How To Escape The City (Urban Evasion While Being Hunted)

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[Music] the third precinct of the Minneapolis Police Department on fire nearby businesses Blaze we don't know if the bandal acted simply out of anger against God or because the church had taken a moral stance on a controversial issue the family search Council reports nearly 400 churches were attacked from J an angry group outside the CNN Center Atlanta the tense moments you saw right there playing Minnesota is now fully mobilizing the National Guard protest erupting in Minneapolis last night the powder keg of the crisis businesses set on fire as rage continues to boil over right this is a public Street you can't tell us where to go that right let going on to go crazy right now try to shoot everyone we need to get out of here right now over 80% of the population of the world lives in a urban environment so if there's going to be anything that happens where you need to actually get out it's probably going to happen in the city you probably end up living in a city and just like we talk talked about in our Woods video it might seem like this is something that is far away that there's zero chance of it ever happening and yet time and time again whether it be from Ukraine or from the Palestinian Israeli conflict we have seen that the cities are often the areas where this is occurring so when we're talking about evasion when it comes to a Urban setting it could be for a variety of reasons anything from uh there is a terrorist attack in the city and you need to get out uh there is a natural disaster and you need to get out there are so many different reasons for needing to evade and get out out of the city and we're not going to specify um exactly which is going to compel you to go but we're going to talk about a lot of different scenarios a lot of different ways to take care of this and as always the important thing is going to be that as far-fetched as this stuff may sound and as tin foil hat as it may sound to talk about information is free so in today's video we're going to be talking about Urban evasion escaping the city hopefully you guys learned a thing or two now the biggest spons of the channel is of course our favorite that would be the Sonoran sniggering Doors Institute what I didn't even know he was here how are you here yeah I don't even recall how I got I got the Sonoran Desert Institute if you're looking to get your starting Gunsmithing they are the people to go to they support us they'll also do this type of content for free so big thank you to them and of course who's our favorite Micah primary arms for sick Optics and free candy we love them awesome Optics great price and of course if you're looking to get better at shooting dry fire mantis turns your gun into a dry fire machine go and check them out we love them and of course aec ammo for allowing us to train to get better or be showing more of that stuff in future videos when it comes to survival but with all that being said um talk is cheap and evasion is tough so let's get into it all right credentialing um why should you listen to us so I spent um early part of my Air Force career as a survival guy evasion guy and then uh right here with me I have my buddy F who also did the same thing later on I moved over to tacp and uh F ended up doing a lot of the civilian sector you want to speak to that a little bit Yeah so uh I ended up doing a lot of Civilian courses uh both as op four and then also assisting uh other courses in our own urban survival course that we do with bare Solutions uh so we we've analyzed a lot of uh different Urban environments how to stay alive in them regardless of the situations that are going on and yeah it's been a good time and then in addition to that I've taken a lot of Civilian uh evasion courses within cities um spent a lot of working with other people throughout the world on their uh tactics and how they kind of work on evasion out of cities again this isn't stuff that's like wazo this isn't going to be anything that's like amazing knowledge stuff like this has been around for a long time so don't think like the things that we're saying are in any way super novel or amazing and you're like I I would have never thought of that it's just a lot of common stuff that makes sense and that when you put it together makes for a pretty good plan to get out of the city so we're talking about evasion we're talking about an initial contact with somebody we don't want or with some something that we don't want whether that be a natural disaster I know you've done a lot of that work or whether it be somebody bad uh a terrorist attack uh you're you're being invaded by a foreign country that happened in Ukraine this stuff isn't nearly as crazy as you'd think and suddenly you find yourself needing to get out of the city this is something you should be planning ahead of time you should have met with your family you should know if I have to leave we're not able to make contact with each other if our house is destroyed where do I go do I meet out in a forest somewhere or where am I going to be going this is going to help you understand which direction you need to travel but we're talking about breaking initial contact so I go out you know these guys with guns hop out and they're ready to kill me I need to get away from them so it's going to be very similar to what we talk about when we talk about rural evasion or that evasion in the mountains like we were talking about in the last so when you're trying to break contact with them uh it can be anywhere from as fast as uh or as far as about 10 m uh to a mile uh that's one of the issues that you see in urban environments is there's a lot of straight lines uh throughout a lot of the Cities especially in the us where we use a grid pattern uh other cities will have more of a mosaic fi to the design and structure of it and it's easier to lose things in those areas but with a grid if you're in