How to Attain True Happiness - Sheikh Yayha Ibrahim

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Salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh in al hamdulillah he Muhammad who won a star you know who Anastasio who I would've let him in children and food see that woman say yeah medina may Yahoo fellow build a woman you build further hard la la la la wahoo - Erica were a shadow and Mohamed Abdullahi what are solu sallallahu alayhi wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi wa salamu bad yeah you have inna allaha hepato party well at Hamilton Indian to Muslim oon Johannes Atta for Ibaka Malacca cumin FC waheeda rehman has of Jehovah salmon home original and kathira wa Nisa top ilaha illa de luna be here well ohon inna llaha kannada kumari liebe yo her Lavina am an otaku la haiku hope Odense d de lucuma male como el fella come to become a neutral ahora su de who fought fair suffers an edema and my dad always and forever we begin with the praise of allah and we send our prayers of peace upon a nephew muhammad sallallaahu re were seldom and we testify with firmness and conviction that there's none that is worthy of worship but Allah and that Muhammad Sal Allahu alayhi wa seldom as his worshipping slave and final messenger I continue to always remind myself in you of top Allah Azza WA JAL and I pray that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala makes that table which is intentionally hidden in our heart that which we have of love for Allah hope in his mercy and fear of him subhanahu wa ta'ala in equal measure that that which we keep private in our heart that that is more pleasing and greater than that which we seek to display and dramatize publicly to others Ilona I mean happiness subhanAllah the one thing that the young and the old the men and the women the diverse of culture and ethnicities those have past generations and ones yet to come if anyone is asked what do you want in life at the end of all the questions I just want to be happy I want money but I want that money because I think it will make me happy I want to be married because if I'm married that I'm gonna be nice married brothers we know a nice uh-huh well a the sisters are probably even more in agreement in the back right Yani you assume as a human being Allah subhana WA Ta'ala tells us in the Quran whether anomaly in Sun when we give near mature an inside there's different reactions that come some of us Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says Shekar are thankful grateful they said hamdulillah in the good and the difficult they are a Japan the Unreal movement the prophets I seldom says the wildering amazing in the condition of a true believer in all of the conditions they face in life they are thankful to their maker when they're given blessing Shekar he says that hamdulillah I thank you oh Allah they acknowledge that whatever they have in this temporal temporary short span of life it is an anima from a loss of hannover time and when Allah gives us adversity they seek patience with Allah and are thankful for Allah for the things that has not been diminished rahman radiallahu anhu he was known for saying for things he would say I thank Allah subhana WA Ta'ala for the good I have I think allah subhana wa ta'ala for the difficulty i face that is less than the difficulty i could have faced i am thankful to allah subhana wa ta'ala shark around allah azza wa jal for what i face that is less than what this other person faces i'm thankful to allah subhana wa ta'ala that he made me face the difficulty here rather than in the next life happiness at times as human beings we make the fatal error of trying to make it metric meaning measurable success is measurable I can met you you know you can measure my success I can measure your access in many things in life but success is not equal to happiness that worldly success or what we think other people assume we will be happy because we possess it is not true success is measurable how far is your education oh you finished your degree that's a point of success how much money do you have in the bank how big is your car how large is your home how few are your debts how continuing is your income and revenue the type of clothes you wear all of those are marks of worldly success but that measurable metrics success does not equate to the immeasurable happiness of the heart delight of the heart Allah subhana Allah when he speaks about happiness in the Quran it comes in a variety of contexts one context at a loss of hana wa ta'ala speaks about happiness he talks about it in the context of relief that you were under duress yeah Aneurin major difficulty and then allah removes some of it not all of it do you feel happy or not hamdulillah what I was yesterday compared to what I have today al hamdulillah jazakallah Hannah Wyland Allah he very clearly said lemak Allah so that happiness that you attain it's something in here why is it something masha'Allah now I have to pause here rather the honey when you get something like this you gotta say what is this so I'm gonna have to take a sip and I'll let you know I'm Smitha didn't you come and love us Allah Muhammad happiness right happiness as a loss of Hana Hana describes it to us in the Quran that yeah be not really yeah it's a moment of joy when you see deliverance come from Allah something you didn't expect becomes and comes from a place you never expected