Project Zomboid || Jocko Willink || Part 1

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hey everybody accuracy here welcome to project zomboid season two episode one killing jocko willink i need to take a moment here to remember season one's character keystone may he rest in peace unfortunately his expert burglar skills were not enough to overcome my atrocious survival skills somehow he managed to survive 8 days 22 hours before he was eaten by the zombies but we're going to try again this time with another survivor so i'm gonna do survivor mode but actually i need to make a couple changes i'm gonna do custom sandbox let's check and make sure these mods are the way we want them here same as before just wanna make sure that they all stuck mall draw sure all right so custom survivor mode i'll start it here at the top show you uh each of these if you need to uh pause to take a closer look by all means please do so i'm not going to go through each individual setting it would take like 15 minutes but a couple i will point out here water shutoff is 0 to 30 days electricity 0 to 30 days the ai director here helicopter once so when the helicopter event happens the helicopter passes over one time can be uh sometimes often never meta event how often zombies are attracted to metagame events like distant gunshots so like dog sparking screams gunshots those will sort of draw zombies into that general area that's my understanding of that anyway here's one of my first changes here weapon multi-hit normally this is off back when i played this years ago this was something that always happened you you you could hit multiple zombies with one swing of a melee now they've turned that off but they give you the option to turn it back on i'm gonna turn that back on just because it fits the way i play it's much more natural combat for me and it seems to make more sense to me like if i swing a baseball bat and there's two people there i could hit both their heads at the same time if they were both within my swing arch or arc let's see here vehicles zombie lure infection mortality instant i changed this it was two to three days pretty sure 99 sure keith uh had the zombie infection he was just dies a slow death um but it never made it that far so in this case if he gets bit by a zombie and it's enough to infect him with the zombie virus just die immediately we can end that life and start a new new series there we go advance the zombie options for those of you that are interested in that all right let's move on here to the character creation jaco willink world renowned navy seal retired lieutenant commander he's a veteran so we're going to pick that desensitized does not reach a state of panic sounds about right no matter how bad the getting gets he's not going to panic some of the negative traits i had to take i don't really want to take negative traits for jocko but i guess i have to in order to get some of the positives that we definitely need high thirst slow healer hard of hearing hearty appetite prone to illness weak stomach and slow reader all right some of the positives we get here are gonna be strong fit wakeful outdoorsman and speed demon all right aiming fitness reloading strength are his major skills let's get started all right there we go let's do this these are the end times [Music] there was no hope of survival it always starts the same but it never ends the same that is the beauty this is how i killed jocko all right i'm doctor oh we do we have do we have a uh two oh this is our old safe house this is kind of nice actually um let's change the channel because we need to catch our cooking show and look at that tv's cranked up all the way i wonder if that's a reflection because he has the hard of hearing trait so like his tv is all the way up inside his house don't know hopefully i'm hoping we can watch his cooking shoot up see how that goes now he doesn't have the uh fast xp like uh keith did fast learner so uh it's probably gonna level up quite as fast i'm hoping that since he doesn't have the passivist negative trait we'll find some actual weapons inside his house because i mean he is a veteran and all that so i don't know i can hope so hope for that oh we got a videotape here i'm looking right here got a videotape of woodcraft okay i wonder how much that will help i'm gonna watch that right away all right so we've leveled up cooking level one the uh leveling up did appear above my head the way it was supposed to for that mod we can go ahead and fast forward here a little bit see it all tomorrow okay good stuff now i think last time it was like one and a half blocks were filled in this time it's like one and a quarter so the uh the learning skills aren't that different i'm gonna go ahead and probably watch this video tape right real quick since we have right here can i remember how to do this vcr here we go woodcraft now what is he gonna make in episode five advanced carpentry oh i wonder how this is gonna work i'm watching him out of order or something carpentry shooting up still going on the next time okay so that went up real quick good well we've already leveled up twice and we literally walked about