QWOP ON STILTS | Walk Master

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ May 18 2021 🗫︎ replies
hi my name is markiplier and welcome to walkmaster you ever walk good great we're gonna try that now except on stilts except for a goat and except i gotta use my thumb apparently drag your thumb to control the leg i do that oh no oh no it's kwop oh no it's quap on stilts oh no oh no it's crop on stills oh no oh no it's kwop oh yeah oh this is the good stuff oh yeah oh yeah okay interesting did i jump was that mirrored was that something else the hell did that okay how did i jump okay don't bite my taint please hey hey that's pretty good what made me want to play it is um it seems like it's going to get real difficult real quick which i'm probably right about that [Music] at what point do i rip my legs in half there we go okay so far so good all right this is easy so far not bad i think i think it i thought that was the sound of my entire grundle snapping in half all right oh i guess we're good so far i don't know why goat needs to do this but here he is i touched it i touched it wow holy crap okay that counts you can fling yourself bodily into the finish line and it still works out okay that's good so long as i don't mind a little blame damage i think i'll be okay ish what is this supposed okay okay and please don't all right so i i think i spoke too soon this is actually going to be a bit more difficult than i suspected no forward forward backwards okay all right so some of these can break or something like that but other than that i'm okay hey that's pretty good loading sponsor [Music] oh my god go away also you know that's the right way to do it i played like four three levels and a tutorial before i even got a single ad that's how you do it you don't want it in your mobile game you goddamn mobile game greedy blood sucking bastards you don't just start slamming mobile ads as soon as someone gets in the game that's how you get people to jump right out and uninstall it right away if you need to be ad supported i get it hey i'm on youtube here's an ad right now see you know convenient timing so that people can get around it and then they can get on everything that they want i'm not one to speak because in youtube they automatically put one at the beginning of every video so i guess i can't really talk about this but we all understand it's part of the process to make it all as good as possible the difference is the youtubers that just spam every single possible segment of time i'm gonna do a video at some point in the future you can't be mad about this but i'm gonna do a video at some point in the future that is literally an experiment of how many ads i can put in a single video and you will get a prize based on how far you make it you'll actually get no prize i don't think i'm allowed to incentivize stuff like that but in the comments you'll get bragging rights of saying how many ads you were able to sit through so you can't get mad about me about that because i'm saying it right now and i'm being very meta about it and because i'm being self-aware and i'm doing it ironically it won't be anything bad right this is how i get away from what are you i'm sorry i almost tried to under your stinger there just something that something about it really just made me want to fall mouth a gape towards it i really i did it well good for me good thing there's no punishment for dying are these beets put these sick beats here there's something about like just a bee floating in front of you just like irresistible urge to anybody ever get that is it just me this is kind of though that i would actually not mind paying a few bucks for you know i don't know if it's just me but what in the what kind of farm what kind of farm is in technology like this what kind of farm has this a cobblestone road on a what a freaking fan what kind of nightmare farm oh did i hit how did i do that how did i skip we're getting into some advanced tactics there's something about like there's an ability to skip and i want to know what it is skip skip my skin ah shoot okay forget it it'll happen accidentally so you got to let go in order to switch to the other footage maybe that's a trick i let go first what just happened did i die it sounded like flesh being exploded off my bones but apparently not okay raining volcano where am i i was on a farm not two minutes ago my taint whoa what did i do okay so if you tap if you tap oh speed this is pro moves this is pro moves my dude okay ah yeah that's how we do weird okay so it's something about okay it's oh my god oh my god i made it this game is actually fun like i'm i'm actually having quite a good time what are you gonna do you're gonna you eat me you're gonna eat me i'm gonna try to leap off of this watch this boink oh that did not necessitate a reaction like that but i was just excited oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot survive survive survive survive we gotta survive okay all right here we go and then boink and then no ah all right it's getting a bit more difficult and i'm getting a bit more stupid which is not the ideal combination for these things what's this by random oh oh oh oh oh oh mr sure man yeah i'll do mr garfield wow i miss the goat i missed the goat what is the point of this bridge who built this bridge i'm gonna drop oh oh well at least you float okay all right this is gonna be tough okay it's it suddenly got a lot more difficult and by a lot more difficult i mean i'm real bad i never actually got better at the game oh no here we go this is where i lose it this is where i suddenly start to say how much i hate the game when in reality it's just my skill level that's that's getting me to not be what do you do here what oh there's shallow water oh no yeah i'm an idiot okay making progress doing why do i need to be on stilts why is this a necessity who deemed this rodent necessary to have stalts please please i'm pranking you i'm begging you please please please oh no oh no oh oh no i've lost all ability to do even the most basic of walks i did it again i did the same thing i know why i'm trying to get good at like the the the advanced tactics so that in the future when i get to the things that actually need the advanced tactics i will be able to do the advanced tactics you know what i mean it's all part of my master strategy don't ask why i don't even know why because no one can know the genius of my boy that was easy when i did what i was supposed to do boy that was sure easy boy that was really easy no i'm not gonna watch an ad for more coins i would never do that oh my god okay cool man i would never do that i've standards and now it's winter uh oh i know what this is gonna do i see i see okay all right okay it's about to get tough okay this is where my grundle gets ripped in plane in twain i say it oh okay well dive face first into it yeah that's the way to do well okay