PTE Listening Fill in the Blanks December 2021-II Exam Predictions Language Academy PTE NAATI IELTS

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[Music] [Music] all right guys i'll just take one minute of your preacher's time just wanted to let all of you know that if you want to practice all these questions using artificial intelligence and practice on a portal which is as similar as your actual pt exam which will give you exact scores which you are likely to get in your exam just register on language you can practice as many questions on top of that you can get instant feedback instant scores and instant suggestions on what are the things you need to work on and how to improve your mistakes and turn them into your strengths you can also take a full scored mock test you'll get a full scorecard you'll get in-depth analysis you'll get tutors feedback one mock test is available for free and four sectional mock tests are available for free you just need to go on register over there use google chrome login and practice and make sure you get your desired score at the earliest now you can continue with the video or you can just log on to and practice all these questions over there as well all the very best i'll see you very soon [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] science's arrival has been a major boon to humanity science has liberated us from age-old ignorance sorrow and gloom it is a loyal servant who serves us in all aspects of life at home in the field and in the workplace it has proven to be a very obedient servant science is a magical force it has changed the way we live science has reduced the cost of luxury things making them more accessible to the general public on a broad scale science makes items at lower prices every possible form of entertainment has been delivered to our doorstep boredom is eliminated from our life by listening to the radio or watching television they've brightened our lives and lessened our burdens even a cobbler has a radio on his person while fixing the shoes he listens to the radio programmers robotics technology is rapidly evolving giving us with new tools to help us with household chores vehicle assembly and a variety of other jobs robotic technology has altered the environment around us and will continue to do so in the future the evolution of robotic technology from the past to the present touches practically everyone in today's society affecting both our job and leisure activities robotics is a discipline of mechanical engineering electrical engineering and computer science concerned with the design construction operation and use of robots as well as the control and processing of robots using computer systems these technologies are concerned with automated devices that can perform a variety of tasks activities surroundings and processes in the absence of a human the most effective tool and medium for human progress is education through a continual process of inquiry experimentation and creativity education alters one's mentality a nation cannot expect its future inhabitants to be knowledgeable and creative without such behaviors malala yousafzai a modern political activist said education is a needed thing the learn differ from the illiterate as much as the living differ from the dead aristotle said and this quotation proves it these two quotations demonstrate the value of education in everyone's life the goal of education according to the indian sages is second birth rapid industrialization created its own set of issues because most industries were concentrated in cities a vast number of people moved from villages to cities by the 1920s nearly half of the population of the united states resided in the 12 largest industrial cities resulting in issues such as poverty housing sanitation bad working conditions and low pay the government's policy of fostering industry had given businessmen carte blanche laws that were favorable to the sector were passed it resulted in widespread discontent and dissatisfaction among the working classes workers were brought together under the umbrella of labor unions as the number of strikes increased the nation's attention was drawn to the worker's plight a positive thinker reaches the pinnacles of fame and is remembered long after he has passed away an evil individual on the other hand is detested even by current generations let alone future generations even hitler had to have good thinking in order to become germany's chancellor but his bad thoughts brought sorrow to the globe and caused mankind to suffer ultimately leading to his downfall ravana's name was also recorded in the epics because of the good characteristics he possessed the only problem was that he abused them positive thinking means focusing one's thoughts on positive outcomes and applying one's abilities to attain what is good and honorable in the 20th century english poetic drama evolved as a reaction to ibsen shaw and galsworthy's naturalistic prose drama this prose drama had reached a stalemate by the second decade of the 20th century overall this prose play written in a decadent stage after shaw's best work failed to capture the depth suspense and complexity of contemporary life it was purely for entertainment purposes and did not maintain any high standards it was solely preoccupied with social and economic matters completely ignoring deeper and more fundamental ones it sought for photographic realism shied away from romantic and poetic elements and had become overly academic and sophisticated it appealed to the intellect rather than the emotions as a result a number of writers who had established themselves as poets rather than dramatists suffered plastic money is one of those innovations that has revolutionized our way of life we can now safely transact money as a result of it when traveling to a distant nation you no longer need to carry physical currency and you also don't have to worry about it being stolen the banking system's payments have changed dramatically as a result of the financial sector's technological revolution following privatization and globalization there has been an increase in the number of new payment options prior to the introduction of credit cards and debit cards the majority of commercial transactions were conducted in cash since the cash is replaced by plastic cards it