NEW METHODS & NEW EXPRESSIONS: Effective Teaching Strategies in the New Normal

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[Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] know [Music] [Music] oh [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning everyone um this is cap and we're coming to you live we're doing legs of webinars for teachers and coaches uh to make sure that you know great things work for distance learning i am narcissist trustee of cap region three uh i'm happy to welcome everyone in this webinar um let's start with the prayer in the name of the father and of the son of the holy spirit amen heavenly father this is the day you have made we will rejoice and be glad in it it doesn't look like we thought it would look nor will tomorrow and the days to come likely be executed in the way we expected and prepared for help us to see the good in each day help us to find reasons to rejoice in ways to be glad litter our lives with moments of laughter and lightheartedness even in these extreme dark and trying times birthdays are still be celebrated each day the sun keeps coming up and you remain the same we are created in your image to do good and great things to bring glory to your name each one of us both teacher and student were created with specific purpose help teachers to have confidence in their craft they were meant to teach educate coach counsel and lead they are needed appreciated and loved their work and their efforts are never in vain when it is hard to see the good grab our attention father when we are sad and miss cool our number our normal routine and our teammates and coaches encourage our spirits sustain us through our very real fear of what is and will happen in our world god remind us we are not alone even when we feel isolated this we ask in the name of jesus amen in the name of the father amen we're back for another webinar uh presented by cap actually c8 is doing a lot of webinars not to help our teachers our instructional leaders and even our administrators we've got you covered that is why we are called cap before we proceed let me just give you some few reminders no let me run through these reminders first all videos of the webinar sessions will be saved in the video section of our official facebook page and in cap channel on youtube if you miss out a session you can just go to these sites to view them again alright so if you miss this don't worry you have another chance to to view them second as the talk is ongoing you may post your questions at the comments section of this facebook page or in the youtube live we will be asking these questions during the q a portion and third please be informed you will receive the certificate of attendance only upon completion of the evaluation form the link will be posted in the comments section later and will be available until 7pm today november 3 2020 again only until 7pm today the links to the evaluation forms can be found in the comments section of both the fb live and youtube video um we would like to acknowledge our sponsors major sponsors intelligent publishing for this webinar and of course rasool ct is our web host we will now proceed to the webinar proper let me introduce to you the english subject area coordinator of the junior high school department of claret school by the way father mao would have thank you very much for for sharing this precious moment with uh with all of us now with with c80 ladies and gentlemen miss pauline dot okay so last time we listened to two speeches right and we evaluated these two speeches according to what particular criterion or criteria you know how do we compare how did we decide that uh one speaker a certain president was better in delivering his speech than another president what criteria or points for evaluation did we consider last time anybody who can recall mr de veyra this one of them is stone tone very good what else mr azarquan coherence coherence of speech mr d mock this fluency and the last one fluency and the fourth one which pertains to uh the grammar the proper pronunciation vocabulary choice of vocabulary all these pertain what aspect mr valmores is the correctness correctness or accuracy okay but thank you very much that's very good and all these four aspects pertain to skills and strategies under none under verbal communication all right so observing fluency appropriate tone so it's not just having a tone or sound when you speak but observing appropriate tone and uh choosing the right words correct grammar and even having coherence in the ideas from what you said first how you introduced the topic how you developed it how you ended it and how you would leave an impact to the audience or to the listeners are all part of verbal communication strategies right now today i hope you can see my presentation can you see it yes hey today we are going to evaluate another speech of another president so from us we of course this time go to the local okay so we'll be evaluating president rodrigo duterte's speech later on right and evaluating it using a different set of criteria all right but first uh well we'll we are all filipinos i'm pretty sure you know president rodrigo duterte quite well know whenever you see him appearing on tv when you read headlines about him news and so on and so forth all right so based on what you know how you know the president and also based on the photo i'll be showing you as well as context or occasion provided alongside the photo i want you to caption caption each photo maybe a word a phrase or a sentence that would state what the president wants to say in that occasion all right what do you think does the president want to say during that occasion to that particular audience so again your answer may be just a word phrase or sentence captioning captioning the photo ready so of course you're going to key in your answer via the meeting chat ready everyone okay the first photo is what does the president want to say during this occasion when he was addressing the cov19 violators key in your answer in the meeting chat let's see what uh have you stated i am angry yes mr circle seriously all right but not from you i suppose but from the president i am angry yes okay okay right uh moving on moving on we have the this photo on being criticized by human rights activists on being criticized by human rights activists i guess this is uh uh more subtle compared to the first one so i hope uh your captions would also be more subtle or not let us see from sir bahala kayo what else is that it is would you just tell people bahala maybe maybe okay what else let's get from the others more more possible captions you have no right to judge uh huh you have no right to judge how would the president likely address human rights activists you know it's like blatant just blatant stuff like that doesn't make sense oh okay all right third photo well he's not always i suppose that um angry because in this photo when when he was appealing to the people for discipline in order for the government to be able to contain the pandemic the virus he this was how he looked like all right so how would you caption this how would you caption this as president duterte was delivering a speech appealing for people appealing to people for discipline in order to contain the virus what do you think did he say considering this photo we don't have any answer yet is it uh uh quite that difficult to uh that looks quite different from the first two i guess we had the so-called tata digo okay so called that idea but what would he say what do you think did he say during this time what did he say so maybe people would caption it or make a meme out of this so called that idigo but what about president duterte what do you think did he say looking at this photo in this occasion okay can we get more answers aside from mr de vera's so-called tata digo ah now we got one from mr laga i would like you to follow the guideline for kobe 19 pandemic to assure less casualties wow nice could be a presidential mr lagak mr demock we have to help each other wow i guess not only that the picture is different from the first two but also the captions the captions that you are now writing has a different tone if i may say has a different um attitude no so how how different how were you able boys to caption the photos anybody how were you able mr lagak mr laga how did you come to that kind of caption that is quite different from the first set of captions written by your classmates a while ago sir captions i would like you to follow the guidelines for covid19 to assure less casualties no you know comparing it to asterisk asterisk asterisk if you know what i mean what do you think how different can duterte's uh speech is from the others considering this photo what do you say mr azar uh khan on his body movements and facial expressions can we try to interpret what he's trying to say uh-huh so your classmates answers were are quite positive and are quite uh uh if i may be informal no given this photo what particular you were taught the photo but what particular observation that you have about the photo that makes it this time positive well miss his calm expression yeah what is what is in his expression how can you what description okay uh what observation do you have well from his eyebrows alone he's not he doesn't look mad he's composed very good he does not show any aggressive imagery very good so that composure that positive image is also shown through his hand gesture what do you notice about his hand gesture other hands please aside from the facial expression mr valmores this has seen in the hand gesture looks calm and and it's rested unlike the other parts when it was waving around yes ah-ha i guess you're pertaining to this into this right yes so i i uh at least it's not you know a sign that we don't want to see right okay but this particular hand gesture what does this suggest that uh always connotes a negative uh impact or message mr valmores what negative impact or message does this hand gesture bring it's combined with the facial expression the hand gesture actually like points to someone that it looks like he's done something wrong and pointing at someone you know really is uh informal and is not considered very good very polite right because he's not composed during this times and that your observation voice that he is more composed during this occasion when he was appealing for discipline to people to contain the virus sets a different tone okay uh and in this occasion you know um there's even you know uh a music that was played before president duterte all right now the important questions that we have to answer regarding those photos is the are the following wait a minute let me share again let me share again the presentation as i need to include the computer sound all right for a while okay oops okay so these questions you were giving observations that are very uh relevant to what we're going to discuss today no how can communication talk about specific observations pertaining to facial expression