Procrastination & Laziness - Abu Usamah

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that was salam on my body as it has been announced the session is a session in which the backdrop for it was the observation and the determination of what our mother aisha radi allahu allah understood from the prophets of allah wahda Willems behavior and an authentic effort when she was questioned as to be a lot of the prophets of allah d wa sallam his character she gave a comprehensive answer and that comprehensive answer came as a direct result of her being and trained schooled educated and receiving the Torah bia of the ciliate of any atom and the bottom of the envy and the russell salah whathe life's an Emirati it was the sunnah of the prophet sallallaahu Adi who said them and was from his good o'clock that he was an articulate individual so when they asked her how was his o'clock she could have easily said he had good character but because again she was trained by him she spent a lot of time with him it's not strange that in answering that question her answer was reflective of the way he used to teach so Allah wadding he was said him so that's a classic case of how the wife benefits from the husband and the husband benefits from the wife and we benefit from each other in terms of spending quality time with people and you take away from them those things that embellish who you are as an individual I answer was his hope was the Quran konna toko ho al-quran his character was the Quran so everything that the Quran commanded he was the first person for that thing to be embodied within him some of our water said all of the superlatives that are positive all of the descriptions that are positive all of the characteristics that are positive that all human beings accept and embrace is being positive they were embodied in the character of the nibby so a loved one who said he was brave he was for baron he was gentle he was patient he was articulate he was intelligent he saw a loved one II he wanna auntie was sudden them was serious he was on time he was balanced he didn't over talk everything that you can possibly think of in terms of positive characteristics he brought it to the tables of the law party was said them he was wise he had hikmah he was hacking and one of the concepts that I want you brothers and sisters to walk away from this talk today if you don't walk away with anything else is the definition of hikmah as given by the scholars of the slab the scholars of Islam they said that hikmah is putting things in the proper place we translated as being wise and it is that but is putting things in the proper place know what they're saying when to say it how to say it he to say it to the Prophet was like that so Allah what a sudden he knew when to be tough he knew when to be easy he knew when to take the initiative and he knew when to be passive he knew when to be quiet he knew summer loved one who sent him how to put things in the proper place Alijah gel is al-hakim he knows who to bestow riches upon that individual and he knows who to not bestow riches upon his Hakim the halal and Haram labelled Islam is from the hikmah of Allah when he allowed the man for an example to have more than one wife he was wise so the woman should never come and say I wish I could have more than one husband Allah was wines in making Haram Haram and halahala the Navy was like that song Allah while he was selling meaning he put everything in the proper place and no one can come and accuse him of not doing that so the point here is his character was that poor on solo Ottowa he was said ahmadi every positive characteristic he had it the other side of the coin has to be mentioned as well and being balanced every characteristic of the Quran that was negative the Prophet was the furthest person away from his from Allah varios Allah as the prophets used to say say even before unlike than maybe it is I'm sure when he told his people when I ordered one Oh Holly for whom em and half man I don't want to go against what I'm prohibiting you people from that's what she said to his people I don't want to tell you not to do this this that that and then I myself fall into it so all of the negative superlatives characteristics that have been mentioned in the Quran all of what human beings see as being negative the nebby was the furthest person away from it so allah why he was suddenly wasn't a liar he saw a lot why he was son wasn't so fish he wasn't so scented he wasn't a coward he sallallahu alayhi wa ala ali was synonym wasn't an individual who we'll set one thing and did another thing and that's the way we want to tackle today's subject we don't want to come here and tell you brothers and sisters about those I add and those are Heidi that tell us about the importance of character like what Allah mentioned and described about and Mustafa and most are sallallahu sanam nicholalala who look and naveen whirling you ya Muhammad you on a high and exalted level of character that's what a lot established and one of the many ayat of the Quran many many many he said in the authentic hadith sahih bukhari and muslim sallallahu wasallam evolution means an and a personal hope the heaviest thing y'all know qiyamah in the skills Allah created some scales and part of what Allah Sunnah has to believe in is that there are some scales there is a scale that Allah created a scale like when you go to the store and you want a kilo of oranges or other than back in that scale things will be placed the human being will be placed in that scale so if the lady takes from our eyebrows is going to affect the scale the man takes from is lakeya is going to affect in the scale if he or she is haram is going to be affected in the scale good