Pastor Tolan Morgan - He's Stretching Me | June 2018

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and invite your intellect to the gospel has been recorded by mark the gospel has been recorded by mark chapter number three chapter number three my time is limited so we want to try to get through this as quickly as we possibly can mark chapter three beginning with verse number one your bible should read and he entered again into the synagogue and there was a man there which had a withered hand and they watched him whether he would heal him on the sabbath day that they might accuse him and he says unto the man which had the withered hand stand forth and he said unto them is it legal to do good on the sabbath days or to do evil to save life or to kill but they held their peace and when he had looked round about on them with anger being grieved for the hardness of their hearts he says unto the man stretched forth your hand and he stretched it out and his hand was restored whole as the other and the pharisees went forth and straightway took counsel with the herodians against him that they might destroy him i want to thank this text he's stretching me he may be seated in the lord's church if you can give me a little bit more monitors here i appreciate it thank you so much it is mark's theological thesis and focus of the lord jesus christ to present him as the son of man the servant of man matthew wants to present him as the coming king luke wants to present him as equivalent to a social activist who is concerned for the least the lowly and the left out john wants to tell us that he is not just the son of god that he is god in flesh mark says that he is a servant of man and to support marx theology mark does not spend a lot of time on genealogy mark does not spend a lot of time on the virgin birth mark gets right down to the point and inundates his account with multiple miracles of how jesus impacted the lives of people that he encountered and he was so strategic in his account he made sure that we knew that jesus just didn't impact people in the street but jesus impacted people in church text says and jesus went into the synagogue again now ladies and gentlemen you and i will not appreciate this passage if we have no attention to this one line because if there's anybody who doesn't need to go to church it's jesus he has no sins that need forgiving he is god so there's nothing they can teach him he's got to sit there and listen at them talk about him and listen at what they missed listen at what they got right when he can actually get up and tell them everything that is on the mind of god he does not need to be rededicated he can't get saved there's no sanctification for him he is the full manifestation of everything that is necessary and if he had no spiritual need to go to church why is it that you and i struggle at times to get the church when we need sins forgiven we need to be restored we need to be reconnected there's more for us to learn as we walk with god in our daily walk here is somebody who actually doesn't need to go to church but he sees the importance of going to church and the text says he doesn't just go one time text says he goes again let the church shout again mark chapter 1 verse 21 according to mark's account says that the first time jesus went to church that he cast out devils mark chapter 1 verse 39 says the second time jesus went to church he cast out devils and preached the third time is here in mark chapter 1 and jesus went to church again mark chapter 1 verse 21 first time jesus goes to church he cast out devils mark chapter 1 verse 39 the second time he goes to church he preaches and casts out devils the third time is here in mark chapter 3 verse 1 and jesus goes to church again first time jesus went to church was mark chapter 1 verse 21 first time he casts out devils the second time he goes to church mark chapter 1 verse 39 he casts out devils and preachers third time he goes to church is mark chapter 3 verse 1 and jesus went to church again first time he goes to church in mark chapter 1 verse 21 he casts out devils second time he goes to church mark chapter 1 verse 39 he preaches and casts out devils bishop it somehow suggests to us two patterns number one devils go to church [Applause] and whenever jesus shows up at church something good happens either jesus is going to impact somebody's life or jesus is going to evict a devil there's a pattern that happens here that even when the lord shows up he is being stalked at church because the text says that when he gets the church they watched him to see what he healed uh you don't like this text so let me give it to you another way jesus has established a pattern that whenever he shows up to church either somebody's life is gonna get impacted or some devil is going to get evicted it means church that when he goes to church something good is bound to happen that suggests that you ought not to be in a church where jesus is not y'all make sure you you go to a church where the presence of the almighty god is in manifestation you ought to thank god that you in a church like the dream center where the presence of god it's possible to have a church full of people and god not be there it's possible to be in a mega church with no god but thanks be to god that when jesus shows up either your life is gonna get impacted or some devil is gonna get evicted you don't have to keep the devil out of church just let jesus show up he'll handle every devil in your life there's a pattern here that when jesus shows up something's gonna get in you and something else is gonna get out of here oh lord have mercy i'm almost there can i tell you ladies and gentlemen jesus has developed a pattern and his pattern watch this y'all you're