like uh I think one of the terms I heard was a linear danger area type thing uh it's it's one of those things they can see straight down the entire thing so you have to change up directions uh pretty frequently and quickly in order to really lose somebody behind you and what's nice with our initial movement is when we do it like he was talking about that 10 m we can simply round a corner and if there's a lot of people it's actually not that difficult to get lost in those people the big thing is going to be on that initial movement if you can as soon as you break that initial contact with somebody if you can change the way that you look that's going to go a long way in helping you kind of get away because there's going to be an initial description of you or an initial impression that they see hey I see a guy with a blue shirt on I see a guy with a gray shirt on I see a guy with long hair if we're able to change those things very quickly on that initial contact that's going to be really really important to do so I'll do a quick demonstration of what an initial braking contact could look like for a small movement so if I'm breaking contact I've seen them on the street I've turned one corner I'm going to go ahead I'm going to turn another corner I'm going to change how I'm looking so come over here as I moving get that t-shirt off and if I can I'm then going to join whatever people I can see out there so if I can head right onto the street from here I'm able to look different and then blend it with the crown and that's going to go a long way in Breaking that initial cont cont that's what one of the small movements is going to look like like we were just talking about so one of the things also to consider is how much were you exposed how long do they have eyes on you because they get more detail the more time that they have so if they have been following you or seeing you for an extended period of time then you have to go and change more of your appearance however if it's low light it's dark they only got a glimpse you aren't going to have to change a whole lot so it really just it depends and that's one of the most annoying answers to give but it's true right what we're going to do right now is we're going to stay in these Alleyways we're going to break contact we're going to move quickly when we are in these area ways these straightaways we're kind of off the main roads and we're on the main roads we're going to act more natural to blend in again this is going to depend on your environment if I'm on a war and everything's War torn well sure you're going to change your posture but if things are less warart torn maybe I'm being hunted singly within a city then I'm going to need to learn how to blend it better so in this case we're going to consider that we're trying to blend a little bit better we're trying to get to our family which is a pre-designed meeting point out in the mountains around the city so we're going to head out right now so what we've done we we broken initial contact right here so we've gotten to a place where we're kind of out of sight out of mind of everyone that we've seen that could possibly report our location so at this point what we need to do is take stock of what we've got going on we're going to do what we talked about before and that's going to be your initial height sight I you you want to talk to that so in the initial highight you're trying to review what you have for equipment what you have as far as gear sustenance uh sustainment equipment things of that nature if the weather's changing on you you know change with it as you need to also another good time in order to change your appearance again uh trying to top off on things as you're going through like realizing my water bottle is empty things of that nature trying to take stock of what we need what we have and what we can do from here exactly so a big question might be what do I need so for example if I'm heading out the woods after this and I'm going to go get with my family do we have a cache of equipment out there do I have water bottles do I have those things that I need so that I can actually survive if not this might need I might need to collect those as I'm going throughout the city as I'm getting those water bottles and going forward again this is a time we're going to change our disguise this could also be a time to make comms you want to speak to that a little bit Yeah so for comms inside of a city um there's a couple different options most people are going to have a cell phone with them problem with cell phones is that uh well majority of the ones out there right now you can't turn off um so if you can get old burner phones it's really nice because you can actually take the battery out one it makes the phone uh lasts longer you can swap out the batteries frequently uh and it just extends the life of that tool if the r or the phone towers aren't working then you also have backups that you can do using radios whether it's going to be analog DMR things of that nature the big problem with dealing with radios inside of larger cities because of buildings and all that sort of stuff is you get a lot of bounce off of those buildings with the direct radio frequency signals so unless you're hitting repeaters or anything else like that it's going to be really difficult to get line of sight from your radios to communicate especially when you're surrounded by concrete so the other option that you could also do is uh fun little tools like mesh networks uh mesh networks are great uh you can program into your phones you can set them up buy them yourself uh mesh tastic is the one that I know off the top of my head uh and you can program them to send text messages to anybody that you want that's allowed to be on your network they can have them full AES whatever encrypted uh and you can still have a secure network to communicate even when the cell towers are down radio frequencies aren't an option it's a long as you have enough notes between you