Interview with Rōnin Tactics - Tu Lam the Modern Samurai [BECOME A WARRIOR]

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today's interview is with founder and CEO of ronin tactics tulam I served in a special missions unit where I did special reconnaissance you know I started off in Asia and then I fought the wars in the Middle East my whole life was war my whole life was caught I was born in these conditions and we are joined today in his war room where all his military accolades are and the inspiration of how he became who he is today and we go through all of that the beautiful story of how his mother took him and his family across oceans to eventually reach the United States of America to protect them for safety my mother's shield on my body from incoming artillery fire in my morning and my birth at this stage of the war American troops have left it now my mother her strength one more day when people were dying she held on to one Moon today's video is always sponsored by where you can get the t-shirts the journals are coming soon and also the poster Linked In the description where you can get 10 off using Code stoic at checkout let's dive into this amazing interview so just for people who don't know just introduce yourself of what you do hello my name is Tito lamb I am the CEO and founder of ronin tactics where my wife and I we travel around United States we teach law-abiding citizens we teach military and law enforcement we've been doing this for seven years we also offer my time in the military design and and we manufacture equipment for law enforcement military and Hello by citizens so um founder Ronin tactics so Ron attacks is broken down into merchandise and is broken down into training and we also do the entertainment where we film a motion capture for Call of Duty character Ronin and also wear a face and for Springfield where we field test their new products um so I think what we'll do is dive into where you grew up but I think instead of me asking you like a standing question I think as much detail as you want to go into um from the mo the moment you were born from what you've been told through family and to see where it takes us and then I'll I'll track back if we need to there's nothing more important in life as where to be stronger than the conditions and circumstances that are presented to us you know Nietzsche the philosopher once said that chaos is needed in oneself to give way to a dancing star without chaos there will be no armies to fight no mountains climb a dragon's display without chaos there will be no realization to one's actual truth you see I was I was born in chaos when I was born on a code cmat floor in the basement Saigon Hospital my mother's showing on my body from incoming artillery fire in my morning of my birth at this stage of the war American troops have left it known when I was born on a losing side of War a war between communism and democracy democracy loss the Communists they impose their ideologies on us at three months old I lost my freedoms I lost my country we lived underneath calmness occupation my uncles that served alongside Americans were immediately brought out to re-education camps these were torture camps any person that fell ill hurt injured from these hard labor camps were brought out into the jungles and quietly murdered you know my my uncles that serve alongside them were imprisoned and by the time we receive them in the states had no skin on the bottom of their foot defeated broken see the Communists seek to impose their ideals on us and they broke us as human beings we escaped genocide when I was three years old on an overstuffed wooden fishing boat with hundreds of thousands of other fleeing refugees at that time refugees were escaping when Americans left through government planes any planes that they can get their hands on helicopters some walked out to neighboring countries we were to vote people there was an estimated four hundred thousand refugees died at sea but yet on this night my mother loaded Us in the basement of this wind boat what was supposed to be a two-day trip from Vietnam to Malaysia a route that's often taken you know they in order to fit more refugees on they took water and Food Supplies off the boats to put more bodies some more refugees can escape it was such a lucrative business to stop the fleeing refugees to board the boats and to kill the men to rape the women and enslave the children with such a lucrative business that they brought in neighboring countries Pirates it was estimated that many refugees died at Sea because of these Bandits somehow under the cover Darkness we escaped the Pirates and we made our way into Malaysia where the Malaysian Coast Guard stopped us at gunpoint shot at us border our boats rope the line and pulled us back out into the South China Sea further and further into the sea into hopelessness when there was no more hope then they cut the rope then they shot her engine and they left the stair to die what turned out to be a two-day trip we drifted my mother said that we roughly were out of sea for 30 days the lack of food and water people died suffered it's common practice amongst fleeing refugees to carry poison in their belongings the poison was to minister to their child so they would not endure a life of slavery torture you know I I think back to my mother as we were dying on this boat drifting dying bodies were being thrown overboard three years old can you believe it as we were drifting I think back one more day you know what what my mother had to endure one more day as we're dying in front of her the ulcers growing our legs my mother her strength one more day when people were dying she held on to one more day well she didn't poison us and we got caught up in the storm huge tropical storm she said this storm was so Fierce that we should have been capsided on this small little wooden fishing boat Furniture was drift she said the ways were so massive and she was prepared for death that night but somehow the storm washes further further around to the South China Sea in the next day when the storm broke we were drifting and somehow this storm led us into a path the lat long coordinates of a Russian supply boat South China Sea can you imagine how big that ocean is somehow this storm led us into this path of this Russian supply boat now you know the Russians their ideology the communism was what took us out of our country we lost our freedoms our country for we're escaping genocide but yet this Russian boat did look at us as the enemy they chose Humanity and they saved us we were barely alive one by one they took us onto their boats gave us the medical treatment and after a day they put us back on our our wind fishing boat smell the foul smell of urine feces hopelessness we went back into this basements our captain my mother said this said Thank you to the captain of the Russian Supply vote and he said that don't thank me because if I would have spotted you going into Vietnam I would have drug you back into Vietnam but since you're here I'm bounded to save you I think that that lesson you know when I hear that lesson because I was too young to really remember it you know but that lesson as as I reflect through the years is this no matter what culture what country there's always a good and there's always a bad right and that we shouldn't look at one another culture color background saying you're an enemy we should look each other's with Humanity and that's what they did and I was taught that at a very young age less than Humanity they roped us back in and they pulled us into Indonesia you know my mother said there's you know Indonesia is a multiple chain of islands you know reporters into Indonesia and the darkness and she said you know in the end processing um process she said it people died of dehydration on the beach can you imagine surviving that and dying on the beach when all they have to do is show compassion to us you know my mother said that the Indonesian guards show no compassion as we sat there on the beach 100 plus degrees can you imagine after 30 days of sea depleted dying and yeah here we are at safety but yet a human being cannot even show Humanity not even can't even save a person that that almost died and all they had to do is give them water but yeah we wait on this speech