Waking the Lazy Muslim - Abdullah Hakim Quick

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SMIL r-rahmani r-rahim al-hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen ashhadu an la ilaha illa llah Walia saliheen ashhadu anna muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh hartmann andrea even more saline ly wa sallim ala Abdi kawarazu Lika Muhammad voila Ali he was happy woman daha be that what he was denna be so naughty Alejo Medina was seldom toss Lehman kathira am i bad all praises are due to Allah Lord of the Worlds and surely Allah is the friend and protector of the righteous and I bear witness that Allah is one and has no partners that Muhammad the son of Abdullah is his servant and his last messenger may Allah always and constantly send peace and blessings to Muhammad to his family to his companions to all those who call to his way and establish his Sunda to the day of judgment as to what follows my beloved brothers and sisters assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh it is again a great privilege to be with you here today in Melbourne and to be down under and we are also down under on the other side of the world and we have a unity between us we have a similarity in climate we have a similarity to a certain extent in our experiences and the more you travel amongst Muslims is the more you find the closeness that we have and not really the differences that really differences amongst people are not the greatest issue but there are more things that unite us and combine us then there are things that separate us and so we pray that Allah Azza WA JAL would bless us and would unite our ranks would give us that ability to have one self that we would be one United oh ma following our beloved prophet muhammad salih saleh recently in the month of december I had the opportunity to visit Malaysia to visit Singapore and to be with the Muslims in that part of the world and I was pleasantly surprised to find when I went there to see faces of the people who I have lived with for the last 10 years in Cape Town Cape Town is the home of the Cape Malays and it is reported in the 17th century that the Dutch colonial forces brought political prisoners and slaves to the Cape and they formed the first Muslim community in the southern hemisphere there in South Africa and they had a experience because they came in bondage and not only from Malaysia from Java but also from Sri Lanka from East Africa to make up this new community there in South Africa and I was pleasantly surprised to see the faces It was as though I was in Cape Town when I was seeing the faces of the people but their experience was not the same the people in the Cape had suffered they were taken away from their homes they were stripped from their ancestral lands their culture was taken away they had to struggle just to maintain their faith and it is reported that there were P amongst the political prisoners and slaves in the Cape who would get up in the middle of the night in Chains and pray to allah subhana wa ta'ala that he would bless them to maintain their faith and to pass it on to the generations who would come after them this was a really important to me because my people as well in the Americas were taken as political prisoners as slaves from the western coast of Africa and came into the Americas and now we have documented proof that over 30 percent of the political prisoners and slaves were taken into the Americas were Muslims we have documented evidence of allama of scholars who were taken in Chains who maintained their faith and now books are coming out hole copies of the Koran written from memory by the slaves discussions of the ulama the Rosella of Eibon Abouzeid ok Diwani the great Maliki written from the memory of a person in bondage and a discussion about this how this and how this has affected him in his condition of bondage also in the island of Jamaica they found a document that is called Elwha thicker and this was iike called the the slaves to revolt that they should stand up against the colonial forces they should throw off the chains and now it is being connected to a document written by a great scholar in West Africa checketh Mandan folio rahimullah who wrote wauzeka illa-allah sudan who wrote this his famous document which was their arm it was the call to struggle for the people of the Sudan meaning not only present Sudan but also West Africa as well and so they they resisted they resisted on the shore they resisted ah in the ocean the Middle Passage they resisted in the Americas slave revolts are documented in suriname south america in in jamaica in haiti and you'll be surprised to know with the recent recent haitian crisis that went on with the earthquake that the revolt of Toussaint L'Ouverture there in Haiti it was begun by Muslims machan del Bookman these were great what they call marabou Marah bats who came from West Africa they were scholars and they led successful revolts organized the people and then Toussaint L'Ouverture came along with the skills of a general and and he was able to unite the whole of the island and they threw off the French and it was the first successful rebellion against colonial rule in the Americas and and they suffered up until today and that is part of the reason why when the earthquake struck that the sanctions that had been applied to them they were not able to resist their houses fell down and I want to read to you a document that has been unearthed this is a document from the 19th century written by a scholar of Islam in the West Indies in Jamaica a person who is in slavery and this is something that Muslims