Status of the People of the Quran - Sheikh Adnan Abdul Qadir

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Redbird media for the cd/dvd lectures club bar conferences or karate citation all revenue generated supports our doll supported by visiting our store you can now purchased a Bentley from outside www don't ever admit you duck holder you kick I'm the lightest autumn ceramic Alice ooh la la ooh la shady Cara well shadow muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh chef began by praising alliance with general and it's an insider tations upon I wanna be in our law school human a terrible about a lotta love Tyler and told him in Medina teal Anakin one day Allah even a so far he came from Medina we went to Mecca welcome Sunni Lamech Subbaraju I limit alpha Russia and before he arrived to Mecca the person who was in charge of Mecca met Carla who a minimal nearly eleven limit electronic and the leader of Mecca when he met up with Amara the Elan he said to him who did you leave in Mecca kar komak Kabila why didn't Elena how did she leave in Mecca how did you leave Mecca and no one was there in charge of it I mean the man who was in charge of Mecca who the man from Mecca went to Medina he said o amirul mumineen to observe are generally huh I made a man by the name of it will observe I made him the one and I left him in charge of the people of Mecca woman the prop and I'm out of the Elan hole in the state of surprises seven who is this man even what's wizzy I love a woman in Ord a human memory he said that he is a man who was from the free slaves - wait a minute morning so her mom is the state of surprise he said how's it possible that you a free slave a person used to be asleep how would you leave him in charge of the people over Mecca operation with limited money the people of Croatia normal people of Croatia and explain was the leader been vocally Ameer al-mumineen you know who are the only catarrhalis have our hotel so that man same o amirul mumineen that man who I left in charge of the people of Mecca he was a person who was an expert read of the Quran are you Acorah anafi metabolizers it he was the most knowledgeable of the people and the guards of the Quran from people Mecca very ceremonial on and then i'ma put his head down may Allah be pleased with him for Carlos product and he said truth the truth will be heard and paulownia para el barrio 13 he said verily Allah will raise up a group of people with this book and he would put down another group of people with the same book hoody and also one time and a man as early he went into the presence of one of the edifice of the people of the romanians very little to no one and his name is Abdul Malik medic even Marwan so eliminated he said to him where did you come from Almudena he said I came from Medina alla Turca pseudonym athene is a who did you leave there responsible for the people of Medina are enough urine he said NASA minimally he said is NASA this man is he from the Arabs lesson from the ex-slaves park are the nomen morally he says please hello Huck he sell for one to you I never saw them VIN a sudden he said how did he get position over the Arabs al-assad on vaquita Beulah hit America was hot he said he has authority over them because of his proficiency in the Book of Allah I don't talk to you do McKay he said who did you be in charge of the people Mecca palapa he said Allah I'm in Alabama Nimmo and he said is he from the Arabs or from the free slaves are lemon and Marley say he was from of the free slaves Holloway Huck is that one to you well it's really a lemon and who did you leave as a responsible person over the people of a Yemen are Appaloosa he said Babu's I don't know is he from the Arabs of the exclaims anymore he said from the ex-slaves oh no way Huck he said woe unto you woman dr. Loomis and who did you leave as the person was the best over the people of Egypt is he the battalion he said yes he is I mean Evie honey honey honey I've been a bee Hadid uh-huh I mean I love a minute on he said this man even a bee Habib is he from the Arabs or from the exclaims Solomon morning he said from the ex-slaves Iraq he said woe unto you woman 30 us with Horus on and what about our son who was the best of the people over them I love Barack knees are him he said the haka been bizarre Illinois is he from the Arabs or from the ex-slaves I'm in mourning he said from the ex-slaves I know I heard he said warn to you women talk to Al Jazeera what about the place in Al Araf Jazeera Al Rahman a brother Han he said may moon it may even run Parliament out of a minimal is he from the Arabs or from the extremes fundamental morning he said the explains Iraq one two you woman's not the head of shun and what about Michelle either mucuna he sent muck home I'm in Alabama namaz he from the Arabs of the explains I'm an ahmadi from the ex-slaves war one - you women took this with you what about buffer he said hustle and bustle I'm in Alabama noisy from the Arabs of the explains Panama Marlene said from the ex-slaves highway haha Judy what about he said woe unto usery woman talk to Susan : what about Kufa alibi him in the heart nice Abraham and now I remember mozzie from the Arabs of the ex-slaves I'm inaudible except from the Arabs are the foolish - honey ability he said you had put me in the carry situations early early on he said amirul mumineen