and then finally we we in process the refugee camps let me explain to you the refugee camps hundreds and thousands of people are in these refugee camps strip from dignity country strip from everything with the good there's the bad amongst us there's people that seek to take murder kill in the refugee camps a safe haven for refugees yet they're drug out into the jungle was raped killed by bandits in the jungles dead bodies you know my brother because these rescue camps people let me let me explain these Refugee cancel grass Huts in the middle of a jungle you survive on your own you know so we had to get you know firewood and my brother you know was a little older than I was at the rescue camps and he he reminded me growing up he reminded me how many dead bodies there were around these eruption camps young boy picking up firewood seeing dead bodies we endure these rescue camps we had to do what we had to do to survive in these refugee camps during the war my uh during the Escape my grandfather asked my mother if you were to survive this Escape there's a slim to no chance but if you were to survive this Escape I want you to promise me that you would do everything you can to become an American you see during the Vietnam war a American Special Forces Green Beret officer who was fighting the war and his G base a camp Special Forces camp what Commandos got over ran by the North Vietnamese overran everybody died they ran behind my uncle as he was fighting and they stabbing with the SKS bayonet into his lungs you know he was medevaced out and he made it to Saigon hospital where my grandfather would come to visit because my aunt met this American Special Forces officer she nursed him to life and then the thing was my grandfather said there's no way that he will make it he would die yeah this Green Beret made it and he married my aunt he took her back to the States so my grandfather asked my mother if we can we must Unite with your sister in America the land of the free and this special forces man a hero you need to reunite with him he's a good person in America is the land of the free promise me this and my mother said I promise so she held on for a year and a half a year and a half can you believe it we live in these refugee camps for a year and a half because of a promise you know she said to other countries except this Australia New Zealand Canada she's named off a few but yet she held on to a promise when people were dying suffering she held on to this promise you know so after a year and a half my uncle finally sponsored the paperwork um for us to get to America it was very difficult at that time to get to America you know the the refugee process we came to North Carolina Fayetteville North Carolina right out Fort Bragg right outside Fort Bragg North Carolina which is the home of the biggest Special Operations base in all of America more Commandos there than walks to the face of America one central location the training grounds of the Green Beret Special Forces see I went there because my uncle was special forces he was this officer and he was going through his command so we lived in this I remember this I we lived in this home officer quarters and I tell you man I I never lived in such comfort I never ate a meal every day you know so this was new for me and I remember I walked down this Hall this hallway you know he had all his military accomplishments Green Beret I remember looking at all of it and just admiring how weird that was didn't know what a where it was at that time you know it's only six so eventually we moved out you know my father my mother my brother and I you know we moved into a very poor part of town and we lived in a very small apartment and the only furniture that we had was one used full-size mattress we you know no none of our classmates or friends can even go to we're not we didn't have any but nobody was invited because we were embarrassed and they worked so hard my parents and the refugees from their surrounding communities would donate as clothes to help us get on our view clothes there are three generations hoes in the clothes holes in the shoes barely fits me holes that my mother would stay up late at night to fix shoes that she'll pass up so we can go to school so you know I remember going to school I was the face of this indigenous person you know and I was mocked and I was picked on because I was poor and that my clothes smelled so I was reminding every day how I didn't belong it was a very hard time in my life you know growing up there I wanna I wanna put you on this bad day for me you know I was being picked on I was intercepted you know we were calling all sorts of names and it was actually supported by the parents of these kids and a teacher because they didn't like refugees moving into their Hometown and second I was a face of an unpopular War it was very racist times in America but not so um substitute teacher days are my worst days you know they try to pronounce my name my name is pronounced and a lot of people can't pronounce that with this persistent substitute teacher try to pronounce my name and that that Aid on to class to make fun of me throw paper at me and tell me how much I don't belong here you know in this really bad day the teacher substitute teachers say boy you need to go down to principal's office and he looked at the bully who started and he said you too so I did I went down to principal's office and the principal told me to sit in one corner and boy's going to sit on her he said your parents can come pick you up and um you know my mother didn't drive so I knew he'll be sitting here for a while and then finally the mother of the bully showed up and uh she demanded to know what's going on and substitute teacher said your your son called that boy right there a [ __ ] you know I don't know why it hit me harder that day than any other day I'm reminded that every single day but that on this day I Was Defeated so the mother she went and grabbed her son and she walked over to me and I was looking at the ground already defeated you know demanding me to stare at her so I stood up and and she said something that you know well obviously I remember to this day she said my son is right you don't belong here you need to go back home to your country I don't have a country I cried so hard that day that I started hyperventilating you know and the principal said boy you're going to cry like that you need to go out in the hallway so I did when the home cried my mother she never picked me up and um that night I sat in that room on this use mattress and I reflected on this day my mother must have said something's wrong because she came in and she said something to me that will carry me through the Special Forces she said to me we will always have our bad days every one of us will have our bad days but what did you learn from it and who's the person that you will become all right I didn't understand you know all I felt was hate all I saw was the insignificance in the world you know the worst in humanity and um I wanted to give up on life I didn't know what what to do but I knew there was something stronger than hate I just at the time couldn't put my how can you how can you at that young of age nine so I continue to go to school continue to get picked on and at a certain point my parents divorced and um eventually we moved into my future stepfather's home he was special forces he was a drill sergeant you know I went from zero discipline to 150 miles of discipline waking up at four o'clock in the morning raising the American flag putting my hand over my heart waking up to The Ballad of the Special Forces you know and our life was so strict and we had dress codes and academics and you know chores many many hours of chores a life that I never asked for and I struggled I struggle with this level of this I never seen this level of discipline for I struggled I remember I came home one day I was doing my homework and my mother a year year passed since my parents divorce my mother came in with this cardboard box and she she said this is from your father you know haven't heard from my father in over a year I was in this place that I never asked for struggling with this level of discipline now my stepfather is a very loving man very strict he was a great guy taught me what I need to