Effective Communication in Distance Learning: Public Speaking Workshop

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good afternoon sir franco and good afternoon of course as well to all of our teachers we're happy that you've decided to join us yes no good afternoon definitely uh this is also one of the things um [Music] the first hour of [Laughter] go ahead they're not in the comment section but i want to know somebody in this uh afternoon together with her friends misha and you so um let me now begin with uh teacher sandy reyes with afternoon david laganya uh teacher from catanduanes and of course good afternoon go ahead sir marietta dokussin teacher alma lagana watching from iloilo teacher apollo marie luna teacher ellie austria teacher geneva barribad sir margie b gonzalez uh good afternoon from valencia city division uh teacher sally it was apl slide shows api and teacher joella [Music] always uh with us no blessings burns habit a teacher jennifer uh gerald teacher general jenna lin billiard teacher a little bit me it's a big i'm assuming this is a youtube channel as well okay and teacher florida grantoza teacher and teacher uh phil jin shane tan and of course with afternoon teacher jessie center teacher gerald victoria good afternoon as well teacher rafi balderas teacher evangeline cortez teacher altman l cabardo watching from malasiki pangasinan good afternoon to you as well teacher leo jimenez watching from the surfing capital of the north grapes capital of the philippines sea urchin capital of the north in the gateway to the northern illuso i look forward to visiting once uh we're all allowed to go out and enjoy the philippines again yes good afternoon watching from malaysia and teacher raquel villana watching naman from cambodia and welcome to our session for today this is the second installment of our um uh september series okay and this will be on effective communication in distance learning a public speaking workshop so we're just going to basically um talk our speaker for today which is of course very special um we'll be talking about how to effectively communicate in distance learning game siguro um just to give my take no and why this session for me is very very important actually mata gallant a very important aspect in education and communication because that's abs that's because in itself no say jambi uh education is at the core of education is communication okay uh being able to communicate uh information uh to be able to communicate uh instruction etc okay so many of the things you know are actually uh the transmission of information and knowledge okay it's via communications in the effective neurotic communication labs in terms of the teaching and distance learning so how do we do that no in a distance learning modality speaker for today speaker not in for today so uh i'd like to of course uh introduce this game um our speaker for dave is very special okay uh our very own uh sir jambi he will be taking on our session for the day a host a singer a teacher um [Applause] personally on a very personal level excited about this um succession but actually we saw i or perhaps when it comes to effective communication okay um in all cases distance learning maybe also in a personal level okay in florida i'd like to think of this webinar as you know when you attend workshops that was my first part when bini began speaker young context on a workshop and then he prepares everyone for the remainder of the activities and actually conduct small groups of people so for for everyone's sake this is this is that first step towards that workshop uh we will not focus solely on the another the spoken word communication [Music] distance sometimes even just their id number do you still communicate with them very much so okay and why is this uh important why will this be impactful to us to our teachers most especially because through to the theme of this month now recharge [Music] i will never improve in that i know my mother longing and so on and so forth so i i'm here to attempt to uh [Music] rethink to make you rethink mindset [Music] all right young main purpose main goal of communication so achieve this afternoon sir franco yes um the floor is yours now okay uh we can start the session teachers came while sir jambi is uh prepping his uh a presentation okay please be reminded okay that you will get this is a certified event okay so you will get a certificate after this event um after accomplishing the evaluation form okay and of course do not forget okay that somewhere uh in this session we will be giving you a special gift but uh only for a limited time actually next time um and uh special gifts so we'll just uh special gift for our teachers uh for this uh teacher's month no um for all our teachers uh hopefully some simple token of appreciation to our teachers know uh would go a long way on helping them in this translation okay thank you thank you very much sir franco um um webinars or trainings that i've handled uh i i always attempt to uh i don't know hanapin [Music] what sets me apart from the other speakers oh what sets me apart from sir franco sergei and si teacher pow and i'm sure kyorin or seguro is among the first tips for this afternoon um instead of focusing on where you're bad at coat and go bad at or where the other people are good at and start with that always start with that and uh so this afternoon i will start our session with a song and aleco especially since we are celebrating national teachers month on september 5 if i'm not mistaken october 5 is a celebration national teachers month i have a feeling in front of our students we have to appear strong we have to appear to know everything we have to appear as if but really deep inside there's always that fear inside us i'd like to offer you this song there's also a reason why i wanted to share that song why i wanted to song to sing in the first place and why that song in particular okay for a while let me just set up my powerpoint okay first things first and uh i i learned this beautiful um system or beautiful strategy happy education lab so if if you've not had them in your schools for your teachers invite nebusila happy education okay and at the end of the session we also have what we refer to as a checkout check in and i'd like you to use our comment section for this and i'm sure it makes a good call okay where else is your mind at the moment again we're very very thankful that you're watching we're very very thankful that you are with us this afternoon we know that your mind is uh divided there has to be at least one other thing maybe even two three four bigger things even than this webinar that you are worrying about okay so again i request you to use the comment section for this the simple question is where else is your mind at this very moment this saturday afternoon i'm sure you have some other worry in mind in our video or in the comments please uh i'll give you a few seconds maybe even a whole minute to just type in type in your comments type in where else is your mind at the moment checking my students output official checking background kagapai teacher support webinars very impossible and checking of tasks they started a teacher edna rica fort started august 23 nakomai bills doing google task card while watching this list session behind me sir francois editing and printing of modules not to be distributed