Project Zomboid || Keith Stone || Part 1

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hey guys what's going on accuracy here welcome to project zomboid build 41 and a half it's been so long since i played this game i mean like 2015-2016 it was one of the first games on the channel this and the long dark were my premier games when it came to like let's plays i think that was around bill 23 24 so a lot has changed this latest update was the largest update they ever had they had it they put in a brand new game engine um and and and so much more so let's get into this we're gonna do survivor mode it's pretty much what i used to play before like a sandbox survival style and i think it'll be good apples to apples comparison for the most part i did put in some mods here just to uh you know sort of streamline things a little bit like better sorting craft helper suppressors i always thought they should have suppressors in it so when i saw this one i jumped on it i'm not much into the firearms and the gun play i'm much more of a melee type player but uh tape tv shows i'll explain that as we go water canteen they just added a water canteen which kind of makes sense too and then crash cards i'll explain that when we get to that point so i want to go with mauldra that was the original map before any of these were ever around and i think it was mulder then west point then riverside than rosewood i think was the order either way we're going to go with mauldral it's the one i'm most familiar with and comfortable with and i think it'll be the best way to get reacclimated to such uh such drastic changes in this game so i know i should be police officer because that's what i do for real in real life but uh again i'm not much of a i don't really like getting into the firearms and the gun play any more than i have to in this game if i'm doing that it's a broken arrow situation man my back's against the wall and i'm just trying to escape so i don't like to really dedicate major skills to that so i'm gonna not not be a police officer in this one they've doubled the amount of occupations so i'm gonna go with the one that actually sort of fits my style sort of a stealthy melee is burglar i know shocking right that i want to be a burglar but uh can hot wire vehicles less chance of breaking the lock of a window and our major skills are fitness lightfoot and nimble sneaking and strength i already have one pre-built here to save time so we're gonna go through this here real quick my positive traits are gonna be speed demon i had an extra point left over after all this so i just threw speed demon in there this isn't any particular order either speed demon drives fast fast reader less time to read books outdoorsman not affected by harsh weather conditions brave less prone to becoming a panicked graceful less noise as inconspicuous less likely to be spotted fast learner increase xp gains stout this is my number one draft pick right here extra knockback for melee weapons increased carry weight and plus two strength now the negative ones that i had to pick i tried to pick the least disruptive ones um to balance these out because you have to at least have a balance of zero here um so i went with high thirst overweight so reduced running speed low endurance prone to injury we can actually get rid of this by putting our character on a diet and believe it or not i am pretty good at starving my characters in survival games so i don't think this is gonna be a problem i think it's gonna be par for the course slow healer pacifist less effective with weapons i think some of these like brave stout and strength are gonna sort of negate this uh pacifist we might even come out a little bit ahead i hope prone to illness uh we're not gonna live like dirt balls we're gonna try to keep our house clean and keep our body clean and keep our clothes clean best we can smoker uh i thought this was gonna be really bad for endurance it turns out it's not it's just a mood thing so as long as we have our two to three cigarettes a day we should be fine all right weak stomach higher chance to have food illness we're gonna try to eat uh some decent food not no sketchy food around here try to avoid the dead rats i think uh all thumbs transfer items and inventory slower so let's get started here let's uh bring up a character for a blast from the past key stone resurrect him from the dead seems appropriate for a zombie game you know him from the old keystone light commercials all my stones always smooth keystone these are the end times there was no hope of survival some things never change [Music] this is how you died i'm not gonna put that hate on you guys i'm gonna say this is how i died [Music] you guys are just gonna witness witness how it goes down that's all all right where are we at good morning this is triple and we're gonna jump right down here in front of the tv because that's the first thing you do in a survival game is you sit in front of the tv for about half an hour not real time half hour in game half hour so we're gonna sit here and a cooking show is about to come on [Music] and i'll explain one of my mods so cooking's about to come on we have zero we're at cooking level one zero xp on that so we don't even know how to boil water at this point so i'm gonna accelerate time you're gonna see cooking start to increase pretty quickly here we're learning how to make chicken noodle soup it looks like so there we go level one we just leveled up to level one and now the cooking show is over we're halfway to level two uh just by doing that now that's cool because these shows come on at certain times and each day they have different schedules um the problem with that is during the game for the first 15 to 20 days while these shows are coming on you constantly want to run to tv sit down because if you miss it it's gone forever so the vhs mod basically puts recorded shows on vhs tapes throughout the world and uh nothing there