Project Zomboid | This Is How You Died | Let's Play Project Zomboid Gameplay Part 1

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early access is an interesting place while today it's seen a negative light almost completely in is more of a home for shovelware survival games before all of that it was something much more special I talked a little bit about it in the first episode of kenchi and that got me thinking early access in the early days was more of a mark of quality you had to be of a specific sort of tear product to get on to early access and that held true for quite a while and if we look at the first batch of early access games there's quite a few there that are still being developed today or even updated and one can't look at early access on my channel without thinking of one very specific game one that I've been playing before it ever even hit Steam the one game that sent my channel to the direction that it did and that of course is indie stones Project Zomboid another sandbox game like kenchi but in a much different vein you're not controlling a group of people this isn't an RPG there aren't end pcs around the world that are operating and simulating all while you play instead you play one lone individual in a world that is already long dead and overrun with the undead zombies your typical zombie apocalypse scenario but unlike other zombie games this one you are not playing the hero you're not playing someone immune to the disease or someone who's gonna bring the Cure you're just playing one of its hapless victims caught up in the whirlwind of the end times there is no wind condition there is no end goal the only goal the only objective in Project Zomboid is just to survive as long as you can along the way you'll be doing a lot of things including having to manage your hunger your thirst your character sleep their paranoia their boredom and many other things everything you do has something tied to it whether it be noise or a visual representation and everything you do improves one of your many many many skills that as you guessed start at zero unless course you add a few traits in character creation that make you a little bit better you'll be picking a profession or none at all and then you can pick other traits in a negative and positive fashion positive traits cost you trade points and negative traits give you trade points you can't overspend in positive trades without having an appropriate number of negative ones to balance it out after that's all said and done you're dropped in the world and you're tasked with surviving in a giant created land with 4 different locations I believe now and just see how long you can last over time the game has gotten a lot more detailed a lot more intricate and in turn a lot more difficult and it has been quite a long time since I've touched Project Zomboid but with this new style of video and commentary you'd be a fool to think I wasn't gonna at least try it with Project Zomboid I don't know how long this will last and I don't even know how much work it'll be probably a lot too much like Kenji but if things go well this may be the type of video you see on my channel exclusively alongside this release Dean and I have also launched a patreon if you want to see what that's all about there should be a separate video I'll link it below as well as a link to the patreon with all kinds of rewards that should give you benefits for supporting me these videos are hard to make long to make and are genuinely a joy for us to make but the workload is definitely much more than it was so with all that said let's just get down to business and let's play [Music] [Applause] you [Music] meet joy Garcia a 27 year old female who was before the apocalypse a fire officer but since then the world has died and what she is now is merely a survivor she was single wasn't married and lived in the small house that we call hers for a while she had a happy life in this house and quite enjoyed her friends and family when she talked to them however she hasn't spoken to her family and what feels like months and her neighbors have all disappeared run often to the news on the TV talking about the military bombing this city and yet that hasn't come to pass or scared off from the hordes of walking corpses on the street it's been difficult but joy if anything is resilient and she's not ready to give up her hometown without a fight this is Project Zomboid first thing we should do before we continue here is turn off this TV because it's making a lot of noise and I'd rather not really worry about it too much right now so we're gonna go ahead and turn that off and this is what it's all about we're gonna go over a character here quickly and then we're gonna just get to surviving so first joy like I said is a fire officer being a fire officer actually gave her some extra perks she stout she's fit and she is lucky that one I picked it came with these two and a couple of regular stat improvements on top of that I figured that while she wasn't eight while she was a fire officer she's a little slow with her hands she's all thumbs what this means is a bad trait it gave us a little points to play with and moving things from inventory to inventories a little slower than it normally would be and since the apocalypse has hit all the while she's been paranoid worried that every little coffer every little sniffle is a representation of the disease taking hold of her body so she is a hypochondriac as well what a hypochondriac means is that she will actually develop the symptoms of infection without actually being infected her mind wandering and creating