Pimp and Prostitute interview-Master J and Lil’ Mama

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- [Interviewer] Alright, Master J and Little Mama. Where are you guys from? - Well, I'm originally from Galveston, Texas. Been out here pretty much all my life. I've been all over California. From-- - [Interviewer] Where'd you grow up? - I grew up in Inglewood, California. - [Interviewer] And Master J, where are you from originally? - I'm from Ohio. - [Mark] And so, Little Mama is one of your girls? - This is my bottom. - [Interviewer] It's your bottom, bottom bitch as you say? - That's right. - [Interviewer] And how many girls do you have? - I had, at most, it's five, right now, I only have three. - [Interviewer] And how did you guys grow up? How did you grow up Master J? - Well, I grew up homeless. Well, I grew up with single parent. And I, you know, I just wanted to find out what was going on. I went, you know, found some friends and then went across, you know, I had my first hole at the age of 13. They were 16 years old. You see what I'm saying? I used to have them go up in the school bathroom and turn tricks and give me their lunch money and whatever else they have. - [Interviewer] And where'd you learn that was a possibility at 13? - I met a pimp out down there on Figueroa. He was my family took me under his wing. I needed extra money coming, my mom couldn't get me everything she had, you know, I wanted, I had big dreams and she couldn't fulfill it. And so I wanted to help the household. And that's where he got the idea that right there. - [Interviewer] And you've been doing it ever since? - I've been doing it ever since. - [Interviewer] So the arrangement Little Mama is what you give Master J all of your money? - Pretty much. I mean see I don't mind giving him all of the money because he also when I give him all the money he gives me money too. Like for myself. - [Interviewer] He takes care of you? - Yeah, so pretty much, you know I give it to him because he you know is in control of you know making sure we have food and clothes and toiletries and stuff like that because we're homeless, you know? - It's what you call it, I'm just a business manager right there. I'm not a pimp, I'm not a player, I'm just a business manager, what it is, I make sure she had what she need with what she did. She earned. I just get a percentage of what it is. You see what I'm saying? - [Interviewer] And if she gets in trouble with one of her tricks? - I am the one-- - [Interviewer] You come in, you step in-- - Yes I also have associates to handle such. - [Interviewer] So you're a little bit of protection for her as well? - Most definitely. No one messes with Master J's girls. - [Interviewer] Have you done prison time? - Excuse me? - [Interviewer] Have you done prison time? - I will not answer that question. - [Interviewer] Okay, and if Little Mama gets arrested, which is not such a-- - She's well taken care of. - [Interviewer] And how much will you make a night? Little Mama? - It varies. I may like on a slow, slow on a slow day, it's like five to, to a rat. It's like five to a thousand but I make like 1,500 to 2,000 dollars a day. - [Interviewer] Oh really? Have you had bad experiences with some of the guys that pick you up? What kind of stuff has happened? - I mean, I've had them play games with me. I mean, you know, I don't know what their intentions are, but like to be honest with you I did a date, the other day, for a couple of hundred dollars. Right and you know come to find out they were all fake twenties. - [Interviewer] They were paying you with fake money? - So I wasn't you know it kind of pissed me off, but I guess that's how life is. - [Interviewer] And you've been doing this since how long? - I've been pretty much all my life. - [Interviewer] What age did you start? - I started like, okay, I'm thinking because I had my son at the age of 18. So I pretty much got out there at 19 years of age. And I'm 43 now. - [Interviewer] Tell me about how you grew up, you had both parents? - Well the thing about that is that they divorced when very early. So I was always moving around. You know I went from staying with mom to staying with dad to staying with grandma, you know, having, you know, step parents and you know, so, I mean, I can't say that I was, I was poor, you know, but it, I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth. - [Interviewer] Any abuse when you were a kid? Does it go sexual anything like that? - No. - [Interviewer] And Master J, what personality traits do you have that help you do this? Not, not everyone can be a pimp, right? - No everyone can be a pimp. No, what you have to do with, see I'm more of like of service. I like to consider myself just to, you know, service to the public. There's a lot of lonely men out there. It's a lot of people that likes to come in, you know what I mean, men and women, and I've always been a people person. So what I do there is I just, you know, get them what they need, what they can't find on their own, you know, just to bring joy in one's life. That's my mind. I've got the top, you know, my babies, you, as you can see, very beautiful. I don't, I don't have nothing under that. You know if they ain't a 10 I don't want to work with them. - [Interviewer] And what's, what is your style? I've talked to a lot of pimps and some are ladies men. They're smooth talkers some guys are a little more aggressive. - It's not. I would consider myself as just being a realist and a freestyle. I'm a free spirit, man. You know, you have your choice. You know, I give you the opportunity, you know, the opportunity to do something for yourself. I like them to go to school. I like them to do their thing. It's all about them. It's all about bringing them up, picking them up, not tearing them down. See, what I'm saying, you know, I done had a couple, you know, I worked with for maybe a year or something like this. And they got out of the game they went to school while they was doing it. And now they, you know, professional career women. - [Interviewer] Do you think the relationship between a pimp and a prostitute is sometimes a recreation of the father daughter relationship that a lot of these women had or didn't have? - That's a good question there my man. But the thing is a lot is you have a lot of lonely women out there that want that father figure you see what I'm saying, but you, you know, you have to balance it out. Yes, I'm dad, but I'm also your friend. You feel me? And yeah-- - [Interviewer] You're their business manager, you're their boyfriend, you're their daddy, you're