did not know about we take our religion for granite we feel that because we blessed our families have the deen we think it will always be with us we think that because we come from a certain group it will always stay but this is the words of a person by the name of Abu Bakr Siddiq and he writes my name is Abu Bakr Siddiq born in Timbuktu which is a great center of knowledge and brought up in jennae I acquired the knowledge of the court and in the town of guna in which there are many teachers for young people my father's name is Cara Musa Sharif some of goonies people were obliged to fly to kong and on that very day they made me captive as soon as I was made prisoner they stripped me and tied me with a court and gave me a heavy load to carry and led me into the country of bondo kou from dense to the town of Kumasi where the ashanti reigned then it goes on it said we there they sold me to the Christians in that town we were three months at sea before we arrived in Jamaica which was the beginning of bondage I have none to thank but those that brought me here but but praise be to Allah who has everything in his power to do as he thinks good and no man can remove whatever burden he chooses to put on us as he said allah subhanaw taala nothing shall fall on us except what he shall ordain he is our Lord and that all that believe in him put their trust in him my parents religion is Islam they are all circumcised and their devotions are five times a day they fast in the month of Ramadhan they give tribute according to the law they can marry up to four wives but the fifth is an abomination to them they fight for their religion they travel to the Hejaz they don't eat any meat except what they themselves kill they do not drink wine nor spirits as it is held an abomination to do so they do not associate with any worship they do not associate partners with God or worship idols or profane the Lord's name or do dishonor to their parents or commit murder or bear false false witness or are covetous proud or boastful for such faults are abomination unto my religion they are particularly careful now look what a person is saying now in slavery said they are particularly careful in the education of their children and in their behavior but I am lost to all these advantages since my bondage I am become corrupt and I now conclude by begging the Almighty God to lead me into the path that is proper for me for he alone knows the secrets of my heart and what I am in need of Abu Bakr Siddiq Kingston Jamaica September 20th 1834 and so the pain of slavery mother separated from father language taken away if you faster than Ramadan if they see you fasting they will punish you if you read the Quran or if you speak Arabic they will they will beat you to death in in front of the other slaves because of this a generation went by and Islam was for the most part lost and it was only just a memory but the dua of these people who are suffering praying for their children mercy of allah subhanaw taala that now decades later hundreds of years later Islam is the fastest growing religion still in this land the children the descendants of those who suffered are coming back into the faith now what was AA different from me with the two experiences is that on one hand the people in the West and the Americas lost the faith and now they're returning but the people in the cape although they suffered in slavery apartheid colonial oppression they were able to keep their is not they kept their chain of knowledge right up until today and the great scholars said Yusuf from maçussa great scholars developed aa madrassas taught the Quran even though they were suffering and through this now in Capetown there are over a hundred and fifty mustards and one of the traditions that they had something which they used to do after they finished reading the isola they used to read certain verses and i wondered about these verses and it took me a period of time traveling and reflecting upon them to realize how deep it was that the that these verses they were reading how important it was and I think that we should reflect upon this ourselves in Sirte Eunice our vs. 62 in verse 63 the slaves the political prisoners in bondage they would constantly read these verses it gave them strength they turned to Allah Azza WA JAL arulu billahi min ash-shaitani rajeem allah in the olia a la la - alayhim wala homie hacen una alladhina amanu wa Kanu yatta hakuna la Hamad Bush Raphael Hyatt it dunya waffle akhirah lat Abdullah Lee Kelly Mattila valleca who Alfonso Rd these verses say behold verily on the Friends of Allah there is no fear nor shall they grieve those who believe and constantly God against evil for them there are glad tidings in the life of this world and in the hereafter no change can there be in the words of Allah and this is indeed the supreme triumph so in these verses that tells us Allah in the only Allah there - alayhim wala home huzzah noon and the scholars tell us that this now it is dealing with the present and the future and the past just in this simple verse when it says la khawfun alayhim this refers to there is nothing for them to be afraid of now and in the future if you are of the Friends of Allah there is nothing to fear wala whom he has anyone and is nothing to be sad about in the past so there's nothing to cry about and Muslims today we have to stop ah crying and wallowing around in the valley of despair and cry about our future you have to deal with him cry about a few cry about our situation we have to stop this and we have to raise ourselves up to deal with our situation la khawfun alayhim wala home Yasin