Prostitute interview-Cookie

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- [Interviewer] All right. Cookie, Cookie. Where'd you grow up? Where are you from originally? - I'm originally, I'm from LA my family, Arkansas, Little Rock. - [Interviewer] But you grew up in LA and you had both your parents? - No, I grew up with my mom and then she moved me to Vegas when I was 13. And then I went to when my father at 14, because my mother, she was schizophrenia and I just made the choice to move my father when it comes to like my childhood, my dad when I was staying with him, it just he ended up doing drugs and all types of stuff. - [Interviewer] So how would you describe your childhood then? - I mean, I had a good childhood up to the point,. I turned 14 when living with my dad, I had a normal childhood. It was just like my mom she had mental issues and I just felt like I wasn't happy over there anymore. - [Interviewer] And then at 14, what kind of stuff started happening to you with your dad? - His friend had raped me, so I ended up getting pregnant and I had to get an abortion, he's in jail. - [Interviewer] So they caught him? - Yeah. They caught him. - [Interviewer] You were 14? - Yes. - [Interviewer] And then where did your life go after that? - I was in foster care. I went through the system but I ran away a lot and at 15, 16, I was in the streets too. And that was learning how to be a prostitute. - [Interviewer] Did you have somebody showing you the way or. - No, it was just me trying to survive because I didn't like being in the foster care home. It was very disturbing. There was teenagers that were rolling up. We were Bible paper. It was crazy. I just didn't want to be in that predicament but I chose the life of prostitution because I could survive this way and I can, I didn't need much but a trick to get the rooms that I needed. - [Interviewer] Yeah. It's an easy solution to your money problem. - Yeah. - [Interviewer] It's hard to get a job. - Yeah. 'cause , you're trying to run away from the system and you're trying to survive. - [Interviewer] How far do you at school? - I went to 11th grade and I stopped. - [Interviewer] And you came to LA at what point? - I come to LA? When I came to LA? - [Interviewer] Yeah. - I came to LA when I was 14. I've been in LA ever since. - [Interviewer] Oh. So when you when you kind of left the foster home, you came out here? Oh, I see. And do you work for the pimp? - No. I don't have a pimp. - [interviewer] And you're working a South Central figure out mostly. - Yes. I work work in South Central - [Interviewer] Wherever. Yeah. What's what are the ups and downs of this life? - Oh, the ups and your monies may, you can survive you can take care of what you got to take care of but the downs is you're risking your life. And I've had incidents where a guy has like pretended to be a trick, but it was a flat guy. You cannot attend a windows. He brought his window down half way. I couldn't see his whole face. As soon as I opened the door and I was getting in and I saw he was black. I tried to get out the car. He took off with me while my foot was out of the car and he dragged my leg with the street. Like my leg was getting dragged on the street and I had road rash on arm, on my foot. So yeah. It is very risky. You're risking your life consistently. So I do still have injuries from that, but yeah. - [Interviewer] I mean how much do you think, honestly do you think? - On a daily basis. I say 500. I can make 500 in a daily basis. You can make a thousand on a good day. - [Interviewer] Right? Cool. Do you have regulars or do you just kinda go by who, who picks you up? - I have regular, so I don't really work the street as much. So, I try my best to keep off the streets. - [Interviewer] That makes it safer. - Yeah. - [Interviewer] Did you ever had another job? - No, I like sugar daddies. I had just one sugar daddy he paid me like 7,000. They didn't even ask for sex. He just wanted to like, give me money in the envelope and meet me at Starbucks and talk to me, get to know me. Yeah, 'cause like at the time I was doing web cam girls services and I met him and he just wanted to like, be a sugar daddy to me - [Interviewer] Offering getting $7,000 envelopes. - Yeah. He would give me $7,000 - how often that happen in an envelope - [Interviewer] How often that does happen? - Twice a week. He would just like - [Interviewer] 14,000 a week. - Yeah. He cause he had money, he was the older guy. So he didn't mind. He just wanted me to like come and spend time with him go shopping in the mall with him, like a girlfriend. - [Interviewer] How long does that last? - It lasted for two months. But then he was like, moving out of town and he couldn't really see me that often the more so but it happened for about two months and I was able to afford my apartment rent and I was able to get furniture because of him and everything. - [Interviewer] You recall the first time you did this? - The first time I did this, I was 15. This is like a year after I had the rape incident. I was really running away from my foster care home. So I went into the streets and I met this girl and she was selling herself, but she was young just like me. She was like 16, like a year older than me. But she just told me like, all you gotta do is get on the date and these guys, they