US Marine Takes On the US Navy Seal Physical Test

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have you ever wondered if a u.s. Marine can take  on the US Navy SEAL physical strain test we'll   stay tuned and feast your eyes we're about  to get this video underway roll the intro what's going on my name's Matt McDonagh I'm a  corporal at Marine stationed at Camp Pendleton   California I'm from Boston Massachusetts and I'm  a motor Chi operator we're here to do that PST   and yeah we're just gonna see how we do our cha it  is time for the swimming portion of the physical   screening test now what the physical screening  test is is it's the test that future sailors   will take when they are trying to qualify for  Special Operations and Special Warfare jobs such   as Navy EOD maybe Air Rescue Navy diver special  warfare is Swick Special Warfare combat it crewman   and Esso which is special operator or Navy SEAL  specifically corporal McDonough will be doing his   best to qualify competitively for the Navy SEAL  standards okay now for a minimum the bare minimum   you must swim a 12 minute and 30 seconds in this  pool this pool is 20 yards long the test that   we'll be conducting is 500 yards so you'll have to  swim Babaji charge that's twelve and a half laps   in this poll you will start here and you will end  here now this is it's goes from three and a half   feet to 5 feet because we're limited on resources  but we're still gonna make it happen okay all   right now you have 12 and a half laps I know the  pool is kind of cold right now but are you ready   for this absolutely on the count of three I'll  tell you to go with you can proceed ready 3 2 1 go he's up you don't forget five  seconds no time right now like you did you go so a small error that he is making  and she is bringing his arm out   of the water the combats Ostrow  to keep your hands in the water we're left let's go one Jacob Anton and in the  water there you go there you go all rope use that scissor kick without strong yeah that's inside that water's gonna cold hmm you cold how'd it feel all right so let's summarize the stroke was okay  for learning it today new goggles the stroke was   all right for learning today what you think your  tom was Oh bad tom was 1339 you see the very top   of the watch right there 13:39 so that's not pass  right passing school would be 12 minutes in 30   seconds no bad though it's not bad at all for your  first time but the more you improve you you will   become leaps and leaps faster you know in minutes  and minutes faster the more your stroke improves   them the good thing is just stroke right now is  imperfect the good thing is when you perfect it   more and more you will cut minutes in minutes off  your time so that's a very good starting time 30   minutes 39 seconds you did not pass the minimum  but you have good starting grounds if you wanted   to become a Navy SEAL and join the name instead  of the Marines so now guys we're going over to   the track we're gonna be conducting the push-ups  but first you get a 10-minute stationary rest for   the physical screening test but we're going to  be transferring over to the track we've come to   a local high school track to do the push-ups  in the rest of the physical strain test so   the next part is you already know the push-ups  I'm gonna show you how to demonstrate a push-up   I'm gonna come down you know every time you  come down you're gonna hit my fist and you're   gonna come back up you cannot zag your butt  up in the air or you can't put your butt up   in the air like that downward dog you can't  put your crotch down like this we'll keep a   straight back the entire time are you ready all  right John two minutes to perform this remember   God's the minimum passing is 50 in order to  be competitive for these scores you will need   80 to 100 depending on the circumstance are you  ready all right come on position three two one go three easy all the way up a little they can who are we up 6:7 38 39 40 30 seconds there you  go we won too easy all the way up   all the way up lock your arms out  there you go fifty two three four   five easy easy well let's go to sixty one  two three four five I don't twenty more so   anymore you've already done it sixty  you have more than a minute remaining come on sixty-four place you 270 really quick  let's go one two three four good alright alright   that is it so you completed the minimum you  got 70 for the week yeah 74 I don't even yeah   74 push now I understand I understand you have  a pain in your chest right yeah slight handicap   what does 74 push recovering from so if you've  completed the minimum so if you're of course if   you're in the Navy if we're trying to go into  the Navy you are trying to contract for these   jobs now keep in mind I'm not special operation  special warfare but I have conducted and got   contract for Navy diver in which later down the  road I was disqualified from that rate just to   set that straight so to be competitive what it  is is in each region they set up your scores   and you have other people competing all across  the United States for these rates so of course   Navy SEALs very very competitive you're competing  amongst the most fit people in the entire United   States that are going to come try to contract for  a Navy SEAL so the minimum to put your scores in   to get contracted is 50 in which you completed  Congrats and then you work on my push-ups it's   all good so you push-ups are gonna be easy and  they're not that easy a max effort is is another   piece not a lot of people can go the whole two  minutes doing solid push-ups if you can you're   very fit person so you have you have a two minute  rest in which now you've rested about one minute   in six seconds now we have the sit-up so I'm  gonna go ahead and explain you how to do the   situps in order to pass the minimum it is 50 in  order to be competitive our scores 80 to 100 so   I understand the Marine Corps you do you guys do  a lot of sit-ups but it may be a little different   than maybe someone explained it to you so first of  all the Navy physical readiness test you can come   anywhere from your hip to your need the physical  screening test is from your knee three inches down   so you have to reach up here now so requires the  tool full leg lead yeah so when you're in the down   position you must touch your clavicle up here your  hands cannot sag down understand the Marine Corps   they make you grab your box that's right yeah so  in the Navy it's right here touch your clavicle   especially the physical screen test okay now  you're ready yep I'm gonna be holding your feet   of course and we're gonna get you two minutes  okay you ready ready on your mark you thinking   together yeah mark get set go one two three easy  five six eight nine and there you go eleven well 14:15 make 17 18 19 20 there you go who sent  the tween there you go you can rest in the down   