Concept of Laziness by Ustadh AbdulRahman Hassan

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al hamdulillah horrible Alamein lahul hamdu hassan with an L Jamil oh I should do a la la la the hula Cheri Keller why should you understand I want to be on a muhammad sallallaahu Hari who are early he was happy he were turbid in a long because I mean it I owe me Dean and my dad insha'Allah Allah today I want to speak about a topic but I think all of you will be able to relate to him so long to Allah and that is the concept of apathy and futur laziness when it comes to a vada what are the things that causes it and how can we treat it so apathy its causes signs and treatments in sha Allah Ta'ala for taught it means when your interest for something reduces and your enthusiasm for it also reduces and your concern for it becomes weary something that we all go through that way sometimes strong we're up to the standard and sometimes that zeal that we have weakens how can we cure it and what are the things that are making it happened our messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said in a hadith Alabama narrated in his movement when hadisha abdomen amaryllis the prophets of Allah Allah was telling me he said in eloquently armor in surah when he could leisure at inveterate own firm incarnate for Torah to who in eternity offal aha and another wording faculty hoodia woman care net in a very delicate forked hadith the Prophet said indeed for every action there is a seal mm energy and for every deal there is a slackening I passed a time a period where the person slacks and they go down and they dip and they are not as enthusiastic and energetic as they are on other days or the way that they've been before then the Prophet said Sam incarnate fatah to who either soon Metis anyone who is slackening and anyone who is his empathy occurs but he still in line with the Sunnah for that Allah he's successful as long as it hasn't reached a point where he goes away from the sunnah of the prophet alayhi assalam then he's still successful women cannot innovate italica and anyone who is slacking he slackening goes down and deep beyond and outside the Sunnah delica he becomes destroyed so what we take from the hadith is every single one of us is going to go through in any action that we do that period that fatwa that slackening moments where the energy is gone we have to drag our leg we have to kind of convince ourselves to have to do this what is it that causes that have to happen and is there any way that we can overcome that and treat it is this something that you all feel that is sometimes happens in your life so in Shambala let's talk about what makes it happen and imam muhammad and Bukhari and Muslim and others narrated on the authority of a normally Bashir that the prophet salallahu alaihe salam I told us about an organ the Prophet said and I were in the field yesterday Mubarak verily inside the human body there is an organ in a Salah hot sauna Hodja Sudoku if this organ is upright and steadfast the entirety of the body is in line with that with that organ your body will follow that organ if that organ is good then the body would be good and if that organ is corrupt and it's misguided then the entire body will follow it and the Prophet said in a hadith an hour he'll call that organ is the heart so from this point I'm trying to show you shed some light and also explain to you that slacking is something that comes from the heart it's this organ that brings about the energy enthusiasm that concern the commitment and the interest and it's when this organ becomes weakened and this organ becomes corrupt the body then follows and becomes corrupt with it and slacks the scholars they categorized the heart into three the scholars they categorized the heart in two three the first heart is palette which is saline and upright heart a steadfast heart a heart there are complex three things Cal booty selling is a heart there is accomplished and accumulated three important components the first one is it comes with sincerity a class it's a sincere heart the second thing that heart has achieved and attained is it's in line with the prophet alayhi salatu salam they follow the prophet sallallaahu Salomon externally and internally and number three this person comes with obedience ba which is to stay away from sins and stay away from the two types of sins major or minor sins because of the three things a pallet which is selling and upright heart and untainted heart is a heart which has attained and achieved sincerity and also adherence to the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and three complete and utter submission to Allah Azza WA Jalla those are the three and it's the heart where a lot of our equity Allah told us it would benefit us the day of judgment Allah said in the ayah speaking about maybe like brahim when I was in a coma you buy a thorn oh Allah do not humiliate me the day of resurrection what day is that you're my lion for a man what happened it is the day when children and wealth are not gonna benefit you the money that you're accumulating now the money that you are trying to achieve and gain the money that you are burning your body and mind for it won't benefit you that day no malaria for a man whenever noon in lemon at Al Maha and children are not gonna benefit you unless you come to Allah with what they can't be in saline which is selling the car which is Salim I said it's a lot it's a heart that has sincerity it's a heart which is in accordance to the prophets Allah listens way and three it's a heart that has come with or achieved complete submission to Allah so Jenna the second heart is calm bujji's may eat a dead heart the dead heart is a heart that has no life in it it's a cult which is dead there's no life in it Allah said in the Quran a woman of our mankind I may eat and say now a woman kara matin one who was dead and we gave him life meaning referring to the disbelievers they were dead meaning their hearts were dead and a lot of our khatallah says we gave them life meaning their cubbies dead because they're not dead we can see them walking but