pay you for your age. You just let them know how old you is, or gonna tip you. So I would just, work like that. And guys would pay me for knowing how young I am. - [Interviewer] You been arrested? - I've been arrested, but I haven't been convicted. So yeah, I've been arrested plenty of times. - [Interviewer] And are drugs a part of your life? - Drugs, no, I don't do drugs. All I do is weed and I consider weed.. I don't even consider drug. - [Interviewer] It's legal here. - So do you have kids? - No, I have no children. - [Interviewer] And you're 21? - I'm 20 years old. - [Interviewer] 20. Okay. And so, I mean, do you enjoy this work? I mean do you get depressed about it? I mean, is it. - You know what. - [Interviewer] It's a self-esteem boost in one way, but it also knocks your self esteem down. - It became a way for me to know my value because at the end of the day, like I was feeling very low self-esteem after getting pregnant by a older man. So it's like, now I'm gonna make men treat me better. They're not just gonna take my stuff. They're gonna pay for me. My mind switched at an early age. - [Interviewer] So does this get you depressed sometimes or no? - I don't get depressed because at the end of the day when I'm counting all the money that I make and I'm ready to go pay for my items I don't get as much depression no more because I'm like everybody has something that they do that they may not be proud of. And nobody likes the work that they do in a normal job either - [Interviewer] That's true. So how many bankers? - Right. But you know, you don't like getting up in the morning and don't go into work working nine to five for $12 an hour and shit. You don't like that. - [Interviewer] Are you saving money? - Yeah, I'm saving my money. I'm putting my money up. So when I have the right stuff to do with the money, I will. - [Interviewer] Have any dreams of what you'd like to do with your life? - Yes, I do. My dreams is to become like either a nurse one day or to like just, I want to be a business woman in general. That's how I that's how I look at myself as a business woman - [Interviewer] And the childhood that you had, especially after 14 that just kind of, do you blame, do you connect you make a connection with that as to why this became your lifestyle. - Yeah, I think it was because my dad has led me down as a father. So I just feel like a craving for male attention because I had a lack of a father protection in my life that's why I think I'd be doing this too. - [Interviewer] Do you ever, you mentioned that one bad experience does that happen more than a few times? Or do you get into situations with some of your, some of your clients? - Oh yeah. I mean, of course I've had incidents where men have tried to hurt me and like, or take their money back or I've had crazy incidents, but at the end of the day, I'm not like I'm not scared because I do protect myself. I take lengths to make sure I don't get killed doing this. I always have, I do a lot of in call and stuff. So I make sure that I'm in control no matter what. So that a man can't just do anything like choke me out or do anything that's gonna, take my life away - [Interviewer] And is going to Vegas and working in the casinos and a temptation for you. I mean what will be easier to get out one day or just dig in deeper and start doing things to make even more money? - It probably will be easier for me to like get out the situation once, I've settled myself down in like a nice home where I know I don't have to go back to the streets. I like that. I know that I own this place. Like I'm trying to own a house. So I don't ever have to worry about anybody kicking me out or anything. Or I have, I like to have my I'm very independent. I like to have my own shit. Once I get established I'm down with the streets. That's how I am. And I'm, don't plan on doing this any longer. Like it's probably gonna be next year. It is my last year. I'm not continuing to stay in it. - [Interviewer] So you're doing it purely for the money. - Yeah. That's purely for the money. - [Interviewer] Do you respect the guys that pick you up? - Oh I don't respect them? No. Yeah. - [Interviewer] What do you think people that are not in this lifestyle don't understand about this line of work. - They think that we're doing this because we love being prostitutes. It's not because we love being prostitutes is because we have to survive just like anybody else in a normal working days, we have to keep ourselves, some of us have kids, some of us don't, we were just trying to survive and keep ourself above water just like everybody else on a daily basis - [Interviewer] You didn't have the role model. - And I want people to understand that. - [Interviewer] You didn't have role models that kind of led you into nursing or anything else that was more respectable. - Oh, like, do I have role model? - [Interviewer] Yeah I mean you never had role model. Like your dad was on drugs, your mom. - I didn't have no role models. - Yeah. Like I said, yeah my dad was on drugs. So I didn't have anybody telling me that this wasn't the right way to go either. - [Interviewer] What do you wish was different about your childhood, but what would have made the biggest impact? - The biggest impact probably is if my mom didn't have the mental illness and she was able to talk to