it'll be harder for a upon verily Allah more rings of group of people with this book we offer him he'll put down with it another group harken I saw the large America table in light of Arkansas so in this way funny the non-arabs they became they got more superiority over the Arabs because of the Book of Allah they know the caller was urgent for that reason Allah said o or on Imogene he said coffee swears by the Quran that is Mujeeb from an AHA we huddle Quran Majeed Allah Azza WA Jalla lunches ayat means whoever takes with the Quran busies himself of the Quran Allah give him honor dunya he will be raised in the dunya or Kanekalon River also he would be elevated in the hereafter and abuse all the money I made for this reason why name mmm and the Prophet said was collective and in an acne you are miserable Quran it will be said to the person who knows the quran i yeomen reality vision meaning Yo Ma Pa what up read and writes what a come on Kunta tortilla with me I read with tarteel the way you used to read the Quran in the dunya finiman theatrical gentlemen for verily your position the Paradise and there are any ayat in taco will be determined by the last ayah that you're able to read so brothers you see that when I it a person will be able to be elevated by it in the gender either have you tamiya it's how I can the adult division if you memorize 100 I had in determine that you'll have 100 levels in the gentleman no have you Tamia telomere technology if you memorize 200 you'll be raised up 200 degrees who keep it a hostages are imminent so what about the one who memorized all of juice on me Italian it has more than 300 iron because if he had urgent and he'll get there more than 300 how could 11th how can I find the deceleration and this is what the Prophet said so I said I'm a good time the second point an issue and then I'm gonna thaw this that third point who are hostile to the third point the funny is that the people of the Quran they are a lot special people Allah Allah the time I mentioned in the Lydian a truly ki Tov Allah verily those people who read The Book of Allah well of course Allah and they establish the Salah well known as up and they spend from what we provided them with silver on you and open and in secret you know unity Java tell interval they will seek a commerce that will never disappear Lia film we will give them their reward where you see the human public and we will increase stem from our virtue in the hula-hula Shaku verily Elijah who Allah is Shakur means before these people based upon this ayat they are the people the special people of Allah leader holy Ramadan this is more of the lover that reason an imam ahmed narrated or collected hadith on the authority of an occipital malik and anivia saw a cinema called the prophecy on when the people of the Quran we they are the people of Allah hospital and his special go to Baba Khalid are we focus so Louisville Tyler will honor them with an honor that is tremendous will either lugar an eminent and that's why I has been reported on the authority of an imam ahmed ahmed i know gentleman and imam ahmed is reported that he said I saw Allah in a dream so who - your of the man of the martyr mustafa dragunity and I said to Allah an imam at me o my lord what is the thing that can be done that of course a person caused me to get close to you quality Kaname said to him an email at me in this dream he said my speech for loss of articles are the incoming Hassan so Allah Allah those people who read the quranic they are the special people of allah in centre of our soldiers if they read the Quran Allah listens to what they read well either al imam muslim and maybe some ice element neuron and the Haditha was collectible am a Muslim the Prophet said ma you know what we show you a messenger Allah Allah say Allah never listen to something Marlena naveen hasn't felt that he gave he never listened to something the way listen to a prophet who has been given a good voice yes I'm not a Whore on that he makes the woman that with the poor on the way he reads your job he reads it out loud from lay a semi-rural a key doctor I tell her our diesel engine so exciting a large sewage and he listens to you if and when you read the Quran with a nice voice porque la Li can repay you it has also been reported that L AM a medium in Croydon who can that even breathe has said in agility it who Nelson that's a cool I alma mater thing verily the people vangelia they enter into the jungler three times every day how can it come out in the first place there in the general how can a into two times every day Jabari to Bamako Santa Eulalia not what they meaning that they enter in upon Eliza gel every day twice all of their clothes they read to allow Anna the Quran what a jealous a cool aluminum Edison and each individual from amongst them they sat in their place I'll on another Avenue and members made out of light with musiah narrator on William updates and those members that they said us are beautified with pearls and other precious metal precious stones where there was a moon and gold and other than that fantasy in and and the eyes were never pleased with anything well a mere smell she and they never heard anything ever know a lot of them not that which is better or more virtuous life of our honor then the voice of Allah Subhan Allah while he reads to them you cannot be inestimable