Project Zomboid || Keith Stone || Part 4

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all right guys here we go welcome back project zomboid keystone part four we need to get some sleep but uh we're gonna sleep for a long time today now i need to get i'm going to take it easy today i'm just probably going to do a little bit of um reading a little bit of watching the shows that we have taped that sort of thing so let's get some sleep who the wolves are howling in there huh all right let's go see what uh what it looks like out here so oh it's 10 20 or that's that's not too bad i thought it was gonna be like one o'clock in the afternoon so maybe i will do a little something something all right it's clear uh-oh somebody's broken their house someone has broken a window that does not make me very happy they're probably outside this door here that was a bit rude huh all right well that leads me to what i was planning on doing anyway we need to uh get up to i want to get to the uh uh the lumber yard and uh you get to the lumber yard and uh get some stuff to board up these windows and then i'd like to get out of here and establish a second safe house somewhere else so let's drop some of our stuff here yeah we got a lot of stuff to drop [Music] hold on somebody is being rude all right let's pick up this corpse moving out of my house that's probably the one that broke my window nope that might be the one that broke my window hey full all right there we go probably driving the car up last night attracted some attention unfortunately let me do a quick run around the house just to make sure we're not going to be bothered by anybody else so far it looks good apart from those two knuckleheads oh we got a little group gathering out here okay not digging on that but that's okay so what was i saying i want to shut this door just so i don't get snuck up on and nibbled little love bites we're going to keep that uh cigarettes that's fine gas can keep keep that let's see what else some junk empty pop can we can just drop that i think that's that's about it for whatever we have in our active we've got some medicines and we got some weapons and things like that so let's see here tools i will put all these except the tire pump and uh there we go put all that standby except the tire pump want to keep my gas can with me wait what what are you doing don't put it on the floor don't put it on the floor put it there okay that's better there we go i might just take it easy today like i said the problem is there's gonna be a helicopter that eventually comes comes around and starts circling around and draws zombies and basically have to run away from it it keeps following you around the map and it keeps drawing zombies to you so you want to keep moving away from it and it takes about 10 i think it's about 10 in-game hours uh maybe maybe things have changed but uh just kind of keeps lurking around for most of the day and you gotta keep moving away from it otherwise zombies uh zombie hordes will get up on top of you so um i want to have this place boarded up before that happens so when we start moving if we end up somewhere else for the night i don't this place is completely trashed it's not a big deal we could put boards on it and we're going to establish like multiple safe houses i probably want to get three to four safe houses in case we get run out of one that's my idea anyway and i wouldn't mind having something a little bit closer to the river like a cabin off the river something like that where we can do fishing and trapping and hunting and stuff like that or i guess it's actually foraging they don't actually have hunting all right so that looks pretty good let me uh shut that door leave all the doors open so they don't bang their heads into them and break my doors honestly uh let's see your foods throw all that in the fridge a little peckish okay not bad it's our way that's still oh it's 94. look we dropped we dropped the kilo not bad not bad at all no i'm just going to keep doing that takes four garbage cans to make a rain collector i think so oh i should have put that in the uh in the box over here same with the battery okay let me run over here real quick yeah i'm in no hurry to leave today i think i think i'll just take it easy sort of let let my guy recover here i don't know why i put vitamins in there that shouldn't want in there more tweezers see what else is out of place i need a hammer that's good we need nails boxing nails so we need planks and more nails that's kind of what i'm looking for um i think we have a we have a saw don't we i picked up the saw somewhere didn't i or did i not maybe i did not maybe that's what we need there it is garden saw okay we could actually go out and get some uh planks right now and put a single plank on each of these windows um that might not be a bad idea we're still a little running a bit heavy so what do we have a lot of here we've got the tire pump which is two i won't put the tire pump in the car might as well keep it there right well you got the key to it dude oh no i don't do i have to actually manually unlock it okay where's the trunk at trunk release i think it's unlock all doors [Music] okay there we go try to stay low to avoid bringing those it still won't consider that huh no way i can't believe that lock all doors unlocked truck is locked okay let's do that okay there we go it's weird it's not on the radio menu it's down here all right now we should be good there we go that's what i was looking for all right battery orange said about a plastic bag yeah not worried about those i'll throw these two gas cans in here also [Music] it's taking forever oh why did i pick the all thumbs perk this is torturous all right well we got it okay gas can oh you're gonna be just as slow because i'm unpacking it from this one i'm putting it in i'm holding on to it and then i'm putting it back in this container it's like four it takes like four times