Promoting and Sustaining Wellness of Teachers, Students and Parents in Distance Learning

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[Music] uh good morning because we want of course the best for our students pero for today we would like to highlight an an equally important factor an equally important topic for us teachers and not only for teachers but also for students for the same goes for some students they're very stressed and they're very uh burnt out that's a manga thing and on the work that they will be having the assignments and everything so indeed and how they will be guiding their uh their uh students or their children along with their relationship with in the family so for today magic promoting and sustaining wellness of teachers students and parents in distance learning especially that we are about to begin our uh school year mass efficiency and we hope that for this morning we will be able to give you uh not only information but really an active a live presentation session must address your concerns and must on how we will be able to be well in uh facing this coming school year so bhagavatayama so i'll be calling sir frank for some of our reminders so sir franco if you can join me yes sir very usual reminders uh reminders nothing okay [Music] yes evaluation reminders sorry webinar reminders uh evaluation link will be given at the end of the training okay so please wait for that um after answering the evaluation your certificates will be sent to you by email in five to seven days no um and reminders long sigurusama teacher snatton that uh those who will be watching live today will get priority in starting um evaluation of course a distribution at um uh provision for certificates okay so please uh wait for that okay so again it's very long and um the last installment of the september series which was canceled the last time because of the pldt concerns we will finally have the the last installment of the september series in the afternoon but for now as mentioned by uh sir angelo let's first have this very important uh webinar note to to take care of the wellness of our teachers our students and our parents who are all um engaged in distance learning and um so sir angela i think we can proceed now with the introduction of our very competent and speakers no and a guest for today thank you thank you sir franco uh shout out again and on the odds so very very important webinar because we have to take care of ourselves we have to take care of our well-being as we become okay uh for formatters as we become uh teachers as we become okay uh parents to our children and and also to our children as well so franco we have gathered really uh and tried to tap the best set of case speakers for today yeah so we have three speakers for today and uh unlike the usual that they will be presenting uh individually this particular session uh as we are discussing actually uh their preparation for the three of them their preparation they really uh worked um on the side bago papueto talaga to give the best way for us to have that particular not only learning but also those practices of wellness so let me introduce our uh speakers for today yeah but first okay uh we will be having miss christine de leon alcala see miss christine deleon took up okay uh family ministry and counseling in sepham ateneo de manila university and got her certification as a life coach from the life coach training institute based on dallas texas she is a member of the life coach philippines at present she works as a life coach to students and teachers of key school manila prior to be to being certified as a life coach christine spent over 19 years as a teacher and as a campus minister nancy miss christine mistine so as or i often call her coach dean then we have sir or mr dan abrahina see sardana brahina is a guidance counselor counselor for almost 20 years in savior's school so talagang bhattaca in terms of guiding students he also conducted trainings and seminars here and abroad he's also a life coach a licensed values teacher a spartan racer a hiker and a starbucks collector so later then starbucks if you are fun going to starbucks like the parang starbucks and then we have our last speaker see miss geraldine ching okay for close a decade now miss j as we finally call her is a lecturer at the education department of the ateneo de manila teaching educational psychology she's also a coordinator for catholic education and ignite school network for ateneo salt institute but they're also practicing teachers they're also practicing uh wellness in their uh own realms so i would like to invite now our speakers yeah oh welcome sir dan yeah young starbucks good morning good morning coach dean good morning good morning everyone again as we mentioned it will be an interactive a live interactive so uh session that we will be asking you to really participate this is and i like this format very much and we'd like to share this with you because we all uh worked for savior for a long period of time now sitting teens 19. dan is still with them and i've spent about 12 to 15 years in savior's school and [Laughter] [Music] fill in the comment page with your questions uh with your comments [Music] um for the teachers the parents and the students you know uh it took promoting a wellness for the students and sustaining um wellness for the students teachers and parents in between of course we all know that we are still in the midst of the ovid and all our efforts are geared towards really sustaining that knowledge [Music] grief management no grieving and he said that what we are experiencing at this point all of us know is really a certain sense of grief it's different kinds of grief at different [Music] levels so those are all whatever we're experiencing right now sabi pony david kessler that is really grief at different levels but right now we are on the online platform and for some of us this coming monday and these changes would really lead all of us to being stressed out stressed david and perhaps we will be able to manage it better now we will better deal with this if we can identify it if we are more conscious that when we are experiencing stress stress stress what we do so that we can go on