is called plastic money despite having fewer physical branches banks and many other businesses may reach the largest number of clients by using plastic money excessive fertilizer and pesticide use pollutes the soil on a big scale according to science a healthy soil relies on bacteria fungus and other microorganisms that can endure trash in the soil and release nutrients these nutrients assist plants in growing in a natural manner overuse of fertilizers and pesticides on the other hand kills these soil companions as a result the soil becomes less fertile furthermore it is the cause of a number of fatal disorders as a result excessive fertilizer and pesticide use should be avoided compost and other bio products should be used as manure as soon as possible farmers should be urged to use only environmentally friendly fertilizers yet this will result in a vicious circle of starved mouths as a result every effort must be made to bring our rapidly growing population under control for more than 15 years the global market for organic food has been expanding the desire to cultivate organically is mostly motivated by environmental concerns traditional farming methods rely primarily on fossil fuels which are finite resources organic farming preserves biological variety in the system by reducing pollutants and minimizing soil deterioration and erosion its goal is to recycle as much materials and resources as feasible it also necessitates the prudent use of water resources it is also more cost effective than other farming methods because organic farming avoids the use of artificial pesticides it results in less nutrient pollution vocational education consists primarily of hands-on courses in which students develop skills and knowledge that are directly related to a future vocation furthermore as the indian economy grows new industries develop as does the demand for specialists in many disciplines hair cutting fashion design jewelry design thomistry salon boutique footwear design advertising public relations catering interior design lighting wedding planning gift wrapping candle making card designing toy making paintings and flower making bag designing tourism industry mobile and gadget repairing music and dance acting nutrition and fitness industry gym culture and many other professions have seen an increase in demand educators students and parents now have access to a wide range of learning resources because to technological advancements here are a few examples of how technology has benefited education over time technology enhances learning 24 hours a day seven days a week and helps students develop 21 street century abilities it increases the number of courses and learning materials available teachers may now connect with colleagues around the world address flaws in their work and provide the greatest possible education to their children technology provides students with immediate access to a wealth of high quality information allowing them to learn at a far faster pace than before the internet gives a wealth of information and does not confine students to the opinions of a single person using audio or visual aids to explain a topic allows for a deeper understanding and better clarification a sensible guy distributes his time wisely between work and enjoyment those who simply work or enjoy themselves do not do themselves justice and those who waste their time are dreadful sinners wasters of time are responsible not only for themselves but also for their families societies and the world at large now is the moment to take action act now or you'll have to regret it later because you didn't act when the time was right your family society country and the rest of the globe are all looking for you to help them prepare yourself and attain your life's highest ambitions only then will you be able to justify the time that god has given you otherwise you'd become lost in the mass with no one to recognize you the most obvious and significant benefit of television as the availability of news without the distorting element of human couriers news that once took months to get from one location to another now takes only a fraction of a second the positive influence of improved communication on our lives as enormous we are not only more knowledgeable about current happenings throughout the world but we are also exposed to a diverse range of cultures and lifestyles these days news is broadcast in a variety of regional languages in order to reach the widest possible audience television is an unrivaled source of entertainment it gives hours of entertainment and amusement for both young and old video games can help you improve your hand-eye coordination because of its superior quality reach frequency usability immediacy and permanence social media has gained worldwide traction as it has gone from laptops computers to mobile phones it has gained a lot of popularity and usage as a result access is simple and convenient social networks blogs social wikis reviews and trips videos music social social gaming photo sites conferences b2b social podcast social couponing and life casting are some of the most essential social media tools while social networks like facebook and twitter as well as videos like youtube have gained widespread adoption b2b social reviews and travel may help you purchase in a fun and easy way by discussing what other people or your friends are buying nature's beauty is limitless divine and abundant in blessings for humanity for artists and artisans all around the world it has always been their first source of inspiration there are several pieces of art poetry and music that are inspired by the beauty of nature that have captivated audiences all over the world flowing rivulets dancing wind and birds smiling flowers and soaring mountains are only a few of the natural wonders the wonderful and unique diversity of flora and fauna their colors sizes and shapes that exist in various parts of the earth varied seasons and the rising and setting sun in its varied and unforgettable glory as well as the unique terrain of mountains water plateaus and forests etc are all characteristics of nature's beauty the simple answer is that yesterday's sharp decrease in stock prices across the board generated a buying opportunity as market gurus like to put it it tends to attract investors looking