worthwhile really check here a plunger weapon i i guess for now so so uh it just looks funny basically we don't have to worry about missing the show we can find the tape out there somewhere and we'll pop it in the vc or in the tv uh the vcr on the tv i guess and we'll catch up on it in our own time and it feels less rushed when it comes to that so i like that that's why i went with that mod i've got can opener i need to need some smokes now this is your house keith where's your smoke set you don't have any of them do you okay that's fine whatever got anything over that we've already checked that see what we got here uh fishing from beginners trapping for beginners uh i'm not really interested in intermediate skills yet so we're going to leave those behind because we don't even have a bag to carry things in leather gloves that we'll take that will help protect our hands all right water canteen empty yeah we'll take that take the battery you take batteries out of radio the batteries are pretty much everywhere also i also probably shouldn't take those either once we get ourselves a decent melee weapon i said decent melee weapon and a bag a container of some kind that can reduce weight then we will uh then we'll be much better off because uh containers depending on what they are can whatever you put in there they can reduce weight for anywhere from like 10 i think to 85 percent i have bad luck with the burglar alarms i'm just going to shut this window and we're going to check this sort of pretty much abandoned house for anything worthwhile probably nothing in here yeah i shouldn't even come in here honestly okay well this seems like it was a bust nothing in there there never is anything there bag of plaster powder yeah don't need that quite yet we're not quite there yet uh we'll take the bottle of disinfectant that was actually a good find okay oh i'm okay with that let's see if we can get out this door without attracting the zombie i don't want the plunger this dude yeah we got one over here by the side of the house anyhow any cars yet is that cortman that's cortman medical um we're gonna go in there we might find a bag inside of there this is actually pretty good start i want to loot this house first i'd like to find a bag because there's so many medical supplies inside of here it's not even funny and then i have a safe house that i kind of like to use a little bit further to the to the southeast all right let's draw these curtains that the zombies don't see me they see inside the house they'll wander over and start banging their heads into the they already have trapping don't know you had to start banging their heads into the window until they break it or until you let them in and kill them so that's not good that makes noise draws more zombies plus it leaves you exposed take the eggs nothing like fighting zombies with a carton of eggs in your inventory i like how this is blue it's cold it just came out of the refrigerator we still have electricity and water for like the first a couple weeks or so then it shuts off but i like how it's blue and then it gradually becomes normal as it as it warms up and then if you put it in the oven and cook it it'll turn red just the little details like i can turn on the oven right here there's so many little things you can do in this game oh this is someone rated uh cortman medical already this guy all right oh what happened there okay well straight to desktop carpentry oh we want that carpentry for beginners we're actually going to try to catch that on tv and that book will accelerate our skills if we are in level one or two but uh let's turn this on i don't think it's gonna be time yet that was a bit loud all right so we're on the right channel we're waiting for the program to begin if we catch a program that's fine i'm not saying but we're not going to just like change the whole way we play because of it all right let's take this noisemaker all right here we go i have a noisemaker it's my it's my five-year-old daughter all right what do we got up here sometimes there's quite a few zombies around cortman medical but i think we're gonna be all right there will most likely be zombies inside of here i don't think i've ever been in here and there hasn't been at least two there we go so i'm talking that's what i'm talking about sorry guys throws a little jacked up today and it meant to close the window but we'll do it out of order it's fine it doesn't care okay so these are all the things you can get here yeah i mean you can get lots of drugs lots of medicines everything but i need to find myself a bag because i can't carry all this crap probably gonna be a zombie in here somewhere let's check his office probably not i don't think i've ever found a bag inside his office let's check this storage room back here normally it's just sorry i'll zoom in a little bit there normally it's just uh take that bottle of dish oh we already have that what don't we have in case we need to make a run for it i got anti-depressants i like beta blockers um painkillers do we have those i don't think we do nope okay um suture needle suture needle holder uh take some more anti-depressants or beta blockers if we have to run now we're okay i'll probably take one more thing of disinfectant actually there we go well the good news is if we get injured we should be in pretty good shape sleeping tablets take that a bunch of pain meds and grab five of these [Music] more beta blockers okay so if we have to run now we're fine i'm happy with what we got medically all speaking kind of surprised nobody's busted in here he's got a nice little apartment up here dr cortman all right let's turn on this tv again because when the show comes on it'll start yammering at us with the subtitles we'll know to come back and sit down i think uh if if i get way down here i don't want to get much more over 17 oh well let's make that 16 kilos so this is my general inventory this is my keychain i can