deeds will be put in the scale your dhikr of Allah will be put in the scales he said the heaviest thing in the scale is having good o'clock having good character the character being patient being forbearing being a person who minds your own business being an individual who says what you mean and mean what you say being an individual who again as we mentioned earlier he's doing those things that the poor on told him to do and he's abandoning or she's abandoning what the Quran and the Sunnah told them to abandon so you want to take a characteristic of negativity because it's prevalent and most people have to deal with it that guy over there has to deal with it everyone sitting he has deal with it the people were driving around us they have to deal with it and it is a characteristic that the nibby was far far far away from is against good character and was something that he came sallallahu alayhi wa ali will seldom to fight against and the Dean has given us ample examples and proofs as to the danger of this issue that is from the good character of the nibby some a lot Wahiawa seldom is that he was not a lazy individually he wasn't lazy he wasn't a person who procrastinate it he was an individual who took the initiative to get the job done whatever the job happened to be procrastination and laziness is a characteristic of the munafiqeen and look for honest not a characteristic of the person who believes in Allah and His Messenger the student who's in the university laziness and procrastination will adversely impact upon the result of your exams even if you were to get a good grade you could have gotten a better grade had you not been lazy had you not procrastinating the person from amongst you man or woman who has a desire to be a serious student of knowledge you want to memorize the Quran you want to be a religious student of knowledge procrastinating and being lazy will go against you being successful the father who's in the house or other than that being lazy about getting things done around the house when I live that in the UK right now the UK is a society that is built upon woe fair welfare the vast majority of Muslims in the UK don't work and they receive welfare although the meby he told the people some a lot when he was selling that the upper hand is better than the lower hand I need some money Abu sama I need some for me to come to one of you my brother in Islam with sincerity I need some money I'm going to ask this brother or any one of you can give me some money and I really have an issue I'm in need for him to give me the money the upper hand is better than the lower hand doesn't mean the lower hand is in the knob and the upper hand is in vagina but the one who was given as the Nabi said Jairo comb and Farrakhan denies the best of you is the one who brings benefit to the people so if the upper hand of the Muslim is better than the lower hand of the Muslims in a better condition what do you think is the reality of the Muslim last take welfare from non-muslims and he's ok with that laziness the big problem and the Nabi was against it first issue concern and laziness that I want to bring to your attention in sha Allah is if you were to look in the Quran from the beginning to the end you'll find there only two ayats of the Quran in which laziness is mentioned and in both ayat is a description for the hypocrites and one of those is allahu taala mention in Melbourne area pina yoga do Nala hua hua hai do whom well either Tamil la la la ta common Kassala yah uma naso and I have Quran Allah Allah kalila the hypocrites they try to fool a lot they're not real believers they think that they're fooling a lot they're not really believers they're here to spy they're here to make trouble Allah knows their reality even if the people don't they try to fool Allah but in reality allah is fooling them by allowing them to remain in that condition it said when they stand up for salat they stand up in salat for salat in a lazy way and they only show off to show the people that they're praying but they don't remember Allah except a little bit only two ayat of the Quran in which ladies is mentioned and both of them describe the munafiqeen so there's a clear indication in the clear sign that the nebesa la la wanna you sentiment the religion of Islam is against the Muslim being lazy and procrastinate and it's a problem procrastinating when it comes to making Toba there's not a single person here except that he or she is engaged in making big mistakes and a lot of mistakes at that the person says I'm going to make Toba when I reach the age of 40 I'm going to make Toba after I do this particular thing I'm going to make Toba at this time in that time when in reality if you were to read the Quran the prophets and the messengers were human beings all of them they may mistakes like every human being makes mistake the only person is the only one was flawless and mistake lists is a lies with Gela only but you'll find that the prophets and the messengers when they made mistakes in the Quran they made Toba immediately after making that mistake in the story in which their mistake was mentioned so the moon a tsukino the people who are lazy as a relates to the conduct and the o'clock of the Prophet he used to make dua to Allah so Allah when he was send them in many different ways many different do on different variations aloma in me a true Ljubica mineralizing while do become men and kecil oh allah i seek refuge in you from being incapable and unable I want to do something but for one reason or another maybe that reason is for me and maybe it's from influences that are outside of me I seek refuge in you from being incapable and unable and I seek refuge in you from being lazy he used to