Prostitute interview-Exotic

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This is a big reason why supporting local youth+ women’s homeless shelters and programs is so important.

Over half of sex trafficking victims are children, with the vast majority being girls. The average age for a child to enter the sex trade in the US is between 12 and 14 years old. It is estimated that roughly 60% of child trafficking victims are or were in the foster care system.

The foster care to human trafficking pipeline is something far too many people are unaware of. There is a distinct and unopposed tie to child sex trafficking, and foster care runways. Child runways who are in the foster care system generally fit into one or several of these criteria:

• Having adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)

• Having Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

• History of running away

• Diagnosis or undiagnosed depression or behavioral conditions

• Homelessness, especially those who are LGBTQ+

• Those who have aged out of the foster care system

• Those who are unemployed or lack a sense of security through income and/or relationships

This criteria creates the perfect storm for a child to be vulnerable to being trafficked. Additionally, foster care children are often more “off the radar”, and less traceable, making them even more vulnerable to trafficking. (Most people expect the opposite, as foster care is government regulated and funded).

Learn the signs, and do your best to keep an active vigilance for these signs, especially if you live in or near a lower income area, where child trafficking is more prevalent. Child trafficking is horrifyingly common, and it poses a serious problem in our country. By contributing resources, awareness, and outreach in our communities, the child sex trafficking rate can be lowered.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/Secret_Bunny_ 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Sex work and sexual exploitation are different. Many sex workers are victims of trafficking. Many sex workers chose their job and love it. When you decriminalize sex work you allow those people to be able to work in safe conditions. Doing this makes it easier to track down traffickers.

When sex workers (and their clients!) aren't under the threat of arrest, they aren't forced into dangerous situations. They can choose where they work. They're able to access health care. It also means that victims of trafficking are safer to come forward because clients aren't forced to black markets and victims will have more resources available to help them escape abusive environments.

Some people believe sex work is a symptom of capitalism, and that sex work wouldn't exist without poverty. Maybe that's true, but what does that say about other dangerous and low pay jobs? They all deserve safety.

👍︎︎ 110 👤︎︎ u/siliciclastic 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

How can we help girls like this? What people are paying 13 yr olds to have sex with them? 💔 I have an old friend that got into prostitution when we were in high school. She's been in and out of prison on drug charges for years. Had multiple kids and couldn't stay out of drugs. This girl reminds me of her and my heart breaks.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Pineapple-dancer 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

This particular interview shook me. Her tattoo on her cheek used to read “Jordan”, or the name of her pimp. She got it covered up nicely but there is still an air Jordan logo tattooed over her Adam’s apple...

Soft white underbelly has insane content every week. Just raw true stories. Unfortunately, he’s not the best at doing interviews but he dies allow the folks to explore their answers

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/globaloffender 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Soft white underbelly is one of the best channels on YouTube.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/shiestbucket 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/aeorimithros 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'm so conflicted about this channel... I really appreciate the concept- hes humanizing these people that otherwise may be dehumanized by "mainstream" society at large, yet sometimes I find his approach very disappointing. In an attempt to perhaps relate to his interviewees, he doesn't use respectful, neutral terminology. He calls them prostitutes rather than sex workers, girls rather than women... additionally, what tangible benefits are coming from this channel? Why doesn't he take the extra step to create a go fund me... does he provide the interviewee with any helpful resources? I just feel like he could be doing more in the way of helping these people in the immediate, otherwise he's work comes off sort clickbate-y and exploitative. What do you all think?

Side note- one time I commented on a video asking why he refers to the women as prostitutes rather than sex workers and he got very defensive. He replied with something like "this is what the girls call themselves " etc... Maybe they don't know better. Why wouldn't you, as someone with perspective, who's attempting to grant these people humanity, use more neutral, less stigmatized wording? I don't understand