me as a woman, but you know she's dealing with her own mental illness. How can you spend for a child when you can't fend for your own self? Right now she has schizophrenia. Yes. - [Interviewer] Do you have any siblings? - Yeah, I do. - [Interviewer] And where are they? - They're grown, but they're running their own life. I don't really think in contact with them are bothered them with my problems in life. I'm very, like I said, I'm very independent. So, I don't go asking for help or a handout from my family whatsoever. - [Interviewer] You're doing it all on your own? - Yeah. When it comes to like any type of pimp or anything there was this guy that I was with like a few months ago but he just didn't give a fuck about me. I say, never have a pimp ever, 'cause guys will like literally your record up. If you don't have a record they will literally make you have a record. They're very reckless. They don't care about your life as a woman. - [Interviewer] What kind of guys pick you up or are these how would you describe your typical client? - You know what I was describing my typical client is usually the guys that like look for young women. Like they don't know my age sometimes. So I, it would usually be guy that's looking for a young woman that picked me up thinking that maybe I might be an under 18. - [Interviewer] These are professionals that have money, or these are? - Well, when I'm on the street, it's just guys looking for a young woman. But I worked at a stripper when I was working out at stripper. Now those are professionals but when you're talking about the street, it's kind of like just guys who are married, looking for a fare. - [Interviewer] Yeah. - Yeah. - [Interviewer] How would you compare working in a strip club to doing this? - I would say the strip club is better. I would say the strip club is better. If you have action at being inside a strip club, I say, take the strip club over prostitution. - [Interviewer] Because there's action at the strip club in the back rooms and stuff like that. - Right. But at the same time you're in a safe environment where nobody can kill you 'cause it's a workplace. - [Interviewer] The streets are just. - The streets are just free and you do whatever is GTA five when you out here. - [Interviewer] No, there's no. Nobody watching your back. - No body. - [Interviewer] Yeah. Has this changed the way you view men you think? - Yeah, it has changed my way. I've you, man? 'Cause I'm like, I don't look at them as a relationship. Like love type. I look at it like business now. I don't really believe in love at this point in my life. Like, it's like, you can care about someone but she's not love. It's not gonna get me nowhere right now. That's how I feel. - [Interviewer] What if that meant that you had a relationship with was supportive and helped you achieve some of your dreams? - I mean, I have people that, that's what I'm saying. Like there's a man in my life that I care about and I respect and like, I really do care, but I mean, it's not I just want to right now focus on myself. I'm not really trying to look for a man to love me. If you care about me, you would just want me to do the right thing in life and be successful. You wouldn't try to, you wouldn't try to change my mindset. You would want me to continue to be, I'm going for my goal. That's all I'm saying. - [Interviewer] And do you, do you have friends? - No. I don't have friends. It's very lonely for me right now. I don't have friends. - [Interviewer] Do you stand back and just look at what you're doing and go, man, this is so crazy and dangerous that, it's not a typical life for a younger. - It isn't, - [Interviewer] You get accustomed to it because you're doing it night after night and it becomes like your norm, but it's definitely not the norm for most people. - It isn't the norm for most people. I mean, I ain't gonna lie. I got times where I look in the mirror and I cry. I ain't gonna lie. Like the Gary prostitute had that moment but I mean, it's just, I see myself as a strong woman that can overcome anything. If it's not this is gonna be another situation, it could be motherhood. It's just as a woman, I know that I got to go through trials and tribulations in my life. No matter what - [Interviewer] How how do you think it was doing this for a living has changed you. You you've been doing it for like five years now. - Yeah, it has changed me because I'm not scared. I have no fear in me. I fear no, man. I fear no woman. I'll just, I have no fear. I don't fear death fever because I faced it so much. So I just know was something that's gonna come with eventually. So I just hope it's not gonna come through being in the streets. I just hope it's a natural death for me but I'd take precautions though, to make sure I don't die. That's that's what I do dude. - [Interviewer] What precautions do you do? I make sure I have weapons? Like, make sure I have my defense, my maze, my taser on me. I make sure I have my life. I don't carry too much but I carry enough to where like I would not let nobody just try to kill me. It's not gonna be easy for you. - [Interviewer] Yeah. Have you had to use those, those things? - Yes. I know how to use those. Have you had to use them though? - Oh yeah. I've had to use it. Yeah. Like this guy that I was talking about 'cause I was telling