seek refuge in Allah come back an example of his good luck and laziness is nothing good a flop Abu Huraira ruddy allahu anhu was collected by imam at-tirmidhi described them may be and one of the money issues connected to him something we take for granted he said about the prophet salallahu alaihe salam in his observation mara a - I hadn't Asura mushiya 10 men in the BG sallallahu alayhi wasallam ro2 to allah who he said I never saw anyone who walked faster and more briskly and more quicker than the nebby when he used to walk it was as if the earth was being folded up towards him and for him even a bass even a month they said Kanna if I measure to Kepha if he used to walk he used to walk as if he was going down a hill the reason why he walked like that and he didn't lollygag some people when they walk and if this is your nature as it is my nature don't like walking fast my wife she likes walking fast I always had to tell hey lady ladies slow down I don't like walking fast so I can't walk fast my wife has the pram and I said come on come on come on stuff soon is the Sunnah I'm not saying that the nature of the Nabi is that he used to walk fast why because he has something to do he had to say time he had a focus he had something that he was cut trying to accomplish anything that can remotely close to indicating any aroma of laziness he used to stop it he was in his modulus sallallahu alayhi wa ala aalihi wa seldom and a man was yawning yawning and when he was yawning he opened up his mouth and he made a sound and he didn't close his mouth my prophet told that man sallallahu alayhi wasalam Kufa and do shaka for in knocks ro whom joy pneumo qiyamah at wellö home but in a fellow who shuddering no more piano acts era homo at wellö home join your mokey Amma hey hey you hold back that yawning from us don't yawn like that in our presence don't do that he said because the people who eat the most in the dunya they fall as a result of Eden yomo qiyamah they're going to be the hungriest people so if a person the hadith shows us the reason why the man was yearning is a result of overeating and if the person over eats is going to be lazy and the way our culture is Africans Arabs Asians Muslims the way our culture is is that we cultivate our children on bad diets and bad eating habits and as a result of that we help to instill in them laziness two weeks ago in one of my classes with the younger people of my community I told some of the young people stand up and tell me something great that you consider concerning your father this one said my father he lifts weights and he has a lot of muscles that one send my father over there my father he can do this he can do that that would say my father he did this he did that one of them said my father he can eat ate chapatis and the mind of the kid that's a sign of manliness then I be told the people us the best people is the generation that I was sent to and then the one that comes after them and then the one that comes after them the best generations are the first 300 years of Islam he said and then they're going to come a group of people who were bear witness before they were requested to bear witness and they'll make promises that they don't keep and they will be fat they will be overweight so the best of the community the Companions they were not people overweight people towards the latter times our people will be overweight so the point here is that the Navi tol that man saw the love why he will seldom hold back that yearning from us because as a sign an indication the man over eight so the point here is from the good o'clock of the nibby some of La Guardia son of is he had what is known as Emma hi determination he had things to do they did not busy himself with some of the frivolous things that we find important and in describing Allah he said about allah subhana wa ta'ala in allaha yuhibbu my alien or more well yak Rahu subside ha ha Allah loves that you engage yourself in high exalted Affairs and he hates Allah hates that you engage yourself in frivolous matters furthest matters like in the NBA Finals on the playoffs who's winning between the Miami Heat and the other team it's not important issues like some of our Shabaab the young men being on the PlayStation and the time and the effort and the attention that we give to that that's frivolous there was a man sitting down during the time of the maybe he was plucking a rock he was plucking around just passed in time wasting time plucking the rock the Nabi came to him and said don't do that because it's not going to help you with jihad it won't help you to know how to defend yourself it's not like it's not like shooting and learning how to shoot or riding your animal and learning something that's going to be practical in helping you in your life skills he said and also plucking the rock it's going to knock someone's eye out or break someone's tooth he didn't like the people to be engaged with issues like that although it's okay to enjoy your life and just to rest and take it easy and have a picnic so don't get it twisted I'm not here to say you can't have a good time I'm not saying that but the point that we're trying to make is Eliezer Joe he loves those issues that are exalted like put it on a conference like this the volunteers and the brothers who got behind this thing this right here they just didn't happen haphazardly it was because a group of brothers and sisters came together and they made it happen laughs you didn't have anything to do with the process I didn't have too much to do with the process but it came as a result of efforts of people and not everyone can do it Allah loves that you engage yourself a metallic with trying to memorize Jews Amma Allah loves that you try