Edpuzzle Pilipinas | App Smashing with Canva

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[Music] do [Music] [Music] hello and good afternoon teachers now again we're going to happen to say that thank you dr mr alwyn we're going to happen sayo we're going to happen sir frank oh my god that happened [Music] [Music] [Music] and then of course for our public school teachers first terms at in school congratulations by the way sir alvin advance congratulations um let's now proceed to our session for today uh maybe you could uh give us like a short um um description and for our app smashing for today which is uh on using uh or with we will start our session okay for today with of course know your introduction and of course introduce you seriousness learn about the new feature or one of the new um available features in ed puzzle which is the ed puzzle extension applications for today with ed puzzle it will make use of the ed puzzle extension it's like it's it's heaven-sent okay because be ready if you have other devices okay that you can use key you might want to uh also do the hands-on and add the extension ready so that later when our speaker not talks about um uh the app smashing with these different applications you can actually go on and um do the activities as well okay so sir already let me just go and share my screen at [Music] uh chrome web store okay uh chrome uh web store sir alvin chrome web store let me just uh send this um link to from your chrome web store extension is uh our chrome web store is your ed puzzle extension chat right now extension teachers once you are here you will see here uh a button um right here okay so one will definitely uh you'll be asked to sign in into your account say for example this one okay that's associated to this um chrome extension okay features in screencasting basically is screen recording screen recording right from your ed puzzle extension padding pad mug screen casting or mug screen recording for example for example application okay random language for example i'm going to open okay um my let's just open for example a google slides um um extensions and we will now be able to start recording right there sir alvin okay okay so in actual application from our speaker for today so you can choose um tab you can choose uh to record your entire desktop okay or to just record a camera okay so for example sir i'll win i'm going to record my entire desktop okay and if i start uh click on start recording i will now for example choose this one okay usually so we now can locally know a screencast or a screen record right from our ed puzzle extension and sir alvin it works from any website any web pages and motion pray okay google chrome google chrome um i think it's now time to give the floor okay to our speaker for today would you like to do the honor team uh to um present to our speaker for today okay um who will guide us know um for our uh for the rest of the sessions at uh excited ideas about uh how to use uh this new ed puzzle extension in uh app smashing with ed puzzle particularly on canva okay go ahead sir thank you very much so for our speaker for today s what about myself how are we doing we're doing fine yeah we're good all right can we check my sound hi everyone i have a little bit of a wi-fi issue so you might see me and i might kind of have a little bit of an issue with them presenting today so just bear with me how are we doing franco can you hear me well or if i got a laugh yes i i can hear you well your audience great a little bit of lag from your video but uh again we can see uh of course your uh your presence very much your presence no uh in our uh stream right now so we're good we're good all the video is good okay okay thank you so much maybe i will give we'll give the floor now to unique uh so that we can start now and we can um have more time on your session okay perfect hey guys how are you doing out there i really loved franco's awesome instructional instructions on how to use the chrome extension now edpuzzle at the moment has got some phenomenal upgrades okay so in the last two months the ed puzzle team have been working really hard in order to upgrade and bring a whole load of new features to you guys um so today we're going to focus on one which is what franco has just shared with you the chrome extension screencasting and what i love about screencasting is it allows us to dig so much deeper into content share so much more understanding and so much more thinking that we can really touch and connect with our students in such a different way so we're going to start off and look at how we can use edpuzzle to communicate more now bear with me because i'm going to multitask my screen my computer and my wi-fi are playing up today and it's a problem i have so please bear with me okay so we're going to look at screencasting today and here are my five top screencasting ideas in order to communicate more so the first one i want to bring to you is actually the way that edpuzzle uses screencasting within its management and its leadership team since i started working with edpuzzle i've seen something that they do that i think educators need out there so much more and i'm gonna show you what happens so when we have a team meeting this is oscar who's our team lead and he's sharing with us a slide deck for our team meeting he's got a whole load of ideas that he wants us to talk about and wants us to think about and what he's doing is he's sharing an ed puzzle slideshow for us so he's screencasting the slideshow he's digging into the content he's making those connections between what's important for our team um and what is on our agenda and he's allowing us time to think about it ahead of the meeting and then giving us an opportunity through the questions in edpuzzle to respond with any questions or queries that we have another thing that he does within this is he provides the link to the slideshow and he provides a link to the jamboard now on our jamboard we'll then add in a load of questions or thoughts about something we're working on in a project um and then we have two different layers of communication so edpuzzle is really giving us this