it never knew what would come your taqwa manifested a reality in your life that your life your physical light could not produce it so you feel happy it's it's it's something that is beyond the physical it is metaphysical you sitting in front of me today my dear brother and my dear sisters are made up of three components until and yeah insan' a human being you are three things you are bettin a physique a physical being the difference between me and this cup of water is very little as a physical being seventy percent of you is what have what's the rest of me the same thing that's in this leather the same thing in the mortar of this bricks is this table would the same thing of this organic wood that tree that breathes that earth mean half a lap an ahkam you were made from the deepest elements of the earth the word atom that name that it means from the depth mean edema out from the depth that the the the most my new parts of the earth so you are physical you are dirt hydrogen oxygen you are carbon you are an organic physical being if you were to measure the genetic makeup of yourself and I'm sure we have doctors with us today my genetic makeup my encoding the difference between it and a swine has the Koala a pig is less than 1% genetically when they went when when people had heart problems and they began to experiment to change the valve the defective congenital diseases of the heart your valve would see blood when it should stop it it used to seep they open your chest up and they take that valve out and they put another valve in what was the animal they chose to take that valve from its heart and put it in your heart swine why because your body won't reject it 99.98% of you is the same genetically as a swine physically very similar Allahu Allah but then there's a second component you have our aqua so you are Bethan physical being and you are happy you are rational animals have a sense of rational can you believe you know Shelly Simon Elohim he quotes he quotes the verse in Surat animal Surat animal were Allah quotes an end rabbul izza al hi el cajon malik al malik in your on allah quotes ah let namely the ant said yeah you hanim hey ants Yanni knows its own chakras and finally talks about in that one area 11 different instructions that an ant makes in one sentence in one verbal in one form of communication harlot nam la an ant said so there's a leader amongst ants who speaks to others there's an Amir masha'Allah amirul mumineen lil ends harlot nam la yeah you hanim hey o ants be quiet listen to what I have to say haloo masakinakum there's danger go to your house it recognizes danger before it arrives and it recognizes who will inflict the danger on hallo masakinakum' Leah Remini nakum Suleiman because she like man knows a name it knows who he is and he knows what his function is and that he is an authority above others what you new do and his soldiers it knows not just süleyman because you might say he's a prophet of Allah but it says he's soldiers it doesn't say the other people it defines who they are and what their job is that they will trample you walk over you there's a danger coming home - Arun and it makes an excuse for you and they cannot be blamed because maybe they didn't know you're there Subhan Allah Allah quotes an end in the Quran science today they show us that hands are very complex you know in their makeup in how they arrange their society there's a queen and and there's like queen bees and there's ants who do different jobs and they leave chemical signatures and trails and if you were to bother ends in that corner and there's an end here that belongs to that colony as long as as soon as you bother them there this ant leaves whatever it's doing and runs back to help because there's danger it has a level of ability to think and rationalize maybe not as much as you you can you know I I don't encourage too much Internet but if you go on YouTube and you just type in the search monkeys oppression just type in those two words and you're gonna see an experiment it's a Ted experiment where a professor he put monkeys in a cage one monkey here the other monkey they can see each other and he taught those monkeys to fulfill a function if they take a stone and give it to the handler they give them a cucumber mashallah monkeys love cucumbers but they love grapes more than cucumbers so they put the two monkeys in front of each other they come to the one monkey he gives the lady the stone she gives him a cucumber they go to the next monkey instead of giving a cucumber they give that monkey in front of the other one ah great the next monkey the previous one it said hey he got a grape he gives the lady a stone she gives him a cucumber what does he do he gets angry he takes the cucumber throws it in her face well I'm a monkey a monkey understands volune oppression wrongdoing I did what this one did you gave him a delicious grape you give me a tasteless cucumber volume rationale it has a level of a key but your Huckle is not just what happened your Athol is the ability to determine what will happen the thing that makes you different to that monkey is that monkey you can keep doing that same experiment and it will keep thinking you will give it a great next time and not learn that you will not but you're able to learn third after you are a physical rational being you have a rule which animals don't have is that leader that listener you have a roof