is to intellectualize it and not to mind our inner selves the show must go on and if we experience stress what happens to us is because we want the show to go on because the show must go on we intellectualize it [Music] what i want you to do at this point is to identify the things that are stressing you know and we would like to encourage you to write it in the in the chat box now don't push the comments [Laughter] okay before we proceed i would just like to pick up the some comment name mr uh rowell fortuna masters is taligan part of one's life no but uh young regular exposure to stress could lead to a stressful life so that's why very important we know how to deal with stress because stress is always there will never be gone but uh the way we deal with it will help uh facilitate uh young normal being and actually not all stress is bad sometimes stress could lead us to work harder work further so it's just uh how easy it is everyone's wellness is important nobody wants this uh pandemic to happen so let's not blame each other uh let's all be more patient and understanding especially let's help each other to surpass these times oh stress could not just be situations but it could also be people around us okay colleen's good name so very much true no kind of good mudka and then suddenly a stressful person gets near you you get affected with it yeah i agree i agree later um good jana they're able to name all those and no no all those things because later we'll we will try to address them um not all but uh mostly nothing pattern from the comments of people siguro we can start by sharing also our own stresses i want to share during the first few weeks of uh anubha um the the remote uh learning set up i was so stressed because we have to update our internet there was one time there was one time i was having a session i was having a session and then you pldt man came in update yes i have to ask in the afternoon but that was legit i was so scared because oh my god that time slot was for a no but i'm devoted for that session so i i think i know i think um experience you know young internet connection is really related with the dual work and roles that i'm doing now i'm a mother of two a wife of one uh you are and relaxation time but now that this pandemic has happened most of us have uh are we're spending most of our time podi to savage and as a mother your roles have also changed [Music] we need to change our platform and at the same time we need to deal with our co-workers in this platform thank you for listening i want to share also based from my conversation with the teachers but um very you know very strong mistakes we cannot perform the way we perform the bad during those times of physical setup so it adds stress because the same expectation idea that they can't get through their students [Music] students for this year will i be able to really know their context give yourself time to i know to to be kind to yourself this is a this is a different set up and we all we have to i know we have to consider that hindi model you know indeed to really build relationship in this kind of setup [Laughter] using softwares and apps with confidence preparing lessons online discussion we feel you mislea teachers are also adjusting during this potential so we have stressful parents we have stress teachers and uh of course uh we also have stress students so as a savior we started school last july 22 so i was able to talk to most of them and check it is a bargain situation and during the pandemic so prior to pandemic we have stress things already incidents uh would easily give up so another game changer patong uh kovid 19 that added to the stress then there uh so based on the interviews the students number one it's a new situation so it's a kind of new set up so a lot of things are unknown so in this sure so especially public schools demands on mojos gadgets and not everyone is equipped with that and then young readiness and preparedness you know where you are standing in the lesson but at this time it's just you and the computer so interview some student go he got lost in the last one and since he got lost so we absorb that by the mere presence of a stressful person or a stressful situation we get stressed struggles paperwork um one of the things that this only that this online platform is telling us is hindi lang po puedeng 100 online no napatmas have been blended learning uh where in you would have some asynchronous sessions no and sync for the next week or for the next two weeks until you meet your students asynchronously [Music] wi-fi at internet connection we really need to prepare hard copies of our lessons so that they can catch up or they can at least do learning and uh it means that aside from managing your space in the um in the internet where you will in the learning management system so later on we will uh talk about things that are within our control and things that are really not within uh within our control already and maybe uh later on whether nothing and shy in okay so very good more positive um more uh positive uh thinking okay and uh poor connection [Music] yes mom uh that feeling is shared by not only you but all of us know we're talking about our students we have good wi-fi or excellent wi-fi connection no so some of us tell them very frustrating we're ready to face our students internet but uh i think because of the situation now people are more understanding also nothing you control it could be beyond your control but in another person it could be within their control okay keep your uh keep your reactions coming in later questions we will be ready to take them in for a question and answer regarding um my requirements about stressful parents of my anno when i say i'm home iba young feeling before but shut down work and all but to lose that boundary between work your your work office or work office your workplace and your home where do you go for rest but anytime you're exposed also your house is exposed and all but for someone like me who really values boundaries it stresses me out i'm not saying that uh people are not welcome in my home and all but my home is annoyed but i'm very sacred young for me it's a place for me to rest with my family