opportunity to share our understanding and share our questions before we get to the meeting so when we're in our meeting our meeting is really so much more time specific and very focused on our needs as a group and one of the things i love about this is that you too can do this within your teams whether you're supporting your teams with pd or you've got planning meetings for your students or team meetings to do with a student um and you're looking at student needs there are so many different ways that you can leverage this idea okay i'm going to move on so i really love this edpuzzle actually blew me away with some of the ways they use the tool for productivity within the actual um within their business community and i love that and there's so many of these ideas that that i think would be brilliant to do within the education community as well the second one so i don't know how many of you do this in humanities but take a trip around the world with um with google earth so using let me just go back there we go using google earth in order to connect to google earth voyages and trips i'm using these ideas and screencasting the content beforehand using your voice asking questions and inviting the students to add a deeper understanding what do they already know what do they think and what do they wonder so that when you get into the class and you're thinking about this concept whatever it may be orangutans planets changes you already know what the students know you know what the students are thinking you know what's really important to them at that point so that when you get into the classroom you're devoting and channeling your energy and your time to the most important areas that you need to be focusing on so i love screencasting for creating content flipping it before you get there to find out what you need to be tuning into i'm gonna move my i'm really lagging here so please go with me level up in maths now i've gone a little bit deeper on this one because i have a tool for you that has literally blown my mind now i'm going to invite you to either take a screenshot of this slide or to access the qr link to go to the jamboard and within the jamboard what i have done and i'm going to show you the jump now so let's see if i can here we go uh where's my samples here we go and within my jamboard what i've got is i've got a whole load of ideas here of some of the things that i think are really cool that you can add on for screencasting and ed puzzle what would you do if you were screencasting content for your students or within your school community at school now what ideas do you already have let's take those little seeds and let's germinate them and grow them within this wonderful community that we have i've put a couple of my ideas down there for for you and what i've also done is i've given you a screen to show you some of the areas that i think that we could be focusing on whether it's school pd gamification differentiation design and thinking coaching and mentoring conversations and then any questions or shares that you want to keep going on plow some ideas in really communicate with your community and then finally i've put this if you want to contact me there i am get in touch i'm always always always open to hear from you you can get in touch with me personally um definitely on twitter i'm there a lot um and so you can really connect with me there right let's take a step back and i'm going to go back to matagon because this is one of the things that i think is amazing so mathagon came on to my um wavelength through instagram funnily i think they must have had an advertising thing going on and i just saw it there and what i love about it is the ability to use online interactive manipulatives for math so if you have any math educators or you are a math educator this is something you tune into because i think it's going to blow brains and i'm really excited so if you already know about that this please tell me what you do with it because i have got a couple of ideas but i want to grow my experience so if you know what is going on with matagon or you've seen some brilliant stuff tweet it to me uh you can send me a message you can put it on the jamboard okay here we go so i've logged in with my google sign-in it's linked to google it's brilliant just sign in with google i went to poly pad which is at the top here and then what i love about this is poly pad is really where you do all your connecting to the mathematical concepts and understanding so i created um a couple of things so i did a c think wonder and i took these ideas from joe bowler's math you cubed math ideas and if you've seen joe bola you're going to know that she's absolutely phenomenal so here we go i did a see think wonder and what i love about this is that you can then take the image and if you look to the side of the screen you can download this image so you could then print that off within your class so that students have maybe an a3 copy if they need a little bit more room to explain and share their understanding they might want to write on it they might want to take a screenshot uh take a photograph of it for future preference they might want to draw on it uh doodle use physical manipulatives to actually help with their understanding or they might want to work in a group and do a collaborative um math idea so what you can do with all of this is you can share this to your class and within matagon you've got assigning to different classes you've got lots of ideas where you can create um create the different puzzles that you've got i'm gonna put in i don't know if this is gonna work so i'm fairly new so i'm kind of uh on the fly here and i would like you to bear with me if i click on consecutive numbers oh it does change it okay so what i did is i went to the joe bowler website for youtube and i found a brilliant consecutive numbers problem and i just screenshotted the problem and then one of the things i like is that you can go into numbers and fractions and you can go to the hundreds chart and you can add that in and then you can see that adds that into it's playing up a little bit because my computer is not working but that adds that