Putting Weird Things In An Ice Shaver (Test)

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Its hilarious how without the entire crew, the past episodes has all these cuts and error scenes. I couldnt stop laughing, and then the black out was such good timing

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/CheeseWeenie 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

I love how it cut from Link loading the penis and screaming to Rhett loading the penis and screaming.

Fun fact: my grandpa used to have a novelty cane made of bull penis. My dad got it for him. At first he wouldn’t touch it, but eventually he started walking around with it and handing it to people to admire just to see their reaction when he told them what it was made of.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/toadpuppy 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

My thoughts during this episode:

" quarantine was hard on them"

"I would never be able to explain this to anyone i know"

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Deppfan16 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

This was a highly enjoyable episode! Lots of fun segments stuffed in, and lots of humorous moments. There's nothing like watching two former engineers scream like Vikings while trying to shove a bull penis into a snow cone machine...

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/FloridaFlamingoGirl 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

I am sad that they didn't try and put a Furby in the ice shaver. I get sick pleasure from watching them try and mutilate that early 2000s nightmare.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/JayCaesar12 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

Horrifying and amazing.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/lady_laughs_too_much 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
- We're makin' taco snowballs, y'alls! - Let's talk about dat. (upbeat music) Good mythical morning. - Now, I haven't shaved since the summer of 2016, but that all changes today. - Uh huh. - Ice shave, that is! Yes, today, I'm not gon be shavin' this. I ain't gonna do dat, but we're gonna be shaving all kinds of weird stuff with this bad boy. - And that is a big, big, bad boy, but my thing about shaved ice is that I've always viewed it as like the step child of desserts-- - Yeah, okay. - It's my least favorite, and I don't eat it. I don't eat my step children. - Yup, and you don't have any. - (chuckles) Because I don't have any. - But, okay the fact that it's not that great is not gonna be a problem because we're not gonna be using this thing as intended. We're about to take this thing on a wild weird ride. (playful music) It's time for Putting Things in Things, Ice Shaver edition. - I'm not a sponsor, but tell us about this thing. Give us the stats man-- - It's got a handle. - You know how guys like to talk about their motors? - Well before the guys talk about the motors, I'm gonna tell you. Link, don't stick your hand in here-- - In here? - And don't stick your hand in here ever. - In here? - Because, unless you want your finger to be shaved. Okay, this is the Zeny commercial industrial quality ice shaver. This has 2,500 RPMs-- - Not a sponsor. - And a shaving capacity of 440 pounds an hour. That means if you can find 440 pounds of something, and you had an hour (chuckles), you could shave it all! (playful music) - Obviously, this thing is great for shaving some H2O, but what about T-A-C-O? So, we're gonna make some frozen tacs snow cones. - First of all, I'm just gonna start it up. - Turn it on. (humming) Now, that's got a hefty hum to it. - 2,500 RPMs, do not stick your hand in there, okay? I know how you are. - Wow, I see that thing spinnin' in there, man. - Here we go, I'm gonna throw this chunk of beef in there. - Let it slide. Let it slide. (thud) There we go. - I'm gonna send some beef your way. - Look at that. (rattling) - [Link] Okay. - Okay, there, oh, there that's, look at that beef! - That's pretty good. - Ooh that's, I like the consistency of that beef. (rattles) Whoa, that's so pleasing! - I mean, it looks like pencil shavings (laughs). - Well, we still got more. Might as well just-- (rattling) - [Link] Oh my goodness, okay, okay. - That's all the beef. - Yeah, that's, there's plenty, that's probably too much beef, my friend, all right. - There's a lot of beef on me too. - Look it, now-- - Cheese! You're a cheese man? You gotta put the thing under there-- - Don't yell! This is intense! I don't want to accidentally put my hand in there. - Okay, I'll do it then. Here we go. (rattling) - [Both] Whoa, whoa, whoa! - Those cheese blocks really-- (deep rattling) Yeah! - [Link] Oh that's good! - Okay, third? - There's only two of us. (rattling) - Whoa! That is a good sound. (rattling) - Man! - Man, that's-- - It's so satisfying! - Now, frozen cheese-- - We gotta do somethin' about that. - That's a good idea. - Just throw just like onion, tomato, (rattling) and lettuce, just, yeah. And then again, we gotta be ready for it. - I really didn't want, oh, whoa! - [Rhett] It took it a while to get to the