and the people you want to talk to you can still stay in contact exactly and now speaking a little bit more to the initial height sight right here so if we can get far away from people so I want to have both top cover and I want to be far away so that there's not going to be as many people around the reason for the top cover of course is more than likely you're going to have some type of aerial assets looking with For You especially uavs in the city I mean cities are only so big and that is perfect coverage for uavs so that's something you want to make sure that you were thinking about and again when it comes to to this this isn't going to be the best height sight so from here what we're going to do is we're going to talk talk about some movement techniques and we're going to go into some of our basic movement to get to a better hid sight to somewh where we could possibly sleep and possibly collecting some of those supplies as we go along the way so the big thing with movement is going to be it's completely going to depend it's it's going to depend on what's happening in the city are we in a war torn environment are we in an environment where the city is starting to Decay there's General societal collapse the point is is the more we blend in the better so the biggest thing about moving in the city is don't do [ __ ] that's going to draw attention to yourself so for example if you're out walking like who's doing this [ __ ] like that doesn't make any sense you shouldn't be sneaking around sneaking around in an urban environment is not at all like sneaking around the woods where you're like walking real low or anything like that you need to walk like this is what you do every day you're walking to work you're walking to your house walk like this is just part of your daily life try to act natural um if you are in any way sticking out that's going to be a problem that comes with movement and flow of people as well so when you're dealing with how people are moving most Americans have a habit of having really good posture Mike over here has been working a lot on his posture to help with his neck and everything right so he stands really up straight chest out eyes forward neck forward shoulders rolled back puffing his check in a good gate in the step right it's great for him right right but most places he's going to stick out like a sore thumb so sometimes you have to roll your shoulders up slou your little just walking around with your head slightly tilted down uh looking just a couple feet in front of you as you're going through with glancing up and that really doesn't draw a lot of attention eye contact is what really pulls people in uh so one of the other things is the flow like you were talking about before uh the flow of people is like water you don't want to be the salmon trying to swim upstream cuz then the bear is going to get you right so you need to go with the flow and if it's in the right direction cool if not oh well just use it to cross over to the other side take another Avenue pick another route and keep moving uh when I've done evasion exercise at civilian side um with various people uh I've done things like putting on a high VI construction vest and just walking with construction workers towards a construction site so that's getting me through a lot of different areas I look like I'm just part of the construction crew breaking off when I need to the point is adapt yourself to whatever is happening uh people have stripped down to less clothes they look like they're working out or out on a run it doesn't matter but the time of day definitely does and the time of day is going to be completely dependent on what city you're in where you're at and when people typically move there's like a curfew because there's military blockades going on then you're taking a big risk by moving after that curfew all things that you're going to have to think about when you're moving generally we say move at night that's generally best it's harder to recognize you and it's just going to be more difficult think about going out with your friend so like if I'm going out with Charles right here and we're going to go see some movies you can look at Charles let's look at Charles right there now Charles is pretty recognizable I know his gate I know how he steps but if he's still far away and like we're waiting for all our friends to come we're kind of like is that Charles is that Charles do you think that's Charles like oh that's Charles yo what's up Charles so the point is is when somebody's far it's kind of hard to recognize who they are you're not going to be crazy about avoiding people but if we can keep a little bit of distance to make it a little bit harder to identify that's going to go a long way so right here we'll just do a couple of basic movements to show you what it should look like this is pretty simple when it when it comes to moving within your Urban environments and again try not to be on those main streets when you're moving cut through when you can so long as it's not completely unnatural so a couple notes there um if you notice me and and Mitchell over here were lagging behind each other we weren't just walking right next to each other we kept a lot of distance between each other and that's something you should do another thing you notice we were slouching we changed our posture I Chang my gate the way I'm walking these are all things that you can do it there's really not a whole lot to it it seems silly uh watching it or doing it for the first time but this is something that you can practice I do this all the time where if I'm in a city I'll try to change the way I kind of appear I'll change my posture change my gate how easy is it for you to do these things becoming a different person really doesn't take that much and having these little kind of characters that you can slip into when you're walking can kind of help you get into those different patterns of posture and those different patterns of gate at least that's