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Toesoup11 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
all right exotic exotic where did you grow up where are you from originally um well i just tell everybody all over because i grew up in like foster cares and juvenile halls and stuff like that so i went lived everywhere from long beach to [Music] here in l.a um the valley iowa different families yeah different families different placements and why did your biological parents lose you um two months old do you know why um i think my mom was like you know pretty drugged out and like also in the game was it right and my dad was in prison oh that'll do it and you went through high school you made it through high school no how far did you go to school um like the beginning of middle school and then middle school i was no longer dcfs i became probation and i went to juvenile hall and from there i just like basically stopped going to school and you where'd you go then um just the streets really what did how old were you when you started working as a prostitute when i started working i was about like 13 13. yeah that was in l.a oh yeah you had a pimp at that time yeah i had ran away from one of the placements and um like this time when i had ran away you normally i had ran away by myself but this time i ran away with one of the other girls that was in the placement and it ended up being her pimp but i didn't know that it was her pimp so she ended up going back to the placement and i ended up staying with the dude how was that relationship um really rough you've had more than one pimp in your yeah how old how old are you um now i'm 23. you're 23. yeah i just turned 22. you're still young how many pimps have you had um i've had six six yeah now why do you leave a pimp or what does he get rid of you or what happens um every pimp i've left and it's just because it gets too much for me to you know maintain and try to maintain myself at the same time right now you're without a pimp right so maybe we can talk honestly about about that yeah uh tell me tell me about the what what it's like for a girl working the streets to have a pen um very like unfair you know like because a lot of it just preface this a lot of my to explain this a lot of the girls that i interview will say they don't have pimps when they actually do yeah because they're trying to cover for them so yeah so you're not covering for anyone right now no so what is your experience with pimps like it's it's very um unsettling you know to work that hard and do some of the things that we have to do in order to get the money just to give it to somebody else and we don't see nothing out of it but like maybe something to eat a room or you feel me our next outfit our nails done like anything that they do give us goes right back into work so it's just like we really don't see any profit from it and you're working like seven days a week yeah in long hours right yeah very long hours is there a quota that you have to make um yeah well when i was working for mine it was it was always pretty much a quota and everyone that i have worked for i always ended up being just the only girl that they had so even on slow days for me like it kind of sucked like having to pull in 15 to 2 000 when every date is like 40 60 dollars you know it gets tough on those days you're saying you're you're supposed to make up to 2 000 yeah but what do you actually make um well i've never had a day unless i was working by myself that i didn't meet my quota like i stayed out there no matter how cold it was so you'll make 1500 2 000 at night wow that's how many guys how many dates a lot yeah yeah but what emotions does that bring up in you i mean it's got to be hard on a woman yeah it's hard like sitting back thinking on it because it's just like you know a lot of prostitutes or girls that are in the life like if we tell somebody that's not in the life or doesn't understand the life it's like we get judged and like categorized by that like oh she's a whole like that's all she's that you know that's all she's good for right or that's all she does like it's just like no it's more sad because for some of us it isn't just oh she likes hoeing or oh she must do this because she likes sex like no it's bigger than that what do you think a lot of people that are not involved in this kind of life don't understand about girls that do this kind of work like some of the survival isn't it it's it's survival like for me because i ran away and got involved into it like it was something that stuck with me like it was the only thing that i knew besides getting a job and doing something legal and we didn't have much of an education so exactly and then i had kids at a young age by one of my pimps too so how many kids do you have um i have two and who's raising them um right now my grandma but i have a joint custody between me and my brother but my brother recently passed away too so yeah so you're working today as a renegade yeah you know without a pimp yeah is that dangerous for you oh yeah especially places out like fig pomona like i've done it a few times by myself out of state it's not as dangerous because you know you're a new face but then again it's dangerous because you're a new face and so everybody wants to be in the maze so it was the light-skinned girl with all the tattoos like i'm nobody i'm just walking and the face tattoos came from pimps um yeah it's like their way of branding you yeah you try to hide them with makeup and stuff like that um no i never really tried to hide them from like makeup like with makeup um so show me your face tattoo on the side yeah i had to speak jordan like about that big tattooed and black like jet black it said jordan yeah and now you've hidden it with some other desserts yeah so the only thing that the