Project Zomboid || Keith Stone || Part 5

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hey everybody echirish here welcome back to project zomboid the adventures of keystone season one episode five all right so in the last episode we tried to chop down some trees with the salt i forgot can't do that with the sauce also like making planks i believe you actually have to have that axe to that we don't have an x so i think we're gonna find one if we head over to a warehouse so that brings me to this next point here let me back out here just a little bit we are down here at our safe house our current safe house there's a warehouse here and if you remember we've been through here there's quite a few zombies in this area there's actually a big warehouse and a small warehouse behind this gate area now the gate they can't get over the the two tile high gates or fences they can't get over which is all the way around except for here so they can fall into the inner perimeter and cause us a lot of problems even if we do get in there the nice thing about this is it's pretty close to home it's like one and a half blocks away or so the other one is the one that we passed there's one here okay there's also one here this is on the way to the gas station that we passed before near that trailer park so i think what we're going to do is we're going to go for this one i think it'll be a little easier to get to if we can get inside the problem is if we can't get in this door or this door we're kind of screwed this one we could always go through a window if we had to and same here you can go through windows so hopefully we find open doors here otherwise we're gonna need a sledgehammer to get through one of these walls so that's where we stand right now i i think we're gonna go down to this one try this one uh let's see here this one does have windows here but down here it does not if we get in here i have a feeling we'll find a sledgehammer in order to get into these but uh i don't know it seems like there's gonna be a lot of zombies down here to deal with we could always scout it out i don't know what do you guys think what do you guys think i'm thinking i tell you what i think we just go for this one over here these two over here so let's give that a shot see what happens if we don't get any luck over there then we can always change change our plans but that's where we're at right now i'm gonna have to offload a lot because right now we're 14.36 kilos out of 15. so i need to get rid of a lot of this stuff that we don't need to be carrying around so let me do a little bit of maintenance here i might just spend the day doing some reading and fast uh speeding time up so this isn't going to really hurt our our overall sorry about that let me get back to where it was isn't going to hurt you know the episode as far as you guys just happened to spend the whole episode watching uh watching me read so let's see here um what do i need not need here i got everything there pretty good matches that's fine and that's 103. riverside the logs yeah we don't need that let's uh let's throw these logs down over here i should probably just throw them on the floor actually let me just do that i'm just going to throw the logs right here on the floor because that'll take up like a significant amount of room in that in that container so let me drop that that'll definitely help out with the weight purse we got some more logs we'll do that one next all right i think this is gonna be a solid plan we can always take the car a little ways over there too and if we find something worthwhile not a problem we'll take care of that let's speed this along it's taking forever there we go okay so we got a couple piles of logs right there yep what's our weight at now seven yeah that's much better much better riverside map just going through it throw that in here [Music] not that it really matters okay let's take a look at out here at the car and the zombie situation real quick and do a quick perimeter check before we leave the house you know what let's just scout out this one up here let's do it since it's not that far away let's just do it flies are starting to gather huh okay got a couple over there i'm gonna sort of move over this way get low see if we can sneak past we'll take the car for this one but this one's so close i don't really see the need to do so oh there's another nice really nice car right here i don't think we've i don't think we've checked this car let's see what this looks like even if this doesn't have any gas or anything in it we might be able to steal parts off of it if our mechanical skills hot enough see here now there's a couple units of fuel in there batteries in great shape so if we need a new battery there we go what about the tires yeah we got one decent tire i don't know if these tires have to go on these specific spots or if they're universal they should just be universal you know but uh that's not bad and if we need to uh grab one of the windows off of there that's a possibility too okay so let me see here well it looked like i'm just gonna try to stick to the street i might have better sight lines this way [Music] big group hovering over there there's a couple over here we're probably gonna have