Race War 2017 - LB Final: Team Undead vs. Team Nightelf

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pokey versus lucifer starts this clan war night elfs versus undead and on paper for he should win this he beat happy quite a bit recently and so the odds are stacked against those who did not play his best Warcraft by far in recent days and against night off he is quite bad as you can see only 49% the low 50% is always weak foggy is 62% one of the best night elf vs undead players in the world but of course King is an issue we'll see how the game unfolds we start in two map number one this is answer Niles and yeah so far normal creep route by foggy with the first Clause of attack Lucifer got a bit of experience here not too much that's I got it Oh fog is little - already so he definitely stole something that's why it's so big one right he stole the Magi otherwise the DK would be like here and only one kill away from level two doesn't look like it so sorry about that I hope in the next game we won't see this Blizzard fixed please we see foggy with eyes everywhere wispier demon hunter here arches here and with everywhere so he knows exactly what's going on on the map he's checking to t2 Lucifer the same but a lot later but it costs a lot of ghouls already and moves out with a DK still being level one demon hunter stealing more creeps for level two point three can you get a last hit no he can't DK still without an aura and he likes to creep this one here with ghouls and the skull but doesn't seem to be the case in this game didn't lose a lot of ghouls early on foggy playing a lot more aggressive than we used to see from him of course the danger is similar it is always sliding into German here the danger is always to get surrounded and as I call it there it is TP immediately wasn't in range of the shop otherwise the staff might have been enough but Lucifer has enough time now for the berserkers that is this level to and after the big steel on the ogre Magi which most likely happens through a mana burn he finally caught up even after coming back I'm released oh I surround again Lucifer with good micro so far he was almost done we see a huntress all in time to this lines up I wonder if it's Naga or panda usually it's always a panda this is best of one by the way so the winner stays alive the loser drops out and I played rock up then I don't know the second surround would be horrendous as there is no staff there's no TP fo he has to play way more careful now and very unusual for him that he goes into the Nagas second usually he always plays panda but at GCSE we told him like you need to apply pressure you need to get rid of some ghouls then you have chances even against one to zero and happy and maybe he listens or just moon showed it to him I don't know inventory for the DK that was really close looks quite bad only the ring here so now it's time to kill ghouls first one 50% down what the coil is there no mana burns at the moment but that was the final core is losing some HP and second Naga here getting one killed with this around there's no staff yet Fergie has to play this very very careful especially against the frost armor now as the Naga is slowed down and the unholy aura of course speed advantage can't really grab but there it is Naga dies on the other side as well so this might to turn into a double kill experience for the Naga a foggy side but ya know saving her there and both Nagas die so we're in for an action-packed early game or early mid game now guys coming back to three text art by Lucifer slaughterhouse not on the other side we see the first dryads coming soon and tree of eternity for bears obviously we do not see dry it yet so I'm wondering is he skipping them no yeah here they come can't really skip them as they provide dispel and slow and damage all the time so they really really help a lot level 3 demon hunter is what you want Lucifer continuing to creepin a shop here punishment potion was always nice especially if there's a demon hunter involved who constantly burns you in level 3 for him as well both players can be satisfied with this I guess the Nagas vow doesn't have a staff still don't even know if foggy has a shop to be honest he's rushing to you 3 like crazy but boots are very helpful only one item away from the trifecta just a circlet you can't buy it but no now with the Dryad he has a little bit more map control when I burned against the coil mana burned a little too late and now guys back still with our staff it's a very risky play by the Ukrainian who got the only win against team Ewan in the match against romantic way defend to tower rushes well he didn't kill too many google to think it was just one let's just not there yet so the undead army is not really scary at this point shop is coming up only now tier 3 is done bears are coming so it's only two dryads put a little bit of control and that's about it which I like even hunter gets the kill gets the circlet trifecta online of course no 30 row for him a little bit unnecessary to run into this creep spot but well done by far you taking care of the skeletons first and then getting the creeps to have level two on the Nagas but at this point with Tier three now God not bad efficient anymore usually very strong in the early stages of tier 2 because of her right clicks because of slow and the control doubled slow of course if you play as an idol but then later on once level two and three come in panda is better on paper cloth +9 oh this team doctor is so sweet and now I would be a little better if there would be fiends because fought lightning is better against fiends than Breath of Fire is and it's more a single target damage but only applies to three targets instead of like I don't know seven eight but there are no fees Lucifer is playing this entirely without piercing damage currently which ah there is the first one let's see where's master training done already oh boy that's fast that's really fast now that dry it's an archer script this one if this is a vamp or are all boots of Quel'Thalas he will be very happy so we mask decent for the Naga and again probably playing the Stephen hunter a little bit late master risk splitting it from the Naga let her level alone but there's not too much to gain here we have here wards which is always decent or on the ledge no-nothing range of Nova oh boy this is so risky he doesn't have a staff that could have been the win for Lucifer right there if he gets the surrounding kills a demon hunter expansion is coming on 50 food I think you can't afford it that is a big power spike now for Lucifer in general damage intensifies with fiends and soon-to-be destroyers and smiles can be played as a worm map sacrificial pit in front this will be most like oh this will be the place for the boneyard as there are many many trees so you can save your worms on second red spot for foggy level 3 Naga and book up the dads there's gonna be at least one destroyer but if you can't get rid of it before using this book of the dad then bye-bye ghouls if not the destroyer will get a lot of mana and that equals 2 damage of course expansion has been scouted but it's finished yet in Lucifer's way too far away to do anything against that at the moment so we will be mining at least some gold before the big push comes there's only 2 fiends he does have wept now call Nova foggy man that was a huge mistake and that buys Lucifer so much time Oh China saying he is supply stock so no destroyer for him currently that is true don't even know if he has the upgrade but far he seems to be ok with this I mean he was basically begging for it since the early TP in the game still playing so greedy he knows to have no staffs at all not even a preservation one and with bad ping or spikes this can happen and you have to play less green I think it's already ok before he gets one win and Lucifer is by far the weakest link in the undead team if they can follow it up with one to zero boy the Zeppelin gets caught it's not dizzy though and they're not dizzy but the Naga will fall as well no second Zeppelin well done but can the fiends reached he's not trying to go for it who got the dead being summoned but right in front of the destroyer I don't know why he did that like there was no reason to trying to get the lips to demon for the second time and Lucifer wins his first match in race war 2017 Prague is trying