on monday correct so the point is and please do keep sharing with our uh your annoying your answer to our check-in question this is also true when you talk to your students even when you're teaching your students even when you're working on the um modules that you will be distributing to them definitely your mind is elsewhere in isip you have other worries and that actually affects communication okay in the next slides not necessarily negative vienna not necessarily negative i have a request though i think i'd be gonna see brother bryce on bonsoil i hope you still remember him from our female mistaken april uh series uh aside from being a happiness teacher he is also now a manifestation coach a licensed manifestation coach in the philippines so given all your worries given all your other concerns and i encourage you to do this right before you start your classes as well manifesting statement say it out loud type it in computer mo this will help you know change your perspective and the manifest the manifesting statement that i encourage you to do go something like this everything will be okay everything will be okay besides it's okay not to be okay it's okay not to be okay i am okay i am okay okay so uh my challenge is that you do that before your class before you have to do something important assessment organize them inbox drive google drive uh when when you go for that i know for that certifications uh either it's a google or some microsoft um everything will be okay everything will be okay besides it's okay not to be okay it's okay not to be okay tapas end with i am okay i am okay okay let's uh anticipate the wonderful things that will happen teachers uh there aren't any more candles in my facebook timeline no nisha magic okay but instead manifesting is something you allow it's not about forcing your intentions and desires but it's letting go it's relaxing it's allowing the creative powers of the universe to flow through you so i encourage you i encourage you to try that habit of manifesting because trust me uh dear agape i'm not sure how many you are watching at the moment you're right where you're supposed to be but you're here now there's a reason for that there's a reason for that okay you are right where you're supposed to be because everything happens for a reason why are you here my reason for that right why when you saw the title of the webinar is it mo this is something i need there's a reason for that right and whatever you will learn after this session at sana hopefully apply musha uh in your daily life not just your work as a teacher there's a reason for that there is even a reason why um that fateful day in egypt nisir franco that fateful day in 2020 mr franco i don't know uh young sister we'll just talk about the problems uh or the concerns of parents my reason for that because a year after samasa matayo and i think after a year you've learned to refer to yourselves as kagapai peru support okay you are very much part of why this community continues to thrive and grow and help more teachers students parents we've expanded our reach to everyone involved in the education sector okay now why did i sing okay because this is one of the first things that you need to be able to do in class get attention class okay get one fourth sheet of paper surprise quiz [Music] but if the purpose is to get their attention you've certainly gotten their attention so that's also why i sing okay part of the reason why i sing during my sessions is i want to be able to get your attention but we teachers know that it doesn't stop there okay students more communication will not be ensured throughout the session all because you've gotten their attention because perhaps the greater challenge is for you to keep their attention okay how how do you keep their attention how do you ensure that after five minutes of listening to you they go back to whatever it is that they were doing right so keep attention and see gay for some reason you're able to get their attention and keep their attention for the next 40 45 minutes that you're teaching them and they're not will they be able to share it with others will they be able to apply it in their actual daily lives so all these getting the attention keeping the attention and being remembered are just some of the great challenges in communication that we have ganondin if you have a seven-page module first page good luck they will never get pass through the second and the third challenge so make sure that you start with something um attention getting attention grabbing and then continue it by keeping their attention keep their interests so these [Music] but these also are ways by which we uh these are strategies we use to keep your attention even the comment section okay why do we encourage you to use the comment section sir francois teacher it's because we want you to we want to be able to keep your attention okay in the hopes that at the end of it all you remember what we all talked about okay so effective communication in distance learning and you will realize later on while there certainly are differences between face-to-face and distance learning [Music] similarities okay there are things that are expected from you in the face to face na ganondo expectations i use a distance learning and in fact okay while perhaps everyone is focusing on well i'm sure everyone has focused on that the past year ending [Music] [Music] okay so yeah that is the beauty of uh communication that was kanina in egypt when when i was typing this night effective communication uh merenbang in effective communication or if it is ineffective behind initial communication okay you've not really communicated if it is not at all effective marine communication breakdown okay but we all know what we mean quick background although i'm sure throughout the years years months so background cost communication uh i'm actually a communication graduate yeah and guru so i took the teacher certificate um course but i'm actually a graduate of communication to be specific film in audiovisual communication i was a former voice and stage performance coach so hence the singing and hence uh why i'm a little more comfortable using the microphone compared to others uh yanzani sir franco i'm actually also a freelance events organizer host singer and presently parallel i am the culture arts and publications coordinator basically the the office that i coordinate is in charge of the performing arts groups the student performing arts groups of our school young theater band and so on and so forth and all the publications including yearbook literary magazine school paper etc but all these do not actually make me an expert because at the end of the day okay i still continue to learn and at the end of the day i do not know your context expert but i do not dare claim that i know your contexts i know your backgrounds i know your students no definitely not so sa masama tayo magikin uh we will all together attempt to work our way towards being experts okay seguro more than being an expert i'm just really motivated okay as i'm sure you all are the greatest motivation ko why i would like to talk about effective communication in distance learning who are presently undergoing distance learning okay one is officially enrolled actually nasa school the other one hindi pero does that mean does that mean opportunities for him to to learn