for deals among the wreckage investors decided that selling had gotten a little carried away therefore buyers have raised all of the main indices today it wasn't surprising that the dao nasdaq and sandam p 500 were all up roughly half a percent in early trading today overseas the sell-off has continued in certain ways european markets as well as several asian markets remain sluggish but you'll recall that it all started with a massive drop of roughly nine percent on the shanghai stock exchange chinese stocks on the other hand have recovered by roughly 4 percent for the first time japanese researchers conducted a real-life experiment to demonstrate how traffic backups may arise seemingly out of nowhere they parked the 22 cars on a single track and instructed the drivers to maintain a steady speed of 30 kilometers per hour traffic goes smoothly at first but soon the distance between cars began to change and vehicles clumped together at one spot on the track but the jams traveled backward along the track like a shock wave at a speed of around 20 kilometers per hour real-life traffic jams travel backward at a similar rate the first difference has the effect of refining and broadening public views by passing them through the medium of a select group of citizens whose wisdom may best discern the true interests of their country and whose patriotism and love of justice will be least likely to sacrifice it to temporary or partial considerations it's possible that under such a regulation the public voice pronounced by representatives of the people will be more congruent with the public welfare than if it's pronounced by the people themselves summoned for the purpose air pollution has just recently been recognized in a closed atmosphere it's not uncommon to feel as if you're suffocating it is frequently attributed to a shortage of oxygen fortunately the composition of air is very consistent throughout the globe the air contains roughly 79 nitrogen and 21 oxygen with the remaining gases making up a very minor amount true carbon dioxide emitted from the lungs can collect in a confined and overcrowded space however unless the area is completely airtight such an increase is usually minor and only lasts a short time poisonous gases such as carbon monoxide can be inhaled in a closed room that has been heated with coal this could be fatal as well according to psychologists parents who overindulge their children make them more sensitive to anxiety and sadness in the future the ideals of thrift and self-sacrifice were instilled in today's parents since they grew up in a culture where no was a common word today's children desire far more in part because there is so much more to desire the eldest members of generation excess were born in the late 1980s at a time when personal computers and video games were wreaking havoc on the living room they consider mp3 players and flat screen televisions to be necessities and they have devised tactics to obtain them according to a survey of teenagers most anticipate to ask their parents nine times before they get what they want by all accounts parents are spending record amounts during our adventures we are delighted by the intriguing and occasionally dangerous animals every day we are greeted by bearded harps and ring seals the abundance of bird life is incredible we've seen and smelled hundreds of thousands of thick build mirrors clinging to their cliffside nests at moments our maps show that we're on the outskirts of a massive shoal where i see ocean currents up well and mix nutrients providing a feast for the food chain these animals have the ability to scare the living daylights out of us at times they have a habit of coming up behind us then leaping out of the water and belly flipping for maximum splash and noise in polar bear country a terrifying splash from behind has a heart-stopping effect a green corridor is the term used to describe the traditional way of carrying organs by road this procedure comprises police escorting an ambulance through traffic so that it can reach its destination as quickly as possible typically a special traffic lane is established and all traffic signals along the route remain green on most circumstances a green corridor is a path cleared and fenced off by traffic cops to facilitate the smooth and steady transit of harvested organs to those in need of a life-saving transplant organs have a short preservation time such as the heart which must be harvested and transplanted within four hours or the lungs which may only be kept for six hours once harvested because there is no disposal option that will truly help to solve the problem there is no way to strictly limit the consequences of plastic bags on the environment although reusing them is the first step the majority of individuals do not do so these bags aren't strong enough to withstand multiple trips to the supermarket reusing them is the best a citizen can do the main issue is that once they have been soiled they end up in the trash which is then disposed of in a landfill or burned neither of these options is environmentally friendly burning releases hazardous chemicals that hurt the environment and raise the quantity of vox in the air whereas landfills store them eternally as part of the global plastic waste problem similarly practical exposure is needed in universities and institutions so that students can see how an industry works in real life taking a student to a manufacturing company for example will provide him or her a greater understanding of the business in response to this shift most professional colleges including b schools have begun to provide students with practical experience through guest lectures industry visits conferences seminars cultural festivals and other activities students are better able to identify their potential areas of work in the overall organizational function as a result of industrial visits they also aid in the development of interpersonal skills and communication approaches in addition guest lectures are critical for students overall growth walking every day has always been a source of inspiration for me for many artists a simple stroll served as a source of creative inspiration charles dickens was known for taking three-hour walks every afternoon and what he saw inspired his riding tchaikovsky could get away with a