symptoms that aren't actually there but these two gave me four points and I spent those four points on lucky lucky is exactly as it sounds I'm gonna be a little bit luckier finding a good inventory around houses more rare things like a two-handed axe for instance might be something I'd be able to find well within my first few days of playing the game but that's just up to luck it's very much that we also have one point in sprinting right out the gate thanks to her starting abilities and her health is fine currently all these skills are go up as you do them and we'll be worrying about what skills we're gonna bring up as time goes on but for now sprinting level one to grab right away is very very nice that's just purely due to means we're gonna be moving faster and over here are passive stuff she has fitness and strength so she's got quite nice levels in both of those those give us bonuses in swinging power and how long we were able to go with before we start exerting ourselves and so on but we are currently in Muldrow a small part of the city again there's four parts of what is a fictional Kentucky here and we are just tasked with surviving so the very first thing Joe is gonna want to do as she's gotten back home and realized that there is probably more owned dead out there than they were the day before and the numbers continue to grow is this take stock of what she has what do we need and what can we where can we go to get it I don't know if there are maps in the game yet I think there might be we're running mod lists with the default difficulty as well which means we have electricity in water for 30 ish days give or take the game randomly decides at what point the electricity and water are going to be cut off so we got to make use of at least the water while we still can so let's start with the refrigerator we've got some fresh yogurt in there nothing huge and we got some ice cream in the freezer aspect of it in the shelf next to it and you can see what's getting highlighted as we look we've got a bowl canned tomatoes chocolate and dog food as well as another bowl in the compartments above with a canned tomatoes chips and a spoon some decent amount of food but nothing great ahh let's go ahead and grab this a bottle of water is really good to have in a cooking pot as well I'm gonna grab that and I'll explain why here in a minute but we don't really have anything to defend ourselves with even a frying pan would be good right now as long as it would allow us to manage individual zombies one at a time so let's check out the rest of the rooms I don't think the game spawns any zombies in your starting house we've got some underwear there but this is actually a great bedroom because we can rest here and there are no windows so no zombies will see us moving around in here if we decide to spend some time in here we've got another bed and another window with curtains on it but we can actually go ahead and close those curtains and you've got sheets and underwear in here and nothing in that drawer those sheets are great because we can actually use makeshift bandages out of them or cover the windows with it so zombies can't see us additionally a bathroom and we've got a comb in no medicine and we have it looks like a shed outside we can also zoom out quite far which I will likely be playing most of the game in for the most part in that way ok so first things first I'm gonna go ahead and start transferring all these Bulls over and I'm gonna the reason is I want to start getting water stashed away very very quickly so let's go ahead and drink here first so we're tapped out on thirst and then we're just gonna go ahead and fill every container that we can there we go so the cooking pot is gonna get filled up as well on top of the two bowls basically this first bar is her equipping it and then the second bars are filling it and that should be everything there so we're gonna go back into the refrigerator and we're gonna go here and I'm just gonna put the bowls of water in here both of them and the cooking pot because they're incredibly heavy when they're filled with water especially the cooking pot we're gonna keep the water bottle on hand for I think obvious reasons here so let's go ahead and stash that you can see how long it actually takes her to do it when she has all thumbs would be a little bit faster if she wasn't rolling with all ohms but such as life and we're gonna try not to overload ourselves too much our food situation is actually pretty good and we actually have a lot of books which is also great because it means we can keep ourselves occupied and not get too bored if we have to spend a few days in the house whether it be because of weather or because of zombies so let's pop out we can actually lock the door if we wanted to oh maybe we can't ah does she not have any keys it looks like she has no keys so this house might not even be hers or she lost it lost the keys to this house and this door is unfortunately locked and we don't have the key so we can't actually do anything with it all right well with that in mind I think our first order of business here it's just hit up some of the nearby houses we've got a row of houses over here and I have a vague memory of this we should have a bunch of houses these colors wrote up on each side we have a few Zed's moving that way and we have one banging on the door there so already we kind of are in a disadvantageous position we want to be able to spend at least a couple of days here enjoy herself would like to not have to leave that house and very often at least in the first few days until we have a much better