gonna miss this his pattern is observed by his haters the text says that when he shows up to church they watched him to see woody hill their problem is they've studied his behavior and they know that whenever he shows up somebody's life is gonna get changed and they're trying to figure out is he gonna do what he normally does when he shows up cause today is the sabbath day it's illegal to heal on the sabbath day because according to jewish laws the jews required that healing is classified as work and they didn't want any work to be done on the sabbath day they know it's a man at church who's got a withered hand but they're trying to figure out is jesus gonna break the law today and heal this man because he's got a pattern that when he shows up somebody's life is gonna get changed boy y'all don't know when to get happy can i tell you ladies and gentlemen the reason why your life has had a change is because god overruled the law and gave you some love that you did not deserve i thought i had about 50 people in here i'll be number 51 who testified that the law was working against me but the love of jesus overrides the law and he healed me anyway all right i'm glad y'all responded because here's the main point ladies and gentlemen oftentimes i don't know whose point this is but here's for you oftentimes you will not get a confirmation that you are effective for god until you get a compliment from your enemy you missed it the text says the folk who watched him can't stand the sound of his name the people who watched him came to church that day they didn't want to have worship they wanted to know what's jesus gonna do what he typically does cause we're waiting on him to do what he does so we can set him up ladies and gentlemen you are not effective till you get the attention of your enemy they can't stop until they see what you are doing is it anybody who testified you know you're really working for god cause the people who can't stand your name can't deny your power preach toll and morgan you missed it the text does not say that they watched him to see could he heal you missed it the text says they watched him to see would he heal we're not struggling with your ability the problem is we want to know can you do it today with your enemy looking see see see some of y'all shout real good cause you're around your friends and your friends make you feel good but the truth of the matter is the real test is when you get in the company of your enemy and you still shout and you still give him glory and you still serve knowing people are watching you that can't stand you you don't help me so let me help you he will prepare a table not in the absence of my enemy but in the presence of my enemy and when the enemy gives you a compliment that's how you know you're doing what god done called you to do they're not questioning could he heal they're questioning would can you be effective in the company of people who are working against you bishop i believe we're coming in a season in the life of the church where folk who can't stand to be talked about can't serve [Applause] [Music] yeah if if you can't stand for folk to talk about you you can't serve you why don't you just stay on on the side over there and just just just just talk about everybody but folk who've been called to serve have to be called to criticism the call to serve is a call to criticism even in the lord's church if they dog jesus who do you think you are if they waited on him to mess up who do you think you are they didn't question him to see could he heal they questioned to see would he heal because even your enemy is familiar with your power i'm preaching good in here can i tell you something the devil is not threatened by your life the devil is threatened by your power because he knows as long as he keeps you ignorant of your power you will not have an effective life let me talk to this side over here as long as he keeps you away from your power your life does not matter but the minute you started being novel of your power then you attract the opposition would he heal hold on wait y'all uh and because he's in the company of opposition and they're wondering woody hill he asked the man with the withered hand to do one thing he asked him to stand up he only said to him was stand for if you can read the text he doesn't speak to him again after that until he gives him the next directive here's what the text says stand forth and then jesus turns in the audience and raises one question is it legal to do good or to do evil on the sabbath day is it legal to save or to kill i'll travel one time y'all got to see this he says to the man stand up and then puts a question in the room is it legal to do good or to do evil he doesn't do anything to the man but just ask him to stand he poses the question to the crowd is it legal to do good or to do evil is it legal to save or to kill let me try one more time he asked the man to stand up i'm going to ask him to stand up because i know y'all waiting to see what i'm going to do to him [Applause] i'm going to just let him stand there because i got to deal with you first is it legal to do good or to do evil is it legal to save or to kill watch it bishop if they answer the question yes then they are inconsistent with their own law because it's illegal to heal on the sabbath day if they say yes they're inconsistent with their own law if they say no they're inconsiderate to the man so jesus asks a question that doesn't have a right answer [Applause] cause whatever answer you give me is the wrong answer and the reason why i asked you to stand up because i wanted to pose a question that you couldn't answer and the text says they kept their silence and jesus was angered by their hardened hearts you missed it so