a key to get a degree in your particular field of study Allah loves that you memorize 40 hadith Allah loves that you make jihad against yourself and rectify the problems the static and the drama that's between you and your mother your father your auntie Allah hates those affairs that are irrelevant those Affairs that are frivolous when they be always encourage people don't be lazy be other people who are in the forefront and what was collected by Imam Bukhari and Muslim I'm the authority of abu huraira love the Elohim and Mustafa and most are salawatullahi wa salamu alayh he told the people then he told us lo yeah luminous Matheny de was surfing oil from Allah Miyagi do alluring esteem Eileen the stem wali well o Yamuna market idea let's stop oh la if the people only knew the virtues and the benefit and a person given the of an and he has to be in the Masjid first to be moon of then he can't be the guy who comes late he's the guy was praying in the last row he missed one Rock got to rock got three he can't be the moon at them he has to be there early if the people only knew the reward of giving me a van when he gives the a van every and every roach every mouse every rat every human being every jinn every angel y'all know qiyamah will come bear witness to that dower I'm giving dower right now I hope Allah accept it for me and you the one who gives the event is giving down with Allah yomo qiyamah the one who gives the event will have the longest neck why is that important some Muslims say longest neck I don't want a long neck when the person is standing there and the people are in sweat up to the ankles knees up to be aways up to their chest up to their shoulders if he has a long neck he has more to be submersed in if the people only knew the virtues of the event and the first row being in the first row go to any Masjid I made the hood by the Masjid here and every Masjid of the Muslims are basically the same when the Imam comes and he says assalamu alaikum the Masjid is always less than half full so if the people only knew was India then and in praying in the first row and the only way that they can determine who's going to do those two things was by drawing lots then they would do that and if the people only knew the virtues of coming to the message early then they were raised to do it that hadith is an example of the nebula rowdy whistling I'm pushing you pushing me even the lady who doesn't go to the Masjid necessarily it's his way of telling us don't be of the people who are just satisfied with mediocrity don't be of those people in America I don't know what the system here is in Canada and the academic spectrum you can get an a B C D or F some parents if the child just gets a C they say okay and Hum Dil a has a see some of the students are like that the way the Muslim thinks if I get a C and hamdullah I didn't fail no the Muslim he has to shoot for higher than that and then if he winds up getting a C she gets a see after given all of the effort that they had tried their level best all they got was a see I'm do EULA but the point is he doesn't start off saying and I just want to see the Muslim you has to have a lure him up high determination so the way our life style is and the way we give total BIA parents how are you complaining about your child he's lazy is lazy he's lazy well he's looking at his mother his father I told you when they asked our mother Aisha and Humira Oh Abdullah how was the prophet's character she could have easily said he would had good character she didn't say that she said some Kalam that came as a result of the Juwan I'll kill him that she used to see from him the way he expressed himself and articulated himself any Arab would tell you the way that maybe talked although he was a human being he had what is known as Johanna and kill him he said a few words but they have far-reaching implications his companions were like that especially his wives Aisha his o'clock was the Quran she was affected by the close relationship she had with him you're complaining as a parent about your child being an underachiever you're lazy you're this you're that look at the example that was given to the child he saw swather like that he saw you the mother was like that when we prayed he saw when we praise so laughter Fletcher it was always after the Sun came up the five prayers the mother and the father didn't show this kid hey the best deed is making us a lot on his proper time at its proper time the kid he saw that all of his life is going to become part and parcel his Islamic identity so what can we do in order to not be people who are lazy whether the Quran Allah students say about tackle and laziness and procrastination I'm going to wear hijab but after I graduate and I get a job I'm going to do it I'm going to make Tova before I give you some practical examples some important things that come from the kitab and the Sunnah let me just say that there's a story in the Quran surah yousuf this story are from this issue of procrastinating comes in that story very quickly in the beginning of the story they decided to kill useful or throw him her way they set amongst themselves car go up to loo Yousef ah who are they a fool upon watch who I become what a cool new Mumbai the eat almonds sada him they said amongst themselves we should kill Yusuf or throw him off in the far distant land and after we do that after we commit that sin then we going to be writers people but let's first do this let's disobey Allah first and then we're going to make tawba the story went on that's the beginning of the story the story went on I can't go through the whole story obviously at the end of the story when yourself was in Egypt in the acquisition he told one of the workers