to deal with [Music] yeah let's just let's just deal with these two right here i'll just shove this one down you got anything worthwhile not really what about you not really all right i'm ready for you buddy well so much for all those clean clothes it's a dirty job but somebody's got to do it is that a burr he's got a helmet on or something i want i want whatever's on his head i try this oh no it's just hair that's sort of a bowl haircut or something i guess it looked like a helmet like almost like combat when she was walking away oh well all right there we go [Applause] that was a bit disappointing all right nothing worthwhile there nothing there all right let's try to sneak through here best we can without drawing the attention of this group here we got one couple of them coming i'm just gonna walk casually just gonna walk casually since i can't outrun them no big deal they're probably yeah they kind of got stopped by the old uh trees it looks like looks like they got slowed down enough they lost track of me all right nothing there there's the construction site okay let's see how bad it is hopefully it's not as bad as i expected it's really not that hateful at least um oh well okay i spoke too soon okay there's quite a quite a group there once i get through though it should be okay uh they won't be able to get through the double high fence they have to walk all the way around oh we got a group here they're gonna want to follow me uh and we got some over here okay you know what i'm gonna do let's go hop that fence i dropped the purse there just a heads up i did drop the purse there i should have put it in my backpack but they're not gonna be able to get to me okay i wonder this looked like a on our map this was a single high fence so it looks like they've changed that uh maybe that's a good thing for us because i don't know if there's gonna be any zombies well there's gonna be some that were in here to begin with but oh there's a few there's a few any of you guys see me oh they know how to open gates apparently the gates opened what happened there is it automated i don't know i ain't gonna mess around with them all right let's see if we can get in hopefully of course not sneak around force comes to worst we can always go back over the fence someone's banging on door yeah this this window's already open so hopefully that means the alarm isn't gonna be a problem for us hey you very good oh we got one coming in i wonder what drew his attention probably the banging oh missed you excellent walk too far there we go all right hopefully we find something great i'm gonna take the welding rods just for now i think they're gonna be worth something soon all right plank we'll take that [Music] since we are trying to board up windows i'd really like an axe though now when i was walking in through the window i wonder if i could have stopped at one of these containers and actually reached it tent peg okay we got a lot of containers here check shovel we'll take that [Music] wire tent peg paperclip tire pump nothing nothing nothing trout we need that definitely for gardening it's like a must-have take that radish seed packet what about here what do we have here nothing i'll come back and check these ones here in a minute lighter adhesive tape what can you make with adhesive tape i'm wondering another hammer we'll take that thread sure what i really need is that x metal bar okay and a battery [Music] okay another plank weight's still doing good [Music] i don't think there's anything in the purse so if we lost the purse because there's a horde that's sitting on top of it i'm not too concerned about it flashlight come on man take the glue another trial we'll take that oh we're running out of boxes pipe wrench that's not in very good condition metal pipe yeah we can take that well we tried hitting this uh without much luck maybe i can reach one of these back here yeah it's the same pipe branch okay this is a stove here that we can steal or is that just a some sort of support beam can't tell we still need to check these over here maybe we'll get lucky maybe we'll get lucky another shovel jack we already have a jack i'm 99 sure how heavy is this shovel it's a pretty good weapon but that's a two-handed weapon i kind of like the one-handed melee weapons they seem a bit faster plus you can carry that extra container so i'm looking at that more as a tool than anything else box and nails take that oh man come on running out of running out of boxes oh that can't be this this rare that's disappointing all right let's see what's in the uh office if anything sure nothing much can't get a drink here though we'll do that real quick and we'll open a store in case we need to come back [Music] yeah i don't see anybody down near my purse right now oh we got one lurking down here a couple a couple make that a a handful all right so i think we'll do is we'll try to hop the fence here go grab the purse and then and then head about head back home to offload we do have a couple down there where the purse purse was hey we're seeing two that seem to be yeah they busted right through that fence what happened oh you son of a i missed him i mean all right let's get out here how bad is it how bad is it scratched okay bandaged