this expansion is not providing anything didn't get too much out of it once again a merc army this meat wagon doesn't send it back to be honest that was quite obvious skeletons not doing anything we need that normal damage yeah it's lacking a bit of multitasking here to be honest thousand gold for him 44 food okay now breaking again or not breaking but no investing again t2 is finishing now so i guess paladin seconds i don't think you can go for a blood mage against this when the destroyer is already there and there's a lot of damage expansion gone it looks quite bad but the delayed tech was key no counter expansion mountain king going on to level five but it's still quite a ride it's a blood mage lich is like one kill away from three coil is two coil nova on a blood mage it's very effective that use web borrow he stays below 50 and he's just fighting mercenaries there's no defend because there's no footman that is level three double kill here silence on the mountain king is he losing his entire army here against this he's only one base he can't afford this he's not portaling out nice steel with that glitch oh boy one two zero killing another mauler gigi he went on a rampage after losing like the four fiends during the siege he said all right flip the switch it's game time now and from then on he basically humiliated romantic to take the 1-0 lead this is now all best of three so it's not the first series win for the undead just the first match and they are supposed to win this they have to win this human strong yeah romantic can play better um that's for sure this was not his game to take twisted metals next as it seems so that's a better human map for expansion plays depending on the starting position of course my chinese translator says that lucifer stated uh is the quote i'm done with th i don't want uh just let me sleep please oh it's doesn't seem to be that motivated but after a five oh i mean so it looks like one two zero and wfc have to carry this so with it is now best of three i mean before we had this king of the hill format where it is where it was best of one so it's best of three again now why did they place lucifer versus th again and not swap lucifer vs romantic for example that's called seedings you get the starting maps and you position your player on the map and then both teams do that and then you end up with a lineup so it's not like predetermined so you can't choose your opponent or anything almost 2 000 viewers and we have a lot more in store for you here today with at least one more series and zera cup i don't really know how far juror cup is already i can imagine not too many people playing maybe but i will look it up race war definitely more important as the winner takes home 685 dollars the winning team of course has to be shared through three there are 41 players so general might be a quick joke up today where is the grid already in the quarterfinals yes oh already in the semifinals so chances are high that we don't see a jerk up game today but since we have the best of china and korea we're in for a treat most likely china right uh lucifer the only non-chinese player in this final can everybody play jarrah cup yes you just have to sign up on goodgame.ru before game starts or before the tournament starts so we see the players once again romantic and one two zero one two zero always the upper hand against him or oftentimes very very rare that romantic is able to take a map as one two zero is just that damn good romantic still young still learning still talented not as talented as 120 but we shouldn't bash him too much we had so much joy with him at gcs and everybody was cheering for him just because he loses a undead versus human against one to zero doesn't make him a bad player and we shouldn't forget how nice he was to us and ugri basically the only chinese player who really wanted to interact with us spent a lot of time with us and expressed his thoughts on the game and on life and stuff so that was really interesting to hear and to talk to romantic very very good dude so don't bash him too much since 120 is one of the best undead versus or the best undead versus human player in the world you can play it better definitely i don't know why he went for so many mercenaries for example archmage first with a fast build like the mercenaries i can't understand if you want a bit of healing from a shadow priest i can't understand the berserkers really they're nice against the skeletons but that's about it and since he invested into four i think a second barracks would have been better score is not updated oh sorry one two zero has the lead of course so usual rock golem creep creep creep i glide it's not going in for the last hit it's already too hard dk spawning close and that could be bad for romantic again scotch bone chimes he gets a bit of hp back but i think for human in the early stage is overrated it's of course nice if you go for knights but for peasants they get like one hp back which is ridiculous so how many peasants will he lose he of course has a call goes for the archmage what leaves the passengers alone for now there is no shop so i don't know gets rid of 50 of the hp but loses the same amount basically there's still two coils three coils the base is open he can't hide there there's no arcane tower as well but also no corpses so not going for passengers but for the first hero very very interesting choice level 2.3 already more footman and the follow-up is obviously fiends and again two more of them and that ah it's barely not enough to kill him we need like one more frostborn hit or something two charges of rod of necromancy so he killed one single peasant that is laughable at this point usually kill like three i guess archmage has to be passive for the remaining early game though until the shop is up and he calls the militia back to go for more mercenaries skeletons are expiring and again i do understand the shadow priest i do not understand the berserker oh the fiend carries the next word of necromancy a backpack upgrade t2 attack again two thirds done recoils sometimes it feels like one two zero has a mana hack and regenerates a lot more mana than his opponents i don't know why but with zero experience and the lack of unholy aura players forces are under it yes play this a little more different acolyte wakes up the creeps so there's uh more bloodlust and how many creeps can he steal can he keep the archmage away from level three it's very hard but not impossible first peasant dies oh boy this is bad just right clicking the archmage still zero experience he gets the big one though can you get more can he somehow get more no that's level three for romantic and so one two zero abandons this creep spot with the archmage being healed by the shadow priest but that was the only thing he got from there one orga magi kill he does have more skeletons romantic will need a lot of time it is level two what limits now expansion coming up still no sharp only one arcane tower in the base he's not rushing tier three oh nice block nice block it's a town portal yes it is of course you don't want this to happen but you can go for a potion now just goes for the next rock okay so lich is coming scouting from romantic creeping intensifies a bit for the undead calm before the destroyer storm as it seems he's staying until two legs gold so it's not the big destroyer push this time as he doesn't have the hp for it fiends hurt dk hurt no tp no potion is he going wagons then i mean he needs an orb so he has to go for tier three it's just very late romantic is playing this way better so far expo is obviously up still no tower and still no ex like what the hell why does he have only 100 lumber again he's working with without defend again so he's making his life a lot harder than he used to have than it used to be and one two zero speed micro here very very nice always moving them back into a little safe zone but there's now a statue finally to heal this up and this is the like the bell ringing for the undead okay statue there then i can be aggressive again what limits are taking care though very late t2 against a very late tier three nice coil second last coil though and the damage is well spread oh boy locks himself so much about the feet micro here at level two he doesn't have a coil anymore but unholy aura helps this shadow priest is dead no block the rules are there to defend your three tech only now i think of players this was not at all one two zero's game plan a town is undersea can't really save that one but again he's spreading or separating the lich and fiends away from the decay harassing with the decay attacking with the rest of the army which is just three units he still gets the kills once again lack of macro a player's forces are under attack if we have we're done he is not allowed to lose the crypt again not that early and if you can focus on statue yet and that's fine but no they're just diving in deep to kill the workers here seems to realize that lumber is what lacks here he can't always go for a shredder though if he didn't go for it already oh zappers that was nice supply stuck one two zero now way too many hits on the decay he's climbing slowly with city to level three one more kill i think gives him that moves over militia again i feel that set you but he's still intact even though it's about to complete but he's not he cannot afford to lose acolytes at all level three finally as tier three is finished as well he really gets rid of all the towers that is so nice how he defends this and attacks and now yeah tp out kills another acolyte loses not an additional footman it's only one echo and he needs to rebuild now i think he lost the second one as well the destroy upgrade is coming now ziggurat is in position tier two almost done the thing is only one tower will be finished in the base it's two but it's ridiculous you can easily knock them down with this choice question is how many statues does he have left two he definitely needs more for that to work but he can't produce him right now so everything is a little delayed it's got level 2.6 archmage level 4 already this would be a good time for blizzard i think as there's only going to be one destroyer not mass destroyers and the main problem is fiends and heroes and statues grasping for us around again here's the destroyer coilover on the archmage there is a tp dispel against swat elementals works nicely of course and the footmen are just uh worth nothing he cancels the mountain king goes for a panda okay d3 take on the way as well this might be a tank game romantic loves tanks we have seen uh quad workshops from him and we're up to towers again lynch close to three and he's creeping this panda up he does have 600 gold which is for him not too much a lot of four digits gold amounts on his side as well faces far up the forces and blizzard okay so but he needs to be here right there as a staff okay so the blizzard game begins no disable obviously on the undead side no crypt lord no dark ranger yet at least he sees the human army watching over we've seen this many many times also before an echo also one dk one destroyer to do something against this romantic only 150 man out it's not too much but he can still spam blizzard and oddly enough he finds time to creep his panda thanks to this blizzard play he's mining again so tier seventy percent done no tier two buildings yet no aviaries no workshops nothing there's another nova i want to use it doesn't seem to be the case dk is surrounded there though oh one two zero how did that happen he's trying to find out but the destroyer is not helping only now he coiled for the wrong one statue is helping oh boy he gets two footman kills nice escape and so the panda is left alone a little houdini dk got a circlet that's it inventories are so empty no tp no healing no rod but he has backpacks so you can bring some stuff breaking upkeep and on romantic side it is double workshop pal a