Ronin "Tactics Behind the Blade" (Miami, FL Seminar 2018)

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[Music] [Music] two three four five comes in at the five to the leaven five Tula knows how I have to change my angle see have to change that angle to get that pitch up okay five six comes in at the seven to one tacking a one two three four five six seven comes in to 12 to the six and then a comes in from the six to the 12 so one ready firing position one two three four five six seven eight okay if you find yourself doing this no relax the shoulders and let the blade flow and your body one two three four five six seven eight one kind of start out right one two three four five six seven eight it was once a a monk and he asked a Shogun samurai he said what is universal to make you effective on the way of the blade he said everything is universe with life is universal he goes what I find is when you're a great painter right like back then they used to do a lot of calligraphy right kanji writers and if you find yourself moving - like a paintbrush you very moves very much like a blade like a flow of a blade you understand if you're too stiff you're going to move your body like this move the blade right like water like you're painting alright like you're painting why do we go big circles why we going big circles are now like one - why are we going this why are we doing this that's the fastest way to learn because we're in a real fight it's not that wide of angle if we're in a real fight and this is his hands that eight pattern then goes into the target area so one two three four five six seven eight all right one two three four five six seven eight now I'm not gonna attack if I need to just go down here I'm not gonna go oh god I gotta go through this hole secrets no it's just one if I need to attack a tango - - if I need attack angle - - you see I'm saying so if you understand the angles of attack that you can kind of combine that with what Chabad footwork jiu-jitsu Muay Thai you see because you you're able to step away where he forms and styles for a couple hours and let me influence you now you could take these teachings with undisturbed eyes on judging eyes and then you can implement that into your forms and style but you can only do that all right we'll clear eyes all right one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six seven hey people ask me why do you use your check hand right you just like why would you move your check camp and relationships to the blade hair because my friend we have to form a relationship right any relationship even if it's a physical relationship right you have to communicate right so the communication is between the blade and to check him if you don't know how to communicate then you need to understand timing because the check hand is what's going to clear the path of the blade for you to stick that blade and how would you do that you have to form a relationship between the blade hand and the check-in on two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six seven eight we understand okay in relationship to a blade swing there's negative energy and there's positive energy positive energy is on the positive side of the swing and then once I pass the target then it goes into negative energy we call that deceleration right because is the blade worthless here it passed through my target is a worthless at this space here so I'm gonna have to decelerate and I would have to change that pitch again so this this energy is called negative energy then you have your positive energy make sense so you want to hit the target where on a positive side right the positive energy side so for me instead of going wide swings so all this negativity is negative space right in a real blade fight I'm moving very much like a punch and then I'm slashing now I'm moving like a punch and then slashing to see see instead of coming here why'd I come in like this see because I'm staying full-contact what's with the positive space negative space positive space make sense mm-hmm why are you keeping that why are you keeping your check hand oh there you go okay really while mu miss right watch watch my flow all right control that blade see I'm looking at ain so this is my intersection the intersection on the lines are gonna cross right here so the intersection comes in here see and it flows you're doing news all right lo use the mechanics of your body tell me if it's gonna cut you to the bone all right so this is all the power you think that's gonna cut you Devon so you don't need to general that power because that's what wasted movement lead on the slashes anger one anger - right so now we remember - that reverse rectangle shape now I want you to see that extends out into a point okay so imagine I'm staying underneath the pyramid underneath the pyramid and the pyramid in some basically I'm underneath the ground I'm looking up and there's the point understand of the pyramid everything intercepts at the point of the pyramid right and then the pyramid is shaped like a rectangle we as we see points out to the pyramid so when it comes to a thrust it enters at the one o'clock to the point the pyramid two o'clock to the point three o'clock to the point four to the point five o'clock to the point it comes in at the seven to the point comes in it with 12 to the point and six to the point we'd see this now I'm in ER once to the point one o'clock to the point I'm entering at 11 to the point right I'm entering at 3 o'clock to the point I'm entering at 9 o'clock to the point I'm the intern at 5 o'clock to the point I'm intern a 7 o'clock to the point I mean are at 12 o'clock to the point I'm here 6 o'clock to the point we understand this ready attacking the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 it makes sense okay now remember the slash angle one from one o'clock to the seven o'clock eleven o'clock to the five o'clock now we're going to thrust to a slash so in the art of Kali extrema when you thrust you slash when you slash you thrust this is what it means if I thrust in position one attack angle 1 and 1/2 down tacking one so it comes here task angle 1 attack angle 1 what one to the 7 attacking the 1 or the thrust is 1 o'clock to the point so I'm knowing 1 o'clock to the point drive down to the 7 o'clock 1 to the point drag it down to the 7 o'clock angle to 11 to the point drag it down to the 5 o'clock position we see so it looks like this 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 we see because remember in Colorado the big jackets right this is how you eliminate that you implement that into your strategy it doesn't matter what clothing he wears he's going to get thrusted and he's gonna get slashed feet away Ivica wears a big jacket or not he's gonna get slash and he's going to get a blade thrust into his body all right so so it doesn't matter what what he's wearing because your attack patterns and your strategy is already there it's a natural moon-eyed slash it down tacking go to 11 o'clock to the point hold turn the blade slash it down to angle 5 tacking of three comes in at 3 o'clock to the point slash across to the 9 come in at 9 to the point slash across su-35 clocks at a point slash it up to 11 7 o'clock to the point slash up to Warren twelve O'Clock to the point slash down to the six six o'clock to the point slash it up to the twelve so it looks like this ready one two three four five six seven eight ready one to three for five six seven Hey ready one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six seven eight ready do it