learn but I as a human being struggle with that level of discipline so I was having a really hard time in in my life and and now it was getting picked on it wasn't accepted it's really defeated you know my mother came in with the contents of this box she said this is from your your father and I was so upset I threw the box I threw the Box in a corner finished my homework and I sat there and I looked at this box and finally I built the courage to open up this box and within the contents of this box those four VHS tapes written in Vietnamese dubbed could read it back then I was so young so randomly picked up a tape I threw it into VCR who's the art of budo the combat side of being Samurai the way of sword and mine Bushido the wave of where to live this life to live this life of higher purpose to not allow the conditions to influence you because your why is so powerful to live a life of Zen Confucius you know he fast forward that right I was 11. two things that happened to me that year to change your trajectory in my life my I was I was being picked on not accepted no friends remind me every day how poor I was how indigenous this I smelled 11 years old my uncle picked me up and he must have said something's wrong it's taken me to Dairy Queen my uncle my uncle asked me just out of blue he said something to me that well obviously stuck to me he said you know two there'll be days there'll be days that people spit on you and there'll be days of people flick you off and push you down you need to ask yourself do you want to be a [ __ ] Commander today the days that your bones ache when when you feel like your Bone's about to shatter because the sheer load that you're carrying on your back through training to form yourself into a weapon when you want to quit you need to ask yourself do you want to be a [ __ ] Commando when it's cold outside and it's four o'clock in the morning you know the right thing to do is get up and run because you're a weapon there our country relies on but it's comfortable and it's warm on this bed you need to ask yourself you want to be a [ __ ] Commander yeah I was 11 years old I was so taken back Commando the Special Forces life of discipline A Warrior's life to be stronger than the conditions circumstances versus a life of purpose Commando you know later on that year my mother drove me across town and now you know we're not starving so she cooked food for the refugees and she helped out the needy hours we would drive All Day hours and when we go there and she would give them food he didn't even appreciate her as we were driving back home I told my mom why why mom why you drive all day long to deliver food to the people don't even care about they're not even thankful for you she stopped the car because it got so real you know and she said you know son no matter conditions circumstances if we can we must help others and in doing so we create a better world you know very Confucius in mindset you wonder where it'll be a better place it begins with you you know it was uh at that stage in my life I Was Defeated you know I was just a weak human being picked on told I didn't belong born in war and Insurgency Escape genocide on a boat many people died Refugee kiss slept with rats in America where I wasn't accepted I was this weak child and I realized that at that age that I didn't want to be that so I was going to forge myself into a weapon so Bushido became the way means to stop evil to intercept the spear to go to war she is the one the chosen one who can walk this path and dull is to take your whole life lesson to give back to the sake of humanity Bushido A Warrior's path Commando the Special Forces Dia president from a press man to Free Man literally translated to Frito oppressed to be a force to go back and fight for the very people that I came from the victims to be this Force that was Bushido that was the way so I knew 11 years old I was going to be a Commando so I educated myself in the uh Arts War I uh would Retreat to the local libraries where I would study taoism and the reason why I studied taoism because the other three Taves were Bruce Lee tapes and Bruce Lee believes in taoism and taoism is to live in harmony with the universe or to live through life and respect God in the heavens Taoism to not look at the externals and try to change what is actual truth but to live in harmony with this actual truth Heaven God mountains all these actual truths were there before us so I was really grounded in that philosophy to live in harmony but aware right so I studied the special forces and then at 16 I started my training using my timeline I started training so I I started doing long country runs I started new more hand-in-hand combat I was that kid you know I was learning budo the art of being aware so I mean literally we were taking apart guns because my stepfather was special forces I took apart in 1911 able to assemble this weapon I study foreign weapons I study Sanju I study you know tactics I study unconventional warfare and I was only in junior high I had no friends so I study this way and then at 16 I started strengthening my body through physical pain right through you know physical training and then at 18 I enlisted in the Army well the thing was back then you can't listen straight into the Special Forces you have to do your time right and then and listen to Special Forces so I went in and I was with the 82nd Airborne Division and then I went to Ranger school early on and then I went into the long range reconnaissance team and down at 21 I applied for the Special Forces I um through a lot of my training I was able to Fast Track promotions so I was able to get to the Special Forces really early so 21 years old I graduated special forces training I was four deploy uh Okinawa Japan 21 years old okono Japan you know I want to put you on my first day so proud young Green Beret you know I remember I was so happy my team was rotating back through um from a mission they were coming out of Laos and I was going to meet them and um you know they came back and I had to report to work that morning I was going to meet my team you know I was so proud to be a special forces gamer search uniforms spit shine boots Green Beret knocked on the door you know hi my name is too and they shut the door knocked on the door again they opened the door and you said you're the new guy I'm like yeah they shut the door again you see in the Special Forces it's a type A personality right and you as the new guy had to come in very humble and you're going to be [ __ ] with and you're going to be told that you're not even worth being here so Okinawa Japan can you believe middle summer 110 heat index humidity high humidity you know I was in this they call it the box right because of how the shape the compound was it was extremely hard so I sat there you know I I stood there pray rest outside the door I stood there prayed rest locked up hours I stood there sweating my starch uniform now soaked with sweat then they finally opened the door it was lunch time and I tried to talk to them they said we're not ready to talk to you so they go and they come back not even accepted imagine so finally when they closed the business they they opened up the door and they they finally let me in and they told me I'm the new guy and um this is the way it is you see I was so proud to be a Green Beret so I did what they told me I humbled myself I empty out the cup as Bruce Lee was saying and I just saw her but it was wisdom and he taught me you know and I deployed all through Asia right and during that time too I was a big martial artist so I would fight on the sides and Dojos you know when my mother my mother beautiful person she uh on the day of my high school graduation she you know I knew I was hurting her about joining the Army gave up everything you know so I can come here in America give me a new life and here I am want to go back to war she escaped War gave me Freedom here I am going to go back you know so I promised my mother that I would graduate college because that meant a lot to her so in Special Forces you know when I first joined I would wake up at three o'clock in the morning and I would study for two hours and then I would go to physical training and then after physical training I would start my duty day which is very physical