the amount of just picking something up off the ground all right let's try this should be a little faster it is it's a little faster okay so there we go excuse me again so we got two extra gas cans back there and a bunch of stuff um i think that's all i have that's mechanically related i have a wrench here but i'm using it as a weapon so i'm not going to eat cleaver vitamins okay let's go back inside the house just try to get organized and we're down to that's a lot lighter the fuel in that air pump was pretty pretty darn heavy okay all right so let's take our we got here some soap i'm gonna go ahead and clean you know what let's put both of these over here i'm going to clean myself up i want to keep these with me i don't have any pain meds that's kind of surprising tweezers here right yes okay pain meds i need to take some pain meds with me just one one pack should be good if we get bit that's gonna be an issue and then i probably need to take some sleeping tablets too there we go my little medical kit here my fanny pack medical kit everything else pretty good antidepressants i guess i guess we could take some since we have two yeah and that will take the small amount there all right that looks pretty good all right i'm digging that i'm digging that see here uh red wine sterilized banana cigarettes wrench matches [Music] me cleaver i think am i using this as my weapon stash or have i not really established one i don't think so i think i'm just using the box downstairs normally i use the wardrobe in my bedroom as my weapons locker but not in this play through apparently so let's throw this over here i should take one of these screwdrivers and the uh wrench and put it in my car actually i think i'll do that yeah let's do that take that this wrench there we go so i have one that i'm using as a weapon and one that i i'll use to do various tasks the vehicle see here screwdriver not the one with the green dot because that's what i'm holding there we go nice we got some tools in here tire pump gas can time to two with fuel both of those are full um yeah it's looking pretty good we gotta clear this knucklehead out should get a little close these zombies should disappear after like 170 hours or something like that all right let's see what we got here wonderful i might go over here to the i kind of want to move this horse i i need to clear this horde out i got to might take well i have strength and all that let's just do this real quick it's going to take a little bit of time but it'll just be peace of mind we'll uh deal with these idiots take it to the streets here deal with them now than the middle of the night when i'm too too tired to really do much that's nice we got some volunteers i like it thinned this herd down a little bit we get a little closer mix hitting them and aiming a little bit easier all right there we go it won't take long yeah i think this is gonna be pretty much all of them here [Music] well i shouldn't be bored right now i think this is the last one i think the underwear model here is the last one yeah all right there we go we already have the mil became a hunting vest huh wind resistance all that that's interesting i might grab that let's see let's put that on that might not be bad half [Music] i don't know oh here we go we got another volunteer got more coming out of the house i've never been in this house but it looks like there's a plank there that we can use it probably ravaged that house there might just be planks laying around everywhere so i might go grab the doorknobs and all the hardware that they got sprawled throughout the house hopefully let me just go through here and make sure none of these guys have anything spectacular which i'm sure they won't but yeah 67.5 degrees i think we're okay let's check our insulation properties here skin temp yeah we're good insulation it's not bad yeah it's not bad i could definitely maybe i'll i might put on one of these a clip-on tie what do you think no a formal shirt so your denim shirt the denim shirt might not be bad at least it covers me a little bit i'm thinking the denim shirt that might be the least hot shirt to wear with long sleeves so at least i got long sleeve protection now i'm hot on the center okay so i need to take that i need to take that stupid uh vest off let's see the we don't want this to be red there we go that's better my hands are warm but i'm not taking those off those gloves are nice to have okay i want to just drop this hunting vest it looks pretty good i need a uh something to put around my neck a kerchief or something letter oh that's like i wonder if the clip on tie i could like wrap it around my neck or something all right let's let's check this well let's get rid of these guys these two idiots yeah this day is gonna go pretty quick i'm gonna play this one in the next day no matter how long this episode runs so don't worry you're not gonna get shorted like i thought you might come on i swear those are the ones that make me nervous those moments when they get up like that i had to move a little bit further up on them to get a good head shot it seemed like all right somebody's banging around inside this house i'm a little bit here let me move over here get rid of that a little okay we got one trapped inside this closet check our sticks immediately and that's gonna be a little that's better but it's oh so i hear i hear glass someone's stepping on glass that might not be him either i'm gonna back out of the house yep there was a second one i was gonna say it might might not have been him that was stepping on glass could be someone else the old rule nice nice running shoes dude looks like this guy's ready to go up for a jog all right so the old uh rule of one that we use in police work always assume that there's another threat until proven otherwise so just because you arrest one guy don't keep your head on the swivel make sure you're always ready for that next threat that comes