what I use what about you buddy so it's it's really not that hard like Mike was saying uh the other thing that you can also do is put in the universal sign of leave me the F alone earphones have your phone out you know or something that looks like like a phone even just some random phone case that you can find in the trash that might even be broken people see it as the universal sign of I'm not paying attention to you and I don't care as to what anybody else is doing around me now as we're moving along there are going to be things that we can possibly collect to make our life easier so uh unfortunately F has found a wonderful water bottle unfortunately this is great and this is going to bring us to our point of water um so when it comes to water and food there's one that you really can't go without now I mean five both know that you can go really 3 days before you die without water but what happens after about a day without water oh you're garbage you're making bad decisions you're doing stupid stuff you can barely function your body starts cramping up it's a really bad time day two you can hardly open your hands they're so cramp they're so cramped so you have to understand if you're going to want to actually be able to get out of the city and it really shouldn't take you that long you need to have water now there's a lot of different considerations when it comes to water f is going to talk about that right now if you want to go ahead and delve into it man yeah so when it comes to water um most cities if it's still functioning uh the water filtration system is going to be your best friend all you have to do is find a spet a fountain or anything else like that and a good clean source of water this one honestly it's pretty damn it's not too bad at all was out you're going to be okay um but once you can find that you have to be able to find uh a SP it turn it on collect it from there the problem is that most cities during either castrop fees of any sort the water system and electricity all get shut off eventually uh sometimes sooner than others so you have to find a different way of collecting water some of that might be tributary streams doing a transpiration or vegetation bag over plants using trash bags and things of that nature uh but there's a lot of different ways and you still have to clean that water before you uh actually ingest it so that's when you go with either iodine that you might have procured from a medical kit somewhere or uh bleach chlorinated bleach things of that nature or even improvising your own charcoal filter out of multiple water bottles in order to uh still clean it and make it drinkable do you want to explain how to make those water filters it's actually pretty interesting so these guys are awesome uh the first thing that you would put into it is charcoal and that would be down at the base followed by rocks sand grass Pebbles things that nature uh and you're layering it in a system of coar up top or fine up top down to coar at the bottom and charcoal is the last and you would just pour it all into these little guys here through the top so the bottom here would have charcoal right about here and you have your Pebbles you small Pebbles sand and you put mesh cloths or Square pieces of t-shirt uh on either end and you just start pouring your water into through the top dirty water goes in the top clean water comes out the bottom pretty simple it it does run slow uh and that's the only thing that kind of sucks about it but in these really War torn environments or environments where natural disasters have struck the water system that's going to be something that you might have to do uh one other consideration is going to be chemicals um so especially if from run off some streets into rivers like uh that are right by cities or even in like water sources that you could possibly collect it it's good to do a sniff test um so if it smells like gasing it smells like oil it smells like something that's non-p palatable you're not going to want to drink that no matter how much filtration you do it's going to be very difficult to get those chemicals out and you probably don't have the time to do it um that's something that we had a problem with with a lot of the Cities uh with those rivers that run through those cities where there's so much of this exhaust and everything that gets into those rivers that they're almost undrinkable even just the bleed off from the traffic on the streets going into the gutters and then going into those streams and rivers and everything else like that it it becomes pretty bad the other problem is going to be even trees so there can be like pools of water and if you get a bunch of leaves in there it'll actually leech a lot of the chemicals and a lot of the stuff out of the leaves and that will cause like horrific diarrhea ask me how I know it it it could possibly kill you we've both both been through that it's horrible so if possible the things that I've used I've used um gutters like especially like a r gutters up on tops of buildings I've used like natural collection Point especially like uh further away from roads if you have like natural difference in concrete and stuff something that you're able to sip up that works really well rainwater is great the all classic socks tied around your ankles and going through like grass or Dew is a really good way of collecting water just and squeeze that right into your mouth the point is get that water by any means possible because you're going to be non-functional without it and especially if you're going out past the city and you need to collect it start collecting that before you get out of there and that also is going to bring us to another point if you're going somewhere where you're actually going to get back to civilization You're simply escaping a force it's important to have if you drink some really weird water keep a little bit of it with you that way when you get to that medical facility you can be like this is what I drink am