with a sterilized bandage there we go let's go okay well it's a bit disappointing i completely mistimed that so i got myself injured for no real good reason and we got one kind of trailing us here alright we'll go home relax do some reading recover a little bit let our body calm down well we got some tools out of we got the trowel that was a big one and a shovel i'm not sure if we had a shovel or not but uh that's not bad to have either okay upsy daisy here we go it's the risk you run at least it was just one let's check out the shed while we're here might as well maybe we'll get real lucky find x inside this place [Music] i like to stay zoomed out but it's really not good for combat that's where i messed up in my combat there oh shoot oh no no get up dude he knocked me back on my butt i have not seen that at animation before i was not expecting that that was interesting see the only one okay interesting propane tank sigs we'll take some cigs scrap metal more cigs all right what about this over here uh lead pipe that's a good one what's the condition great a trunk and a metal work magazine we'll take that as well all right we're looking good still just underweight leave that open to show that we've already looted that and there's our there's our driveway right there i think he's gonna be coming after me yeah he certainly is sure why it's not appearing up there anymore the leveling up it's supposed to maybe i need to manually turn those mods on each time i guess i don't know i'll have to double check next time you have craft helper i see the craft helper 41 is not appearing either i bet you have to turn those mods on each time let me get inside the house i'm gonna see if i can turn these mods on real quick all right let's take a look at our health yep still good minor pain we can pop a pain med for that i know i got one here just to make him comfortable he's anxious we'll let him have a smoke as well oh there it is craft helper 41 so that mod is working okay all right we'll get rid of some of these little condition issues here his weight's 94. losing a little bit of weight weight is coming down we're hot mess right now another thing that we have to think about is when when the uh we've been alive five days eight hours when the helicopter's gonna make an appearance normally it's around day seven but it can be a little bit before a little bit after so you never really know the helicopter will basically draw zombies it'll follow you around and it'll draw zombies to you for like 10 hours or so for quite a while so definitely want to be careful about that beta blocker we'll put this in here put this over here oh we still got sterilized bandage water adhesive tape we'll throw that in there a purse i can equip that as a secondary again there we go the things i did to get that purse back that empty purse all right let's uh i'll probably keep that lead pipe as my next weapon instead of the wrench let's put that back yeah i think the lead pipe's actually a better weapon too yeah slightly maybe and uh we'll unpack that hammer throw that in there two shovels two trowels radish packet metalwork magazine can go up top metal bar metal pipe metal pipes about the same as the lead pipe the planks box and nails glue through that glue in there i'm gonna take actually you know what i'll take that uh take the hammer back because i'm gonna go do some uh i'm gonna go do some boarding up with these windows to get these windows protected we have i think we have enough planks to get one board on each window hopefully uh we'll stop these logs see what see what that does for us as well so let's take a look at our skills i heard something level up was it probably sneaking or something like that because i think it happened when we were moving so light footed and sneaking probably that's what it was short blunt maintenance carpentry i want to probably need to level get that leveled up too so i'll probably want to read that book before i start doing is somebody banging on my door i thought i heard someone maybe just hearing things oh it's upstairs it's actually in my house all right i think one of the kiddos is up give me one second here folks pause it alright yeah it was one of the kids upstairs restroom break so all right um let's see here i'm hungry let me see what i want to eat here definitely should eat something luckily we have quite a bit to eat didn't have something i cooked i thought i had cooked something maybe i don't know let's see let's eat some of this fresh produce before it was bad and probably eat this broccoli peckish that's what i want to be at okay cool let's get a drink here fill up this water bottle okay now let's go ahead and drop i think i got a magazine or two for the old library and i wanted to read carpentry for beginners which i have two copies of apparently so let's take that and i'll trade my metalwork magazine here you know what i'll just read this one real quick won't take very long these are normally pretty quick reads about 10 minutes or so all right very good now before we start doing carpentry let's go ahead and allow ourselves to get a bonus for the actions that we do so it's not going to allow it's not going to scale us up when we read this what it's going to do is