body movement hand gestures and so on and so forth now those are take note kinds of communication that are beyond words now there are different cues and aspects that you listener or audience need to consider as well as when you become speaker that you need to show that you need to convey not only through words all right and this kind of communication that we are going to tackle today and work on today is non-verbal communication all right so when you say beyond words when you say non-verbal what do you think would be some ways or some strategies that people would utilize mr tolentino posture very good who else mr valmores racial expressions good mr dmock this may be how the body moves of how it moves like your hand moving around or anything good as well okay so all these take note although we're not going to discuss everything but just focus on a few that will be of course uh useful and relevant for your performance task too which is rendering a speech well we'll get keep preview to the to the following non-verbal communication strategy so we have para language so last time we already uh started discussing about paralanguage which among cohesion accuracy in the what's the fourth one tone accuracy fluency in the cohesion pertains to para language is it tone or accuracy of speech which between the two pertains to para language when you say para language it it's beyond the words mr zarquan the tone correct all right gestures facial expression head movement eyes posture space you know your distance to the person you're talking to how near how far you are with the person communicate something you know touch touch and objects around the speaker we uh the the speaker wears maybe that the sp speaker uses props even setting all would contribute take note all would contribute uh for you as a as an audience or as a listener to effectively comprehend the message okay so it's not just take note one thing that you consider in order to understand somebody's speech or somebody's utterance but a lot a lot more and it is very important for you guys to know about all of this in order for you at the end of the day not to be judgmental right because sometimes we just see one photo and it's uh we are quick to judge the person right away without considering a lot of strategies a lot of aspects when it comes to communication so with the following will be our objectives actually still the same since last time but this time we're going to focus expressing insights based on material view evaluating spoken text using criteria focusing on non-verbal communication all right and that we move on to our listening task i assigned an assignment to you voice you need to access that assignment your task is oh wait a minute your task is to listen to uh the speech of president rodrigo duterte last april 1 of this year only up to 4 and 40 minutes so the speech is actually very long but you listen only criticize analyze and evaluate only up to 40 minutes so what do you need to do you will have to analyze and interpret his message and his attitude towards the topic and towards the public you will accomplish a nonverbal communication worksheet it was already set an assignment due today analyzing the following have you seen that assignment lesson yes all right i i hope you're accessing it now so while take note while watching while watching you have to work on that task and giving you an entire maybe four minutes six minutes six minutes to seven minutes to do the task okay so you just have to note words and phrases giving your observation your analyses and then at the end of the table you will have to interpret and state in one sentence or two the overall message okay so let me share let me share the the video you also have the link in the assignment so you may access it yourself i am addressing you once again can you hear boys can you hear the video okay again uh about the problem of uh kovid pandemic it is getting worse so once again i'm telling you the seriousness of the problem and that you must listen we are awaiting uh for god's blessing you know you try to mess up time for tiger so we are trying to manage you are not the government a part of what we are planning to do for the nation because i will order yo aubareilan or pattayan i will not hesitate my soldiers to suit you i will not hesitate to order the police shoot them dead hey that's it so i'm giving you uh two more minutes to finalize or watch again up to four fourteen minutes the speech of president duterte now i ended with that shoot them dead because that always captioned his speech during this time but is that all that he wanted to say there was even you know a meme that was um created out of this speech with just that caption shoot them dead but again is that all that he had to say is that all that he said during this occasion okay so your overall interpretation which you will write below the table of the worksheet is very important because it sums up your analysis and your interpretation of both verbal and non-verbal communication during this time when duterte rendered a speech if you need to play again the speech you have the link provided in the worksheet so it may not be enough to watch it once to answer the questions and come up with an analysis and interpretation all right time is up how many are done please raise your hand how many are done raise your hand nobody nobody's done yet all right okay so again you are free to continue doing that later okay but let us talk about what you have written down so far let's talk about uh your analysis of non-verbal communication skills of the speaker answering this questions can somebody give us his overall interpretation in one sentence in one sentence or two only in sentence or two only what is president rodrigo duterte's message to the people during that speech one sentence only or two what is president duterte's message to the people let us ask uh your two classmates mr azar khan then mr valmores um his message is that we should wait for the vaccine because he he is sure that they will uh give it uh they will share it to the world and for those who are criticizing him you they are not in charge of of the government okay so i think mr azarcon presented two ideas but i guess the uh what he mainly wants to say is wait for the vaccine okay what about mr valmores it's it's seen in his non-verbal actions that he is really um pissed off about the people who does who did not really listen to the rules and regulations that the government applied and this shows that he really wants the people to listen to his the rules so what is his message is that a lot a lot of people are still not following the rules that the government applied okay that's good no what do you think is his specific message uh miss the same to those people to those people uh miss he is not afraid to shoot them dead or actually or do serious things against them okay good good okay so your uh ideas are good but um if i may uh choose a particular focus on that speech i would say it's all about addressing who in particular who he wa to whom is was that speech particularly addressed is it to the filipinos in general to the leftists all right so knowing knowing knowing the audience of that particular speech you would be able to tell and analyze the main point of president duterte now mr valmores you're very good when you said when you um analyzed his body movements his aura his attitude during that time and so considering the audience and considering the observations given his non-verbal strategies non-verbal communication strategies what is his message to the leftists and somebody rephrased and gave us a possible overall message of the president to the left this we already got two clues non-verbal just a non-verbal uh communication strategies the audience the context so the audiences to the leftists or you know the particular subject of his speech and then the occasion the context time of pandemic context that there were a lot of uh maybe uh protests by the lefties during this time of pandemic so what is his overall message is mr valmores answer shoot them down the only overall message that we can possibly perceive from the speech or shall i say that's quite incomplete anybody who'd like to add more add more to that uh statement shoot them dead i guess that's not the only main point of the speech because before that uh directive was uh given there were a lot of uh you know circumstances a lot of ifs a lot of kapag no that the president talked about before saying shoot them dead what do you think let us uh call on mr fragata [Music] if um the government officials feel that their life is being returned then i'm sorry louder please mr fargata if the president said that if you if your life is at the if the government officials are their life is in danger then that is the only time that they can shoot the people then okay thank you for that you know there should be a clause a clause a clause a condition a conditional take note before that shoot them dead all right if you know what i mean when it comes to critically comprehending a text whether it's a spoken text or a reading text so it's not enough to just have perhaps the the key sentence or the key directive but you know that if plus that conditional is necessary for us to understand as asa critical listeners why a certain directive was given and what circumstances are around as to why this directive is given all right so you may think that the directive is still um unfair inhumane and so on and so forth all right but again the if clause the if clause that you need to be able to comprehend from that speech and even considering the communication strategies are all needed for you as a listener as an audience to understand that you will not just be shot dead if if again you would abide by the conditionals all right now how did you come up with this interpretation with this overall message 10 points will be given to all your analyses to all your observation of the president's non-verbal strategies okay can somebody give us a sample like can somebody tell us how he said you must listen you know there was a statement there you must listen how did he say that statement or that directive you must listen did you just say it you must listen that way what's your observation mr demo this maybe is pointing to someone he's speaking for a specific group of people correct now how did he say you must listen miss maybe he pointed to the at the video miss okay so good pertaining to body language all right thank you mr teemo now what about pertaining to para language i mean the tone the pitch how did he say you must listen they simply say you must listen or in such a manner that there is a significant peach tone mr estrada mom duterte said it with a deep tone and said it slowly i think he's trying to say that he's serious about this okay correct good so slowly and with stress and emphasis you must listen he said okay what about the you are not the government that was also significant now if you're going to play the video again later you are not the