their hearts have died the sex third one is Kulp which is maryam a cult which is sick when you're sick that doesn't mean you're completely unhealthy there are you might have helped in other things but your illness also may be in something else so there is health and there's illness as well this is the heart of the Muslim who sins and has that weakness of Eman and he also has the obedience of Allah regenerate his messenger so he goes to the Masjid and he prays in the Jamaat and he also goes out clubbing and doing Haram things and drinking that which Allah prohibited and eating that which Allah prohibited so he sometimes doing good and sometimes he's transgressing is exceeding his limits and going against his Lord Allah Allah the heart that we're going to be talking about the culpa cheese that goes through food that goes through empathy that has that slackening it is the heart which is what marilla because the one that's made it is dead it needs to be switched on in the first place okay and the culprit is selling its upright steadfast the college has futur is the one which is Marie it has a sickness in it the prophet allah salallahu alaihe salam I told us in another hadith that supports the ayah yo Malaya for a man will have a moon in lemon at a logical been Saleem the Prophet horse inherited Imam Musa narrating inheritable Herrera the professor at Hulu Jinnah a group of people who enter Jannah a group of people will enter Jannah what are their characteristics as either to whom is life edited pairi whose hearts would be the light or their their heart would be like the heart of pure untainted they don't suffer from sickness and illness in art they have pure cleansed clean hearts those are the people are gonna end who a grant agenda the prophet said who Luana a group of people will enter jannah yahoo internet acquire moon as either to mr. Lewicki dirty mister affinity piety their hearts are the hearts of birds now the question is what are the main things that the heart suffers from the heart suffers from many illnesses but there are two main illnesses the first one is how it desires and remember the chain of discussion that we're having and the way that the lecture is going we are talking about how can you have zeal in robada how can you have that energy and that concern and that enthusiasm in nevada in obedience of allah i said it's because of the heart it's the way that you treat your heart and the health of your heart which brings about this enthusiasm or brings about its lack of enthusiasm and lack of interest and lack of concern so now when dealing with the heart if you cure this heart energy and enthusiasm oh come I mean we are living at a time when people are really focusing on their physical appearance what I mean by that is they washed and they look at what is it that I'm going to use for my hair so I don't have hair loss what kind of audio am I going to use what kind of cream am I going to use that doesn't bring out wrinkles that are early ate in my life what kind of food am I going to eat in order to be in good shape and healthy people are looking at that appearance but the heart is dying and it's rotting and we've seen people whose appearance when you look at them they look so healthy and they look very amazing and charming him but when you see their relationship with Allah Azza WA Jalla you find that they're the lowest and weak do you see a person who is physically physically in shape the kind of things that he does the merit ins he can run the time he spends in the gym the weights that he lifts they're the same individual is unable to get up for failure because he can't lift something very light and has to do they and get out of bed and go and pour water on himself and doable and go and pray the federal prayer he's got the physical ability he's not a weak person why is it he can't do it and you find a person who's skinny weak person this looks fragile the wind can blow him and he's getting up for failure he's standing up there Molina is out and about helping the people he is helping the Messiah Keane the hours that person can stand and the energy that person has you can never come with it how how does that come about something deep now it's something to do with the heart it's someone who's trying to work on their heart and trying to cleanse it and clean it so the first thing that the heart suffers from is Shahed desires what is it suffer from shahe wet desires I've been I've not bested something very powerful and I want you to all listen to this I'm deriving adversity said in Ellen has an idea by Leon righteous actions it has lights Phil watching on a person's face Allah makes that person's face glow this person's face illuminates when Warren Phil Colby and that person's heart light gushes from it was here at Anfield risky and Allah opens your provision for you your provision your risk Allah makes it wide for you spread wa taala walk over them feel bad any and Allah gives you physical strength look at the photo right righteous actions bring about enthusiasm and strength in the body one my habit and feel global healthy and a la place is in the hearts of the people love towards you even our best goes on to say in radiyaallahu ta'ala and what in lettuce a yeti the opposite which is evildoing going against a last commandments disobeying our Abelard Hassam ah it has what so I didn't feel what he blackening of one's face what would Martin Phil Cal be and darkness in the heart while recovery and also darkness in your grave or were hand and film bed early and weakness and fatigue on one's physical strength and ability why nots and seriously and Allah reducing your wealth and your income what both of our Telugu ruble healthy and the hearts of the people the people have enmity and hatred you all of this is what it's all based on on persons following his desires if you follow your desires for Howard whatever your nuts calls you to it brings about what so I don't feel watching black and face what movement until can't be dark and heart while kibrit and a dark and grave well why don't feel badly and also with physical weakness why not some Felicity and a