that was created when Adam was created alehissalaam and your roar was commanded by a loss of Hannah wa'ta'ala to arrive in this beddin in this era in this day in this a in this time without your interference you couldn't choose your parents your father your mother you couldn't choose what country you were born in or what skin color would be tuned you're wrong you couldn't choose what language you speak whether your parents were rich or poor what level of affluence they had you couldn't choose anything like that your soul was delivered and was commanded through fit flora and natural inclination to return to its creator in the way that it was intended which is to recognize a loss of Hana Hana and that soul that spirit is significant it's what makes you important shakily Simon and Hagen he says we know that the roar is more important than the Aqualand Abedin because if the soul leaves there is no outlet and there is no button haleh's you put in the earth and here the earth eats your body hollows there's no used to this physical being so the essence is the soul happiness genuine happiness true happiness for you as a believer for you as a human being my dear brother and sister-in and Islam is that each one of those three levels receives what it needs when one of them is disturbed the others are disturbed and happiness cannot be complete you can be given a wonderful mind it's active and alive and thinking but your soul is not at rest and you feel that your life is worthless there's many many intelligent smart people who feel worthless in their life many talented people and one of the strange things that you see is that you see some of those who reach iconic status in the physical domain of the world physical beauty wealth in abundance some you know intelligence and fame people who are actors and models and and and and these kind of things where people say I wish I had that man's life I wish I was as famous as her I wish I looked as good as that man and then you see every so often in the news that these same people who became icons in society couldn't sleep at night except through medication they had to not take narcotics self-medicate just so that I can have a moment of rest because the soul is without ease there are others who saw that hamdulillah is comfortable but they allow the desires of the world to overcome the tawheed that they have so all of a sudden there's this brother masha'Allah Allah blessed him with a man and maybe even a memorization of the Quran and good in life and he looks at other people I wish I had that car that that man has I never suddenly I pray why has a lot not given me this man now you son doesn't pray but he has a job and a wife and an income and this and this and this and this and this why not suddenly I pray and I have none of that assuming that just the Spirit is enough but it must be the three that come together in a holistic capacity so that you and I can feel the relief of happiness where does happiness come from the first is internal your heart the prophets of Allah who are you ascended he would teach the Sahaba that we live in this life transient yani and avid dunya Gabby Reece appealed you were like someone who's travelling through life what does travel what I'm a traveler what do I do yeah I think I came to Birmingham what do I do I come and the sights I visit masha'Allah Green Lane question how could you come to Birmingham and not visit the message my Shama at listen you come to the message you see the brothers but I don't stay I'm not a part of it I come I take some of its good I may be may Allah forgive us I might leave something not good I might take something not good I'm burdened I'm tested but I come and I go a visit another site I spend time I spend energy I seek relief I sit under a tree I sit in the hotel like I try I tried to pass through and eventually I go back to where I am truly from such is life you are a visitor it's like you've gone to a beach it's God you've gone to a room brah you've gone to the car you go you visit you see and then eventually you're gonna have to come back to where you belong so the first level is this level of tomate Nina in the heart that whatever happens in the physical domains and life don't take it to heart too much don't ever yeah at the law take to heart too much gain or loss in the physical realms of life don't be so attached to the thing that you forget the one who provided it in the first place even our own children some Lala who are innocent and that's why when you look in the life of the prophets of Allah you see that their life was full of loss in what the physical and therefore the Prophet would say a la maleta gel-fit net NF e d Nina oh Allah don't make my fitna in the spiritual thing and the things that relate to the Dean Ya Allah you've taken from me Ibrahim his sons Allah Allah Allah listen you've taken taught him I'll pass him you've taken my three sons people really kill me they say a baton that I'm cut off I have no lineage and Allah responds in national up to know the one that ridicules you in this way they're the ones who've cut off from all good in this dunya and after Rasul of Allah was so the first level of happiness is that you begin to free your heart of the possessions of this worldly life now don't confuse this to mean you shouldn't want good things yeah a fee you should work hard to have a nice car in nice home and nice clothes and authentic hadith