third so the nuke is not that great still has an archmage but no blood mage no mountain king whole light is cool and all but what do we want to do against three destroyers now they have mana or at least one of them had mana right yeah we start attacking now and with all towers gone how to defend blizzard against the statues is strong but not impossible level 4 now level two and holy aura doesn't need against the only holy light he doesn't need death pack at all and this expansion is gone looking like the last game of one two zero is a success and that this is the last game of one to zero and romantic equally that would mean that romantic ends this if this is the win for him for one to zero would mean that romantic ends this race war with only one one map of course infy and th don't want to play with yumiko but maybe he would have done better to have experience level two and scourge bone chimes again he sold the first time if he decides to go into knights and gyros now it's a game defining item at least at least it did can you afford it three workshops the fiends are a problem so knights are never bad on the other side we do have air superiority in destroyers four flying machines flag cannon upgrade almost done he forgets one in the base though but they are hurt there's no statue here and there's no mana on them so they have to fly back immediately gyrocopters really fast so you need to be in range of unholy aura without a destroyer you can't break this one wagon is coming romantic sees this but hey i don't care two destroyers spirit tower is upgraded now but how long can he keep these two destroyers alive can romantic kill this base somehow one destroyer oh nice last second coil that was exactly what he needed killing three of those gyros even if the dk is quite low and there's a lot of area of effect mass repair coming in but that only hurts the acolytes now knights are coming with the siege here started as well breath of fire into nowhere archmage in trouble it's only a town portal you can travel as well though you have gold for mana potion no he doesn't and the destroyers fall can you really come back into this game it's kind of a base race now one destroyer plus dk who steps out it gives up on his base just to see to this one ah town falls back okay is it aggressive to immediately nuke the archmage with a nova uh no just forcing the town fall but the panda is gone and the palette didn't know whoa whoa whoa i died as well double kill from this town fall that was so incredibly quick and so the archmage is left alone he's riding with his horse friends but oh oh no area of effect anymore no healing anymore and the lich is four he delayed the gold income again it's two thousand six hundred here one thousand seven hundred years 900 gold difference had to rebuild the shop has to get his workshop back but romantic is at the moment happy to just be able to get his heroes level two and one doesn't take that much time but still it's a loss you don't want to take on the other side the undead climbing quickly towards level five so the panda's back he has a shredder that he can use it for defense as well three knights are okay we have only one destroyer paladin will most likely come back as well as the knights will oh actually the knights distract and visit as well but the meat wagon is still there so i don't know two destroyers seems like he wants to take that fight nuking the first night immediately step out but okay that was the worst position possible not finishing it though that's the shredder first coil 3 is so close romantic doesn't want to give up on this there's still a glimpse of hope with his third hero being back as well dk has only one coil remaining needs one of the fiends as it seems but altar is gone ridiculous 36 supply he's diving in again two destroys in the meat wagon the meat wagon in a very good position where the webs here's number one number two level two and the paladin gets another fiend here but gets a knight in return the destroyer is still reigning supreme as they get wept and one-shotted almost actually the holy light and staff game works quite well but romantic has to play a little bit of dota now with only his heroes remaining no reinforcements coming 1-0 stays at 50 foot maybe banking get rid of the towers here the panda is coming in for another breath of fire nice move level five double level three nuke he only needs the mana for it what's up fighting ice with ice not yet here's the backer healing up full mana it seems like it's just a hunt now how far you can dive into that base very unusual see he kills one more farm than romantic his supply stock had like 36 supply which is the case here and are still not three usually on tm you have the time easily to get to earth break call nova now he's fighting ice with ice there is no staff on the other side is there oh archmage gets another holy light but i think the next call or nova will execute him but the pandas first no love for the drinking bear another save on the statue you can't level them up to a critical level where holy light becomes really annoying gg and that was to be expected romantic leaves race war with only one map one in the entire tournament and one to zero lost as a stat of what is it 2 0 against orc 1 to 2 against human so that's 5 2 3 then okay but i think we expect more of him that was the case at nostalgia battlefield again as well where he wasn't the main carry for his uh race but in team games wc shining a little more but at least in the grand final where it counts he's there where he's needed 2-0 taking the first map for the undead skirt to now have match points but it is maybe the most one-sided match coming up with th versus um lucifer lucifer seemed to be a little depressed about this match lucifer seemed to be a little hopeless but maybe it was just a fake we're gonna see about that tiny little break and then we come back with the race war grand final and that's leading 1-0 human have to catch up but it's th coming now so see we're back with map number two th lucifer and you see it in the stats here on paper this is the most one-sided match we could have gotten th 73 against undead 83 against lucifer but in the matchup of night elf vs undead we had the same statistics for one two zero and life and life was able to win that match so can lucifer finally break the streak this week alone he is 5-0 against the devil from korea we'll see about that th is the favorite he has to equalize otherwise the undeads are the strongest race in warcraft 3. odds are stacked against lucifer though who is spawning ontario rock in the upper left position th in the bottom left position so they are on one lane this makes of course the shop very impactful with the uh watch award that can be placed here so you get a lot of vision from your um from that part archmage first a players forces are under attack no mountain king shenanigans here and before we really start this thank you flame for fame for the sub much appreciated man and yeah starting nice for th here with a mantle of intelligence and i wonder what he has in store for us today will he expand somewhere weird will he go for the next starting position will he go for the back of the turtle or is it really that weird unusual one base style you need a fast level three archmage for that i guess defend upgrade only now that points towards the starting position uh creep because there's this berserker it's good against sea turtles as well so on turtle rock in general i think early defend makes a lot of sense it's again the best of three of course so we'll see but i think for lucy for now it's just retaining his honor and at least winning one map otherwise if he loses two oh it's going to be 7-0 for th against him this week alone tier 2 attack rather quick rush is it here can you steal this one there is a coil ready throws it on the archmage huh there was a miss click so level two on the am it was for only 42 experience not too much but there is another coil ready he has defend now two berserkers and the warlord with piercing damage though that's helpful and he's expanding a lot of militia rushing over to help with this dk is quite a bit distracted with 50 health he steals that one and the death knight got another mantle as well so it wasn't all for nothing but he has to tp out as it seems the arrest is good but it's supposed to be good as it's a very risky one and wow robert the magi plus nine attack and if you look at this hurt death knight this can only be good plus three quarters of a watt elemental he doesn't have a coil anymore level three that was so important so there's still five foot uh workers there's still a lot of footmen and there's a level three archmage lucifer with his hurt dk have fun with that man tier 2 is finished though gets a few more fiends and he places this tunnel in the middle of the blight few fiends are there finally level two that was necessary unholy aura was absolutely necessary he will save that fiend if he's not blocking himself like he is doing now it's okay he has a coil now too but it still doesn't look that nice glitch first slaughterhouse second then the attack and the expansion is so far away from his main and pushing is not easy even if it's turtle rock but the expansion is kind of safer two what elementals are two fiends only third one coming but might be intercepted no it's too fast the town is under siege lich is there another round of necromancy slaughterhouse 60 done so he plays this aggressively but oh that's a kill did i though oh did he deny it i don't think so he wanted to but frostborn too slow forces are under attack in korea it's now by plus eight hours one p.m that's acceptable i guess steph on the archmage as well and i think actually english for defending this quite good there are more footmen waiting for the tier three tag which is not coming here he's continuing the siege with more skeletons a few fiends i heard dk one am yeah one am like in the night about the korean time but these items on the archmage they help they help a lot can he know about him he's trying to he gets him he actually gets him and that might be the can opener for the eswc winner of 2006 or five i still confuse those two years but that opens up the door wide where is that username boots are defending here statues are coming it's not microwaving them well only now sending them back okay doesn't have a coil can't get that kill maybe with the nova doesn't reach though but frost armor and frost mourn air frost i'm unholy aura and frost one seal this so archmage back from the tavern that of course takes a lot of time and resources tier 2 on the way almost done that's quite fast lucifer to be honest except that kill he didn't accomplish too much he killed a few workers he got rid of a big experience but it's not that great for rock it's not that great one more kill ah it's not enough i think for level 3dk litch got a good level though but he constantly positions his dk a little bit too aggressive a player's forces are under attack but that's his level three definitely going for it and that's worth it though it's not it's it was not his net it was not his last coil he's distracting there portaling away now healing up so keep what do you have for us cs3 or a few breakers i think it's going to be to easier three nights gyros gyros very welcome on this map ph likes its air units dragon hawks griffins as well so i wouldn't be too surprised whoa pit lord tier 3 is done destroyer upgrade is coming so reign of fire nova harass a very different version of the song of ice and fire we see here but a very unusual choice th again going into the base there's two nerubian towers plus the blackstone little helping here he's not going for the uh slaughterhouse so this is a lot of damage at the moment how much more can he summon that works well that works really well if he gets the pickups now he has no mana anymore for this but nova with a quad kill expo almost gone