ooh there is nothing for them to fear in the life of this world now or in the future and there is nothing for them to be sad about when it speaks about only Allah who does it speak about it says not a special category of people not a special group that has a special uniform on or a special name Allah Azza WA JAL says alladhina amanu wa can you yet apoo the description of the Friends of Allah are those who believe and they have taqwa so two qualities we need to reflect on Eman and taqwa these are the qualities of the olia anybody any Muslim can be described in this anybody can fall under the mercy of allah subhanaw taala and fall into the category of awliya who have laughs off on alayhim wala home Hasan hoon they have nothing to be afraid of they have nothing to be sad about it is a win-win situation for them and so when we look at this and in our present situation we need to constantly say alhamdulillah because we are not going through necessarily the suffering that those who came before us went through and I reflect upon this with people who would get up in the middle of night in Chains and pray to allah subhanaw taala to relieve them of their situation hold on to their faith they are being beaten to death and they will still maintain their faith and muslims have done this and looking at different points in history to see what Muslims have done we take our religion for granite recently we ran across a fatwa of a great scholar from North Africa the chef Buju MA and we're on and he made a fatwa for the Muslims of al-andalus and this was in 1504 this is after the fall of Granada and he made a fatwa for these people who were now known as Moriscos and the Moriscos were Muslims who had to hide their identity they had to because of the Inquisition the Spanish Inquisition that was going on they would take you in front of the Inquisitor and if you are not a Catholic they will burn you at the stake and that is a terrible way to die and then there were people who said okay I'm a Catholic Father Son and Holy Ghost whatever you want I believe but they still followed them and this situation was so I was so trying for these people they could not display any Islam and it is reported that there were people who who actually took a bath on Thursday night he just took a bath he's a Catholic he took a bath on Thursday night and they burned him at the stake why is that because they thought he was making the whistle of jummah so the Shack made a fatwa and he said I know that you cannot show your faith you have testified that you are Catholics now but you have to hold on to your Deen and in the spirit of amoeba Nasser Radi Allahu Allah and Ally acid when the time of the Prophet SAW seldom we remember their story that they were being tortured in the early period tortured in a terrible way and one time the Prophet peace be upon him came be next to them and he said subrin Ali Yasser mo a do Kemal Genda have patience Ali acid your place is in paradise and sure enough the mother of ma Sameach radiyallahu anh ha she was the first person to give her life for Islam amar came to the presence of Sultan one time and he said I have destroyed myself so the Prophet peace be upon how did you destroy yourself he said I said Kelly metelkova I said the word of disbelief couldn't control myself the Prophet peace be upon him said how is your hat he said my heart was what my in bill Eman I believed I was strong in faith in my heart then the Prophet said then you are still on the path inwards and so what came out of this that the mufti used for the maresco people who were hiding their identity is that even though you could you are told or you have to testify that you are Catholics if your heart is still on the faith then you are still Muslim imagine this situation we take it for granted we walk around as Muslims we think there's some pressure on us because they look funny at us at the airport imagine this situation that they're in the SHAC said to them I know your situation you can't show anything so if you want to makes a lot you got to make wudu so walk along the street make your intention inside tap the wall that's ty mo you mix a lot with your eyes pray with your eyes you want to give you as a cat then give somebody a gift and make the intention of zakat you want to maintain yourself to maintain your Deen but they force you to marry in a church and so you have to do it but in the middle of the night then heaven Iike they bury you in your desk you may be buried with the Trinity but later on in the middle of the night have your people make janazah for you and so he gave them a system of resistance how they could maintain their faith if they could not escape and make Hitler across the north Africa and into the Muslim world he gave them a system by which they could maintain their faith and by the mercy of allah subhanaw taala and illusion people now are entering Islam in Spain right now we take our religion for granite we take it and we become stagnated we become lazy in our D and the great scholars in looking at these two terms the first one is taqwa the great scholars and looking at this said that taqwa is made up of Al hawa Raja it is made up of fear and hope and the Roma have told us manraja che and Tala bahu were men Hoffa che and Harappa men who woman Raja olavo Fran mal Ezra for who a McGraw they said to us that whoever hopes in something he he requests it he wants it so he moves towards it and if you are if you fear something then you run from it so this action involved in this you stimulated one way or the other but whoever asks for forgiveness and continues to do wrong that person is