there's a rewire in Muslim and a rewind tell me be and this is the reliability remedy the Prophet SAW I seldom he stands up and he speaks to the Ummah so la la hawla wa sallim and he says none of you shall enter jannah meaning with the first of people if in their heart is an atom's weight of Kippur arrogance so a man stood up from the back and said ya rasulallah saw i seldom in our rajala mina yogibo an takuna the Abu who has an ax one of us likes to wear nice clothes rahmatullahi and fine cuisine war Merkabah who hasn't learned to ride a nice ride i could seed a nice car for our time is this arrogance he had also loved the prophesied lasik of that no no no you misunderstand I'll keep the arrogance that precludes you from entering gender with experience is bath towel ha that you reject the truth when I came to you on account of you thinking the one carrying it to you is less than you you look at your son who's young he's my son he's gonna teach me the sinner she's my wife she's gonna teach me this young newly graduate from Medina I've been Muslim longer than he's been alive he's gonna teach me the Sunnah so you reject the truth on account of the one caring at you Muhammad Ana's you look at another person as being insignificant you compared to your position and status in life it could be the clothing they wear the education they possess the money in the affluence and the power and the access they have is deficient in comparison to you those two things are the arrogant spoken of by the Prophet I seldom listen to the words of alia on the Aloha he says jihad so it means that you don't love this worldly life too much zort lasered and neckl a time loop in a new machine so it doesn't mean you don't own anything from the dunya this is a false dirt this is the falsehood of those who claim that they are Sufi no knife actually those are the olden Sufis currently there are other Sufis who take lots of in the dunya right so it's changed a little bit but in the olden days they used to wear the saw off no no so I think about the alar and saying so it doesn't mean that you don't take anything from the dunya and I collect a look that you don't own from the dunya well a kiln a zoot suit the trueness observe and dunya let them look mean cached truth is that the worldly life doesn't own you Maher think of those words look how deep those were look how in one sentence he puts our lifestyle in perspective own a nice phone a nice car but don't make the pursuit of it blind me to the Opera I can own a car that's 5000 pounds I can afford that hamdulillah what's wrong with that but I want a twenty five thirty thousand pound car I can't afford it I'm gonna take a rib alone for it that means that that car owns me I don't own it see the way modern economics has now been structured is that it makes people believe that debt is wealth what does that mean a person the owner how are they think they own the home the home costs a hundred thousand pounds they only had five thousand pounds ten thousand pounds and they went to the bed here's ten thousand pounds can you buy the home give me a loan to buy the home so actually the bank owns what 9/10 of the home 90,000 out of the hundred thousand and you look and say masha'Allah look at my helps my house you become confused that you think that is wealth Allah it's not you're in death ninety thousand in debt but you think criminally wrongly erroneously that your debt is actually well this is the problem with credit cards the average person in Australia won't talk about the UK the average adult in Australia carries a unsecured credit card loan of seven thousand dollars Yani for nothing that you they can't give anything back to get to pay the seven thousand the average adult in Australia out of thirty million people most of them they all seven thousand to a credit card and they say masha'Allah look at my new form of shop look at my new TV look at my new car look at my new the dunya owns you not you own things from it so the first level of success is that your heart is at peace it doesn't mean that you sit and say oh no I'm happy just alhamdulillah this is enough laughs go out and work the Sahaba there was the rich of them there were the wealthy of them who spent upon Muhammad so I sell them and upon the Deen of Allah when muckman Alcoa you are harboring the laughing in and moving up by Eve the believer who is endowed with trends of Finance and wealth and intellect and physical being is more loved by Allah than the weak believer make money fe earn it from halal spend it in halal and give it zakah Allahu Akbar don't do anything else even so Dhaka it's up to you now earn work Elia do not only a high luminaria the souffle the hand that's giving is better than the hand that is taking ah we are a people of Jordan a Muslim always knows that I make money well I guess my father would say oh ah her idol Ibraheem huh Muslim knows how to make money yeah we're the people who go buy something at a cheap price sell it a little bit higher price we buy low sell high we are the traders we're the ones from Gujarat and Pakistan and mashallah making things happen this is that we've always been we-we're the people who we move we don't just sit idle but that doesn't mean we're making the dunya owners your heart must be at least number two your mind must be at least doubt in your heart is fatal to a man honey don't think because you have a question about faith