his best but if you have a plus what was it 19 demon hunter his army vaporized Zeppelin gone Naga will fall there's no escape cutting too much of items throughout the entire game no involve no staff no TP no heal potion nothing you can't get the Nagas back demon hunter yeah this takes forever GG foggy with the very disappointing performance here in Game one of race war totally expected more but maybe you can play Jarek up now and is happy about that I don't know but after day one we were praising foggy for his win over romantic not today not at all in some bit louder all right who said so Lucifer stays alive despite not the very best super early game when his major I got stolen but foggy had no chance to expand that advantage as he lost the demon hunter quite early on and if you do that and don't kill ghouls in return there's like six or seven goals and have fun with that 750 viewers already on this early afternoon and thank you very much so we're down to LA Light and Life versus 1 to 0 wfz and of course the Lucifer you didn't lose if I win versus focus that was W of Z let's say easy win for foggy easy win for Lucifer of course and the second game is up password I think it's W have these time now I mean it's of course Lucifer's time but this should be life if I'm not mistaken I will ask life thing I think it's life [Music] l'Alliance a hero of yesterday still on the bench but now it's time for the 20 year old idol to get a point for the Night Elves the last refuge is the map pretty good easy to expand or rather easy to expand as against undead it's never easy to expand cool gothic oh sorry about that you but for Lucifer there's a lot of good warm positions lack and for his brain okay you so it was a rather quick game as well we didn't even see worms only one destroyer but that was enough you and foggy was really I think foggy was the strongest against undead with this matchup so it's getting really hard for the night ups here I think it's already a success for them to not end up fourth thanks to low lights performance yesterday against the orcs so it wouldn't be a big shame for them to drop against one of the favorites here Lucifer of course on paper not along with all that at the same level as won 2-0 or W of Z but against human he does have a strength and it is not playing against won 2-0 against th then you should be fine in this matchup that might be coming up there it is life versus Lucifer 104 the undead I wonder if it's gonna be a clean Rio but losses were usually not that good as he lost to remind us well in LSL quite dominantly or quite he was chanceless to be honest life is so cake versus on that 67% against Lucifer seems like every pro player has a positive statistic against Lucifer at least the night of soup and so great start for the scourge Sentinel has to come back somehow and I hope the in-game sounds all right now the HP bar buck is gone and we have to thank our first some of the day which is gumbo mod thank you very much of course subscriptions still 50% off and still you get the replay packs so in case you don't know great time to sub now life is capable of beating any UD except one to zero well that goes for a lot of night offs I think nowadays but we'll see DK will build order nothing out of the ordinary I think this matchup is almost as set in stone as is pork versus Nidal there's almost no deviation sometimes just in worm timings or if you play worms on a certain map or not night off so some still try to play Mass dryads which i think is not up to date anymore this build this just doesn't cut it you need the damage or more anti-air damage and dry its are too squishy but I like how Lucifer was focusing more on statues and huge walls then on fiends because they were only to dry it so without their fiends are still good against bears but no destroy is way more important if your opponent goes more bears so creeping starts on both sides of course life a little faster with the first circlet starting in the upper right here no warden or no keeper of the Grove we've seen some shenanigans but of course if you want to win this is what you have to go for on pro level of course gloves of haste for decay no check gets doubled ziggurat and more ghouls it does have the lumber now just waiting for the gold not selling his town portal it's 1 3 archers with sentry wards here so also a good pair of eyes for life with a few more wisps horses are under attack there's a tech already quite a bit faster than his opponents lucifer running towards the expansion here I don't know if that was the smartest choice they could micro sends to school away before he dies but the second one I don't know three arches is good damage and wreak three ghouls already heard but it's important to keep them alive as they heal up on blight quite fast Oh score is wrong I'm sorry of course Lucifer one that fix thank you for the heads up and yeah not a single ghoul died but he didn't accomplish anything as well boots of speed again seems to be a go-to item for demon hunters now again after a long period of skipping them but of course if you're playing against six to seven ghouls in the early mid game then running away from them seems to be a good option sue boots always nice you steal it that would be close to level two no coil because he went for aura first and with that no range but easy surround super easy sir can you fight out though there's still four are just doing the damage she keeps it closed for now creeps are helping a little bit and this is a town portal with killing what Lou okay it was just about to say he's not killing that that cool but he does so that's level two and again Lucifer getting that important surround replenishment potion helps now of course to save a bit of moon juice here and there again no Huntress Hall that is late natives really learned to just took them a year but alright or even more than a year I think I like how aggressive Knight a life place this again something was the coil coming but no no hand a second this time and on a big mat like last refuge or the rep is actually not that big but it's a lot of creeps pots and a lot of experience to be gained here that makes sense to me ah eh I wasn't really the case DK loses a bit too many too much HP I think and he has to be passive mmm for the remainder of the mid game but he pulled some Nagas with this interesting choice to say the least and I think it's in a position to be aggressive now DK lo Gould slow then going for Naga there's no TP anymore though but there's boots he's losing way too many ghouls way way way too many Colton might even lose the DK here game so close here all heroes lo except the Panda who does not have a breath of fire anymore but this early mid game went surprisingly well Elijah's are under attack himself now just for 28 supply only though he got rid of a lot of ghouls and got rid of a lot of HP's so life played this way better and now it's time for him to creep close to level 2 already close to level 3 as well in the main base we see the tier 3 tech going for the two old clients that foggy played as well and then rushing bears most likely and I like our life pics a good what the hell this might this is a double-kill boots too strong okay TP is there so no double kill the Sheep again wants to cuddle but what the hell man gets the naga back here kind of has to get the naga back do not lose the town portal of the demon hunter other the dk1 was swipe five freaking HP he's coming closer doesn't want to tell paul is there a shop close by can he enter nope let's the decayed and I called for the GG well played by life and this is how Lucifer's games against night off normally looked like eight minutes defeats there was poor and that fight in the middle at the tavern against a panda though like usually if you have a Naga and you face a panda that fight is yours but not today not by philosopher so foggy quite disappointing now Lucifer a quite disappointing I was envisioning okay the ward scouted it and but still I see creeping the other like both of his heroes were solo no ghouls anymore like except two or three basically the game was over there already if you lose five goals in the middle doesn't work it's like what see me play haha almost a thousand goals it has ghouls thousand viewers and I'm not really awake yet who Bri is watching hello to China I hope you enjoyed League of Legends yeah Lucifer