CRITICAL THINKING: 4Cs of 21st Century Learning Series

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there you go magenta [Music] most of you if not all of you have had a very long week because you decided to still wake up on a saturday morning and join all the other kaguro agape once again not just from our speaker this morning but also from each other again [Music] duties for this morning we have a very exciting session ahead of all of us last weekend and found it very very helpful with uh this morning's presentation this time the manpo on critical thinking bhagavatayama with all of the teachers sharing their thoughts about critical thinking why it is important like for example last saturday we had collaboration and today we'll have critical thinking this is more than just things we try to acquire to pass on to our students and we we all would benefit nilan teachers belong parents citizens or whatever else hat you you wear we will all benefit from learning about collaboration this is a good example of collaboration of critical thinking and then we'll also have a session on communication and creativity screen webinar screen to our speaker for this morning reminders these are the usual reminders that we give every time we have a webinar and we're very very happy about that allow me to give you some webinar reminders una evaluation links okay these will be given to the live viewers for the first 30 minutes before posting to our fp page 30 minutes after that the that period [Music] the evaluation links will still be available for you to answer and of course if not all of our webinars registration because anyway that would not be the basis for our certificates and basis evaluation links we will be working on them and they will hopefully be sent to you within seven days about certificates [Music] and that of course will be reflected in the certificate please do not forget to communicate with us that all of us all of the members of agape get into [Music] just one community let's communicate with each other awards that you receive so again evaluation links in first 30 minutes live but 30 minutes after that all the other just to accommodate all of the participants who will be answering there will be a question and answer every 30 minutes and so i'm gonna start napoleon adding speaker after 30 minutes or roughly around that duration we will address questions that you may have based on the comment section and then we'll continue and then 30 minutes again we'll have another round off question and answer so uh what is our session this morning going to be critical thinking but specifically the title of our session is critical thinking revisiting higher order thinking skills in a distance learning modality we know it's very very important we also know that uh it's a challenge to get these skills or to pass on these skills to our students online synchronous platform for the school year so it's a challenge on a perennial challenge our speaker is also a member of the faculty of savior school kasama pony and to share with us this morning his thoughts ideas reflections on critical thinking the second installment of our four seas of 21st century learning series and then i know sir later on after about 30 minutes i'll see you again uh quick q and a oh and then you can continue screen then uh not yet sir for now we see you and if i'm not mistaken that was still the screen of sir francois i am many are excited about the topic critical thing technical difficulties but uh people else again i'll i'll do it again in while we wait watching again very very excited good luck sir my name is but we'll try our best okay to i will try my best to share my insights on critical thinking so yeah so i always want to start so discussion with the why i say i don't know i think i can see simon sinek where he always focus on starting with why so [Music] critical thinking the reality is that we live in a vocal world maybe the term is something new maybe the term is familiar for some but stands for okay four words which okay our world today is currently on so v stands for volatile with unstable challenges it's so unstable sometimes we know but at the end of the day we will be surprised unstable and challenges u stands for uncertain with unknown outcomes so if i think about it and all of a sudden pandemic some would say hopefully we are going to the better normal and that is what we really wanted but what is a better normal something that we still don't know at this point of course complex with many interconnected parts complications you can actually integrate that connect that to other field other areas of uh knowledge so hindi na lang sha it's very complex everything is interconnected and then ambiguous with lack of clarity so hindi nathan allam this is the world that we are living in so imagine us and imagine our students so those things already comprise us okay what we see how how we see the world pando at the same time every day we have to make a decision every day at every moment of our life we have decisions to make okay some of these decisions may be trivial uh foreign during this time so some of them are trivial some of them we don't even think about you don't need to sit down and think about all the options okay would i wear a black shirt or a white shirt okay but some decisions entails okay a certain importance in this particular situation that we are in okay following the rules following the protocols that we have hindi and even more okay important uh decisions where it's a matter of okay it will really affect our lives there are many decisions that we have to make and according to brian or shiro from a ted talk if you want children to tribe okay in our complicated world we need to teach them how to think because the world is not only complex