out of nowhere tries to blindside you alright we'll take all that do i hear a zombie grunting there is that what i heard i think so yeah it's outside maybe i can get his attention can't have him come through the window is he going to come at me no he doesn't seem very interested in me i'm going behind this door though are you the only one or you have friends just hey hey over here over here buddy okay i don't see anybody else right now really i broke it finally that's crazy all right time to get that wrench out nothing in here i'm sure i'll leave these doors shut with the zombies come through here again they'll uh do the damage for me and create some more planks just like they did on that front door so i want to grab that griddle pan i don't know i mean we got you know what i can do that for stir fries let's do let's take that griddle pan i was uh i was thinking you could only do it in the frying pan but apparently you can do it in a griddle pan what else we got here we got lots of stuff here matches sure i honestly don't need another can opener vinegar i don't even know what we're going to use vinegar for is it actually is it just junk no it's actually using it for cooking huh what pickling or something you could probably use it okay what do we got here anything that's it okay i think it's time to head upstairs let me grab these planks here real quick just one plank all right well it's better than no planks take it take all these i can always put up a new door if we have one get busted down to with the hinges and all that stuff i need to get myself a good fire axe and sledgehammer that would be that would be ideal all right let's head upstairs see what's going on well first actually let's check out this area pipe wrench oh we'll make that our primary there we go it's one of my favorite tools okay should be in our let's drop it down here gotta put it on the belt huh well let's do this let's put let's drop the metal bar let's take this wrench move it over to three and then we'll put the pipe wrench number two and there we go now we are cooking with peanut oil all right sheet hairspray i know i got extra sheets i want to take take that because i'm collecting sheets kind of i know i could just take the curtains that i see everywhere but i just do that i'm going to throw them in the car and whatever house we end up at if we end up at like a house in the woods ideally with a well um if it doesn't have it doesn't have any window coverings we're gonna be prepared we should have four and that should be enough to at least cover the major areas until we can get more man they've been everywhere i need to get my pipe wrench out oh i thought that was i thought that was a holster at first i think i got excited okay i kind of want to start taking those alarm clocks uh then having those ready to use as diversionary devices if i'm trying to get somewhere and it's completely walled off by zombies just to pull them away from the area antibiotics we'll take that i'll put that in here actually i don't think i have any of those yeah that's a pretty complete kit right there maybe suture needle and the suture needle holder things those uh forceps or whatever that might be the only other thing let's go ahead and get ourselves a drink here and he's starting to get a little nervous he wants to smoke but we're gonna let him suffer for now oh i don't think we checked this one we check all of these yeah okay good all right well let's get out of here we've checked the neighbor's house all right let's run run down here take care of her try out our new pipe wrench see how it works oh that was a good hit works pretty nice i like it what's the condition on it it's okay it's it's about 55 condition all right let me go grab my saw start sawing up some trees don't know how how loud that will be nowadays 20 20 updates later since the last time i played major updates so let's see here uh that's red wine okay let's put that away next time we're over by the kitchen there do i have enough matches yeah i got plenty of matches okay are these over here those are books uh planks ninjas doorknobs the sheet can go in there the griddle king can go in the uh refrigerator because i'm gonna use that for normally i'd use that as a weapon but as like a starter weapon but uh now that we're past that you know we have some decent melee weapons [Music] improvised melee weapons i'm going to use the griddle pan to uh make sure fries so i kind of want to find myself a nice knife or something to make a spear a crafted spear the spear is really powerful it's a great weapon i think you just need a plank and see here craft helper drill plank make sturdy stick where's that spear crate spear what do you need here you need a plank or a tree branch and i have the meat cleaver um i could do that i think that might not be a bad idea and i'm not going to use the meat cleaver for anything else let's go ahead and do that let's uh let's craft this sucker all right now how do i get to work with this can i just click on it or do i have to have this in my in my inventory maybe this just shows you here stand by let me open this up can i do it from here i can i can just do it even though it's everything's in the box i can make it from the box so i don't have to pull everything back out of the inventory i love that let's do that let's make ourselves a spear i don't have to hold my breath and wonder if it's going to fail or not like repairing stuff in the long dark it's starting to get dark but we're gonna we've cleared out the area we've got ourselves a nice new uh handy-dandy weapon here i don't know why people people always salivate over these spears but they never make themselves maybe it's because the condition isn't the best but look at that damage um i thought i used the meat cleaver in the crafting of this [Music] butcher rabbit bet your bird creates beer huh interesting well let's go get ourselves some logs [Music] real quick i just want to