allow us a bonus as we do it to increase our xp faster so let's go ahead and read this it's gonna take a while i thought i was fast reader he's hungry again the nice thing is if you do stop and start the book it will continue where you left off drowsy i guess i do have that window over here that's broken that'll be the first one that gets boarded up for sure well we're almost there we're already getting a bonus so if we stop right now we still get the bonus of how much we've read so you get like is that it he's still reading i think we're good there should be a three bonus let's remove that bandage remove that bandage oh infected let's uh put the sterilized bandage on there there we go okay let's uh wash this one off here wash our bandages there we go and another thing we want to do is unpack this and where's our bandage at we want to disinfect it so it's ready to go next time i'm going to keep that bottle that doesn't affect it up here with me because when i take the bandage off next time i want to apply disinfectant directly to the wound getting bored tired anxious needs another cigarette let them have another cigarette so the nice thing about reading like that is you'll see some arrows down here on carpentry now for level one and level two i will skill up much faster would have been better had i actually caught the tv show or found one of the vhs tapes to watch i don't think i have the carpentry one i think it was something else so let me uh go outside here make sure we got the uh the old hammer and planks and everything in the right spots there we go we're gonna do a little bit of hammering hopefully we don't draw in too many zeds might be better just to sleep honestly yeah i think i'll do that i think i'll just sleep even though that window's exposed we're gonna put set up our chair here so let's not let's not worry about the planks right now because my guy's a little tired and all that i don't want to get into a fight with a bunch of zombies that i pull out of the woods or something by making a bunch of noise hammering so let's go ahead and get some sleep i know i should wash up but it's gonna take too long it's already two so uh yeah let's do this let's get some sleep i guess he wakes up about 10. yep on the money okay how's this bandage doing yep i figured let's put that uh disinfectant i see it's no longer infected so that's good let's do this disinfect just put it straight on there there we go sterilized bandage lovely [Music] move our chair over to the side clear our house i'm guessing it won't be long till fill up the water bottle won't be long until it's healed of course i do have slow healer because i was thinking oh just don't get hurt doofus so much for that and make sure we don't have any zombies walking around i don't see any evidence okay i think we're good all right let's go uh do a little bit of perimeter security here clear off any zombies that might be attracted to our carpentry efforts okay i'm pretty happy with that we got one way up there i don't think i don't think we'll be pulling him things look pretty decent first things first let's get this busted window [Music] okay i need to open up the box of that's it i need to open up the box of uh nails and i don't think i even transferred them out yet okay yeah because i interrupted that take this as well takes forever to take the planks out doesn't it jeez give me 20 minutes to get the planks out slow slow hands slow inventory i guess all right carpentry oh and then i gotta open up the nails because they're still in the box open box and nails yeah we got a hundred wow that's a hundred nails whoa suddenly there we go miscellaneous not a wood cross [Music] barricade planks there we go it looks pretty good let's do this one barricade with planks [Music] nice i think that's the two planks that i have i don't think i have any more let's see if we pulled any zombies no well that makes me feel a little bit better now i wonder if i can just stand over top of these and turn these into [Music] saw logs [Music] makes three planks that's lovely i need my garden saw [Music] which i do have here somewheres where you at saw there we go that's why i like craft helper right there [Music] such a good one it looks like i can do it with them sitting there on the ground i don't actually have to pick those up let's do this we'll get ourselves three now let's i want to see the skills go up here a little bit it's slow it's not as fast as watching a tv show which come to think of it should be coming on any second so let's turn this on i don't know if carpentry's on every every uh day at noon or not but uh we'll turn it on cook show it's cooking oh well we'll sit here and get our cooking leveled up even higher all right it's a good way to spend a half hour [Music] see y'all tomorrow okay so it went up about oh about 40 i'd say okay looks like we got some planks here it took longer to unpack them out of my bag than it did for me to saw those suckers so uh let's grab these i'm probably gonna put uh two on each window i think maybe uh maybe i'll do three make this my sort of permanent safe house but i'll be ready to move if that uh oh wow it's taking a really long time i'll be ready to move if that helicopter comes and we can set up