that in and then the students have their problem they have mathematical manipulatives online but how this connects to the ed puzzle screencasting is that you can then use these ideas screencast it with a puzzle give them the uh questions and then pose further questions to deepen their thinking and get them to explain what they understand and know and wonder so you can put something in you can create your whole online um kind of problem and then use that puzzle to take that further and connect with your students provide them with the online link for the sharing so they have that with a class they can access this on their own device and then you've got so many multi-layered approaches to learning you've got the start where you give them what the task and you invite them to share their understanding before they approach the task with edpuzzle and then they have a go you could also use feedback and get them to explain their own understanding by creating an ed puzzle student video that they can watch and share with each other so mathagon for me is an amazing screencasting opportunity that you guys could use please let me know if you have used this right i'm gonna go back to canva has anyone used canva for um presentations by the way i find it really easy to set my presentations up but sometimes i find it a little clunky in sharing here we go present again you can see i have a delay okay so let's see where we are click so there's the jamboard and i just showed you matagon it's going to take a little bit um and then there's a the next one which is number four so create a how-to video i love this one for all the coaches out there who's a tech coach uh create a how-to video so use um edpuzzle chrome extension with the screencasting tool to share good practice share how to um tech videos with your tweet teams or even with your students i mean students are pretty good at picking up new technology but sometimes we need to be really specific in how we want them to use the technology and we need to tell them why we want to use it this way whether it's because of a safety issue or whether it's because we want to gain a certain understanding from them educationally so i've put here some of my favorite tools that i use that you might like to take back to your classes so grammarly every single day i could not write an email without grammarly i love it uh jamboard for sharing and collaborating online google keep for keeping me organized um one tab i don't know if anyone uses one tab it's a chrome extension um dig it out and have a look it's great for collating resources and sharing it out with groups with a qr code i can definitely do another session for you guys on that because i love it so much um and then also color picker moat and one password if you need any help with any of these just let me know or we can set up another session and then my final final idea that i think is really important to just go back to in why we use screencasting why is it important and i've got this there's a great resource um called fet uh it's based in america you have a lot of science and math resources on there and they're very much interactive and simulation based so something happens and they ask the audience or they ask the person using the ideas it's a bit like desmos actually where you can then tweak something and something happens and there is a is a response and what i love about this is that it allows people students to predict tune in to new ideas so make a prediction on what they think may happen whether that's mathematically or science-based tune into new ideas see something different and and have a very simple understanding screencast something like that and ask invite students to say what they think is happening right from the beginning even though they've never seen this before um assess an understanding so use a screencast at the end of a tool so set this up set an experiment up screencast it and invite the students to explain what they've seen and what they understand and then also just share simple practice and invite students to show um to develop and share their understanding so that's one of my favorite things to do and i have collated all of these resources for you anything that i've talked about today because i know i've talked quite fast but anything that i've spoken about is available for you um there's the jamboard uh where you can share your ideas and then i've also got for you my link so here we go that link there is to a one tab with all of the websites and all of the tools that i have mentioned so you can take a screenshot of that it's also on the jamboard and you can then really look at what we have what we've been talking about today i'll go back to the jumble because the jamboard i would love for you guys to share what you already know what do you think what do you understand and what do you think is a next step what would you like to try out in the classroom and what have you already tried out within your community okay franco i think i'm finished how are we doing hey thank you very much uh thank you uh nikki for that now uh i think uh a lot of possibilities are uh have been presented okay uh for our teachers and uh there's there's really just a lot uh things to take on okay so much to take on um and i don't want anyone to get overwhelmed so wherever you are right now don't feel you have to dig into everything think about what connects to you what one thing you loved or what one thing inspired you and go and dig a little bit deeper into that okay yes thank you thank you uh and i think nick what's really good about this new feature of edpuzzle is that it just allows you basically to make use of any tools basically as long as it's a browser-based tool and you can open it from your chrome browser you can infinitely do so much things and so many things okay uh to um to record okay to use it for for your classes and i think um what's fundamental about this uh nikki now that that was solved by uh by ed puzzle is that it no longer require them to do it somewhere else uh no need for example to use another tool okay and then later on upload it in a puzzle and annotate it from there okay this kind of it's sort of