see how that goes i'm going to probably go a little bit aways from my house so just in case it causes an issue and i'm gonna put this crafted spear on my back yes i can nice so this is my new go-to weapon has really good range all right let's get rid of that wine is that it oh yeah we had the pork chop in the griddle pan let's get rid of that and then we'll put these things in the uh in the uh library bookshelf there 20 30. all right this is going to actually work out pretty good kind of glad i didn't try to go for it today we're going to get back on a normal sleep schedule we got all jacked up there for a minute [Music] pull this and just put those sleeping pills in there i really like having that first aid kit i wonder if i can rename that i bet you i can probably can't do it while i'm transferring items though you can pretty much rename everything i think you see here i might have to do it from this menu right here you find it down here it's down here somewhere rename yeah medic pack medic pack there we go nice medic pack back [Music] all right so do we have the uh we do have the uh saw right i did grab the saw or did i yeah they're just okay good yeah i'm still carrying around the meat cleaver let's not let's get rid of that that's weird oh you know what it is the meat cleaver was needed to to uh whittle the point on the saw it wasn't used to make an edge on it like i didn't attach it to it i just used it to whittle it to a sharp point so that's pretty cool all right let's see what we got lurking around here might uh i might go down here and try one of these trees hopefully we don't get nibbled i'll give it a shot here see here uh nope not forged equip as a primary let's do that maybe that's what we need oh we got movement we got movement somebody's coming at us see that so those trees wiggle hey went away might have to be one of these trees or these with uh like this not a not a pine tree i can't remember okay well i'm not 100 sure how i used to do it i know i used to do this check around make sure nobody's about to hit me [Music] hmm [Music] well there's a bunch of trees wiggling there do you see that [Music] huh that's creepy all right let's move up closer to our house [Music] [Music] i used to do this all the time like ad nauseum i have it equipped i have to figure this out later oh well you know what i might just figure this out while we're while we're inside the house here stand by one second guys i'll i'll figure this out all right well that was quick that was real quick turns out i need a axe i can't use the saw for it i think the saw is used for making planks if i'm if now that i'm kind of remembering that i think it might be used for planks oh well i don't think we have an axe we don't think we grabbed a hand axe did we or a wood axe or fire axe or anything did we i don't think we did let me check meat cleaver i don't think will work it wasn't in the game back when i used to play it but i don't think that's gonna work all right so another reason we need to go hit the lumber yard in the morning so we'll plan on doing that in the meantime let's uh we're gonna get him something to eat he's hungry but uh i think we'll read something first all right well you know what let's watch the cooking show videotape get that out of the way so vcr player insert the tape classic it sounds just like it memories okay uh turn on there we go [Music] oh here we go it's just starting let's see if our cooking is leveling up here here we go yeah we're talking about rabbit huh bacon yeah he's definitely cooking there it is it is it's moving up quick [Music] see y'all tomorrow all right well we're starting into cooking level three see here turn it off that's what i want okay there we go all right time for bed um let's get him something to eat real quick don't like having a unsecure window but we we cleared out as many zombies as we could i think we did a pretty decent job well let's eat some yogurt that probably is pretty good and we'll let him have very hungry okay now he's just hungry what else can we give him um mac and cheese sure let's do about a quarter of the mac and cheese see if we can get back to peckish maybe a quarter hem there we go eyes not even hungry now but that's okay so we're definitely putting our chair in front of our door with this window being open so in the meantime it's going to wash up a little bit here wash all of our clothing we should be using the soap that's in here right yeah we got a couple soaps in here should be using these there it goes yep see it's dropping all right let's speed this up a little bit there we go now let's watch ourselves [Music] get all that blood off of us yeah we can't really see right now okay get ourselves a drink fill up our water bottle we should be good to go um hold on one second i have extra meds i think i had some extra meds nope not not counting my medical kit [Music] yeah i'm pretty happy with everything probably have some of that ham in the morning all right let's uh move this on over there we go and uh have a smoke and we'll get some sleep i'm getting to bed a little bit late again but uh much better than yesterday and i don't think we're as exhausted so we should wake up yeah just drowsy rather than unbelievably unimaginably ungodly tired or whatever it was so we should wake up here shortly maybe about eight o'clock oh 7 30. it's not bad not bad it's raining it's foggy um i'd rather be able to see where i'm driving and all that stuff but okay if it helps you know deaden my sound as i drive around with the uh the fog plus the rain well we'll take it all right let's just be careful coming downstairs get the old spear ready just because you never know what's wandered through the window in the middle of the night that's uh not good right i'm gonna just go ahead and eat what's left of this ham here let me double check here see what my so i am losing weight still peckish i'll probably eat a quarter of the ham and take