really has to work on this matchup versus Night Elf I mean he taught remind how to play against it he's still he's like it's funny because it's usually one of undead's most strongest matchups some find it imbalanced and night ups can't really do anything to it but I think Niles figure out that aggression is the Hugh and now the real clan war begins I want to say foggy of course doesn't have the same conditions as everybody else Lucifer is the sacrificial lamb for team on dad but here comes wfz and one to zero and they are way above Lucifer in this you you waiting for the game it's not up yet maybe they are rock-paper-scissor ring who has to play this now life was quite good I guess also in the past against and dad seems to be a matchup where he's really really comfortable in despite the rest of the world leave but he has to take out at least one of those two on this I think lolly it can't go for an or kill again he was so strong yesterday but that was versa sort I don't know like somebody he has subscribed thank you very much ten minutes ago already enjoy your subscription and thank you very much for the support and yours is there again to start the checky trial like the techie what's called pace Torinos in the end it's just a question who will lose against infinity age I doubted wfz throughout this entire tournament has played way out of his user normally seems to be on fire seems to be very very motivated to defend the honor of the scourge here and in that shape that he currently has he's definitely has a chance yeah and if Lucifer doesn't face th but he'll feel romantic then it's a better position for team on that as well you that solution for bashing on a supreme level maybe you should decrease it he is just not good against NIDA he is really good against undead and he's really good in Mira but I have no idea why he's that man against night off like he's always the opposite of the rest of the scene he's good against human when everybody is suffering against human he was good against orc before everybody was good against the orc he's just kind of a matchup hipster I think so W of Z is still benched and that means we get one to zero life versus one to zero man the two youngsters of the scene the two youngest players in the world lead they will battle it out on Amazonia Yass is heavily favoring the humans are you up for bet because I think that team under is going to win this race war so mr. foster want to go for it or what you ease five-0 easy win okay we'll see about that you want to give me odds so are you just use chicken with up so one two zero versus life is our next match and it's starting in a bit I mean as yesterday they are many many streamers they all want their slot that is is so easy for casters you can just well you can check who's in the game and just follow it as long as you have a password and I just think Miley yeah the five but the five buck bet is really quite careful back to Walker so let's do this I won ten bucks yesterday from corrupt no two days ago when it was on that versus orc course it was a 2-0 corrupt knows nothing so maybe that race war is really good for me we'll see about that yesterday I casted in German with Massimo and that took way longer than I expected it I hope that's gonna be a poke clash and 1-1 or 2018 any news I heard that the winner of last time doesn't want to play poker clashes anymore but I'm up for it I'm up for it I think Yass just wants to sit on his throne get a massage from a hooker and doesn't want to play poker clashes anymore but maybe he's up for it so we'll see about that here we go saying off the tape is wrong because I didn't adjust it Jesus is that my game up here it is of course not Lucifer it's one to zero and yeah then what is twenty-year-old the other is 21-year old and that game that we play is 15 years old so they one of them wasn't even in school when this game was released and they are very very successful but if you take a look at the percentages of 1 to 0 against this 80% vs. Night Elf 83% vs. life who can stop this boy in undead versus Nigel moon did in ASL but apart from that it seems to be almost impossible series is tied at 1 to 1 of course it's gonna get or who eliminates the entire team first wins and goes on to the lower bracket to the grand final against team human who won against undead yesterday already but it was a two to one so it was close but we'll stick with mine of course on that before and there we go life and blue one to zero in pink and he does not go for anything else but a demon hunter I think to bozo hair stats on who's player going for what hero first and for life it must be like 97% demon hunter something it's almost always the case that if a new native player breaks the ceiling into the pro scene they are oftentimes only playing demon hunter just like war chief in 2014 ish yeah 14 I think and colorful and a few others the only exception is a crossbow lion life not denying anything decay and tools on the other side it's the difference here upon that it's the strongest player in the world the world champion and he knows just how to do in this matchup but life finding a good spot here getting rid of a lot of HP on one to zero size down to 50% already only got a cloak both have a cloak actually so maybe that can meet in the shadows kiss a little without anyone noticing tip to check for 1 to 0 level 2 for the demon hunter who's checking as well is it lives day to save Night Elves today after very disappointing performance against human yesterday he didn't play it was just did he I think it was like but it was for me starting right I didn't call me play yesterday I forgot too many games I think they want to say foggy soul I've played the first game at lost and again matter of playing this aggressive delaying level 3 for quite a bit but of course if you have the level advantage you can go for it trying to surround but with three arches there don't really want it on blight of course you take that chance every time no graveyard yet the pro undead's in this matchup they go for only very very few fiends these days just enough to kill the dryads or to have something else to dry as a little bit of additional damage but apart from that they maintain the cool gang getting some reinforcements some apprentices just to be a meat shield Lucifer played a lot of Nagas second I doubt we'll see that here should be ledge second I think hunter soul is up ultravision coming this what is he was still struggling with his level so only level one point four and this lightning shield hurts ie ie very interesting that he goes to this spot before creeping his laboratory himself so the ropes still up still no coil there we go finally and at the moment no chance no not a real chance to surround this demon and so to get rid of the TP now he has boots makes it even harder since there's coil now going for mana burn panda got his first crew spot uncontested so this game is going way better for life than I thought it would be it is the Naga second quite a surprise maybe you feels forced thanks to a strong demon hunter drunken haze lots of mischances in this and the DK is SuperDuper low but so is the demon hunter can you get the kill there's a town portal no boots save his ass there remote would be proud he turn around for a breath of fire can it a bit or detonate before the kill so no experience of that Nagas not a single unit lost alive and it's always lost III on the other side so I was very early sacrificial pit in this map is very small so a shade will easily get vision of the undead as purple worms it's Amazonia here's a good warm-up as well after this we're down with TM TR y and TS TS of course then I don't always know if there I mean there are two vetoes on either side a 1/1 veto on each side so TS could be out TR could be out and that finds that will three quite quickly again a claw the rest of the army is coming should it take this fight there's not too many hard units maybe just wants to keep the DK low but what's the Town Hall here madlife you're impressing quite a bit here today there's no one who's late staff despite the constant danger of being surrounded and this is level three for the Panda also level 300 ek+ fork lightning but let's share the map why deeply mm l 3o actually not double level three but he will have that in a second with the Morlocks maybe it's obvious no skips them of course at one