like it cuts off the workflow or makes the workflow so much efficient for our teachers it cuts out the middleman so i would always use another tool in order to take a screencast i love screencasting i do it a lot in fact i do screen casting to create little gifs so i'll screencast a little tool that i'm using i'll create a gif or a gif um yes now we can do that kind of stuff with edpuzzle we can create these videos you know we can add in uh more questions we can add in audio notes we don't have to think about a 10 minute presentation with that puzzle you can do it for a really small 30-second chunk of something awesome send it off yes yes indeed no uh even i uh nikki i'm whenever i'm screencasting before i'm using like screencastify i'm using loom for uh screencasting or skin recording but now with this uh screen recording uh by our screen casting by ed pass that extension that brings a lot of possibilities for our teachers okay so let's just um wait now for also for uh sir alvin sir alvin if you are there ready yes okay yes okay so um sorry uh how about you um any insights comments on the session of nikki teachers by the way if you have questions or concerns or insights or comments please do let us know from the chat and we'll be more than glad to address them go ahead uh the session of um miki it's really i really i really enjoyed it especially she covered a lot about math and the apps that i can use for my class so thank you very much nikki for sharing that and definitely i will be exploring those different apps and i will be using them in my class and definitely i will be working with these different ideas and upload them in ed puzzle and then uh similarly uh the jamboard teachers i will also be sharing the link to you in our ed puzzle group later after our discu our talk with nikki so that you can also share your ideas there and give input so that it will become really a collaborative network for all of us teachers i liked what jeffrey is saying as a teacher of technology of teaching and learning i always recommend to my science majors and also also to your um i also would say anyone who's working with elementary or middle school um definitely you could use that also with your middle school and sort of like higher elementary students and also matagon as well if you were to model good practice and model something that shows deeper thinking and then get students to explain their understanding um would be great so use screencast to show something and not actually have the audio on so don't feel screencasting always has to have audio you could just screencast something without your face and without the video or the audio and then get students to check in and say what they see and what they understand also a very good way of working with visible thinking routines that uh we can use for our teaching teachers so actually it's not only uh on the use of technology that peak is telling us but also she's also telling us uh teaching us how to work with different pedagogies that will level up the thinking level absolutely level up the thinking look at those atls those attitudes to learning those are really vital in developing students understanding of um of how to learn not just what to learn especially in the 21st century nikina that's actually the trend knowing our students knowing how they're learning is actually more important now than other content because again the content is just there it's accessible anytime okay but uh knowing how they learn and how they're actually the thinking process itself okay and visualizing it for them that's actually going to help our students maybe we cannot take the next time the the visible thinking but again um ed puzzle is a great tool for visualizing thinking and visualizing things for our students okay um i think there are no questions in the chat now um maybe we could um maybe uh nikki we can share to them right now or show to them the once again the um the jam board okay um so we could discuss it to them and maybe we could like add some more um input or um ideas or so that can they can also explore this okay let me just uh share that from um so that um okay right there there we go okay just uh put down that uh okay of course the jamboard yeah you guys have covered jamboards as well haven't you yes uh jump yeah we have a session in uh in kaga by teacher support about jamboree and again that's perfect for um for brainstorming or uh curating ideas for um for your students okay for teachers as well okay um and of course uh it was mentioned already by uh nikki earlier uh google earth is also a perfect way uh to uh visualize uh concepts okay um actually uh nikki there's this there's this activity in sir alvin as well um from google earth now called google lit trip so if you're an english teacher and you are for example teaching a novel okay that's actually google is a perfect tool for you um to um to give your students an opportunity for deeper learning uh where in in google literally what they do sir alvin and uh nikki is uh they uh plucked the settings okay and also the movement of the main character so uh from from different places yes so they actually trace from which place this main character go and the next place so that the students can actually see the places that the character are going right so that's actually a a very interesting activity uh for our uh english communication teachers that are teaching um novels or um um or literary or literature okay for for their students i've never seen that yes it's actually one of the more popular use of google earth for uh for uh english uh communication or leading teachers okay right now okay oh there's also right yes google lit trip so you're really going to trace the the movement of your main character or me or characters know from the novel okay uh on the surface of uh using google earth okay and of course we can do this using the project capability of um of um google earth case you can actually create your own project plot your own places okay where you want where do you want to go okay you can zoom in and zoom out okay you can also get the street view et cetera um uh possibilities of showing um the surface of the