position you can rest in the up position in 1 22  23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 there you go 34   35 36 37 38 39 40 there you go 40 you're coming up  on 50 seconds has elapsed you got it do that again   40 more 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 50 there you go coming  up on a minute 10 seconds come on let's go one two   bitty 3 54 55 56 57 there you go come on - vide 8  59 60 there's got 120 more you got it you putting   on a minute 1/2 min and a half you got 20 more  let's go preach it out one two there you go three one before five one sicky-sick here we go 57  10-second 68 69 70 get 71 anyone one more second   more second time 71 ah hey got a lot different  ah yeah yeah yeah 71 71 situps okay now you have   two minutes and then we're moving on to pull-ups  but useless actually successfully completed the   minimum 71 situps so 74 push 71 sit now the  shooting for pull-ups the minimum pull-up is   tin so remember that high let's go pull-ups are  tall after the sit-ups are conducted you have two   minutes to transfer over to the pull-up bar so now  we have max below this is not a timed event but   as soon as you let go of the bar or if you perform  an incorrect pull up it doesn't count or your time   that stops that make sense so as soon as you stop  performing correct pull-ups your count stops and   when you let go over the bar it's over with okay  so I feel confident yeah easy calisthenics guy   so this is I expect at least 28 okay well he's  like the easy okay alright go ahead hop on the   board you know the way the game is played lock  down all the way chin above 4 3 2 1 go 1 three 12 13 14 15 16 is 90 degrees in 1718 there you go  19 20 make that 20 just like that let's go home   122 come all you got it you got 23 24 all you  got it wait Bob no get me well you got a three   more three where you got it Bob yeah by the way  the minimum for Navy SIL is ten the main reason   to get way more than the minimum for every other  rate explosives or disposal air rescue dive and   Swick I believe is six Swick maybe six or ten  I'm not willing to say Charlotte I feel like   all the other exercises just drained that was  like yeah the thing that gets you in ever that   hard then gets you is this swim because you're  using a lot of your lats when you're conducting   to combat side stroke so else twenty found  that was good definitely more than I could   do so next we have the run so you have a ten  minute break between holes and the run makes   is a mile and a half can you do it yeah I feel  like I'll be okay with the run good well pretty   gasser in all right let's do this all right  Matt so you've completed the swim the push   ups the sit-ups and the pull ups now it's time  for the mile half runner you ready yeah I think   so you say you're quick runner right I try to  be let's find out all right so you get a lot up   right here yep right on that arrow it's gonna  be six laps guys six laps is a mile and a half   we're gonna time I have the time right here I'm  gonna go on you let me know when you're ready all right I got see you got the  timer right here at the garment   Phoenix 3 HR everybody asked about my  watch it's a Garmin Phoenix 3 HR okay   no more questions I'm just kidding all  right here he is he's he's got pretty   good start pretty good run this guy's a  runner look look at that stride let's go I don't have the faith let's go let's go come on get two more left let's go you know always say God made me to run he didn't   make me to be big I've been trying  to be big for the past few years but   if running still on my board I can do  it I'm a racing miss next time around that's a nice ride if you got through are they just pick it up put it  down let's go let's go let's go here we go don't tell him yet 9 minutes and  10 seconds that's a very quick run time how   do you think you did oh you did very well can  you get the time ah 10 minutes a little bit   quicker than that Lyman have yourself up yup 9  minutes what there you go nom it's ten seconds   so guys results are in he has completed the  physical screening test need to work on your   swing a little bit more to be yea qualified or  just be in competitive numbers to earn a navy   seal contract in the Navy yeah keep that in  mind yeah but the Marines they don't have you   guys don't have any specific swimming training  no so we have a little bit of the Navy we have   to jump into a pool in well actually you know  you're to swim like bi-yearly do you swim test   yeah but your camis on it's tough and it's not  the distance Yahoo yeah it's probably the same   from the same amount of swim training but we also  have a love to swim I'm sure you guys have that   too yeah swim pool somewhere in some it elicits  yeah all right here's was gonna happen I'm gonna   give you a quick breather and then I want to race  you what can I want to do a sprint I'm gonna do   you like maybe a 40 50 meter split do it our 43  yard sprint let's do it let's wait a second we're   gonna cut to the sprint three two one oh yeah  we're out here filming the video we're filming   that mcdonough US Marine attempts the physical  screen test with the Navy now he challenged me   after mountain half running challenged me to a  50-yard sprint I haven't sprained a long time   but he just ran a mile and a half so we'll see  who's got the handicap here after I win we'll   see how it goes alright let's do this alright  so it's a 50 meter right here we're gonna start   at the tin or run to the 50 Issac capture  the winner photo finish oh no they go three get out of here I don't like the look at something  baby hey baby he's quick have you ever wondered if   a u.s. Marine can take down the Navy are you put  me on the spot like that have you ever wondered   if a US Marine can take on the Navy SEAL physical  screening test we'll stay tuned all you people out   there you couch potatoes eating your ice cream you  do potato chips feast your eyes if a u.s. Marine   could take on the US Navy SEAL physicals grinia  test well we're not dilly dallying today okay   they be still physical screening test who cares  roll the intro well golly guys you ever wonder   what it was like to get a Marine Corps over in the  Navy yeah PFT standards well I'm Austin Alex and   you're coming down to my channel come on over to  help him and we'll show you how we rock and roll
Channel: Austen Alexander
Views: 5,747,855
Rating: 4.8440094 out of 5
Keywords: navy seal, us navy, us marine, us marines, us navy seal, seal, navy, austen alexander, austen alexander navy, navy seals, fitness test, navy prt, military pft, navy seal training, navy swim test, navy boot camp, physical readiness test, navy seals fitness test, physical screening test, physical test, us air force, us marine attempts, us sailor, us navy sailor
Id: TN28joyTLwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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