you, like I had this pimp that a couple of months ago that I was with this guy like I had a clean record and he was like taking me to different States and he ended up getting me arrested. So it did put a little smile on my record but I'm gonna get it clear, but it's just like I want to let the females know like do not pay nobody, do not pay no one, pay yourself. - [Interviewer] You could get guys coming on to you with like as a boyfriend or as a manager or something like that. But they're actually operating as with them. - I get guys coming in. Like they want to be my boyfriend but they're really awesome. Taking your money. Yeah. - [Interviewer] Is is it hard to live this life where everybody that you're interacting with from the pimps to the tricks to the other girls on the street to everybody even the cops are doing something shady. - Even the cops are shady. - [Interviewer] You know what I'm saying? Everybody you're in. I mean your your entire life exists where everybody's on the tape. - Yeah. That's why I say trust no one? - [Interviewer] Do you have nobody that's really like got your back or would help you in a pure honest, - No, the police are really not your friends. - [Interviewer] It's a hard way to go through life. - Yeah. It is a hard way, it is. - [Interviewer] I think that's maybe, I mean the danger is certainly a big thing but just having nobody in your life that you can trust that you really can rely on, it must be very difficult. - Yeah. I mean I've seen the police literally capture a 17 year old girl. It'll let her go right back on the blade. Don't even care because at the end of the day they're not here to protect and serve they're here to get paid. So they don't care about if the miners are out there they know who's miners and they still allow them to work. I honestly just want females to know that the prostitution is not bad, but it's rigged. And it's like people are making it one way, but honestly, we're trying to keep ourselves safe while doing this. If y'all could make it legal we'll be very appreciative because we could be in a whole building doing this without risking our life. And you try to make it seem like prostitutes are all disease and all it is. But I have, we're using condoms, we're using condoms. So when people try to make it seem like you're selling your body you're gonna catch something out there. It's only if you're being a female, that's just dirty but I'm not doing nothing without condom. So how do I period, like, and we do get our checks up. We go to the cleaning, just like any normal other female in this crazy 'cause some of these women, what we call squares they go on one night stance. But that's okay though. And they don't use condom but that's normal - [Interviewer] You guys are all normal for the most part. I think you guys are probably very professional and making sure that everyone's using a condom and you're you're you're business women. - We check our, we go to the cleaners we get our blood drawn way more than a lot of people in their own marriage. - [Interviewer] Yeah. Yeah. So legalizing this would be a great thing for the women, right? - Yes. Because I believe that the miners will be out of the game and the females that are legal, they can be put in a nice brothel or they could be put somewhere where they could be safe and monitored. You know, they don't have to worry about a trig doing something to them. And we are very safe about having sex. A lot of these prostitutes they're using condoms are keeping safe. It's not no reason why as an adult they shouldn't be able to legalize it. And a woman can have consensual sex with the trick or the. - [Interviewer] Yeah. And the stigma of you being bad or doing something illegal Yes you don't want this little kids i in the game you don't want these kids walking the streets legalize it so that the adults can be in the game and they can still make their money legally, see that we're struggling. And we're always getting found in dumpsters. We're getting found all types of up ways because we don't have no protection. It would be nice to have a security guard just like in the strip club. It's nice to have security around them. - [Interviewer] You would not have shady characters that's just. - Yeah they are out here just doing some cereal (mumbles) I want that to stop. - [Interviewer] Yeah, you're not kidding. I want to keep the kids safe. I don't want them in the game. They shouldn't have to even be able to run outside their home and go to figure out what - [Interviewer] And what's the most important lesson you think you've learned? - What's the most important lesson. - [Interviewer] In your 20 years? - Don't trust nobody in the streets. That's the most important. Yo trust is very important. The end do not put your trust in anyone. If you really care and love yourself should not trust anyone. - [Interviewer] All right, Cookie, thank you so much for coming in and sharing your story. And I wish you the best of luck with whatever you do in life. And I hope you stay safe. - Okay, thank you - [Interviewer] Thank you, dawn.
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 921,718
Rating: 4.9010177 out of 5
Id: eURD--blEUg
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Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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