reduction in your provision what more than ten people have been Hawking and enmity and hate in the hearts of the people for you people don't want to see you they hate your guts all of this is because you following your desires then if you follow your desires and you submit to it and you adhere to it it will lead to you becoming physically weak an imam would tell me view narrated that i want you to listen to Daddy well that the professor la reserva he said in the lab that a slave in ah ah ha ha ha t attend the slave does assume no key that vehicle me he looked at him so that the person commits a sin a black dot will be placed on his heart you follow your desires a black dot is placed on your heart for innahu another our staff on our tab a soupy local boy but if the person he repents he comes back to his senses he asks allah for forgiveness his heart is then cleansed and cleaned well in a disease of e ha and if he goes back to the sin again the black dots are increased in his heart had a new album until it overcomes his heart and his heart becomes darken and black wha-hoo are on live in the car who the prophet said and it's the rod a lady doctor Allah which Allah mentioned in the ayah can bail Rana Allah who will be McHenry accessible the run Allah is referring to here is the dark and hot dot dot dot and his heart became all black now and you know what that person becomes because of what's happening to his heart laia re former orphan while I you kill monkara he can never identify the good he can never see the good when it comes to him and he can never really see the evil he becomes a cup which is upside down and a person is trying to pour water into it an upside-down cup that water is trying to be poured into it that's what your heart becomes all the good that has been mentioned and all of the higher which has been said to you will all go over your head it just doesn't seem to make sense it all seems like a hocus-pocus gender and are on all of this and you don't even sense that what you're really severe and dangerous because the heart has become dark and dull and we have to now we've fallen into these sins and we followed our desires the way to cleanse our heart again and bring it to its default position as to what it is to repent and to ask Allah forgiveness private island and Marathi Allah and we said has him one for sacrum account yourself put yourself an accountability compliant oh hey Sabu before you are accounted for the day of judgment was you know and full circle and scare all yourselves KaBlam to zombies before you are scales the day the day of judgement for you know awaken for the desire that it is easier for you to schedule yourself and to account yourself now today it is easier for you than the day of judgment what has a yellow and adorn yourself a donor's of meaning beautify yourselves little our bill Akbar the great day the day where every single person Allah is gonna present to them their reality what Isaiah Newland are they active re your Meridian to order do not attack Famicom Kavya that day everybody it will be shown to them their reality and what they are everything you've done so the first thing that the heart suffers from is what desires desires is the first thing that the heart suffers from and it's an illness that the heart really suffers from and if we don't wake up and we don't stop it's going into our hearts our hearts become dark dull black and we will never realize the good that we should go towards and we won't realize the evil that we're in and our bodies become weak and we won't be able to run to the obedience of our Lord Allah Azza WA Jalla the second is a shrew who had doubts the first one was desires and the second one is doubts the doubt is worse than the desires and the doubt is innovation and disbelief those two are called sugar hat bitter unco for both of them if they steal into a person's heart then it destroys the heart worse than the desires well in our Academy medical what he said to a man and in magmatic Otago Raju lon a man came to him and Malik for Carly Surya Abdullah Abdullah mean I know O'Hara more remember Ameer Abdullah remember remember I'm deal I merely keeping a necessary my Manik he was cold in my mood Aaron he'd run at him I'm Eric and he was the scholar and the Imam of the people of Medina from we all together and him and Malik was a noble a man who when he would narrate the hadith of the Prophet because he would be right next to the prophet's grave he would say your guru Sahib oh he'll come but the man of this grave said son la la alianza know that you turn the narration whereas we would say cholera so lowly right he is right next to the grave so he would say the man of this grave said are we all together Alabama Malik the great imam shahid allahu oh man the ummah unanimously agreed upon his station and his nobility ravi allahu anhu r-rahim and a man came to him and he said I want to go hatch I want to go Hajj and when I go Hajj I want to do my Haram I want to wear my clothing for Hajj where should I wear it from me NaNoWriMo and we all know we should all know that the people of Medina the place that they wear their harm from for Hajj is de leyva the flava is the place that they were from some the man came and he said to him I'm Eric maintained of him where shall i wear my run from and any man Merrick said to him Mindy Leyva Leyva and we're you a harm from there and do your intention from them and in my Malik went on to say it mean how he thought a Haram arose to like the place where the Prophet did it from the place where the process element is haram from which was delayed for go to that place and you do it from there okay the man has said in Lou Reed one minute GD mean until company the man said as for me I wanna wear my haram from the prophets Masjid next to his grave that's where I want to do it from I don't want to go to the Haleiwa I want to go to the prophet's majid and next to the prophet's grave i want to do it keeping in mind this man is what he wants to do a extra deed because doing it from the prophets message it and wearing it from the preface Masjid next to the prophet's grave is more