but look at this panda dies with the death knight back here was just level one though but his acolytes man are they all gone no he has two left but lucifer will be supply stuck after this archmage gets the kills on the right tk defense at home level four already for him and there's still footman he doesn't have a solution to them there's a tp might be forced into that soon there is no mana for coil though and no other damage almost miscalculating this so there's only three workers left yeah okay four now it's three but lucifer is stuck on third t3 supply he doesn't have the goal for a cigarette i hope he did build one no he abandons his entire base he doesn't have an aircraft anymore again th finding such a good solution pit lord falls to the towers what is what a clown fiesta this is all inning and expansion when your soul main base is being raided i don't know if that's the smartest thing to do it does have two level three heroes though and three themes two statues but in the base oh he's still here too funny game town portal there is no town portal for th coyle nova right clicks the panda's dead again oh boy and the archmage is left alone now lucifer is not supply stuck anymore needs a little bit more gold to build an acolyte but yeah he can't sell the gauntlets then he had income again of course it would take forever though he didn't cancel the town hall or kill the town hall so mining is working here too depending of energy this is very nice and he's building the acolytes funny game but how long is he alive though he's trying to escape and it seems to be working archmage still no tp just the staff but that didn't work before he needs the call on the acolyte i think keep that one alive archmage retreats a bit keeps both of them alive nice well done panda is back ultimate level four he's mining again but no tier three and breakers now will the undead heroes be too strong for him in the end that would be so funny come on free training oh boy oh it's gonna be ice cold for the echoes oh nice reveal what that was ridiculously good i think he didn't see the rest of the army so didn't use the term of retraining yet because the wattle mental is still there even re-summoned it but yeah he's mining 6050 against 3900 that's a 2 000 gold advantage even saucer is coming as there's no dispel flute pretty nice plus 11 on the lich but the forces of th become stronger and stronger sometimes lucifer has those moments i he saw that i see he saw it with the watch award the top retraining good point good point good point good point but the timing was still stellar speaking of stellar timing again raiding the base again getting rid of ziggurats dk is creeping their ring of regen is quite nice but the slits kills the panda i can't believe it what is this game it's a circus for acolytes and he takes out way more units than he's supposed to the dk comes back runs into the rcr20 doesn't get his pit lord back by the way this was like a one trick pony for this one attack towards the expo which is running again by the way double workshop and tier three is finished with the panda coming back more breakers but man i think for the very first time in the past three series between them th was breaking a little sweat but this arrest is so good it's so annoying it's not the most stellar not the most shiny warcraft but hell is this effective he's still playing this without a town portal against coil nova the entire time still didn't use his summer training that's like 350 gold or something or 375 that is just not used but you can easily afford it since this expo is running and 2 500 2500 five five could be an answer but then what if he kills the heroes yeah that's fine but then what it's kind of the double-edged sword here django a lot of movement speed that's exactly what he needs and the ultimate is coming back looks like we finally will see blizzard like six minutes after he was born fender creeping up the two has a staff now making nukes of course a lot harder see level five already no okay can't get into the position what a timing it's like you're waiting one hour in line to get into a club and then the bouncer says oh sorry we'll fall that happened here steph nova right clicks lucifer gets a lot of creeps last hit of the water oh second lasted at the watermantle gets this and tanks are coming i don't know if that's are under attack necessary i think like todd will disagree with me but i think it's a little unethical to play tanks i mean whatever it needs to win on the one side right but don't take a man who's on the floor already lucifer it's like a hurt lion still fighting still roaring still threatening the archmage and panda alike but there's a good amount of normal damage this army is so hurt tanks are moving in there is no anti-air though and then trouble again thanks for moving in but it's only one destroyer so yeah 73 supply versus 35. why is the supply losing the statue that means his healing and mana regen is gone level five on the lich so it's level three nuke but he gave up on that as well dk with an involve trying to fight out that's it gg and th is on a six zero win streak over lucifer now and that was lucifer's best match uh best map of course not so easy not so easy but that was quite an entertaining game i want to say very unusual game as well for turtle rock and he hdc how how he just knows what to do and expansion was hard and rough and he lost a bit the pit lord push was fun to see uh yeah but that's the only thing it was fun to see and that's it he got a few hero kills here and there just delaying the inevitable i think but his footman harasses are so good at lucifer he doesn't i don't know if he's too greedy to attack the entire time or too aggressive maybe he should just chill a bit and stay close to his base to defend the footman more to get rid of more footmen and then there's not so many acolyte losses the entire time jericho status the winner of orc worker will play against foggy who's already in the final foggy beat sonic 2-0 and happy is leading one o against awkward all right i think choco is streaming it so if you want to see jerrod cup despite or instead of the best players in the world then feel free to do so th leading th about to equalize the series and then we would once again go into the third best of three which would be in fee versus wfz we have our schedule here romantic oh no there we go uh romantic losing to one to zero th as you see taking the lead and the next match starts in the grand finale of race war 2015 heads i think it's very very very fortunate for team human that they had th versus lucifer twice i think lucifer can beat everybody else even in fee on a good day on a very good day candy but th just seems to be his nemesis and it doesn't really work before we go into that game i have to thank uh dan liebling's coach for five months already less than three he sends to us so thanks for the support guys lots of subs today as well it is still fifty percent off of your first time's up so if you enjoy replay packs and the lack of advertisement and emotes and stuff like that feel free to use that offer all subs fifty percent oh with that being said in game we go th in red the lucifer in yellow it is last refuge one of the best on that maps here and i think we've seen this in nsl and also race war yesterday that that doesn't say much archmage first and the th even drop a map he ages two o versus life he ages two o versus lucifer and he ages yeah th could end this race war with six oh stats that would be quite impressive and big exclamation mark towards gcs towards nsl where he is in the finals together with infi remind and moon who are both not playing this race war so lucifer opening with late fiends again early dk that's a common thing to do here and archmage as well no mountain king question is immediate expo green spot first merc cam first and as far as i know th nowadays it's an immediate expo oh actually since this was scouted he decides to go okay let's uh tip on the brake a little do it a little slower oh let's do it a little slower glass of haze for him gets more footman of course since he's waiting i like what lucifer is doing here creating more corpses for more skeletons plus getting items that he will like and yeah essentially ward i mean that's not too much going on that is not expected but he will see the timing for the creep and will you see the amounts of towers i'm not too sure about the range of that century but it's very obvious the h doesn't go for the farm towards the laboratory because on this map there's a little bug that if you have the starting position and you build a farm here you have access to the laboratory so you can scan for it not possible in the south or at least not figured out yet lucifer had great games where he harassed really good got big last hits delayed the expansion back quite a bit but then had no solution against the footman arrest and again we see five footman here getting the water elemental getting the troll very nice can't delay level two further though cool called iron should be off in a bit oh nice move by th to stop for a little baiting the coil then going full attack it was nice and getting the yoga major here for level two and a half double gloves of pace little gatling gun archmage rapid fire archer age but t3 two thirds done already and the expo is coming of course no tech for th yet but creeping level three close oh there's no mana anymore so you can't steal the overseer but with corpses getting rid of uh peasants and the more person he kills the later its attack and the less stuff he has against destroyers kill level two so far the game is going well for the korean future is finished is it an unusual naga play again six footman whoa nice escape what nice around as well oh yeah that was sweet sweet sweet he has a coil but trades and i think that's the better one like trying to save the fiend i see it a lot from undead players who coil their units because they're about to die maybe it's an instinct or something but if they're surrounded they're surrounded and can't get rid of it that's exactly what i mean farm here scan boom essentially what's gone in both century what's gone but that was 100 gold then he got there still no tower up even not even an arcane tower up he keeps the scouts our life with a lot of repair okay with two fiends this will take forever and you should know better it's not naga it's a lich again with statues and again a very late t3 as he goes for statues and set his and glitch before t3 th taking a bit out of increase playbook trying to surround early this is coming now and that's usually the start of the demand for footman there was an invitation to this one but nice counter block this coil oh wow these surrounds are so good when he's trading to footman for a fiend in pure gold that's better for the undead but you need these e's and equipment so easy to get him back to 360 done the h again with very few defensive forces as long as he has like a few footprint to surround i think he's fine and the first tower is up d3 coming out the tier 3 is always so late he's holding on better than in the games before though and he makes sure that t8 is always busy at his own position and can't go for lucifer's base and he gets a good amount of pickups this i don't want to jinx it which i will now but this is the best game of lucifer in the seven games that we've seen of these two this week you could use a coil to get closer to three and finally th found this one timing little timing window to run away to buy some time for the expo but lucifer is going double slaughterhouse mass destroyers inbound he needs another ziggurat as well okay he's buying it so this is exactly what i mean like lucifer is focusing a lot more on footman these games a lot more on pressure no big [ __ ] ups except like a few surrounds but i think you can like if there's a few footman and especially if there's militia support there's nothing nothing