it's complicated it's complicated the world needs citizens with a critical mind who can distinguish between facts and propaganda who cross checks information and use who look for the other perspective we can stop and reflect on events reactions and behaviors [Music] okay so how many of us would stop read what is posted before liking it with do we just put thumbs down okay so in the vocal world we need to know how to distinguish facts and propaganda we need to cross check information in use we need to look for other's perspective especially in critical thinking okay so hopefully at least with the many things that we are encountering in life in this particular manner i will like to highlight two challenges or actually i will just word it into two challenges in critical thinking challenges critical thinking but i want to highlight two which is internal first is our minds are fast and our mind is so fast with regards to decision making with regards to certain information and this particular ba or having a particular uh mindset fast mind means and we have a tendency to go or sometimes we even go critical thinking actually work hand in hand because there is what we call uh the heart the mind of the heart but you are hopefully my attached attention later on foreign [Music] foreign okay that's one one of the challenges of uh critical thinking is that we have a fast mind okay another is that the other spectrum lazy and for there are many students that even us might be guilty of that biases we have our own biases and sadly there is even some people who are close-minded critical thinking asks us to do many things and this hinders us to think about okay and try to evaluate examine the things that we need to examine and evaluate close mindedness those are the challenges those are just some of the challenges of having a critical mind so now that we at least have a vision of uh what critic uh why we need to have critical thinking now we look into what is critical thinking thinking and i would like to give a very broad okay uh meaning of critical thinking which is deliberately analyzing information to better judgement and decision to make better judgment and decision so in this in a broader sense when we talk about critical thinking what we do is that we analyze the information we try to analyze it in order for us to make a better judgment and decision that i want to highlight sex okay critical thinking asks us to understand the uh understand the logical connection between ideas so by what idea i make connection regardless of what discipline it is but actually if you're trying to think about it as critical thinkers we have to make that connection that logical connection that may connect actually another is to identify construct and evaluate we know how to identify construct and evaluate that argument third detect inconsistencies and common mistakes in reasoning because we have to know how to detect inconsistency and mistakes in reasoning there's a difference between rationalizing okay rationalizing our stance and critically thinking about our son rationalizing we just uh do whatever we can to protect that particular idea that particular thinking okay again an example of that is um confirmation bias confirmation bias side solve problems systematically critical thinking also involves problem solving solutions we have to know and distinguish if this idea is important and relevant trivia and last reflect on the justification of one's own beliefs and values again reflect so reflection is actually a part of critical thinking so mr it is focusing on higher order thinking skills so we try to go beyond the basic level of comprehension so evaluate create apply so those are higher order thinking skills pero critical thinking capos if you move forward to our history we will find saint thomas he go further hindi lang self self-assessment hindi and self-reflection he wants or he did cross-examination of his own beliefs self-correcting aquinas is one of the brilliant minds of the catholic church he criticized his stance his beliefs into the more objective truth in the more objective and not subjective realities [Music] and then we go now moving forward in the 19th century we have of course john dewey and okay john do we we always start with that question with that reflective thinking we ask the question and it's a reflective thinking so may reflection and then in the 1940s of course is the thing about thinking which is the metacognition when we think about the way we think that is also critical thinking and so abhini saga brings okay in his uh article and critical thinking so she tried to separate what is and what is not okay so being critical [Music] foreign third it is not being biased towards one's way of thinking perspective the other spectrum critical thinking is not being biased against one way of thinking okay quick to have conclusion or even denying false in one's own thinking so challenging and uh critical thinking because critical thinking asks us to okay also think that we might be wrong that we can know that maybe we are all ourselves and lastly for her placing this on insignificant details questioning others thinking we have to question the thinking of others we don't just accept we also think about in question second embracing others thinking comma and emulating others thinking we're not just simply be making we are emulating fourth the willingness to be wrong perspective next question also one's own thinking so hindi not taking a question and thinking nothing nothing we're trying to think about you paging six putting logic before bias putting logic before bias killing and lastly recognize contradiction because there will be contradiction in when we do critical thinking there will be contradictions so just to take note critical thinking