dude could think to cover it was a whole bunch of roses because i already had a rose right here so i was like all right it's actually pretty thank you and then the one on your eyebrow um the one on my eyebrow that's actually my best friend but a pimp got jealous over it so i had to cover it yeah so yeah like the day after i got it i had to stop talking to the dude um i wasn't allowed to go and see him um he hit me up on messenger instagram a few times and every time he hit me up like just out of the random like i got i got beat up pretty good for it just for him hitting me up because supposedly you know so the the reputation the ideas that people have about pimps at least some of them you would say is true yeah for them for the most part they're physically violent and oh yeah they'll use intimidation and force and things like that to control you yeah you give them all the money yeah i don't think all pimps are quite like the ones you had there are some that are truly trying to help girls do what they can with these you know in this lifestyle but i think there's lots like especially in l.a where the gangs are so powerful oh yeah like i could say that about my last my last one my last one i ended up like basically i guess you could say like turning him into a pimp but he ended up being my ex-boyfriend and i just needed like some type of protection you know because it was a lot of stuff going on on fig like a lot of girls getting killed yeah a lot of people were getting killed lately yeah so i feel like very unsafe so i told my ex like you know if you could come and watch me and just have my back and make sure nothing happens like that i'll give you half of whatever i make and so that was the only i guess pimp that ended up being like fair with me and you know like good treatment are drugs are part of your life um yeah what do you use uh crystal crystal meth is a popular one now yeah but even now you got to be like cautious of it because there's been a lot of bad batches going around like cut with fennel yeah we'll kill you yeah is the addiction part of what keeps you in this lifestyle partially yeah because you can't really function outside of this you know getting a regular job wouldn't yeah like i've been on it like on and off now for three years because it just like eventually started putting a toll on me you know and it was just like the only escape route like okay boom when i do this i don't think about nothing else i don't second guess going out there and working or none of that i just go out there work get my money and i'll be cool because it's like everything else gets blocked out it's like you become numb to everything is your life distressing or depressing to you without the drug at times it can be yeah it's got to be a stressful lifestyle yeah are you addicted to this life to the streets um most of the girls i talk to say they are to extend yeah it would be hard to just stop and get a regular job right yeah because anything that happens or goes wrong it's like okay boom if my kids need like diapers or you know for me to pay for babysitters just like okay what do i know that within an hour i'll have some type of money to pay for it nothing else but going to the streets you know so are you saving money um yeah that's great you're one of the few that's actually saving money yeah well especially now like not having to give it to somebody or feeling up like i'mma get in trouble if i don't give it to somebody it's like okay now i have priorities and goals to get out of this lifestyle because that's the ultimate goal where a lot of females get trapped they're like sidetracked from it like the goal is to do it and not be stuck in it do it and get to where you're trying to get to so that way you can leave it in the past you know yeah are you lonely it's a lonely lifestyle right yeah very long yeah you think you're you're meeting all these guys that eventually you know it would prevent you from being lonely but i think it's probably a very lonely life right yeah because even when you do try and settle down and like get into um actual community relationship it's like well for me at least it's always been that it's stuff like that that i tend to bring up to a person and they end up looking at me like oh okay that's all you that's all you are you feel me so you're probably going to cheat on me and this mad and be out in the streets and it's just like maybe if you give me the chance maybe i wouldn't you know it's got to be difficult but what what examples of a loving relationship did you see when you were a child when you were young um you're still young but when you were younger not much and when i did like the only person that i really like could say i failed or like you know even got a clue of what love was from was my brother who passed away um like about three years ago he ended up killing himself but um sorry we we were like the only true definition of like some type of love whether it be conditional or unconditionally because you know like i've seen my mom growing up like here and there you know and every time i seen her it was always something else that had went wrong with there's some other dude beating her up or cracking her in the head with a shovel you know because she went through his phone she stole somebody's drugs like your biological mom yeah so with her it was just like abusive love which i think i picked up innocence too and like everybody else just like kind of stayed off and did their own thing do you feel like you're in some ways walking in your mom's footsteps yeah in a sense doing the same kind of work and the drug addiction and just doing this kind of work um build up your self-esteem or undermine it um a little bit of both a little bit about that yeah okay and it's and it's dangerous as well right yeah very dangerous have you