everything. - That's it right there. They have to be all things in one. I'm your superhero. I'm all of that in one. - [Interviewer] You guys have children? - Not yet. - [Interviewer] I'm sorry? - No we don't. - [Interviewer] You guys been in love before? - Excuse me. - [Interviewer] Have you been in love? - We're in love now. We was in love at first sight. - And yes I just wanted to make a comment, as far as that pimp and prostitution thing, it can be a together thing, you know, but you know, there's also cases where it's like, you know a separate, a separate thing, because like one for themselves, but that's not the case here. - [Interviewer] Are drugs a part of the picture for you guys? - It was once. And it all depends on what you call drugs. See alcohol is a drug so it all depends on what you call a drug. Never got into anything heavy, you know, drink some you'll find someone that liked to do you know this or that. We'll put it that way without incriminating ourselves. - [Interviewer] Little Mama, do you find being a little high helps you do this every day? - Yeah I mean, I'm going to keep it real, we're trying to survive period. Point blank. You know what I'm saying? You know, we have to, we don't have any, you know, paperwork or anything. So we have to try to keep a room. You know what I mean? We have to eat, we have to, so it all goes together. It all goes together with that there, you know? I mean, sometimes there's drugs sometimes there's not, sometimes yeah. - [Interviewer] And you guys are basically living from hotel room, to motel room? - Yeah we try to we pretty much try to get to the same place and get a room every day - [Interviewer] And do business out of that room? - I'm kind of, that's really for us. So I have to do my business like around it. But like I say, we're trying to survive. We are trying to survive. That's honest, you know, we're looking for we're trying to, we talk and we're trying to make up plans for other, you know, resources. - [Interviewer] Do you think you're addicted to this lifestyle? - Who? - [Interviewer] Either of you? I mean, do you think this lifestyle is addicting? - Yeah it can be very addicting. And I'm glad that I'm at the point where I'm pretty much over it. - [Interviewer] You're over it? - Yeah I'm ready to just do some normal things. - [Interviewer] What was the best time of your life? - When was the best time life? Well, I've had, you know, I guess a few different times that that's kinda hard. That one's kinda hard. - [Interviewer] What was the worst time of your life? - The worst time? - Being separated from your family. - Oh, being separated from my family. - [Interviewer] Are you close to your family today? - I'm trying to be. - [Interviewer] Does your family not approve of what you're doing? - No. - [Interviewer] Do you get depressed at times? Little Mama? - Yeah, yes. - [Interviewer] It's a rough way to spend your days, right? - Yeah. - [Interviewer] What do you think most squares don't understand about the game? What do outsiders not see? - That it's one of the oldest professions in the world and it's to bring joy. They look down when they look down on, you know, on my business associates, you know, it bothers me, you know? And I just say, it's for their enjoyment. I mean, it's, you know, they, you know, like they, they dirty, but they're not. They bringing joy, they out to bring joy, you know, at they expense, you see, but a square, always gonna look down until they get bit. Once they get bit by that forbidden apple then they more like hey they spend more than the banker. - [Interviewer] Is sometimes not exactly just sex for money. Sometimes you're getting the watch or the jewelry or the wallet or something like that. Money from the guy. Does that happen? - I mean, it has, you know, but it's not really about that. I mean, don't get me wrong. You know there are good times where you don't have to really, I don't have to. I be with someone and they'll spend money on me for a while and I'm not, I don't even do anything. - [Master J] Just to have company see did to be event. A lot of men out there, this one, somebody to talk to, have a pretty lady on their side, they fantasize in their head and they go home and their wife or their boyfriend or whatever. - [Interviewer] What was the craziest thing you've seen in your years of doing this? - [Master J] Oh my, my, my, my. Well, I seen, I seen why on both ends. I seen, you know, I seen women get mutilated. None of my business associates is but I've seen other women getting mutilated. I've seen men get tore up. I, you know, it's just, I mean, it's wild. That's why you have to pick and choose. And I always ask my associates just don't jump in any car on a, you know, on a dream. Just don't jump in any car, be picky, be choosy. You see what I'm saying? 'Cause you know who knows a psycho could be a past. - [Interviewer] Little Mama do you find you have to use your intuition sometimes with customers? Are there guys you'll just say no to? - [Little Mama] Yeah, yeah. - [Interviewer] How has the game changed? You've been doing this for awhile, the flashy dressers and the fancy cars and all that-- - Yeah, and I mean it's a widespread I mean the way the cost of living and all that with everything has changed economy. - [Interviewer] Technology too? - Yeah it's changed now. You know the women is getting much younger, to where that's where I come up with going out of state, you know, state to state, to state, you know what I'm saying? 'Cause it's just getting and and the drugs have a lot to do with it. The addictions is driving a lot women out there. You have a lot more Renegade women out there, you know, so called working for their own, decide to act, you know? And it's just, it's not the same as the old days. - [Interviewer] You guys will travel to other states? - Yeah, we've been, we've been places, but we, but you know, on business, but we yet to go, you know, like you said, we, we come down to our retirement days. Now it's time to kick back little picket fence house with a picket fence, lots of kids. - [Interviewer] Alright, Master J and Little Mama, thank you so much for talking with me and good luck with where ever you guys go from here. - And thank you for having us. - Thank you very much. - [Master J] Show me the money. - [Little Mama] Oh God.
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 7,411,879
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Keywords: pimp and prostitute interview
Id: 1rzBLRp9b34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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