deluded that person is in a state of deception they are in an illusion and this is the situation that Muslims find themselves in in many parts of the world and the evil one where Yahoo Villa is coming at us in a way that probably he never came to people before to make us feel satisfied with the life of this world satisfied with our religion we strive to a certain extent you will see Islamic movement we will put on the clothes we will make the slogans we will mix a lot and we will we will we will do what appears to be you know our fundamentals of Islam and then we relax and we say I'm over we are the successful ones we are fear cotton Agia we are the one who enter paradise then we start to relax we become stagnated but the scholars have shown us that your taqwa stimulates you if you fear Allah Azza WA JAL you hope in His mercy you strive for this consciousness its action you are involved in your action once you become stagnated once you slow down and stop and feel that you made it then you're deceived this is the delusion now that we need to consider when we take things for granted some people are fooled by their families and we see it very often happen they will say well I come from a part of the world where there's Muslims there's great madrassas I don't have to study I don't have to give subject of my mother used to give sadaqa so the earthquake happened in Haiti so people are suffering I don't have to give toward this the United Nations will give toward this why do I have to do anything to help the poor the people are suffering and Gaza they are surrounded but why do I have to you know they'll make it out I have to deal with my own family because my father was a great struggle my mother used to give sadaqa so we think because of our family that it is alright but we are being deluded never forget the story of Noor alayhi Salaam his own son turned against him look at the case of Ibrahim alayhi Salam his father his father was an idol maker turned against him loot alayhis-salam his wife turned against him and so your family this is not enough your generation because you speak a certain language you come from a certain part of the world that is not enough now we are being deluded and should be involved in consistent action some people have good deeds and bad deeds they think that their good deeds will be enough for them they may kiss devour a hundred times after salat al-fajr and they think that because they've made mystic father they count their things they go to Mecca and they count okay now I'm in the Masjid master al-haram in Mecca that's a hundred thousand times and then I'm praying a Jamaat prayer that's time twenty seven and then I'm on Hajj and they start multiplying things up so I must have about 2 billion hasanat so now I can go home I can do what I want I can swear drink some alcohol fornicate because I got 2 billion has a net so like my scale is going to be so heavy on one side that you know I can do what I want because it's still not tipping up he is being deluded he's being fooled he thinks that he is successful but the Shaitaan what Yahoo Billa has scooped him up and has taken him off the path other people there even in a deeper situation and this is something that we need to study go over it over and over again try to understand what is happening to us in this section there are some people who study the books and they know about deception they can tell you but they don't apply it to themselves they will tell you all the verses all the ayahs but they don't do it themselves they just intellectually know it and they don't they forget that Allah says ah when he speaks to us about the soul God a flaw Harmons a kaha Walker the harbor men desire that the one who is successful is the one who purifies his soul and the one who who leaves his soul that is the person who will be unsuccessful and that is the person who will be defeated and so it is action it's not enough to say it then we have another group that's even deeper than that we have another group who claim that you should not only say it but you should do it and they talk about action and they will do some of the things but they don't apply it completely to their hearts they leave their hat alone they practice Islam on the outside and you will see them they will makes a lot first in line they will fast in Ramadan they will have the clothes of Islam they will have the appearance they claim to be the successful Muslims but he's jealous he's jealous of you he has this evil spirit he looks at you and instead of trying to find you know some some way to help you he's trying to find out what's wrong with you brother your pants are too long you being assisted is a little here sticking out of your gear Tomas sister this is not right and they will look for faults that you're doing and instead of are giving you naseeha to support you you find something wrong with your brother and your sister and you try to help them they will use it against you to try to bring you down this person is also deluded a person on the path who thinks that they they 100 percent Muslim but they are being deluded and a person doesn't even look like them who may seem like a simple person that person may be the one on the path the real olya is not necessarily the ones with the long doubs and the giant hats and turbans and and and all the things that real olya is probably the person who's sweeping the mustard he's a simple person you don't even know this person you walk by him but that's the person that gets up in the morning and cleans the Masjid and makes the Athan and wakes everybody up that is the wali that is the person that Allah