really you can do against surrounds and against these feet losses and he was trading well so paladin second a little safer than mountain king second a player's forces are under retards in the main super close to three at least you get level two what is zeppelin doing just oh wagons he's opening tier three with wagons book of the dead oh oh oh oh oh oh oh the streak might be broken here there's no priests and area perfect the spell there are four towers here and four towers here double workshop again smash wagons no orb of corruption that's why this creeping is so slow the age is using the time to creep wants to keep his power and safe if there is no divine shield he's still quite squishy despite the four armor points nice uh there was a question how gloves stack um it's not like it don't it doesn't add up it's not 15 plus 15 but 15 times 15 so 15 square that's 22.5 then because the dead being used he gets rid of the gyrocopters there are quite a few meat wagons here of course siege damage not great against the army but it's level three and he got rid of all the flying machines there no distraction attack from th possible currently the flying machines don't do anything and he will get rid of those workshops with three meat wagons you can't really repair against it and the first one is gone this is something very unusual for lucifer trying to get a more team out so it starts to be unusual for th as well who is running past the army motor team does come out berserker gone though and what team as well repositioning the meat wagons he has to keep him out of range of the water elementals the paladin is low but the first meat wagon is almost dead miniature support being called and the second meat wagon is falling as well the moisture support is working but the archmage and paladin are both out of that fight and the second workshop is gone so looks like the korean has an edge here uh he's close too close to the sun with disease cloud by the way as well divine shield being used archmage in trouble now has a town portal no destroyers that hurt paladin with the wine shield can get into a little more safe position there's so much mana on the death knight how much is on the lich there's carl nova nova will land into the workers that's for sure so he lacks nuke another water elemental and that is the last meat wagon but he trades it for the paladin so no more here and since he was level two that's gonna take some time how does he want to break the expo now there is disease cloud so they take a bit of damage level four and three still full mana next meat wagon coming he's still producing like double slaughterhouse meat wagon the entire time how much time is there he is tier three mountain king third knights double barracks knights he doesn't have oh he does have a blacksmith i was just curious so how much time has lucifer left before the lack of magic damage kills him a thousand gold for th mountain king back of course can't hold the meat wagon but you can bash them not yet because it doesn't have passive but you know what i'm talking about i don't see nova into the militia or the repairing workers i don't see too many coils second meat wagon here coral nova onto the mountain king wants to keep him low as well but again losing a meat wagon to the militia here he loses a lot i wonder if at one point th has time to get blizzards that should be the end again what's he doing little icarus meat wagon dark ranger third not much healing up doesn't get it cancelled but there are two nights now it's getting harder and harder to break this expo nova has to be used on them coil as well level four on the ledge though my friend is there of course for silence fiends falls and keeps that wagon alive loses it against uh towers pellet in his back but this is kind of a massive damage uh massive uh experience from all those workers he kills them one by one easy no what elementals anymore it looks like the knights are the solution transition into destroyers should work well timing wise but apart from that there's already five gyros did you rebuild the workshop at least one he's going full nights everything is hurt here repair comes too late that game is quite cool way more equal than expected staff being swapped that exposes the paladin of course but there is divine shield now and no coil since it is on cooldown really light counter coil maybe no just microsite away nice and gets the kill there but for how much longer think the critical mass of knights almost reached gets rid of them again that frost armor by the way is hurting them a lot a player's force he gets level five what's the item legion doomhorn one for the shop it's an expansion you see he's okay i can't break this anymore without my meat wagons and he takes out my meat wagons too fast so i counted this with abominations or at least i tried to counter it with illuminations they have worked for wfz again today or already today five nights six nights in triple hero with a complete absence of magic damage in the army well i mean this doesn't really count oh this is not a good position he's going for the mountain king kills him immediately nice silence on the paladin too gets it got a triple silence on them i think he has tp soon or is the slow or nice step is the slow enough to work with it oh he's getting rid of the statues he's driving him back knights are overwhelming so far at least it's in trouble there's three more coils kind of forgot to track that meat went down and there's a destroyer but there are mortar teams immediately one wept but where's the rest of the web he doesn't use it lit's getting saved sniping them now two abomination is gone but he has one more how long can he keep the destroyer up not much longer no coil so the gyrocopter is rendered useless again 74 supply for th and i think he has this now he's getting rid of the damage he was cancelling the destroyer immediately but great position for the gyros there of course i don't know if lucifer wasn't aware or anything level five there's one more coil and the x4 is up thousand two hundred left his own wagon that was weird only two towers the 78 supply undead heroes versus 80 supply still morphing to destroyers but you don't really want that you want healing and you want regen dark rangers surrounded paladin cannot be noob there is a coil nicely done archmage being attacked has to retreat here the fight is taking place all over the place everywhere going for the mountain king again inward potion this time level three paladin though without mana mind you oh flying machines have landmines now or what's it called i don't know flying bombs something like that black ranger can be coiled now needs that as well but he's moving forward slowly but steady the knights do damage to everything and they tank so much with two upgrades already and if you don't have destroyers if you don't have worms then the long run the late game against human is very hard glitch dead or gone that should be it lucifer is also losing the seventh map against th this week and th ending race war with a 6-0 statistic not dropping a single map neither against life nor against lucifer quite impressive quite impressive exclamation mark towards infi remind and moon as they will play in nsl uh the 22 000 tournament that we have in the scene that we will broadcast on thursday again wednesday or thursday or both might be both i will check that out before the stream ends but yeah that was the equalizer human race is back of the game and now it comes down to the match that we've all been waiting for in fee was too strong for wfz oops enfie was too strong for wf4120 yesterday but wfz is playing the tournament of the year for him and will infeed be strong enough he won all of his matches so far as well 2-0 over law alliance to 1 against 1-2-0 but it's the best undead in this team this weekend against on paper the strongest human in the world the stakes are high race war will be just decided in another best of three infie versus wfz coming up in a few minutes see you then today grand final it's one one one two zero one there one is match th won its match and now we have infie versus wfc an awesome best of three lies ahead of us the first player who wins two matches or two maps crowns his race the race war champion we do have a few minutes i think as wfc is uh taking a little break before that jarrah cup i think it's almost over as well as we should be at grand final already is it foggy versus happy yeah foggy was happy in the grand final there but the stakes are high 680 bucks on the line for the winning team the loser will still get 450 of course this has to be divided by three so quite a bit more bugs for the winning team here and how awesome it would be for the undead who have suffered so much especially in 2014 against human especially when there was always a th always an envy uh to kept them from winning tournaments but then the ascension of one two zero brought them back into the frozen throne of warcraft this is back to warcraft we cover competitive warcraft basically yeah multiple days every week at least four at the moment uh it's a pretty stressful schedule but it's just so much awesome content that we can't stop and if you want to support us in what we do you can find all the links under the stream you can follow us on facebook and twitter you can follow us on youtube uh we have a paypal you can subscribe here you can buy our merchandise and stuff like that but you hear the chains rattle it is time for the final best of three of the day it's those two it's the iceman and the chinese emperor infie with his sick sick sick 72 percent win rate versus undead wfz on paper seems a little weaker 50 slightly below 50 percent against undead but this is just on paper because if you take a look at the uh win rate against their opponents 57 in favor of wfz all of a sudden and the viewer vote has been won by enfie you want the humans to win but wfz has something to say against this let's go it's turtle rock and as you can see it is close position that's interesting because this has happened before usually you can harass them with human and especially since we've seen so many footman dives into the undead base this should suit infie but since the base are so close to each other and since there's basically not the option as th did to expand at the neighbor's start position this has to be one base play by enfy and i wonder how he pulls it off if wfc wins this he would have the map choice in a potential third game so turtle rock is a good map for him on paper but close position it's not that easy imperius would tower this of course mr winner shout out to russia to the russian but what is infeed doing i guess a lot of harassment will be involved it's a late fiend build order again and if this match would have happened half a year ago i would say okay basically save for undead wfc will win this no problem but then august came and someone handed infy some anabolica or i don't know what but something that twisted this game like a hundred percent and made him the best human in the world currently at least according to our elo ranking where he is on third place behind happy and lynn so no harass possible here or no kill possible at the moment because nothing's really hurt a few peasants here you can use a coil and then get another corpse but it doesn't look too well here base is open not a single arcane tower up yet but here we go very fast attack again before the first fiend stuck at 30 is in fee and still zero experience he's a little bit running away here of course militia help what elemental help the undead's time to shine is the start of tier three at first he's annoying at first he's trying to delay but i think destroyers will flip the switch in this matchup waiting for the turtle to be below 100 can't attack with the skeletons here nice movement by infy but no call to lady cancel the animation as you can see so he's not easy level two because he had to fight