is not just be critical critical yes it is critical thinking when you try to look into the argument you try to look at the perspective the but no actually you can be creative you can be more creative in your critical because you try to find solutions to problems reflective the metacognition might imply foreign that there can be truth there can be a good response to those changes there are critical thinker and critical thinker though is just already have the intellectual humility so again humble he needs third yourself aware again awareness reflection self-reflection a critical thinker also is objective trying to be objective and not go with again the next one understand the biases because we understand our biases critical thinkers also are compassionate they have compassion and empathy towards others so hindi i got judgment one of the segments which we always personally in the family is trying to muscular judgment but we are not empathizing but a critical thinker emphasizes how to enterprise second to the last willingness to challenge the status quo uh description none of the thinker readings challenges the challenge to status quo you just go with the flow just go with upload and of course we uh created interesting critical things creative thinkers okay especially also for students okay first is let's challenge them to formulate questions their own questions and even us when we ask them we ask them questions it always starts with the question it always starts with the question so what are we looking for that will be the starting point of critical thinking because if we don't have that question we will never proceed to what we want to or where we want to go the challenge is to go beyond the what let's ask our students how and why i always remember one of my students whenever i will talk to him sir but nothing means um so we have to ask ourselves we have to ask our students oh why okay after that let's try to gather information so after nothing malama mahabharata um questions is [Music] [Music] there are learners who can hardly understand concepts or even instructions how can we help them to become critical thinkers segura this is very closely related to a comment that i saw earlier for us to be able to really focus on hots lower order thinking skills yeah it's very common of course of course you have to make sure that kai papa it's also a way for us to invite ourselves our students to reflect as we preach the concepts after we teach the concepts we ask them let's try to ask them that's actually a good starting point for to to help them to become critical fingers uh what would be the basis of the morality of our action theology but the thing how to make a judgment how to make a reasonable and informed judgement of course uh one thing that usually may highlight is way of thinking we just get what we wanted and then uh there is what we wanted our students to know which is to become evaluatives when we try to evaluate the situation i i always closely relate that also to critical thinking now but the things are critical thinking we have to evaluate we have to look into the information not in this discussion and also uh one of the basis of morality of our actions [Music] is that many times our choices is not uh led because of the action actually it's more of our values action at the end brought about the values that we imbibe that we accept that we embrace translate those actions critical thinkers or to become critical thinkers if they cannot comprehend well oh yeah it's a very closely related question and uh are you lots before the hots yes okay so again iteration of uh what i've shared or what we are uh it's good to start with the lots especially younger years [Music] and hopefully if we will be able to reach the comprehension then we go to the hearts and again as i go back here again reflections reflect let them look into themselves where are they coming from in that way they are actually already doing some critical thinking already so hopefully again we'll start with the the lots in a lower level mastering we move forward to the um and we also advocate uh reflection in order for us to be able to know where the students are and i know what we can do to help the students okay thank you thank you for that angelo alamo many of the other questions are on topics that i am sure you will cover in the next part of our sharing this morning [Music] carousel brainstorming may be used as a strategy in critical thinking [Music] most interesting questions that i came across extra difficult to have to teach critical thinking or your hearts if so again very interesting questions um hopefully we get to talk more about it in the latter part of the presentation of sir angelo coming in exchange ideas later sir angela we already see your uh let me continue sir yeah so thank you sir again i think uh critical thinking so again it's a challenge because if you try to think about it basic understanding so now we try to develop this again these are some of the ways so these are just some of the ways that we can actually practice critical thinking and one way is to form an equation let's encourage our students to ask questions because we feel that okay sometimes it is uh uh over us we have to evaluate with each the formulation of questions is actually part of critical thinking because they want to know what are you looking for i always say uh [Music] foreign maybe there might be some children many of them if not most of them would really want to know and really we really want to make sense of what they are learning second is to gather information so after you ask that question invite the students to gather information and son and information hindi some information you know if you will not be open to everything so we can ask our students how did you know