either you're you're blowing stuff up you're going through your door you're shooting you're Free Falling ends you know you're you're doing jungle warfare and after work is done if work is done at that time then I bow into a dojo and I trained to eight o'clock at night and then at nine to ten you know to 11 or whatever I would study again and I did it I did it and it was it was so hard so hard to go to college on the teams but you know I I went to college I fought in you know uh no-ho's bar matches I fought in tough man matches I was trying you know and Looking Back Now Looking Back Now why why was it the way it was because I was so full of Fire I was born out of it you know so the thing is this as a child I had this energy of hate I was oppressed I was told I didn't belong so I had this energy and then you know in the a teams I was able to extinguish this energy extend this energy through combat and budo right so you know I went through different countries um I served in a special missions unit where I did special reconnaissance during the global war I deployed authored World 27 countries and you know towards the end you know I'll tell you you know for me it was uh towards the end of my career I was going into Africa the Horn of Africa you know started off in Asia and then I fought the wars in the Middle East through multiple countries and then we did a global Pursuit we hunted them down anywhere in the world and then a certain point I went into Africa you know you'd think back now my whole life was war my whole life was calm I was born in these conditions and here I was you know really lost again lost the way oh where the path of aware it's so steep and when you fall you fall hard you know it depends on how far you are in this path and I was pretty far along let me let me put you on this day during the middle of the war we were fighting the global war and uh over final war in Iraq at that stage of the war Saddam has been captured and handed over to the Iraqi government this brought in a new Reign of Terror azerakawi and his army of foreign Fighters came in and set up Terrace safe havens what I'm saying those were the bloody years the war and when you lose so much when you lose so much when I say that is teammates I was in um I was in Missouri underneath the Shaded tree and you know I was watching my friend being lowered into his final resting place my friend that I knew since I was 18. this beautiful human being lowered to his final resting place and you know I'm trying to grasp these emotions here and in the distance I can hear protesters you know hiding behind what they believe is religion protesting against a political movement within the military things that are outside of even our control but yeah here they are thanking God for this day thank you God for dead soldiers you know so there was a point of Lost that I picked up the sword of hate that was the strongest energy that I found at that point hate you know it makes you Brave in a Close Quarters gunfight hey you know hate for the enemies it makes you in your pursuit of that years hate and as I swung you know this sort of hate in embodied me every swing if you're enjoying this interview please consider supporting us at Mulligan where you can get the inspired change t-shirts and the poster with 10 off using Code stoic in the checkout let's dive back into the interview so it was one point when I was in Buddha Vegeta Cameroon fighting Chad Rebels and counter poaching Wars I I was drinking chai tea before we went out in our Patrols beautiful sun beautiful morning again here in the wildlife so beautiful I haven't heard in years haven't been grateful for for anything because I was consumed by Aid and I knew that as this cloud of hate is going to come back so I quickly quickly poured out my notebook and I wrote down wrote down the word peace because that was my new Journey so you know after we rotate It Out of Africa um I did um you know I was part of the counter assault team working with the Secret Service protecting our former president at that time I was I was really messed up right during the war um we we have been injured right and being who we are we are a National Asset so they're going to give you whatever it takes for you to perform in our time you know I was prescribed painkillers you know wow what are powerful energy numbs you not just from this physical pain that I feel it numbs my mind from this emotional pain so I did and used it depending on me so at one point in my life I was addicted to painkillers caring one painkiller in my coin pocket waiting for the next feeling that I'm gonna have to numb it worn it to hide so after my my time in service I retired after 23 years of service honorably retired I won't put you on this day you know I was um going to my retirement ceremony I was really messed up drug addict no purpose hated the world couldn't see you to join the day you know so I was putting on my uniform medals all the way to my shoulders you know all my time's in service putting on my uniform not even proud remember that proud young Green Beret he's gone and um it started to rain I remember it was raining so hard that day you know my mother flew in from North Carolina to see me and I was driving I was in such a was having anxieties you know he's driving with my mother to the restaurant I apologize my mother is raining so hard I wish today I wish today is a better Mom I wish this my mother said to me that you know son in the Asian culture rain is needed to wash away the old you know to make room for growth and I was so blinded that day that I couldn't see what she was saying driving there I was so in a bad place you know so I retired let me tell you what what I filled out there I retired 23 years saw the worst in humanity sounded worse than myself right I was in this drug addict I was I was far off the path of the way Bushido lost myself because hate took me off that path where I want to put you on this day you know my wife one amazing person you know she was with me through my whole career sacrifice it all here she is you know this really accomplished person and she was working up in Denver Colorado where she's this huge manager right managing all these people master's degree accomplished here I am a 23-year Commando laying in a dark room tired you know I thought that you know it's just I was physically tired and I was injured you know thought I was there but it wasn't I had no purpose you know and I was a drug addict so I was sitting here in this dark room right my wife was working up in Denver and I was for hours I would watch a TV that's off hearing the voices of the world and I heard this one voice just so strong his voice was so strong over any other voice he said get up so I did I walked around this dark house somehow this energy led me to my world you know I have in this war room collection of books collection that everything I accomplished in the military things are all around the world you know literature Warrior Bushido blindly I I opened up the book and I pulled out a book let's book five rings he was a ronin he was born in the late 1500s and died in 1645 after writing the book of five rings in a Buddhist cave Redondo okay with Spirit Rock kumoto Japan this Ronin I came upon his literature when I was 13 this Ronin in an old used bookstore I found the book of five rings when I was 13. it was covered in other books and the only thing that Drew me to it was the illustration of a samurai and two swords so I pulled that book and I I took it home and I I set it up like it was a picture and then you know I want to put you on this story is that one one um one summer I was really grounded because I was getting picked on in school and my grades dropped I didn't tell my parents that was getting bullied and picked on so I hid my report card right and um after a week of that lie obviously I got to tell the truth and it was horrible grades and I was grounded but let me explain to you this summer it's grounded in my room and I remember it was raining that day so my brother could go outside so he decided to pick on his little brother he came in he's a doctor now he came in he told me to all this Warrior stuff is dumb and he flicked the book onto the ground and he's reminding me how dumb I was to want to be this he walked out and I picked