add keys to it but uh take that lighter hopefully he's got a bag in his bedroom somewhere i hope ice cream will take that that's always good for the old spirits all right tick tock sure fanny pack okay we'll wear this uh yeah we wear the fanny pack on the back it's called a fanny pack not a funny pack for a reason it's only it's only holds like three things so it's not that good um and let's see here somebody's banging on a window down there so probably gonna have to fight something weight reduction seven percent i was wrong i said ten to eighty-five i guess it's seven percent so let's uh let's throw some of this stuff in here if we can give a slight weight reduction not much but a little bit probably not even worth our time but is that all i can get in there yep that's all i can get in there i don't know how to put those books in there that's crazy all right let's get out of here [Music] somebody's banging on the door you ready to plunge room yeah let's kill this guy [Music] it already broke all right i'm unarmed yet again oh hold on do you have a watch i could use a watch no watch and i pissed those guys off didn't it all right let's exit stage left let's get the hell out of here all right i'm gonna head down because there's some good loot to be had down in this neighborhood i like these houses down here they're sort of spaced out a little bit two stories sorry sort of get double the amount of oh apparently got doubled the zombies too double the amount of loot oh geez all right well i'll deal with you guys i don't really want to deal with three zombies at once when i don't have a weapon anymore i think i have anything i can even improvise let's just drop this i need to carry that anymore it was good well it lasted i hear one here at the door there we go all right let's just stomp his head watch there we go let's make sure that alarm ain't set sometimes this is set at a random time and you're kidding me all right we're not going in that neighbor's house for now oh let's check out this van so this is the house i kind of like to use right here it's got a shed and it's sort of isolated but it looks like there's a lot of zombies around let's check the truck here nothing let's see what kind of condition it's in hopefully it has fuel we'll find out here no no fuel it's not in bad shape just need some fuel we can siphon gas or get gas from the gas pumps drive the car to the gas pumps there's lots of options [Music] uh we missed our show it's 14 30. it was noon for the carpenter show let's draw these curtains if we can [Music] it didn't look like they saw us they were still sort of in the slumber there oh there we go got ourselves a key so we can get in there [Music] this might be my uh safe house actually if i can find a decent weapon to clear these zombies out in the front i'm a little peckish but that's all right because we definitely want to uh get our weight down it's at 95 kilos we'll get it down to about 80. see the little down arrow here when we start to lose weight it's a slow process so just gotta be patient probably should be collecting ice cream i'm trying to lose weight but it's gonna get a drink i'm gonna just try to take it nice and slow in this series because if i try to rush into too much during the first uh if i add some weight here unfortunately if i try to rush into too much i tend to completely screw up and die so we need to put some curtains on these windows nothing there all right we have curtains upstairs we'll we'll use we'll take those downstairs more important to have curtains downstairs and upstairs so we'll take these curtains there we go probably won't ever be in this room again so no big loss there i kind of want to keep curtains on that window just because it's my bedroom let's uh let's check this wardrobe for a good weapon for oh duffel back oh yeah yeah that's gonna be good put that on your back buddy that should be uh weight reduction of 65 capacity of 18. okay things are about to get a lot lighter for us we'll take all this stuff and well do i have a bandage i do have bandages don't yeah except for the bandage and the disinfectant one of the bottles i'm gonna put it all in there i got a sheet i'm gonna need that too okay let's do that it's gonna take a minute to transfer everything but you'll see this weight reduce quite a bit there it goes dropping significantly went from being overweight to being very underweight very much under the weight so i i put the uh i put the bandage in there just because it was easier i won't pull that back out i'm gonna pull out one of these disinfectants and then actually the rest of this stuff can go in various places of this house if i'm gonna make this my my safe house so let's draw these curtains it's gonna be my bedroom [Music] and then uh i think there's gonna be a curtain inside this yeah there will be okay grab this one all right very good i got up here we're gonna leave that there because we're gonna add well you know what let's take them downstairs i think there's a bookshelf downstairs so we'll take these and this [Music] there we go all right let's head on downstairs this is nice finding that duffel bag i just need to get a really need to get a some sort of good melee weapon so let's add a sheet here let's close it up there we go be less attractive to those those zombies out there there we go all right i'm gonna put all my books in one basket here sheet of paper i wish i could just destroy it just throw it on the ground there we go should be on the ground now right yeah okay very good let's see here i have a bunch of books in here put these all in the bookshelf one thing that will surprise you for those of you that have watched my long dark series is i'm pretty organized when it comes to where things belong in the house in this game i love how it fills up with books just so perfectly there's like a like nothing some a sparse amount of items uh middle ground you know medium amount of items on here half