this information also classic buddha still like that is because they want to seek an advice or ask questions because for them for for some children for many children it's not all children all students at one point [Music] for information at the same time the help and assistance of an expert of someone who knows [Music] in terms of big issues that's why we are there okay to help them as well even they gather information the next one is to evaluate the information so afternoon gathering information of course try to evaluate [Music] how do we interpret things next consider implications aside from looking into young manga technology to look forward to sit up once we choose something okay we are sometimes when we choose something we have to and not choose others we take for granted other things and consequence but it should not limit you but again you already gathered the information you already evaluated information then try to imp the try to consider the implications effects and consequences because when we look into the consequences and the effects then we will have a more informed decision and then explore others perspective mahalo teachers to touch the elephant but they are touching different things different parts of the elephant not necessarily that they're wrong when they say of course what they're asked to is it is an elephant that they are trying to figure out but since they are blind they have a different perspective evaluate our choices in order for us to have an evaluated choice it still invites us to look into that okay if you want to be really critical about things we have to also look into santillan and then i add here reflect they say we don't just want them to be very critical we want them also to know and reflect why are they critical what happens during this critical critical analysis or this critical thinking we need to reflect [Music] so maybe to to end your concept critical thinking i would like to reiterate what alvin poplar have shared and have mentioned the illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn and learn and relearn okay so hindi nalang mahalaga so we need to learn things that's why we are doing critical thinking we need to be critical about what we are learning we need to unlearn what we supposed to be unlearning especially if those uh learning will not be of help and we have to relearn there are certain things that we have to learn and the forces that we are offering this part this september are critical skills competencies for us to be able to reach okay uh and be ready for the 21st century so these are frank connections you know collaboration the importance of collaboration so indiana uh one month or all by myself you know how to you should know how to work different people and working with the people okay uh i was listening to surprise sharing about uh collaboration mission we're afraid about of uh asking them to group into certain people that will not be they will not be able to work with okay but we also have to be open at that at that point at some point because in reality life will bring us to uh voices to situations that we don't like and we have to be ready about that and then critical thinking it has us think critically and information already many times in those areas there is truth we can still but provide what we need to provide so and then we will be able to communicate that to others so again we have to learn and learn we learn okay thinking of distant learning so online distance learning you have the remote learning and you have the remote studies okay so online this is learning uh with the aim of the internet gadget and uh you have online online learning then you have the remote learning which somehow makes up and uh the blend are not about blended learning at times we will be having uh opportunities for online learning but there are times also that they will be doing work okay on their own or they will be uh gathering it on their own and then of course especially if our modality is uh towards the the printed the modular printed modular pair hindi impossible and sometimes it will be applicable also to remote learning and even to remote studies so first is the discussion board in critical thinking let them discuss okay and comments so i i wrote down here uh my application of predicament okay so discussion board let them discuss if you have a question post a question and then ask them to react in our grade 10 now some of our great then what we even ask them is to comment on their classmates uh answers and in that way if they agree disagree if they are uh erased this is a good opportunity for us to have a discussion a discussion board okay so in our uh online distance or even uh in blended learning so my post kind of question and then and then the interaction it starts and then critical thinking [Music] to have that discussion board to really comment on their classmates okay second mind mapping okay we can also do mind mapping or other maps uh one it's also empathy map where we can look into and ask them to look at the perspective of others okay so you can do this mind mapping online or offline federal and even uh remote learning or remote studies you can ask them to uh just set the mood just set the situation and let them immerse in that manganese aside from the mind mapping is the empathy map later i have an example of the empathy map to empathy map it asks them to look into the perspective of the person you can do it printed actually okay in the shoes of the other so be in the shoes of the other so that's a good example of how we can uh practice uh critical thinking so on night pattern time at breakout rooms okay so i'm breakout from sydney and japan groupings actually in the breakout rooms you can have discussion as well okay this is or after the breakout