up the book of five rings it was in that summer it was when the first time I read it didn't understand a word of it you know what do you mean a farmer an emergency what because I didn't understand fruit Japan so I educated myself in the library on fruit Japan so then I try to understand words from this Ronin and then you know what it said when I opened up this book fast forward now defeated post-military career drug addict open up this book line and it said you know everything exists everything is just Within look nowhere else you know at that point I was looking for the answers everywhere else looking for the answers in these painkillers trying to draw the strength for my wife calling ex-teammates trying to draw what is external to affect how I feel internally internally I Was Defeated so these words for moronin reminded me of Bushido and how far I came off the path and I made a choice that day to be something more I don't know what it is but to be something more just like I was nine years old I didn't know what the strength was that stronger than hate but I'm gonna be something more so there was I took all the painkillers and I dumped it down the toilet let me let me explain this to you painkillers anti-depressants uh sleeping pills those were my addictions you see because during the war we have to stay awake during a reconnaissance mission so we take adderall and then when we come back we're on the pager so our instincts we can never rest because our mind is concentrated that pager goes you're going to go on that mission right and that mission is life and death is that the real so what I'm saying is very hard to turn off the human census of survival so they'll give us you know sleeping pills and then if you're in pain you start taking painkillers you understand I dumped it all when I sat with myself for the 30 days you know the first 30 days the withdrawal symptoms the pain the shivering the voices became louder and I studied mind and body right so I remember there was during a certain phase of my military career we just came out of basilian Island where we fought the abusive right in southern Philippines and we went into Mountain Warfare training when we were training in the Himalayas it will spend this training it was over a month of training with the Indian command of forces Cliff assaults you know free climbing with equipment machine guns in this rigorous environment eighteen thousand five hundred 500 feet no oxygen up there training at that intensity Commandos you know on the weekends you know we would be exhausted so you know guys want to sleep but for the samurai you know I needed to go visit the Tibetan Monks so I grabbed one of my loyal Commandos and he drove me to this Tibetan monk and because he was a Commando the monks would let him in they usually don't let westerners in there and he he asks the monk asked the Commando what does he seek wisdom I walked up to the smoke and I said Mark why is the world so cruel he smiled he came up he grabbed my hand you know he shook my hand he pulled me out in the back it was an open field you know behind this Temple took the stick he drew it on the ground he threw two sacks on one was black stones and white was white stones and for many years he said he would sit there and he would look at this circle on the ground and he has a bad thought he would take a black pebble throw into it Circle Underground for many years he said for many years four years she said it was all black and now it's all white I asked the monk what changed why he said you see the world is so cruel because we're unaware of our emotions within the moments and we take inventory of our emotions then we have a choice and the world's so cruel because people are unaware of their emotions and we have more control or emotions with the world not be so cool it's very Confucius you know you wish the world be a better place it begins with you and you know the next weekend I came back to visit a monk and we were sitting out in this mountain range huge right Himalayas can you imagine so beautiful we're up in the Border Pakistan China India so beautiful snow up at the Peaks and this mug side I sat with this Monk and he reminded me how beautiful this morning was how beautiful this day was you say I didn't see it I see it visually but I wasn't there I was trapped in pain so I saw it ugly and everything I wish this morning would hurry up and be over so I can go drink some coffee why is this monk sitting here for so long my back's hurting I looked at negative things but yeah here he is present and I wasn't right so fast forward that you know throughout the weekends I would practice with this Monk and he taught me death he had me meditate on death you know this Tibetan practice to meditate on death every morning you know the Samurais and Shinto practice is to meditate on death Bushido it's a meditate on death and what that means is you know for during that time I would practice like I should have died here I should have died here I should have died here life is great but now I practice it in a way where if this was their last day on this Earth if you're sitting there in the in the morning and you're embracing what is beautiful and you ask yourself in a moment of death you say this is my last day on this Earth we are not save her that morning all the things that bother you in life would would it just not go away so the Samurais they keep deaf nearer you know so these three practices Alone um I I wrote them down because I reflected on these my journey right because so basically when I became Ronin there was a certain process of rebirth where I shut down the world I [ __ ] myself and and I worked on myself shut down all my teammates I shut down every external voice and I heard only myself the moon and rebirth so how does one do it right like I could say to you hey man don't you want to live a life that's like happy don't you want to be grateful and let's just say you go outside I'm grateful for everything you really think that sticks in there's a practice and that draws off a discipline a warrior who conquers himself is mightier than a thousand times a thousand men in a thousand battles where you know after my 23 years I came to this Crossroad when I saw the worst in the manatee when this hate consumed me when I dumped all the drugs and I shivered in the when I was trying to learn meditation at that point you know so I started Googling what it means meditation although I saw the practice during my you don't need until you need it right and I had so much noise in my head so much noise you know what I perceived was truth hate you know I was I would wake up in the morning so what made me who I am as aware of Bushido was discipline I realized that at 11 years old to be this Commando to be this Force you have to have discipline you have to have extreme discipline when nobody else is looking to sharpen yourself to wheel your mind embody into this instrument of War discipline you know and as I reflected as I reflected he who conquers himself might need earned thousand times a thousand the only way that you can conquer yourself and to move past this is the renewing of one's mind and I realized that so this level of discipline was going to be different and it needs to come with a strategy weakest can't blindly walk their life right doing the same things hoping to be a better person waking up at the same time popping the same pills talking to the same people expecting same things out of the externals hoping that would be different that doesn't make any sense so I started reflecting on the teachings of the Tibetan Monks and I started reading you know more about the philosophies of Bushido you know up until now it was about combat budo how can I be an effective Warrior but now it was about winning the war Within Me you see the enemies are placed infant all of us there's an enemy stronger than the external enemy and that's the enemy you have inside the truth that you placed on yourself which is not even actual truth so I had to kill this truth and that was I I started writing down I didn't carry the sack of stones like the like the Monkton I started writing down my thoughts within the moments what bothered me who is the person I wish to become from this bad day I wish to be kind you know and where culture kindness is