I going to die and the answer might be yes uh but at least they can give you something to make it comfortable you know worst case scenario uh but that's that's just one of the things that you might run into drinking [ __ ] that you don't want to but you have to now here in Grand we always harp physical fitness but guess what now we're sponsored by first FL that means that we're more fit than ever but go and check them out we love them and a big thank you to them for sponsoring they have tons of great stuff from protein powders to Greens and reds we use it all actually we do I've used it for a long time so we're looking for another hid sight somewhere to sleep for the night things get a little crazy right now during the night we're right along this park right here and it's pretty quiet we're going to go ahead and hop over there and just kind of nestle down into a little Bush and go to sleep pretty classic spot you see a lot of people sleep in these types of areas and that actually can play to your advantage so whether you have a lot of vagrant hobos living in an area being able to blend with that population might not be such a bad idea and also finding areas that are a little bit harder to get too even within those normal areas can play to your advantage so F right here is going to hop up it's very flexible come on buddy this is going to be a site where we can hide we can sleep we're going of course going to set watches you're never both going to be asleep at the same time if we can collect our things and figure out what the next step is going to be now another great thing about these areas that are kind of secluded people do a lot of weird [ __ ] out here so whether it be kids getting down or or what have you sometimes it's possible to find clothing out here so this is something that I've done I found you know t-shirts covered in vomit or different things I can change my appearance that's all going to be something that I can do that can play to my advantage in changing my appearance this is also going to be a good area where I'm going to be able to sleep and it's going to help me out so this is going to be our hid sight now we're going to talk about what we can do at this hid sight as well and right here we actually do have examples of caches of stuff from various hobos as we can see right over there so from clothes to bedding to what have you uh we're not condoning stealing but at the same time uh it's precuring another man's you know one man's trash another man's treasure also if you've done something like that where you're procuring things don't ever go back to where you procured that stuff from um don't go back to the scene of the crime in Arma 3 in Minecraft okay talking so when we're swapping we can make it look again like we're different people walking around and changing our Outlook and appearance along with that we also want to change our gate maybe swap gear bags because now if they're looking for a person that was wearing a rain jacket and a brown batpack with short hair well wrong person same thing long hair hippie dude with the drug rug on short hair different pants different bag right another great thing is going to be I have procured over my time traveling different things as well so I have a different t-shirt that I have on my bag I also have a different hat that I can wear so depending on where I am have that hat turned forward turned backward depending on whatever the style is this is also going to help conceal my face especially from cameras you have to realize that within the city you're always going to be observed yeah cameras are everywhere everywhere every single one of those buildings that we walk by today uh had security cameras on every corner every flat face of it uh there's no way of getting around inside of big city and with AI recognition technology it's very difficult to get around it um this is the nice thing about if there are certain riots with certain people who wear masks all the time um that's really nice because it makes AI it makes it very difficult for AI recognition to be able to pinpoint that so if that's something that I can use to my advantage everyone's already wearing face masks and running around grab one don't steal don't assault people yeah be like hey I'm I'm on your I'm on your side can I have an extra mask I don't want to be caught so these are things to use to your advantage but you have to understand the longer you're in the city especially if you're being hunted you're probably going to eventually be identified by AI technology no matter what you do with this Urban environment if I'm trying to do evasion or trying to move through it without being noticed my biggest goal is to get out of it I don't want to be here this is the most difficult and dangerous place to be during conflicts you need to leave as fast as possible and as efficiently as possible but also with enough gear and equipment that you'll be able to sustain yourself once you actually leave all these resources that the urban environment does provide now in today's example everything went to [ __ ] when me and F were out just having a day in the town and we need to get back to our families now night has fallen we've sat in our hid sight we've each taken about a little catnap of about an hour to kind of replenish ourselves we've gotten some water we're feeling pretty good but we're going to what we're going to do at this point is procure a little bit of food and then continue on our journey out out of here so we're going to go ahead and break out from our hid sight if we want to make sure that we're not leaving any evidence that we were there trying to naturalize it so if you have any types of footsteps any big body imprints this is something where you can take um some type of Branch you can scoop it over it try to naturalize it a little bit and make it look like you weren't there um as obviously especially if you're being hunted or trapped by certain [Music] entities find anything here if a city is still