support Allah loves but we will not look at that person because we want the fame and the glory right we want the hype and so this is delusion and this state of delusion can actually reach movement people it can actually reach people who are on the path who are striving and spending their time learning about Islam there are other cases the ulama talked about there are people who will spend their time they will spend their time stead and studying Islam and they will study now and sort of they will study the different details about grandma and taco de ella roof and and how to pronounce the court an and they will read the Koran beautifully but they don't put it into practice and the Prophet SAW solemn said the time would come when people would read the Quran in melodious tones and it would not reach the house would not pass the throats and so by not passing their throats it does not reach the house and so this is a state of delusion it is a false construct a fantasy world and this is what is being done to our people now the younger generation they want to put them in a fantasy they send them out in space and they spend their day fighting aliens or or mutant creatures on earth other people are in a fantasy world and they think they're waiting for the Mahdi to come the Khalifa must be marching through down the road they're waiting for something to come without doing something they can be deluded because they should this does not mean that you don't make us a lot that you don't call to the good and forbid evil because you think the Mahdi is coming people said the same thing a thousand years ago there were some people who called themselves Maddie and some were pretty sure about it there's one person in the Sudan Mohammed Ahmed he came from the Isle of bait he had qualities he organized the people he defeated the british army their greatest general chinese charles gordon and he thought he was the Mahdi he was in a state of delusion and he gathered the troops and now he was heading toward Mecca because he wanted to be between the blackstone and the Yemeni corner he wanted to take the Bay are and then get the Judgment Day on and he dropped dead from typhoid fever and then everybody realized this is not the one and it happened many times people have made these claims reached high levels and they are in a state of delusion and so it is the simple things it is the simple innocence of a child that if you can have love for your brothers and sisters if you can stand up for what is right prohibit the evil unite and feel that innocence inside of yourself this is greater than a person who memorized thousands of verses of the Koran but not put it into practice this is the important thing the other element that we have along with taqwa that our verse has shown us olia Allah alladhina amanu wa can you yet upon those who had taqwa and also those who believed and it is reported that the Prophet SAW seldom on one occasion and this is reported by sufyani bin Abdullah attakathi that he said pull - yah Rasul Allah Khalifa Islam : la as a Louanne who I had and Vedic kala cool I meant to be la to mistaken so this person came to the Prophet SAW Solomon he said Satan Oh Messenger of Allah tell me something in Islam that of which I will not have to ask anybody about this thing after you in other words give me something I which is a gem give me something special I need some special advice and the promise of solemn having a jammy lqr me I'll kill him he said pull are meant to be la suma stopping sounds very simple he said that you should say I believe in Allah and then become upright and this word is the comma is another Kalima Kalamata jamia it is one it is a small word with a great meaning and this is the comma is that the person just become upright just become a good port person that's all just clean your intentions be a righteous person when you have this you will be in a special category this is a great blessing from allah subhanaw taala and allah azza wajal tells us in surah fussilat in verse verse 30 30 and 31 he tells us our Reuther billahi min ash-shaitani rajeem nella xenical or aboon allahu to mastic ammo tetanus la lu la Himmel malay iike to an latter half o vallerta Sanur absolute bill genital Ettie quantum to add wa nahnu olya you can fill Hayati dunya waffle akhira wallah comfy hama testa he and visu come voila comfy hamid arun new zealand Mingora rahim woman Asano : MIM Mandara ill allahi wa amma la sala ha work allah in the knee middle muslim ii allah supernat allah has revealed to us verily those who say our Lord is Allah and then they become upright believing in the oneness of Allah and worshipping none but him on them the angels will descend saying fear not nor grieve but receive the glad tidings of Paradise which you have been promised we are your friends and protectors in the life of this world and in the Hereafter here in you shall have all that your souls desire in hearing you shall have all for which you ask for a welcome gift from the oft-forgiving most merciful and who is better in speech than one who calls to Allah and does righteous deeds and says surely I am from the Muslims and so this verse is saying to us in the ladina color abu allah thumb musta come oh they say their Lord is Allah and then they become upright as the premises Elam said call our men to billah mistaken say you believe in Allah that's not enough then you you you now become upright and so you're a man becomes Alcoa billion what does deep will come well amiable Jawara that you will say it with your tongue you will confirm it with your heart and you will practice it it will become complete