the rest with me yeah let's eat a quarter of this we got the mac and cheese as well plus water bottle yeah soap if we get too too nasty i'm gonna leave the garden saw here because i'm sure we're gonna find more saws i'm sure that's not gonna be a problem at all plus we're gonna take the car anyway okay let me uh let me jump out of here i'm gonna pause it i'm gonna show you on the map where we're heading so let me see i should have it here all right so we're down here at this house at the very bottom we're gonna go up to the right left all the way up to the t intersect go right to intersect left all the way to the main road right next to the just after the fossil gas station we're going to make a left and then a right and head all the way down and then go right in excuse me go right into the login camp here sorry about that guys apologize again so that's where we're heading and then hopefully we get back we should have plenty of time plenty of fuel i'm not too concerned about this little trip here as long as we don't get in some sort of bad situation with zombies all right let's get low i want to quickly check my house perimeter just do a little maintenance check here zombies are starting to pile up here on us okay i'm pretty happy with that um yeah this i was thinking about dropping one of my either my pipe wrench or my regular wrench and the fog just lifted so that's not bad and he's got we got one zombie up there but not too worried about that all right let's go yeah as you can see this probably won't take too long especially at the speeds i drive nice to see where all the other zombies are too hey guys excuse me try not to kill you again whoa somebody was popular somebody was having a party when the uh apocalypse happened and yeah this is why i don't like to travel up here and go for that gas station up here because uh the closer you get to all these businesses up here the thicker they get some nice cars right there though [Applause] oh did not mean to bump you i was just that was just bad driving right there on my part there's my turn oh crashing my car wonder how much damage that took hopefully not too much oh i was expecting this boat to handle a little bit more like uh like a porsche or something although class isn't going to take long at all actually oh the brakes are a little a little slow i need to be careful about that it must be made of wood or something logging camp up here oh there's a nice backpack he's got i'm just going to kind of kite these guys around here kind of gather them up and then we'll get rid of them [Music] let them chase us here then i'll i'll get out of there i'll i'll run from them they'll lose me i'm gonna try to try to ball them up a little tighter here again so without any stragglers that we have to deal with come on guys go this way like the pied piper man what i am right now find piper zombies a good thing i want this guy's backpack that's what i want but i just need to figure out maybe i can just back over him there we go now when we come back through and they spread out a little bit he should just be sitting right there in the middle of the road oh he's still alive did he get he got back up dang it yeah kid got back up all right i'm gonna do a quick little turn around here there's a lot of them there's the kid i want let's back over i'm gonna kill them all right i'm just gonna outrun him now that should lose him all right let's get out of here oh you know what i forgot something left my car running [Music] miss me yeah didn't mean to do that keep forgetting that it doesn't stop automatically when you get out of the car [Music] i'll park it over here a little ways away that fence should slow down a little bit [Music] all right let's let's gather them up here and take them off into the woods come on guys follow me come on come on [Music] walk this way this way this way there we go same thing that we did with the car we're just doing it with foot on foot getting them away from my car for the most part my guy's all freaked out look at this all right we can actually take some beta blockers real quick take those on the move all right we got the forest and the trail down here that's gonna be perfect they're going to start dropping off here i need to i need to circle them up again circle these guys back up i was gonna start losing them again like these ones are dropping off there we go i'm all calm now got the dope in my system there we go all three of them snap their necks just snapped right over that's better nice little zombie ball okay so we got these guys i want to come down here kind of lose them here in the trees i think that's a good group all right let's let's move quick a lot of people here we should be good all right i think we cleared up most of them yeah it's a lot more decent so i think i'm gonna go in here first make sure i'm not being dealt followed by anymore okay [Music] they pretty much give it up on me maybe we'll go we'll go up here first around the corner and we'll see if we can get in the store of course not okay we're in now we just need to deal with the inside personnel what have we got here let's try our spear nice hard hat all right i already have a hard hat 100 condition what what's mine sit here 100 percent condition okay we're good do you have any keys or anything doesn't no i wonder what the annotated map means i don't know i'm going to take that just in case i want to look at that later start taking a look around here at the stuff box and nails all right so far so good metal bar we'll take that metal bar plank nice i hear some more zombies around but just be very careful i think they're outside what i really need is it's three pounds what i really need is i need a a good axe would actually be great metal pipe metal bar metal pipe let me see here what do i want tarp seems important i'll take that i'll take that so we'll take a look at that let's look at the damage output this one's not as good i'm just going