had things happen to you yeah yeah quite a few um like with us we're told not to get in the car with younger younger age dudes for the simple fact like a lot of the younger age dudes now portray themselves to be pimps when they're really not or you know they'll rob us or try and kidnap us um my last few situations um i got in the dude's car it was a pickup truck at that you know car seat in the back so i'm not thinking anything of it we go down to dark street go and do our day and halfway through the day i felt something metal on my back and i turned around and the dude had a gun to my back so of course like i panicked freaked out i started trying to open the door he had child locked the doors i tried like banging out the windows and that ultimately ended and him like telling me that if i didn't shut up and stop banging on the windows that he was going to kill me right there so i stopped and i just let whatever happened happen he ended up throwing my phone out the window parking somewhere else took off the condom raped me and robbed me for everything i had made that night and i had to go and tell my pimp at the time what had happened and he's like oh i don't care you know still go out there and make your track you say you're back out there yeah right yep and then i my last um incident that i had with while i had a pimp out there um like about two two years ago um i ended up getting in the dude's car he ended up spending all of his time talking and wanted his money back and that's always been a rule with anybody that i've been with you you're not ever supposed to give the money back you're supposed to get the money first you know if they spend their time talking or doing something else then that's their fault type of thing so i didn't give the money back to him i told him just drop me back off on the blade you know and he drove past the blade and started going faster and faster and i think he hit about 60 65 and i just remember opening the door covering my face and just jumping out and like that i thought i only had like scrape the skin off of my body but i ended up going to the hospital about like three or four days later because my pimp at the time ended up going to jail so it was hard for me to get up by myself and like do things by myself because you're sore from jumping out of the car exactly and so i went to the hospital and they told me that it was a good thing that i ended up going because i had suffered from third degree burns on my shoulder both of my knees both of my hands both of my butt cheeks and my head was cracked open and i needed over 30 staples and stitches and i had to have skin grafts but um i had to learn how to walk again how to write so any job that has this kind of a risk of things like that happening most people would just get out yeah and i did i did for for a little bit because it kind of like scared me not knowing the person's car that i had jumped out of and not being able to put a face to it like okay i know if i see him again i know not to get in this car because i jumped out of his car it happened so quick even though i was sitting there with him for a good 30 minutes you know you don't tend to look at somebody's face thinking okay he might be the person that i died with tonight even though that's the case when it comes to being out there you're not guaranteed the next two seconds let alone the next two days you know your intuition's got to be very keen right yeah you won't you don't just jump in anyone's car exactly i see a lot of girls just walk away from certain vehicles yeah i don't know why they're doing that but like if the windows are tinted um if the plates are paper plates um or you know the california exam um if it's a black dude like i've even been told like i couldn't date older black dudes and it was just like okay like sometimes i would go against that because it's like you know not every pimp just sits there and watches every car that you get in you know do you ever say to yourself that you deserve a better life than this yeah you believe that yeah that's great because you do know what no one deserves to be putting their life in jeopardy like that and then getting all the abuse that you end up getting yeah you've been in love before um yeah you're only 23 so don't feel pressure to say yes no i have been i have been it went well um until it didn't it it was hard like because the dude was the total opposite from what i was used to you know all the fighting and abusive and you know i went from a dude constantly pulling my hair and wait like getting me down on the ground kicking me while i was on the ground and spitting in my face to a guy that tells me that i'm beautiful every time i wake up and you know like treats me with respect and make sure that i'm okay my kids are okay so it i guess it was kind of like more on me that it didn't end up working out because i started becoming what they were to me to him you couldn't adjust to yeah do you have any friends um no i mean i always say my kids are my friends yeah you know that's good how do you think well i mean you've been doing it since 13. i was going to ask you how this life has changed you but do you feel like it's changed um who you are you've been doing it for 10 years now yeah yeah definitely the streets always change people it seems yeah like i'm not like um i don't trust people it's got to be hard out there because everyone's a hustler even the tricks are oh yeah everyone's a hustler and it's the ones you least expect to do anything that ends up being the one sitting there plotting like oh okay this girl looks like you know like she's a little bit skinnier you know like she can't defend herself so i'mma go and sit there and plot something on her but you know to us they look like normal tricks so yeah you want to date fine and then we'll end up in