looked down upon is a weakness but if I seek the path of peace I must be kind so I was that guy right so the practice kindness I would go out in public places and I just wish people a great day and I I do this even to today and I've been doing it for six and a half years I wake up every morning I sit on my deck and I meditate and I take pictures this is beautiful landscape and environment as the sun comes up I wish everybody a beautiful day you see that's a practice you wish we are all interconnected in some form another that's why when you give you you you receive through Joy right when you give to others we're all interconnected so I did I gave I gave back yeah I wish I wish people a great day some people told me what are you a freak I opened up doors for people you know and I would take pictures of me sitting on meditation wishing everybody a beautiful day but let me explain to you when I was going through withdrawals the body the body shaped the body shaped for these external drugs to mine wanted so bad and as I sat there every day I would Shake I'll remind myself of how beautiful this morning is because if I can win that morning I could win that day so my path to peace was I focus on the morning and just like a Commando I hit that thing with intensity every day like I'm going to combat I look at the intelligence and I hit that day just like I would hit a mission discipline but this level of discipline is different it was different from my strict upbringing it was different from you know these Special Forces type of discipline just discipline was defeating myself and that began with a higher power it began with higher power so as I sat with myself I started hearing my own voice and what is important and what's important is to live life to the fullest you know people always try to over complicate living they say too what's the meaning of living um what's life all about so we complex ourselves with success and we we we drive uh in a direction of ego of expectations life is simple among Tomy as we sat there life is simple life is about a tree life is but Heaven life is but what is we're the one who throws the expectations on it so as a tree as an animal they don't know anything else but to live as the best tree to be the best tree it could be this this cow that's raised doesn't know anything else but to be the best coward can be into live life you ever watch a cow I did There's a Farm behind me right and I uh I watch these cows as a meditate sociable the other day routine they just later in the sun enjoy the moment but yet here we are in this beautiful day thinking about other things the externals that we can't even change right so it was about to renewing one mind to sep what is so I was that guy that woke up at four o'clock in the morning so this is my display I'll wake up at four o'clock in the morning I would take a shower I would go into a physiology change it was just a cold shower towards the the last minute I will change my physiology by injecting cold water into my body parts so that means like blood has to gush into those muscles I'm waking up instantly right think about booting up a computer so number I hit things with intelligence I don't just hit things right and then and then I'll go and I'll sit in a dark deck and I focus on the breathing you know I inhale through my nose you know exhale all the way through my abdominal and if you practice this if you practice this then you will feel at the end of the exhale you will feel you can you could put a name on it but you'll feel that energy people call stress anxieties pain so basically what I do on the exhale I hold on the exhale on this pain and I focus in on the medicine of the Earth and I exhale the pain right and I did this every day right I I would tell you it took me five years five years first time I try to meditate failure I will go into meditation and I would come out more pissed off that I came into that the noise was too loud the expectations I settle myself so I was that guy that woke up early in the morning and I would sit there and as the sun come up I would thank God for that day and I'll blast a a promise to the universe I'll say it that would be my best self for this day and I reflect on death this was my last day and I did that for many years many years and I say around the third year I was sitting there frustrated wanting to quit and that hurt Birds you know yeah we hear birds but you never really are present enough to cure how beautiful a bird is in the morning so beautiful if you're just communicating with each other but yet we're not there present enough to admire how beautiful this morning actually is we are in heaven we just don't see it because we choose to live in hell we choose to live in hell based off of our words to ourselves in our views on life so at that point I looked towards the light and her Birds and I'm practicing kindness on you know overly practicing kinds I'm going out practicing kindness and then I started getting messages to say two is so kind wow so what I'm saying to you is Life's a choice if you're totally aware within the moments of what you're thinking you have a choice you can be more than this so I was that guy you know that meditate and showed gratitude to God and then I inject physical pain and that's through physical training that's what made me aware right and so I'll go into three hours of high intensity training in my dojo and and I tell you all I listen to is positive stuff I don't listen to the news in the morning I listen to what is positive Mulligan Brothers was one into positive stuff I tell you I had my bad days you're going to have your bad days it's neuroscience you see what you think about today is what you've been thinking about tomorrow what you think about tomorrow how do you break that vicious cycle how are you calling to mind so I was running on a treadmill and I was listening to this doctor job it stands a talk right about Mind and Body Connection how that physiology actually works I was the guy who Googled mind and body and how Neuroscience Works remember I'm intelligent as a Green Beret we look at the intelligence of things how does the Mind Body Work now I went to Tony Robbins seminar you know how how he changed this physiology and how this connects to Modern body you know and I practice all these things I practice them all and the thing is guys you're going to find your own path you're going to find what works for you you know but I tell you you win that morning you win that morning you hit it with intensity as in combat like your life depended on it then you hit it with intelligence would you if your life depended on what you do would you be smarter in how you do it so why not live life like that why not win that morning so I did I won that morning I won it through positive mind listen to positive people listening to success stories fulfillment listening to what is important you see in today's world we look at the externals to let it affect how we feel internally if you get this amount of followers on YouTube I'll be happy if I became dissuccessful I had this sponsor if I get this promotion if I have this job if I get this bigger house this bigger car seat those are expectations we place in ourselves and those are not truth so then you live a lie and then you have expectations on things you can't change right like how somebody thinks of you right so what do you have is that you have control over everything if you look within and you change your views in the world so the renewing of one's mind the renewings once fine was I started reading a lot of literature on how demanding bodies connected and why do we look at the negatives in life is in our DNA as Hunter Getters as cavemans our ancestors they had to rely on this natural ability to survive hand it down through genetics and generally Generations 200 000 plus years of evolution starving dying here we are we are in this modern world with this primitive mind always looking at survival always looking at the dangers so yeah if you're going to look at the negatives in the world right because we're primitive mine so how do you change this you have to renew them on you have to renew the mind so now all right so survival back in the old days is what they they go out into four or five food right they can get eaten by a freaking