traversal situation see that zombie saw us as soon as you walked it was facing this way she saw she's gonna start banging on that window there's a busted window here as well which worries me means somebody broke in probably her or broke out hopefully broke in is the answer we want to do is we want to find a house that we can at the very least tell there's no zombies I hear actually mumbling okay we're gonna try and crack this window no alarm went off I don't see anybody in here so we're gonna climb in and we're gonna one close the window and we're simply just gonna turn the TV off why is it making a whirring noise please turn off thought I turned it off but apparently not I can hear some light thudding I don't think a rolling pin is great as a weapon but as she pulls the drawer open and sees is actually some cooking utensils here we're we're at least gonna feel a little immediately more safe we're gonna have something to at least knock back zombies with a distance so we don't have to get them get really close and beat them on the ground instead of having to step on their faces as they fight back fingers crossed we won't need to fight them but it actually looks like a baseball bat which is great for us with somebody moving this actually this place is in is very very active but I don't like that I'm a little nervous to go into the bedroom so I probably won't but what we're gonna do is grab all of this and our next the next thing we really need is a bag of some sort we're not going to carry much you can see up here how much we can hold on to until that reaches 14 that's how much we can hold unless we can get a backpack a trash bag pretty much any of the above will allow us to a hammer will allow us to defend ourselves a lot better a trowel is good because we can actually do some gardening I'm gonna go ahead and take the hammer but it's a better weapon damage wise but it's also a much shorter range weapon so it to be much closer to the zombies themselves if we want to hit them I'm a little nervous to be popping in through here so I'm not gonna I'm just gonna open the door and zoom out and the reason I want to be careful and there's a car there as well which it might might be useful seeing that car immediately it has some ideas instilled into her we could take that car be loud but if things got really bad if we could get the keys to this car that's right over here I think yeah there it is which has it looks like it was a delivery boys car we can have a way forget the keys we have at least an emergency out as long as the car is in good shape there's a chance there's a lot of broken parts of the car okay we've got a zed coming up on us so i got to keep an eye out the thing that will kill you in zomboid isn't the zombies per se though technically that's what it is it's more your laziness or your confidence confidence as they say in the darkest dungeon is a slow and insidious killer and that is very true in Zomboid specifically they absolutely you're your own laziness and confidence will be what ends up killing you here anyway to be able to figure out what we can do with that car we have to make room and kill off some of these guys in time and then we have to search their corpses because usually what happens is that the the car or the owner of the car is usually a zombie nearby and should that be the case we should be able to get some keys from her all right to take down let's back up a little bit here joyous scene people killed before and she herself is probably taking out one or two zombies but she's not good at it meaning she hasn't done it often you know a zombie is dead when you hear the splurt of their guts more or less also you're gonna notice a little thing pop up over here you can see the door shaking was a zombie trying to break out that says she's panicking what panic does obviously when zombies get close she starts panicking but her vision gets restricted as well as you know her accuracy should go down as well but it doesn't tell you too much slight panic isn't bad it's when it gets way more intense then it becomes dangerous so the plan here is to knock down one charge up another attack because it's the longer you hold the stronger it is the bites going to be and we want to run very often the reason we don't want to run is cuz running makes noise and then noise is the enemy of our own our very own life so we're gonna try not to do that back up how are we missing her every single time we'll go ahead and get some attacks on her a couple swings and we're gonna back up we go he's fast so there are some zombies that are a little faster than others usually that represents them being newer zombies their bodies haven't decayed as much anymore and they could take a lot more of a beating usually but there we go we took him out to have backed away they've gotten distracted by something which is good you he's the one I feel like I've been beating on the most okay he's dead now which is good and I don't want to go too far out that way I want to stick relatively close because I don't want to attract more attention than I need to yeah I want him to break away if he can yeah she heard me sprint see how far he could actually hear okay free hits when we can she's panicking her heart is pounding her vision accuracy and vision is reduced as you can see I don't want to necessarily take a swing when I'm this panicked but we're gonna have to try to get shots in when we can one two three four the only way we're gonna be able to safely ever dilute these things is if we do exactly this unfortunately okay he's dead our frying pan has broken though which means we need to