uh 20 feet let me go ahead and turn off this power for now nothing in here i can't remember metalwork magazine metal fences that seems important i'll take that army for intermediates sure let's see what we got here oh he's got a nice fan outside oh i'm excited he's got planks in here dude i think you can actually use a plank as a weapon i think if i can find a knife in here i can shave it down into a i can shave it down i might not want to leave this area actually this might be my safe house yet again i know i want to i kind of want to change it up for you guys but at the same time we got a functional van parked outside now question is don't have keys for it i'm assuming it's my van okay well let's take all this and i'll take that can opener not both of them just one all right if i i should be able to turn that into a spear the plank what else we got up here metal sheet okay electricity for intermediate sure we'll leave the magazine bottle of disinfectant we'll take that tissue let's get a drink come on man you gotta have some sort of weapon nothing well the neighbor should have that shed this kid has nothing in their room either okay well there's not a whole lot of great stuff here but let's take a look at the van i don't know where that maybe the keys laying next to it or something how in the hell am i supposed to find a key maybe since maybe it's in the ignition i don't know nothing oh you know what i wanted to take a look at the glove box there it is all right am i drawing did i disturb you i'm sorry car battery and a tire no he's just coming over to hang out yeah we're gonna we're gonna have a little bit of a wrestling match out here in the front yard and i think i'll shred they're all bloody oh the tank top isn't let's shred that up into some makeshift bandages here there we go improvised bandages i like that now where do we want to go next i kind of want i kind of want to hit that shed i have a feeling i'll find at least some sort of weapon in there so let's go deal deal with that and then i would like to watch woodcraft again at noon dude this guy had incredible balance must have been a ballerina or something that guy not so much holy cow all right we gotta i'm sorry guys i gotta gotta lose you i don't know why i drug him around the side of my house i'll just come back and finish him off once i get a weapon play play the whole game run around the house i'll have any way to clear out this glass if i can't get in this door oh well that was nice i'll take that because i don't know what's in it all right is that everything i that's everything no weapons dang [Music] well that's interesting all right let's get inside this house turn on the tv without feeling woodcraft's about to come on whoa not that house or that house goodness gracious what is it with this neighborhood never seen so many people out and about all right let's try this house i hear somebody inside here you don't have a tv now do you no it's a bit awkward trying to fight that guy like that all right i think i think the uh house next door has a tv yes i knew you followed me i saw you had a feeling you were following me tv boom probably probably a alarmed house hey just started cool literally just started starting with the basics the kind of stuff they teach in kindergarten take a plank and hold the nail like this [Music] tomorrow we're taking off the training wheels all right well almost up to level three [Music] might use this house honestly my uh my neighborhood's a little infected this this ain't the worst house sure let's see if we can find an actual weapon i'll take a freaking a watermelon oh that's really good to have actually and chop that up with a knife if we can find one can opener of course can't open her again and it's gracious all right butter knife bread knife i think i can use the bread knife on the uh on the watermelon can i cut it sliced watermelon none of the the bread knife i could definitely use a bread knife to slice up a watermelon are you kidding me these things are sharp frying pan take that definitely take that well i don't see anything that would work unfortunately another drink so far slim pickens man might have to go hit the uh let's turn let's let's uh close those i really don't want to be on the ground floor though that's the problem for safe house oh man hiking bag oh that made it worth it right there and we got a gun in here unfortunately i don't want to have a gun as my only primary weapon we'll uh grab that as secondary and i'll just uh take the pistol in the mag zero out of 15 zero yeah it's it's empty might as well just leave it in there for now okay the hiking bag's nice though yeah what is this uh let me take a look at it capacity is 20 weight reduction 70 not too shabby not too shabby all right let's go back here try hitting this house again and the shed honestly let's do shed first i feel a lot better once i get a better blunt i do have the stir or the the pan frying pan but is this a cop that kind of looks like a cop i think he might be that's uh i got a hood that's it oh well see if we can get his attention i'm pretty sure there's a police officer he's probably gonna have some ammo or something