Crystal Meth Addict interview-Juliana AKA “Diamond”

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all right so Juliana yeah Julia where are you from originally Los Angeles you grew up in L.A yeah tell me about how you grew up yeah both here I went to Portland Oregon first and I went to the electrical cocoa Pineville Horus the forests and Morris trees the Ministries and it was attacking German area and so we were like little pet detectives of Little Tokyo and I found this lady named Lacey Tuttle in the for the Alameda apartments and she was a reason why I was sent to Los Angeles and so she's my identical twin sister and she came out here to be a model and so she has a very well to do but then she disappeared you remember the Lacey Peterson case Lacy tunnel was her Merry name and so I came out here to get her and to take a pictures of her to send back to Portland Oregon that she's still alive because the second she got married her name got lost in the system and so they blamed me for her death because women wore boohoo she's no longer love so I was like I'll be lazy titles I was like pressing the button and I was like [Music] zero and Co I have your messages for you I got two drop the gorgeous facts tell me about your family your parents my parents they are absolutely White are you white no what are you I am Native American you're Native American yeah but your parents are white yes tell me about your parents they are negro official lovers they're like got so [ __ ] in the ass all black so many times with black with Michael Jackson I mean like now Michael Jackson's Mariah Carey like so you're describe your childhood to me sexual sensual and sexual sexual with who with everybody Ambiance who are you having sex with the dollars like you're dropped into my lap hello you're a kid when I was a kid I would get tips being a stripper okay how how old were you when you started stripping four years old four yeah the fed's gonna pick me up and they're like you're way too fine and uh you've been doing drugs since when Julia I was in the embryo sac save stations okay what's your drink today meth and weed hmm what does meth do for you it makes me wet and sculptures how much are you smoking um methamphetamines a day fifty thousand dollars worth because I have to include everybody because I'm the order right how are you making money today with this video shoot no but that's that's just right now is this oh yeah I prostitute you do yeah let me escort in fancy restaurants for food because you're but you're staying in a tent around the corner yeah yeah all the time I am a 10 and give us a 10. tell me about you've been in Skid Row how many years seven seven years tell me about that I was three years incarcerated in the Mexico Cali sexual God damn they took me and they had my arm cut off for three years straight and they've like put it back on with like a new bone and then they told me to County and then they told me that I have Blaine Blaine blame cancer blame cancer called bone marrow cancer leukemia and so I've realized it that my bones coming the cancer is coming out of my teeth because I have etched into my teeth from tweaking and so I think it's called sculpting and so I do my own face how does it look you look beautiful today thank you you always look different every day I see you you're different yeah different hair different makeup you're gonna buy some real nails like real girls holy 37 years old 37. do you have kids yes I do where are they they're at the food stamp office waiting in line how long they been there six months got it I have permission they told me I wanted to yeah your family is where on the highways and freeways FH fvv age wise you remember like they're like Highway for interested like we're on a close site like come on now get tasty with your business be like like you're not going anywhere like because I got diagnosed with cancer yesterday and I have had had it this whole time and I'm like I'm a millennium old pretty healthy for a cancer patient yeah right like I was in the real Hospital like I wasn't in um concrete cemented sale and they gave me more than enough food to eat and have let me stare at all of a sudden flying black guys and he was like I am the [ __ ] let me take your hand friends from your hands fine behind you are not pregnant and I'm like four babies pregnant and I'm like how many kids you have four in here on the way four on the way yeah and then do September 3rd of 2022. multiple dads are all one dad oh you know what yeah they are all my clones they're all clones they're multiple like two identical twins are they twins yeah got it like like a two set like two twos I didn't tell me about the guys who thinking about when you're working the street um I've been over here and I prefer 65 and under 65 and under yeah because yeah that's how it goes It goes 0-65 and 65 back to zero you just keep going up and down that's how you live forever because your body results treatment about what's happening so I got it rolls up picks you up in the car takes you where to the parking lot and then they have [ __ ] me and then they pay me how much you make 25 a client cash using condoms and stuff like that yeah I had to get two emergency dishes though because I was having my homies like me just for feeling so just to pay off a couple days like I've been gone this long and they haven't seen my face so I might as well get that look in their brains and be their homegirl sir are you happy uh no I am Juliana you're what Juliana heard of shaver no but are you do you get depressed do you get angry um I have schizophrenia you do yeah would you go to the hospital I found out I have schizophrenia unless he was telling me so my maybe my doctor asked because everyone wanted me to prescribe him some methamphetamines or some goddamn weed and I was like how long does it take you to light everyone's store have you taken medications for that before yeah I dumped a whole bottle of whisper on my mouth but you're not taking anything currently no crystal meth is your medication yes how many days will you stay up on that my whole life do you sleep at all no you never sleep no do you have friends here on the street yes [Music] acquaintances or friends um friends really that's right like we're all friends you like it here yes do you see yourself living here the rest of your life or leaving one day yeah I see myself living here for the rest of my life living here the rest of it yeah like they gave me five years to live I gave a gun and said sweets and they were nice about it they're like you can't have a handgun but you're gonna be higher for five years because that's how long you have left to live and then maybe they were like trying to plan a surprise wedding for me or something and maybe I was like [ __ ] you and y'all [ __ ] ass husband [ __ ] he [ __ ] and sucks me what there's always time you talk to your family Wanda Sykes sides I was in the segmental health human thing and you know and I got hired as an actual patient doctor specialist and so I do understand how many more minutes are we going to be on film oh we're almost done okay when's the last time you talked to your your parents your family um this morning the hospital doctor had drove all the way to 7th and Stanford right there I was like ain't you home and I was like yeah Big Pimpin Daddy and he was like I'll be right back I have to go make sure that I still have a job and I was like he'll be right here he's coming in here no matter what I didn't even asking them if he could come in there I'm like I have my legs sticking out the tent because he's gonna find me any more questions yeah have you had any like terrible things happen to you while you're never working down here nope nothing on Skid Row nothing nothing bad has happened to you never mad that's remarkable it's all plastic surgery we need plastic surgery drugs you better cause I'll come kill your ass [ __ ] said I thought that this was a New York Undercovers [ __ ] [ __ ] thought a rapper best people who broke nasty what the [ __ ] up work they tell me I got an Exquisite taste in my mouth come [ __ ] me mouth the real Nicki Minaj which uh what's the most important lesson you've learned in your life nothing [ __ ] with people's husbands that's a good one stuff all right John thank you so much thank you for talking with me you're welcome be careful out there I will thank you you're welcome that's cute
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 7,005,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Psychosis, Crystal meth, Skid row
Id: LL19xfUS1nQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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