about the abc's the numbers etc miron so this is why i'm very much motivated about this topic right because it affects my children right it affects your children and marami satin and touring with that said the the session for this afternoon will focus on the communication process [Music] way of putting things or of organizing my ideas okay uh paprika in communication process okay uh the communication process is very very complicated definitely okay models varied models have come out okay communication model the better as a ganon talagayan process of communication but just for discussion seek we'll focus on this particular model of communication [Music] well it's not linear okay cyclical how i wish in communication okay first thing that we need to remember or to take to heart even when we want to talk about communication is that it's not solely dependent on you if if my communication break down inilang at fault or come successfully in communication for that matter [Music] as the sender okay we all know it's not always just teacher factor because all of these different elements sender how the sender encodes the message itself how the message is decoded by the receiver and then there's feedback and then there's noise all of these all play a very vital role in the communication process again online teaching even the emails that you send out even the facebook messages that you send out even the modules that you distribute to your students all of them go through this process and all these elements play a very important role because communication is quite definitely more than just the message i'm sure teachers know this is more than just the message what else can we find in a communication process of course sender and how the sender encodes skills how skilled is the sender in the transmittal of the message in the encoding of the message and what are your considerations when you include is it because uh language why do you why do you encode it in english casino record is it because that is what will make you appear to be a better teacher or is it because your students are prepared for it is it because it's the language that will help your students understand the lesson better okay so these are the many considerations that we have whenever we encode right why are you deciding to send it as uh uh and amidst all of these um applications and webinars that you've attended they always want you to focus on quality over quantity so that when you've mastered one or you've mastered two or three you know why you are encoding it in why why you're using ed puzzle for example you know why you're using um google forms in transmitting your lesson right there is a reason for that palage perspective you have two teachers teaching the same subject teaching the same grade level will they teach the same lesson the same way definitely not [Music] that we decide to focus on right for example even this session even this webinar uh if i ask you or whenever you ask during evaluation what's your take away iba basilan take away because so perspective definitely affects the sender sender affecting perspective of the sender if if you're thinking about your bills if you're thinking about ilang disbabatagaltung if you're thinking about uh no i have to be able to distribute these modules on monday okay does that affect your participation in the communication process uh there i have other worries after this i uh i wasn't able to attend a workshop this morning so these are parts of my worries parts of what um affects my perspective oh yes perspective makes a big difference and we're just talking about the sender in establish nothing the sender is just one of the elements in the communication process and uh complicated but part of being able to master or attempt to master at least how communicate with our students with others is being aware that you're just one of the elements [Music] i'd like you to watch this video about why it's very important for you to be aware in a young attitude perspective i think skills even alexander is very important if all played a no pass the message in the past all you need to do is pass that message to the person behind you that person behind you will pass the message to the person behind him and so on and so forth but the things why is it always the case or almost always the case probably because of these three skills my word kanama encounter and you don't know how to pronounce it it will affect how you pass it you don't know what it means i'll show you something uh truly hilarious i i shared this if i'm not missing two weeks ago with a group of student leaders virtual leadership training uh and one of the things that i focus on is communication yeah for a while sir franco i okay uh enjoy enjoyable uh it's it's enjoyable it has a hilarious ending even but deep inside totally hang on captain i'm not gonna make it i need you to give my wife a message anything for you captain tiller marry my beauty i love you always repeat it to me marry my beauty i love you always man my beauty i love you always i'll tell you search i need you to give the captain's wife a message tell her mary my booty is blocking the hallways really [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] your husband was a brave man and he left you a message we promised would deliver [Music] mary i can know lenses that is so jason thank you [Music] children come hear what father said to me [Music] as much as i did i do still in fact pero again brings us back to the point that there are so many things involved in the communication process uh let's continue okay so apart apart from the sender and how the sender encodes part of the process is of course the receiver and how the receiver decodes okay same thing skills then readiness however much you try to encode your lesson in in the most beautiful of language even the most beautiful of words in the most perfect word but if they're not ready for that word if it's not something that they've ever encountered before if if uh context clues don't or if they've not had that lesson on context clues they're not ready for your message there will definitely be a communication breakdown for example and i hope the schools many of the schools do this and this is what i admire about uh some of the schools that encounter manila sir franco uh last year and this year's school year many of the schools actually allotted a whole week sometimes even two weeks to train the students about the platform that they're using is this important 10 days yes but that is 10 days to prepare your students for the message the quote-unquote message that they're going to receive by the time they receive these messages by the time the teachers ask them to submit things or to go to this um go click this button and so on and so forth they're ready okay and that's something for you to consider uh yes okay make sure that they're ready for uh for for whatever application that you want to use on them words yeah this is the best practices of communication teachers both in filipino and in english or in the mother tongue vocabulary words i say these are words that they will encounter and it will affect their understanding their decoding of the message if they don't know these words and of course perspective then how is it possible that you're talking or you delivered the same lesson or two students heard the same lesson thought the