filled and then it's like fully filled it's kind of cool but it's not even close to being fulfilled it'll hold 40 items so it doesn't have to be books either all right um we got something here don't we somewhere yeah [Music] take that one and it should be organized with that mod that i have they should organize according to skill recipe things like that so these are extra things due to that mod it's not just literature anymore no hurry to leave i'll probably go over and try to check this house over here with the shed um just because i really want something to just have to make a hasty exit at night i'll be able to uh have something come on give me a drink give me a drink there we go that's all i wanted all right let's go put some stuff in the refrigerator here i'm really looking forward to getting that van that would be wonderful so let's see here i'm gonna take take that pepper no not there actually we can put it there actually i don't know why i did that that wasn't what i wanted can opener go straight into the refrigerator i want to put all my food in the refrigerator whether it's canned room temperature food or not i'm gonna put it all in the refrigerator it can hold plenty holds 40. once we are done there we can use the freezer ice cream should stay cold enough to not actually melt in the refrigerator which i know isn't realistic but i don't think it melts okay we got a bunch of containers here that are empty that's good let's take these apples all this food that we got that's not a bad start for food honestly that's not too bad at all anxious i need some cigarettes that's what that's what that's all about but before we go out again we're basically offloading starting to get bored i got you man i know i know all right so we're hungry we should have an arrow down now there it is that's what we want but we don't want it to be like where it's detrimental to our health where we start getting ill or we're not if we had an injury we're so hungry we can't fully recover from that injury uh in in a decent amount of time or anything like that pepper yeah you go over there gotta have my pepper nothing there about here hearing anything nope all right bandage disinfectant we're ready to rock and roll actually we can disinfect that bandage right away let's do that sterilized bandage perfect i'll just carry this in my fanny pack there we go all right so good there what else do we need to get rid of let's see here medical stuff oh another can opener now we have three of them so we'll put the medical stuff in the upstairs bathroom yeah i guess i don't know is there one down here i can't remember no there is an actual it's just a sink standalone sink okay do we have an empty one i like the soap i definitely want to have that oh another sheet i'll put this in uh actually stand by don't do that yeah okay we have to do that first we're gonna put it on this window since we're in in and out of this room pretty quick i don't want zombies from over here seeing come over here start banging on uh the doors or on this side of the house so like that that zombie i don't want that zombie to see me run up here real quick he's got a knife in his back i wonder what kind of knife and get a great look razor toothbrush i think we're going to use the middle one so let's let's empty this one out we're gonna keep this open there let's push all this stuff over to one of these other ones i think the middle one's the easiest one to access this one's hard to click on i could do this one i guess but i just chose this one all right there we go so let's make this our drug drawer keep that lighter on me okay so find that battery we'll put that in some random item drawer i think i put the canteen in there by if i start to transfer it all interrupted [Music] all right i think it was going to do it we're good now let's put this in our inventory so we can drink from it if it's in our backpack we're not drinking from it no point carrying around the extra weight really honestly i think maybe a water bottle is just better wait to go way to go because the weight on that's pretty heavy so this effect we want to have that with us just in case and our weight's down really low now so that looks pretty good let me uh go ahead and get a drink we'll uh try to carefully clear the outside of the house without a weapon or maybe you know we'll go try to get the other the neighbor's house oh hold on i forgot about this there might be a hammer or something decent in here boxing nails nope we'll use this as our uh random stuff so i'm gonna throw that battery in there there we go lighter i don't need two lighters throw one in there looks good jeez he's got a hard hat i want to find that guy that had the knife or something i might be able to arm myself before i take on the other guys there you go it's probably the furthest one away uh it's this one i think that's a knife maybe not okay he saw me getting bored well you're about to get less bored [Music] oh he saw me make sure nobody else is sneaking up on me [Music] while we deal with the zombie threat [Applause] all right all right i'm not really feeling you guys i don't think you have any oh here you are there you are you got the thing in your back what is it please don't be like a bread knife or something stupid like that all right this should attract the other guy he should hear that i think no he's oblivious all right let's take him out there we go what you got that's a screwdriver but it's better than nothing all right let's check out this house looks like it's been ravaged by zombies so we need to be careful they're probably going to be zombies inside somewhere nope nothing on those shells just double checking that's what's on the ground yeah nothing on the shelf close those windows our curtains close those curtains [Music] i hear zombies somewhere one of these doors maybe maybe just outside in the backyard it's hard to say i want to take the ball the water bottle and get rid of the