and all yeah and but it's good to also identify if the stress is really is is also coming from that i know that's true no no blurred learning lines all right now home and later we'll um valley all of these things that we're feeling are really really very valid and thus all the stress that we are feeling small foreign all the stress that we are feeling all the emotions are very valid um awareness of these feelings is uh is very very important you know you know awareness and acceptance accepting the challenge is very important so important is the awareness important is the acceptance because if we don't um we if we don't we are not aware indeed we ourselves become stress a stress factor to the other people okay so at this point i think it's very important for us to look at your look at the sources of our stress [Music] so i'd like to encourage you to type in those answers that you have on top of your head what are the stress factors that i am experiencing at the moment that are not really within my control difficult be under control and difficult again again the name continuing difficult to deal with you know parents it's an example of i don't know but i'm identifying what stresses you out you're able to identify and i have a stress to deal with parents because i'm sure those parents are also uh stressed also know do you really have control over how these people will respond or react or in a tapasyonpai marine ignore from them affirmation and all but at the same time okay at the same time you can't do anything about it so those things can just be placed on the side right difficult [Laughter] if you're not aware of what you're feeling or how you're feeling about your situation but i also like the point we have to be understanding of one another this is this is a difficult moment for all of us we will respond the way we uh we responded to our situations before [Music] i'm using too much of my energy i'm feeling so stressed and anub acts again um just to add my indiana it's not in our control to have a difficult principle or to have a difficult workmate or a supervisor but in a way we can uh nasa control is how we manage our reactions [Music] uh so these things are within our control they are not in response the way we answer is really within our control so analyze i think uh there's more chances for us to really um make a better relationship yes now because he must not i used difficult co-workers toxic parents we can compose what we want to tell them we can buy ourselves time right before we react before we respond correct lipstick uh how about power connection sir that i don't okay so uh maybe you could design your lesson in such a way 90 machado synchronos okay some more asynchronous sessions the same thing with your workspace commodore limited event on second floor or magnet into a place parallel but there are things that you could do to improve like uh using a zoom background or uh something to use to minimize the sound mirror manga apps uh that will uh remove your uh white noise in the background so i think we just need to search and explore on those things so uh it could be beyond but it's not not there's nothing we can do okay so i want to share london i want to add to what dan said no means creating that space uh at home because not all of us have that enough space at home [Music] telling people i agree have that moment or have that conversation with your family members and saying please see i know i'm having an online class please do not make utos so we communicate our needs now we communicate our needs especially during this time oh yes so we we should learn to respond rather than react yeah correct there's a big difference for the things that is within your uh uh that you can do something about it's k the important that we know our boundaries for example um i'm talking about my my work in the house now shuffle everybody has to help in cleaning the house now that time has changed because the workplace has become your home has become your workplace also so we can put our boundaries okay you sort of put that boundaries already so one is also knowing how to compromise okay so that is one way that you can do the dominant topic is really to allocate time okay um [Music] partly when we allocate time we will also uh know and be aware of the things that we want to brings us to the next accomplish if we are able to accomplish something if you are checklist checklist nothing we allocate time to do this and look at the things that we can accomplish given the time that we have so writing our own uh thailand chaju okay so that is for the k-a-a next seen one important thing is uh also know how when to get help before casa para we're so used uh doing things on our own we are an expert on our field but as mentioned the times have changed already so me being in the workplace for 20 years uh in terms of technology that is not my expertise so i asked you manga new business department panda bamboo enabled now waiting rooms uh zoom link pano bhagamoana schedules uh google handouts so getting help is not a sign you're not competent with the job actually uh my word midterm collaborative work okay so when you get uh ideas from other people all right asking them to contribute from here and that so it's good now we talk to them and um getting help also will uh lead to less mistakes when you know you're on the right path okay you've consulted someone so that's good already and then second is you oh miss jack you want to add something experience getting help yeah especially computer technical stuff who are younger than you that you ask their help there's a sense of recognition that i'm part of the team uh i'm needed by my supervisor even if my supervisor is already in the higher position the same thing if i ask for help then this is help from you all right so it's a two-way thing collaboration all right my concern is also no no it's also part of that i know acceptance you know acceptance you know acceptance level at this point i'm not an expert on this so you know we have to accept that there are really people younger than us better with technology and it's their time to annoy it's their time to share their knowledge with us live [Laughter] especially now that the