here's the point jesus asked the man to stand up so that he could use the man to show everybody in the room that the man is not the only one in the room with a disability [Music] he got a wicked hand but you got wicked hearts preached holy morgan look at your neighbor tell your neighbor neighbor don't play me like i'm the only one sick in the room don't play me like i'm the only one messed up in the room you got all dressed up to mess up and to cover up your sin but the truth of the matter is all have sinned and come short of the glory of god so don't play me like i'm the only one struggling in the room here's the problem here's the problem they got an issue with him cause his problem is visible [Applause] i said he got a withered hand you know what that means that means wherever he go somebody sees him and everybody can see what's wrong with him and don't act like just because we don't know your business that ain't nothing wrong with you grab your neighbor and tell your neighbor neighbor we all got some issues in here but thanks be to god we in a church where the bomb in gilead is at don't act like i'm better than you just cause yours is visible and mine is invisible [Applause] it's always interesting how you got a lot to say about people who got visible problems when you just one button away from a controversy yourself you trying to play me like he's the only patient in the room no bishop murphy he's the only patient in the office it's many more sitting in the lobby and their hearts are as bad as his hand is withered let me try one more time he can do good with one hand but if you got a bad heart you can do bad with two working hands anybody here understands that i need god to work on my heart i got some people i'm ready to fight i need god to work on my heart i got some folk at the job i'm ready to cuss out i need god to work on my heart everybody in here understands that if you fix my heart it'll correct my hands the problem is there's a problem here [Applause] of a withered hand that's visible and a wicked heart that's invisible preach totally morgan man i suggest to you ladies and gentlemen who's more sick the one whose heart is wicked but the one whose hand is what i want to suggest that when you got a wicked heart everything else about you is broken give me a bad hand with a good heart gonna give me a bad heart with two good hands he stands the man up to suggest he's the only patient i'm addressing but he's not the only patient in the room but he also stands the man up to suggest this is your point i don't know who this is for this is your point he stands the man up to tell him hey y'all listen he is also a demonstration of what real worship is about uh bishop when we read the text we have to see the text in its history before we can relate it to its contemporary title and you and i have to understand they didn't have bulletins in mark 4 and mark 3. they didn't have social media there was no announcement so y'all missed it the man came to church with a withered hand not knowing jesus was going to be there that sunday and when he came to church y'all he apparently did not come to worship to worship with the withered hand anyway because that hand doesn't work [Applause] he came to worship to worship god with what was left of him that was still working he never came to church no way to give god the hand that was withered he came to give god the hand that was working that even if i ain't got it all together i'm coming to church next sunday to give god what i got left anybody in here grateful that you don't have everything you need but at least you came in here tonight to say god i ain't got all my money but let me give you what i got left i don't live where i want to live but let me give you what i got left okay all right uh um my football fans where y'all at my football fans where y'all at okay my football fans are helping me preach this uh uh april the was the nfl combine little fella stepped up in there by the name of shakim griffin shakim griffin is a linebacker from the university of central florida shakim griffin y'all was the mp mvp of the peach bowl he was also the defensive player of the year shakim griffin made all-american first team in his conference they called him cookie harlan at the last minute to participate in the nfl combine with 330 other players dude shows up at the combine first lady and when he showed up he set records he set records y'all he set the fastest record for the 40-yard dash among linebackers listen do do bench press 225 pounds 20 reps that don't mean nothing to you you don't know shakeem so let me tell you about you can then can i tell you what's so impressive about shaquille he did it with one hand still slow when he was four years old they amputated his left hand because he suffered from amniotic band syndrome that demanded for his hand to be cut off you still slow he set a record not with the hand he was missing he set a record with the hand that he had he set a record with what he had left anybody in here glad that you don't have to have everything you need for god to use you just give him what's left that's working and here's the point of the story [Applause] [Music] here's the point of the story bishop when you give god what's working he'll handle what's withered [Applause] lord have mercy when you show up to church and say god take my working hand he'll look back and say okay you give me the withered hand i came to worship tonight and i'm gonna touch every place in your life that's withered and broken because you stepped in here tonight not to give me what's broken but to give me what's working and thanks be to god when you give him what's working he'll touch what's with her [Applause] would you just grab somebody by hand and tell them