point life has to go for expansion the task of punches ooh to kill it nice safe those two apprentices for level three so he lines up perfectly at level three just over shooting by 11 which is even a single creeper on the opposite side it's not agree but here we go core level to know was there and the above corruption plus school frenzy and soon to be destroyers he's going for an early Bonilla as well so one destroy us for the spell of one destroyer for the spell call Nova before the burn I like that nice block with the statue or that's so much damage he has a teepee has an involves two in will first wants to stay in this fight but the pan that's not even close so that was a good engage or good defense by Quan Chi 0 here here's the expansion before master bears oh no yes master bears ok so that seems to be the timing whenever masters finished try to expand cut the picnic when man are stealing Oh big man is stealing I think he's sold it the authentic involved it's always nice to have so first worm is coming I don't think he plays a W of Z style with like three frost worms which is too much for my taste so pushes inbound realizes it's just an illusion the vamp Ora would be the dream but there's a lot of good stuff here curacy yeah that's not one of them flute would be great here but at the moment they just want their levels on second and third heroes but of giant strength also not a game deciding item most likely flipped at the shop but with his normal damage of three bears you can go for the rad spot and once a zero can do the same with the Olaf corruption so they play it a bit like AI where it's a lot of creeping but this all by it's time for life is expose up like who's running ancient Django of endurance noise movement speed always appreciated especially with bears and especially against an unholy aura is the end game start loud enough now by the way whoa what song battle drums both with good items here and of course if you have a worm the war song battle drums is the best thing that can happen to you plus 10 damage okay thanks guys hold the feedback as I can hear it myself but it's not the same level as you hear it on the stream so I always need this feedback four and three close to four four but one two zero is getting ready for this push he has a yield scroll no tpw scroll even and this one involved I love how he scouts with the illusions the entire time uh nazy there's a lot of consumables like these illusions sentry wards so most of the time you do have good vision shouldn't lose a hero this worm is in the middle of everything three tanks a lot of damage wow goes down to 50% code has to be used DK is super low as well as to use a yield scroll and both most important units of the undead are super low worm Falls DK out of the fight life is playing this phenomenally well slow from the dryads damaged from the demon hunter and panda even lose to fiends if he's lucky yes there it is and no matter on the undead items heroes that could be a major major upset here think of the tale of the tape 83% win rate and the Lynch with the orb just barely gets away with the DK on the other side is forced into an involved but what can he do with his ridiculous 37 supply remaining and life over towering him here demon hunter though in repulsion gets the Nagas life is played this way better than expected and eliminates one to zero from this Night Elf match points hey yay yay yay yay yay yay yay that was not the one to zero that we all expected to get an all-kill here no no yesterday la lyod's with a clean sheet is it life stay today or performer best on that in the world the former best undead versus Night Elf player wfz he played a good tournament as I mentioned he defeated focus which was a surprise he won over romantic so wfz is four to one in race war and really well played by life constant aggression constant vision and he just knew what to do yeah and that's why these clan wars are so awesome I mean we had it in the seljuq battlefield again you always have especially if it's best of one you always have a few upsets in there you who the undead's maybe shedding a tear after this on paper they were the big big big favorites going into this can work 90% of the votes went towards Undead Adric more de you we do have another sub here thank you ex WAP for eight months already hey yo neo hi you ex WAP thanks for the support and thank you Anna for the host for 50 viewers man much appreciated hope you had fun streaming early today so is this the lasts on that match that we get the good thing is it doesn't matter which race goes into the finals it's going to be a very cool matchup you either human night elf or human and dad both a pleasure to watch his life a new player he emerged in like the midst of 2016 where he went into the final of mocap and row BAM tournament where he lost to th twice but since then he's part of the pro Cee'd and yeah 20 years old very very young very very talented though so yeah life is white new compared to the Czechs moons and reminds of this team you haenyeo where will the replay PACs be accessible you get it into your twitch inbox so you get like messages and a link to a Dropbox file so check your twitch inboxes if you were subscriber you should have a few messages from us Thank You reckless 1305 nine month of subscription it's a baby bro the baby and yeah subs coming in the sub train is on track and so other Night Elves so gave us up wrong password ah take the password spread a bit so everybody knows isn't life also night of hope now that is colorful how they leave the room and why a lot of us nowadays good work near that's amazing to see yeah I agree constantly over 1,000 and it's just like it feels like nobody is leaving the stream so it just goes uphill the long we stream which is of course a praise to me you you yes I can't speak German but this is an english stream as it always is exceptive tatars casting then sometimes we do German streets were very very very rarely I feel like I'm buying German beer today any recommendations Yeva Aoife is very good or not han God says very good you you you it's quite cool right to see 20 year olds and 21 year olds playing Warcraft that good there's no slots for players in this room you you so they hosted something wrong twice I will just wait for TV you you so many be a choices that's true that is true you you so there is a bit of money on the line for this race war the winning team gets like six hundred eighty-five dollars but I think it's more about pride and honor here change the password again and didn't send it to me yet you I hope they won't start without me but usually they're taking good care so I'm not really afraid that they start without me you full now other games in Nettie's TV I hope it's streamed in that is TV it's not that great though but whatever we'll see about that either it's gonna be that is TV or we get an invite or something so thank you Ralph Anantha or Ralph innate for four euros 26 nothing like sobering up to a handsome man casting great warcraft games thank you very much man that is much much much appreciated and so much fun these days even though it's a bit of hectic because oh like there's so many streamers okay game started without me where's the loyalty bros I watched every single game and now they kicked me out because of some scrubs with like 100 viewers whatever thank god there's Nettie's TV high praise for that Chinese Warcraft client you you now I'm not met alone as long as I can see the game somehow it's okay but I mean I don't know what was the map I kind of asked was equals so wfz playing on equals now and this should be pretty cool to expand and the question is how fast will he expand yeah I don't worry we will watch it it's just there's a protection on the game for like three minutes so it's a three minute delay on the games we have to wait for those three minutes and then we go into map four of this clan war and if life wins this man would be so funny to have three all kills into plan wars but yeah um some guy on Rick Moore says it's tiny but one to zero at the moment it's not that impressive as he was even like before GCSE it's funny to say but despite winning GCSE won 2:0 was not that untamable beast that he was before so maybe Aubrey is right with his statement that if you play the GCSE qualifiers and all of them you stay kind of in shape and if you qualify it late you are in a