students are even smarter with uh the teachers when it comes to technology yeah so yeah i mean it adds to the stress then um if you're among the teachers now they would cheat on exams or something so we asked also the help of our younger colleagues so that's good and second is allow mistakes so as mentioned uh we are not uh in the perfect situation now that uh we have face-to-face interaction we have all our resources in school uh the board and your uh knowledge is enough so this time it's good that we have to accept the thing that uh things would not may not come out perfectly means perfectly gonna go on that and the situation will interfere uh and make it imperfect i've experienced being disconnected uh in a class while i'm in the middle of the class or naga guys i'm i was about to talk to a student such a guidance and then i could not connect etc so uh let us not be too hard on ourselves when there are things that we are not able to do especially teachers we always want to give our best but uh allow that particular room for us now things will not come out as perfect as we expect it to be and our students they're not expecting us all right to do things perfectly but uh there's this quote that i really liked before in nepal uh the students would not remember what you taught them but they would remember how you made them feel all right all right regardless of what kind of technology you would use or comment among typographical error gen or perfect transition powerpoint from one clip one point to another um as long as their students see your airport all right that's great enough yeah i like that i like this allow mistakes but it's difficult to i know it's difficult especially for for season teachers like jay thinking that you know already what to do but at this time it's okay just allow um make allow yourself to make mistakes because you will learn definitely from those mistakes now now to add to uh what jay and dan said no um the letter p in agape is prioritized this is also connected to what jet said a while ago allocate time for example um so you're you're able to allocate time nice and there's a sense of accomplishment when you're able to take some of the some of the tasks already so good yeah and then letter a is affirm the good you know what in in this um in this time it's so easy to run because there are so many things to rant about there are so many things that we see around us it's so negative but let us not forget that amid all these things there are also good things happening right being with our families 24 7 for me is a good thing it's not normal that you see them 24 7 but it's a good thing to see your child in a different light this time because school but now we can see us [Applause] on a great site we can hear so these things are good and it's good to affirm those things no things nah but let's practice that let's thank all the good things happening around us also and the last letter is you let us not forget that when we talk about wellness the most important person to consider is yourself you cannot pour from an empty cup so kung ubustana then that's the time to look within and see so don't forget yourself it's not selfishness to think about yourself at this point in time yes so as a teacher but no i want to be there for my students i want i want to care for my students you're able to point out [Music] to be that ideal teacher now you're always there present for your and for your students in the news it's just people who know now it's people we know oh and then coffee so i think uh young struggle is real so we have to recognize that as part of you okay and we have to address that loss of a loved one difficult family member sickness etc [Music] it's always important to have someone that you is could be a friend that you could trust or means someone a feeling that and will not judge us all right so i think it's someone independent uh who could give us an honest advice if we're doing good things we're not doing good things yes it means and people would just affirm you pero actually just to appease you so find that person that you could trust all right amaya yes [Laughter] okay so if we can show that slide teachers and students is not really or majorly the goal belong teachers the learning has to continue the show must go on but i think at this point it's very very important young mental health at your mental health mental health teachers now so if let's say in the classroom uh it's a coverage it's a it's a toss up between coverage and the mental health of a student or uh this year is to have our students well-being as a priority okay miss jack go ahead does it make me a bad teacher um oh yes uh that that is really our gentleman again ambivalent as teachers i'm training so we have to make a lot of adjustments in our coverage so it does not your coverage especially that we are still looking for the right uh templar of teaching online or doing blended learning so and we we have to remember also that delivering your lesson or doing your module is just one part of being a teacher i we're not talking about physical presence anymore no but that jet was talking about wellness if we have to choose between um our modules and the wellness of our students we definitely choose wellness when we prioritize wellness we are also teaching life lessons there no not taking good care of yourself taking good care of the people around you and taking care of yourself as a person is very important more than and we're not saying that i think the important mojo but if you have to choose between um covering your module or attending to a student who's feeling depressed because she or he is overwhelmed with all the things that's happening that's happening in the in the online set up you you attend to the student first and then you left all right uh nice to know on specific important lessons that is what's important i said the other thing someone students could just go get it okay or if we could get an assignment okay young skill okay of teaching the particularly so sometimes you know idea of the teacher being in charge all the time then you not but i'm not being aware that there are things and then charge and young parents knows parents know best dressed you