honor salty salty so we ask a lot of data to cause us and to allow us to be of those people who we hear a lot I read the Quran to this beautiful corner United hardly him and the people they after that go out and it disperses the different issues naina and being in a state of felicity - are you and their eyes would be satisfied with what they have in take taken in until the next what do you think about me like a soldier little him and for that reason is money from the love of Allah who taught upon those people came out all and very healthy I never saw a similar Oh God as an imam of a hockey has collective ID that the prophet said no jihad a few if the Quran was brought together in the skin of an animal no Allah Allah would not burn that skin that the Quran is in with fire well either but I had to please and for that reason my knee the people who know the Quran they have a fragrance that is connected to them as a virtue of they had known the Book of Allah come on hari omma saline under visa listen who has been collected by the Bukhari Muslim the Prophet said Lydia Quran the similar tool of the believer who reads the Quran committed at origin is like the food that's called the creature following who have you sent me on be longer okay some of the scholars said that this food via torture is like what the people call it now in the mango if the prophet said about this food which is the similar tool of the believer reason for art he said that the smell of the food nice and the taste of the fruit is nice the original color an imam in author there was a man who read the Quran and typical I'm from an imam nasa he said well Imam another who was a Philip our Lord was a Hooley was an imam naf read this man of the prolific scholars of the quran he was the shape of another scholar karun and another one wash your whole culinary room in article him he said that this other student imagine he said that nasa if he spoke you shouldn't move her to miss you can smell from his breath the fragrance of perfume miss Fasulo so i said to him i still a good level character literally announced whenever you read the quran to come out and read other people do you put perfume on a missile even he said i don't even touch any perfume even nor do I come close to it when I can be ready to a female a nine but I thought why he might have a nine and maybe as a large citizen I saw I saw the statement of the process of asylum you're goofy fear that he reads inside of my mouth familiarly can looked and from that time human fear honey life he said I saw the props to sell him in a dream that the Prophet was reading in my mouth from that time till that day whenever I read I feel that this smell is coming from me well I will say a beating out there and everyone say you've said too that racnoss biologic he said how how illuminated is your face and your character is impeccable another NASA said to him keep it out Kuno Kazanlak how is it that I'm not like that what could suffer any loss all my solutions women are and the prophets of solemn actually shift my hands in the dream and I read the put on the Navy selasa live in my dream and that's because L AM an F it was an easy shalt love from the people of Allah those special people well they see here I have complained but that means in a Crimean amount and inside of his mouth that smell that fragrance which was like that well can i the killer knew who he was fatigued and also from what shows is from the people of a lot better the house of those special people of Allah Allah Deuteronomy said you'd run as a result of that a lot I'll accepts the dua of those individuals yoculan Carter I will put a number on mom there is a man by the name of the shaman hey son then I'm Sam even a Bob he said also to Lars or gently separate Hajj he said I ask Allah for seven things all of her hostility assistant Allah gave me six of those things when why did L raffia a dream ah sooner Olivia and the seventh one I don't know what's going to happen in relationship to it so they already were you only they asked a lot to forget me and my parents well here let you know and this is the one that I don't know if what's going to happen well a soldier are you absorb any and Hajj and a cousin Allah allow me to perform the Hajj any allowed was Allah so Gillette you are a mere anemia to senator Koenen asked Allah to allow me to live for 100 years and that happen well so - Lars origin Hardison the Hardys never simulates a lower I would say also happen that's a lot to allow me to becoming Mahadevan speaks about the hadith of the prophet sallallaahu said was not say ever doing anything and I also asked Allah to make it so that the people will come to me to receive knowledge from me but I common in LA Zoo and it gave me that in honored me with it was no ax the law as well to allow me to be the fifteen on the member of Adam ish Damascus and he gave me that in the same family and super need al-fatiha thanks a lot to the stoic I mean 1000 dinar and he gave that to me as well woman how llahu allahu allahu allah Chambord there's another with silence names abyssion boom what kind of car do you clean he was a person who was prolific and an expert in the recitation of the Quran indeed sciences ah who is it'll be a little bit the was here told them to bring that man to him and he commanded that he be flogged who said I said a bus and the ordered