better shape then winning the first qualifier for example because then there's not too much competition outside of GCSE qualifiers next qualifier by the way we'll start Thursday I think Chaco will cast it as the game starts finally I think we will take a little break we will cast the Western Open qualifier on Saturday apart from that's not too much next week I guess oh and NSL so those are all two players now life still alive no pun intended and wfz as this is beyond that player as I said before this was a great tournament so far from the fourth place of WCA 2014 and c1 over focus - one / - Oh / romantic didn't lose a single series yet well it's change we will see it's match points for the Night Elves if life wins it as well they face the humans in the grand final upper left is life once again with the demon hunter this could be played as a warden map-like checked us or sonic sometimes or even Lorelei it if he feels really ballsy and confident but as its life it's a demon I'm sure not the super aggressive creep as it often times it's the case against Undead just this little green one so before this race war started I said that WFC was really disappointing in GCSE qualifiers so far losing in a group with Unicode so in and - what's the fourth one was it romantic I think it was that should usually be an easy escape but he failed showing his shape in that week but past two days DK creeping as well with the gloves of Hazen again life with the better items he has it the entire time always a good amount of claws and good items in general the watch chief rich creeps fought here but the decays Scouts that Aussies the archer here that should be a kill uh okay now he sees it mana burn secures the kill as he has or doesn't even need it as there's no undead vision scroll the beasts neck not the greatest but he gets the kill here getting closer to level two graveyard ante to very early graveyard and wfz has a kind of a weird strategy against Night Elf with very very early worms and a lot of them like three worms is not that uncommon which i think is too much it takes too long it doesn't do too much as the opponents are then easily switching to two dryads and then what I mean you can still shoot on the heroes but that's too much commitment I'd say but maybe you learned those early gravy had points towards earlier fiends of course which Lucifer and one to zero barely played there's a coil but there's a man up burn coal gets it nevertheless so he out levels the demon hunter quite a bit not without the sacrifice of a few HP though he still hanging around there is a coil nice save and as long as you can keep the demon hunter away from level 3 this is good and there's no ghouls here for WC he's only harassing with his DK and is kind of rare that you get like two coils out and another obstacle that's the second obstacle he gets and a wisp if he wants to no detonate his who let's puts on the demon hunter and it's 112 plus unholy aura this shouldn't be too many kills he needs like five and he can't even get one so this DK is safe but this DK is hurt has to lick his wounds now still no hints he's only going for six schools that's not too many but he's constantly harvesting lumber this time we have the first on that play with the Lich second not with the Naga which I find to be a lot stronger even had to mix way up to level three but now life is playing way less aggressive than before of course since the ghouls are not leaving the base there's nothing really you can do like a second gets the boots DK not level three can you continue to creep zeros that will enter the floor no surprise no Tier three tech yet so wfz is half a tech away and the first statue is coming now the ghoul gang leaves the base this is really risky my life I mean with that positioning you can't lose too much but maybe the archer nice Nova to get that kill just a small little one haha demon hunter got the big one and the second claw this is so good for life but the undead didn't get surrounded nice lasted skills didn't lose this town portal didn't lose a hero and his levels are quite okay can't get the I really like that life is stealing almost the entire spot to keep the death knight away from level 3 and basically the side of the map is empty Charles is always a little special because it's so far out this one kind of hard to creep and on this side of the map is everything this green spot this Morlocks bought this merlok spot and he makes his way over to the mercenary camp really really cool play under attack from life he K has the orb now first ed he was there sit not the first fiend so I was wrong with my feet prediction there not a single one Perry up against and that never wrong to have no sacrificial pit he plays it entirely different than what I'm used to seeing him echo isles of course not a good warm map not too many trees in fighting positions sentry wards nice the first to dry its scout this positioning naga third and the single target damage now is off the charts with those triple heroes coil rich and naga he's at 41 shoot not too much how far is master upgrades don't see a single one yet no four makes its way over to the merlocks and creeping intensifies man this team hunter is strong the Nagas will be strong and the second and third year of WFC are pretty weak so hoping forward to experience here doesn't get it now like Howry returns the favor and taking out I mean the marketplace was not really his to take anymore since the item went towards the demon hunter anyway it's good experience but apart from that you don't get too much from it and with the oldest killers big turtle is one of the biggest items on this map master upgrade has done it a bit though ringer protection plus three somehow wants to see the Night Elves against the humans okay now it's master upgrade time usually the time to expand first destroyer up still four rules but W of these army is quite weak there's a fiend there a bomb early loss web so he seems to be very very sure that there's a hippo transition coming or just wants to be prepared since he doesn't want to go proteins only one fiend so at the moment very it would be very easy to go into hippos but since there's only one destroyer isn't really worth it you can take it out with orb Naga and dryads goes much higher than usual Ward is checking for an expo but there's no movement towards dead and with only one big spot on the map being left I don't think you should go to the turtles level three Naga in repulsion and TP and staff you answer not only a glass cannon that's F plus nineteen damage but also a pair up than the ring and the Lich without level two Nova Murdock stays live first school dad second fool daddy's going on to the hero there is no item only the staff and he takes them out immediately a mom still alive catches the coil but without the demon hunter there's no chance for life and he calls the town for a good engagement for the undead but where to go from here to the Turtles should have the time for that second abomination no disease cloud to destroyers as well I swing straight over with four triads no engine of winds but an upgrade gonna be the second attack upgrade already so he's making up for the lack of hippos with upgrades and stays in at 50 hope supply close of attack plus nine finally a good item for the father of a child that lives in Germany with his mother so this is the current EP most likely reinforcements are not coming in know Google's anymore only one fiend he's really lacking piercing damage for a siege damage but life that they want to fight and therefore undead saving his town portal for now anybody wants to check that fight I'm surprised sixty food for wfz with three abominations life is banking 600 gold has shop control again still no item on the demon on so maybe this in will post is for him the outer attack and the Merc camp very easy to take at this point of the game it's not level 3 on village here's level 2 on the Nagas actually bring a protection again oh boy is see I'm lucky with this and it is level 3 so plus 500 plus 8 are more dry it's the scouting morphine's coming no meat wagon though this game definitely runs in favor of wfz so far 16 foot advantage important hero levels coil Nova fork lightning in repulsion mana potion ear potion as the Naga cannot be coiled and she's not undead life getting ready for 70 supply another upgrade is gonna be to 1 