Beating Procrastination, Depression, Fear and Anxiety by Sh. Abdul Nasir Jangda

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[Music] bismillah alhamdulillah wa salatu was-salam ala rasoolillah here Allah and he was of me he admiring assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu I wanted to first and foremost appreciate everyone who's here at the session and I wanted to thank everyone for attending this final session it's a beautiful weekend and we definitely understand if people wanted to get in some last minute shopping or do something else but at the end of the day it's really about the purpose and the MUC sets for which you came what was your objective for coming here and if your objective of coming here was to come closer to Allah to learn more about the messenger of allah to learn more about your Deen and religion and come closer to the example of rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then it's very fitting that you would depart from the convention having attended the final session so may Allah subhana Allah reward you may Allah bless you may Allah accept so my session here today is about beating procrastination depression fear and anxiety now before I address the topic and I do this with nothing but just for the purposes of clarification it's important in our Deen in our religion to confirm and to verify knowledge and information there's a hadith that is quoted there in your program booklets talking about the subject of this particular session and it quotes a narration that says that o people have taqwa of Allah have taqwa of Allah as is worthy of him striving gaining his pleasure have certainty that the world is temporal and that the next life is everlasting this particular narration as quoted there is actually not an authentic narration but there are other authentic narrations which are similar in meaning that I wanted to share with you here today so these are gems from the prophetic wisdom and lessons from the fountain of prophetic wisdom the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says not Allah who and Samia I mean aahed Ethan for javi Oahu Hetalia Beluga whoo hey Rahu the Prophet Salah resume says may God bless that individual who hears a hadith from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and then that person learns it memorizes it learns it and then they go on and they transmit it on to someone else they pass it on to someone else for in narubu Jaime Levine leisa be factly him because sometimes someone who carries the knowledge from point A to point B might not know what it's what he can do with it they might not know what to exactly do with it they don't realize its full scope and its full potential but you might take it to someone who be who will be able to do a lot more with it well bahaminy Ficklin lemon who are alpha human who you might take the knowledge to someone who can do more good with that knowledge then the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he goes on to say salatu wa sahlan leia who la ley Hina pal boo Muslim in ibadah there are three characteristics and qualities that the heart of a believer is never devoid of there are three qualities at the heart of a believer possesses number one if Clausura Amelie Lila to sincerely do everything that you do for the sake of Allah ultimately at the end of the day that is the bottom line that is why you do what you do number two vamonos ah ha - who Latino mood without ulama and to constantly give good advice and good counsel to those who have responsibility and authority over you meaning we have leadership we respect leadership we work with leadership but we also hold our leadership accountable and we give them advice and we give them counsel and we correct them when we need to correct them well assuming Jamaa and always remain with the congregation with the group of the Muslims never isolate yourself man Chavez should though somebody who isolates themselves shall become isolated so never isolate yourself for ended our words are whom - hey to mean what are in him because the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that when Muslims collectively get together and pray for something Allah answers that prayer call a woman Channahon who Allah Kira then the prophet salaallah sallam said whosoever focuses on working for the life of the hereafter Jemma Allahu sham level Allah will gather that person strength Allah will give that person strength Raja a Latina who v-hull be he analyst wanna watch Allah will make them rich internally well grant will grant them the prosperity the richness of the soul they will have a strong soul well attached to dunya oh here Mejia Rehema the dunya material things will come to him humiliated and debased wanting to serve that person woman cannot Nia - who a dunya but whoever lives this life only wanting material things of this world forgot allahu alayhi diana who Allah Jalla WA ala will distribute in Allah Allah Allah will break up that person strength and that person's resolve it will dissipate rajala who vena ayah he and Allah will put that person's desperation right in their face that person will always have a very desperate feeling about them when I'm yeah to him in a dunya allama Cosabella who but someone can only get as much dunya material things as was written and destined for that person but you cannot achieve more than what a loss 100 dolla has written for you this is a hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam now the topic itself was the idea that there overcoming procrastination fear anxiety depression now there are some comments that I wanted to share here classical or lama classical scholars of islam they would divide the existence of the human being into three essential parts the apple the intellect the rooh the soul and the Jessop the body the alkyl as i mentioned is the intellect it's the rationale the rational part of the human being the rooh is the soul where the spirituality lies and the justit is of course a physical component the animalistic component there are conversations today and I would also posit the theory and support the idea that we need to revisit this analysis of dividing the human existence into three parts and I would say that we can we can also say today from what we have learned and what we have realized about the emotional complexity of the human being that there are four parts to the human beings existence in this dunya the intellectual the physical the spiritual and then the emotional the emotional which is referred to the erotic or the quwata fear of a person and the heart can be the place where that resides especially in recent times we are learning increasingly about the emotional depth and complexity of the human being and these four components the Mahdi intellect the the physical the spiritual and the emotional they all work together in unison to contribute to the well-being of the human being to the person and anytime any one of them is out of sync anytime any one of these four components is out of sync then it leads to an imbalance that results in suffering whether it be the body the mind the soul or the emotions Allah Allah Allah commands us in the Quran judoka rufus in me calf attend enter into submission to god completely holistically mind body soul and