that he be hit 70 times harvester Alonso a young party there was and that man who was commanded that they hit him he made go out to allah allahu taala cut off the hand of that minister where you should position and to causes affairs to be in mass disarray suji Bedrosian so his blood was accepted by a long time against that minute hotel honey big deal his fate as his hand was cut off and his house was destroyed they were darkened early and that's the lowliness whether it be the decision any let me the decision would that then Irish I didn't have any in the and he was put in the prison remained there for a long time from hospital all are so delighted to drown all of that lining is because that particular man was firmly shava the special people of Allah and as a result of that his do I was I do either Allah answers no hospital because he's because of the fact is from Allah special people but in the wazoo Korean Quran Quran bill philosophy a lot of the time as a result of that he gives the person who reads the Quran is from the special people it gives him for us or inside the ability to see things well in that it on sharply like what happened with an imam a sharp buddy and he's from the most famous of those who recite the for you sue me I cannot be sharper dear and as a result of his proficiency and reciting the Quran there is a recitation named Adam caught a sharp abiy garnish Navi original ink adhesion this man he was an individual who was very light for coming Sunday also he used to pray the frigid prayer there come on nurse or honey and he used to sit down to listen to the people retain what kind of message is how the Hornets ladytonholiday struggle to survive and the people used to before there's a lot of budget can be used to race to get in the position to be able to retain even no one don't come here between the hunt in the car they used to come to that place to get the best position before fudger in the beginning of the nighttime well how can i and this is how people should this is the way get it knowledge is seeking knowledge is there currently they are part of the image this al-khawaja so if this man sat down in the madness to hear the people to kill them kitty missin life he used to just say one word mother food What did he say ja a willing fella he was say to the people whoever came first let him do the reading read up on I'll Owen if the first one right you're foolin Josh nineteen Philippa he said whether King second let him read huddled in a young and this is how he used to do for the days feel milady young one day limb enough to serve up a follower when the students raised to get in that position if you're in the morning this Amanda chef a sharp abhi sat in his place never fun What did he say Solomon Johnny affiliate Liverpool in Java he said whoever came any kings second let him read and then say the first one the one came second Yuri so the students became surprised so the one who came second in forward and began to read the first one right he began to think I came first I was the first one here what did I do he began to try to figure out what happened what did he do wrong welcome our and then the shame he got up and he left he said maybe I did something Oh Judah Herman a shape like that caused this sheriff - like reject me I'm pathetic so he began to think and contemplate tough upon and no vehicle later he realized that that night well issued that hurdle say AHA the readiness and because he was really serious about trying to come in to be first until having unknown he woke up from the sleep father in a safe and he hurried to the ship well any know Canada Janabi and he was a janaba Willoughby of disillusion on he didn't make a hole so from his janaba that night so he said Allah Allah Aziz Allah Dalek how Allah Allah Tala had decreed that to happen to him Watterson so he went to the hammam and he began to take his awesome photos or images and he returned to the madness Lamar's Allah Allah Allah unlimited know the phallus and the second one who was reading the tongue for the third person arrived third dinkum but that one who ride first made is also and he came back to the messages before the second one completed his recitation and the chef he was blind he didn't know what was going on in front of him so when the second person finished from his full-on recitation Papa D and he met me shout to be sick then John I wouldn't feel about whoever came first let him read casualty so how and look how Allah had decreed this thing to happen who an animal he is the one who knows the unseen so keep the love how the shitty man was shocked if he doesn't know the unseen so how did that happen that he knew all of this this is the way that a lot of thought that's the creep legit if he if he lost a lot the way that Imam was shocked he became to know about that is that Allah gave him that ferocity in sight Harley then no matter how certain and that's because if the person is from the special people of Allah you could even move our agenda not Allah will also gave him an ax at the time of his death whistles fee Colorado causes fear there's a Sabha maybe or in the last class there was some stories that we have heard already how the anomaly enough OSH like at the a man who was a readings name is enough gosh let me know how about to offer when the death came to him o hadouken Shepard say he began to move his lips