other ingredients. - Is that onions? - That's all onion-- - Right here. - [Rhett] There's tomato. Okay, okay, okay, move that one, 'cause that's the one I want. It had no tomato. Hit me. - That's it, I don't know what happened. - Oh we gotta-- - I think it was just all comin' out. - We gotta use a, yeah, just kind of like sandwich it. I mean this, this really looks like snow freakin' cone material. - Man, the way it did that lettuce at the end. Get a nice good bite now. - Giddy, giddy, giddy, giddy! Woo it's cold, woo! - I mean don't it feels like summer now. Summer's officially here! Ming it. - And sink it. (crunching) - Oh! - Oh, it's so crunchy. It's so crunchy! Just when you thought a taco couldn't get crunchy in every part of itself. - It did. - It went and did it. And the weird thing is that it melts in your mouth. - [Link] Oh yeah-- - Like an M&M (chuckles). - Yeah, I guess. It tastes like an M&M. - I think this could be big in Alaska. You know what I'm sayin', they don't know. - I think they already know. (playful music) Elmo loves to be tickled, but did you know he also loves to be frozen and shredded (chuckles)? (Elmo laughing) - See look, he's already enjoying himself. - Yeah, yeah, you've been spending some time in the freezer? Now you're ready to go-- - [Elmo] (laughing) Oh boy! - Yeah, exactly. - So, I think-- (shaking and laughing sounds from Elmo) - Whoa! Oh, he's getting scared now. - That is a proper emotional response to what is about to happen to you, Elmo. (Elmo laughing) Now, he's cold everywhere, but his legs were actually dipped in water and frozen, so-- - He looks like he's got some ice toes. - [Rhett] This is what happens when you walk on frozen lakes, kids. - All right, so... Maybe we cross the legs? - [Elmo] (laughing) That tickles. - Yeah, it's gonna tickle a lot buddy. Shut up for a second. (humming) He's shakin' now. - Don't stick your hands in there. - I'm not! My hands not goin' in there. - I'm just worried about you. - Thank you. (beep) - Here we go. (deep humming) Oh yeah! Don't worry, he's okay. (beep) - Yeah! (humming) (laughs) (beep) - Whoa, what? Did we just loose everything? We lost power? (beep) You pushed him so far down, it got to his internal organs, and the spirit of Elmo left him and entered into the building. And everything, all the power went out. - Took the light with 'em. - Let's see what actually happened in here. - Okay. - I just don't think he's quite long enough. - We just got one foot shaved. - We just shaved him a little bit. Just shaved a foot a little bit. - Think about how that felt. - [Elmo] Oh boy! Would you like to see your friend get shaved? He's got smaller legs. Let's go with the Cookie Monster. - What does Cookie Monster say? - [Cookie Monster] Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! Me love cookies! - (chuckles) Okay, hey! There's some cookies in there, Cookie Monster! - So-- (humming) Maybe push his... His legs are smaller so, let's see if he turns the lights out. (deep rattling) - Oh, here we go. - [Elmo] (laughs) That tickles! (rattling) - Oh yeah, there we go! Nothings comin' out. (beep) Can you use this thing? - It doesn't help. (beep) (screaming) (beep) - [Both] Oh! - A big ol fluff came out! A lot of Elmo and Cookie Monster-- - Yeah, yeah, now keep pushing. (beep) - Don't look away, son. You're gonna watch this happen. (beep) But looking at this. - [Elmo] (laughs) That tickles! - You know what would really be twisted is feeding him himself. - [Elmo] (laughs) Oh boy! - Taste good, doesn't it? - Let's see if the Cookie Monster, if he's still doin' okay. - [Cookie Monster] Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! Me love cookies! (laughs) (playful music) - Before we taste these strange snowcones, wanna let you know that our novel, "The Lost Causes of Bleak Creek" is in a floppy paperback version so if you like-- - So floppy. - If you like floppy stuff, then you wanna get this. Go to bleakcreek.com. There's lots of new things in the back. There's some new features like Q and A with us, there's a reader's guide, there's-- - Quiz. - A quiz. Lots of fun, and it's floppy. Bleakcreek.com. - Okay, now for this round, we didn't do the grinding. What has been shaved here is a complete fast food meal, and we're going to eat it and then 3, 2, 1, guess which restaurant it came from, and if you get it wrong, you have to eat whatever's gonna be in the next round, which is gon be nasty. Lot of brown, lot of white. - [Link] White. - A little bit of green, okay. I wanna get this over with. Let's do it. Oh, it's very bready. - Ah! - Oh, that's bad. - How did it get so bad? I guess when we put it through the ice shaver, it got bad. - Ew, okay-- - [Woman] You ready? - We're getting me and Rhett don't have to taste it anymore? We're guessing the restaurant? - [Woman] Yeah. You're guessing the restaurant. Here we go. 3, 2, 1. - McDonalds. - Burger King. - [Woman] Let's see a little video. It's gonna give you the answer. (humming and rattling) - [Link] Uh, it's a happy meal, isn't it? (rattling) Where's that, oh. (rattling) Ah, McDonald's happy meal, Chase! With a morose look on your face, Chase. Were