same way is it always because you taught them poorly no because there's also always that case that these students are coming from different perspectives from different backgrounds um can you imagine um taking a test in a well-lit room tahimic 26 degrees celsius and you've had a good breakfast versus your student [Music] different backgrounds different perspectives okay and it will also most definitely affect their attitude so uh all these are in play every time there's communication sir on here up yes but we will never be able to get through that difficulty unless number one we accept that we are a mere element in the process but we are also a part of the solution all right and then my noise spa okay and when we say noise we're not just referring to physical noise so all these things um yes our noise and yes affects your communication but there also are other physical things it's everywhere kahitpailagemo in the quietest of places n yes because the noise is going on in your mind the noise that's going on in your heart your other concerns the the noise that's going on in the minds and hearts of your students we started with our manifesting kanina i want i needed you to check in to be aware of it and let it go offer it up in the next uh one and a half or two hours of this session correct the noise within ourselves and does it affect how you communicate of course but noise is really not something that we fight use it instead to your advantage certified educators and trainers if they are able to connect this noise that they have to your lesson if they find a connection it helps them remember in fact so since it is inevitable since it is everywhere i i saw the term feedback given right because feedback is also very important um this is what i love this is one of the things that i love about kagapai teacher supports audience because you actually type in the comments okay i've i've attended other webinars where even the comment section is very quiet okay i'm awkwardly quiet okay because the things that you say emoji is sharing from your personal experience these are feedback okay that i can use whether to adjust whether to improve whether to continue i am so feedback is very important and it is more than just verbal i am sure teachers are very much aware of this in class one of my favorite type of student is the student who nods his or that he or she really agrees with what i'm saying but if you see that student that one student nodding and smiling and you think you interpret it as uh he gets me he gets my lesson confidence so if you know that we teachers are affected by that number one taiyo when we attend webinars oh yeah the next time you attend uh a meeting with your supervisors why don't you try opening your camera smile surpass students give them the opportunity to give you feedback they're able to give you feedback um maybe um every now and then allow them to chat allow them to express via the comment section their thoughts doesn't always have to be about what they learn doesn't always have to be about what the lesson was but maybe how they feel about it okay and read it take it with uh an open heart it's difficult definitely it's difficult but as much as possible take it with an open heart and mind because at the end of it it will make you feel it will make you a better communicator continue it is what you're doing if you receive a negative feedback imagining or think of it as your student actually giving you a chance to improve he would not have given feedback at all the mere fact that he or she made the effort to type you her thoughts or to give you her thoughts it's worth your time right it's worth considering so feedback don't eat in that end and i i think this is or evaluation this is something that [Music] okay very good there's always room for improvement the moment you accept that you will grow even further you will improve even further never pray to never reach that point where you think that you've reached your peak you you don't have room for improvement anymore because if you've reached your peak it's all downhill from there okay it's all about perspective pray about it meditate [Music] think how this will help you and learn from feedback in the classroom it's not only the students who learn the teachers learn most definitely from the students even okay the 21st century teacher must not be resistant to change correct now the channel the channel is very important or the the medium that you are using find the fit being a google certified educator is not for everyone microsoft teacher or microsoft expert fit for me for my context for my students context and ed puzzle okay sir we have our own lms in school must perfect for us very good importante find your fit find what works for you best at india part of the communication process what also works for your students uh for example young guinea gaming on a platform my bigots a bandwidth and yet your students for example the other the other month yeah i i attended i hope you remember him still see sir carlos i attended his annoying bots chatbots for education i know that it will not work for all my students for a certain group of my students it's a perfect fit so my challenge for you is as you learn each find what best fits you and your students and whatever that is know it try your best to master it or microsoft teams yeah mastering mo because there are so many things this is my favorite now webinars sir franco are you there uh i forgot her nickname young adding dep ed broadcast teacher who taught us about powerpoint imagine powerpoint it's supposedly something that i've been using for the past at least 15 years songs for us so she has found a way to master um powerpoint and i'm sure she continues to attempt to master it okay and she shared it with us no know your medium and take advantages of course or take advantage rather of its strengths teacher but take advantage of the strengths of your um of your platform of your application that you're using of your channel of your medium yes maganda to want to have what the other teachers have yes maganda to want to have what the other schools have but this is what you have now right whatever it is that you are using in your school whatever it is that you have access to whatever it is that your students have access to that is the channel that you have to work on and master and try your best to um communicate best at who knows you're sharing your experiences here in kagapai teacher support given the limited quote-unquote limited resources that you had would that be useful yes most definitely okay miniser franco always have three to four tools that you master quality over quantity in distance learning the modes of communication include email chats internet conferencing and even modules you can apply those in everything in how you compose emails how you chat either with your co-teachers with sir franco for example with your students but how we craft our modules continue to improve it okay don't don't ever think that whatever the the output that you first produce should be the um highest standard already no improvement improve okay how do you do that know yourself continue to learn the medium know your students sentences that they respond to you when they respond okay ask them how they are okay um give them chances to let you know how they're feeling um use their names nickname slang in your modules