government he said it in this way you are not or you are not the government what's the underlying message with the manner that he said the statement you are not the government so you cannot be in that position to tell us what to do how can you describe the para language when he said you are not the government um [Music] nice ah this is quite frustrating okay but i guess this is normal and i'm not alone right yes that that person that chatted was that that needs to take medicine sure of course you may all right okay and i i don't want you to get sick just by taking your english lesson all right okay uh i don't know if you were able to uh hear what i said i wasn't able to hear mr valmore's answer okay but i was asking how addressing he said this can you hear it take away to try and you cannot be a part of what we are planning to do okay can you hear can you hear me voice yes take note take note of this as how he said you are not the government you are not the government okay so how did he say that statement mr valmares it wasn't only like it's he's really serious about it but as you can see when he was saying it he was kind of stuttering pausing for each the each of the words it could mean that he really wants to highlight this message in his speech very good very good pausing per word means he wanted you're very good mr morris to highlight or to emphasize on every idea that you pertaining to the leftists are not what they are not the government all right so each idea each word there represents a certain message who he was pertaining to and what he was telling the this uh subject or this group of people what they are or what they are not all right so all of those you know are essential boys not only the the words not only the verbal communication to understand the message so with all those stresses emphasis pauses tone of the voice loudness high pitch and even the non-verbal communication what attitude or tone or emotion can we infer from the speaker from president duterte what attitude tone emotion mr mariano what do you think in the uh from all those words and even considering the non-verbal strategies the pauses the loudness the emphasis the stresses the high pitch the low pitch and so on and so forth what is president duterte's attitude emotion tone when he rendered that speech uh um emotion attitude uh i think he was confident on what he said on what he was saying confident confident meaning uh that he he had some conviction is that it he wanted to show conviction is that it what's conviction i'm going to say he wanted to show that i am the authority uh yes right i guess that's how i can interpret your answer mr mariano all right what else what else what about mr fragata peace overall tone overall tone emotion he was very angry angry yeah i would agree he even said the there are people really who you you know i think he was controlling an emotion that was anger you know preventing himself for from perhaps cursing uh certain people uh when he said you well and then you know all right so angry all right correct correct what else last one other than angry other than with conviction with authority slash confidence what else was that only uh can can we say that he's only angry is there torrentino well miss he is serious okay why do you say so that's a very good answer why do you say that he's what serious what's your support to prove that he was uh serious oh this your waves of peace i'm sorry the way this speaks so your overall strategies you mean okay yeah that's correct there was seriousness in the balloon that's why there was even a serious threat at the end right okay so take me seriously take our warning seriously or else all right so all of those are essential again and this particular non-verbal communication strategies in order for us to critically take note of the word critically comprehend a speech okay so we're not going to at the end of the day teach you guys only how to speak but also how to understand first speeches critically not considering not only the um the words said but also how these words were said all right so nonverbal communication pertains to the following now when we say para language that's the first one uh that has a lot of uh sub aspects okay so these are all the aspects of paralanguage sound of the voice so take note there are those that are gifted with good quality of voice you know the the singers the good speakers all right and you know having a good quality of the voice well that's quite um hereditary or that's um uh natural not for people uh they're lucky they're blessed right because a good quality voice is also pleasant to listen to right and that adds up to how the speaker can engage the audience and that adds up to how he can effectively deliver a message all right now if you're not so gifted as a speaker when it comes to your voice quality there are another strategies that you can that you can employ when rendering your speech or whenever whenever you're just communicating you know um every day to anybody so pitch is the next one highness or lowness high-pitched low pitch could indicate certain emotions and certain messages like you don't uh say your condolences for example in a high-pitched way you also don't you also don't um address or say sorry in a high-pitched way all right volume loudness or softness again intonation the rising and the falling not only the tone but also a certain message like for example rising intonation be a question and they could note a certain emotion while falling intonation low pattern or falling pattern expresses a statement or a certain kind of emotion or tone even the rate you know how fast or how slow you would say something can indicate a message can indicate whether you're emphasizing on an idea and even indicate your present condition or emotion like feeling energetic feeling nervous at the moment all right now take note i would not i would not give one or specific interpretation to either what a high pitch delivery of speech means what allowed what a low what rising and falling specifically what do this mean but i would always just say could no the tendency the tendency the possibility that this kind of pitch volume intonation or rate would say okay because i don't want you guys to be boxed with the idea that whenever a person says whenever somebody talks in a high pitched it means that he's always angry like for example mr datu mr datu your advisor your teacher for so many years and my husband was he low pitched or high pitched most of the time is he at high pitch or low pitch most of the time mr azarcon miss [Music] [Music] when communicating to you like when talking to you low or high pitch you shouldn't really talk to this that much thank you thank you mr de vera he speaks in a very high pitch especially when he's excited okay high pitch correct now um i i must say that when it comes to pitch and the volume most of the time he would be loud he would be high pitched or maybe i i'll refer to just the volume all right loud but that doesn't mean that he's angry all the time it doesn't mean that he's shouting all right but knowing the person and knowing that that is just his natural way of sometimes emphasizing on things would not likely make you judge him or a person angry right away okay so you know what i mean you don't just uh uh special you don't just right away judge that high pitch means this and that okay because at the end of the day you have to consider everything the personality the context the message the verbal no for you to critically comprehend what he really wants to say right questions about this so far okay and these are other types of nonverbal communication so other than how we say the statement or the words these are other nonverbal and not even not para language that help deliver our message and that help others comprehend our message facial expression hmm you know president duterte i don't think he's he has uh he he says a lot with facial expression do you agree he doesn't say a lot with regard to facial expression like i would often uh in the the speeches that i watched and evaluated what what to show you there's not much to his facial expression what do you think mr demo miss me i think duterte didn't show too much of a facial expression he he some is at some point of the speech he looked mad but he looked calm at the same time not much right that's correct but he had a lot of hand gestures right okay and when you search for photos you would find a lot you know a lot of uh hand gestures that tell something about his personality like what hand gesture usually would you see he's using what can you can somebody show by turning his camera on the common hand gesture that you see president duterte was always using mr valmores can you be on cam and show me the hand gesture that you often see or observe in president duterte mr yeah yeah we can see we can see you okay correct all right and you know that sign that sign or the hand gesture that uh served as his flagship gesture now when he was a candidate and up until now that he's a president not the first the closest which marks i believe in his personality right head movement also matters whether you look below whether you raise your chin you look down you look away and so on no all of those would mean head movements not only facial expression so they say something but i again i don't want you to box with the idea that when a person is always uh has always his chin up that is always confident or that he's not not shy because at the end of the day it uh it may be cultural you know non-verbal communication can be cultural and can be based on personality so you always have to correlate nonverbal communication with verbal right posture eye movements proximix distance between communicators how far how near you are with the person you're talking to now uh like president duterte with the use of the podium no what does that say about him as a president what do you think he did he does not deliver usually his speech without that podium right now being behind or having in front of you that podium with the logo sakisa pilipinas tells something about who he is and that you need to pay respect and that you need to give your full attention to what he's saying haptics or touch may also communicate a message now you be careful because some people don't want to be touched all the time while there are people who likes touching people to either show sympathy show concern no so that's when you know sometimes miscommunication happens when uh you have you have different personalities you have different ways of saying things okay so that's why again a lot of factors context should be considered time crinemix time so the context and even you know um being on time tells something about you as a communicator all right you have a meeting or like for example in this session now some are here five minutes before the time while some are here at exactly 8 30 so what does that tell about you as students that also communicates a message right objectives attire props objects from the speaker or