distance than to wear from the Haleiwa because if he went to delay for the way he is he could enjoy himself until he comes to the Laver and then after that he would have to where I'm right so he's making a harder on himself so Alabama Malik adequately had said to him let her fall don't do that for in the actual article fitna in the action and him and Mary said I fear for you fitna trial and tribulation that's what I feel for you the man was gobsmacked lost of words mind boggled he said where are you feet met in handy which fitna are you possibly talking about in a man here emiru as he do ha this is only a couple of what miles are increased for fitna can you possibly fear for me and then any man Malik said a golden statement in a modality drawn is that where you fit in 18-hour Ramu what fitna is worse than men antara an excessive actor enough related asana Rasool Allah Allah Allah Allah what fitna is greater what other fitna are you waiting for then to see what other fitna could there possibly be greater than see yourself to go forward in a righteous deed and try to surpass allah his messenger so allah alone cinema to proceed the prophet in the righteous actions to get there before the prophet to be higher than the prophet in the righteous actions that the person was deficient in equality or action that's what you say I'm doing better than what the front is doing what Fitness worse than that and then he recited to him and he said indeed Samir - I heard Allah as well s a failure in ladino holophone and Umrah he and to save a home fitna oh you'll see bow my dad Fatiha let them be cautious who for the other in ladira you holophone and me those who oppose the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in his offense what can happen to them and to save on fitna that they will be afflicted with a calamity a trial and in tribulation oh you'll see him a home or they are afflicted with what a severe punishment a punishment which their bodies and mind will not be able to endure so this hadith and this statement of animatic shows us the severity of innovation and the severity of following one is our following doubts this is from who had Shuba and man Malik was trying to get this man to understand this is a fitna for your heart that you would follow such-and-such well in attica the early scholars the early Imams they realized the severity of innovation and how it can affect the hearts dalek Hasan al-basri rahim allah he said led to jalisa he bid at him for innumerable lucky Hasan al-basri who said don't sit with an innovator don't sit with him for innumerable kallenberger because he will taint your heart he will make your heart sick innumerable humility means what he'll make your heart valve on Maryam a sick heart I ask you guys a question if 16 with an innovator makes your heart sick then what about the heart of the innovator if your heart is going to become sick from sitting with him then what about his heart who contains in it and he holds the innovation what is the situation it's even worse in our own in said I had harmony blue seal in the great torini ham edema serum I heard him say or I saw that muhammad nasir in mentioned and used to believe Yara an unnecessary death an la illaha the people who were the fastest in apostasy when the people of desires people of the people of innovation they are the fastest when it comes to operating and leaving the religion because innovation doesn't stop there at least to cover it's a stepping stone to disbelief a person who leaves the Foreign Minister Mohamed Ibrahim he saw as foreigners he read that and the people who the fastest in apostate in the quickest apostate and leave the religion ahoo ahoo ahoo where the people of innovation they posted why why do they pass they easily because this obeying Allah in one step has no limit if you've disobeyed on line one thing and you've then said this is the way Allah loves that's what innovation is going against the last way and the messengers way and then saying this to Allah is pleased with and this is what Allah loves and this is what's gonna get me close to Jannah it doesn't stop there it will carry on until the whole entire religion becomes like that for you so those are the two things that the heart suffers from my beloved brothers and sisters jihad and should wet today we find people who listen to people of innovation they listen to their lectures they listen to things that they say and then they will come and say share I came across this person saying this and this and this thing what's the response yeah actually why are you opening your ears to the people of innovation why are you listening to someone who is bringing doubt in the religion why would you open your eyes on your mind to it I have my did not happen and great in man whenever they went by innovators and they spoke to them they took their fingers and they put in their ears in a walk away are you more knowledgeable than in Mohammed a man came to Elam American innovator came to Lima Marik and he said I want to debate with you the remember it said him if I beat you in the debates will you follow me he said yes he said if you beat me what do you want he said you follow me he said if a third person comes and beats both of us what do we do in that situation is we both have to follow him he said I see that you are not consistent upon your path and your way you are doubtful of what your religion is I am clarity in the era of a unity minimally while Tushar could further have in Asscher commit liquor for handsome oh I'm upon clarity in my religion and you seem like a skeptical person you know you're not sure about your religion go to someone who's down for like you I'm going debater go to someone who is skeptical like you and debate with him I don't need that I will together I remember I made a move to add when he tried to debate Levi Muhammad in the front in the presence of the leader Ahmed said I don't want to be an issue of is the Quran created honor jabiru a sham a staunch mountain amateur I wanted to be you the analysts Elif they believed what they are upon is how their media TV they want doubtful about that so why