no he's not he's just a wannabe cowboy that's too bad does have a lighter and i'm gonna do a little bit of rearranging here we will take the hat though we got nothing better to wear there we go let's see here i might as well drop this excuse me folks excuse me i've been playing it so much but in common uh doing the commentary for it it's starting to get a little raw it's okay i don't mind see how much this reduces our weight should be quite a bit that watermelon's gonna turn into virtually nothing there we go not bad oh the toolbox i forgot to take a look at the toolbox i want to see what was inside of it a saw and some nails looks like so i'm pretty sure that's nails let me equip this real quick unpack it there that's what i want actually what i want to do is drop it real quick oh it's paper clips oh all right screw you i don't want paper clips i will take that card and salt though yeah we'll take that and we'll get rid of this toolbox i don't need to be carrying that thing around it's ridiculous oh that's so psyched me out man all right um [Music] there's the well maybe i can sneak my way in there i might be able to do this a little sneakier than i did before with a car maybe i pulled i pulled a couple nothing too hateful though this might have worked out pretty good actually where are you going you're taking a weird route to get to me i don't like your freaking flanking maneuver all right i see you you got something sticking out of you i got a canteen i'll just wait for him to come to me you do have something sticking out of you don't you oh that was weird how about you i guess not i guess it was just denim shirt uh yeah we could do that let's wear that see how my bottle disinfectant do i have any yeah let's let's go and disinfect these uh it gives us a little bit less for the disinfectant i'm gonna put this up here we'll keep the sterilized rags right there so they're super fast to get to all right we got a couple cars down here too yeah we might be able to get in here [Music] he was able to jump that and still hold on to the case i find that interesting yeah i don't want to lose the gun so i'm afraid that if i i'm going to drop the gun case because i'm afraid i'm going to lose the gun i want to jump something in a panic and lose the gun and that would be bad so let's do this let's just put the nine mil mag in there i know it's empty insert mag oh i gotta hold it as a primary it won't let me insert an empty mag okay i figured it'd just be easier to keep it all together that way so much for that all right well i'm going to leave the case behind because i know i'll end up jumping something for getting it to help up you know i probably shouldn't go in there because it'll probably be alarmed and it'll drive me off the honey hole which is the whole reason why we're here oh please be open please be awesome to me oh you suck you suck you suck you suck and this is the other one isn't it or is that the police station am i oh i think that's the police station are those cops out there these look like cops uh either that or cowboys again i can't tell let me see if i can get her attention hey i don't want to do this too much probably pull some guys from the woods that i don't even see hey how did that one find see me that was weird that was weird i'm gonna take you around the corner and murder you out of out of sight from your compatriots let's do this all right i got a couple looking at me here i just bring one of them at me i got one she seems to be more aware than other i got two correction two two tangos all right maybe we'll go up there i don't know what the heck i don't know what i'm doing somehow i survived sometimes nothing you don't have a key do you that key would be cool oh you had a watch though there we go oh nice i didn't miss my show alarm is not set good good we just have one more down here for now all right let's do this lumberjack shirt overalls could be worse shoes that guy eventually bust out of there should just sit back and wait for him shotgun shells take that goodness gracious please tell me you got something better four pops well that kind of sucked am i out of room no what happened there all right take a peek out oh my gosh the laziest group of zombies i've ever seen well we can't get in there well you know what we can try each one of these one of these might be unlocked i think we've tried all these i'm not going for that trailer now there's too many zombies over there freaking suicide i think that's the police station oh there's a box down here let's try this out that van looks pretty nice that black van i kind of want that thing you got some gas in there do i have a i do have a fuel can do it yeah okay can i let's siphon a little bit of gas where am i going it's really awkward way that i'm gonna can i not do it because of the way it's positioned kidding me all right let's try it oh okay there we go got a little bit of fuel every little bit counts dang it that was my last hope all right let's uh go try this blue car siphon gasoline i don't know how much is in here we shall soon find out it's probably going to be running said it all right we got almost a full can of gas see what