room let them present by group one by one or uh let them uh screen share and then you ask questions so uh hindi lang so you can be creative with the use of that submit some modular major uh challenging sorry i just drink water okay so so breakout room again challenging shop but the things are but it's possible okay sorry about that next is document analysis or hyperdocs what you can do so online so distance learning ask them to read an article or you can put the article in google documents or it's a google slide let them highlight but let them highlight the important things let them add comments to that okay so per day so when you do document analysis okay using these tools so uh so remote learning if you printed a particular uh reading a particular uh topic that was my contention you can ask them to highlight you know highlight the important details that you see in the text okay that was write your comments so that could be a possible way for us to see critical thinking or to practice critical thinking to our students okay or hyperdocs google documents or even in uh slides you can do hyperdocs so online and to blend that online learning online distance learning so details if you want them to go a particular site if you want them to watch a particular video please so in that sense tapas was big questions or a space where they can write it down then you will see that's part of critical thinking because they're analyzing they're looking into the document okay then of course you can have interactive lessons okay i put there at puzzle uh if you're familiar with it just add puzzle you can cut your video tapas insert questions and that is a good way for you to be able to check understanding and for them to be critical about what they are thinking uh i think madame is familiar they're fond of using kanba but kanba is not just for design actually you can actually create a lesson out of it so in creating lessons you can be very interactive and then i put their quizzes quizzes is normally potential sequences for formative assessment but recently they released okay an update where you can actually use quizzes for your lesson so for those who are doing online distance learning predicament create non interactive lesson using quizzes so in that sense pedestal last to engage students to be more critical about it then of course blogging of course blogging so humongous blogs okay it's a way for us to see how they are thinking about certain things and then we ask them to summarize it to share their insights uh their understanding on it blogging can be a way so uh of course you have the other sides but here we have google sites we have blogs we have um wix or wordpress where they can do their blogging kung hindi naman sa blogging pediatrics so again uh these are some of the ways that we can actually uh make them one think more about the things that they are thinking at the same time create their own content which is also a form of critical thinking of course we have uh i think aware of the problem based learning the problem based learning so uh you can do this through the online distance learning you can also do it in blended learning but i think you can also even extend that too um in their own context okay so problem-based learning it is a project uh over a period of time that engages them to a real world problem so pedigree connecting real world problems and have complex questions or answer a complex question so it develops the deep content knowledge as well as critical thinking creativity communication okay in a more authentic project uh manner so i know in the public panel and the performance tasks and performance verto must be bigger because you can even integrate other subject matters in the pbl world so this starts with the challenging problem so uh let's start with a question you can start with a particular situation so once we have the question okay they can have the sustained inquiry and again asking questions are important in critical thinking they say aside from the question that they will have that we give them sustain inquiry also ask them to post other questions related to that it might get you know thinking again authenticity because it's a real world problem in a real world context so hopefully that would spark their intelligence for example that could be 19 the pandemic so forth and so on so uh during authentic assessment so even in remote and even in online distance learning then after that the two student voice and choice because they are to make some decisions about the project including how they will work and how will they create so in that student agency student agency will tell us will help us understand that they are doing critical thinking then you have the reflection again i always reiterate reflection hindi and critical thinking is not only about the hots it's also about what we have learned okay doing the hots and doing and undergoing the content so reflection is an important process as well in pbl and then of course uh critic and revision with regards to uh distance learn uh i mean remote and printed and then make the project public although he proposes for anything but even uh just making it public in a way that will be safe for the students then it will make more sense to them completion of project but it is done as an effort really to uh to show and to ask okay uh feedback from other people i remembered then yes we asked our students to go to their barangays and to check on and map the melangawin so it's a collaboration of science of math in having a sustainable place a sustainable world a sustainable city so we can do ebl actually so problem based learning as a way for us to integrate and uh ask them to do critical thinking another atom especially if uh some of us are looking into um online distance learning