earth using google earth so that's uh for me um go ahead nikki i'm not gonna say anything i can see that i'm really delayed and every time i speak i cut you off but i feel really embarrassed it's okay uh of course desmos nostra alwyn is like a really reliable tool okay um in savior's school i know for a fact that sir alwyn and the rest of the math department are actually using desmos it's a really good way of it provides a lot of tools for math teachers of course yes go ahead sir alvin uh uh cms sir jeffrey what he said is that he will explore matagon after this similarly i will also be exploring matagon so that i will be engaging my students more and another app to learn and another app to share to my teammates in the future thank you for this nikki one of the things i love about mathagon is it's got a problem of the day so if you go right down to the bottom in um in the tasks where you've created your own tasks you can create tasks and put them into folders but then right at the bottom they create daily problems of the day you click on it and it creates a new problem on screen that you can then share with your kids i love it it's so good i'm really interesting in not i'm really interested in how you would use matagon in high school as a tech practitioner i can see so many ways of using it in elementary but i'm interested in how you would use it in high school so anyone who'd test it out for me please come back and tell me i'd love to know i'm volunteering perfect i'm also interested alwyn when you use desmos desmos for me i love it but i find it confusing to get started because i'm not a mathematician how would you advise dude teachers to get started within desmos because it can be quite tricky to find the things you need actually for me personally i haven't explored much of desmos it is my teammates who are exploring it more and they are also teaching me on how to work on it but basically what we do is that we look for things uh research and desmos the topics that we will be that are applicable in our classes and then that's the time that we share it with our students but uh as someone who have explored desmos in a little way i guess i am not uh the best person to talk about or to answer your question for now well let's see what comes back to us i hope that someone will share some something that they know um one of the other things that i just thought about was that with mathagon i mentioned this already but it really aligns with youtube so if you use the puke you cubed joe bola daily math tasks um and the and the patterning and the the mathematical conceptual understanding um tasks that she puts out mathagon's really great to recreate some of those um handouts and those designs and those principles that she creates you could create those on mathagon so that the students have a physical interactive way it's a manipulative online that they can use from home without having to have all the different things at home that you that you would have at school so it's a really good way of getting them to do look at a problem differently from home and we struggle with this when we're working from home yes indeed uh we have uh these tools definitely i can help can help uh and mr alvin and nikki what the teachers can also try to do is uh before they even use these tools is to actually uh use this first as a screencast or screen record on how to use this tool say for example you're going to use desmos so you might want to actually walk through your students on how to use desmos first capture them in a screen casting or screen recording put that in in ed puzzle so that your students can use can see it before you even dive into using these tools because again if our students cannot use these tools it will be very hard for them or for you to engage them in this wonderful tools and again uh as we've said earlier nikki and sir uh the the um the the limits of uh these tools or the use of the ed puzzle extension is so wide because anything that you can cast or anything you can access from your web browser or chrome web browser you can actually capture so this we're talking about like literally anything uh that we can uh access go ahead nikki i created a uh ed puzzle little video of matagon actually but i'm struggling to share it today i was gonna share it with you but i struggled because my wi-fi is not great but we could um we could i don't know if we have time to share it or whether i put a link in the jamboard um sir alvin can we uh share that from your end we have a little preview i think so that we could uh our teachers could actually see we still have a couple of minutes one of the things sorry i interrupted you again go ahead one of the things that i want people to think about when you're sharing a tool and you're creating a screencast video do not be perfect so some of the things that stop us from creating screencasts is that we think we need to be perfect and if we say the wrong word we get rid of the video the recording and we start again don't do that okay be real with your students and your fellow colleagues create a video with mistakes okay do not be perfect it doesn't matter when you're doing a screencasting and you say something that's not quite right fix it on the screen at the same time say sorry that's not quite right let me show you again but don't feel you have to recreate the video you will never none of us are ever perfect the videos always have mistakes and yes okay make it more organic uh dynamic um uh responsive to the to the to the flow okay maybe um they can be as dynamic uh spontaneous uh nikki but uh they can always keep like for example an outline maybe that's maybe a good way to um to go through you're properly guided of the flow but not in detail so that you can actually like um say you know it in your own words be more spontaneous okay add a little you more into it of course because our students really love that you more uh whenever we're delivering our lessons okay uh but again i agree totally with nikki uh you don't need to be like uh a professional okay a blogger and uh video maker in this uh you're in your video lessons okay so uh being flawed is not a mistake okay um your your videos