and with these simple steps we can come out of a state of illusion out of deception and into the light of allah subhanaw taala angels will descend upon that person and when that person is in death they will feel happiness they will have a surety because of these actions that they have done what did they do was it thousands of verse they memorized it was simple actions that they took with sincerity they practice Islam completely and Allah subhana Allah has told us yeah I you Hal Athena I'm another fo new facility kapha wallet @w ho - what is Shaitaan in Lihue Lacombe I do when will be it says o you who believe enter into Islam completely and do not follow the footsteps of the evil one for he is to you and open enemy so on the one side is a dolphin Islam calf at an entering into Islam completely all aspects we practice not only do we our practice Islam when we around Muslims we practice it when we are in the society not only do we make us a lot when we're in the Masjid we make us a lot outside at school in an airplane anywhere we respond to the call of allah subhanaw taala not only do we have good character when we around certain individuals but that good character it stays with us in every that we do and so we come out of the state of delusion and a lot says at the end of this woman asana : Minh Minh de la ilaha illa Sally ha work Allah in the knee minal muslimeen and who is better in speech than one who calls to Allah and does righteous deeds and says surely I am from the Muslims and this question that comes in the Quran whenever the verse comes in a question form it is not a question in the sense of Allah wants the answer from us what it is really saying is that the best in speech is the one who calls to Allah and does righteous deeds and says I am from the Muslims and that is the essence of our mission today that we are called upon not to just be a Muslim in name not to just come from a Muslim family but to practice Islam not to just say we are from the family of allah ma there's a madrassa in my area the imam is he he knows a lot so if I have a problem I'll go to the Imam now we have to study Islam even if it's an in a humble way all of us have to make actions toward our Deen to come out of the state of our delusion and the key issue now how do we do this we call to the path what is the dower today it is not necessarily given speeches it is not necessarily debating the people of the book arguing against them it is now bringing our viable solutions to real problems in society this is what Islam has done historically whenever it has come into an area it has upgraded the life of the people it has helped people to overcome racism tribalism alcoholism drugs crime all of the problems in their societies and we today have inherited this global society and sprawling urban areas with people who have now chemical problems serious chemical problems serious mental problems are amongst us families breaking up how can this what solutions we hold gems of wisdom in our hands it is right with us but we need to now implement this we need to put it into practice and that wealth that we have with us this is an Amana it is not my money it is not your money this money belongs to allah subhanaw taala we have inherited this in this dunya while we are above the earth but when we leave this we cannot take it with us and so when we are in this position when this trust is in our hands we need to now implement be involved in issues in society struggle for the environment now the environment is being destroyed people are ruining the water ruining the atmosphere destroying animals animals are becoming extinct and one study recently was being done by an Egyptian brother in the UK and he's finding that is about 602 languages in the world it's a new science which is developed of languages about 602 languages in the world and about every year 40 of them are becoming extinct and it's going down lower and lower and lower and lower and you know what he found out because they have now studied languages based on sound and based upon the part of the mouse and how it has spread in societies and for a long time they looked at the languages of the world and they didn't include the Arabic language and so he took the course just recently in the UK God is masters now I went for his PhD and now he put Arabic language to the test and when they put Arabic language to the test they have found that Arabic language now rates at this point number two of the land Edge's that would stay on the earth no matter what happens the first language they say which has is a longevity in it who is Mandarin Chinese but the brother has made a study and he is now bringing forth his study he came on a Middle East program shek Muhammad Hassan Gisella how many of you know him he introduced him on the program and he brought the study and he said when I bring this out I have proof that Arabic language not only will be the longest-living language but it is the original language it is the language of Malacca it is a language of gender and he has scientific proof and he showed that because they show phrases when you say a word it has sounds inside of it they have a machine which actually shows the sounds and they put the word Allah into the Machine and they were in shock because it is the only word that appears to have different phrases in it but when you say it it's only one sound it's only one and there's no other word in any language which has different phrases it appears to have different phrases but when you say the word it's only one sound and so he is bringing out this study and we are realizing now what we are holding in