for it but no losses in that creeping and as i say it here comes frostborn or not yeah but the dk is so far away from his base and infie immediately capitalizing on that calls for mass militia three four five six seven eight nine of them in tech he's not supposed to lose any acolytes now this would throw him back big time because militia can all walk into there there's only one nerubian tower the main is not fighting with them what can wfc do against this is getting rid of the water elemental archmage is being chased as well the first fiend dies to the footman at militia up there so basically no damage anymore except what the death knight is providing here first acolyte is moving away but the long-range fireball kills the first one the second one about to fall as well how much experience does wfz get not too many or not too much everything is peasants now so only the little pig axes to hurt the acolytes archmage falls into a town pole but that are three killed acolytes two i think that's still okay as it is one base play by infie at this point i would love to know how many peasants he lost because that worked quite a bit uh three i would say if i had to guess i would say three archmage is not three oh wc is forgetting about the acolytes that could be horrible i'm leaving the halls of the dead open okay finally it's already the 300 gold advantage this will increase over time step i like that so you can haunt the archmage it's too late to deny three lulz the fiend that was cool well cutting a corner there leaving only the water metal and the feed got the last hit getting rid of level three can you get the last hit again no this time not dk arrives a little too late has to be careful about surrounds with two fiends now no defend in fee close to tier two i didn't see if he finished defense and i think he did six footman this is the surround mass tier three immediately he lacks lumber due to the attack prior we had to use the ghouls the entire time did he lose one of them i'm not too sure slaughterhouse is coming though lich is delayed with this build and that's why the staff is so great dk is already there with skeletons 8 900 okay it's 400 gold plus the two acolytes that's 550 gold that infused ahead and he's pushing again with militia signature move on to rock close position and especially with the slaughterhouse still in production it could quite hurt him there but nice call panda second again to get rid of the statues later on but he sends the militia back if he doesn't want to fight into this even if there's this juicy juicy slaughterhouse and the lich is quite far away the problem is the dk level infi does not give him one breather yet blacksmith castle attack this is what we saw against one two zero where infie defeated the undead onto rock close position one base did he cancel the attack or was it just a latex should help me out yeah right you say it as well cancel tier three question mark that would be bad that would be real bad but for what okay thanks guys did you lose acolytes again no right so now is how infie gets all the last hits here carl gets this one boots for the panda though i maybe he was just afraid yeah yeah okay you're right chad you're very nice to me here good analysis uh that he was maybe afraid of losing the echoes and he cancelled it prematurely and i don't i know i don't know i mean it's not like canceling something takes time or did he build some extra echoes no players forces are under attack dependent trouble and now things are getting better for the undead lich is out nova he has control he has healing and he was haunting him down like the entire game already on purpose delaying the progress on the dk before that and i think the panda is going to have a really hard time against that now deathmate just doesn't stop paladin third knights a player's forces are under attack red spot no way just malicious support or no he sends them back weird play by both to be honest from time to time one more nova first heroes low second hero there is low paladin could make a difference but he's not there yet cool cool cool game to start the final best of three but he needs a few kills paladin comes in breath of fire oh no holy light which could have been dead maybe but knights are there and it's time for wfc to run away and wait for destroyers his late tech is really really hurting him is actually buying the time for an expansion i can't imagine that there's no stumble so he doesn't have to be that careful but here comes militia support i think if he wants to end this now with his first knights destroyer upgrade finished and that might be the turnaround here comes the first destroyer being called but of course the only level one but he has this bill to get a little bit more hp if he dispels it then there we go he has to wait for the next call but there's no mana currently we saw lucifer struggling without destroyers there is no oh there's a workshop but it's only one workshop so this doesn't work too well ah cancel the tech so the main base help with the defense okay that is better that's a better uh explanation finally level three so the breath of fire was for nothing and we do have a wind of male ceiling which is especially nice against the paladin now does use it on the paladin players forces are under attack that he used to call immediately oh running into a surround maybe we haven't seen the tp yet which is really surprising but there's no mountain king so not that surprising but still many many footmen in the in the early game and malicious support as well support coming in again i think that's the key on one base you have to have this militia meat shield i think finally a little bit of time for wfz and more kills and level two on the ledge this one destroyer changed so much a player's forces are under attack he's banking infey is breaking upkeep already but gets thrown down again no taxes for you my friend here comes the gyrocopters mass web though very nicely dodging the breath of fire a bit as well but the dk is finally surrounded there and this has to be the tp this has to be the tv can get rid of one more gyro which is always important lose the fiend and progress though but it's only two gyros oh three gyros four gyros forces are under attack but you can't fight that temple of the damned knights attack quite fast so curse is never wrong but of course it's against holy light for anti-magic shield and breath of fire with giant strength and finally get some time to create boots of speed never wrong on the ledge so you can haunt down units a little bit easier scouting gyros only one workshop again and more nights in fiat 55. wfz is still greedy still banking but he got his level three abominations are there that's wow unfortunate web ah but he can't reach it pick up all these tiny little things but more a lot of red spots for enthy and his hero combo is not the stella archmage mountain king paladin or mountain king paladin blood mage thing where you will see nukes all the time but it has a lot of sustain the panda is quite tanky the paladin is quite tanky uh gets a lot of healing to the tanky nights so this army is basically a huge stake that you can't cut through easily big mana and big healing but the third red spot in a row for envy second term xp for wfc yeah that uh i was wondering why the lich is jumping onto level three now but that makes sense crystal ball on top of intelligence archmage doesn't find level three the panda has level three though nice nova wfc comes in with two abominations the knight is still yeah he's dead now thanks to the slow again massive experience here level four three no dark ranger yet here comes the gyros again against this one destroyer but i think wfc again playing it rather smart to not go into mass destroys because the gyros are too strong against that nice safe though oh but the fiends are suffering against the militia holy light as well is there a coil there is but it doesn't need it at the moment there we go just be rather safe than sorry i think surround possible dk has a town portal though a bomb is completely ignored and this kiting game works so well for the undead now he's around six steps out ah tp then no just step right yeah gets the a-bomb for it but that's 240 gold not 350 and a little bit of time 41 supply against 52 though he has a thousand 200 gold scouting for expansions but there are none this was a very very very one-sided clan war so far one two zero two oh th2o winning the series is for their respective races but this game is very very close 60 minutes in and it was an epic battle back and forth he gets also the fourth red spot and this time he gets rewarded with a big one warsong battle drums plus three damage on all the knights can he really start to fight this i don't know it's a congo line so his army is not there immediately nice death he's getting close to five oh he's coming from the south a-bomb's in the wrong place catching reinforcements oh but that was a mistake i think nice silence on the paladin but he's not going for anything destroyer where's the coil there we go 70 supply for the undead now how long does it take until we see the banshees anti-magic shell curse scouting everywhere but there's no expansion paladin is tanky and can spam archmage has no tp by the staff oh that destroyer that damage does he run into the fiend again the heroes are not imbalanced strong so nobody is stacking up heavily on something gets rid of the shade it's still 70 versus 60. 1-1 upgrades against 0-0 that ranger maybe a little bit off position web is working to a degree but still massive damage against him dark ranger catch the coil but more gyros coming as a reinforcement this does not this does not look like 70 supply at all and he's i don't know where's the rest of the army this is maybe in the base he's gonna lose the destroyer maybe the a-bomb as well yeah thanks to a holy light or if he's fighting this so so so so good yet next breath of fire gets the next kill here comes the banshees but way out of position he's using possession but in the worst position possible right in the middle of everything it was a little bit of a distraction though so the focus was off from the fiends and the knights here comes possession again can you get the knight looks like it there we go unholy night into a potion on the ledge and he portals out of there possession against infy he was losing so much and i guess the rally point was in the base for some reason so he didn't fight with it knight is a very strong unit doesn't get the upgrades though but super fast tanks a lot and cannot be holy lighted cannot be called as well though due to speed number two how about the gold mines a thousand still no level five if he had 60s wfc staying at 50 no he doesn't i was wondering why he goes banshees because i mean yeah curse is nice against knights and there's no dispel so they miss a lot but anti-magic shell only against the holy light makes not much sense i mean the breath of fire yeah but even that so possession could be an answer because you trade two suppliers for supply a player's forces are under attack but does he have the time level five finally or two free kills again and now that the main gold mines are about to expire let's do more to this against the casters and now the harass is actually good for wfc because he has more money in the late game everybody is scouting everywhere with gyros gardens etc no tp for the staff and the heel potion inward potion and another involved portion so the equipment is quite good 58 supply nothing on the panda nothing on the archmage nothing on the paladin but he has to push with all he has he's not calling militia he's expanding then oh nice he's forcing destroyers to come here and then there's a trap with flying machine dude do we even have destroyers no we don't but this is nice he's forced into an attack he has to leave his comfortable hometown i like that a lot anti-magic shell on everything except