it means you're a bad believer people who had great your face than knew that you will never have that a man they had asked questions you and I may be shy to ask Ibrahim as Allah Allah quoted in the quran in surat al-baqara a couple of verses after i8l courtesy Ibrahim says Ya Allah Rob be a teeny catheter he'll nota oh Allah show me with my eyes not in a dream don't send you breathe to talk to me about it I want to see it while I'm awake with my own eyes how you will bring the dead to life so Allah asks Abraham I will I'm talking it's you asking me this because you don't believe your brahim is it you doubt I can do it or a better one a keenly after my in Nickleby oh Allah I am complete in faith but in my heart I want there to be what tranquility cuz your mind your mind if it has a question that is unresolved it will undermine your email you have to ask and just say you asked me and I gave an answer you're not happy with don't stop with me or him or her don't stop until you receive an answer Allah doesn't just say to ibraheem alehissalaam okay since you believe haleh's he says okay I know you believe it Ibrahim but I know there's this doubt in your heart there's this there's this tribulation there's this thing in your heart lack of Tamina there's a lack of tranquillity you need to see it so Allah says for who are bottom in a fight if I saw Hoonah like a - magically mm in Hoonah dosa take four kinds of birds of different colors and species different shapes and sizes cut them up into small small pieces mix them up together so you don't know which is which put him on the distant mountains far apart from each other throw magda on say come to me yeah Tina casaya you will see they will come back to bed like a puzzle come back together flying back to you and know that allah is mighty and why subhana wa tada allah shows him the evidence the Prophet SAW said limit some of the Sahaba they were travelling in a journey one of them fell hit his head and was bleeding about to die his friends the Companions they took his turban stopped the bleeding he came back to consciousness they saved his life the time of Salah comes and this Sahabi was 40 and he said to them if I make will do with water and I put it on my head I'm afraid I will die because it's unclean water maybe I'll start bleeding again can I make TM mum look what the Sahaba said they followed the foreigner mashallah they said Allah says in the Quran in lambda G do MA and feta yum Mamo if you don't find water make tea among a lot they didn't say about any bleeding in any of this they took the word of Allah what without the fifth amendment and they didn't ask the one who could teach its vet muhammad sallallahoalyhiwasallam they just took the aya just below here we ha they said no how dare you say this you can't make tell your mum you can't have this HT hat take off your turban and make wudu took it off maybe we'll do pray died they come to the Prophet SAW send them and they tell him what happened and he said ah tell you they killed him they killed him unless why didn't they ask me why didn't they ask me if they don't understand that ayah because see when you take an ayah and you don't understand it you are ajar him and you can put people to death with the Jan this is what we see with the extremism today they take the ayah and what don't understand it and they and then when you say the people of knowledge have spoken they said no none of these people are only knowledge of so yam and Philco food and now ask them about eleven farm these are other issues ja so a loss of Hanna with the earnest of the Prophet I sent him said they killed that man Alessa Alou in namah Shiva Allah is the cure to ignorance is to ask a question so you and I are compelled to ask questions because our rationale and our mind at times it puts us in a place where a man begins to a road and it can be a fatal point in our life that we lose faith in Allah over something small that if we asked about it years ago would have resolved us and we would have remained upon faith but sometimes when our children come with questions that we are unable to answer our responses Shh just do it but this isn't the response of Allah and His Messenger Muhammad SAW I send them our Dean began with the word if para Salalah Hari wasn't that questioning in pondering and learning understanding and rationalizing and debating and studying our Dean brings happiness to the heart when it's resolved from its tribulations and doubts and the final is the rest of the soul that your nafs your rule finds to me now with a loss of Hana Hana non-law subhana Allah says Al Bielek rely he taught the loop surely it is with the remembrance of Allah with the reminders that Allah has sent in the Quran that the heart finds rest and if my dear brother my dear sister in Al Islam you are a person who picks up the Quran and you read from it and you study from it but your heart is not put to rest then you're doing it wrong then there's a problem because Allah tells you it gives you tranquility if as you're reading Quran or after reading Quran you're fighting with your wife you're doing it wrong if as you're reading the Quran and or after reading the Quran you're consistent with the Quran there is hostility and negativity with your children within your workplace in your habits and your luck with others you're doing it wrong the vigor is not entering down through your throat and the Prophet so