do I have to open my religion or battalion Akash why do I have to open my religion for discussion whether it's right or wrong why do I need to open up for it now we all together and that's what Allah said in the ayah well kids they will be locked in a major home they disbelieved in the truth when it came to them so what happened to them well condemnable huckle imagine for me my marriage they are in doubt of everything they disbelieved in the textual evidence they said I did honey doesn't make no logical sense I can't rationalize it my mind doesn't accept it so when they did that and they rejected the Quran and Sunna on that premise Allah says for whom fee every marriage everything about their religion becomes doubts and that's what happens now I went to mention insha'Allah Allah the cure I mention the stillness that the people whose hearts suffer the two illnesses that they suffer from shrew heart and sow it now I want to mention some kills that in sha Allah Allah will kill your heart and if you take these steps it will help you and Imam Abu Bakr iya iya iya variety blue Jafar in little rosy he is a man a great Imam Java a banal element this Imam combined between knowledge and action a man who combined between action and knowledge he said there will be hamster to Asia if you have not written anything from this lecture write this in Shah Mardan write these points even if it has to be in your phone the world will call me hamster to a Shia the cure of the heart he said are five things the cures and the treatment for one's heart he satisfied things I encourage everyone of you to take these five in charlotta other I'm gonna mention stick in your house and make it your life mission Allah Allah - every single day work towards having all of these five present in your day I promise you once you do you will see enthusiasm commitment constituents towards any action that you stand up for raisins will go he says that the cure of the heart are five the first one he said there are two or on a bit tougher cream reading the Quran and pondering and contemplating over it pondering over the Quran and contemplating over it what's the bare minimum that a person used used to finish the Quran even if you're not a half of and you've not memorized the Quran what is the bare minimum that you should read from the Quran is hackable nora hooyah the man who is said to imam abu Hari you all know imam bukhari right you all know alabama Buhari right yeah ha emanuelle Buhari you remember he wrote this here book right that's what we say sorry right who was the one who brought the idea to any number Buhari try this ahead who encouraged him who did it it's hakama wrong with its hottest the teacher of Alabama honey he said they're a person needs to finish them over on where the reading from the most half or whether reading from memory at least and this is something for every Muslim every 40 days once you need to finish the Quran easily every 40 days that goes by you have to have done one hat that's the bare minimum and the evidence that he used for that is what the Prophet said to Abdullah him ribbon alas remember I'm dilemma I'm gonna ask his father complained about him I'm the mouse I'm lying I'm gonna ask his father complained about him I'm a mouse he said it the Prophet my son underlie I married him off to one of the greatest families of Irish I married their daughter off to my son underline he's married to an honourable woman from an honorable household and he spends the whole entire night praying and the whole entire day fasting and if the six the rights of his wife and then the prophet sallallaahu Selim etcetera and the lion I'm not gonna ask is this true do you do this and he said of course o Messenger of Allah do you do that then the Prophet said to him Edgar are ill or or an Fe Albertina read the Quran in every 40 days finish it once and then I was finished in every day he said to finish it every 40 days works so that's it Hawk said every 40 days once you have to finish the Quran if you're a half a person who's done heaven then it's highly recommended for you it's highly recommended that you finish every three days if you're a half of so what do you do you start from surah 2 bacala and you read and you go up to Alamo and a magnum to Michigan vanilla mousse all sorted and felt Endres that's the first day the second day you take from Alamo under my name from Surat Anfal and you take it to surah 2 enamel if I make an adorable call me that's a second 10 and then stare tell you take it from are kinda driver call me up to swallow to ness Carlos every three days to finish the Quran 10-10-10 juice that's the tenders if you read every day if you're a half-filled and you finish the Quran and that's what the Prophet Elias said I'm a fine and he said to have their number table asked when he said o Messenger of Allah I can read the Quran and I can finish it in less than 40 days 40 days is too much and the Prophet pushed it down and down and down until what every three days finish at once so the every three days finish it once is for them half of who memorized the Quran every three days and I know a brother who read he he never studied with a karate teacher but he could read from the most heart for 10 years he said to me I finished the Quran every three days and he said this is where I have the became I became a half of and he doesn't do mistakes I would say if you do it for five years he finished the Quran every three days from the most half from the most half for five years you do that you will be half of that repetition you'd memorize it Hebrew word way babbling word is the student of alpha-i Balarama and our partner Baba has the student of underline nambus rebel what he said something very powerful he said lemonade she and Eric tally had in Lube well I said the stage level in happy will Clara I think irani lamented Ybarra even what he said something very powerful he said we have not found anything that can soften the heart and that can bring your heart to to the truth then recited in the Koran and contemplating and pondering over it we Haven worked for him a long time the second thing that