slap something else on I guess we're gonna equip no I don't want to favorite it I want to equip it oh god run panic reaching for things is also a good way to get you killed but joy she's a tough cookie he just tried to take a bite out of me and that almost almost almost got me back up oh I will check for injuries after I didn't hear a thumping noise that's usually a good sign okay I did not get a swing on him patience patience is key and I think up up I think she knows that wow we have to be very very patient here okay I wish we had to hit a little bit further out there man this guy is so fast I wish she would take a shot you really do hit him in the leg man hit him in the leg honey let her go why don't we just pull him back then he's the fastest let's get him over here he lunges and he would have to if we can break vision that might even be good enough to yeah see they're getting distracted on the door all right kill the fast boy Wow and that is reason he was so fast but they definitely would have heard that just keep an eye behind backup missed it's okay good can't really miss when he's on the ground two more down we have somebody in there windows broken doors being banged on it's very possible she climbed into the window and then got stuck on the other side that's the great thing about zombies they're not smart they operate on like one basic principle all right let's take a look make sure we're not surrounded we know we have okay that's fine the doors not being banged on anymore she moved around to the other room joy had noticed the door was not really vibrating any longer let's just keep an eye all right breath deep breath oh man what an opening few moments there the only thing she knew to do was to hit the houses nearby and they were much much more dangerous than she was hoping they were going to be however she pulled out her first victory notching each kill on her belt taking note of each one in fact we can see how many she's killed I forget on what info panel 10 a rounded 10 zombies in her first hours the whole city evacuated but she stayed behind slowly people disappeared now she's really realizing it's more than just a few all right we popped that let's take a look here on the side we don't see anybody but there is a broken window likely that zombie came out and fought us so let's climb in we'll pop this door open and we'll make sure it's clean seems to be TVs on once again we're going to turn the TV off and make some noise though a great way to attract zombies if we ever need to is to just turn every TV on in an area and hope for the best cooking for beginners I'll absolutely take that we could read that on our on our downtime engineering magazine could be good as well pretty sure I heard moaning before we move from this house though mathroom zombies are the deadliest by the way dead rat fresh and uncooked we don't we're not so desperate for food that we need to start eating rat corpses there's a good chance that will eventually happen but not yet ah we've got a plastic bag so we're gonna throw this as our secondary and we can click this now as a secondary option of storage and we're just gonna throw everything into this bag can only hold up to 8 but it lessens the load for us and that means we can do we can take a lot more actually I don't want the flower I'm gonna shut this door as well a watermelon hell yes and another bottle of water is also excellent while we're out we should also fill our bottle of water she will drink from it naturally over time we don't need to constantly tell her to drink the only we need to tell her to drink or need to tell her to do rather as eat she will drink on her own so let's go ahead and fill our just our water bottle taxi key there it is it was in one of the drawers so whoever lived here has the key to that ooh whiskey bottle could be great that'll help us if we're in real bad mood so we don't want to get too dependent on it cookies I'll take another frying pan and then we start heading back now we're starting to carry quite a lot so we're gonna be moving a lot slower and that's not something I really want right now but we have a pretty clear shot all the way back so we have the key for this we can climb in don't know exactly how to check the car vehicle mechanics there we go so go to the hood [Music] and I assume we're just popping it aha Wow whoo I haven't messed with cars too much and done like except for that one they were put in really really a while ago and I played for like the first few days just to check them out but it looks like it's in good condition thought I heard footsteps sorry let's check again the vehicle itself is in acceptable position condition I think it would run as long as it has gas you can see what's really hurt the seats are extremely hurt the battery is still going though mufflers fine nice the front right brake is gonna be bad all these things as they break and go down in quality they're gonna affect how the car handles and that's important to keep in mind and we have 45% gas we're out of gas so we need gas if we click on headlight it gives you it gives you more details when you click but we do need gas so it actually we got very very lucky in that we found a car that is needs minimal work that's really really good for us we can actually get that thing up and running pretty easily we're gonna go ahead and snack real quick open one canned tuna for now there we go and we're gonna go ahead and just eat the whole thing tunas delicious we can even walk that's gonna get rid of that are hungry we can actually feed ourselves until it's fed well-fed all that good stuff and that will