two-hour trip but he wouldn't return early since he was afraid it would make him sick after lunch ludwig van beethoven went for long walks carrying a pencil and paper with him in case inspiration struck on his long walks from paris to his working-class suburb composer eric saty did the same stopping under street lamps to jot down ideas that came to him along the way it's said that when those lamps were switched out during the war years his music suffered as well the key to success is consistency in the modern concept of job hopping it becomes even more significant he who erroneously alters his direction of conduct from time to time will remain a non-entity every time he'll have to start over as a result his previous experiences are rendered useless furthermore in the absence of prior experience his caliber and skill have little room to grow naturally someone who switches trades frequently will suffer the most and will be unable to advance in their career people are unlikely to trust such a person hence he is unlikely to earn goodwill as a result it is preferable to stick to one location or occupation and seize opportunities as they arrive he will be able to do honor to his own strengths and solidify his position if he does so dogs are much more than a man's best friend children who have dogs are less likely to develop asthma according to previous research now if results from mice can be applied to humans a new study may demonstrate how the findings were presented at an american society for microbiology meeting the hygiene hypothesis is tested in this study extreme cleanliness according to the theory may potentially increase sickness in the long run researchers gathered dust from dog-owning households mice were given the house dust they next infected the mice with respiratory syncytial virus rsv a common pediatric infection touchdown has been confirmed on mars we are safe when word arrived that the curiosity rover had landed safely on mars late on august 5th pacific time the control room at nasa's jet propulsion laboratory erupted the one-ton rover which dwarfs all previous mars landers will now spend two years on the martian surface researching it is estimated that the mission will cost 2.5 billion dollars curiosity's mission is to explore gale crater's interior where a massive mound of sedimentary deposits may reveal evidence of a wetter possibly habitable mars billions of years ago but first it had to make it through a complicated landing procedure which appears to have gone through without a hitch curiosity arrived on schedule and on target beaming back hazy images of its wheels and shadow every year roughly 10 million tons of paper end up in landfills and incinerators in the united states which is not only wasteful but also emits co2 even if you recycle you'll have to repulp and paper eyes the material before you can print out that recipe you'll never bake but what if you could clean the page and reuse it to the rescue light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation according to a new study laser light can remove toner from printed paper the method was published in proceedings of the royal society a scientists utilized a page from the art restoration manual to test a range of light sources to see if any could be used to remove ink from laser printed documents without hurting or discoloring the paper doctors are experts when it comes to prescription drugs go for two quick walks and call me in the morning says the narrator however for many people a light get moving regimen may be exactly what the doctor ordered many of us aren't in the best of physical shape however a huge proportion of people are day conditioned according to michael joyner of the mayo clinic in an essay published in the journal of physiology when people try even little exercise after surgery illness pregnancy or extended inactivity for any reason they may feel faint or exhausted these symptoms according to joyner should be recognized by doctors as a medical state of deconditioning that might be better assisted with a modest supervised exercise program rather than as symptoms that should be treated with medicines hormone is derived from a greek term meaning to excite hormones are found in all multicellular organisms and help the organism's parts work together hormones are chemical messengers it is created in one region of the body and then transferred to other sections of the body where it activates cell and tissue responses a series of classic investigations on how plant stands respond to life gave rise to the concept of chemical messengers and plants consider how a house plant on a windowsill develops toward the light if the plant is rotated in a forest or other natural habitat where plants may be crowded the growth of a plant toward light is termed phototropism and it will soon reorient its development until its leaves face the window again global warming may appear to be a botanical blessing milder temperatures as well as more carbon dioxide and nitrogen could benefit flora however a 10-year study indicated that any initial benefit from climate change on plant growth may be short-lived the study was published in nature climate change four grassland ecosystems were relocated to lower warmer elevations by researchers based on revised rainfall estimates they also changed the precipitation at the transplant sites the plants performed admirably the first year producing more biomass in creating more oxygen for us however throughout the rest of the decade they were less productive what went wrong the nitrogen cycle was sped up as a result of global warming which should have boosted nitrogen availability as a plant fertilizer many folks don't feel completely human without that first cup of coffee in the morning according to a new study caffeine's heightened sensation of well-being is reflected in our interpretation of words caffeine specifically improves the ability to distinguish words linked with good emotions but not ones associated with negative or even neutral emotions the study was published in the plos one journal the scientists divided the 66 participants into two groups half of the participants were given a 200 milligram caffeine tablet which is about equivalent to three cups of coffee a sugar tablet was given to the other half after 30 minutes the volunteers were shown