then demon hunters not level 4 so it's not very very tanky but he has an involution now when I burn coming in and very nice to run over exchanging some HP against mana points on the ledge so it's only one know by now hero focus not really a thing then lightning in the potion immediately what maybe a Miss click as he wanted to staff out the demon that could cost him the Naga is super exposed now only 700 HP or around 700 HP and no ice I'm on her anymore and supply advantage again the block line is not really up front cannot get the block DK far in the back to not get mana burned I really liked all yours these positioning here they sit far better than usual the coils are really premature though doesn't have enough piercing damage to deal with the Giant there's an expansion backing this up here Oh focus triggering the involve are not yet just the staff but free damage on the engine of warp who's not helpful in this defense at all just buying a little more time when that time helped him to get up to sixty eight bears in the back though the dryads don't do too much against the a bombs but there's no disease cloud which i think is really lacking let's just take out the ancient and are positioning themselves above the tree which is good so not that accessible for dryads no matter anymore so this ever has to go home demon hunter staffs out again massive lineup try it so the destroyers are completely used its ten useless supply right now and on the other side fiends and range heroes they are the key at the expo seventy five percent done but now the DK is out of mana they're still fought lightning they're soon to be a Nova heroes didn't use their potions yet or engine of war like that he sent something down it sends a ghoul down against this distraction and now we have two Z's cloud-first droid is infected seems like they don't call because it's not infectious and it seems three goals take out the iOW and of course now the clock is ticking against life how fitting against an undead the same devil he will not come up and the siege continues good positioning now trying to get rid of a hunch assault two one upgrade still even hunter steps back hunters hold still alive there is the coil if use that potion doesn't want to lose this able arm but does so tepees out loses two abominations too much from I taste and doesn't get the bear kills so good fight by life but of course his expansion is up and running in life with all those dry it's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve full group of triads how does he want to tear it down though it's just piercing damage the Bears are still hurt they do get read you though so it's four bears of them 73 supply but he can fight on blight now and he has towers up double piercing damage and slow statues are almost empty though so that's not too much healing to be done and in repulsion on both heroes soft control is real next a bomb is coming still no meat wagon meat wagon would be a fantastic addition means up front not da bombs two destroyers are enough as it seems he's positioning himself to catch reinforcements there's meat wagons coming oh this is bad if they get caught my wfz must know this moving out a bit it's daytime you should see this unnecessary hits on that field he's taking care of the control of the rally point so they are not suiciding into the dryads it could probably sandwich him acropolis so you can TP into this well yeah this is like a Braveheart situation I mean it's the calm before the storm before they run into each other WFD is poking for bears are gaining some mana and what the army being split couldn't he just attack the dryads up there if he comes with the meat wagons from the north but of course you want to protect them 1-0 upgrade spell weld up another a bomb so there is a bit of protection but riots are so fast they should be able to take out the neck the wagons soon life doesn't want to push into this it's too risky there's blight there's towers and wfz doesn't want to lose that spot he sends down the a-bomb oh but now they're in range of the wagons look at the damage immediately nice distraction with the dryads here how many X eyes can he kill nice escape route though what lightning kills one but thanks to the slow he's losing a lot of HP staff them out as the rest come with two keeping two acolytes alive and having the Necropolis here you can easily replace them and WFC never lost the patience here run-in with the meat wagons found the right timing there is an expansion coming up for the night of now which is it necessary that's only 1600 gold left he could have waited stall a bit and then walk down with the tree of eternity but of course it's a big wood shield as well attack upgrade for the air bombs and wagons of course as well but that's really rare to see that usually the attack upgrades always go to fiends Destro's ah interesting tiny little move here to cut the trees and get access this is the envelope ocean nice and didn't have to saw it sacrificial picture wall this off shouldn't be able to enter this he's only mining with three as he sees okay investing 150 gold isn't really worth it life is only - for both an 80 supply there's gonna be a huge push my WFC now he'll scroll mana potion in will potions he'll potions he has everything he needs except the wagons in a good position I guess okay now he's moving in three abominations first bears to be stepped up and there's four more destroyer a little bit in problem associate demon hunter a new potion popped immediately a bomb needs to coil up front all of the medical up front he'll scroll was a nice way of saving him but also on the dryads who need it against the area of effect wagons art doing a good damage but man WFC is losing so much in the early stages of the fight but the demon hunter about to tie gets a healing from the moon well that was nicely placed here the DK now has to TP out losing a lot of his army and not killing the expansion he don't hurry off the untangled goldmine so he's the one still mining with two but I think this fight was a lot better for life heroes four and four they're still a heel potion I think you just bought it not too sure still an in-wall still the potions on him and 200 gold she gets up at 71 now got with items again that this that was the last in will post so he just wanted to delay the mining as the main gold mines are closing it and WC is not allowed to do a mistake otherwise the undead's are out 3,000 gold has been mine doubled slaughterhouse now there's a lot of eliminations wfz back at 80 supply life still at 70 ancient of wind now right that to be late main goldmine down this one will be on summoned in an instance as well a little more gold in-game sound is still low hey who's did a bit I asked before and then people said it's alright so okay breaking into high up keep now iê iê iê iê is that a mistake is he he needs an open battlefield he does have five abominations or didn't he built the fifth one no just more meat wagons he's gonna have four meat wagons with two or upgrades for a bonus but not too many fees simply was one feed and hippos are coming demonize I got the next healed scroll now guys dare to stab you scroll there as well this again coming from the south didn't work the first time I wonder if he blocks himself with those four wagons the hippo transition I think was too late it's just one he gets vision though over the trees which is nice but it will be will be wept soon I guess and for mid wings long range no mining for life where's the web where's the web we don't see it yet now there it is decent opening but wow that damage against the abominations man holy cow it's way too much as it seems first bear down but there to a was about to fall is the first one but candle meat wagons make up for it that's the big question here and it looks like it coil again but that was the block line it's only the euros now what a bomb is flocked and he has to TP out again this time he got rid of a lot more though a lot more and they're still mining so he can't afford it despite that he wasn't no and in high up heap he still works for him very very interesting game with a double slaughterhouse he can get the a-bombs back he has 500 gold does he want to break up keep again though seeing this army composition of wfz with one two three four four wagons is so unusual but he's bleeding him dry and I really liked that play