the whole situation just because we we chose to give him that that opportunity and say okay yeah he's just a trick you know you can't do that with everybody right what is this work that you do taught you about men um i assume most of your tricks are married yeah yeah married or have relationships what have you learned about men from doing this that um a lot of them have secret life like you would never think that you could see half of these men that go on fig end up having a wife four or five kids working a good job but you come to fig every night like it's like if you're unhappy like you know leave your family like they don't deserve that they didn't ask for that you know but i guess everybody has their reasons on doing the things that they do you get crazy requests from some of your oh yeah like what um like now i have a dude that pays me just to sit there and talk about my day for like 10 15 minutes and he like he'll massage my feet and take a picture with my feet on his face or something you know but it's it's all right because it's just like you know i don't have to do nothing i just have to sit there and let this dude rub my feet you know did you get guys that asked you to do it without a condom and things like that um yeah we i get a lot of guys like that but um to me well my little mind of thinking like okay if you're asking me this and say i was the type of female to say yeah okay just give me extra how many other girls have you been out here doing that with you know and i have kids so i don't like to take that risk at all right no but just just being out there period yeah your life could end any night exactly your kids will be without a mom what advice would you give to a young girl who's thinking about getting into this lifestyle um it's not worth it yeah definitely not worth it what's your biggest regret um probably having my kids and going back to it just what would you say is the most important lesson you've learned in your life from i have like a few like probably not to let my guard down too soon like it's okay to tell people some things about you but not everything everybody should know because some people don't have the same intentions and we use it to their benefit and your weakness never let like nobody dictate the person you are like don't allow them to have that much control over you to where you're not happy or you know you feel like you can't do what it is that you want to do in life yeah it's a tough lifestyle isn't it yeah very tough it's not for everybody definitely not a lot of people think that you know this life is you know anybody could get in anybody can get out but sometimes that's not the case you know i when i was in juvenile hall um waiting to get sent to hawaii um it was like two or three other girls that i ended up being in juvenile hallway and the one girl had court went to court got released and when she was picking up her property from los petrinos uh her pimp was wading by in a semi truck and ended up running her over and dragging her and it was all over the news we weren't able to watch the news i mean but everybody knew what had happened and who did it you know so it's it's stuff like that where it's just like you see girls try and get out of their life but you have that one person that's just like no you're gonna stay in this you know and it's sad it's very sad and it makes you second guess getting out of the lifestyle but i mean if you really want to there's there's always somebody willing to help you know even when it seems like everybody's against you there's always that one person that's not like i have a niece that's somehow followed similar steps to my own and it kind of like gets the best of me a lot especially recently like she's put me in situations where she's like oh i want to go out there with you and i'm just like oh no no you do not like no what the hell but she's also caught me at a weak point and it's where it's just like you know what [ __ ] it if you don't give a damn i don't give a damn either you think you're ready for it go ahead and she would get to the point where she was right about to do it and it's just like you know you still got a baby face you still have your innocence like all right no that's not the life for you you feel me like it's better out there you know you finished high school go to college you know do something make something of your life and she's actually told me a few times like oh well i want to be like you like no you don't trust cause sometimes i don't even want to be like me [Music] but it's sad you know to see somebody my age once before coming to me asking me to help her do the same thing like i can't do that to her you know like even some of my home girls now well they call themselves my homegirls like oh let me go out there with you and it's just like no i'd rather go out there you know than have one of you guys go out there and something happen to you you know not everybody has that street street wisdom you could say some people think they could get into this and it'll break them to the point where you know they do end up killing themselves or overdosing you know just like some of these guys they think that they can be pimps but behind closed doors you know they're all lovey-dovey you know i'm sorry i didn't mean to do that i didn't mean to do this like you know you can't lose who you truly are trying to be something that you're not all right exotic thank you so much for sharing your story yeah i wish you the best of luck out there thank you thank you very much you
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 7,728,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ItUUmukrKM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 8sec (1928 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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