put the vessel of the King in the saddle of my younger brother Bingaman and checked all of my brother's saddles and come to Bingaman's last when they came to Bingham in saddle and they found the vessel of the King being a Ming didn't steal Yusuf said someone stole from amongst you they said we didn't come here to steal you know that but since you found it with him they said in yes rip if he did still then he had a brother who used to steal before meaning use of their Ryan if he deals if he stole he stole this vessel he had a brother who used to steal before and Yusuf kept it to himself he didn't tell them about the reality what happened to the table at the beginning of story that's the nature of still of this the nature of Sinan person says I'm going to do I'm going to do later I'm going to more than likely you're not going to do don't class procrastinate do it today great style of Islam from the tagging and Imam and hustle and bustle he said this dunya that we're living in it is three days this whole dunya your whole life constitutes three days yesterday that's in the past yesterday and what happened yesterday some people praised some people magazine as some people stole some people may rebut some people some people some people is gone he said and from roll is your dunya tomorrow but you haven't been promised that come in here we almost had a serious accident come in here I'm not talking about a small accident we almost had a serious accident walking across the street you can be hit by the car anything happen tomorrow and you haven't been promised that so don't say I'm going to I'm going to it this week and the third day is today today do what you can do today take advantage of today don't say tomorrow so what are some of the practical issues that we can do that comes from the one who was on a high level of a clop solo auto run who said I'm Ronnie Umatilla slam I'm going to tell you at the top of the list number one out of all the things that come engine look I just didn't say like this at the top of the list I just didn't do like this I just didn't do like this I got on my tippy toes and if I didn't be afraid if I wasn't afraid of getting on the chair to emphasize our get on this table what can we do at the top of the list praise so loud to refresher on time praise her out to fetcher on time Uma Tilly slam you young brothers and sisters something is wrong with the Islam of a person who claims to be a Muslim and he's not praying five times a day something is wrong with that equation well I'm the one who doesn't play he doesn't have true Eman the Prophet says all along while he was selling when you wake up in the morning everyone has three nuts tied on the back of his neck if he wakes up and he mentions a lot name he makes the dhikr of Allah al hamdulillah a lady I got a bother my imagine I will lay hidden ashore one of those nuts is taken off when he gets up and he makes me will do the proper will do the second nut is taken off when he prays the third night is taken off he says how the loved one was on them if he doesn't pray fudger at all then his his nuts is going to be lethargic he's going to be lethargic within his nuts now if a person never praised fudger he won't be able to distinguish whisper photic and what's not lethargic it's just his life and he doesn't realize it a person who his parents grew him up from day one six years old five years old he's been praying now he's twenty twenty-five thirty all his or her life they've been praying when they miss the lotto fudgy that individual they feel off-key they feel discombobulated they lost their equilibrium because the salat is a part of who they are who they were then that he used to make a do antenna to allahu allah allahumma barik the ummah TV bokura ha oh allah bless my ummah in the first part of the day put the barakah in the efforts in the first part of the day low end nakum to a cult room other ye Kimagure zaboo player if you people really really depended on the law the true torkoal allow it provides for you the way he provides for the bird the bird goes out early in the morning and he's hungry and he comes back later in the day and he's full as for the muslim he sleeps all day one morning 12 o'clock he wakes up mmm he says to his wife you didn't cook no I didn't cook because you don't work you didn't bring any food you're not contributing the Muslim has to be more on top of his program at the top of the list you want to kill laziness get up early in the morning even if you don't work and don't get up early in the morning just to get up because this is a beautiful area this is the first time that I came to Vancouver and I'm amazed and in all at the aesthetic nature of this place I went to Victoria and I flew that plane and was all just amazing the only thing that's missing is my queen I wish my queen was here so we could have rolled that plane together because when I got on deploying the people in nervous when they saw me getting on the plane they thought it was going to be a problem especially after I told him I sit next to the pilot I want to see what's going on I want to take pictures it's a beautiful place he gets up early in the morning to make falafel fetcher another practical advice you don't want to be lazy then everybody has to work out you young brothers this right here to shake with his leg cross my uncle all of you all of us you have to work out sister we had a baby two babies three babies and you gained some weight I'm doing that no problem my babies did that to my wife she's still beautiful she's still beautiful my children did that to her but it doesn't mean that she has to leave herself the Nabby sense of allah while he was seldom the best generation the one that i came and then