canteen i don't really like the canteen afterwards after all let's eat the candy cane real quick here just take the edge off a little bit okay dilute that oh i went into regular inventory i want that in my duffel bag there we go all right let's be careful that's what i was afraid of get off me kitchen knife what kind of condition you in 100 condition well we just got upgraded a little bit so screwdriver's going to go on my belt uh actually when i put this over won't let me move it over that way huh okay put it over here kitchen nice going to go in spot number two this is my back so i can't just hang a kitchen knife off my back [Music] okay let's see here let's get our kitchen knife out i'm feeling much better now i think maybe we can clear off some of these zombies a little bit more effectively now let me do this little thing where i say hey when you're in sneak mode oh it's probably these guys over here that's pr okay someone's banging which one i didn't see it [Music] this one [Music] i do that so they give themselves away i think i have enough sheets but i'm just going to grab one more i could always take the curtains from inside here if i want but no nothing else really worthwhile these should be clear otherwise they wouldn't be banging themselves uh on the door right now another hand two handbags huh uh we could carry that in our offhand we get a 40 weight reduction it only holds eight kilos but there we go come on man all right let's clear let's clear the neighborhood out yeah we don't want people standing like that in our we don't want zombies stand like that in front of our house once that one has a hard hat i might not be about to too bad to get and we got two of them coming over here i think [Music] [Applause] oh he's got a murse oh it broke already that was quick all right this is why we have them on hot keys shiv that guy now you're mine i'm just going to shove you down stomp your head all right once you got here for me satchel 30 15. i think it's better than the person we have and that's 40 and 8. [Music] all right there's this hard hat definitely want that i'll keep my purse well our head now has 100 protection from zombie bites that's good right there just ahead not the neck neck still zero so all right let's move over here check on this guy [Music] i want to check inside the van too now that i have the key i haven't even gone inside yet i don't i don't think i did let's check the glove box cigarettes there they are that's what i was waiting for that's where he keeps the cigarettes those were his cigarettes all right that's kind of funny [Music] all right let's drop this i bet she's kicking himself right now for not uh keeping him uh keeping fuel in his van his burglar van all right let's smoke one of these get this get rid of this agitated state nervous and jumpy he's a little drowsy a little hungry other than that this will disappear here in half a second there it goes all right now i don't know if i checked the truck i think i did yeah nothing there okay let's go clear this area out real quick oh it's 2300 it's time for bed it's time for bed otherwise we sleep the day away let me just do a quick little check around the back of the house here okay and yes you can you can't use the uh what are you talking about i can't get in my own house [Music] i guess this i guess this is in my house but it's become mine i found the key i'm just getting into the spirit of things all right um let me see here i'm gonna have a little something to eat make myself peckish before bed but i think i want to put up i guess there is no window over here let me open and close this real quick in case i need to come back in that way it should be unlocked now um as i run around aimlessly like a chicken with my head cut off let's unload some food here [Music] there we go and salt to go along with the pepper and i think we'll just we'll probably have some apple and some broccoli something like that something one of these perishable items non-perishables they can wait so there we go anything in here nope anything here nope all right let's go ahead and have an apple we'll eat the whole thing see where that takes our hunger and he's peckish now okay that's where i want to be drowsy could do with a lie down let's get a drink too before we fill the water bottle take a drink all right i look like one of the village people that maybe had a psychotic break break or something it's uh not looking very good let's turn this on as well while we have power it'll be long till we do we don't have any power all right um painkillers i guess that's all we picked up there huh okay well head over here to bed i'm gonna place this chair over here by the wall in case the zombies do get in pick it up put it over there this will slow them down a little bit there we go all right now now i shall just read that magazine a little bit just to entertain myself hopefully kill some of the boredom okay and i say we turn off the light all right all right guys that's 40 minutes into this episode and uh end of day one thank you so much for watching i'm gonna end it here make sure you like comment and subscribe it's been a lot of fun diving back into project zombie i hope you guys really enjoyed it so i'll see you in the next episode y'all take care um [Music] hmm
Channel: Accurize2 | Survival Gaming Channel
Views: 29,791
Rating: 4.9458547 out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, pz, build 41, accurize2, accurize, acurize, zombie, survival game, apocalypse, indie stone, mathasgames, drunkonlife, cromulent archer, spiffo, mods, craft helper, sandbox, hardcore, realistic, pz maps, knox county, west point, riverside, muldraugh, tools, crafting, weapons, open world, lets play, long play, gameplay, walkthrough, playthrough, horde, swarm
Id: nBkOCCznoi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 3sec (2463 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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