to keep what i have here already got myself another metal pipe but this is a about the same it must be the same one all right let's see what we get another box of nails wonderful this is the way to do it this is the way to loot right here hitting uh hitting a million houses is for suckers they're boxing as wow i am loving life wire that seems important but i'll start looking for that later when i need it okay where's my wood x come on man you guys chop down trees for a living gotta have an axe around here somewhere lots of nails definitely lots of nails hammer oh yeah lots of hammers but i'll take another one okay another box of nails they're plank that's three pounds i really don't want to take another plank if i can avoid it hmm i mean i could go up and drop it off in my car if i had to all right let's do that if we start running heavy i'm just going to take walk this up and drop it off in the car unload my uh duffel bag into the car there we go why am i carrying his purse around still oh yeah let's go with a one-handed weapon for now yeah let's do this and i want to hold this in my secondary hand there we go because then i have extra carry capacity yeah that'll be a lot better i know the spear is super powerful but honestly it's not bad using haven't been using the pipe wrench ain't the worst thing in the world these people just run around breaking glass don't they i can't get to those i'd have to bust up all these boxes to get to those i kind of want to just well you know what if they're not causing any problems why bother see if there's anything down here in these offices i guess i can't get through there apparently not they're very preoccupied right now let's get a drink from the water cooler here all right i doubt there's gonna be anything worthwhile here sheet of paper of course yeah nothing worthwhile we'll take the garbage bag yeah okay i'm not gonna bother with these i'm just gonna move on to the next warehouse that's where my car is parked up there in it yeah there it is hello i got a friend i've got a friend hey i have the same leather gloves nice twinsies all right can i do anything with these piles of wood or no oh yeah you can you can actually take them while they're heavy i could take those and saw those down into planks i might do that in a minute once i offload here oh the storage oh we might find it here let me shut this door just so i don't get backstabbed or back bitten barrels aren't anything but there is stuff on these shelves so nails okay fair enough what else you got hand torch yeah i already have the a couple of the other ones those flashlights that's what i have and i already have a couple of those twine yeah i thought oh wait we got a box down here let's not forget this one this might be where it's at nope just another box of nails we've got lots of nails now hey that used to be the one of the best things to find okay well let's just head out this exit here go up and offload a lot of this into the car starting to get a little peckish okay and he needs a smoke so we'll let him have a smoke he's done well i think he's earned a smoke all right so not sure what we got there but we got something supposed to show my level ups up above my head with the with the mod that i have but apparently it's not working now i thought this was gonna come out after me nope they don't want to check the vehicles here might give mine to fill up and then siphon gas from these if that's a an option here nope check these glove boxes nope yeah well what the heck i don't know if i can check there we go that's it oh log wrench i didn't want one of those cool i need a jack i don't think i have a jack yet yeah still out of fuel well it was worth it to check it turned out i'll keep this one just in case for some odd reason i come running back here with a desperate need to get in this car check the back seat of this before oh are they starting to wonder back looks like i might okay i can't fit them in there i don't really want to carry that much at this moment that might have been a small group that i lost along the way come on give me some fuel i'd like to make it back home with almost a full tank that'd be really nice nope i'll feel here either huh fishing rod fishing okay we'll take that that was unexpected but we'll take it and we're gonna condition that fishing rods in but i'm not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth we're gonna eat a candy cane we're gonna take that painkiller and antidepressants throw that in our medic bag perfect and we'll see if there's any fuel this car's been pretty pretty good though so far [Music] nope not a fuel also did we bring anybody nope not yet not yet all right let's offload a little bit here okay let's see um i think i'm actually going to drop this crafted spear for now [Music] well it's really lightweight we'll we'll keep it no it's not really lightweight but yeah we're gonna drop it because i can i don't really want to carry it with two hands when i have the purse and the duff i have the duffel bag bag slung and then i have the purse so drop that what else i can drop the soap in here mac and cheese i think i hear somebody creeping up on me sounds angry he's really trying this one's having a real hard time getting to me all right there we go you got anything like keys or anything not really are you coming around too all right i'll see if i can offload some more stuff while we wait he's confused like me trying to open this trunk door that type of confusion throw all that in there lots of nails lots i hear him i don't know if he made it around the fence because he's got to walk all the way up and around the fence he's got to figure that out first i'm ready if i hear him get real close i don't think we're there yet [Music] so far so good [Music] lots of good stuff though [Music] i haven't seen a tarp a lot if if at all so i decided to grab that it's kind of a rare item i haven't really seen it spawn in much just in