surrounding the speaker like from president duterte's speech what are what can you say about his attire what was he wearing was just wearing polo shirt what do you think does that suggest what could that suggest how will you contrast usually uh former president aquino and president duterte when it comes to attire president okay what about president duterte this teacher um that also communicates their personality you know and what kind of uh aura or uh attitude they want maybe people to think about them right and being the president of the philippines whenever he delivers usually his prepared speech there would always be what objects surrounding him what have you noticed what object can symbolize that he is the president of the philippines from the speech that you watched i mean he did not just deliver it on the road right or he did not deliver it at home while sitting in the dining table right we're sitting in the living room just like maybe some artist uh vloggers would do but he delivers it with all the props surrounding him and what were these props that tell the audience that he's the president of the philippines mom philippine flag correct okay so he should have it with him and also some background that would um indicate who he is all right so all of this are aspects and strategies under non-verbal communication now this is what i want you to do later on okay uh during asynchronous time so it's just a very easy task you need to respond to different lesson nine channel posts now uh indicated in every post indicated in every post is uh the uh class number a group of people that needs to try in the posts all right so you have to show paralanguage saying something you have to reply using an emoji reacting to this picture reply using an emoji you have to copy paste a photo from the internet showing a photo with a visible significant hand gesture expressing love and your answer should be varied i don't want just i don't want to see the same hand gesture but different hand gestures showing expressing love head movement so you need to criticize and analyze the two characters head movement so you reply class numbers 19 24. for posture there is this photo you need to choose only one to analyze let's say for example the person wearing red suit with makeup and handbag with her is what and what his or her attitude is based on the posture lastly eye movements so you need to get research and copy and paste a picture as a reply showing eye movements showing a certain kind of positive or negative emotion for example for for uh for negative confusion so what eye movement shows confusion so assigned to positive our class numbers 31-33 negative 34-30 7-38 all right any questions mr estrada mum when will we do this deadline but uh you need because it's not an assignment posted but it's in the lesson channel so i would see there whether you uh have submitted even the time will be shown all right beca when you reply now again um there are specific people that should work on the post but for added participation points everyone may post in every post so for example mr val morris can respond to all the six posts i know you would mr valmores right just kidding okay boys yes all right okay so at the end of the day we answer these questions as we work on the task later how we found verbal communication essential in relaying and understanding a message so two-way communication in understanding a message and in relaying or conveying a message and you know uh i also want you to think about why it is important to consider not only verbal and non but also ver non-verbal and also not not only non-verbal but also verbal when it comes to understanding and judging a person that we consider a lot of factors a lot of strategies in order for us to take note of the word critically interpret the message and effectively communicate a message okay you also have take note i also uploaded in the channel more discussion about body language and nonverbal communication and there is an asynchronous written work task when you're done with the post written word task uh to be submitted uh tomorrow okay which uh will which should make you evaluate the speech of a certain character so there is an assignment posted about this one all right boys so that will be all for now unless we have questions and clarifications regarding the tasks okay so if uh no more then let's have our prayer prayer leader ah that means we're ready to pray classmates yes we are then a father the son the holy spirit be to the father and to the son into the holy spirit as it was in the beginning is now and will be forever forever the father the son the holy spirit amen goodbye blessed by me thank you deal with these challenges as we think about all these considerations we now increase our repertoire of new strategies in the new normal all right but when i say strategies it's not that we just research you know for about them we just attend webinars read resources that would give us a list of a hundred of thousands strategies that we can use in the new normal but in the at the end of the day as a teacher you need to critically think about the purpose of why you're using a certain strategy the relevance of a strategy and the reason why you're using such strategy for example as i share about the strategies that i use in english to teach high school students at the red school of question city i would think about this particular purpose promoting responsibility you know among my students while providing them guidance in their name okay so it's not just that the teacher gives everything all the resources all the input that can make them get knowledge and skills that they would later on apply and be assessed with okay but there is also responsibility on the part of the students to get and learn on their own about these new skills about this new content but along the way you provide them guidance in doing this okay in uh being responsible for their own learning such as for example when we make them do a research work we can use this strategy called web quests which is a kind of research that the students do utilizing various sources like particularly the world wide web or the internet okay but in this research it is structured in such a way that the teacher guides the students along the following okay so it would have a lot of faces not only that you give a research topic for the students but you help them explore on this topic giving them developing guide questions to narrow their searches and even providing them websites that they can use that they can go to to answer these questions and get information about the topic you need to provide instructional activities even uh so now like for example knowing how to cite sources knowing what kind of websites are appropriate to use to guide this research experience for our students and that this research work takes take note not only one instructional period but more it's a process where they do a lot and apply a lot of skills in reading in writing in researching now in the end we don't just evaluate the content the sources but also the process that our students encountered and experience in this task for example when i asked the students to gather data for their argumentative essay performance task this is the kind of webquest of pvp that uh that they did okay so there's a worksheet that they need to accomplish when gathering information about the topic there are questions that they need to answer for example about the issue or the topic how is it evident in the country setting the context of the issue what are the root causes of the problem what are the impacts of the problem to the people and the society and so on and so forth now as to answer these questions they need to gather evidence they need to do a research and we even provided them types of evidence kinds of information that they can search for and use to give background about the problem now since this performance task is an integration among different subject areas such as mathematics cle music and computer there are types of evidence that they need to look for all right and all of us teach them what these evidence are how to get this evidence for example where to get them and we even ask sought help from our librarians to provide them possible sources to answer these questions to work on the argumentative essay and all this they did before they were asked to develop their policy recommendation or their proposal to address an issue a current issue and again another round of research take note was done by the students this time not giving background about the problem but by supporting this claim or policy recommendation providing arguments and supporting evidence again from uh the types of evidence that we provided that we taught them to support these arguments okay so there are a lot of skills that were involved in doing this performance task not only writing not only addressing the problem not only citing evidence but even writing and research skills such as citing sources using a certain kind of format all right so it took them time all right but this time i believe was well spent because it was guided and it was relevant for them to do this particular task writing an argumentative essay i mentioned a while ago that time is really challenging we used to have back in face to face instruction a traditional set up five days no of contact time with the students but now we only have two synchronous or face-to-face sessions but we have two to three hours of asynchronous time with the students okay so time when they can do other things like research prior read prior to the lesson and then do tasks prior to the lesson so given this limited time we need to really maximize this contact period that we have this uh this very limited synchronous time that we have with our students okay so what you can do is you can turn your traditional classroom into a flipped classroom where in everything should not be done you know during the synchronous time that initial instruction can actually be given through homework using sources given by the the teacher tasks provided by the teacher input or texts like reading or viewing texts to the students prior to that last time so that when they go and attend your synchronous time then that time can be well spent for supplementary instruction like for example practice activities feedback giving additional information on the new content initial assessment all right for example in the nonverbal communication lesson that i had with the students i initially before the synchronous session or the contact time i gave them this links to youtube videos discussing and giving samples of different non-verbal communication strategies all right so they were asked to access this material and to do certain tasks for example or even just you know uh go through them and gain initial information about the new topic that will be discussed and work on during synchronous session another homework that was given before the synchronous session was this so there was a speech that was asked