is ki-moon laid the second thing that the great Imam mentioned from the five is what p.m. you laid PR Mullane soft in the heart I want a lot of praise the believers when he say about them subhana WA Ta'ala sorry the Prophet Elias have said in a hadith and in a mooted media narrated in his Sunnah hadith aib Obama tell Ben Healy or the allahu ta'ala anhu ali khan Vicki I mean laid upon you is clear more later pray they are Mullane for you know that masala here a cobbler home because Keanu Lane is the action of the early Pius II man's this is what they did the sahabas were like this the prophets who were like this they used to proclaim Elaine well who are called battle-ax Larabee come it will bring you close to your Lord one microfarad to miss a Yeti and it's also a expiation for your sins women had to live if me and it's a preventative factor from one falling into sense family holiday Lika one of my teachers one time in a halakha one of the students said chef I struggle to prepare a meal later it's hard for people airman Leila I really want to pray but I feel that I'm not able to I always try but I am NOT able to get up and pray I don't have that I don't get the energy and he said a statement I never forget it he said that ki-moon Lane is an invitation from Allah to those who were upright the data the clear moon the night prayer is a reflection of your day Allah only invites you only to Kiama Lane this is our honor everyone that's it you're invited to pray they emulate when you are upright and steadfast the holy today if you eat in how long you're making her on income and etc and you are cheating and lying and deceiving and you're filing your speech and you have has stood and help them in illness towards the Muslims and you're always falling into wrongdoings the whole entire day you're not gonna be honored to pre-clear me late at night I won't give you that honor because why Allah comes down the last third of the night and he's taking the forgiveness and the supplication of those who are invoking on teams for Hannah Tyler you're not gonna be honored with that you're not gonna be on it that's very powerful the animal ale is the invitation from Allah and it comes from how you are the date on an imam October on you mentioned something very powerful I love this hadith when I read it and abdill I believe as Freudian is the one who said that the Prophet Allah is tell him I said yelled how Allah who has them Allah Allah Allah Azza WA Jalla laughs it out I do lately too many Allah as Regina at least buttock greatly man's dimension is allow subhana WA Ta'ala is laughing because he's pleased with this person he loves this person the first one is the one that concerns us now and Roger on the car my hijab in lady a man who stood up in the middle of the night well Unni a moon and his family are sleeping from my karma and he got up out of his bed fatah what barney dunwood oh he did baharon purified himself and he then prayed for top allahu allah azza that person meaning Allah subhana WA Ta'ala is pleased with that person I was pleased with Allah the third thing that the imam mentioned rahim allah from the five is modulus at the salah here sitting with the righteous people like what sitting with the righteous people will cleanse your heart a person takes from the person that they're with we all know brothers that we are human beings maybe you'll build Bubba we need to socialize we need to have friends well italica when you look at the Quran in the Sunna it doesn't ever tell us not have friends Allah doesn't ever say don't have friends and the Prophet never said that because it goes against our nature we have to have it there are two coexist but Allah has Vijender told us and his prophets maybe why Muhammad is there there's the person I said I may need anyone's help it's got alliance with you right but I daddy Allah told me to be around the righteous people maybe like rabid Allah said was enough secondly rear door not a bubble like that what I see you really do know what you Muhammad be patient when the righteous people be with them be patient with them stay with them if that is such an every live Muhammad about you you don't have revelation backing you up and helping you all right well you manage not strong as the proselytes element just defend yourself if something is evils being brought to you so you watch who you be with the poet he said lettuce and anvil don't ask about this person what santorini for in ocarina bill McCartney actually don't ever ask about a person but ask about who he associates with because everyone takes a friend the one he loves you don't ever find a pigeon flying with eagle you find that a pigeon and ego flying together and going together pigeons fly with pigeons Eagles filing fly we Eagles fall can fly with Falcons and my lady you will never see a live Chile with a dog yeah what do you ever see that don't you sitting with this person means there is something in this person that you and him having common it's a reflection of who you are and we know together that's why the prophecy said al-mar'u I'll ideally holily the person is of the religion of his friend for yamaraja come a new Hollywood look at who you take a friend we know we've seen a lot of people who have fallen into what they fell into not because of their own mayor action is because of the influence of someone evil from an evil influence them and they did it there are some people in prison not because of their mere action alone I'm of course it's their actions but it's not just their actions it was the motivation it was the encouragement of a corrupt individual so one of the things that destroy a person's heart is what I'm me myself if I go to a halaqah where I'm listening to shake who's not harder simple there he aesthetic boycotted this dunya his heart is towards the eye via your email increases and your actions become stronger and if you sit with a person who saw have of dunya a person money he's thinking about I've got a building it's 100 floors I want to make it 200 and I have a tall building in this country I also want to make sure that I have this much property again I'm not saying