somewhere else so i'm going to try to keep my car ready to ready to go very hungry okay we'll go eat something as well and clean these bandages while we're in there carpentry all right well we leveled up carpentry apparently that's it's supposed to pop up like that all right well it did go up fast we're almost to uh intermediate because level one and two is uh considered a beginner then level three's at the start of intermediate so unpleasantly hot carpentry is shooting up fast and all i'm doing is moving them from one container to the next i guess that's considered a carpentry i could just take them in and out of containers now it's dropping back to 16.25 before it was 48 so it's triple right 48.75 or something like that okay let's uh get rid of this how heavy are these nails no they're not bad even even when they're unpacked i thought they're gonna be a lot heavier when they were unpacked i know it doesn't make sense but normally when you pack things up you get that sort of like putting stuff in duffel bags it doesn't change the weight but you get this when it's in a box you should get like a container bonus or something um i don't need to be number of pages oh so that's how many pages i've read says uh so i'm on 27 of 220 what's my i thought it was okay i'm done with beginners so beginner ain't gonna help me anymore anyway so let's let's get rid of beginner carpentry let's see if we have intermediate carpentry expert intermediate there we go so we're going to want to read that let's put that one back [Music] then when i go out and start working on the house we'll get a little bonus there well this is a different way to get around what we were trying to do i did want to get an act so i could get as many logs as i wanted but i'll take it very hungry yeah i know that guy's like poor guys starving discomfort let's get him some food he's gonna get sick if i don't give him give him any food so something's like something ain't right we'll pop up let's eat all these carrots what else perishable slice a cake do half a slice of cake and then let's do half half the broccoli here he's still hungry okay let's do half the cabbage just trying to give him some variety okay uh it's because of my carry the weight that's what doesn't feel right so this can actually make you hurt you if you're overweight so i'm gonna what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna drop these boards because it will actually kill me slowly um so i'm gonna drop all these floor there we go should feel better now in a minute i think i'll probably eat the rest of this just to give myself an extra little bonus to help get past this discomfort that i'm experiencing and if we have vitamins it's going to take some vitamins just for good measure know they're not really used for this normally they're used to perky up almost like coffee but i'll just take these anyway let's put those back and have a cigarette [Music] how's my bandage doing still doing good okay that was the other thing i wanted to wash out that dirty bandage so i have one ready to go [Music] did i use up on my looks like i used up all my uh disinfectant so okay let's uh let's just sit down here so that we don't waste any extra energy and let's start reading this book we'll take some time see the pages right there i'm flying through those pages so we're halfway done right there yep i don't think you can learn two things at once and it sort of flew through there i don't think i got maybe i got forging yeah that's what happened i actually listened to the show while i was reading and it gave me credit for that should be done about here there we go all right buddy let's put that book back [Music] i thought i tried that before and it didn't work where i was like studying and listening to the educational show and i was like yeah no nice try there accurized but uh yeah we're not gonna let you do that so let me grab like two of those three pounds each yeah that should be fine it's not going to kill us that's for sure that's 8.50 now all right not bad got to get this place secured on the first level here man [Music] then i need to get uh some sheet ropes for the windows i have to work on the crafting those i can do it from uh clothing from these folks i think i think i can so what you do is you do one on each of these windows and then you go back around start adding the second one and so on and so forth there it is it's so weird i want to go to carpentry but it's up here in barricade now let's see how fast this increases our skill we're back to a a turbo learning learning speed here all right let's see multiplier five that's pretty good all right i wonder if i can can you board up a door you can't can't you um there's two doors here that have to make it through two doors so i'm not too concerned about that i'd rather spend my planks on these right here there we go and i need another plank carpenter is shooting up pretty quick though all right so you guys see how that works i won't keep keep that up in your face or anything like that it's almost good to just go out and find those logs inside the uh inside the lumber yard that was a pretty good find so i think what i'll do is i'll save two of these and put them in my car and that way i have them if i'm ready