you sad to be grinding? - [Chase] I was very sad. - Well, the good news is-- - Okay, that means I gotta eat whatever-- - What, you thought it was Burger King. You gotta eat the nasty in the next round. - I just thought it was nasty, but what we're gonna eat next is nasty. - Ugh. (playful music) - Okay Rhett, next up, you gotta eat something more horrifically named than Elon Musk's new child. This is going to be the penis colada 'cause this is a frozen bull penis. - God, what it just looks like a old cane or something (chuckles). - (laughs) It's a cane that got really sad. - [Rhett] Why does the bull gotta get all the penis? - [Link] I just don't wanna, okay. - Is that what, that's the end? It looks like a shoe. (laughs) It looks like a wooden shoe. I mean, I've never looked-- - Yeah, it's Dutch. All right, here, (chuckles) turn it on. - This one's for The Netherlands. Okay, here we go. (humming) - I mean... I wonder if I should... (rattling) - [Both] Oh! - God, oh! I immediately grabbed my own crotch. (thuds) - [Both] Oh gosh! (screams) - This is a nightmare! (rattling) (screaming) I can't take it anymore. - Oh look, just the tip! So far, it's just the tip. - Oh my God! - And we could almost get the whole thing filled up. - Ugh! - So far, it's just-- (screaming) (beep) (screaming) (beep) (rattling suddenly stops) - Ugh, some went in my mouth! (screaming) (beep) Well, we reached a new low. - I'ma tell you right now, I know you can't smell it (chuckles), but the smell of penis is filling the air. (penis hits the floor) - You wouldn't think it, would come from a frozen, oh gosh. - Now, I want you to lick dat. - I'm gon do what, just because I didn't know it's from McDonalds, this seems like a unfair punishment. - Yeah, that's how this show works. - What kind of justice is this? - What kind of show is this? - Don't touch it! Get your own penis cone (chuckles)! - Lick the cow wiener. - (gags) Oh my lord, when I smell that thing, just smell it. (gagging and screaming) - (screaming) Your beard's shaking. Melts in your mouth and in your hand. - When you get a little piece of it... I think that's the... That's how you take penis just a little bit at a time. (playful music) - Now, we're gonna have a little black light party with some shaving and 'cause we got our makeup on-- - Oh yeah we do. - And we've got some scorpions here. If you take a look at that scorpion, normal black scorpion, and then if you hit the lights, that thing turns freaking into turquoise. And we got some tonic water here, which should also glow. Let's bring-- - Lower the lights. - And let's start with some ice. - I mean look at that glow-- - That is so cool. - All right, hit me with some tonic ice. (humming) (ice clunks) - Goin' in there. I wasn't speaking 'cause I was concentrating so hard. - Yeah, I'm gon push her down. - Push her in. - Here we go, all right. (rattling) All right, here, let's see this, let's see this for a sec. If you just look at the glow in front of my shirt, it's pretty glowy, but we gotta take these scorpions, those turquoise bad boys and just throw those in there. - That is the species that we're dealing with, turquoise bad boys. (rattling) - Oh, that's gonna taste good. - You didn't die in vain, boys! (light rattling) - Oh, that's pleasant. Oh gosh! - Here, lemme give you another ice cube. - Oh look how much scorpion's just sittin' on top right there. - All right, here. Push those in there. (rattling) Just to push the scorpion out. (rattling) Oh, no stop! Nope, it's not working. Okay, so, if you... So we've got-- - Man, there's a lot of scorpion juice. Did you see that? Look how turquoise it is. - We got a lot of scorpion on the top of this thing. I'll bite off of this side, you bite off the other side? - I don't understand the science behind this. - Ah, (screams)! - Why, scorpions, how did they evolve this particular-- - [Link] Oh! - You're in trouble? - (choking) Scorpion tastes horrible. - Why is it so hard? (nervous laughter) It's so bitter, my God (spits). - Bring the lights up! It's over, it's over! We had our fun with this ice shaver. Now I need some 1-on-1 time to bond with Elmo. - All right, don't try this at home, but if you do (chuckles), you know, invite us. It'll be a snow cone party. - (laughs) Thanks for subscribing and clickin' that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Nick. - And I'm Eden. - And we just taste tested Icelandic liquor to celebrate our one-year engagement anniversary, and it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality. - Icelandic liquor tasting! - Yeah, congratulations! - Yeah! Click the top link to watch us guess the weirdest stuff ever found in ice week in Iceland (wheel clicking) on Good Mythical Morning. - And to find out where the wheel of mythicality's gonna land. - [Narrator] Get "The Lost Causes of Bleak Creek" paperback edition by visiting bleakcreek.com
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,619,296
Rating: 4.904623 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, will it, taste test
Id: RHKCguyltYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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