I seldom worn this that there are people who the words of Allah are on their tongue but they don't descend I thought through that through the throat to touch their heart the aim of the Quran is to soften your heart to make you bend towards allah subhana wa ta'ala and the more you are remember remembering allah mindful of allah the more you are mindful of his creations of hanumana the essence of the dhikr of Allah is that it makes you understand that you have a time you will be questioned by Allah what is the what are you supposed to remember when you save of coral I'm gonna remember Allah means I'm gonna remember that I'm gonna stand in front of Allah and be questioned so I better be from those who are Hamid and Allah al hamdulillah that's why you say alhamdulillah I'm to let him to learn from the other hand Allah why so you are from those on the day of judgement could say Ya Allah I praised you for the good you gave me and I thank you for the good you gave me and I praised you even when I was receiving what I didn't think was good yeah Allah al hamdulillah al hamdulillah al hamdulillah subhanAllah what subhanAllah what does this word mean that means that everything that I think is perfect will be ruined and none but Allah will remain as he is Subhan o attack on Allah you look at your beautiful baby I see lots of her and Allah what a beautiful baby and then they become a teenager no I'm just joking right you look at that mountain scene you know you go my shadow you go to Kashmir and then you say laughs where's a Luna Connie Jabbar they ask you about the mountains the whole E&C for Arab in a spa My Lord will level them like they are dust cliche in Holly couldn't allow it nothing will remain except the magnificence of the face of a loss of her note Allah Subhan Allah subhana nothing remains in its beauty and completion but Allah Azza WA JAL subhanAllah when hamdulillah when da la a la la la la what's Allah Akbar that whatever difficulty I have Allah is greater and whatever good I have it because Allah of the one who is greater that all things is the one who made it and facilitated it it's not me I'm not a kebab it is Allah who aqua and the one who is greater than all is the one who can take it all everything is owned by him Lihue to him alone Mathis Semih - a mouthful or what is in all of the heavens and all of the earth well ma baina Huma and what is between them were matter the Farah and what is beneath the third surface of this earth nothing is for you you are just a person who's using the Nima bestowed upon you by Allah as ochen that vicar is what settles the soul and if you are not remembering and remindful and think in thinking of Allah in that capacity your soul will always be an agitation you will always find that your soul is not at rest and Muhammad sallallaahu do seldom of the things that he taught the Sahaba was to get their soul to be at rest Sakina he would say simple things lat of top don't be angry what does that mean control yourself don't let your soul be coming I wish to leave you with three final short hadith of The Messenger Muhammad I seldom that dramatized to us happiness the first happiness is the happiness on the day we will meet Allah subhanAllah the prophets are seldom said that there is no greater joy and the hadeeth is with Muslim for any human being any believer then the day Allah will unveil himself to us in Jannah have yawen mazeed it is the day of increase because you will be given beauty in Jannah but you will think that beauty is amazing and then you will see your Lord and everything in gender is meaningless because it is Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala it is a moment of joy and therefore Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says that you're fasting one of the rewards of it is when you meet Allah has ordained and that's an allegory that you're gonna meet Allah that you become acquainted with allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala the one who you were barred from seeing the prophets were unable to see him in this life in their wakeful state you will be able to see him subhana wa ta'ala as the greatest source of delight number two is the happiness you have with your spouse and the Prophet Muhammad lives and limb he talks about the contentment between a husband and wife that it is the greatest thing you as a Muslim man can ever have in life there is nothing you can attain you can nothing you can ever possess in life better than a model at essaouira good woman how does the Prophet describer he says a letty in Navarra alayhi has out your Hasan what she's a woman who when her husband sees her he feels happiness yeah your wife Khadija or ha Fatiha she's waiting for you at the door you come driving your car to pick her up master I'm not from the Masjid you went to get it cause it's raining you told her wait and as you're you're waiting in the queue you see her to feel that you have that devotion to her do you know one of the greatest student as of the Prophet SAW said in dealing with his wife that he would look at them I did it with my wife once but I started doing it more eonni I'll give you some secrets brothers all right yeah she was much I'm not doing the dishes and yeah I was reading and I said the Prophet can I only look novel the Prophet used to extend his look a lot to his wives and he would keep looking at her he should have Masha Allah Allah how Allah