kind of shape this car's in holy cow it's bad of course i guess maybe this represents a wreck i do want to get into this car if i can see what's in the glove box nice okay all right let's try to get over here to whatever this is i don't know what this place is my dang ol frying pan i don't know what this place is all right let's see if we clear this out quietly oh shoot that's not quietly all right we're just gonna slow it down be nice and calm be cool be cool they're just taking turns running through that we're gonna do the old uh zombie ball pied piper thing i don't know what that place is i don't think i'm really that interested in it honestly is that my primary yeah there we go [Music] yeah you know what we'll just i think i'll just yeah i'm just going to zombie ball these guys here and then ditch them because i want to take a look at these vehicles that are in this parking lot they don't look half bad actually they look pretty decent there's a lot of vehicles spiffo vanky did i miss it i missed it that's okay we'll come back and get it yeah we missed it [Music] all right let's ball them up a little bit here i see anybody with a good backpack i don't think so i'm pretty i'm pretty happy with what i got though yeah come on i want to get you in on this buddy old black shirt i want to leave you out came back just for you there we go now we got a nice zombie ball going that's better much better couple stragglers hey guys what's up almost almost got me alright time to evade yeah we got a group back here again i thought they all came with me that's weird i'll try getting this key again he's got a big old duffel bag that's better well that didn't work as well as i hope because i picked up a secondary group that's okay we can we can make this work i think i head back this way follow up here a little bit there we go that's better [Music] much better i'm gonna go through the first group that i ditch down here pick them up again and then lose them again now there shouldn't be anybody around the building so i think we're gonna be all right almost almost got me park ranger i think out there we go she got on her back metal pipe that looks like a metal pipe nice [Music] backpack all right let's try this again 2.0 all right i'm just going to go back towards the main parking lot this way i think we should be nice and quiet now there we go that was a better way to go let's check out the spiffo van see what that's looking like yeah a little bit of fuel looks pretty good it should be drivable for sure yeah we got a few coming yeah ketchup and ham all right we can come back in and jump in that van when it's time yeah let's see i really want to mess with these guys i think i'll just go through this window i sort of created for myself over here there we go this place looks like a college nothing in here at all oh wow this is like pitiful i ain't gonna mess with this place all right i say we just feel up the spiffo van and be ready to go when the time comes all right not bad i think we got one up here by spiffo might save it oh decisions decisions i kind of want to keep going but uh i think we'll take the van better have the vehicle than not and we can head up and get gas for some reason they see right through these vehicles every time okay should be good let's add fuel to this well hold on maybe these other vehicles are better i know she's gonna break right through there right when i'm in the middle of this there it goes come on goodness gracious that took forever yeah enough fuel on this one am i carrying a key nope first aid kit might happy bed [Music] no key yeah i do want this there we go not sure what's in it can't be bad all right there's my group i need to check out this van real quick i've got eyes for this van out of fuel okay let's check out the car out of fuel all right i think we just take the spiffo van you know what they say one in the van better than two in the bush so i think that means doors are locked right green i think oh that's loud should draw attention from everybody all right stand by folks sorry let's see here uh vehicle engine volume yeah let's make that a lot a lot lower that's so much better spiffo's coming through special delivery spiffo's we got some nice pickup trucks here they're not many uh zombies here oh hold on you know what i almost forgot to do it again there we go let's unequip this oh we do have some zombies okay we're gonna have to let's let's kite them out of the area i do want to check the warehouse splitting uprights i'll probably just use the trailer park for these guys a zombie ball take them down the trailer park jump over the fence because they can't come over the the two level fence that's pretty good look at him look at them all it's cute because they try so hard hey oopsy daisy and we're off see what we can do i need that i need that frying pan well you know what let's try the door first might as well try the door he's really thirsty hungry all right let's get inside this way then oops i drew this guy over here he's coming towards me it's all right nothing all right what we got in here yeah we got a refrigerator probably get something to eat something to drink there