again nice under nice and slow ready fighting stance one slash down two slash down three slash cross four slash across five slash up six up 12 slash down slash up okay ready one two three four five six seven hey right now what we're doing is we're training what the mine we're training the mind to the state of no-mind let's remember you're trained to the mind to a state of no-mind where all thoughts and emotions a limited and truly your training kicks in no thought no thought process it's just your training kicks in without thinking and that is the state a mind that you need to have when it comes to close quarters combat because what don't you have if I close in with you that's right you don't have time where do you think I'm sticking them when I'm hitting at this attack angle to drive down where do you think I'm hitting them nope nope I'm hitting in his eyes I'm hitting him his nose area remember for my pistol shooters why do we have to Teeter right because it's soft tissue area I could take my fingers and stick through his eyes and touch his brain there's no doubt about it 100% because it's soft tissue area so imagine a blade if I stick a blade in there and I twist the blade up where is it gonna go like he just said he gone you know see you in the next world okay because that's where I'm going for I mean I'm hitting him in the face I'm hitting him in the eyes when I'm fighting that's my first move take out his vision that's the difference between a MMA and what I'm teaching you I have no rules you understand the rule is to neutralize the threat okay so when I'm coming in here you're sticking in the face if I'm coming in this way I'm sticking in trying to get into his kidney errors you understand so now I want to start working targeting basic anatomy right if I take out his eyes around here what did he lose vision but what else he lose balance I stuck my finger through a guy's eyes he lost his eyes but he I stuck my finger his eyes and when he vomit over himself he lost to equilibrium see he was unable to stand you see a vomit all himself okay so when you stick your fingers through something like the census you lose that sense okay so first let's go from the head down I was think my blade around the soft tissue areas I'll go into the jugular errors right here what happens when you when you slash you go through the jugglers you bleed a lot faster right so imagine in a fight what you think is happening in a close-quarters fight to your body what you think is happening your heart rate is up blood your heart rate is beating a lot faster that means blood is getting what more to your muscles right making you what stronger faster that's adrenaline but if I cut your neck line and all that blood basically I cut the Glines of communications so I cut here and that drill is jacked well I want you to do is get up and run two miles come back here let me cut your neck and see what happens because the blood is flowing you see and when that driven is flowing when you cut a neck he's gonna bleed out a lot faster because heart's beating you know squirt out like a garden hose you see you just gotta protect your eyes from the blood okay jugular throat area usually I like to stab them underneath here to go in through his tongue all right so you stabbed here it goes up into his tongue and we call it fishing all right so I stab here I'll pull him this way he's gonna his weights gonna shift board it's fishy okay you stab him over here depending on the geometry to blade where's the heart center line right so that three-inch blade right if you hit them with the guard what I usually do if I come in here I turn the blade and I slide it down into the only thing you see is a ring and it enters his heart okay the whole handle goes through the cavity all right makes sense all right underneath the armpits if I stab in the armpits what does he lose his lungs but also what is what runs underneath their arteries he'll bleed out a lot faster okay if I cut on the inside his arms what does he lose he lose grip strength so if he's carrying a weapon all right you know I just he's going to lose grip string he's going to dislodge from that weapon make sense okay so underneath our armpit in right back here what I got no right back here kidneys okay kidneys kidney shot already told you it's gonna sin like bowl it looks like a ball electricity runs through his body locks out all right then you dig that blade in sort of kicking all right so all right and inside his style what we got outside his thigh what we got all right so if I stick a blade into the outside his thigh it runs this deep what did he just lose the ability to stand mobility he's gonna start hopping around right so if I come in here and I cut him right here and I go to this side cuz you know maybe I don't want to take his life right he's gonna start hopping you took his mobility you see I'm saying yeah when you hit a target area you eater targeting mobility you're targeting the threat are you turning his is life right the the vital organs makes sense turn around if I stab back here anywhere right here what happens and - it's fine what happens yeah it's going to shut down because what I just do I severed the communication between his brain to his body because the information runs from your brain down your spinal cord activities lives if I stab right here basically what happens i sever two communications okay I hit him here it's fine kidneys and if i if i slash them right here what happens he doesn't have the ability what he's gonna draw okay so if I come here he's gonna drop and so he's gonna drop drop so he drops you see I'm saying hey look at my angle okay so those are areas you're targeting the reason why I'm teaching all these angles of attack because you have to know how to employ to anyone to get to that target the reason why I taught you about earlier is what I have to clear the arms all right so if I come in this way now I'm trying to stick them right in yeah okay I'm trying to stick a blade into who stops screaming stops it Hey it stops it wave I have a check can he throws a punch see check him and then what this comes here right number two water you a bot is what left right left watch the left right look you see the movements flow well with the blade when it comes to Kali you lot there were certain martial arts that I drew from that I knew it will enhance my ability to stick that blade into its target areas see once you find it opening okay once you find the opening [Music] see if he tries to stop this blade or I could take the blade and just see watch my blade all right watch the blade coming in perso issues right left right right right left right watch the parry too [Music] watch the pair on the split fine that's why I don't want to always say on the X with these punch damn I still on the X can he still grab me and then once he grabs my neck round my neck started shaking starts sinking like like this he's gonna hit me but if I move off center line okay scissor or you could trap scissor looks like this trapping looks like this that's taursus throat second one here cut angle goes down to set up okay now scissor scissor we got it
Channel: Ronin Tactics Inc
Views: 353,423
Rating: 4.949296 out of 5
Keywords: #Blade Tactics, Martial Arts, Hand to Hand, Special Forces, Ronin Tactics, Ronin, Budo, Bushido, Knife Fighting, Knife Tactics, Blade Fighting, Green Beret, Military Combatives, Military Hand to Hand, Fighting
Id: MAzlMshY-vU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 16 2018
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