to go for the X phone not for the tree of life but for the entangled goldmine cancelling it going back even though it's 350 goal seems to be worth it for him three hippogriffs are becoming kind of a threat though two fiends I can snap them I guess with he does have a lot of mana close to level foliage how long of the game goes the better it is for life though again high upkeep we have to take a look how much gold he lost to upkeep later a bomb the focus fire works quite well but he doesn't get any damage to the meat wagons usually the dryads tried to dance around the rest of the army demon hunter and problems now staff out again three destroyers without mana yeah but they're pushing forward now how does he want to block over again before it gets burned Riju being dispelled oh that position seems to be good for life again what are the oh it's just attacking the Tree of Life even with air collides so there's almost no damage in the army destroyers are in trouble rest of the army is in trouble he's focusing them if the tree goes down now they can switch they will fall the Naga but is it enough looks like a demon hunter about to die but in proposal its there with 10 HP catches the coil right clicks on the demon hunters soon to be possible but the same goes for the Lich oh boy mana burn not enough looks like WFC Asness he's moving forward the Expo is gone and he can still do a ton of damage mana potion has been used to there's no coal at the moment with what does he want to do damage he can't he still had a tea doubling the supply of life who it was the right choice wfz with all the right choices in this game good execution good thinking and how it's only three dry it's in a bear you can easily take them out life goes down and wfz equalizes the series so we go full distance [Music] and we are the next game already with LA Lions vs. wfz man what a slobberknocker this was very very cool game on echo very unusual game on echo but this shows the W of Z is not only a robot that plays this cookie cutter style and tries to like with worms all the time or with a bigger destroyer push all the time but the depth ain't quite well as we saw a lot of triads he didn't go brainless Liam to morphine's but played a bombs and wagons as he knew that expansions would be important later in the game you you you you and very cool how he forces two fights the entire time when he wants to go for it obviously so we saw the entire team know we will see the entire team made up we will see the entire team undead Lucifer won a map against foggy than life with two wins over Lucifer and surprisingly won 2-0 and now pick up the revenge and it's up to low light the hero of yesterday where he have set the entire orcish horde fly no chance Lin no chance focus no chance 1,800 viewers awesome to see that I think we're waiting for long ayat what does wfz mean his real name is Wu far Jen so wfz is just his initials you you but the chat was faster you can you please confirm that item drops depend on the creep cap level yeah that's true you there's a table somewhere about this is low light playing it's a light playing Jerrica we were waiting for that done you you the table is at Audrey's Twitter somewhere but it's quite a long time ago but it's definitely at twitter.com slash who greet wc3 one to zeros name there's a lot of rumors about this some said he just typed something randomly on the keyboard which I don't believe because one 2 and 0 or far away from each other 1 2 0 is the number for the police in China so that could help that might be a reason and we rehearsed the game again you any news on international eSports festival no man I'm asking basically every week but change the password again this is different I want to do as close to done on the numpad yeah but oh come on you you I don't know I'm in and hopefully the games are about to start very soon la Llyod versus wfz the players already we go on to twisted you you I would love to be a field reporter who got just the head for that already wait what was it the fire workers is it shiny knees police telephone I think it's 1 2 0 I 1 1 9 where was it then you ah the ambulance the ambulance is one to zero ah that was it sorry that I got this wrong but the ambulance is one to zero then maybe it's coming from that maybe it's random you so gave us up you can hear it we have a new combatants joining the field and that dude was three Oh yesterday law Wyatt versus wfz and they come sixty-two percent versus on that sixty percent versus night off but in direct encounters dummy of these seems to have the upper hand and he was playing so so so great throughout the entire tournament well he saved the scourge as he saved team grubby at nostalgia battlefield quite a few times or was it Lala's task to pave the way into the grand final this is the best of five this is map five it's decision time on TN and how many great tournaments were decided on quizzes I like that we have a few more subs by the way fixie hard and danboy d thank you very much guys for the support I hope you enjoy this as much as I do demon hunter first bylaw light with a very risky creep spots as it is close position and the undead is scouting this cool build order DK no big surprise there but he will see this oh no he does okay now he goes he saw it what hold the creeps it's going for the moon well rather interesting choice to not pull the creeps against the engine of war or am I missing something wisp and of course doesn't work that well with the pool no the archer no but at least he knows what's up and I wonder how aggressive he's going to play this he's not selling the town portal so it's not a trip to accrue rush we're still hanging around he killed his sheep he killed a sheep already so there's skeletons for him no unholy aura yet so could be an unusual coil first bill as often times you have unholy aura first because then the mana burns don't work and I think just the presence of the DK is enough to tell the light okay let's not go for this twisted is great for Night Elf because you can expand a lot and in very different positions and try to go for two expansions at the same time so at least one comes through mr. barrows is great for undead because it's big that means there's a lot of creep camps that means there's a lot of items and that's high level heroes even hunter is harassing while the archers idling a bit t2 tech start it on both sides wfz a little too fast a little faster I like that it's just a little okay I'll show you what I got you show me yours but nothing game deciding yet but on the other side DK can't creep demon hunter doesn't creep at all and with skeletons you should be able to get a few spots in with evasion creeping even I'm losing a lot of HP quite unnecessarily here I think it's boots time almost every night up went for boots this clan war new skeletons but is almost out of charges cool gang is coming gets faded by the demon hunter though it's always kind of easy for the Night Elves to distract the ghouls I mean they are brainless thugs but yes please you'll have to fight for a skill point we don't see a coil we don't see on Holi are we still graveyard in time a little late may be on the other side hunters hall also in time both very busy with my crowing no dusts they had the same 4wz waking up the creeps now after five minutes we might see the first big creeps what almost it's around there and now I can't do it but might loose attention of war in the process without creeping too much with it Berserker nice addition against fools so much more damage than Archer I speak twice as much and he gets the kills hero again almost surround the lowlights seems to be in good shape and again in Naga this fits of course as it is a high-pressure game or the low level hero that's where Naga shines but the DK is completely out of position catching way too many hits so the rock golems still alive only got one warrior oh those two got some beef going on here here three slaughterhouse more ghouls 33 supply for the under 29 for low light who's only now going to the middle panda obvious choice on TM internal force to the life no ghoulfriends yet but the Naga helps there is shadow melt and that's the first coil of the game doesn't get the kill though DK in problems all the pandas coming in might loot for might be forced into a town pulled on the other side the teak give an answer he's solo posted to