will be as good okay even if it's applaud in a way okay okay so um again i will just show them um you can also from this jamboard which we're going to be shared by sir alvin later on okay you'll see also some of the areas that mickey also put here that we might want to think about um how do we um uh how do we increase our understanding about these topics that such as gamification and how do we go about that idea growth growth mindset and all other things differentiation these are some of the topics that we actually covered already you know uh in our in our webinars but something that we still need to continue talking about and it's already shown by uh by uh nikki earlier we can keep on sharing please do put your um ideas here okay uh or you can ask your questions and we'll try to address them go ahead nikki no no no sorry not me i'm good nikki so franco the video is ready so teachers here is the video tutorial video and an example on how to screencast using ed fossil screencasting okay guys i want to show you something that is absolutely amazing so the here's the link uh there is no doubt the dog is going to vomit so let's see how many times um i don't know if any of you have seen macagon but matagon for me is a winner i love it so i have been looking at how you can use joe bola and the youtube um math tasks um if you haven't seen them they're amazing um so if you go to youtube.org and i've got here one for consecutive numbers uh you can select a day you can add the different tasks and sequence them throughout your week if necessary um it's got a great planning tool with it um i love the way they come with little videos for the kids about growth mindset and brain and how your brain changes when you struggle um and then the other thing that i've looked at is this one task with consecutive numbers and look looking at downloading those resources and then taking some of those resources and putting them into my map so i've just taken this second one using the 100 chart circle three numbers in a row so what i love if you go back to macagon and what i love about it is it's a bags full chocolate block of manipulatives so i'm going to show you here now what i did was i have created by going up to polypath yeah i then went in and i created a blank sheet i absolutely all i did was just upload an image and put in a screenshot of my uh joe bowler snippet of her task and then i knew that the kids would need to have 100 charts so i went down here and i found in the numbers and fractions one to 100 chart now what i love about this is that we could pull together all of the numbers and then we can move that around and we can place it in any way so that we can actually take this and we could then click on this little tool here and download that as a pdf and distribute that to groups or individuals around the room children could take a photograph of it and use it on their ipad they could have it on their desk in a3 and use manipulatives on it to help them do their calculations and write on it with pencil and pen or whatever they could draw and that kind of stuff but what i also love about it is that we can start to take these numbers apart so using 100 charts circle three numbers in a row so i'm going to take very simply my three numbers in a row and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to think about how i may calculate that sum so i will go to tiles at the top here you can see we've got tiles file and class everything can be assigned to a class group with a key with a code that's where i've saved everything and all my other little tasks that i've made and then i've got my tiles and what i love about this one we're looking at number i'm going to go here to the numbers and i'm actually going to have a look and see what might help me calculate those numbers and if you're a child in your class what might they use so we might be able to add in and put in a cube so if i go one two three and then what i can do is add those together and i've got my three i could do some bar frames uh i'm just going to drag in one of those here we go just for me i'm just showing you a tool but um obviously the kids will do this very differently another idea is that um we've got dot arrangements as well and i love dodge arrangements for children physically putting the numbers in i'm going to put this in here for them um and then using the drawing tools to physically count and point one two three as an early years math practitioner and as an elementary math practitioner this for us is very very important um so that's just something that i think that is just amazing there are so many other things and i just have a quick look at some of the things that i did so i looked at joe bonas 18 times six one of her favorite favorite um if i quickly just don't duplicate this here we go and then i'm going to go into my file and here we go so my puzzle for a day what i loved about this in the um is if you go right to the bottom on file and right to the bottom it's got puzzles and games and one of them is a puzzle for a day that changes every day and after that i put a did a sea think wonder looking at thinking skills um and there's so much um high order thinking skills here um low level tasks uh high ceiling um anyway so that's me a little bit of something that is special to me and i wonder how you might do this yourself let me know if you do anything exciting with it there you go uh no nikki thank you for that video okay uh we get to see you know how beautiful not only the tool okay uh matagon okay but also uh of course how easy it is to now uh screen record screencast create video lessons for our teachers now and of course okay use the powerful tools by ed puzzle okay so uh sir alvin i will now proceed no to the of course appreciation yeah for our dear speaker for today uh for always being with us now and actually not saying no do this nick is always be like uh if we say like nikki can you please help us with this one of course i will help you with that one so that's uh always always always appreciate that nikki on your uh on our end okay as ambassadors now we really feel the warmth of support not from you from celia and from the rest of