the one after that and then the one after that three hundred years and then after that some people got to come big stomachs h Apaches over eating the Nabi Saleh loved what he was selling told the people in an authentic hadith mamela Adam Ian we are and shall remember t he the worst vessel that a human being can fill up a cup any vessel the worst vessel that a person can fill up is his stomach if he has to eat a lot if he has to then let him eat a third of food a third for the dream a third for the air the way we are is we eat four seven intestines as the Navy said the catheter and the MU naughty they eat four seven intestines the believer he eats for one and that one intestine that one he eats as he said just a few morsels of flesh to keep his back straight so we have to work out when you work out there are some endorphins that are release chemicals that make you want to get up and go they make you feel better they make you sleep better Nabby say Sala love while he was seldom and movement Ocoee faerûn were a hub board ally him in the movement of life what he couldn't hate the strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah and is talking about physical strength the strong believe is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak believer and both of them have good the strong believer if someone came to attack his mother his wife his child he's going to be there to defend them he's not going to say yeah lawyer go ahead do you deal with the situation ooh me deal with the problem it's not gonna say that the one who is strong has the ability to go out and work and he comes to the Masjid and he's giving southern the weak one I can't do anything can't defend himself he's heavy on the people a lot sold Yaya Yaya holder pita al-kitab the Torah Yaya take the book and be strong be strong be on your religion people come they have something to say intellectually they are terrorizing the Muslims and their University in this community the papers the media they want to make us appear as if we're a way that we're not our religion is a way that it's not know the Muslims are going to be strong to Sunday night when when I say strong I don't mean ignorant extreme I'm not talking about that I'm talking about people who don't bite their tongues and don't speak out of the side of their necks they defend themselves they defend the religion so I'm encouraging all of you you owe them in have to work out that doesn't mean for you younger brothers that Abu Sam is condoning lifting waste and shooting steroids I'm not telling you to shoo steroids I'm telling you take care of your cardiovascular you want to lift wasting you're strong no problem but this is a difference between steroids and all of that sister watch what you're eating and how you're eating in work out you want to know some practical advices concerning being lazy then consider yeah abdullah ya allah tala consider what el Islam has said about the time Aslam has mentioned a lot about the time a lot not a little a lot yeah are you Olivia a minute up a lot well tel nuts from CAD Emily Hutton oh you who believe fear allah and that every soul look forward to what it has sinned for for tomorrow pay attention to that time then maybe he says have a lot he was seldom aramitan mbuna Fatima Kathy Roman and nice as see her too well for all there are two nemours that Allah gave people two favors that allowed gay people many people are losers in these two things he said good health and free time free time free time you're young now you don't have a lot of responsibilities so now is the time to do the things that are going to help you in the future if if and the if that I'm talking about is nothing if that's her arm as if I can change the color the color is the cutter if I had the opportunity to turn the hand of time back I wouldn't have been a knucklehead academically I was a knucklehead but Allah gave me another chance I went to Medina and I excelled academically but in America I was a knucklehead trying to be cool a knucklehead you are he don't be a knucklehead sister don't be an underachiever or you're going to be a person who the job that you're going to have after two or three years you're going to be flipping burgers and Burger King or McDonald's irregardless of whether Burger King halal Haram I'm not talking about that take advantage of the time right now Allah as prophet told the people about the times of Allah what Allah to zoo Kodama abdomen Indira Bahia mochi Anna hat used on our bow Oh Wilma dakara sallalaho aleyh wassallam and Umrah he FEMA Ethne when you're standing before Allah your feet are not going to move you're not going to move your mopey Amma until the last few about four things and the very first thing the Prophet Act mentioned is going to ask you about your life what did you do with it how did you spend it he told the people if honeymoon come satin coverlet comes take care of five things take advantage of five things before five things happen one of those things take care of your free time before you become busy take care of your youth before you become old while you're young fast pray do those things because time they come you may be praying and sitting down time to come where you can't go to Iran Hajj time a camera you can't do certain things so now that you're young now that you're free take advantage of time you want to kill laziness manage laziness then consider what Islam said about the time seriously only I'm still in the introduction Salah Salah assalatu salat when I medicate a monochrome I want to end here with a quick word of advice to our young brothers and our young sisters shallow butanna we have to be balanced please don't anyone sit there thinking that I'm being judgmental that I'm