look on a yacht engine and he read the is is a versus to talk about and Jenna Pinta Nicola her surgeon and while reading he ended up reading the ayat of Allah and for this reason that those who work let them be busy to him work he read this I in three times for her on just what who her father see listen I have to read it that his soul came out and went to the heavens well how the abuja for a lucrative also a man by the name of Abu Jaffa and he was also in recital before I tell Arthur Watson Russian and he's from the well-known with signers of the Quran the ten he's from one of these one of the ten l'm not Ruthie when he died cash affairs omitted a sudden the whites of his son exposed her breast a chest became exposed though dignity the essence of the wife of his son the husband of his daughter a breast just became say this way that the one available on Saturday and so on the thing a circle a white circle on her chest father Sabu and his companion said father Allah who noodle on this is the light of the four on another Lucila abuja from God and NAFA he said when this man Abu Jaffa the recital when he was watched at his death no bother they saw and they looked at what was between his neck and this area right here so they saw like a page of the Quran do from our Shaykh I had no home and no one doubt that it was from the nura doctrine well cool Emery and Amory said rifleman on this mat and said I saw a bulge article I need to in a dream to a little cabin I saw him on top of the Kaaba faculity he said to me after it who are near Salaam give my brothers the synapse where a beautiful and the large there were general any and let them know that allies made me Johnny militia had our resulting from the shuhada who have been provided for well if you cannot occur all your honor and also in another speech that was attributed to this man I'll Olivia ah though was said it was said to the one for him miss she lost Hardy he said tell my companions no Javier Acosta joyfully and from them one was praying this for that in the middle of the night well can Anakin what are the fee and the Quran also worth mining concern concerning what was mentioned to us in the virtues of the people who know the Quran you feel aluminum is what they see in their sleep I bought them for and say yeah and he's one of the scholars of the reciters their recitations elefanten and they he saw that they saw him after he died from a soldier so they said to him what did a lot do to you or for you literally me of Sabean party honky-tonk he said their lives forgiven me because I have taught because of the fact I taught children the Fatiha allah azza wajal in Quran Quran Minnesota and that again funny because but people want especially the people who read the Quran because they are the special people of allah allah azzawajal a little so you all him soliton Allah Allah will filled up their chest their breasts with happiness Honda has run a mountain of a city one of the scholars if the pass he said I know my child in Quran he said from the strange things that miracles the special things of the Quran and me that we know is that if this particular man want to go to sleep in apollo nida nominee the Quran yapple didn't know I mean it prevents sleep from coming to me because how happiness with this situation I'm not alone Raju bhai our surgeon says so nothing comes Allen sparks are in the Book of Allah are to fear do but in okra except that every time you eat something's find some that is more impressive than what to see you have a 90 that's from one angle you will have a logical and then Allah Allah also make the melodica and the service of the individual you're pulling every so long I was sitting and brought they told us on arrival center well no Hebrew Quran the one who is an expert with the Quran no authority to kill Amador over a like he will be with the Angels when the Quran the one who recites the Quran way eternity and he status in it while reading it Aisha and as difficult upon him later on he'll receive to reward hard on this to rewards welcome along and that no man what the meaning of it is that he gives it multiple in terms of his rewards from Allah it was not supportive kill me but what's the intent and what is meant by the matica here this description that was given a Medusa who died a mentor for me it was a hypomanic meaning that because it's an external Quran when he sits down the angels are always in his presence sitting with her what is the island of yous always inland but that reason the property said Miss Tamera home with a bathing beauty la a group of people never came together they struck in one of the messages one of the houses of Allah it luna kitab allah they read the book of allah where is it out of sooner and study it between themselves alone as a retiree who was sick in except that the tranquility descends upon them well shear to alignment and the Rama enveloped envelopes comes around them will have formula I can and the Angels also surround them well they cut a hole of him in and then Allah mentions them with those who with him no mask Sephora to kill me but that's the first meaning of the expert in the Quran is with them at Attica that's the meaning of it film anonymity said the Angels they fill up the Mentalist and I'm gonna fun the second meaning to the Qur an the Angels remind him and they assist him to memorize say Adonis