our hands this has caused resistance against us this has caused us to be demonized this is the reason why pressure is being applied upon us because we hold in our hands gems of wisdom to answer the problems of society gems of wisdom to give a future to the planet to save the planet but but every long journey begins with one step and that step that we need to make is to come out of our illusion and to revive our faith to practice the fundamentals go back again do the basics fall in love with what you are doing and that wealth that is in your hands and I say this to you tonight because we have a great opportunity in this community as in other communities to do something to help our children and to help our society I was speaking with you know the Emir just here today we have an opportunity and and we need to do something to save the younger generation we also need to do something for those people who are coming in to be married to find a halal way for them to come together to be married to be able to counsel our community to provide alternatives and all of you brothers we're going to get you a wife and Jala to find a halal alternative but that means we have to be courageous and we have to think out of the box stay with Quran and Sunnah but you don't have to be in a mold our culture's are not necessarily this mold we have to wear certain clothes we have to say certain things the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW solemn can be adapted can go to any society keep the principles but deal with the society we are now in a society where the younger generation is under attack and we are one of the groups that the majority of our people are actually young people a study was done to find the majority of Muslims are actually twenty-five years and under if you took all of the Muslims and put them out on one field you're going to find most of them are young people it's the majority but what is in our Masjid today most of our mass kids would all respect it has activities for men over 35 years old other people other aspects of society there's nothing in the Masjid in the time of the promise of solemn the master was an all-purpose Islamic center that's how you can describe it there was not a beautiful building with a football you know in a dome a mausoleum that you visit like a museum it was an action-oriented place where people would learn about their faith where they would they would be taught principles of Islam douwe was being given even inside of the Masjid the people of Magellan the people of Yemen came to the Masjid entered the Masjid they embraced Islam some of them did not embraced they were still treated with dignity when political decisions had to be made the province of sanam calls a town-hall meeting where did he do the town hall me did he go outside the Masjid in the Masjid so an all-purpose Islamic centre this is what we have been talking for years and going into the community saying this is what we have to give to right now do something for your younger generation save your young people help them to get married help the young children to you to come out of this fantasy world and be confused about creatures and animals and and confused about their own identity do something right now this is an opportunity that you are blessed to have our here in this town and there are other people now who are standing up and realizing that we have to think outside the box and we have to take this deen in a way which is practical and relevant and stand up in society whether they hate you or not whether the society is talking we have solutions and we can bring something else to the discourse in this society we can show them the Islamic position dealing with racism the Islamic position dealing with drug abuse the Islamic position dealing with homelessness dealing with depression that people have in society this is our opportunity and we can only pray that Allah Azza WA JAL would give us this opportunity purify our hearts and take us out of this delusion in the life of this world may allah subhanaw taala help us to come out of this illusion created by the evil one may Allah protect us from all of the forces of evil that are surrounding our children may Allah protect always and give honor to the children of the ummah of muhammad saws on them may allah protect the women of the ummah of muhammad saws allah may allah protect the men of the ummah of muhammad saws allah may allah raise up leaders ship in this generation that will stand up for Islam regardless of the cost and may Allah keep on our lips the words of the Quran that we would never forget women Asuna : min men da ill allahi wa ha me la sala ha well Carla in the knee middle muslimeen and who is better in speech than one who calls to Allah and does righteous deeds and says surely I am from the Muslims may Allah help us to live and die in a state of Islam may Allah give us kolima the Kalima to tawheed at the end of our life may Allah put this on the lips of all who are here tonight may all who hear this make may Allah make our last words to be our best words may Allah give us as our last words kolima la ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam Akula kolyada rostock Vallely welcome I said what I have said I ask Allah to have mercy on me and you wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 73,785
Rating: 4.757256 out of 5
Keywords: waking, lazy, muslim, islamic, revival, abdullah, hakim, quick
Id: ZJlCAuqg_lQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 8sec (3128 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2010
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