definitely let's eat that whole thing very hungry yeah eat this whole zucchini once he's done with that dying of thirst desperate for water all right do you have anything to drink let me see here i probably got something about all the disinfectant i could drink that um let's do the soda pop let's drink one of these i just drink one let's take two of these out of here that should help something doesn't feel right yeah it's because i'm dying of thirst and super hungry there we go satiated nice saul i already have do i not have a saw do i have a cell yeah i have a garden saw i'll take this one i know they're the same but i'll take it anyway pipe wrench we'll take that that'll be a better primary weapon for sure there we go not bad not a bad start box of paper you did it to me again oh there we go box and nails that's what i was waiting for tent pegs everywhere plant camera we'll take that hammer i don't have a hammer yet nice well so far so good we need an axe another box of paper clips she bastards box of nails we'll take that this saw does not degrade so i'm not gonna take it there's no honestly i should probably just use the one all are we full we are full okay crowbar take that how's our weight or what's still good what a mallet i don't think i need a wooden mallet another saw come on give me an axe axe baby antique oven that's a wee bit heavy for us to be lugging around 40 kilos we got over here saw what we got down here paintbrush anything up here oh we got some water can uh get another drink here sheets of paper that's it no axe tonight folks no acts tonight well at least in this one we also have this building to check over here i think i want to head home for the time being it's getting late no jaco doesn't need much sleep but uh we should head home anyway before we push our luck too much get ourselves killed after a pretty decent start oh that's awesome [Laughter] i gotta watch out for the big horde that i left behind up here about to play dodge the zombies why they're doing that he's not afraid of him they don't care this actually is pretty decent vehicle i like it i want to go this way sure why not yeah that's the way i want to go my light's not on there we go not bad am i going to go back to my old house i guess so i'm gonna head back there might as well all right we might have to dispatch a few zombies in the neighborhood here might have to back over them actually might be the safest oh yeah let's do that um i'm just gonna all right let's get out of here oh there's at my house guess we're going down here oh there's one in the bushes they almost got me they almost got me might not be able to stay here that much tonight take care of these guys and we'll go into this house right here there we go in we go i can't believe i left my door open i don't see it looks like nobody broke in so that's a start let's uh close up these drapes decrease the attractiveness of this house the zombies all right let's go get some sleep i don't think he's gonna be waking up at uh i don't think he's gonna be waking up at 4 30 today i can't see out there it's too dark i mean i can't see uh the zombies if they're there or not it's really hard to do combat right now kind of wish i had the cat's eyes positive trait there that would have been nice all right let's get some sleep he's not even tired yet honestly but we'll get some sleep hopefully we don't get eaten in the sleep but we'll see i don't think i've ever been eaten in my sleep 7.50 that's not bad we'll go um let's go downstairs i think maybe the uh oh no it's nine o'clock when the show comes on so yeah we can keep using this house for now since we're sort of familiar with it yeah let's just keep using this one put all my books i think i want to use the bookshelf downstairs a little more accessible do need to add some sheets here though yeah we're gonna have to go steal some sheets from the neighbors probably the first thing since we are gonna use this house i think that's what we'll do first get out of this taken care of here not even hungry all right guys i'm going to end this episode here season one episode one or season two episode one killing jocko william will link now let's take a peek outside let's see it's not bad they're just kind of checking out my ride that's all there is to it and it looks like we probably take pieces off of this van and use it on that van or vice versa or whatever so like comment subscribe i'll see you guys in episode two you all take care you
Channel: Accurize2 | Survival Gaming Channel
Views: 12,268
Rating: 4.9107504 out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, pz, build 41, accurize2, accurize, acurize, zombie, survival game, apocalypse, indie stone, mathasgames, drunkonlife, cromulent archer, spiffo, mods, craft helper, sandbox, hardcore, realistic, pz maps, knox county, west point, riverside, muldraugh, tools, crafting, weapons, open world, lets play, long play, gameplay, walkthrough, playthrough, horde, swarm, jocko willink, jocko
Id: RYXZ5vo7nUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 1sec (3061 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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