even come to know so if he forgets the melodica they help him to remember well you know through song and if he goes to sleep they wake them up for swallow a nice time in a style is simple and that's why I find you'll find that some of the people know the Quran do well they don't even use the the clock with an alarm to get up whenever a singular and I don't be worked but I may get up before their bad buying some time Wilma not because I liked her throughout a part and also the man Attica they help him to obey Allah well show you what shaming Medusa and they push away and expel the devils from their measures leader Palin abuse a lesson learned that reason the prophecy in the shape on in 30 min and better let me took my few store to the car verily the Shaitaan he runs from the house in which the chapter of surah Baqarah is recited in it well he the killer walking on hearing than men are q Illuminati Kappa Shahada they also funny when the individual who knows the Quran what is about the time the melodica they remind him to do the Shahada in the no problem la like the is a very those people who say our Lord is Allah the merciful moon and then they are upright to Tennyson maniacal my dad come down descend upon Allah doesn't not to be afraid and not to be sad whatever generality let you come to never have glad tidings of the jannah that you have been promised only our people have to do nearly are your protectors in the dunya and in the here at what a queen fear monsters - he don't think you will have in the year after all of that which are what you desire well I could see how much of their own and you will have whatever you call on and this is the what a little for rahim allah has given you well I would say I'm okay on the team with a burden and if it is raised up your piano from his grave well no Sophia who are in trouble either and people will be in a tough condition well couldn't even fit woman else and never gonna be running escaping from this brother wannabe and his mother his father well Sahib STD were Indian his wife and his children how will the Angels meet the one who knows the Quran oh but I echo will come and grab them and grab them in a nice way meet them alone and say to them father you can be cool too - this is your day that you have been promised so the one who read the Quran he would be honored this way one is Virgil Minelli Salomon Brothers the individual from amongst us yummy endearment Imani sounds every day he works eight hours in order to get his salary isn't a heart I'm not sure that salary of his is going to be depleted and used up before the end of the month there are adenine mmm as a result of the issues of the dunya you further do we owe me the money sir Ottoman SD hire a man funny he makes himself available to work these 8 hours all of these eight hours when livianab father and these they don't remain with him venom is Avila a soldier laughs Leo life I didn't have service our society all the while he avoids and abandons the Book of Allah he doesn't even give it 15 minutes kuan-yin marathon min Lee odden Quran Sephora to Carmina Burana so explaining the chef's still explaining the meaning of the one who Riza for awnings and expertise we raised up with the madad equals the meaning of that meaning number eight state meaning of that and tell me later if I were on that the angels they listen to him while he's reading the Quran harder who says been Hawaii and Behati he collected the hadith the companion say them if related was the faith who saved even the habayit venema who al quran a feelin that while this man who saved was reading the quran during the night time who are kinda for a Sulu more water and then his horse was tied up next to him well every new rule our leader Fidel and his small child who was still suckling was sitting on the ground next one know how they were suddenly left on he started to pray and he was reading the Quran if Jonathan for us were follow us and then suddenly the horse began to get agitated he was stamping the ground all the physical to physic and he said so I stopped reading and then the horse calm down and stop leaving to come over and then I started reading again in the horse became agitated so much to for second and I stopped reading and the horse calm down and stopped moving well how can that happen he said I did it a third time the same thing happy she's wanted me so I became afraid that something some harm will befall my child and tough to living that the horse kill my child Faramir to solve this one hater so hurry up and I sped up and I hurry up not completed my Salah for a father - I see in a cellar and I looked up after that - the sky may either be through limited Sahaba and I saw that there was like a canopy that came down in the form of a cloud via I'm felled Mesabi at Halle Sahaba it had lights illuminating from him for are you - ha our jets in a son so I saw it rise up and elevate all the way up into the heavens tomorrow and to the point it disappeared on his ceiling aha how'd the henna be a summer I said be done so the next day when he woke up he told the Prophet about the incident news loss in their prime Rasulullah told the man and say read it the minute I pass out there are any mother them to significant Allah Allah he said last night you stopped reading what why did you discontinue reading shouldn't get ready - - and talk to the ebony how