heart so while I must say that spirituality is the most important part of this equation why because god forbid god forbid I love protect us all but if someone might struggle intellectually they were not given a proper education or someone struggles physically they're ill they're sick they have some disability or someone even struggles emotionally they're sad or they're depressed or they're struggling with different things they can still achieve salvation they might struggle here in this world and our heart goes out to them we empathize but they can still achieve eternal salvation in the life of the year after through a meaningful relationship with Allah however to undermine health and proper care in regards to the other three components in the human being the intellectual the emotional and the physical will prove extremely damaging to individuals to families into communities to individuals families and communities if I neglect my health my physical health if I do not educate my mind if I do not take care of my emotions my heart and I just completely say no I just care about spirituality I won't take care of my health I won't educate my mind I won't emotionally take care of myself I struggle I will suffer and Islam does not want us to suffer manzanar illegal quran anita saw we did not send down the quran upon you to make you suffer that is not the objective so we have to develop a very holistic well-rounded approach to dealing with the entirety of our existence and i will reiterate in this equation the spiritual component is by and far the most important there's no doubting that but that does not mean just because one thing is more important that you neglect the rest and so what I wanted to mention here today I wanted to talk about the importance of spirituality and I'll come back to that in just a second but what I wanted to advise myself in my community is that we take mental and emotional health very very seriously consults experts of those fields and those disciplines in how to address and remedy such issues in our homes and in our communities we have to get away from the myth that you can pray your depression away we have to get out of the idea that you can just pray your different emotional struggles and challenges away that you can just pray and it'll all magically go away we have to get away from that idea our families our communities are suffering greatly talk to someone who works in the community who works with people who talks to families talk to them how many families are destroyed how many generations suffer because of untreated mental and emotional health when it's not dealt with properly when they are not addressed properly not only that one person suffers their family suffers and their children carry that damage forward it's extremely detrimental and harmful we have to start taking this very seriously now to come back to the core of the message that I wanted to share here and that is the idea the importance of spirituality I will share a dua of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a prophetic supplication the Ravitz alati summon an authentic narration narrated by Abdullah bin Ahmad he used to make this dua every day on a regular basis along Marini as a local AA fiat of it dunya will our hero o Allah I ask for your I ask you for wellbeing for health in this dunya and in the akhirah Allah Allah in the Salah Khalaf wa well our theatre fede neva dunya oh Allah I ask you for forgiveness and I ask you for protection well-being in my Dean and in my dunya well Ali Romani I ask you for forgiveness and well-being in my family and in my property in my wealth Allah who must arathi oh allah cover my faults my privacy well I'm in row haughty and protect the things that I care about along my funnyman Baney min been a a date woman healthy oh Allah protect me from in front of me and from behind me well I'm Yamini one Somali and protecting me from the right of me and the left of me womenfolk e and o Allah protect me from above me well our other be automatic an element a tea and I ask for your protection I take refuge in your greatness in your might that I would be deceived and be taken advantage of from beneath me this was the dua of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we have to understand the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he would teach his companions sell allaha ask Allah for forgiveness well a fee and well-being Medina will ask her are in this dunya & in the hereafter sal allahu allah allahu allah fiat of edenia will are Kira he again repeated it to emphasize it and he said for either our title our fiat of it dunya well our Kela for the a flat ax if you have achieved well-being in this dunya and well-being in the life of the Hereafter then you have indeed succeeded you are successful the spirituality is at the core of the matter commit yourself to having a meaningful personal individual relationship with allah sunnatullah everyone starts somewhere make the intention to start your journey back to allah today everyone make the intention before you leave this gathering that i will turn things around say inshallah everyone make the intention before you leave the gathering today that I will fix my relationship with Allah say inshallah that I will begin to build my relationship with Allah every single day going forward st. Jalla that is our ultimate salvation and while we are doing that do not neglect the other three areas of your being educate yourself read the translation of the Quran read the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam have an intelligent approach to your religion learn your Deen take care of your physical self I need that advice more than anyone I understand the irony in that but we're all working on it like I said everybody starts somewhere and take care of yourself emotionally how surround yourself with people that love you and that care for you that look out for you that check on you that see how you are doing and if you aren't truly struggling emotionally never shy away from getting help and get help from people who have the ability to help you counselors therapists mental health professionals go and talk to them seek assistance them and you will never regret it may Allah so Allah grants each and every single person here well-being may Allah SWA know Allah protect individuals families and communities and may allah SWA natela allow us as a community to work together to provide wellbeing for all mankind in this world and to lead all of humanity to salvation in the life of the year after Chuseok Milan or Saira Malik medulla
Channel: ICNA
Views: 69,331
Rating: 4.9283581 out of 5
Keywords: icna, islam, muslims, whyislam, muslim, ym, icnatv, environment, icna convention, convention, Islamic Circle Of North America (Nonprofit Organization), icna-mas, mas convention, Baltimore (City/Town/Village), baltimore convention, parenting, moslem, koran, quran, Muhammad, Prophet, teenage, happiness, peace, purpose of life, marriage, islamophobia, terrorism, american muslim, muslim american, jihad, jesus, moses, muhammad, nouman ali khan, nak, anj, jangda, omer suleiman, webb, maghrib, yasir qadhi, tzortzis
Id: 8V27lOKYHq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2019
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