the dark ranger which is quite an interesting choice ah there we go does that mean he doesn't have mana for possession anymore let's see about that that knight will die soon do we see possession again so far no the mother team seems to be way too strong but curse is kicking in curse is kicking in hard 61 supply versus 73 this seems to be wfz's game to take panda gets saved by a holy light the position against one team is obviously not that great and this crypt will fall against three mortars so easy it's so effective trying to lure him out of that position breath of fire doesn't do anything anymore panda's a little trapped there doesn't want to commit to this waters are too strong in fiat 63 it's only long distance mining it's not an expansion wfz's gold mine empty it's not pulling the ghouls yeah crypt it's going to be repaired but who that what team a little bit out of position there water team gone who's gonna win this the items the heroes speak in favor of wfc but nice how infie stalled this and the anti-magic shell is over now he's reapplying of course the statues are healing against it he somehow cut through this can't repair anymore okay not no drunken hazel breath of fire again panda up front as the tankiest hero what the team won gone he was sniped and infused leaving his comfort zone is that a mistake dk in trouble but he does have the big heal potion if he's not too hard nuked or too uh second mortal team gone and he's just diving for those water teams man it's crazy banshees drunken haze no breath of fire onto them but also no possession paladin is silenced and can he get the kill on him no there's the divine shield 59 supply versus 57 man the undead is losing so much staffs out the knight again can you get a hero kill the dark ranger is dead to the breath of fire can he follow it up with the paladin kill otherwise i think wc is losing this despite the good position there the lich in trouble info potion being used but not much man anymore there's only one nova how long does this divine shield last forever and he can't look because he needs to coil on the ledge 56 versus 54 in fee winning that fight against all odds so patient so smart can he nuke the paladin there's no coil he's using the nova on to the knights kills one he's far away from level six though he does have five five but no mana he needs time for mana oh boy does he need mana can he somehow get another statue no this one is empty and was healing the entire time there's an expansion i didn't see it because it's purple but yeah expansion running but for how much longer oh oh it could be the end here maybe the expansion will not pay off it's nice step out that night more reinforcements coming in he's pressed against his own base and now he knows okay expo i have to kill it if i do not kill it i will lose this game but the knight is so quick in taking out the acolytes but he can rebuild the acolytes he does have gold as long as the haunted gold mine stays alive but four nights normal damage no way jose fully committing to this even if he loses a night or something doesn't matter so the comfortable expansion situation is gone ghouls are waiting for the long distance miners what a slaughter listen stand back the three ghouls will die rather quickly five archmage close to five panda i think if two possessions go through he has a nice time but the water elementals with their 900 hp oh paladin no second coil though there is possession number one going for the water the archway is in trouble again will infie throw this game away archmage is fully healed though litch has to be careful now there is frost armor against him the moth team is still alive but not much longer than knight executes him treason it's treason against his own race 42 supply though is there a coil there's not but there's also no damage level 3 on the dark ranger it was one possession but not two the gyros are they don't care oh he gets little five no he doesn't what the hell what is this game knight is like a race car with unholy aura silence going for the archmage there's no there's no rescue for the old man on the horse and he dies infy has no way in hell to get him back okay he sold items is it enough he gets level five he sells more he gets the archmage back oh my god i'm losing my mind here he can sell buildings graveyard gone ziggurat gone he will not use a lot of cigarettes as well so this is a lot of gold for wfc now but he wants to use the cigarette to get back to like 50 or something then he can sell more or get some items still an invo potion but that's the only one a little bit of long distance mining archmage is benched for like two minutes ninety seconds now i think held in close to five that will change a lot then death knight six doesn't change much lich 6 doesn't change much he's scouting for another expansion there is none another banshee another statue the statue could win him the game as there is more mana then there's only one tower a bomb at night i don't think it's enough to kill this altar as it's 60 done or is it no no no no no knights are coming from the back he's fighting without the archmage there is holy light but these silence can you kill the panda as well he will not be able to get this panda back then but i think the silence is over yes it is a potion as well knight dies gets defeaned in return holy light again just spammable guys eating it up for another nova it looks like the paladin is carrying this now archmage is back in an instant what can wfc do with his money now and she a little bit out of position he wanted to fight with the archmage gone but that didn't work well still all these gyros are useless there are still banshees two of them sells everything only going for banshees now still only one staff if he has quite a tanky archmage maybe he can sell one of these wfz down two one two three four five buildings but he has to be careful he unsummons the black citadel that was so close like a blink of an eye otherwise this banshee would not have been produced but he calculated it well as it seems player's forces already can't be building anything no he has 150 gold one destroyer is back three four banshees one a one one knight and the double statue he has gold for a heel potion maybe it all comes down to the possession i think how often do you see this i have no idea but that could turn the title board get another kill for free gyro number are decreasing can get another dispel here as well this is a coil on this interestingly it is big experience valley is still not five what a different game this would be if this you rebuild some gyros there's nothing happening here at all again using the mana for this long distance mining has stopped for the rest of the game there's one night it's a scout night of wfz so he's not with the army currently oh the destroyer what's he doing where's the coil he needs the coil there we go archmage is one of the mvps here with brilliant aura 2 and constant attack or a constant summer summon what elementals silence seems to be over yes holy lights wasn't time too well with only one destroyer the dispel doesn't do too much so is it possession time now 33-minute game to open the deciding series of race war 2007 this is what wet warcraft dreams are made of a player's forces are under attack the destroyer movement wasn't the greatest before he's keeping the knight so far away that possession doesn't work just a night back in the army by the way i didn't kill it so i don't see night it no i don't see it ah there he is at least four supply are missing in the fight constantly for peasants or expansions but there's nothing coming so who has the better nerves in fee is definitely more experienced in such scenarios a player's forces are under attack and there's a reason he's called the iceman because usually that's where he shines not making mistakes not overstepping his boundaries gyros finding the destroyer again the fight starts where's possession he's running away still divine shield being used quite early but there's the coil nice did the possession go through no it did not there is curse yeah but the banshees were quite useless so far and now we can hunt them down if he wants to but that's a lot of free damage the destroyer stays alive so far the gyros are all gone he has to focus him now otherwise he has air superiority but the other side the lich is in focus level six on the dk doesn't do too much except the unholy aura once again the banshee possession has been canceled he's gone now but everything is cursed will wfc really do it one more night goes down 22 supply for infini 36 he's going for another knight and that should be it man level four it's only the heroes and two nights remaining still 300 mana can he knock down the if the paladin is gone the game is over he does have mana divine shield is off cooldown though or should be unholy aura 3 so strong so fast so much hp regen the human heroes will not reach level 6. that's for certain the destroyer is constantly dispelling there is no banshee anymore though so this is the last anti-magic shield and he does have still that one night he's spamming breath of fire he's spamming whatever he can but oh boy he's nova again paladin runs outside range is he over committing now with tower support he shouldn't the paladin is too tanky as it seems but he can't heal himself that's the problem level six on the ledge goes for another night and he's not over committing i wonder what his skills i mean there's no storm ball death and decay could be need it's trust armor one is it a three one one one build just dark ritual too to get more mana back but from what he doesn't eat anything anymore with the absence of skeletons and everything panda fire spam could or should potentially get rid of statues he's always in danger of being new the panda is doing a fine fine job can you reach for a holy light or is this the time to kill hero the first one who loses the hero loses the game archmage completely out of position a bomb is not blocking it the me took couldn't block the entrance there but didn't there's no anti-air ah the tower the tower the tower the tower infie he held on for so long he did everything correct but i think his time is over where's the paladin ah there oh there he can't move the staff of sanctuary traps him next to the castle and the paladin falls and that should be the end no holy light anymore the paladin gets nuked staffed again but that is just history repeating from two seconds prior lynch orb down archmage remaining but you can do only so much gg after almost 40 minutes my god what an opening to this match to the series to the decision of race war 2017 unbelievable it's match points for the undead after they played it so calm and both players like nobody made a very stupid mistake at this in the end it was just i don't know what it was the choice of possession unbelievably great if he doesn't take out the knights he gets stormed in the battles i think those two nights made such a big difference then he used it for scouting it was so well done i'm done i'm i'm done it was the best on that map but it was also a very very very bad possess position for him so next map is twisted meadows that should be a good map for infini infi can't go for the base race no no no way there were four buildings left but no way you can go for that you can't fight against the black citadel yeah yeah yeah yeah definitely the best and adverse assuming i think i've seen this year oh well there was infie versus one two zero that was crazy as well uh gcs finals with dk ultimate but i don't think it was that close it wasn't like this was until the last moment i mean you have the cool situation that the undead gets mana and hp from statues and aura and the human gets basically hp and mana from brilliance aura and holy light so they could have fought forever but it was over after 40 minutes and that was there was no black ah whatever yeah it was sold when the banshee was there