if if you receive a module that you reach out to your students at the end of the day the aim of communication in distance learning is the same as that in face to face exchange information be heard be understood in illinois students they also want to be heard they also want to be understood what's happening teacher jesus i write their names in the whlp we distribute every week i also like how uh the comment section is know your weaknesses correct okay if you do not accept your weakness and if you do not although you accept your weakness but you have to do something about your weakness accept there's always a way to improve yourself learn from others that's that's one good way to collaborate with others collaboration now uh here are just some tips to consider and i challenge i encourage you my uh dear partners in the vocation to also give your tips again hindi kokasi in background in your background so if you also have um tips that you want to share go ahead yeah young skills training agape reason for us not to be able to watch the skills training sessions right and and the topics they come from us webinars because definitely young kts listens in the garand opportunity to learn more about these things that might improve our communication next um consider flipping your classroom okay [Music] anytime um [Music] flip your classroom give them the chance to on their own pace learn from you still if this is already the the practice in your school very good school but generally uh we really have to have that you know [Music] the institutions that visit your school uh that evaluate your school [Music] institutions organizations once we forget or once we change the way we view what they do for us you will slowly realize a monitoring team parasa students nothing okay depend officials dao they're good uh of course they visit our school also for other things for our improvement young reason why they go there okay visit they don't see you improving anymore at hindi toto because there's always room for improvement also some tips to consider okay i was surprised when i tried looking for its effect is definitely great or if if you get the chance to try it um oh we're giving away monitors now 80 000 followers he also recognizes how it's very very useful um alibaba feedback imagine how much uh better your communication with your students would be if you don't only see your presentation but you also see their faces you also see their comments you also see how they nod how they yawn my improvement and you're only able to do that if you have a second or maybe third monitor but about some alistar frank was a giveaway monitor uh ayan sound card um yeah i use a sound card now and uh parang afternoon and i'll tell you why um because of the sound card i hear my voice is my scientific explanation why majority of us why many of us dislike our sound or hate our sound because it's we're not used to it indeed the monitor is for the facebook page followers it will be printers for 70 000 followers it is a youtube channel linda it's it's even cheaper than another monitor but it will do wonders right you're able to give effects you're able to uh improve your presentations you're even able to improve your videos most definitely okay and who also ask their students to have sort of a uniform quite semblance of a uniform because it definitely changes your attitude it definitely helps change your perspective [Music] but it changes how you talk it changes how you approach your students even the students would change how they attend your classes if they're all dressed up so if if communication uh is not just about talking and uh knowing the words to say but it's also a lot about psychology dress up you know because it changes how you communicate it changes your mood if it changes your mood for the better it will change how you communicate okay and just like in face to face communication is about trust okay if if they trust that if you say you're going to be online at this time and you are you build trust if they assume that you read their modules when you receive them and you give them feedback check mark happy face short notes i like this i agree with you grabbing effect and it will help your students build trust okay so face to face online distance learning modular trust now for our check out okay before we have our discussion after this we will also happily respond to the questions then a post chat section check out the mantayo we had checked in earlier check out the mantaya again i encourage you to use the comment section for this what is your message to your students um but in general or wedding i'm sure when you close your eyes and think of your students there's that one kid there's one student but there's that one student that is closest to your heart and a message for that student what is your message given all this um distance learning that we're doing what do you want to communicate to that student all right i'll give you time again to uh place your comments yeah sir frank can we know can we perhaps copy the another check out message it's a comment section so that while you continue to place your messages to your students out in comment section i'll end by giving you another song eternal message maybe for many of you this is your message to your students but perhaps it's also the message that you'd like to hear it's also the message that your students want you to receive okay uh yeah at this point while you continue to place your messages i will end my sharing with you with a song give me a while as you post your messages to your students imagine a ninja this is their message for you [Music] i guess you've heard i guess you know in time i might have told you but i guess i'm too slow that's overly romantic but i know that it's real i hope [Music] no no matter that you cannot reach out to them they you somehow are not getting through to them just give them a reason to trust you okay and the the communication will follow the improved communication will follow yeah thank you very much to all of you samantha franco at magdiskas natalya [Laughter] that's that's the best example an example of communication uh and looking at how uh say jamie was able to touch everyone's hearts yeah and be able to communicate that message without a coming from a song yeah and that's uh the the perfect um capture of what he said take on your strengths regardless of your medium regardless of the language or dialects that you're using okay we're coming from that very confident position to be able to communicate well what we have to and to communicate so and my name is [Music] but you were able to share this before in the icp seminar and i still learn learned a lot in terms of communication it's time for me to evaluate know what i've been communicating to my students how i am communicating with my students and um thank you thank you for that and i think uh the the question that you posted in the chat box teachers and um i hope it gets communicated that we are we are all in this together now hindi nagisa no in the you know four corners of the screen but you know our hearts are actually communicating what we actually feel no and uh thank you thank you for this um opportunity for us more on the cognitive side tech side but this time really um processing and all but this is a different touch to our webinar um touching the hearts no of the teachers most