remind yourself that um when you empower children or empower students to actually learn on their own like researching things on their own asynchronous times so but at this time especially special seminal learning apps um we allow the students no we allow our children to educate us with incomes uh in terms of of these educational apps and allow our students to also let us we cannot fully understand the experience of the experiences of our students and children at this point unless they tell us we have to let them be ready to show that side to us we have to be patient as parents all the time is some technique we really need to ask and more often than not they're very willing to help us like my own children learning happens only in the classroom so for sure you know it's a myth all right so a lot of our classroom but still everyone gets to learn and uh sometimes students learn more on their own then all right we just need to give some guide points all right so mementos i'm posting lampard and what for them to do but uh we don't need to be in every step of the way we have to trust our students then so uh learning could happen in group works learning could happen in observation things uh observation some things interviewing people within their household so uh i know that there's a thousand other possibilities not just the classroom to get our information so don't limit uh learning in the zoom session parents also are still learning so going through the ropes of how to do online learning but as parents uh we should trust our children become young children in pasa technology with us so uh the parent should not be someone who would interfere but would just help manage the students learning so uh but i'm teaching them the nitty-gritty of things okay when they cannot answer we worry just let them be all right because i'm learning uh also involves making mistakes so if we let our children make mistakes and uh they find uh how to correct their mistakes then learning takes place yes so one tip [Music] and it's really stressful for the parents and just be ready for all of these uh things that our parents will tell us they will have to deal with that okay so another myth buster is that the students have to be online the whole time there are moments it's very important that you are able to tell the instructions clearly online [Music] and i highly encourage that we prepare our announcements very well um the things that we want them to do for the rest of the week until the next meeting have to be very clear okay and always give them a line wherein they can call aside from the synchronous and asynchronous one we have a consultation time where our students could catch us questions during synchronous sessions so i'm not sure if it's possible also for some institutions or for you as a teacher to set a specific time but uh next synchronous session all of your students especially among the consult are at the same page during the session the school should inform the parents and the students regarding the new setup of our education yes your administration uh has already taken that into consideration the teachers will bear the brunt now of explaining to the parents administration should already be doing that so please work closely with your administration and we pray that your administration will be really very supportive of you especially uh during this pandemic and a new way of teaching okay last one of putting one's needs first is selfish no so it was mentioned already a while ago it's not selfishness because we'll repeat you cannot pour from an empty cup yes ok myth busters we have 28 uh 20 minutes to go siggi po do we do we want to give them tips uh sir jellos or a sir franco or do you want to open uh the floor for question and answer uh i think many of our teachers many of our viewers really appreciate young discussion and they are giving so much uh comments and even uh insights for the remainder of the time uh let's welcome the questions that they might have again we want an interactive and a live discussion so actually this is the first time that we did it the uh speaker but it's really a collaboration i would like to to use the word the term usually collaboration so uh teachers or viewers please send us your questions in terms of how we'll be able to uh really have that well-being so maybe or maybe we can also ask the teachers or our viewers um that help them do six months online and online learning seguro while they're formulating their questions let me share in the long some things all right that i did to de-stress for myself online where we're mostly seated and uh focus on the screen so one good thing seguro is a physical way of distressing though not all of us are physically uh equipped okay most of us are touched potato uh what i did okay i do walking i run i exercise but uh for those who are not into it i'll share some physical exercises to de-stress in the meantime while uh you're just seated or not going anywhere this is shared by miss j thing yo so you can look at don't make fun of me better when you do it it looks funny then so so especially when we write that much or um so um one way of physically distressing is creating tension on some of your body parts and then releasing it after so how is that so uh different body parts creating tension and then releasing it so for example for the hands so clench your fist for 10 seconds all right and then let go all right you will feel the mejor uh young tension looser some good feeling shots of the hands so just repeat it three times clench so then five six seven eight nine ten and then release so the same with your arms clench forward then release then on your shoulders tense it going up and then release and then uh your chin without moving your neck okay try to put it below your chest all right and also your lip you smile as wide as you can i can do that and then release the same thing with biting your lips what what with your and then release all right the same thing with massaging your eyes contacts my contacts but just massage it here then massage also your temples and the back of your ears just here the same thing and then with your chest it's just deep breathing so inhale then 10 seconds extend your toes