it was like whatever still it's blight and you don't want to fight there aaron d4le or aaron dale five bucks 34 thanks neo great cast as usual thank you i need to step down a bit now though but it could be the decision like i have to swap for sure now it could be the decision in the grand final of race war wfz took the lead and has two match points in a row now infie is still fighting strong against this as you can see here in the stats infp was your favorite wfz was the favorite on paper as uh he has better statistics against infi but we'll see will the undeads be crowned the race war champions for i think the first time in history i cannot remember a race war that was won by undead there were some like e-stars tournaments but i think it was neither a fork back then or well were humans strong there already yeah with sky and infy they should be but i don't know the results of those race wars anymore so infie going for the laboratory first dk crypt and no graveyard yet but it will be follow up there we're online for four hours and 30 minutes and we could see the beginning of the last map did i ticker everything for read more yes i did overlay is correct yes it is nice two thousand three four hundred viewers i think are witnessing this as infi has to defend the honor of the alliance but the scourge is knocking at the door good map for human for sure good to creep level two immediately possibly level 2.6 with a ton of experience possibly a great item expanding here should be super safe but as i mentioned like 40 minutes ago it was at the start of uh the last map lionhorn and tome oh worst outcome that i mentioned at the beginning of the last game wfc with this winner turtle rock now has map choice in a potential third game and that is such a huge advantage lr most likely possible so he doesn't have to go for equals or teranas or any kind of map he doesn't like it's i think it's either either lr or ai one of those two maps should be it but first we focus on tm a player's forces are under so getting his tech a bit busy micro in here there we go tiny bit late and enfie seems to be surprised where's my opponent where's the death knight why is he not coming he was scouting to the south to see if something's there but he decides level two is more important for me i will get a wobble mental or footnote or passenger whatever and then i have the unholy aura and you will not get me to low hp no militia train yet oh here it comes and the positioning is so good yes only two skeletons though deny doesn't give him level 2.6 or whatever it is there's a corpse usable and he's not doing too much yet wants to save his coils for the creep and infield if he gets level 3 here this is a very safe opening for him there's the kill that's level two he did get him down to forty percent which is not that great but he gets the wattle mental in return it's a lot of experience for one to four wfz here but this is guaranteed level three question is how many peasants will he lose it's quite a delayed creep already but it's totally fine for nf full hp level three guaranteed gets another footman here though ring of regen noise 2 hp per second doesn't sound much does help a lot though on the other side tier two almost finished fiends are coming dk has to be patient the shop is late matt there's quite a bit of resources invested here look at the gold counter ding ding ding ding ding this is gonna be a long siege as it seems with additional hp provided with additional mana provided with wattle men's level 2 provided how many kills can i get the workers are safe no arcane tower yet he wants to get the workers to build a tower there and he's coming in with additional skeletons does he have backpack yes he does what a nice save story he's getting it up no viagra needed well a little bit like mass built as kind of a human viagra but oh gets another kill not really supposed to happen and i think this was a lot of experience for the archmage as well if we check on him three and three point four closing in on four with the water lamentals here the tier two is finished which second slaughterhouse delayed tier three again how can the chinese cast this like one game after another why don't they need a break arcane tower the fiends don't care about it this forces repair this delays the attack oh the tech is already in progress well that's really nice of np and he might be trapped there movement of wz not that nice gets us around well done infie but this was kind of an invitation again he's not wasting a coil gets level three though and this is quite a fast level three i mean it's seven minutes but if he creeps now he doesn't have to share experience that much still no tier three is it a wagon for snow there's attack his tax in general could be faster but that is criticism on high level keep the numbers low and he does double kill first experience on the ledge triple fiends but more towers coming does he have the lumber mill already yes he does and a shredder so there shouldn't be a big problem calls a new militia because he can't afford it i like how like the focusing here is so good he gets the third footman he constantly kills the watermelon before they can do too much and he invests so much interrupts of necromancy but he needs new ones are under attack there's a huge amount of skeletons ready all the time but if he doesn't lose any mining time here that's the good one for the human he's close to four he kills a lot of skeletons and this one fiend owes around opportunity again gets it he improved no actually he lets it slip i didn't expect that one there's another nova this looks juicy there i guess uh almost gets the kill without it oh switch looking good as well coil nova but it's not enough about 350 gold exposes the expansion a bit but the towers are finishing he needs a statue mountain king coming shop is there's no shop there's no shop oh infie coil not ready not in my house he says you're not coming in into my club one akin sank in one shop he's pressuring he's continuing he continues to pressure the expansion tier three finished so what will bring the op of corruption another fiend players forces are under attack needs a lot of gold though he has a lot of gold 800 level four is it again the blizzard that will save him what elementals couldn't do the job in the last game there's another coil but it won't kill him statues don't have backpack but he has three of them already so destroy upgrade sixty percent done meat wagon coming as well this will be the strongest on that phase what is what can infi do so far he was just reacting and defending how long can this last this is not level wow it was about to expire so frost i'm already only two towers there wfc realizing okay the expansion is fort knox but the main base i don't know poland 1993 i have no idea here we go first breaker is out the shop is ready but he didn't buy anything so additional mana of the destroyer thanks to the this spell and he gets rid of the shop first is he rebuying it no he's not and the wagon is coming disease cloud as well destroyer is keeping tabs on the human movement he has the goal to go for blizzard but the shop is gone no more breakers that's the last one t3 is about to be done but it's only a workshop now there's many many many towers envy with the zap police their web with their weapon weap man if his game plan would have been thrown out the window so there it is ah it's of course wfc zeppelin i'm confused sorry but this that helps i thought imp would be going for it to just do some harasses with drops into the base but that's not the case he's trying to creep he'll scroll but that's about it disease cloud working against this no third hero no paladin and that was big that was really really big brings acolytes for repair has a zeppelin to save that wagon this ah he has another altar nice and smart play so the army is hurt the base is hurt yes archmage is back did he buy it tomorrow training i think he did i'm pretty sure he did there we go gets nuked though immediately brilliance our level 2 means he can constantly spam blizzard doesn't do too much damage against the castle but this army is ridiculous the humans won the winner brackets final against a team captain one two zero in the last match and infie was the winner but there he had a 1-0 lead this time that's the other way around well the result be the other way as well little is helping visit is buying time reveal being used so burrow is not possible and the paladin is there first night is coming soon i don't we do have destroyer form right yeah he researched it and we saw the first one i'm stupid which is close to three paladin is still level one holy light level one uk should have a lot of mana yeah 300 litch is just waiting for level 3 and then it's going to nuke the workers but infuse holding on that is a prime example of an infie game especially if he would win it he always finds the opportunity when nobody else sees them so it's looking grim it's looking dire but if somebody finds a crack on the shield then it's stinky 56 supply frame the shop is back as well wfc was 70 but of course massive economy advantage for the human he's constantly mining but he's constantly repairing as well he's not losing the knights oh the paladin that was not good at all he's very unlucky with the staffs of sanctuary but it's a gamble he's forcing the fight there but of course he's trapped there forever stabs him again but again yeah this is an invitation like come on kill this dude we don't like holy light here the fiends it takes a long time but the pally dies and that is finally level three on the lich and that means those peasants are endangered so moving in i think it might be on cooldown doesn't want to dive into the towers but the wagon is preparing those workers for the nova it takes forever to break this castle obviously second meat wagon damage intensifies 70 supply for the undead they booked two upgrades though 60 supplies pulling workers can he win an open fight nice the zeppelin comes into play repositioning the wagons and again this step of sanctuary is not doing him any good mass repair now wonder why he's not nowhere uh not using nova because he needs in the fight most likely against the knights though the repairing acolyte is dead so blizzard all of a sudden becomes a lot more effective and he's moving out do this one feet most likely actually saves it nice dark ranger is there for silence but infuse forces are growing stronger and stronger and i don't like it looks like wfc can't heal against this anymore it's forced that use he can either he's preparing a big destroyer push or is just there for healing and he didn't give infi the time to harass him just once but where to go from here it was a big investment he was breaking up keep early meat wagons do nothing in a fight and we do have four knights and how infie can hold on to this it's unbelievable i bet my ass every other human player would have lost this game at this point but not him it's past midnight in china close to 1am and he takes the time to creep now has a tp though double staff and an involved players forces are under attack trying to get rid of the castle at the of the barracks he should focus this with everything i guess but he can't rebuild it easily though but it delays the knights further a bomb coming now tpn barracks still standing definitely look quite a bit uh quite a bad position because he can just flee through this part here if he attacks ground i think he gets a few kills with the barracks still standing the castle's still standing 2 000 lumber good job shredder and mass gyros are coming against the destro now okay he's still throwing corpses at the door of the barracks it's also not enough the repair is working really really really well now you'll see moving like a pendulum taking here attacking here taking here some changes archmage not level five so the blizzard doesn't do too much fiend coil too late but he can't commit