the policy said because I became afraid I was afraid for my child the horse with harm and kill my child I said oh my god the Prophet says some of our incentive do you know what that was all about every mother till Killman Otakon he said that was the melodica directly so they were listening to your voice while you were reading doctor I know what to talk about I know karate if you continue to read Nosferatu Illuminati Kayla Bruner souvenir the you would have thought it would have continued to read the people would have come out and they'd have been able to actually see the angels around him not to tell our army I okay you nobody here knows what after stay here on the people would be able to see the melodica with the naked eye they wouldn't have been difficult to see well I'm not tossa the ninth issue of the meaning of the melodica anama naik to Lupino who bombers were in a war and I slept a selfish Odyssey is that they will help him to say that shahadat in the Middle East from that is what we have already heard the story about to lobby Greece lamanna's they're living in modes when death came to him their tubular to his daughter began to cry he said to her oh my young daughter don't cry nothing to huddle karana see her debates because I've completed this Quran in this house Allah Allah four thousand times oh my Okada initial and then also the famous recital been a little karate Lauren the last recitation that he read out loud to a phillium similar and happening the Sun is the statement that Allah Allah mentioned in the Quran the dog cause me to die as a Muslim and raised me up with the righteous foofie about them so he died after reading that I well Holly will tomorrow our time at a seder if man and also another scholar of the recitations of the Quran Quran in general manifest and he is the shape of the people who read the Quran in the kingside contracts Volodya and his voice became cut off sooner Senora Pablo of haunted by a number of years before he died well I can blow of RTB thought it a young but before he died by three days if there's a heavy Fatiha he started to read and in fact yeah well filio McAuliffe and in the third day Rita have you sorta nurse for her milk alarm he finished so due to naturally completed my station of the father and then after that he dimed his soul left his body after that Mahathir Imam aply be efficient Quran also an imam a baby who was one who was given to the Tipsy of the predominate tip seed and on wool after he completed to see of the crime the fourth time so enough you'll attend until your comments of salaf someone ovulated he's pray the national prayer even total your comments everybody was waiting for those follow and at that point Allah Tala causes the top to die Holloman father feel I feel another son refunds so why did the one who is successful in the hereafter he is the one like these affairs well isn't it lace him in general Amman and who in Libya for us and the one who collected a lot of money this is not the one who is considered to be the one who is successful mother come upon them to be so nice in them so why have we become the way that the Prophet is mentioned so Allah in the Quran he says o my lord verily my people have abandoned the Quran has you're not relative they have abandoned reading it has up north to the bullet we have abandoned contemplating this meaning her children beyond man lady see we've abandoned standing up at night to read it not miss Tamar anything we abandon listening to it how I feel but I do not you know that we abandon causing our children to memorize it don't have to assume maybe is possible what happens is that a person who causes a young person to memorize the Malaysia been harder he may feel that this job of teaching someone how to memorize rise of paralysis is a bad job but you know who and Latia fools if you have to do no fly whenever reality is from the best jobs that person can do that will make them successful in the dunya as well as the hereafter and all praises are due to allows panel with that full-time keifa yeah for the Quran many edging up so my school in bahaminy why do not couple it with some saturday chef said brothers there's an easy way simple way well that's a hockey table and it doesn't take a lot of time for you to memorize the Book of Allah low select aha if you were to take this role the lights are on my last Commission by the Autobots when you set a table has diligently come in and come on after four years in a half you will completely memorize the Book of Allah well if the bouquet to tell of an upward and whatever and if you do this way the memorization that you will memorize it would be considered one of the strongest types of memorized memorization methods that you can employ well I promise to how a common large delusion chefs the chef said I have personal experience will have experienced this by the permission of Allah and his caresses Karim operator to be a negative f ck his is of attaining when this taco have the right as a father he said what you should do is read a certain portion of the Quran every day like two pages of history read it read two pages every day just reciting it reading it sometime awareness over two and a half pages every day doctor aha a Robert and hers that does a lot al June I'm not nothing like if you read it after Salafi oh my just one time the mother asked about their human