strings of letters and had to determine if each string formed a word or was merely nonsense as quickly as possible various effluents and industrial wastes harm rivers this makes the water more poisonous and kills a lot of aquatic plants and animals in addition companies dump hot water and different chemical effluents into rivers causing environmental imbalance untreated sewage that is deposited into rivers as another major source of water pollution people also throw their bodies into rivers causing an increase in coliform bacteria levels which could lead to epidemics agriculture also contributes to environmental pollution as various fertilizers and pesticides applied on the crops promote eutrophication when leached into the river this has an impact on the aquatic flora a new 3d printing method may pave the door for lighter faster planes that can travel longer on the same amount of fuel thousands of metal rivets and fasteners hold today's aeroplanes together this is due to the unweldability of the lightweight but robust aluminium alloys utilized in their frames when you try to weld them the resulting alloy weakens and cracks as it cools a phenomenon known as hot cracking this along with other negative welding effects makes 3d printing high strength aluminium alloy parts difficult when researchers try it the resulting laser fused material flakes away like a stale biscuit at the welding spot street theater is a type of theatrical performance and presentation that takes place in public locations without a paid audience these spaces can be found in a variety of places including shopping malls parking lots recreational areas college or university campuses and street corners they're especially common in public areas with a high number of people buskers to organized theatrical companies or groups who desire to experiment with performance locations or promote their mainstream work are among the performers who do street theater it served as a source of information for individuals when there were no other options available such as television or radio nowadays street theater is used to send a message to the audience social evils are issues that directly or indirectly harm society's members and are viewed as a source of debate or a problem in terms of moral principles caste system poverty dowry system gender inequality illiteracy and other societal ills are all common the social problems and beliefs that have ruled society for millennia have made social changes necessary for the societies and people's growth the newly educated revolted against rigid social rules and antiquated practices in the 19th century they couldn't stand unreasonable in dehumanizing societal behaviors any longer furthermore religious sanctioned the backward aspects of indian culture including as the caste system and gender discrimination in the past as a result religious practices needed to be changed as well some fascinating details about the massive reptilian fossils unearthed recently in wyoming and colorado have surfaced the bones discovered reflect reptiles of various sizes ranging from a cat to a 60-foot tall lizard the latter discovered in wyoming's como belonged to the crocodile family but the remnants showed that it stood up on its hind legs like a kangaroo another was discovered in colorado and was estimated to be 100 feet long a large number of remains from the same broad class but different species have been collected and delivered east three to four hundred dinosaur specimens as well as a thousand pterodactyls have been transported from colorado wyoming and kansas one of the ladder's wings measured 30 to 40 feet in length from tip to tip obviously all of this is applicable to your ultimate project so that's what we're going to do so far we've conducted face-to-face interviews as the primary method of interviewing the window today we're going to look at how to utilize email and why it works why it doesn't always work and what are the problems and some of the things that we need to be aware of when we're completing such tasks so let's start with the one from another country obviously there are some advantages to them which are described on that slide it's definitely less stressful for those of you who are nervous about the interview process in the shining jack nicholson's insane caregiver makes me reach for a blanket according to a new study folks we find weird can really make us feel colder psychological science will publish the findings of the study researchers spoke with 40 college students the researcher was either friendly with the student are formal and professional during each conversation in addition the researcher alternated between imitating pupils stance a sign of rapport and doing nothing at all the participants were then asked to fill out a questionnaire to determine how hot or chilly they were the findings revealed that when the investigator acted incorrectly or delivered confusing signals the patients felt colder people automatically equate icy stairs and frigid conversations with true physical coldness according to the study since the brain tries to understand social and simply physical stimuli at the same time now crack your pte sitting at your home language academy brings to you the smartest ai powered practice portal with instant scores and feedback for all the tasks along with the practice questions access free sectional and full mock tests and get instant scorecard with in-depth feedback and analysis for more hidden secrets tips strategies and proven templates click the link below and subscribe to our video course today [Music]
Channel: Language Academy
Views: 3,948
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Keywords: PTE Classes in Sydney, PTE Online Classes, Listening Fill in the Blanks PTE Listening December 2021, Language Academy, Listening Fill in the Blanks Most repeated questions December 2021, PTE Listening December 2021, Listening Fill in the Blanks Material December 2021, Listening Fill in the blanks December 2021, PTE Listening Tips, Listening fill in the blanks tips and tricks, listening fill in the blanks December 2021 predictions, pte listening fill in the blanks, pte online
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 34sec (4234 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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