until she would blush into it and that's why she was called in her minor ah he would look at her until she became blushed shy why you keep looking at me so I look at my wife Adama Charlotte she's doing the dish she was what are you looking at because yeah well not I do it with your wife tonight unity yeah Anna Solley okay and just look at my dreamy eyes I'm buried she will find it strange what are you looking at she'll think something's wrong with her she might even become uncomfortable and leave the room what's it what's wrong with this man they get a Majnoon but this was a Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad's eysan it's something that we as men have forgotten because look at what Allah what does Allah tell you not to do to other women what are you not supposed to do not to look so for the one you have a muffin bill Mohan if it means a lot encouraging you to do what to the one you can look at is to keep looking Michelle lucky they are me don't I'm gonna look and you just chase her keep looking at her Sunnah of the Prophet slicin that love is a moment of joy and happiness in your home the the Sahaba they would become the wildered they would say you're also a lot when I have you know between my wife and I we we are together I get reward for this prophet I seldom would say if you did it somewhere else would you be punished he said yes he said so of course there's a reward I think mama blame him he says the reward of having company with your wife in its Baraka is as great as the scene of doing it in Haram yeah if you do that fahisha in Haram how big of a sin is it it's a huge sin so if you do it in halal it is a huge look at love look at the love that we are encouraged to have because it puts joy and happiness in the home and in the heart and the final hadith that I share with you of the greatest things that bring happiness to your life is the Salah and the Salam upon the nabi muhammad sallallaahu limited nothing yeah abdullah no discomfort that you feel no forgetfulness that you have no poverty that you experience no inability to give something I you know Sheikh Ali Salman bhai he misses when a person doesn't have sadaqa to give his sadaqa is the Salah upon the Prophet isin can look at with a remedy for everything yes Allah upon the Prophet SAW salem is called anitha Rita the thing that undo that undoes difficulties Allah Allahu Allah Muhammad the one who is consistent in the Salah wat upon the Prophet SAW I seldom feel the joy of heart that none can experience except if they increase greater than him in the Salah upon the prophet Isaiah be of habit because if you make Salah upon the Prophet it is one but Allah returns ten upon you you look at this investment you have asked Allah to grant peace to Anna be sorry seldom Allah will give you ten levels of peace on account of that remembrance of Rasulullah sallallahu aleyhi rider and he was lucky or Selim I conclude by saying Allah who misogyny muhammadin wa ala muhammad came oscillator ibrahim al al Ibrahim allahumma barik ala muhammadin wa ala muhammad came about rocket allah' ibraheem aal-e-ibraheem Falana mina in the camino Majeed i pray that allah subhana wa ta'ala blesses me and you with joy of heart with the joy of our body and the joy of our mind and the joy of our soul I prayed that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala gives us the measures of success that Minkus of those who are envied by others for our righteousness not for our possessions i pray that allah subhana wa ta'ala shields us from the envy of others by giving them what they want and protecting for us what we have i pray that allah subhanahu wa ta'ala honors us in this life and in the next life and saves us from the punishment of Jahannam I pray that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala continues to bless this community in this Masjid in its administration and its people who come and attend it in their large numbers for the Jamaat and the Salah wat that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala continues to provide for them from where they don't expect and that Allah increases our love and taqwa of him as Oh Jill and I pray that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala blesses us with the shafa'ah over nevia muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa seldom and that we are from those who are the forefront of entering gender with him so lala haria seldom I pray that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala heals us with the Quran and blesses us with its teaching and message so that we live its life allahumma Ameen I pray that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala teaches us from the Quran the things that we don't know and helps us remember from the Quran the things that we have been made to forget and blesses us with the recitation and the prayer of the Quran in the night when others sleep allahumma Ameen well certainly Lahoma wa sallim wa barik ala sayyidina Habibi know when a beginner Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa early was soft we were seldom was salam wa alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatu so kind
Channel: Green Lane Masjid
Views: 7,255
Rating: 4.8780489 out of 5
Id: hiMf0hdQJNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 26sec (2966 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2016
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