all of that is haram by the way I'm not saying it but it will affect your heart the next day you wake up and say you know what my salary isn't good my salary and the money that I make isn't good enough that it affected you already you know what it affected you and I'm sure and I'm not imposing my thoughts on to you all you all felt that way so someone you've met and they made you feel small in a good way or a bad way okay so the heart gets affected by who we associate with or you who you associate is offered the next one the auto rahim allah mentioned is Mahalo all botany the stomach having little food having little food having cutting down on your diet and what you eat cutting down on what you eat some people they eat with two hands and they eat a lot and when you say to him asking where's the truth he goes I know my students better than you so I think 1/3 he goes I know my one said better than you everyone's 1/3 is the same that's what you eat and what you take in it affects the way that you are the delica I think I'm on Afghanistan in his muniya he said what he said wash up but i'ma cut he said what Tucker he said stay away from eating too much and eating so much he said for do sumo and in the mirror I see money because the body of the people of knowledge is always slim generally the people have slim what happens if you eat alone nan Madol Sakura work efforts in our bar and in imagine your mind switched off and what happens to you you physically can't do anything Radek if you eat a lot and I can you have a long sleep right you can't get up easily sapphire you are struggling then or not hey I'm a lady I'm not gonna get up for it so don't eat too much and even if you do eat eat something healthy and this does affect your heart what you eat what is Erica Annamarie she'll feel so how many my husband a shave earlier and well how many halves in the shade Bernie was what having the husband was a very big man are we all together having the husband say about is the student of abu hanifa he's a student of honey for him oh Allah and having the husband was very big and Amanda chef you said hi mama when he saw him he said lay off loser me no got a chubby person will never be successful in this religion after Mohammed has machinery member of the Alliance or a man who had a big stomach and this man goes al hamdulillah this is the blessing of Allah he said no it's a punishment sent from Allah to you we said that tomorrow or the Aloha it will pay mentioned in his guitar my dear sorry you don't I mentioned a statement in a scooter Madera I'm sorry Kim I recently came across it Alec only Hal a person should avoid eating too much eat enough for your back to stand enough just to stand and do your work but some people whenever they get tired aahah I just have to eat whenever they get stressed they eat every time they eat eat and we stay away from that the how many I mentioned for right now mentioned 3 right I mentioned for nap last but not least the fifth one is what toddler in the Sahara humbling yourself at night even if it's not really late but a lot praise those people who begged their Lord at night Allah said remain as hard on me a stuffy rule I midnight they are asking the Lord for forgiveness and another Allah says well doesn't he need a bill as hard asking forgiveness to Allah in the night in the middle of the night begging Allah there was an author that Ibrahim Kerry mentioned and it may not be dunya also mentioned this is the statement it's a side benefit that and maybe you lie there would ask given a nebulizer I would asked what really in such a him when is the time when Allah is most forgiving for a person since when is the best time to ask forgiveness and he breathes said I do no but one thing I do know that in the last third of the night as half a large throw moves a lot of throws a lot of strong moves so maybe it's wise to ask Allah for forgivness at that time he said another point that I want to mention after those five extra ones that I want to mention two more and I'll conclude with that shallow and that is one of the things that soft and the heart is giving risk and helping them a second the people in need how many people in need softened mr. Hart and he kills the illness of the heart and also taking good care of the orphans and imam muhammad ibrahim bell he narrated in his muslin on the authority of abu huraira and now under inshaa allah rasool allah a man came to the prophet and he complained he complained from what the swatter Calmes and my heart is dark and it's a dull heart I'm suffering from a man saying this to the Prophet then the Prophet said to the man in our alley in a car back in Iranian Enoch Albuquerque want your heart to be soft and if your heart if you want your heart softened for out Raymond miss Keela give to the skin the lady the one in the poor one gives him one sad silly a-team and run your hands run your hands through the hair of the orphan Nina be gentle soft enough over be gentle to the orphan and some people are very cruel cruel to the orphans whether it be our own fanatic from someone else they are cruel to the child Allah says in the Quran well he actually did a little cumin he'll feel duly at them they often let the ones who are looking after the orphans feel a lot about katana that remember it could be possible that one day you don't have the chance to live to see your children grow and you pass away and your children become orphans your children become what your children become often how would you wonder in your children to be dealt with and man came to Le Maire Mohamad him the humble and he asked him he said Katie fire it go kalbi how can my heart become soft a man came to him a Muhammad Ali asked him the same question and Imam Muhammad said to him under cooling mahabharata go to the graveyards once le a team and run your hands through the hair of the orphan and this is of course a reflection of being kind and caring and good to the often go to the graveyards the processor said in the hadith come to hate to come out the art in pomorie I used to prohibit you from visiting the graves I used to say to you don't go to the