saber-tooth tiger to get stomp on by elephants right so it's it's truly a uh survival Instinct so fast forward this into this domesticated world what's the threat now what's the threat you know when I was uh working in Malaysia right I had to live in these villages with these tribal people indigenous people you know multiplied throughout the world not just in Malaysia I lived indigenous people all around the world all the way to Africa South America Asia indigenous people you know no electricity no running water some of them have to walk half a mile just to get running water you just get water in a bucket and carry bag and we live in this world where I could pull up to a gas station fill up my car and drive when they had to walk and I could turn on a sink and there's free-flowing water endless you know when you out here I am hating the world not happy everything's so convenient and these tribal people I tell you I've never seen erase so happy and this is Multiplied throughout the world wasn't just in Malaysia these tribal people all around there were 100 daughters you know still getting up early in the morning to go hunt bring back food a community of people a tribe really happy so I I thought about it and I and the reason why things are the way it is is we have this primitive mind and what is driving today's world social media social media the world is so fast-paced though so we put these expectations on ourselves of what we think is happy and what's success right and I'll tell you you know I I being who I am I started traveling around America so here I am working on myself a new mindset listen to doctors talk go into Tony Robbins seminars and look it didn't work at first you know I still woke up and and you know I'm like what a [ __ ] right and then I'm like I mean I wish you nothing but the best in life and I wish you I'm grateful for that thank you for taking the time to call me that see I was trying to change my mind it wasn't working it wasn't working so here I am you know practicing all this going around America and I uh the power of the universe you know working on yourself then History Channel called me and then um you know I did three seasons on the History Channel but I wanted I want to tell you this because people you know when I was the first day in the History Channel you know movie star trailer they pick you up drive you 500 meters 500 meters to set makeup artists 15 cameras on you but I was in a place of Darkness Doors 15 yards away is a pull a door man is about five yards away Blade is to his right hand you see it was a nice show I could funnel my enemy into this position here because it's so natural right to look at that because in my world it was about survival and I couldn't move past that energy here I am 15 cameras you know what people don't know is I'm super shy and insecure think about it I was raised spit it on told I didn't belong you think I just have to self confidence I didn't I Was Defeated I was working on myself you know and here I am you know Rising Star you know in the international you know television broadcasts through 15 different countries never saw it never enjoyed it you know and my wife and I will travel in between filming and we would continue to train and then if any award Call of Duty called me and they asked to do motion capture and eventually we became a character on there still never saw it travel around the world giving keynote speaking helping others now working on myself trying to work on myself every day and then people are like too can you can you help me can you talk to these people can you help them can you help these veterans me I'm working on myself but I did I helped as much as I could you know and now that I'm a video game um character why not help why not help the youth why not help them why not give them the direction so I do I go to high schools and I talk to the high school kids I I talked to elementary school kids now what is your truth you know to live a life that's full so as I was working and then now we you know we we test uh guns for Springfield Armory you know what a amazing journey what an amazing journey and and now I look back it started with me you want the world to be a better place and it starts with you and he who conscious him also he's smarter a thousand times a thousand men in Thousand battles and understanding life you or your own enemy right too too often we we look at the externals on you know that guy is a you know [ __ ] and this guy lied to me well because you have expectations on the imperfections you know Confucianism is about that is we are born flawed it's just the Bible we are born flawed and it is within us to be better throughout our lives right to be better and at that point I could not be better because my mind did not allow me to transcend her so you wish to walk through life judging hating insulting others then understand you're drinking that poison not them and taoism is about that is to understand that we must live in harmony with each other to show kindness and I asked you this if we show Karnes and we work on ourselves every day would the world not be a better place because that's what I'm doing you know I work on myself every day and now I teach the way of Bushido so as aware now of bushy I travel around the United States training law abiding citizens now we we're well known in America and we teach major police departments from big department SWAT teams you know we're part of Counter Narcotics training those guys training the way of Bushido the code to show compassion as I walk around I'm training these Law Enforcement Officers I start with the Bushido code compassion to be this lethal energy you have to be right in mind in spirit so you need to throw compassion right so through my teachings I teach the Bushido code now across America our training is very popular we are in high demand and our training venues are booked out for years and I teach the way of the blade through a street fighter course Street Fighter course was a course I drafted off of my understanding of violence in a permissive and non-permissive environment so at certain stage in the war I had to work in low Vis reconnaissance so as a Singleton working in these places you have to be extremely lethal but you have to be smart and smart in what you do so the street fighter course teaches them to be smart through time distance and change the direction you could pick up a person you could you have to understand threat the distance and timing of attack if I take away your distance I take away your your timing I create timing through angles of the attack so my teaching is very martial art based in the teachings of budo in today's society in martial arts what we perceive is martial arts is mmas or not going into occasion fighting but yet we take that translation of martial arts and we put into the real world where there's guns knives and threats multiply that by my environment is if they find that you're a Westerner in this Muslim State country then you will be drug out in the streets and hung right so it was that level real in these environments so my training has to be just that lethal so in warstating periods in any country any country you have worse dating pairs that's what made the civilization the way it is but after a war time how do you practice being a warrior how do you practice being a warrior if you're a regular surveyor how do you practice that through a dojo so many years of training in the dojos does The lethality not wash down because now it's confined to what is a dojo confined to what is a mat to find to what's a ring to find what's a cage these movements are Universal obviously the martial arts and it can be applied but the mindset isn't there of legality right so I teach that stage of lethality to go there in Speed and accuracy right so I teach in the modern way of weapons which is the gun the blade strategy distance timing angles utilizing cover concealment stealth speed interlocking fire you know so I utilize a lot of the tactics I learned and now I teach this to what I perceive as the good which is the people that raised their hand to protect and serve Community because I realized that if I teach these people then they can protect their own communities and if I force multiply this then in time we could Safeguard our own country