speaking to you guys in a condescending way I'm better than you I'm in general you and the knock it's just I'm passionate that's how I talk don't think for one minute or fraction of a second that I'm telling you you can't enjoy your youth I'm not saying that and the religion didn't say that but what I am saying is if you want to kill laziness then you have to have some tortilla in your life you have to organize yourself don't be a person who gets up every day and you don't know what you're going to do in that day you have some vague ideas about what you're supposed to do but you should get up every day with a checklist I have to accomplish a B C D and E and you have to make Tartine the mother has to make 30 every one because that's from the sunnah of then maybe not only that the a bad death of a less Lama like that unfortunately when it's time for the salat we have no discipline in the messiah the imam is making salah and the people erasing the Eman if you make such that their people make sajda at the same time with him when he gets up people get up there bad that DeBellis lama teaching us about being people who have discipline when you go to hajj with a show of hands your right hands how many of you have been to hajj put your hands on your right hand if you went to Hajj how many of you please please put your hand up okay put your hands down you heard judge how many of you have not put into hydrogen put your right hands up Masaki I'll allow help them to make Hajj oh Allah make it easy for them to make Hajj this year a guy say I mean all I'll help them to make Hajj when you do go to Hajj physically you have to do a lot of stuff you can't be lazy you have to walk as these pilgrims will tell you you have to walk from Mina you have to go to outer side you have to go to MU steady foot you have to walk back to minute you have to do this you have to make toe off you have to make site you can't be lazy you can't send in the tent and minutes here I'm tired I don't want to go today can't do that that's a get up and move physically but you have to do it at a particular time in a particular way that's a slam telling you one of the lessons of Hajj telling you organize yourself organize yourself you can't do the about that of lslam when you want how you want no you have to do them with turtle team the Prophet he says on Levani was London in le Kunia Mellon Sheraton well equally Sheraton cetera from incarnate Vitara to who eres una Tifa tada tada oh man can etcetera to elevated Erica halakha for every action that you do every action there is a time of being active and enthused and there's a time of being lethargic and tired he said whoever when he becomes lethargic and tired he does so in accordance in towards my singer he'll be guided or right but when a person when he becomes an authority and tired and lazy his tours other than my Sunnah he'll be destroyed the meaning of that very quickly is there's a big share he came from somewhere he's going to teach Anna memorable haughty everyone's going to come for the first class second class third class we're very enthused were active after the fourth fifth six week of learning Quran or whatever you see the students start falling off because now the inactivity and the laziness sets in is natural he says so when you become tired if it is in accordance to my strimmer you still come but you may not be in the first row you may not come but you get the notes from someone your inactivity is still towards the sooner you're guided but when it becomes time they'll be destroyed meaning when he becomes tired he goes and he wastes time watching was Haram wasting time surfing the internet and what's Haram waste time with Peter were calling me Madiba he wastes time with doing was Haram the hadith is showing us that the never knew the nature of the people there's a time of being active and inactive there's a time going out having a good time with your family give it a lot rice giving your family the rice and giving yourself the rice no problem but you can do that without being lazy or mental Islam you young brothers and sisters organize yourselves in sha allah in a way that allows Subhan Allah Tala is going to be pleased with you and remember the time is like a sword a sharp knife if you don't cut it and you don't take advantage of it is going to cut you and you can replace everything in this dunya you lose your arm go get a prosthetic on it replace your heart you can get it replaced your mother or your father if they die it can be replaced after time you're going to have the resilience to bounce back and that pain is going to leave you as a matter of fact your wife's mother is going to become like your second mother your auntie your mother's sister's going to become like your mother and take that place but there's one thing in this dunya you will not be able to get back you can't replace it and that's those seconds that have passed us by in this talk and yes during the day before yesterday and the day before that and the year before that they're not coming back so cut the time before cuts you subhanak Alohomora be America why shadow Allah in stock vehicle to vous avec was a mnemonic camera to lie he Weber a cat
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 53,878
Rating: 4.8179798 out of 5
Keywords: Procrastination, laziness, abu usamah, youth, character of the prophet, khuluq, manners, motivation, success, training, overweight, ajyal, bilal philips, abdul bary yahya, quran, islam, sunnah, sunni, salafi, muhammad, koran, when the world changed, boona
Id: n72ouxLpCkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 2sec (3002 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2013
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