for the students to watch and evaluate and that they have to evaluate this viewing task or this video using different non-verbal communication strategies so even before we discuss this new content we made them see this now in a sample video and we made them criticize whether these are evident whether these are effectively utilized in a certain video all right now we checked the student's understanding during the synchronous time and provided how well now if if the speaker for example from the video was not able to fully display and effectively use this then our synchronous session would not only uh be spent criticizing but also giving you know ways and techniques on how they can better their speeches so when you give such tasks where in uh you're not physically or even virtually present with the students you need to provide a lot of guidance all right so for example you need to provide the link to the to the new content that they need to access you need to provide them clear instructions even resources not undoing the task as well as say a thing crazy or yeah know how how they'd be graded in that particular activity so that they would know how to do it really correct this is another thing that we need to address in the new normal engaging and promoting participation i believe is every teacher is concerned these days let's admit it um students are not very comfortable participating especially on the spot and that not all of them because of the different setups that they have distractions at home challenges in computer in internet they're not very engaged okay but it doesn't mean that you cannot do anything about that okay so you can definitely promote participation you can definitely engage your students not only in your lesson but through your tasks for example you can actually still implement games in your in your classes in the virtual setting okay so like you can make them uh do bring me you can make them engage in a scavenger hunt that is virtual like finding items fulfilling challenges all that they need to do in order to learn about the lesson or apply not the lesson like i had this virtual scavenger hunt given the same lesson non-verbal communication during the synchronous session okay so in the virtual scavenger hunt the students were asked to copy and paste and foresight not the the the source for this uh copied and pasted pictures items information from the internet okay so they were asked to get pictures in order to show certain non-verbal communication strategies such as this one this post eye movement so copy and paste a picture showing eyes and eye movements showing a specific kind of emotion which is either positive or negative and their interpretations should be checked by the students labeling now this uh the picture or the nonverbal communication is either positive and negative okay and as you can see there are specific people that may do this so class numbers 31 to 33. so this is an example from a student mr kyle uh andrei valmores so he copied and pasted uh this picture showing the eyes of an angry person i suppose because that's the the emotion that uh he used to label this picture another is uh this post this time students number 13 to 18 were asked to copy and paste a photo showing hand gesture expressing love so i don't know why for mr lance andre d mock this and gesture is an expression of love all right so you can later on ask the students to expound on their answer explain why that for them is an expression of love okay now uh in this you can have you have the option as a teacher to react you know right away to the posts can either take like put a heart to it you know these expressions that are also non-verbal to give them initial feedback all right so when i don't understand um a certain post or a reply i would give a surprised surprised uh emoji okay so to note that maybe uh my i couldn't quite agree with the answer and that maybe they can you know edit it in the search for more okay so when your students are in have been engaged in the lesson in the in the tasks you can do more like for example directing responsibility on the students so i mentioned that learning about a topic should not only come from the teacher but through your tasks for your assignments and homework you can make the students learn further and you can make them apply these lessons all right so by for example making them engage in a group work so they can teach each other one another give feedback to one another about the the lesson no given a certain task like for example the kind of group work that i gave the students in order for them to explore the topic nonverbal and verbal communication is to engage in a tele or in a video conference all right so they themselves critic speeches vlogs pointed out or identified certain verbal and non-verbal strategies even demonstrated this and that they even gave as they discussed whether the strategies were good and that they even gave their own suggestions as to how the speakers in the vlog can better or efficiently communicate the message identifying verbal and non-verbal strategies that the speakers can use so let me show an example of a video conferencing when my students critiqued a certain blog so in this vlog critiquing in this video conferencing the students only evaluated uh speakers in a certain vlog but they also provided suggestions on how on what verbal and nonverbal strategies the speakers can use and that their classmates can use when they create their own vlogs now um in group works you can also ensure that there is participation and collaboration among the students okay so you just have to direct them into the tasks and provide them guidance like for example what goals to play what tasks to do a group work like online group forums can also be beneficial for the students engaging in collaborative tasks and providing support to one another in accomplishing tasks now in ms themes in the lms that we use at career school we have uh features that we can use to create groupings okay so via channels for example later i'm going to show you some examples but i believe even though you don't have these kind of lms or you don't have an lms that you use there are other free community platforms that you can use to promote collaboration among students okay so like facebook twitter linkedin youtube get up and correct so in ms teams as i show this example i created channels where ian's specific people are members of and i myself of course as uh one member or owner of that channel now in this channel that's where they communicate to one another asking questions answering questions helping each other providing resources to one another like for example in the in their essay writing task or in a research task they were providing their classmates resources to use for the individual work they loaded all right and they were even giving samples to their classmates on how to properly cite sources like what you can see from these posts of these students so they were teaching each other create citations in the reference part of their essays all right so you know responsibility is directed to the students to help each other to help one another in learning the lesson in doing the tasks in accomplishing tasks so during discussion participation can be maximized not through um some strategies we have to take note that our students may not all be very verbally eloquent they may not be very comfortable participating in discussions therefore learning turning their cameras on forcing them to speak may not always be an option okay so what strategies can we therefore use to maximize our student's participation in discussion so if they're not very comfortable doing it on the spot you know verbalizing their answers then maybe you can make them write them down all right so your discussion can comprise this strategy of chatting to live chat so i believe uh platforms would have this option for the students to chat to their teachers to their classmates as a way to participate in the discussion as a way to answer questions to do tasks and you get to monitor right away their meaningful participation and engagement no compared to when you make a few persons verbalize their answers you only get to check one to two students responses right but in a live chat in a minute or in less than a minute in less than a minute all your students whether you have 25 to 30 students get to at the moment express their answers and you get to check at the moment their responses like for example uh in one of our meetings when i was asking them to identify techniques that the speaker used to introduce the topic all of them keyed in you know in a matter of one to two minutes their answers okay so you can give immediate feedback by liking giving them a thumbs up you know or a smiley in every post that they make okay now this also gives them time to think about their answer compared to answering uh pop-up questions and from the students written responses you can make you can choose you know one to two to share and i and i'm sure when they share they would not be so hesitant and they would be able to share meaningfully about their answers because they've written down their answers first so this writing of answers before you share them orally to the class gives them like a thinking time now a rehearsal in order to better express their ideas and thoughts about the topic it's another example of utilizing conversation chat during discussion so to ensure that really everybody gets to participate you can even ask a certain question in multiple ways in multiple times so when i asked the students to evaluate the verbal strategies of of a certain speaker i created four to five posts in every post a specific aspect of the speaker's verbal delivery like for example in post one fluency so which between two speakers can be considered more fluent and and in this post assessing fluency one verbal one aspect of verbal communication only class numbers one to eight are required to respond although the others are encouraged take note that there are other posts where a certain group of students are required to key in their answers so you would ensure that everybody really does participate not to mention it would be easier for you to check all right whether everybody has really uh expressed and participated during the discussion after discussion you would definitely have activities or even before right and in your activities you can promote creativity among your students and you can even make them successfully or engage in working in your tasks especially when you provide authentic and relevant tasks so what is authentic for your students is very important for the teacher to consider and decide on know what what is it that really students find natural find genuine and true to work on can be engaging for them can be relevant for them and thus in this kind of tasks they'd be able to display engagement display creativity and excellence along the way okay like for example vlogging is a very popular um activity for most people nowadays right so