actually give us bonuses to some of our stats too so if we ever really need to make sure we are going on a long trip and need to be well-maintained we should have a hearty meal beforehand I wish I could get into the here I wonder if there's a key somewhere Oh interesting small little hoard in the forest nearby let's get over the fence and pop in here for the night it's locked we can go out the front door okay just check in the periphery something we're gonna need to do every time we come back one of the key ways to survive this game and something that joy will be very good at being a fire officer is developing safety habits constantly you want to make sure that when you come home you do the same thing every single time you come in you check the peripherals you look to the windows if something looks wrong window being broken you see if there's any zombies nearby clean out and pay attention if there are zombies nearby are they worth fighting are they worth just avoiding and hope they go away in the morning because while there the Dom bees are like feet 2030 feet as long as I'm hiding and staying quiet they should not bother me the other thing I want to do as well is make sure all the lights are off in the house because light attracts zombies so that lamp is off I believe and there's a light switch here turn that off I'll double check yeah all right turn that off I don't see any switches elsewhere but yeah we do not want pretty much any light coming through so the other big things I'm gonna want to do especially if we're gonna set up here for a tiny while even if we don't stay here long is see if we can grab a sheet what was that there it is definitely grab a sheet and we're gonna throw some sheets up on the windows at the front the very first priority being this one due to their being zombies not too far perfect now they can't see in okay let's start hurling things into the fridge I mean kind of just grab all this and throw it in we can throw that away but we'll get to it in a second leave it throw the bottle of whiskey in here as well pop in here pretty much grab all these throw those watermelon absolutely TV dinner and we'll let that go for a little bit let him put that away and then we'll continue [Music] you [Music] all right I've done my original sorting but the whole time yeah I could hear the moaning in the trees rustling I'm debating going out there and trying to attract them and and do damage the issue is he doesn't know I'm here and the trees rustling are actually just distracting him more the noises of the trees are keeping him running in circles because he just hears things and he just goes to it without much thought so I'm not entirely sure it's even worth me going out there what I do wish at what I do wish I had was another sheet or two I don't know if I had one in here I don't so we're gonna have to go and grab some sheets at some point I don't think I can take yeah there's like sheets off of beds so what I'm doing by the way is making sure everything that needs to be refrigerated stays in the fruit in the refrigerator mark barring a couple of things I let accidentally go in there and then to the directly next to it I'm gonna keep all the canned stuff all the non perishables I want to do this because I like try and keep things organized in this game when I when I do it for my own sake and my own sanity we're also gonna go ahead and fill everything that we grabbed while out and fill it with water so we can stash it I cannot tell you how important stashing up water is going to be and even if we end up having to abandon this place we could always come back for the water that we leave behind yeah you can hear them out there moaning that scares me a bit I might go out there I ain't gonna go ahead and equip this is my primary for right now cuz I don't know what does more damage the damage is the bottom and we'll take a look at the top here in a second takes her a while to take things out of our inventory all thumbs baby it looks like it's about the same honestly they're starting to yeah they're starting to me and are much closer there's at least four of them out here so the other danger here is if we do decide to go to bed and we should soon we don't have a timer right now but it we should soon and they end up banging on the door if my Cara doesn't hear it she won't wake up there's at least five I think we're gonna do is we're gonna go in here for the night we're gonna shut ourselves in and then we're gonna let her sleep the days without people have come and gone joy has known and she's been alone for some time but never has she needed to break into one of her old friends her old neighbours houses for supplies like a true rat scavenging for whatever she can find just to live another day but that's what this day has brought the first step and the acceptance of a life she's tried to avoid society is gone the world has crumbled joy is nothing now but a survivor you [Music]
Channel: Mathas
Views: 288,886
Rating: 4.8903761 out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid, project zomboid walkthrough, project zomboid guide, project zomboid tutorial, project zomboid part 1, project zomboid game, project zomboid episode 1, lets play project zomboid, project zomboid review, project zomboid multiplayer, project zomboid steam, project zomboid wiki, project zomboid build 40, project zomboid let's play, project zomboid lets play, project zomboid download
Id: w45uERL3aR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 19sec (1939 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 28 2019
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