case we need it for some sort of recipe later on down the road i figured might as well grab it while we're while we while we have the trunk space i can't believe i haven't found a axe at a logging camp hope that changes soon i would speed it up but i'm afraid he's gonna come walking up on me and i won't have enough time to uh turn around if he does figure out how to get around this fence i think it's i think he's kind of like here trying to get at me but he can't because he can't get over that fence it's double double high fence so we'll just hang i'll keep you company guys i'm not going anywhere this is fun though getting out here hitting places like this this is what it's all about man that group sort of wandered off it looks like oh he's getting close he fit he found his way around i could hear all right buddy come on you wanted your shot at the big time here we go be the zombie that takes down keystone come on be the one that kills him come on that's all you're gonna bring i'm just going to have to say no there we go right on my last item too all right we're up to 32.45 out of 47 for this trunk i think we can fast forward a little bit that's probably dangerous i probably shouldn't do that because there could be one that comes out of the trees that just catches me completely off guard i want to see what kind of damage our car's taken too because of hitting those few zombies i just want to see how bad that is for for the car even at slow slower speeds take a quick look here okay so that's missing obviously hood okay so that's all that's that's all that really got hit huh okay everything else is still looking pretty good see what my tire pressures are oh they're good they're in pretty good shape pressure's 28 should be 35 i can add a little there 33 that's pretty good add there and add there so before we leave we'll add we'll add a little bit of air to our tires um what what's our weight at now how we doing that's empty that's empty that's got what i want in it i think we're back to fighting weight let's go ahead and uh eat a quarter of this he's wet but don't worry about that because we have the outdoorsman oh really i don't want to jump the fence either because i'll drop the purse i could stow the purse oh let's just deal with these guys real quick here they're not that big of a deal hey there we go we'll deal with you first and we'll deal with you and hopefully when i start attacking you the other one will come over walkie-talkie huh all right i could take the battery out of there but honestly i don't really care come on merc there we go three less zombies to worry about satchel 15 30. purse is 12 55 i want to stick with the old purse [Music] satchel doesn't quite bring it to the table what's needed to make the old switcheroo all right so we got a few more back here they're starting to come back a little bit and clear these guys out and they start drifting back let's take out this group here one at a time if possible someone's bound to see me you guys all can't look away from me there we go it's like they're intentionally trying to ignore me like i'm medusa or something don't look into his eyes [Music] i think we have that i'll take it anyway you kind of want me just to go in the door by without them even seeing me well i'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth let's see yeah i can't get in that way i'm gonna be able to get him to come at me one of them maybe two of them all right there's probably a window around the back or something otherwise i'm gonna need a sledgehammer to break through the wall which i don't have yet perfect few more to go might as well just get rid of them that's what i say fewer zombies are better oh we got a couple over here starting to drift in you got a key that'd be nice i'm proud to check these guys for keys no walkie-talkie all right let's run around see if we can find another way in i killed that cone look at that coat is gone is there a window another door hopefully this one's unlocked dang it i'm a burglar and i can't even get in what we got in here keys nothing this one see me i don't think so that's depressing okay i'm sure one of these zombies has a key but i'm not gonna kill every zombie out here that's just crazy i'm pretty happy with what we got we're starting to get a little winded so i'm about ready to pack up um still need an axe but we can maybe hit some of the storage units closer to our house and find an axe there but we do have some blanks and stuff i'm gonna grab some of these logs though before i go since uh i can probably saw those in the planks i think i hope see if i can thread the needle i think that guy's coming after me yeah he is i don't think i made it i didn't make it well maybe you got the key right maybe this is going to work out for the better for the best [Music] episode is running real long but that's okay [Music] all right let's move on down here [Music] let's grab some of these logs i think it came out this door so it should be open now actually i went in that door too didn't i let's go grab a couple logs 85 percent or wait that's not 85 it's pretty decent though whatever the weight reduction is oh we got we got a stray keys nope [Music] so that's nine kilos let's see what it adds here to us maybe three might be able to grab a few of these yeah okay that's not bad even though we can't chop down trees at least we can i can't put it i can't put it in there ugh we're gonna have to carry that one here and then one in the purse maybe we'll see oh that's pretty heavy let's try putting that in a purse it'll fit that log will fit in the purse i'm not going to carry one in my regular inventory it's just too heavy if i get into a situation out here i don't want to have to worry about juggling that stuff around so i think this is the safer player we're just a little bit above where we should be fairly heavy load moist drowsy high exertion we could sit down for a minute we wanted to i think i'll