people express their ideas through vlogs and it would be authentic for the students especially at the moment to also express and to also you know display their uh speaking or writing skills through vlogging so vlogging is a video blog okay so we're in your written work for example or your ideas are presented or posted as a video instead of a text so vlogging in our in grade 10 was made as a collaborative performance task not only in english but the collaboration was not only among students when they worked on the vlog but also collaboration among different disciplines or subjects so we have in this task working with us english teachers are the computer teacher the cle teacher math and music teacher okay so while cle math helped out in content as the students cited evidences from cle and mata lessons and theories okay so the computer helped in the technical side so teaching the students how to create vlogs while english would of course be very concerned in the delivery so how to construct this vlog how to deliver this vlog all right and we added some aesthetic to it not only you know technical aspects of the vlog but also music was able to find a venue authentically to incorporate music in a certain activity okay and of course the different subject areas graded the students in different means based on of course what they expect the students should be able to apply in this performance task okay so in promoting student creativity providing authentic and relevant tasks you can definitely think of a lot of strategies so if the grade 10 students worked on uh creating a vlog our grade seven students to address the uh issues in the pandemic of the front liners and of different people were asked to write proverbs and even publish these proverbs in digital posters like for example working alone will help small communities heal working together will help the nation heal for grade 8 so when they were asked to know about diseases and explore these diseases not only covid19 but different diseases they were assigned to a certain country exploring describing giving statistics causes and effects responses to these diseases no from different countries and one was assigned to algeria okay and they presented all these information in form of an infographic and of course finally it's not just about knowing the disease knowing the problem but at the end like the proverbs you would want your students to care not to show concern now as the grade 9 students were expected to write creative uh you know using figurative language creating poems they were given this task of creating poems and incorporating music in it so music and english light up for this performance task so they were made to create poetic chant music video and in this poetic music video they created first poems applied music and even you know um sang this uh chant in order to give encouragement and support the frontliners and to everyone who is greatly affected by the pandemic that we have now so at the end of the day you will be through resources through webinars you'll be able to get a number a hundred thousands of tech tools and apps to incorporate in your teaching but you have to think of what's going to be effective what's going to be purposeful in your respective situation [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow once again thank you miss pauline for the very engaging presentation she did an online demonstration and then right after that she presented short input on teaching strategies pauline is the current chair of the english uh department of the junior high school of clarence before we proceed to our live panel discussion just allow me to read out some of your comments now by the way i would like to say uh good morning to father e king donald our uh vice president he is watching right now good morning father lee king such a sweet message from miss caroline castillo hi mom caroline thank you for she said thank you for this very informative topic this will certainly improve my teaching method and strategies thank you ca e she said and then who else said thanks for sharing your insightful information mom and then here's another one from mom so sima bautista thank you mom and cap god bless mom baby picasso said such a good speaker and then she also said blogging is a good strategy mom aurelia regassa said thank you mom pauline for your demo teaching it is worth imitating congratulations again worth imitating from mom or sir june belkin thank you for the very relevant and timely topics slash discussions congratulations to the organizers and finally from sir chris herrera he said thank you miss pauline datto for sharing your new strategies in teaching cap cares wow sweet messages now let us go to the live panel discussion allow me to introduce two of my friends to join me in the live panel discussion principle of the basic education department of holy angel university please give it up for mom lisa bell gamboa yay hello good morning and then also we have in the panel the current school directors of saint nicholas theater high school in cabanatuan city this is carmela garma morning everyone happy to be here [Music] [Laughter] allow me to say there is a classroom tradition of excellence we do not repeat that right there is a classroom tradition of excellence and when i said tradition of excellence i meant that this classroom is student-centered right this is always my position you do it face-to-face you do it online you do it modular that cannot be compromised right and when i said that cannot be compromised there should be a lot of that consciousness or thoughtfulness on the use of the different pedagogical approaches right and these pedagogical approaches must be very vibrant across the procedures that is why it's called the process to face online or modular say for example constructivism constructivism that allows students to to generate or produce new insights new knowledge new values new understandings right because this is the impression so if you're doing it online if you're doing it modular how do we make sure that these pedagogical approaches are allowed that these pedagogical approaches are are there no so we talk about integration we talk about reflection we talk about collaboration all of these things how do we make sure that these pedagogical approaches are are there you know because when we speak of when we speak of semantic learning we say that authentic learning is supposed to be immersive right context fluent and human sensitive and and because learning is authentic because learning is immersive context fluent and human sensitive we should not ignore the role the critical role of these pedagogical approaches in the process number two i'd like to bring about the the idea of systemic uh framework of integration from sparse to seamless of this uh online thing no because you you do online you you you it can be over and above of what you do it should be fully integrated you know there should be that thoughtful framework of integration where technology is is part of the academic life part of the the and number one is the issue on connect versus connection this is what we say now it's because we are dealing with the human dimension of learning our issue here is not connectivity but connection if the kids if the teacher is having problem or is having a little trouble about connectivity so how do we shift the gear from connectivity to connection because there's a lot of human dimension going on there okay and then there is so much to there's so much to to understand about how we do online learning and how we do face to face there's no difference between doing it face to face and doing it online there are non-negotiables okay that we should navigate continuously we say that tradition of excellence in the face-to-face must be the same tradition of excellence that we have to bring in our online classes right now yes yes milo can you mention something about proofing assessment or authenticity of assessment as part of the way we do teaching and learning in this time of content yes thank you sir narcissi first of all uh i'm really happy that we had this opportunity to watch a teaching demonstration and to actually talk about how online classes are delivered now ever since we started school in october in august for the private schools in august it's now november that's two months of a dryer so i'm sure everything right now all kinds of learning is welcome at this point all kinds of learning at this point are welcome and we really should have more opportunities like this now we talk about really how to deliver instruction in this new modality uh for assessment so definitely it's really a challenge you know yung long simply recitation [Music] it's really the challenge no participation and it's the only way to assess our learners to make them participate but the the thing is there's really more to recitation there's really more to just calling them by name and asking them a question and waiting for their answers no the breakout sessions itself where you do collaborative activities that's already assessment for you so angdami daming ways of assessing uh it's just really a matter of having that mindset of being pro student no i want to be called pro student and i would like to believe that all teachers should be pro student meaning everything we do in from the very start of our lessons should be pro student pro learning no how do we make them learn and if this is our mindset we will not go wrong in assessment we will not go wrong in choosing material for them in choosing activities for them correct that is why this is always my possession to to decide from from decide whether to go online or or this is about creativity all right it's about re-evaluating or reassessing the face-to-face how are we doing in the face-to-face because what we are do with the practices right in the face-to-face are the same practices that we can that we can adopt using online or using using modular so we have to be we have to be sensitive about re-evaluating or reassessing those practices and those procedures in a in a regular face-to-face because we do not want to bring the same mediocre in an online and we do not want to sophisticate things with an online thing we cannot say oh no online come in kids are supposed to learn no it's not about it's not about technology it's going to make your students learn right it's about the appropriate use of the pedagogical approaches so we say we and in using the pedagogical approaches we are not so much of the technical we are not dealing with a lot of these technical countries we have to be very we have to be very sensitive about the human the human condition the realities of the human condition right from concept to context how do we deal with this context how do we prosper progress this context in in in whatever the modality is in whatever the platform is we have to stop working on our own threshold as teachers right and and then we have to be very concerned about student engagement if we want to pursue authentic learning we have to