running things are still going you're typically going to be able to find things in the trash no [ __ ] we actually did just find this this wasn't staged um that's awesome that's a ton of nutrients and food right there and it's going to survive it's going to to St this for a very long time but as things begin to collapse you're definitely going to run into more problems when it comes to food especially the perishable food is going to begin to rot so they're going to begin to throw it out so things that we need to think about are going to be like meat so a lot of people look at a steak as it starts to go bad after it's been thrown out and been like oh it's so good however you can cut away especially on an intact steak that rancid meat and you're typically going to have good meat in the center now if we're able to cook it with whether that be sun dry it whether that be citric acid if you have some type of heat Source that's better sometimes you got to do what you got to do though survival Is Not Great insects are a great one with insects long as it's smaller than your thumb you can typically pull off the head and the legs so they don't get caught in your throat and just eat those suckers whole it's not going to be fun you might catch parasites but a very low chance as it's smaller than the thumb the other thing is to make sure that it's an actual true insect that means it has three segmented Parts six legs so head abdomen thorax and six legs make sure it's an actual insect otherwise you might be in something that could have some toxins inside of it that can hurt you yeah don't don't eat like a spider you don't want to die it's a bad time evading in a city is way less I would say exciting than like evading in the mountains in terms of like visuals what you're seeing on camera but it feels a lot more tense because there's a lot more contact with humans that means there's a lot more chance for danger the final things I want to caution you about is going to be weather so so being that you're constantly in shelter you're probably going between buildings uh there's a lot of overhead cover for you so you're not going to feel the weather nearly as much but as you get out of the city into the rural environment into those fields where there's nothing really breaking the wind especially up into the mountains that weather is going to change drastically on you and you might find yourself in a bad situation so make sure that if you if that weather is bad that you're prepared that you're getting those that clothing in the city that you need while you can get to it the city is a literal just tons of resources are going to be there so if you can acquire those resources prior to leaving the city do it don't put yourself at risk obviously unless you absolutely need to such as water or other things to ensure that you survive but at the same time you get out into those environments and you're just going to die because you don't have enough stuff to cover your body that's still going to be a bad time this is all going to be situation dependent nothing that we teach here is a old always always situation make sure that you adapt it to wherever you are for instance like if if there was a flood we find this in a trash can or anything else like that we don't know how long it's been sitting in there or if it's got water in it if it got moldy or anything else like that I probably would just pass it by um in those situations we're looking for more using natural plants that are foliage in the area and stuff like that we've gone two weeks without eating yeah food shouldn't be a necessity it's a nicity water movement gear for later on and five does bring up a really good uh point which is a lot of the vegetation that's planted within cities is not dangerous they're not planting dangerous plants and a lot of that stuff is actually edible so I think this is probably going to be one of our most important videos because probably the majority of you are going to be living in the city and dealing with this at some point whether it be rots whether it be natural disasters this is stuff that you should study that you should focus on now we've been doing this from like a zero sum as in we started our evasion with very little on us maybe an extra jacket maybe a bottle of water but if you have a little bit of preparation you have a go bag in your car you have more stuff on you when you're traveling more Medical Kit small iodine tablets this stuff can all pay dividends in the end the other thing is going to be know your city know the layout know which direction is north know which direction is South know which type of plants are growing in there know where you could possibly procure food all these things knowing these beforehand could possibly save your life later on down the road and as crazy as this all sounds like we' said before you never want to be in a situation where you get to a point where you need to use this and you've done no preparation you've never practiced it you've never tried it and you don't know it um there is probably some nothing more heartbreaking not even for you but if you're not able to take care of your family in these types of situations um don't don't don't let it go to that point make sure that you're prepared this information is for you guys so study up
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 3,719,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: urban evasion, urban, evasion, sere, urban sere, how to escape the city, being hunted, how to blend in, escape and evasion, escape and evasion kit, escape and evasion tactics, escape and evasion training, escape and evasion tools, escape and evasion bag, escape and evasion urban, urban extractions, escape and evasion full movie english, urban escape and evasion, urban evasion techniques
Id: _f-0GRismLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 58sec (1978 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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