a town formless well the demon hunter has no mana otherwise he could have gone for the coil but I think low light is too fast a bowl of fries nowhere but we have seen this before with two very very hurt undead heroes and he should learn a lesson from Lucifer to just disengage and trying to find his own kills and wait for the statues I've played a Naga himself though for level 1 heroes after 7 minutes I don't want to say it's unheard of but very very rare lot of moon juice was used and night time is almost over or Breath of Fire that's big where's the TP Naga falls for sure demon DK where's the TP is baiting some time he's painting and painting and painting and he runs away without it now ok the ghouls are too heard gets one more Archer here but the rest of the girls remain alive so without the Nagas not too many big losses but nice salvation of LA light of that situation he ate so many trees to keep this AOW alive fitted deny the rock column though fake healing and slippers was nice try it's coming no expansion no engine of wind and the first take in the statue is MVP now has to work over times yeah but oh the now gods blocking the slot for the Lich so let's just late blue frenzy first fiends we have a little more diversity in attack types gotta steal clothes too - he cannot allow the light to steal the wallet he just can't splitting the army that's where low light shines so be mask oh how awesome this would have been on the DK but surrounded temp number 10 or something doesn't work rest of the army is joining in - nice slow it doesn't really work so low lie it does what night off should always do trade HP for ghouls there's still a lot of moon well Zack bears an adept upgrade t3 is almost it's already done so he delayed the upgrade for the bears a bit Google friends he is finished Lich is out and the over corruption is there as well usually a power spike and he's only level two more and more aggression who else he wants to fight as long as the pan as low and as long as the Panda is ah they're against reaching its level 2 but the ghouls are knocking on the door no mass upgrade yet no level 3 yet big healing and an interval potion so shouldn't really focus the demons I mean there was no other target but maybe a berserker makes sense as well but he's at 48th supply doesn't want to go for it sacrificial pit to scout for expansions there is a wisp in place for later it's a nice back and forth between the two they had barely any time to creep anything and that favors the night off I think folk lightning will we go into a long preface I doubted ultravision staff or moonstone first and he has a step of the panda all right otherwise would be way too greedy first destroyer is up he can't dispel the rejuvenation going from the demon and trying to trigger the big healing or involve dispels the rejuvenation well done how much can the ghouls to Cordova staff alto and good he used the moonstone so there's more moon juice available because he's gonna use them won't even added eyes in the base how the he's didn't staff in time was just a blink of an eye but W is he doesn't know players are under attack I think or without the team Ananta he can't do the trades anymore as he was the fastest the hardest hitting but there's and snares helping nice drunken age mother fire but countered by a car there's three bears though WFC has no town portal as it seems it's this he win dis fight without him no he conned ghouls are too strong ghouls are too fast know what to pick it up nice breath of fire but he'll swell counter said what and all in going there without a temple and works out perfectly you see hey where's your team announcer and what's that shiny thing on the altar yeah that's the demon hunter coming in with cool frenzy this is gonna be close no repair from law light nice Breath of Fire but still only level one but he buys the time for the first year as it seems still close still super close repairs coming in too late or is it next Breath of Fire the altar is down just a split second before the demon hunter joins the fray again everything is about the statues working overtime working so tremendous well 57 supply of the undead over towering here he's gonna keep him supply stuck ghoul frenzy works incredibly well and the Panda is on his own demon hunt Auto demon had respect for the tavern but what a huge investment wasn't fast enough with the moon juice kills staff out now he doesn't have that much piercing damage against the masses of dry it's that are coming out now but the Panda is low on mana future dispelled going for the second tier of kill there's nothing to heal him there's also no staff it doesn't swap the potion ice block from the life here comes healing though but that's enough and any area of effect is gone and so is the Panda double kill for W of Z but now is it cleanup time the demon hunter close to three the army isn't a conga line blocking himself lost quite a bit there of all that there's the worm and the demon hunters in a rough spot info potion first heal potion after maybe but the melee units are falling that were missed in a horrible position here is their coil no that's not but nobody healing right before the Nova hits in a game tighter the fourteen-year-old and the light is hanging on to a threat still supply stuck it looks like the undead is overcoming this it's 60 food pedal to the metal ain't no stopping him now anti magic potion being used yeah I can't invest in ki now he can invest into the army again it looks like the right cliques are enough only a small yield potion how long can this last not much longer against the worm but speaking of the worm is in danger as well as there's no coil but the OVA corruption or naga fiends sing oh this worm no way the only coil he has and he missed it by a blink of an eye that's seven supply down that's a level three and a half team enhancer one first-year should rule them all question mark still no TP and still a lot of slow he's getting closer to the statues getting healed there the dryads are just itching him it's like an annoying bug or fly or whatever because meat wagon is coming goes for the first year again with the second last were the last Carley ass in will post on his side as well who brought him the in wolf shop gone and again it's a meat wagon that is doing a phenomenal job next worm coming in and he doesn't expect it he's getting slaughtered GG night elfs are out losing a 2o lead and wfz the savior of the scourge saves the undead into the grand final against the humans man holy GG's they say in the chatroom as well that was way way way closer than expected you a surprising win by Lucifer over foggy who seem to have thing issues that didn't play very well either then the biggest surprise of the day so far by life taking out one to zero seemingly easy but then it was in the hands of roofers n and he continues his amazing run throughout the tournament's really surprised and really impressed but what he's bringing to the table and again you [Music] what was I about to say I don't know again we get team human vs. team Undead we had this in the winner's bracket final already there it was a win for the humans but it was close and especially the series between in fee and won 2-0 there was a great one so we will see the seeding soon I think if flu surfer doesn't is not seated against th and that is definitely winnable for the young dad the favorites are the humans who are playing their first game today it's not going to be the king of the hill style again it's gonna be the three one on once again so we take a little break here and rest a bit and prepare each other for the big grand finale of race for 2017 undead versus human in a bit
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 3,617
Rating: 4.8545456 out of 5
Keywords: race war, race, war, race war 2017, racewar 2017, 2017, undead, nightelf, undead vs nightelf, nightelf vs undead, ud, ne, 1on1, 1v1, sf, final, finals, neo, wb, winner bracket, lower, bracket, lb, warcraft, warcraft 3, wc3, war3, wc 3, Back 2 Warcraft, B2W, Back2Warcraft, back to warcraft, esports, esl, gamesports, esl-radio, esl tv, rts, real time strategy, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft
Id: orgdEyM1e68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 17sec (6737 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2017
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