really touch a lot of this human condition across our procedures you know and and academic and curriculum goals is no mercy you have something to do yes um if we focus let's say on student engagement so i would like to pick it up from student engagement and you want our students we want to be connected with our students so it's not a matter of us discussing this time connectivity but how we have to be connected so from the very start how did we plan our teaching and learning environment in the classroom or even in an online classroom so i would like to make use of a pedagogy where we have the two pyramids one um inverted pyramid that will be on the teacher and then the upright pyramid that will be on the part of the student so when we start even in a synchronous and asynchronous class and even in a face-to-face classroom we always have the input so that means to say it will be the role of the teacher then after that the role of the teacher the teacher gives now an activity but it's a guided activity so that while the student is learning the concept being given by the teacher there is the teacher who guides the student then after that the teacher now allows the student to work collaboratively with a partner or as a member of a particular group and then from there there will now be a release of responsibility meaning to say in the upright pyramid the lower portion will now be bigger uh that means to say we are now making our students do their own work so that means to say in an actual classroom even if we are inside the classroom that's how we prepare our lesson so all the more that we have to do that in an online class so that means to say we do not stay online for two hours three hours so that means to say we can only stay online 40 minutes one hour and then the asynchronous class will now follow meaning to say there is a teacher who guides the students while they are performing their tasks if we are given by that premise though that means to say that's how we prepare our classroom or class schedule as well so how did we prepare our class schedule did we make it in such a way that the teacher talks the whole time or it's a lesson it's uh we start with the synchronous class followed by asynchronous so that we give the students time to work collaboratively with other students so if we are making use of certain platforms let's say it's a zoom in uh google mid and all ms teams these have breakout sessions that can actually be used by our students now if we proceed from their collaborative there is a mention a while ago in the teaching demo that there was uh like project-based learning so that means to say there is an interdisciplinary kind of work uh that will now be uh checked by an english teacher a math teacher and all so they made use of an example and that's of love now i saw in the post a while ago not even if um vlog is on the video but you can also make use of a blog with a b so that means to say that will not um uh it will not be difficult for the students who who can add a video themselves to come up with a vlog but come up with a blog so it will be checked by an english teacher it can be checked by an ap teacher it's one word but it may be checked by different teachers so but how do we even go to project based learning so that means to say we should have started first with articulation so that all subject areas are in the same premise they are in the same uh frame framework okay so that when they offer this in english it's being captured by ap it's being captured by science and all so it's a matter of us planning and mom milo mentioned a while ago so we are still in the process of polishing everything so i would like to make use of what our university president say uh we cross the bridge while we are bridging it so we are not it's not too late for us to do remedies so it's a matter of us looking at how we plan things so that we can give and deliver to the students what they truly deserve in this kind of learning that we are in yes responding to all of these creative tensions in order to come up or design alternative courses of action because you know this is the perfect time for us to recalibrate reconfigure things happen all for student achievement we are for we are all for student achievement and that we should not compromise so whatever the modality is whatever the the platform is and then critical to the many things that we're trying to say here if you're trying to pursue is instructional leadership um rumors right and international because it's in a normal face-to-face that's a castle look for right where is your collaborative learning opportunity here right and and that we we have all but we we have to pursue also in online classes that's how we do layers of quality assuring it right before anyone can proceed to online we have to make sure that formative assessments are okay we have to make sure that the materials are are okay we have to make sure that uh the entire plan wow that's a lot of work to do for a principal instructional leader now ahead and in this time of disruption we always want the idea that all principals are instructional leaders smiles yes that should be that should really be in fact it's very easy i can understand our principles so it's very easy to drown in all the things that you have to do not to keep up with this crisis but really the i think i believe the key is always to communicate your standards that's the first you have to do as an instructional leader para madali and that you don't have to speak to each one of them separately communicate your standards to all the teachers who are making the plans and if you commun and if you communicate you look for kai ki-sang look for land everything will follow no and if the look for of the instructional leader is relevance and functionality in the lesson plans now i have to come up with something relevant and something functional for these students because remember we are in a crisis we are in a pandemic and it's very crucial how we choose our materials yes your choice of materials nothing is very crucial at this time in fact relevance and functionality of material has always been of paramount importance to us as teachers now so talking to them reaching out to their dispositions can be done through the design of our lessons so it is a fair amount of importance for the instructional leader to look for relevance in the material the materials should be championing and inspiring and positive because we are in a crisis they are so lonely they are in their homes tapus mage example something so depressing so material should be championing what is positive in this time so the children can appreciate their online classes my likelihood [Music] those pedagogical approaches must not be compromised they must be very vibrant it is the critical role really of the instructional leaders to to do something about to do something about business to make sure that the loop force are there formative assessments good choice of materials value integration points for reflection right collaborative learning all of these things must converge together in a powerful teaching learning process it's numerous yes um picking it up again from milan and um after we have given our teachers our standard it's about time for us to also talk with our teachers it's only in talking with them that's a communication we communicated with them the standards that we want them to follow but let's listen to them as to how this are actually translated inside the classroom we might be looking at it from a very distant perspective but from them who are actually inside the classroom have we listened to them have we heard how they do it and then that's where we actually come in again and then help them how they can improve because we cannot always look at the learning plans as a guide but we have to see how this is translated inside the classroom and this will now be the time for us to say there is really work on the part of the principle there is really much work on the part of the assistant principal our coordinators because because this is the time for us to listen to them what is really happening inside the classroom it's so difficult for us to be observing now because we cannot just go pop in we cannot just uh unlike before walk along the corridor will already have a glimpse of what's happening inside the classroom and then formal observation we get to sit and then we get to see everything we can visit and try to see how the lesson is continued the following day but this time we can only see so much and um we have to see the whole context when we do observation also and this will now be the time for us to do clinician as well because this is the time for our teachers i think this is the time that our teachers need our presence even if it's not physical via zoom via google myth but we listen to them they share with us their experiences then after that uh we come up with a design as to how we can actually help them because one discipline differs from one another from the other discipline so that means to say there will always be variations in terms of what particular uh help may be extended to a particular subject area so again uh it's not true that there is no work on the part of the principle so this is actually more work for us because we have to go in the extra mile to meet our teachers talk to them and find time to talk to them also it's the same suggestion i have for for all the principles that i know to to initiate a lot of his collegial conversations and then a lot of these articulate funds communicating the vision communicating the standards communicating that the the the sense of excellence the vision of excellence to to your teachers and then to guide them all the way you know every step of the way how to go about this how to go about this this new thing all right that's very important for for teachers to feel that the principle is there that the coordinators they are guiding them supporting foreign foreign is it's really hard to know whether they are doing what was happening or even the attendance right names without many things we have to provide spaces for student empowerment the same idea of the same idea of face to face right student empowerment discipline empowerment guidance empowerment empowerment of the person to what extent have we invited or engaged our students to empowerment we have to admit there are some things that we cannot control that is why we need to pursue formation we need to pursue discipline also we need to pursue the idea that without discipline without formation learning will never ever take place and then here's one good comment this is a very innovative creative and informative demonstration of teaching english from a teacher from a millennial teacher combining traditional and new methods for pedagogical approaches congratulations from dr erlinda the shirt of asian social institute thank you cep for organizing this webinar wow that's so sweet mom marlena thank you all anything more to to add to this conversation smile some some final notes