I talked about you know I hated and then after after salat al acid and that Jamaat one day one time can you talk about how the robot model attends holiday also after salat the mother read the same one one time that doesn't take more than five minutes lies are the will a simcha dialect up well hopefully all have not lost the next day is Saturday read it again three times the cool you saw a thin line after each Salah time well Hansen camping if you read it five times humming whenever talk about over that and then on this Sunday the same amount read it as well these are until the following Friday no job do I just read it well I can but you should read the the quarter of this is the ayat that comes after it until about husband ah I think that that so you connect the two with each other but this is more in common so you would have completed a whole week film attended a faster doing right then you go to the Juma prayer hope you love the army I'm a little hot but before the with ten by last permission within ten minutes by last permission you will be able to memorize that this I that comes after way that kind of lemon color and if you have extra time before the Imam gives the Hobart to get up and pray 2 rakats with what you have memorized from those two pages and ask well you see Miss ally and also in the sin death prayer read the same one from their own field were injury to get there are injuries and now you start from you maha die in the Rosado from the last ayah the last ayat which read from the - laughs they just start from that last ayah and then the new two and a half pages that you're going to read well I assume and one ayat that is beyond those two and a half pages how can I move this where income and you just do that as he explained the first time for a whole week and then before the hope of jama' that new one like you did the last one you'll be able to memorize it within ten minutes Robitaille thing and then after Salafi Jamaat start again with no one well how can I be happy with the Senate communist and you continue to do this for a whole year Tolleson is Owens if you do this for a whole year you want to be able to memorize the exact what is six and a half juice Commission which I thought about Sarah our bars are not winners for this case you'll meet four and a half years in totality to memorize all of the Quran yes sir I'll go on like this is shall I buy this way it will become easy for you to memorize all of the Quran in four years percent if you visit a grave do they hear you and is it Haram to visit and talk to them if you visit a grave so the people in the grave actually hear you and is it Haram to visit and talk to them there's a there's our Isaiah and cover Holly a smile and what be more Judi heat while Haram and get the element of Harmony and what another Haram verse 1 comma 2nd Allah denies everything the chef said that tomorrow there's going to be a class in his totality concerning this issue someone told this person that Ebola will one day be released from the Hellfire because he sent free a slave the day the Prophet was born sha-la-la-la he was selling can this be true is he not the father of the flame clearly had a sign and about Leben so your watchman and not I know octopi I've been young moody that Rasool a suburb of one had a stain I think so what I'm a laugh he said it's not true this is not true what was the state of the soul before the stages of the wound did it have a conscience the state of the soul before the stages of the limb did it have a conscience mahalo roar couple a new fluffy he ya knee and look for couple of Meereen yeoman mechana Hal a row fee button and own little Janine a blogger in chef said that before 14 days the spirit of life nothing was blown into the child yet well in the man and boy what can I tell you we look similar but the egg of the lady the eggs of the lady that they were there that was present when marilla resumed conical Attica Hey and also the sperm of the man the egg was moving alive and the sperms alive they took a tuck on Hamlet so these fun met up and it hit and impregnated the egg physical engineer Olivia as a result of that little baby was born with vision higher the fetus was born has those days where they say mazing but it is not a human without here cousin traditionally saw much and that's why I had it is divided into divisions the albertine ailment to available after 40 days the spirit is blown into it Phil hey erase it come in Hoonah so the life is not here in this case in the world Anton because the spirit had not been blown into it
Channel: Green Lane Masjid
Views: 10,346
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Keywords: alkauthar, mercy, mission, islamic, network, misconceptions, khutbah, sunnah, bidah, green, lane, masjid, mosque, salafi, refuted, publications, niqab, niqaab, hijaab, hijab, davis, wright, street, salfis, quran, hadeeth, red, brick, media, bakr, umar, sufi, barelwi, zakir, naik, peace, tv, makkah, madinah, live, sudais, huda, emotional, lecture, deobandi, al-maghrib, almaghrib, jihad, dispatches, debate, shia, shiah, sufism, hanafi, saudi, scholars, crying, death, spirit, jinn, possession, ruqyah, soul, heaven, hell, paradise, ghosts
Id: FMx6gedzQ1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 36sec (3216 seconds)
Published: Thu May 24 2012
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