going out so 10 seconds then and then go back somehow again and long all right these are simple things that you could do uh for physical things is to set time to really reflect and a lot time to think about the day it helps me to refocus and to think of how i can improve to be ready for the next day that's from rachel mendoza so yeah you know what mindfulness health i i do that i i do it helps me but when we say human mindfulness we're not only talking about meditation all the time there are simple things that you can do now considered mindfulness already i do walking milan senior citizen right now it's very important now that we have the luxury of time because we don't get to travel to work traffic movements nothing before we can convert that you know do some activities so while listening to relaxing music especially this line and work on i get to listen to a lot of people's i know people's tongues and runs and negativity i really need to i really need to distress and pray for them yeah okay sir elmer curious that this new normal setup of schooling is totally different from before without them being offended [Music] you want to start um negative about things is because there are aspects that we can't understand because i trust that everyone a man is always welcome no always welcome to do uh but um we have to understand at this point human negative reaction manga runs and all normal reaction young because of the anxiety that that all of us are feeling so let's determine i believe that schools know to really inform the parents first on boards with the school and the the home now um without being offended yes how people will react to what we're saying time control don't so let's just annoy let's just be considerate of for example committing negative reaction and all or confidence then nothing to worry about are ready to accept what i do mostly when i talk to the parents is that i tell the parents that they are our partners in the school so we're here to help each other so it's not like the teacher is just giving everything the parents would be accepting and it will be on the accepting end so we are partners in helping and then we recognize each other's limitations so it's pandemic we have limitations in technology limitations and gadgets and other things socializations problems we have to recognize at the moment but encouraging the parents also and the students to help and and support okay so paramount is to do their part all right in making this thing making things work so encouragement that that would be my tip okay um my next question that i department what should the department do in order to address the needs and challenges of teachers who are also parents in the new normal as both roles are equally important uh those who are teaching the same subject uh share a lot of um the syllabus and a lot of materials together um in the past because online face to face subject educational psychology but now um in department sharing amin is very very generous she [Music] preserve a little more of ourselves to do the to do our role as teachers uh helpful technology like this year i just discovered young quizzes so it's an interactive way of making a quiz an apparent competitive type but teacher just input some of the questions pero and the student does it very engaging and then also uh some of the technologies used were shared to some of the teachers and then so my particular lesson and then a teacher would try to put some inputs and then if we could implement it in our class it's there if you want to use or you don't want to use but it's there yeah sakes then maron coming an american coming engage for parents and for students and for teachers so all articles or all best practices that we you know we see online or from each other you know nila legey londindo and the pos parents can i know parents can check out my articles students can also check out specially among engaging activities that we can do online now because a very important channel to mention there are sessions the students are like zombies breakers and that we can do online so don't be named so maybe we can encourage them the viewers also to to do that no some um we have to understand that that that this position is very normal at this point because [Music] for those uh parents and children dynamics you know so we have to consider that also but how can we improve our dynamics uh in this time of pandemic medjool when we give them time and we be patient as parents okay so it's a normal reaction though what's the galling them in regular school but once they get the hang out na [Music] what do we do with administration administrators or the administration who parang cannot relate or does not believe students i remember that question [Music] of parang mojo making preparation for the remote learning school work i gave it as a suggestion my debriefing weekly or once a month for the teachers and the administrators para the administrators can have an idea annual struggle among a teacher so making regular party and regular party and routine and keys teachers and admin um for the for the i mean to listen to the teachers struggle for this week and it the shared experience the lagayo manga struggles shared experience the new manga joy and then you affirm each other feeling la luna you can also do the same if you have you know if you have parang um time but i guess we have to create time for that no that's very important we debrief our experiences what we can do is to invite them to our online class and i think no administrator will say no because you're asking for their help as administrator and hopefully from that point they can see that online nothing learning management and for them to experience what the students feel uh would be an eye opener hopefully for them so allow allow if the system allows you can invite them to to join you for the class one thing that's important in this dressing is socially they don't know what jesus means in terms of teachers more unprofessional discussion so you share what works what does it work what were your accomplishments or your difficulties the fact that you were able to put it on the table uh makes it uh [Music] and then you get a firm you get uh advice so these things