you have some final notes uh i i saw a comment uh that uh seems to be asking about authenticity or sincerity in doing their tasks on the part of the students no authenticity of output if that is your concern really it's all about the design of the plan of the lesson plan these are things uh you just just like cheating concerns concerns about authentic assessments concerns about are they really there or or have they left nor have they left the class etc these are concerns that uh should not be our uh prime prime focus no because if your design is student centered these are not going to be problems because the students will really stay on and be there and be very engaged with your session with your class um so if we spend too much of our energies and our efforts thinking about these things or maybe we can spend more of our energies thinking of the students how we can engage them no also another note on the opportunity of available information we can be very surprised with how students can navigate through this uh through cyberspace no and come up with information that you need so we have to put a little more faith in them and do not spoon feed them with our lectures all they need from you is an is a prompt no you facilitate after the prompts you facilitate you process whatever they have come up with and just present it to them in a new fashion so have a little more faith on our students with regards to information [Music] because [Music] someone is mentioning about project based it may require more time for students to engage in but somehow this can be a good platform for interdisciplinary instruction and learning process and then communicate the standards i love that thank you cep must be pro students this is from padroness our webinars in artificial would be like this your faces are very engaging your faces are very engaging we are watching not to mention the content of course a hashtag is they say everyone and then there's another one from lani uh v gocheres the great aim of education is not knowledge but action yes this should be the great forward from content to context from from conceptualization to contextualization because i say again that learning is immersive context fluent and human sensitive now and we are experiencing it right now salute to all the teachers not lots of activities exercise exercises which some parents and you read from the fb are complaining about making it hard for them to understand the lesson this is the module you need to annoy you we have to execute in connection with this service practical response we have to design a program then for parents we have to train parents also an academy say for example that we can set up or we can design for parents so we can we can teach them how to really mentor or supervise uh home learning or home business orientation it should be a program okay running from from uh from august to april like apparent hardening is highly advisable from can i ask what are their opinions about the recent issues about the online classes throughout social media but particularly what particular issues about online classes throughout the social media is [Music] please also sir i would also like to share this with my mercy i'm sure team members would would uh conquer with me when we say we need sensitivity yes from the online classes my mercy cow on sensitivity this is the time for us to actually listen to everything um before we normally ask how many of our students say that how many of our parents are complaining about that but this time even if it's let's say one of our students mentioning it so that means to say that's the difficulty that particular student is actually undergoing so how do we address that so that means to say insensitivity not then we'll first uh from uh the part from the teacher sensitivity from uh what's happening inside that online classroom then we have to listen to the concerns of the students and these concerns may be valid so that means to say there is a way for us to address this individually so as they come and then sensitivity also on the needs of our students and then from the teacher to the students and then uh of course we also in basic ed we have uh elementary peoples so that means to say how are they doing in their online classes definitely they'll tell us they don't like online classes they'd rather have face-to-face because they want to be with their classmates so the sensitivity there will be how will now the teacher address the concerns of these pupils that we have and then how do we engage our parents also in terms of how they will monitor their children so will they be there to answer for their children will they be there to push other children to ask and all and then so it's a matter of us really coming up with something to address all these things and then sensitivity on the part of the principle instructional leaders and all as i mentioned a while ago this is the time for us to actually listen and then address we cannot always say there is one size that fits all so it will always vary from one discipline to the other so that's where we have to really be in contact with our teachers some of our teachers that say are still at home working from home but they conduct their classes so how do we meet them so we always have to find ways as to how we will be meeting them and then of course the most difficult thing is we are available 34 7. we cannot simply say we are only available from seven to four eight to five because um we do not only deal with their classroom concerns but we also deal with a need for a mental health break because this is something different they don't have fellow teachers that they can share their concerns with and like before if they go to a faculty room they can already share everything [Music] yes you feel like you are alone over the government we started that's the feeling of a particular teacher inside an online classroom then how do you talk with the students especially if they don't respond and all it's the same that's the same feeling during the face to face that's right we have to bring in a lot of these connections and then you you were mentioning about sensitivity for me you know the the most important and i think the most complex sensitivity sensitivity to your own self you have you have to reconnect with your own self and then ask so how do i see things now the way we see things differently in in part as my vision of success is is concerned and so far as intentional teaching is concerned you have to reconnect with yourself and then reconnect with the people around you reconnect with your students reconnect with his parents and stop being reactive about things and you also mentioned something about mental health that is why this is also our position as cep we have to couple good academic program academic implementation with a strong guidance program on mental health so we also encourage schools to run sessions online sessions online sessions on mental health for students and also for parents something that is sustainable foreign for the generosity no thank you all so mila thank you um i don't think i can leave this webinar without reminding that our instructional leaders our principals that the best way to show our sensitivity is by communicating with our teachers and checking on the load of activities and assignments and performance tasks that they give to the students there are there are teachers who are either excited to give activities or they just really want to impress their principal no i understand all of these but the key is so that's always the feeling of the students okay so i think this is where the instructional leader can come in and be and really be sensitive not to ma performance tasks and how can we you know practice alignment and integration with our competencies now we map our curriculum so we have more time for everything that's it thank you very much and members thank you very much we really have to navigate both the personal and the professional undercurrents of this online of this business learning yes yes sir thank you for this opportunity and um i agree with uh everything that you sir have mentioned and then my la as regards your last words because communication is very important and um i think it's not too late for us to do some tweakings in what we have prepared if we think there is something that we need to uh still improve let us not be afraid to uh go back to what we have planned that's the reason why we plan we always have to go back to our plans and then try to see what works what does not work and then let us now remove from our perspective from our minds that this is how we did it okay i think this will work now uh what if it didn't work so what will we do continue with it so that means to say we sit down again plan we that's the reason why we really need to communicate because that's the time that we will really be able to get inputs from you there teachers from you our coordinators assistant principals and principals and to be given opportunities such as this from ceap to have a discussion so that we know that we are not alone in this endeavor we are not alone in this uh concern that we are facing so it's also a sharing of experiences and then we learn from one another i would like to always say we are with you in this endeavor so indeed so we are with you just trust us communicate with us and then we will um continue building the bridge as we are crossing it again to see ap and sir narcissa thank you and to all of you who are who have been with us from nine o'clock and 9 30 until now thank you yeah if i'm a verse together to get there together allow me to say a teacher can be deficient in one or two areas of teaching configure to reconfigure the design or a design and for me that's okay to be deficient in one or two areas of teaching but if a teacher has to be deficient in in an area of teaching i prefer it in the area of skill not in the area of loving and caring because if a teacher becomes deficient in the area of loving and caring she or he can cause the children to abandon the race altogether and that is not forgivable so if that's if there is one true thing that she'll remain at the end of the day but this is the teacher's capacity to give more love more love until it hurts until it no longer hurts thank you so much uh mercy thank you thank you once again thank you pauline thank you father now and thank you clara thank you god bless everyone let us close this with a short prayer in the name of the father and of the son of the holy spirit amen glory to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit as it was in the beginning beginnings now and forever without ending and then it's the father and the son thank you so much thank you so much [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
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Id: wRwTUzMcGc8
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Length: 172min 30sec (10350 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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