uh ed puzzle uh inc uh uh right there okay so sir alvin would you mind to um read the citation for nikki so the certificate of recognition let me read so this certificate of recognition is awarded to nikola foote for sharing her knowledge and expertise in the recently concluded webinar entitled app smashing with ed puzzle part 2 ed puzzle in canva and awarded on september 8 20 21 and training hour is one hour so thank you once again nikki for sharing your time with us and to be signed by your ed puzzle filipinas ambassadors yours aldrin racosado and our another ed puzzle ambassador sir frank nic franco nicolo adon thank you very much nikki for always saying yes to us and for always giving us more from what is expected so teachers once again we asked we requested nikki to uh give or share about canva and ed puzzle but she gave a lot more so we learned a lot and rest assured that nikki is very approachable and she will is always willing to respond to our requests and our questions thank you guys but we're not going to say goodbye yet tonki because uh we will be asking her to uh help us announce our ed puzzle coach of the month for august and um ed puzzle educator of the month for august as well okay and also some other uh announcements right after that okay so uh nikki would you like to do the honor of uh presenting to us right now okay our um uh coach of the month first so our coach of the month is buena vidas harondio congratulations congratulations congratulations and of course our ed puzzle educator of the month piki abi jane tagli yes yeah congratulations okay so we'll be um contacting you uh teachers uh for all your swagbucks and also your cash prizes yes you have cash prizes care um care of of course by ed puzzle uh inc no um they sponsored this competition as well for our ed puzzle uh educators that's how much support we're getting nikki the the support is really overwhelming from you and from the rest of the ed puzzle okay so again congratulations sir and uh teacher abby jane for um for being the ed puzzle educator and ed pastor coach of the month okay so um nikki before we um let it go okay um any message okay to the philippine educators uh right next week most our public school system our public school teachers will be starting their um second pandemic school year okay guys you guys are really working so hard and doing what we always thought was impossible and you're not it's not impossible but it's tiring and it's exhausting so start slow do not burn out in the first few weeks okay only do what you can do and remember to take time for yourself you can only be what you need to be for your students if you are doing what's awesome for yourself which means self-care okay guys alwyn and franco you know puzzle we love you we love you so very much we will literally do anything for you and thank you for your time and dedication to your awesome community i as you said i am always there for you if you need anything just ask okay i'm here thank you very much for that heart warming uh message nikki and yes um we'll be contacting you more and i hope that we'll have a more interaction in the future with our community in ed fossil filipinos yes see ya thank you bye okay so uh sir alvid okay uh before we uh end our session for today and then we give our evaluation link to our teachers case red 708 okay we uh um exit a little bit um from our usual time okay but before we do that sir i'll win we have one more announcement which is the winners of the swag bug from last time from our flipping the classroom um session okay for those who have shared with the video uh and made it public now because uh sir alvin there actually a lot to share okay but i think they're um their posts were not public so i was not able to really see the tags so uh congratulations to our uh two contestants okay uh or uh those who have um for our winners of uh ed puzzle swag bag okay so teacher margie d gutai okay and teacher uh a vegan this is absolutely teacher marites a bigan okay so uh congratulations okay we will be um communicating and contacting you um um from your profiles okay uh to uh send your swagbugs teachers okay so again congratulations to teacher margie and teacher so congratulations and thank you for sharing and always joining us in our sessions okay so sir alvin let's just end our session for the day with the evaluation link so teachers at an apartment evaluation link um for this session okay please do let us know if it works okay so that we can do something about it if it's not working okay so we'll just wait for uh your feedback from the chat teachers again my name is for joining us sir alwyn whilst we're at while we're waiting for the confirmation if the link is working uh would you mind to give us like an overview or like a sneak peek of our webinar number eight for ed puzzle pilipina series yes sir franco actually related final so how can we support our students through mindfulness and at a pastor franco hindi lange character building module atmos that the link is not working so teachers okay so just uh refresh the form and you should be able to do the uh uh evaluation now see yeah so please check all the features okay if uh the link is working now okay so sarah thank you so much for that uh i don't know a preview um on our next webinar exciting feeling while we start no or where we go okay uh into the next uh pandemic school year okay fully recharged [Music] unlike last year we are no longer starting from scratch to be able to navigate in the next pandemic school year okay we are no longer at lost uh we are mostly i don't know we are in better position okay to actually uh conduct and facilitate distance learning for this um school year okay so again teachers will see you on our next webinar okay on um next next week or two weeks uh after this one okay so sarawin came at me and i'll see you around teachers and uh we'll see you um again bye teachers [Music] foreign
Channel: Franco Nicolo Addun
Views: 860
Rating: 4.9626169 out of 5
Id: UL0nZRPuK2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 52sec (4312 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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