and protect our own communities that's what I did as a Green Beret Force multiply train armies to take out dictators so when I train our law-abiding citizens so they can better protect their families than themselves and their loved ones and as the crime Rises why not train the innocent so they can defend themselves against evil you want to not train our law enforcement officers and our military that's where an oath so that's what I teach I teach the way of budo Bushido and in A Warrior's path [ __ ] I'm in the dough stage which is to give and I give that through education I give that through sharing when I give that through my struggles all right because one will never find themselves unless they're willing to walk through the valley of pain you'll never find your own truth until you fail right get knocked down seven times get up eight I wanna I wanna say something when I was a few little boy my uncle brought me to Dairy Queen you know as we sat there I was so defeated 11 years old you know real weak I want to go ask me where the champion was you know at that point in my life I reached out to what I wasn't I said Champions winner uncle my uncle reminded me that day that a loser can keep on going if he continues to win Champions the person he gets spit on flicked out pushed down said it don't belong here but yet they rise a champion keeps a promise to the one they love the most the champion doesn't allow the conditions or circumstance to influence they influence the person they wish to be by the actions they take every day and Champion lives by powerful code 11. so that was the way the path that was Bushido now as a ronin you know now as I look back as a successful entrepreneur a celebrity in the video game industry um now I look back you know and I'm grateful for everything for it all because it's through the struggles that one finds himself you know as a boy to escape genocide born in war family imprisoned murdered divisions I saw as a child hopelessness you know sleeping sleeping in a refugee camp rats you don't even have a bed you know on the floor sleeping in the mud came from absolutely nothing started Our Lives all over again and Country didn't even accept us pushed us down you don't belong here you know as I look back as I look back what is more powerful than that story as an American was this country found upon a dream an ideal and your actions would take you there right and for me is I'm grateful for it all you know when I was going through and I wasn't accepted I was told out you're not you're nothing when when I saw only hate when I saw the worst in humanity I'm thankful for it all how can you become the person that you wish to be unless you live the life that you wish not to live how can you be brave unless you felt fear how can you be strong unless you're once weak you see so now that I am this image of strength successful entrepreneur successful husband marriage successful in life and thank you for all because without the struggles there's no way I can become and Forge myself into the person that I wish to be because I would never have a vision of who I want to be unless verse I have made those mistakes I have lost my way because first I look at the externals and the addictions live a life of one addiction to the next how can you wish to be something more unless you lived out and how can you say you're brave unless you're willing to walk a path that's true to yourself I want to explain this you know in combat you have courage courage in a gunfight and Close Quarters gunfight and War conflict you have to have courage but let me explain that courage and War encouraging life are two different things because when I got out I didn't have courage curse to me is to live a life that's true to yourself regardless of what other people say or think about you regardless you doubt yourself do you have the courage allows you a philosopher back in ancient China 500 BC you know it allows you who said that this philosopher Record Keeper of the emperor zen master he said that he got so tired of living in this corrupted government where the emperor seek to starve and oppress their own people murder tyrant it allows you here as This Record Keeper he said it allows you had enough so he got on a water buffalo he he traveled all the way to the end of this dynasty and it was a guard that was standing there and in the guard said stop who are you and when he realized that this is royalty he got down to his knees and he asked forgiveness uh to allows you and he asked for the purpose allows you allows you wish to live this leave this political grounds he told how corrupted this government is the guard said I would let you pass if you give me wisdom it was said within this moment that allows you wrote down the words that were later known as Taoism so he was the father of thousand and allows you says the Journey of a Thousand Miles began with a single step something so simple right so simple a journey of a Thousand Miles began with single step but the preparation for that step you must live the life that you didn't want to live to transform your first step into becoming the person you wish to be you know I was weak as a child what was the first steps of becoming this Warrior right so throughout the phases your life you must ask yourself and allows you understand our life is a journey of a thousand miles and that first step begins with intelligence and how do you become intelligent by first living the life that you don't wish to live by seeing what you don't want to be so what I'm saying to you is life it's your status about making mistakes is about failing and throughout this process of growth in knowledge you become the person that you wish to be and that takes work and if you get stuck then realize that you're doing the same [ __ ] over and over again You're Expecting things to change when your daily routine is the same and your mind is just the same but yet you expect this change so I'm grateful I'm grateful for my journey of a thousand miles and step by step I walk my journey right into my last breath in this world and what people don't realize is that when you walk through your journey of life is education the world is your teacher but the thing is not all of us have the courage to live this life because we're afraid of failures we're afraid of mistakes we're afraid of hardships because that's Survival mindset but what if I were to tell you to place it all on the line embed it all over your own existence to live your truth and I'm grateful for that because through my struggles I found my truth and that will need to become the person I am today I want to say a massive thank you for two for doing this video with us we have some amazing content and projects coming out with two languages that we've not yet released and some very interesting pieces that I hope you guys will enjoy everybody who supported us at Mulligan and bought the t-shirts the journals and the poster thank you so much the journals have been restocked right now so thank you to everybody who supported us with that and yes I am not in the studio today I am traveling around the world at the moment filming project for you guys so I hope you enjoyed the content that is coming out um yeah I just want to say a massive thank you to everybody who's been involved in these projects everybody who's helped film these projects and Neve who comes on all these projects with me as well thank you to everybody have a blessed and productive day and drop a comment down below what was your favorite part of this interview I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: Mulligan Brothers Interviews
Views: 31,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mulliganbrothers, mulligan brothers, motivational videos, motivation, motivational speech, ronin tactics, tu lam, ronin tactical, ronin, samurai, tu lam ronin tactics, the way, tu lam interview, military tactics, tu lam ronin, shawn ryan show #009 green beret / call of duty / rōnin tactics (浪人) tu lam, tactics, ronin tactics story, tu lam green beret, the betdavid podcast, modern warfare, vt tu lam, rōnin, the betdavid show
Id: nFThcGjmg0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 20sec (5720 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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