grades good - Hey - come on Sierra 1000 refers Roja go and visit the graves so in the hot rock album were to be relied on what's with that curable Akshara because it softened the heart it makes the eyes water and it remind you of the hereafter the delicate of the Reiki man by the name of a remote a Mahalo and we as he abu zaid rahim allah arabic with him by the way is the man that at the light ministry said to him he said to him he said lower our kurosu Allah Allah Allah are you selling allaha back if the prophet of allah was to see you he would have loved you so available him it's at a minute he said it's a prophet so he would have loved you how great first man was a robber mohith Haman he would go to the grave and he would go to the grave of people he knew and he would pull them out and when they don't respond he'll say ah I wish I knew what you did and what is being done to you and then he cries he used to cry radical Imam Ahmed rahim allah also mentioned another thing that also softened the heart and also based a person's heart to become soft that is at Colonel Holland eating halal ya aljalja and robbery masala at ROC they both came to Mohammed Mohammed who did they come to I am edema humble and when they came to any Mohammed humble they said to him a man walkin soft and one's hot and then I remember Hamid said accrue hey let's eat halal stay away from Haram money Haram income stay away from it when they asked him that they went to another email whose name was Abdul Wahab people overwater walk and they went and they asked the same question to him and then he said and I immediately I thought my envelope in the remembrance of Allah the heart finds of the heart softened and the hearts heart trembles and finds tranquility and then they said to him but after we have we asked a Medina humble the same question and he said the minute they said armadillo hand then we asked him the question of the Louisville worid hemorrhage with hemorrhoids were true his face became red out of happiness to want to heal admitted he said medical Hamid mother called when did I am edema humble say again this was the respect that the scholars had for each other and admiration and how they admired one another and he said I had said accrual haleh's he said I Hamid said eating halal and then he said oh Allah he's right oh Allah he is right wallah he's right like why all of those things that we mentioned today and many more things they softened the heart and they make your heart become cold which is saline a pure heart and once your cult becomes Selenia ekwa actions become easy for you enthusiasm the energy that you come with the commitment I need to go home and eat sleep I'm tired I'm exhausted all of that world will die what is that accantus college they used to say scholars they used to say anyone whose heart is a life and has high aspiration may Allah have mercy on his body why because the body will not be able to keep up with what this heart is producing the energy the fuel the power the engine that on this heart is so strong that the body gets tired but the heart is not it's still awake it's what it's the knowing and this is what it really is some people they make excuses for themselves well I have anybody enough sleep and I never ate well today well I hear these issues are happening in my life that's what's making me like this the truth is you are a person whose heart is tainted and if you don't admit to that first you won't rectify the problem at hand you won't and that's where it comes from and that the early scholars if you read their biography what you find from them is when ever higher is mentioned this drop and what did they say let's go like in Larry Hatteberg amalaki in the heart in the great scholar he said we traveled to seek knowledge we walked distance that our urine turned into blood urine turned into what blood how could that happen because of the heat that they're in now a condition of course they're walking in the Sun from one place to another and one of the stories that was mentioned in their life was I will hurt him Allah he said it's a long story I don't want to go into it now but in the story it was mentioned that they had a Holika and there's a lesson and the Sheikh didn't come for one reason or another and so they went out because they haven't eaten for the whole entire day so they went out to get themselves a fish to eat it and so when they got themselves the fish it took them a while to get the fish they were informed that the teacher made it and that the teachers here they left a fish for another day for them to finish the halaqa we will together brothers these are the great Imams and how they were like and how enthusiastic they were all of this is because of they cleansed their heart they clean their hearts are we all together they clean their hearts some of you might say today I got a job how can i how can i reconcile between my job and seek an islamic knowledge and learning do you not know the same thing happened to Le Mohammad Ramallah Le Manoir Ahmed's father died when he was very young and his mother only had him too as a son to look after his family's his mother and I had saw it upon himself to what to provide for his mother and also to seek Islamic knowledge both go read how he could reconcile between it how he did it it's all about discipline and the hearts of the person and this this Islamic knowledge mean anything to you a salon does it really mean something to you are you really in love of this Deen that if you are you will find it in your heart a way to squeeze it in a way to what to squeeze the initial long Tyler anything which I have said that was wrong or incorrect is for me I show you part and Allah His Messenger are free from it subhana Kalam of your hammock a jeweler in Allah stop it occurred to me you
Channel: KALEMAH
Views: 22,868
Rating: 4.9482536 out of 5
Keywords: Concept of Laziness by Ustadh AbdulRahman Hassan, Laziness, Ustadh AbdulRahman Hassan
Id: CbieL3tEd9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 52sec (3832 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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