do that here for a second until that disappears sit down take a break come on guys oh now he's wandering around i'm gonna go ahead and get moving i will smoke a cigarette though i don't see anybody outside the door it should be okay there we go all right time to head on home we got a couple logs and a bunch of other goodies tons of nails that was definitely the place to go for nails for sure oh i'm walking into the building i thought that was an overhang from the roof i thought i could walk underneath it but apparently i can't and we got a couple zombies here but hopefully nothing all grouped around my car hopefully okay just a couple right there should be a big deal oh it's a move i'll probably attract these two right here they gotta walk all the way around [Music] and we should be out of here by that by the time they they lock in on us here all right back at the car here we go let's hot wire this thing start it all right and we're off well pretty successful raid i'd say we did all right oh i could go down here can you check this place well we're too tired we can come back get this one later in the meantime look at the carnage okay and we're off so before i get myself lost here i'm going to take a look at the map once we get back to the fossil station let's see how much uh we still we only use the quarter tank to get there it's not bad [Applause] [Music] but uh i'll see how exactly i need to go back where i need to turn exactly because i knew how to get here i'm not 100 sure how to backtrack tried to hit her as slow as i could [Music] there they are still feeding [Music] all right i know i gotta go this way see how heavily controlled this areas it's pretty bad honestly okay we can do the old uh pull them away with a car and then fill up a trick if we wanted to but i kind of want to just get home so what i'm going to do here is i'm just going to pause it real quick here there we go let's pause it here let's take a look at our map so we just passed the gas station right here and we want to go to this big parking lot okay and then where the soccer fields are basically make a left come down here turn this way at these three houses the arch and then turn again turn again and we should be there i think i got it if not we'll come back and check out the map again all right so let's take it slow i think this is the big old parking lot that's exactly what it is so we're gonna turn here go down to the arch driveway with the three houses the semi-circle driveway there's the soccer fields wow whoa this place is crazy i think this is our semi-circle it is this is where the big party was that i commented on last time don't turn my lights see if that changes anything i don't think it does i don't think you see zombies quicker this is my turn here and then the very next right turn for me right here it should be good should be our street and i think we are almost home right wait did that turn too early stand by let me check i think i missed my turn so i hear get down here turn here okay yeah yeah women do we yeah we did i need to turn down this way and come back okay fine yeah i turned too early i should have went down one more before i turned onto this small little lane right here okay well let's go reverse it looks like you can do a reverse 180 with this car pretty easy oh you know what like you can go this way this is how i came back from the gas station the first time with the car yeah this is the way i wanted to go all right trying to make up for my mistake here yep and my house is right in front of us back it all up oh hold on you know what i gotta do turn off that engine turn off those lights and he stopped but we'll deal with these guys here i'm not i'm no longer like exerted too much so [Music] i'm afraid someone's gonna come up behind me okay we're dealing with three here so we need to be a little bit extra careful if i have to i'll drag them away from my house oh get off me run run run run run he about dig up and dug into me there i'm afraid of what i'm backing into all right let's go this way check check there we go there we go we got him now as long as nobody sneaks up behind me okay there we go do a quick check around our house here get inside get some sleep straight away i'm not gonna bother with the plank tonight uh because i can't see much and if i draw attention from zombies i'm not gonna be able to really see them coming up behind me as i'm hammering so we'll clear our house though because one might have snuck in while we were gone [Music] so far so good might be waiting for us upstairs we're gonna change that tomorrow looks good i don't see any broken doors anywhere all right let's get inside we're only peckish that's fine very tired and uh water bottle still got water in that so that's fine you know what let's go ahead and get a drink here might as well just fill it drink and then let's get some sleep and we shall end this episode here this extra long episode hope you guys enjoyed not a bad little road trip we made progress so let's uh let's pick up this chair let's put it where we need it here all right like comment subscribe i'll see you guys in episode five thank you so much for watching we survived yet another day make that two days like one and a half days i guess project zomboid yeah i'll take care so [Music] you
Channel: Accurize2 | Survival Gaming Channel
Views: 15,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, pz, build 41, accurize2, accurize, acurize, zombie, survival game, apocalypse, indie stone, mathasgames, drunkonlife, cromulent archer, spiffo, mods, craft helper, sandbox, hardcore, realistic, pz maps, knox county, west point, riverside, muldraugh, tools, crafting, weapons, open world, lets play, long play, gameplay, walkthrough, playthrough, horde, swarm
Id: MfjIBcDgiYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 35sec (4715 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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