and even blended learning i don't know exactly that it's a video uh it's a tv and a radio but i think youtube are in the concept online videos okay in youtube you just have to create you just have to look into information information challenging information that we can look into paramas [Music] questions you have vox you have jubilee you have uh soul pancake okay there are many ways so i would like to share two names youtube uh company but who saw the middle ground yes they invite people the pros and cons of a particular topic and then they talk [Music] let them choose aside do they agree strongly agreed or they disagree or they somewhat disagree someone and we can have it on our own topics as well okay another thing that i would like to share at all about the critical visible thinking routines okay so this uh usable thinking routines is developed okay by harvard project zero to uh assist us teachers and even for students to be more flexible in the and sharing in their own thinking so some examples of this yeah i used you ask them to watch your video you ask them to read or look at the pictures they ask to think about and then they wonder okay they do also they can also do headlines they can also do uh claim support questions through this this year when we ask our students to take notes it's a way of note-taking where we can actually ask them to be more critical of what they're taking notes and so forth here is an exact suggestion of other things which is to create your own notes what they mean by creating notes so if you have your notes here if you have the notes that you get let them ask those questions three questions how can i use this notes concept and then third question is when will i use this so the uh other side of the notes so dividing books so one half is for the notes okay so so in that particular way you'll be able to check also the understanding check also there they're thinking critical thinking and then the last one which is i always advocate on this is journaling internally on any modality again journaling is a way for us a way for the students to be critical with what is happening to them their feelings their choices even the way they're content so later but uh in a reflection there are three kinds of reflections so in the language of feelings and everything pretty much we utilize um seesaw a free application where uh you can uh ask them to write down or even in other words by the saleman drawing video where they say in a photo and then they share their insights you can [Music] is a good way for us to be able to reach their understanding or their reflection or their insights critical thinking as well so here video and video and then there are certain you can utilize notebooks or sheet of paper and ask them to reflect journaling i appreciate always effort journaling is a way for us if we have invite that to our students if we let them okay uh look into journaling then maganda way of sharing and doing critical thinking you just have to put no questions in their notebooks and then they can also pass that to you then of course let them um have this particular way of sharing their insights okay so young blogging writing it down so in an online spreading governance blogs i'm sharing my my blog so many of you have already seen this or maybe you have already uh read through them so thank you to samantha so every now and then i try my best to to share my insights my thoughts the answer uh my inside job na uh blog and then recently those who are following up our page of course uh i have this personal project where i try to do a short reflections short insights uh in a tanaga form okay so tanaga so four lines with seven uh syllables that's in a.m in those ways i have to think about uh not only the the concept the content but also how will i be related okay so these are just some of these things of course you again you have the mind map okay and then you have ethan says okay so you can ask you can print this one and but not templations uh online and then or you can create your own and then let them have a position of that particular person so sector wedding poor wedding uh prisoners spreading urban poor or any situation reflection of course what we use is uh especially in cle in uh christian life education experience and the feelings and thoughts but reflections can be conceptual wedding concepts then you have the metacognitive which is to think about thinking and then of course the person is to give them opportunities to reflect because that's a way for us to gauge them to think critically and then of course just to share samples so journals you can do journal notebooks or you can do online then you can also have discussion boards so these are just some ways i i know i was looking into young comments on how we can actually utilize critical thinking it's just a matter of putting it in a proper perspective putting or giving the opportunity to think critically okay so not just let us challenge them also to think okay of how they are thinking to share their insights their thoughts okay and we might be surprised you might be surprised because critical thinking even in this time of the pandemic okay so uh [Music] some thoughts on critical thinking but again critical thinking yes perhaps we can focus on some questions mona sir angelo again anti-illumination tech team nathan yes we have attacked him nah he posted writing questions thanks sir angela malliari in fact i i encountered one comment this now your presentation is perhaps the the simplest way creative thinking has been you know presented to anyone so what i mean so critical thinking this even beyond this session we're having this morning actually how would the learners think critically if they know that the passing grade in depth it now is the 60 based on the