are apparently nothing you practice to keep connected even if it's just a virtual connection especially for dan and angelo and athene who are really with the students what do we really think our students need and want right now what do we as educators most need and want right now [Laughter] from my chats with the teachers and the students you knew we're the empathy but we long to be understood at this point because sometimes you cannot really verbalize everything although unions in a sabinating verbalize your needs and all but sometimes you can just find words to describe how frustrating you know face to face the students when i have my individual sessions with them it frustrates me sometimes when my students break down online and say things will be okay never frustrate the homies i'm not sure if my online presence is enough for them to i know to calm down as compared to the physical set up you know so i'm dominant for me but we know we reflect on the word empathy parang union call no union call at this point high agreement empathy peril validation and support uh we're on time and we're we're not sure are we doing things right are we okay uh oh my son is doing well okay and yours will hear that motivation the same thing that young teachers know okay recognizing some of their efforts and then you support that uh it's okay to make mistakes but even if you make mistakes there are people who will be behind your back [Music] are preparing also for the uh coming school year so most of them um school year and unlike us as they start their uh journey with this particular school year in this particular setup i'll go first my youngest [Laughter] [Music] we don't know the the exact steps uh we don't know if what we're doing will really work so we have to be patient with ourselves we have to learn how to laugh at ourselves [Music] limitations as teachers considering that uh most of us are 18 years 15 years into the into the teaching career of latinos as as teachers uh forget suggestion is to really get in touch with your heart not your passion that is what will see us through the situation that we are in malay at this point no so we have to build um the the better things to do i won't say the wrong things we have to do follow our gut as given that of course we have to be aware and we have to accept and that we just have to embrace um whatever is happening okay profession so uh i know that we are guided uh by our intention we're doing this for our students we're doing this for our family if your intention is just promoted or just to impress or that that will not lead you anywhere now uh better if your intentions for the good all right that will lead you to the right so uh do not be hard on yourself allow yourself to make mistakes because when you make mistakes we grow as a person so don't repeat the same mistake so learn from it and then also do not uh be the sole owner of knowledge share and i i claim that it's a shared experience again um must not realize nothing what we really value no in this i know in this six months quarantined and if we say that we value our family we're very thankful that we're given that i know we're given that chance to be with our families safe sabah nathan and we get to do our jobs here at home we have our jobs that sustain our daily needs i mean these things are not these things are um beautiful things no no surface not an amidst difficulty amidst challenges but i invite everyone to maybe um check but evaluate what we value again in life so and we we encourage everyone to respond to the situations you have now and the situations that you will be in in the coming days in the coming months as we deal with this and as we deal with this pandemic to respond according to your values if you value wellness if you value life let your reactions or let your responses be that show how much you love life show how much you value your students show how much you value wellness that's all thank you after uh having this particular conversation this particular interactive uh discussion i think many of our agapes have really imbibed that not only the the the learning but also that particular vibe yeah like instead of them not only learning it's also a way for them to distress yeah so thank you uh i miss uh and hopefully uh what they have shared their experiences their expertise will be not only of use as we start our uh school year for most of our for the public school teachers but also for us as we continue our mission to help our students to be there for our students and to give the uh the best education that we can have so again uh from the bottom of our hearts thank for giving us this very lively and interactive discussion so just a reminder our viewers uh the link for the evaluation will be given after this webinar and there's another question yes there is an another uh webinar this afternoon the continuation part of the uh series so we have to postpone that and later by 2 pm jung about acting uh continuation i think it that is the um communication so four c so communication for that so we hope that we will be seeing you later for that next part of our uh webinar so again thank you sir dan coach day and miss jet and thank you all for watching and so please take care of each other and we will be right behind you uh in whatever you will need breakfast put this coached in certain when we are working with them energy grabbing interactions [Music] for another session uh evaluation link later and then have a good lunch uh after nourishing our spirits nourishing our minds it's time for us to nourish our uh selves our physical selves so so hopefully in in due time we will have also uh that physical interaction where we can also have some eating a bit after that that possible so again uh thank you bye so evaluation links will be given at the end of the training and then uh certificates will be sent via email five to seven is certificates but again good afternoon and have a great lunch everyone you
Channel: Franco Nicolo Addun
Views: 6,478
Rating: 4.9680853 out of 5
Id: I9sl0WYczTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 40sec (7960 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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