to this night kill i think yeah now that the almost cropped is applied this time it works level two on the dark ranger finally so we got skeletons he doesn't seem to find a solution against the archmage and i'm really surprised by the lack of novas boneyard with frozen breath ability yeah right he's carving some holes into the forest better positioning fees economy is so strong fiend is here to scout for a second expansion he goes here to scout for another expansion rain gold mines 700 gold only he kind of has to expand soon otherwise he's out of gold in peace expo four thousand remaining main gold mines one thousand one hundred and tanks are coming whenever the humans needs help the tanks are not far away whenever i check the lid she has full mana weird very weird mountain king climbs up to three class soonish oh archmage surrounded falls into a tp or a staff i think step is not enough that was 350 gold that he doesn't want to spend at the moment he would love to go for a worm but he can't he supply stuff like he needs uh to lose a ghoul or something and the expo is coming revealed though second red spot for infie this is a guaranteed level three archmage needs this experience forever five and he does have a town portal again so that was a big investment there once uh wfc is storming the expansion again with three meat wagons and this is the defense equal supply all of a sudden no gyrocopters this is an all ground army all the wagons he has to cancel this that's the night again these night snipes are working well and maybe he just wants to use the snipes for knights and frost armor because the knights are so strong eleven are more man crackers gem of health on the mountain king plus six armor acolyte scouting oh this was cancelled infinity was ted no way he's dropping tanks he's zeppelin dropping with tanks there is a tp though and he must be aware that this is happening expansion here does he have uh something yeah he's building the meat wagon so this turns into a mass macro game with drops and stuff but these tanks will be so annoying main gold mines are empty on both sides now the wfc has only 500 gold to work with not going for an extra now just careful two towers he's going for another expansion this will take some time with only two workers he wanted to send them over but they were intercepted lizard is the key to the defenses all the freaking time scouts this removes over right looks like it we're in for a long game i guess if you tune in late this is match points for the undead and race war 2017 if wfc wins this map or the next the scourge is the best race in all of warcraft the orcs dropped out first the night elves followed yeah here's the expo players can't go in a nice distraction from infie even buying more time or buying even more time to say but he has to attack and defend at the same time three wagons making sure that this will not come up but that is nine supply and the archmage staffs to it but i think it's oh boy let's come up as it seems now the archmage is gone now there's no blizzard anymore but the mountain king still survives thousand gold remaining he wanted to expand again but the shredder and the workers are there infj is trying to mass expand swf z is mining again zeppelin is still with two tanks the boneyard well didn't do too much in this game i'm pretty sure we wanted to go for frozen breath and this expo is cancelled but there's the next one this is the human game that can make you or that that can give you a mental breakdown because you try to be everywhere but you can't from the humans perspective this is the perfect play tanks even drop with tanks canceling your opponent's expansion which actually doesn't do too well wfc trying to counter expand at the same rate as the human i don't know if that works too well if he lost quite a bit down to 64. he's creeping up to five where's the lich i'm coming in now four another clause of attack but will this make a difference let's see eclats are moving over it's one acolyte mining only this expo is almost done this expo is almost empty so it's not worth attacking the natural expansion anymore this is a game of mass scouting this is risky they get caught they're dead if they're not infused attacking the base gets a bit of disease cloud everywhere the shredder sees it and force the town portal expo is gone skeleton's making sure of this he's still mining with one and he's combining with three here but not a full gold mine he's staying in the basement the statues are in a bad position he's splitting yeah that's nice it's not too much defense there's not so much heal a town is under siege until the siege begins or continues rather is that being used but there's uh zeppelin i'll both players with magnificent answers to his opponent's questions it's a game it's again a game of endurance and how smart they can play this 300 gold in fee down to one base in a bit it looks like he wants to push this again oh that blizzard yeah he has to react and he does coil nova right clicks but there was a potion two times cat got gem of hell this archmage is so tanky that's why he can't allow himself to position in that way in the meantime infie is attacking there is a wagon there's a destroyer but that's about it archbishop below has to tp out and this should be the end of the expansion it is infused not mining at this point at the same time as gold mine was collapsing there and he portals back is this the answer is this the win for the undead portals into the middle of everything infield is losing so much there's no tp anymore in full potion being used there's one staff to get rid of something the tanks trying to get the black citadel but what's it worth one is down the second one is falling so flexible survives this expo falls though the knight makes sure of it but this one is up so one player is mining and it's not the undead it's not the human it is the undead what a hero wfz would be whenever his allies let him down lucifer and one to zero he was there he was always there against focus against romantic against all the night elves and now against infy knight nuke again he's towering over him in supply trying to get rid of the castle this expo is gone there's one more that's the more important one he has a tp he can't portal there he can defend it getting rid of that castle means no tanks anymore if i'm not mistaken nope that means it so that would buy him a lot of time to play tanks again but the option is gone he's trying to expand is this infis last stand looks like he needs to fortify it like mina's siri but the army of the undead will not help the humans this time this is not lord of the rings it's more like game of thrones and he doesn't have dragons expo cancelled how many workers can he kill this is looking sweet for anova he doesn't want to use that okay he goes for the expo the last expo does he have a tp doesn't look like it is it aggressive not too much players forces are under attack but how does infi how can infi buy time he doesn't have the resources anymore even for an expansion except if he started to build it already then we don't see it level five on the archmage blizzard just got a lot better did he start to build it no he has to long distance mind this oh that is horrible i thought maybe he had it trying to go for a hero focus he has him surrounded there's no way out or is there no tp no staff but the nuke works well he eats something with death pack gg if he loses 2-0 and wfz is the king of the undead the undeads are the king of warcraft what a performance to owing in fee in more than one hour unbelievable unbelievable if i'm not mistaken for the first time if ever and for the first time in warcraft history undeads win a race war you can't prove me wrong but i think so i cannot think of a year where undead was so strong and they get their revenge for the winner bracket final they get their revenge for many many many years of human dominance at gcs finals it was an undead winning against infy and here in race war they're coming back strong again awesome performance awesome tournament wfz is by far the mvp of this tour i mean who would have thought this guy dropped out in the gcs qualifier group stage against so in and now he's here 2-1 against focus 2-0 against romantic 2-0 against infy six to one scores second best player of the tournament on paper but the most important one for the winner so that was race war 2017 it was a blast even though i don't care like i have my favorites my favorite orcs my favorite night elves my favorite human's my favorite unless whatever but that was such a cool experience to cast it for you guys and mark firster aka yours you owe me five bucks you owe me five bucks i don't know if you're still listening but that was awesome i'm so done like to be honest casting alone is freaking hard and i can't stop but be enthusiastic at these games and then like i will shut down the stream uh feels like i have to sleep two entire days which is not possible because i have to work my normal job and whatever but wouldn't have the motivation to do this without you uh i wouldn't be pushed to this degree of frequent casting without you even though like i don't know financially i could work at [ __ ] mcdonald's i would i would get way more but it doesn't matter because at the moment they are like 2 500 people happy about what we do and that's the most important thing man we're close to 3 30 000 twitch followers we have more than 10 000 youtube followers and what as we started this in 2014 when i would never think this is possible but this is not about us this is about the undeads congrats to lucifer who didn't win a single game but it's still 600 bucks oh he won against foggy so that's okay about one two zero and wfz finally yeah breaker of chains one two zero and wfc so next cast is let me check this as i think jarrah cup is somewhere else or it's over i don't know next cast is thursday maybe holds cup i haven't heard from remo but we will keep you up to date on our twitter and facebook so feel free to follow us um nsl 2017 we have envy versus remind and th versus moon those names promise a lot two times night out versus human which is a great matchup so check calendar.warcraft.com check back to warcraft.com check warcraft3.info check the reddit you get all the important tournament dates there and of course streamlinks too if you want to support us like a lot of people have done here uh scout burger bold shrinks xo covey duck axe period and platon who have all subscribed here thank you very much you get the replay packs of this tournament you get the replay packs of race uh of nsl you get a hell of a lot of replays if you sub now and it's 50 off so feel free it's a good time now and race was a good time thank you all and i'm just waiting for the song to load up and then i'm done falling into a cinderella sleep have fun join the scene join the reddit join warcraft 3.info and make warcraft an even better place because it's a [ __ ] awesome game with a [ __ ] awesome community this is neil from back to warcraft concluding race war with an undead win i couldn't be happier i hope you're not too disappointed when you're a human because we saw amazing games and the best that those two races have to offer and yeah see you thursday
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 13,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: race war, race, war, race war 2017, racewar 2017, 2017, undead, human, undead vs human, human vs undead, hu, ud, 1on1, 1v1, final, finals, grand final, grand finals, neo, warcraft, warcraft 3, wc3, war3, wc 3, Back 2 Warcraft, B2W, Back2Warcraft, back to warcraft, esports, esl, gamesports, esl-radio, esl tv, rts, real time strategy, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft
Id: 5rWA6pq54aE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 38sec (10358 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2017
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