to roll out real fast for a house and i need to secure it quickly so actually hold on i don't i don't need another one that's one on each okay that's good it's a good start it's a good start you can get up to three planks on each window at least that's the way it used to be lovely carpentry skill yep still goes wrong all right well let's see here what do i want to do let's see if we can uh shred like this hoodie craft a sheet rope there we go all right let's go over to another person's body here craft a sheet rope i don't need like i think i need i probably need like three probably want three thinking take a look here at the house so one there one there and probably one on the other side or something so maybe we'll get three of these i know i could have just i should have just did there because it was giving me a chance to make more of them we should have sheet ropes here i remember when she ropes were first added it's a big deal so we're all trying to figure out how to implement them how do i only have two oh well we'll figure it out let's get these up first [Music] it's like the what's that line out of ronin you know uh never walk into a place i don't know how to get out of uh carpentry okay open window uh she rope add escape rope there we go now for in trouble uh we climb through and we climb down the rope if we need to go up we go now what we could technically do is destroy these steps and then the zombies at night time even if they came in here wouldn't be able to get up to us we could always do that but we need uh but think you need a sledgehammer to do that right probably or an axe i'm sure i think you can do it with just a regular hammer so we can destroy these steps and have an up a way to get up to our little nest at night that's the ultimate way to stay safe right there drink let's wash ourselves up here try to stay clean and then we'll wash our clothes where's our i won't let me select it now yeah whatever i'm going upstairs to do it then doesn't want to play nice i don't think leaving the tv on matters i'm just going to turn it off anyway just to play it safe now i don't have any extra books on me do i do i want to read any of these expert mechanics engineering what's this one noisemaker trigger make remote i'm looking for the there's one i think it's called how to use generators and one i'd like to read that one we've already read that already read that know what i could probably no that doesn't help i guess it does see because it starts off with expert rather than and that one ends with intermediate so it messes up the order of them i was gonna say i want to see all my beginner books first but i don't think there's a way to do that so i already read that small metal sheet let's read that real quick here there we go all right sit in here already red already red let's go ahead and get ourselves a little something to eat here and then have a smoke get some sleep and i have like four dirty rags so i'll clean those up so we have some bandages ready to go all right not sure why that other sink wasn't working but uh it's too early for it to shut shut down so yeah uh let's clean all these rags then let's wash ourselves apparently do i have soap in here i should have soap in here i got a bottle of disinfectant just one more huh let's add that to our kit there i don't have any soap really maybe it's down in the downstairs okay no i'm not worried about it it's not a big deal let's wash ourselves again i thought i had already done that okay let's wash our clothing on the soap water five of 2100 is the water off now yeah let's do that did the water already go off that's crazy some smaller items go faster apparently so i have to wonder if well the electricity's still on normally the electricity and the water go off at kind of the same time i thought [Music] but the lights are still on that's for sure all right well let's uh yeah let's get some sleep then [Music] put our chair in the right spot there we go all right well not a bad episode we got ourselves a sheet rope set up we got our windows boarded up we hit one of the storage uh units i got bit which kind of sucked but other than that looks like everything's going all right so we're preparing to have to bug out when this helicopter comes and i don't know if the uh i don't know if the water's shut off or not it kind of looks like it has but then the electricity's still on so all right we're going to get some sleep here like comment subscribe thank you so much for watching the adventures of keystone episode five i'll see you guys in episode number six y'all take care [Music] you
Channel: Accurize2 | Survival Gaming Channel
Views: 10,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, pz, build 41, accurize2, accurize, acurize, zombie, survival game, apocalypse, indie stone, mathasgames, drunkonlife, cromulent archer, spiffo, mods, craft helper, sandbox, hardcore, realistic, pz maps, knox county, west point, riverside, muldraugh, tools, crafting, weapons, open world, lets play, long play, gameplay, walkthrough, playthrough, horde, swarm
Id: AOgdZFiXrzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 12sec (2892 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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