especially and um well and i think what what's really great know what what sir jambi did today is actually to touch on those um foundation our teachers are excellent communicators already we are uh the fact that you're a teacher uh you are one of the best communicators know out there um against that to give us that better understanding of intention communicate are you just simply um regurgitating or spewing uh information to your students just because you want to teach that content or menu intention it we are always in front of other people talking is not always communicating when you are talking it doesn't mean you are communicating and that's actually what i really love about uh session like an elevated you know understanding nothing i know um non-communication and again so much more okay uh it's supposed to be uh an afternoon emotions uh we can now entertain some questions now we have some questions from teacher mandelita white teacher manulita white if you could just simply um re-post your uh your com your questions because those are good questions but i'm having a hard time fetching them a teacher pow um i don't know if you also did you come from my account teacher pao if you could also um fetch those questions because fishermen delete or post really excellent questions right but we can i'm um i'm okay i thought this one um this is a wise necessary to discern the differences between personal and professional communication do we need to cut off personal communication or schedule time for it okay uh i'd like to uh this is when i was reflecting on [Music] some discussion question about code switching i think it's very much related to this in code switching um cognitive uh speech styles [Music] casual and intimate frozen formal consultative casual and intimate frozen and formal very very professional strictly professional the words that you use how you talk strictly professional how you stand even uh how you dress up your actions etc [Music] very very um friends [Music] student relationship in consultative when we say consultative the purpose of the communication is to ask for help or to give help at agenda mumma passover teacher student relationship angmagenda donsa consultative it's both professional and personal and it's highly dependent on reacting to the feedback that you receive we want them to learn how it is to be professional and code switching we want them to learn how to speak english the magnus anatomatus english because in business it's used in in government it's used etc but while you do that while you're continuing to be professional and teaching in english you're not getting through to your students benefit he or she is not ready for that kind of professionalism or for that language you adjust a consultative speech style adjusta to a more personal level the words that you use to simplify your words what's wrong is anything the matter with you that you are able to switch from from professional to personal and it's okay it's accepted you're expected to reach a personal level you're also expected to reach a professional level in the vocation that we chose so do we need to cut off personal communication or schedule time for it react to feedback and beauty of being a teacher you adjust every time you answer frank thank you uh sir um a comment from a teacher willie garcia since you have given us tips to consider uh what is or are the best product recommendation for another monitor and soundcard um for yeah um my neck donated a monitor before before the sponsored view sonic actually magazines it actually cost you around 10 to thirteen thousand monitors from xiaomi uh that's actually a good monitor actually yes so better for teachers no not for admins after 76.5 uh thousand followers then by teacher support so let us uh help us um uh reach uh 880k uh young 700k indica palumpo and we begin at the definition um this special gift will only be posted or will be only active for 10 minutes okay so this is a google workspace for education account for our teachers about storage in a personal google account okay so what we're going to give you teachers okay will be a google workspace for education account okay you will now be sharing a 100 terabyte community limit with us okay so [Music] and you have ten minutes no please um just skip it here parallel viewers okay so yeah teachers i'm posting it right now it's an active form okay uh so you have ten minutes okay um to sign up it's just going to ask you for your full name and your secondary email secondary email is just any email where we can send your credentials for your new google workspace for education account again that's hosted under agape teacher supporting allows you to explore further i am going to see google of course just storage benefits okay so teachers okay 10 minutes start now okay if somebody will not be able to catch your explanations [Music] um emphasize why we focused on the different elements of the communication process is irrethink morin it's not just the student it's or it's not just the student's fault [Music] ready for it for them it's a module that they already have but i read the module them just reading it versus them actually hearing it pronouncing certain words right it adds a different meaning to it so [Music] [Music] another element in the middle my noise my uh yum classic learner he he or she prefers that she hears the i know the words actually spoken so marami time [Laughter] know that about the question is that mahira means that for example if you have to repeat no or you have to address the concern that one student you'll be dragging along the rest of the class say for example you have a class of 50 and then you'll have to repeat the content or the concept to that one student it will also delay you know [Music] lesson for other students but at the back of your mind [Music] so if you did not understand the lesson for today you may go back to this recorded video more simple it is a student and then let's talk about it tomorrow um so we could address if you really got the concept already pero watch out in teachers uh every lesson the lemi pinapollo concept and that might be not conceptual that might be on the receiver's end and you'll have to do some intervention beyond just repeating the lessons because again it's so hard to repeat always the that's really a challenge how do you how do you um address these challenges with the students but um now if one tip that i can actually give especially if for example um uh uh anantag um young concept small builds from previous concepts you might want to ask also references from previous teachers you communicate with a parent if this has been a persistent concern um another one is for you to ask no previous teachers where the i know where the concern lies no um with a goal of um sanemas matalunga so we can we can always properly address that okay so uh teacher pau and teacher jambin i we prepared some questions here also to address in relation to communication so uh that we i think our teachers uh would also be concerned about okay while you're supposed to you know use for example one medium or one um language in your class okay so i know is it beneficial codes is code switching beneficial or um i don't know detrimental learning process language uh why are you code switching in the first place obviously i'm not gonna code switchka because the teacher in the i deliver in