i didn't do that leap nice nice nice that's how you do that's how you do perfect i'm goddamn great at this there we go this is how we do this is how we do ignore the moving glaciers it's part of climate change don't ask any questions about it best play in ignorance here hello yeah ah yes the helicopter bridge perfect why is there a western camper on skis back there you know i gotta give it for the developers in terms of style on this because they really got the style going be careful careful you wouldn't want to mess anything up like my flexible grundle i hear much is there just like a troop of clowns juggling chainsaws down there i would love to believe that boing i need the jump ah shoot okay so what i need to do is not okay go go go my balls my balls i'm good challenge unlocked i like the sound of a challenge can i please skip it's a lot of ads it's a lot of ads i will admit it's still a lot of ads okay fear of heights what is this there's a lot of levels in this game that's very impressive hello who's here oh my god oh no well if i run right into it i'm not gonna get very far am i [Music] what do i do wow that's really something oh the bandage yeah for all the brain damage yeah that makes sense crown ah don't forget the it's too expensive i can get different stilts give me staltz yeah yellow wait hold on a second yellow are my eyes just broken on this cause that don't look yellow it's just decapitated giraffe what did you do to the giraffes i'm gonna go for another character [Music] lenny no i don't want lenny all right what do you got what do you got what do you got i love it i love it yes please clownfish i hate it i hate it oh boy i love it i love it never mind i love it i didn't know if that was actually gonna break on me but it sure seemed like a wood okay come here you yeah launch me launch me launch me launch me launch me oh leg longly here we go man i'm getting good at this i'm getting goddamn good at this my i would be fine i'm a fish when's it gonna get tough when's it gonna get tough again oh look at that look at the me this game is goddamn pleasant this game's got oh god oh god oh no ain't a problem ain't a problem for the likes of me genius this is good stuff oh my god we're fine we're fine why are we not fine we're fine we are fine no okay this is actually getting a lot tougher really quickly i have to understand the dynamics of physics and how the rotational r r r r r r easy peasy turns out the answer was patience turns out the answer was not running straight oh no oh my mouth is ready my mouth is ready my bee buddy one second all right here we go man nailing it i'm nailing this uh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh we're fine yes please my friends that's very cute though well if i was gonna listen to a sponsor anyway i would have just taken the thing to uh it's a bit much it is a bit much okay let's not get smooshed in the brain okay we're good we're good oh my god we're good we're good we're good we're good we're we are good we are good my friends we are good okay leg longly leg longly leg long lead ah leg longly leg longly like i am a genius i am a genius i'm a genius here i come volcano you ain't gonna get me i'm a genius i'm a gene oh my god i'm a genius i'm a genius i'm a genius i'm a goddamn jesus yes [Music] i like the clown fish i do not like this sound fish hi who the hell are you spo who who in the hell are you chasing after me are you coming to kill me are you coming to kill me oh my god it's coming to kill me oh my god he's coming oh my god what happened [Music] what the frick was you all right oh my god oh my god boing please no no no no no no no no no no how are you are you at all supposed to be able to get out of those situations or is it just i'm stupid and the answer is i should never be in this situation in the first place come back to me come back come back to me come back to me come back to me oh god okay center mass center mass center mass center map perfect okay here we go no no okay we're fine we're fine we're fine yeah we're good we're good we're good glacier be damned oh my goodness oh my goodness center mass perfect center mass i am a genius i am a god i'm pretty good okay all right let's see let's see let's see oh no do i you no oh well if i can't even if i can't even do anything about it then it's not okay what a jump i did it oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god hello i did it i'm a genius who just walks around nice okay this is how you do it right this is how you do it okay this is how you do it oh this is how you do it i'm getting really good at this guys and guys i am getting really good at this i don't know why you're laughing but i'm getting extremely good at this i'm getting bananas learn to jump i already knew how to jump dude i knew how to jump see i've always i already been prepared for it you think i didn't already okay if i slam my balls as hard as i can on the cliff's edge what happens to me oh yeah oh yeah blamo i am so good hey i'm the goat again that's cool all right how are you going to make me do this nons okay right into the mouth of the beast nice careful i'm going i'm going oh my god i'm going i'm oh my god i'm go oh my god i'm going yes yes yes i'm a genius oh no yes okay oh my god don't jump oh my god i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm going oh my god i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm going now damn it that would have been really cool if i could have done that all at one but i didn't because it's stupid no please not like this okay okay i'm gonna do just a couple more because otherwise i'll be here all day this game is actually surprisingly fun not sponsored but it could be why what okay [Music] oh my god i'm so good i'm so goddamn good all right i'm gonna i'm gonna call it there i did pretty good uh obviously because i'm at the beginner it means that i'm very good at the game um i beat the first few levels which are always the hardest it always gets easier from there so i don't need to worry about anything it's all it's all part of the plan it's all good don't worry about it i'm i'm an expert at this so thank you everybody so much for watching like i said not sponsored about this but if you want to play this game it's in the description below a few too many ads that's what i'm gonna say just just a few too many ads you know if you're getting an ad every like minute or so that that that might be indicative of too many ads so thank you everybody so much for watching let me know what you thought down in the comments below and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,358,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, markipliergame, walk master, ipad, ios, gaming, gameplay, markiplier game, walk master game, android, mobile games
Id: dL2j3OtTzx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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