transmutation grades need for critical thinking at young system and uh keeping up that we're all in right now yes a challenge for us teachers is how we will be able to design our lesson in such a way that we inject critical thinking and highlight the importance of critical thinking of actually not only criticality of uh the topic of the lesson more than the uh grades of presentation and hopefully is to for us to challenge the students to get away with the thinking of grades especially now in this day because uh challenging it's challenging but i think uh as we will see later on uh other two uh presentations this uh september might get an importance of the seas this the skills is 21st century so i hope the challenge starts with us uh going beyond the greens but also focusing on what is essential in life so [Music] is the lesson so uh i think it's more of how we will be able to uh make use of these skills and try to translate that toons lessons okay correct and uh we of course have many other sharings from our teachers about critical thinking again uh keep them coming um um just in case you you missed the presentation of sir angelo or bahana presentation franco with their and of course with their permission yuma presentations used from the past very very interested with the presentations with your presentation in particular young thank you for sharing your knowledge my mind is now swimming with so many possibilities i am for my classes in using those different ideas to develop or enhance my students critical thinking very good sabireni miss angelina we need to advocate and develop new assessment methods that will not only measure what students know but also how they were able to know okay additional comments or questions react to critical thinking is very important to the students professional and life long learning that is why most educators are in contest consensus to encourage this ability totopo we we agree with you very much miss evelyn kamara [Music] one of the teachers even in the choosing of webinars we have to be critical about it we have to be very critical this is a lifelong journey until we are living we need to think and to be critical about things that's happening to us my question po from marge mrg how could we develop critical thinkers in module distance learning the mojos were simplified considering those who study in the far-flung areas i'm not mistaken sir angelo for and this might be true for most areas [Music] they write they prepare the modules for [Music] the teachers have a dialogue to the module makers and i'm hoping that the module makers also see the need for critical thinking the situation that we are in i would suggest one is to uh have a journal or have reflection notebooks where the students how they are thinking so the process of how they arrive to a particular answer the process of that they have gone uh while doing a particular experiment so hopefully it will nothing no no mojo nothing i know uh they do it out of uh the situation but i hope also has then we can supplement that i guess we should not be afraid to supplement it for our students as well ayan and speaking of supplement i know sir angelo actually i angelo uh meet the students department of education with the advent of technology such as vlogs reviews on movies and books how can we encourage our learners to develop their critical one way we can do is before we try to like before we try to to uh agree with certain things let's open ourselves think nothing we ask questions let's gather information let's try to assess let's try to talk to people let's say in those conversations and those talk in those information that you will be gathering it will help you develop a more critical sense now hindi langtay agrees so again it's more of the opening of ours ourselves so the same goes with our learners let's ask them to think ah agreeable uh to be critical we have to always try to look into so again as we mentioned uh it's a presentation it's really more of analyzing the information that we have in order for us to be able to achieve better choices and better judgment we would like to remind you that evaluation links will be given seminar the first 30 minutes will be for those who joined us this morning uh the link is ayan okay and uh i think evaluation links will of course be the basis of our preparation of the certificates which hopefully we are able to send to you within seven days uh is september series of webinars sir franco and of course in critical thinking mr angelo i am very excited about the remaining nurse i'm sure angelo would agree with me those uh next two webinars uh we will see you again on saturday and the saturday after that again hopefully all in preparation for when classes open on october 5 young any last words sir angelo uh last words with critical thinking you should not be afraid to uh subject ourselves as an incendiary institutional thoughts or even beliefs but critical thinking should not be something that hinders us to do and find what is truthful so for our students and even for ourselves so uh let us always uh try our best to uh practice critical thinking in the informations that we will be gathering in the information that we're getting in different platforms message to our agape and quick reflection after now collaboration is sir franco at critical thinking mr angelo malaga mahalo 21st century humility so you always have to question yourself and hopefully next saturday and the saturday after that that's amazing webinars goodbye you
Channel: Franco Nicolo Addun
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Id: gsv8-6a5KwI
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Length: 144min 4sec (8644 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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