just one um language in less and more but if the purpose of code switching is emphasis okay you want them to understand it better the lesson and this is just me this is just me i i do not speak for my school or the school i work with depends on the intention my advantage on code switching but young teacher should always be aware should always try his or her best attempt to not do it especially within a sentence but if the intention is to help why not right in full english or in full filipino tapas this one of course you know um per per subject if you're teaching a language subject um i i am working in a chinese school champion chinese class as much as possible you don't code switch no because you're teaching a language no maybe similar to english similar to filipino also but when you when you teach for example math no um you also try to get first what is the um native language of the students so you also have to know your client no so if you if you for example you're teaching um math in english um you feel in your for example in your preview school must where the students barely or uh is really having difficulty understanding more complex terms in filipino then do not code switch so that that it requires you to really know your clients no so means um so it's very important that you know your clients happening now if it will create more if it will create confusion then it's not it's not gonna work no it's not gonna work thank you okay um teachers okay switching is not necessarily detrimental to learning okay um it will always depend and also teachers sell jambis or you're talking to student okay code switching it's it's like acceptable okay negative problem and how switching teachers into this kind of concept so make sure the interesting and i think that's an interesting um question okay uh before we go to our next um and it uh i'd like to of course know from sir jamie as well okay uh this is a question on social media okay so sir um how important is social media versus traditional platforms websites newsletters email in a communication strategy what sort of social media works best social media [Laughter] both are important okay definitely both are important social media and the quote unquote traditional media la luna that were physically away from each other and it's it's easier it's even more convenient to reach each other through social media so i i encourage you to use both but don't use both the same way social media the same way that you would use your website social media [Music] say for example you need to announce something [Music] cancellation of classes cancellation class social media huh because it's easier to share and then you provide the link to your traditional traditional media that explains it further right so my recommendation is that you use both but use each differently okay [Music] [Music] you want to be you want the topic to be taken seriously how you posted it on social media definitely but use both to be able to reach more people to be able to reach them perspectives side and my uh not so serious and knowing both gives you a better and even better understanding of the uh is is an example of that use of social media in a good way so we can always i know we can always use them okay i think what social media gives us is it gives us a better perspective of our students what's what's the trend what's going on uh um i don't know um the social media which actually allows you to connect to them more because if you that's necessary that you're going to like dance every time or dance in a pair at least you you get to build that that you know that the rapport and uh link to them uh allows you to communicate it's not going to say the use of social media no like um you also evaluate how um your environment will um anyone purpose yeah no um sometimes they can say your social media especially if it's your personal social media account um and you want to post something you have to make sure that um you have your certain limitations because um anything that you post there on background communicate so for example you were um personal social media muppet friends students it's it's not it's not um bad it's not uh okay la maging friends kayo but you have to make sure that you maintain young hiram teachers why would why would teachers uh why would um artists want to keep their life private because the way you use your social media you have to um also think anub previews content very open about all your emotions you also expect your students how you present no if you're a teacher who presents your opinions the student will follow us or it's walking the talk it depends again also on how you use your own social media if that would be um a case no so for formal communications chat for yes it's there no um um if it's work related um preferred coppo no i was talking how how do you want me to communicate to your preferred coupon and not to communicate to me through messenger or instagram um if it's work related paramahwa lanyarin what is work what is that to avoid burn out cases yes but of course there it's there's really no formula to that like it's it's uh uh day in and day out teachers that you'll have your social media when to uh to engage your students in social media when not to engage them so it's always a daily call for all of us now i know it's hard okay but that's part of our task that's a part of us being a teacher so our next question is a perennial question uh among uh our teachers and also actually [Music] is that is english the best medium of communication for example english teachers [Music] [Music] really the best medium communication are do we have other options right sir jambi uh well english is a good medium of communication definitely is it the best and i almost the best because you might think that the others are a subpar compared to english actually it's very very advantageous for a communicator to learn not only english but also filipino and stay true to your dialect or the other languages that you know how to speak all those different languages and dialects improve you as a communicator um gives you more weapons you may use when you communicate with other people it's definitely a good you know it's a good medium of communication i i teach english also i highly encourage everyone to learn the language but not if you're not going to learn filipino or chinese a chinese community or if you ever want to get involved in the chinese community our our brains are very much capable of learning all these languages and it will just continue to make your make make your your communication skills better i agree i don't know where why are you english language parents the student actually uses one language and definitely he's capable also or she's capable of learning another language or a vice versa go ahead mr franco with long passing i i came across this study once now it's actually more difficult to learn filipino it's a more complicated language but those who learn english only sometimes look down upon filipino or the other dialects they end up learning just one language yes yes actually that's the reason why our our session is entitled communication so initial language session today because our intention is to really build communication as long as you're able to transmit or to transfer knowledge or information to your students okay and you've successfully done that uh regardless if you're using english filipino visaya or ilocano okay then you have done your communication you have communicated well okay you have successful communicator okay um so intelligent teachers in essence then go ahead teacher pao yes so regarding um english being the best medium of communication i would agree with sir zambi that a number no because i'm working um under i'm working with the international uh baccalaureate organization it is important that i know english it is important that i know english because i will not be able to relate with different people of different nationalities no but but it's relative really no whatever the need is okay um that's the best for that for that period [Music] if the best medium of communication is actually english western countries we have graduates in our from our provinces here in the philippines who are able to communicate in different languages and um and they excelled no so um it's really on that um communication so if if [Music] [Music] plays an important role okay we're down to our last question for today so this one is how can you build confidence in communication among our students so that we could also encourage our students to become better communicator because 21st century skill yeah assure them always assure your students with you meron silang safe space it's okay to commit mistakes okay and when they do commit mistakes and everyone commits mistakes kite manga teachers uh sempre you correct them with the best of intentions [Music] [Music] i can still be a better communicator safe safe space foreign um and when you have established that of course you encourage them but there are times [Music] eyes on cold calls no although sometimes it works not to you know you have to to to build confidence you have to encourage them to start talking no but um when you do cold calls what do you call this um previews one approach that you can actually do is to set them out in smaller groups with their peers that's the same levels or something like that no and then once they they they are able to um communicate i'm talking about a communication orally so again so even in um paper works peer works peer reviews of works the buzzer franco um [Music] there are different ways no one of which is check their peers check how their fear how how the peers communicate or at their level i'm a teacher of course uh just add to that no uh safe space in the first place and spaces okay uh it's not only the classroom that will uh the virtual classroom that we're looking at um the students should be able to feel that they can contact you know um within the day for example especially if it doesn't it's an asynchronous time so always put your emails right there email management that they're uh they're uh they're another emails are not being answered um as soon as possible example two weeks after municipal email me hindi shin haka building confidence for our students that they felt like they're being ignored okay that's the reason why in connection to what we thought yesterday you know uh cigarette inconsistency um in in your own communication because you are first and foremost on the models of your students they will take it away they will take it from you um in communication will also will definitely be modeled modeled by your students okay and uh again uh catalyst administrator always provide them with um opportunity to talk okay um and you smart you start small you know young breakout rooms is actually very helpful just to break the ice um in terms of like being shy being embarrassed on sharing that will that actually is a very very helpful strategy okay so you start from their teachers okay teachers and that uh um uh our discussion or panel discussion okay uh we hope that we were able to um um share okay our thoughts and ideas when it comes to effective communication okay of course we'd like to thank sir jamie teacher pao would you mind um of course reading our uh specifically uh for teacher um for sir jambi okay uh just to uh thank him for being our lead facilitator and speaker for today all right kagapha teacher support presents this certificate of appreciation to sir joseph angelo m santos for sharing his knowledge and expertise in the recently concluded webinar entitled effective communication in distance learning public speaking workshop awarded on september 11 2021 signed by your co-administrators myself sir angelo maliari and sir franco abdul sir zombie super thank you my pabonus kapang [Laughter] let's uh hear from jambino a message of course um [Music] sending and delivering emojis okay so a message teacher johnny that i came across with uh that goes one of the biggest or one of the greatest problems in the communication is when we listen to reply and we should instead listen to understand and maraming communication breakdown because sometimes we don't even need to reply okay we just need to assure them that you're there ready to listen to them you were there whether or not they express it or express it in a way trust me their teachers and they're very very grateful for everything that you do you've done and will continue [Music] that we will still have four more sessions okay actually five more sessions in our uh september series okay so on next week we will have a session on um um creating ebook this was requested by our teachers um on book creator and kotobi author in this school year uh from our teachers okay um and okay so i hope that this session gets to give you an an idea of how to use kotobi author and we'll also introduce another tool that you might want to also explore okay and of course rediscovering love for teaching yeah practical tips in staying motivated and driven okay and um we'll follow it up with level a powerpoint presentation samara entire on classpoint and making interactive presentations okay and i'll be you know yours truly will be discussing a bikinis approach okay on how to blend properly synchronous and asynchronous teaching and we'll end september series with one note complete walkthrough okay [Music] okay so it's all about uh tools tools uh uh october okay so like completely a weekly um um walkthrough uh quizzes uh and all other tools now so venus um your spirits every day okay so okay so teachers saying i think evaluation link it's um https last time url dot com slash recharge okay zero two net point um oh two point uh zero two i can also scan our um um qr code now if you uh have your um other cell phones okay so let us know at information yeah and teachers i'm posting now our um [Music] okay working yes uh facebook page you say jambi setting chat right now okay teacher m a um google phone for that no so we will not cover google tools check microsoft tools um month series for those two um systems okay so what we're going to cover uh for october edtech tools festival are all other tools outside of google and outside of mic hey my name is and um thank you again for um being with us yeah i will see you on next week saturday for the third installment of our september 6th warm up [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: Franco Nicolo Addun
Views: 30,583
Rating: 4.8737864 out of 5
Keywords: public speaking, effective communication, voice coaching
Id: xZ-EklLosBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 54sec (9954 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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