because you came in here tonight god is going to touch those dried up places of your life because you walked in here tonight and you giving god what's working he's getting ready to touch what's withered in your life and you came in here fifty percent you're gonna leave out here a hundred percent because you said lord i will let nothing separate me from the love of god i don't care who see it i don't care who talk about my hand i don't care what they say about me on social media i'm still coming to church to give god what's working and when you give him what's working he'll touch what's with him well i'm feeling good in here i said when you give him what's working he'll touch what's with him hey since y'all couldn't answer my question and you're sitting over there with air in your jaws and you're all mad and puffed up and stuff stay over there and be mad [Music] i'm gonna deal with this guy okay okay this is your point right here uh sometimes god's gonna do something special for you because you're just the bystander of a blessing okay you missed it when y'all read mark 3 mark 3 was never about the man with the withered hand mark 3 was about how they tried to attack jesus and because jesus won the warfare against his enemies you get the blessing okay okay have you ever come to church in here on sunday morning and the sermon wasn't necessarily had your name on it but because bishop been in warfare with god and with the enemy through his life the word that went forth manifested in your life i'm trying to tell you if you just learn to hang around you will be the winner of somebody else's warfare hey man i'm glad y'all messed that question up now let me deal with you he says stretch forth your hand now i was slow so y'all got to help me stretch forth your hand i know it's some edumacated people in here so you can appreciate this point stretch off your hand the first time he said stand for second time he said stretch forth but listen at his directive he said stretch forth your hand hey jesus i'm slow so you gotta help me which one you gave me two which one you want me to stretch for hey sir i never said stress for your withered hand [Music] [Applause] cause when i said stress for your hand it was healed then i'm not making a difference between which hand is broke and which hand is working cause when i said stretch off your hand it was here when i said it but you can't get the healing until you're straight lord have mercy do i got anybody here who testified the word has already gone forth the problem is he's waiting on you to somebody grab your neighbor and tell a neighbor the word has already gone forth it's your time now just stretch off your hands because when i said stress off your hand in my mind both of them are fixed i'm just waiting on you to walk in the word i already told you [Applause] which means when i said stretch it forth you got to make a decision which one you gonna stretch [Music] [Applause] see let me upset y'all i may not be back so let me go and get in trouble right now there are some of you in here who are prostituting your bishop's anointing [Applause] because you wait on him every sunday to say something new and fresh when the truth of the matter is you ain't stressed on the last word hey man hey you can be mad at me all you want to the reality of the matter is you can't walk in a new world until you start manifesting the word that's already been awakened on you and it ain't always on your pastor it's in your stretch i'm done can y'all read the text in between god's word and restoration was a stretch i'm stretching your faith i'm stretching your comfortability i'm stretching your spirituality because you can't go to the place of restoration until you start walking in the stretch that god has put for you not for your man of god because on the other side of the stretch is restoration here's what text says text says when he stretched it out and it was restored as the other no jesus is saying i've already declared the word i'm just waiting on you to act on the word that i said so that you can get the restoration that you need and his hand was restored as the other this is it thank you all for having me thank you bud appreciate you here this is it it's in verse six it's in verse six here it is they so mad at jesus the text says they go partner with the herodians the philistines the pharisees y'all is that religious set of jews the herodians is the political set that supports rome they are the traitors to the jewish community y'all missed it they so mad at jesus they go hook up with folk they can't stand and they get together to partner together to try to bring down one man when they can't stand each other okay y'all missed it so let me help you your anointing is so strong that people who don't even like each other will partner together to try to bring you down ladies and gentlemen can i tell you something these are the people who the text says watched jesus okay since you missed it let me help you everybody who watching you don't want you there are some people watching you waiting on an opportunity to bring you down so let me give you some advice you better watch you watching you because everybody who watching you ain't attracted to you there are some people watching you waiting to attack you and bring you down because they can't stand the fact that you are bold enough to do what god called you to do in their face [Applause] and here's the bad news that's it man for real that's it this is it they gonna hook up with the herodians to destroy jesus that's in verse six right they're gonna hook up with the herodians to destroy jesus man let's get together and destroy jesus if you do that some more people gonna get healed [Applause] cause if you put him up on that cross his blood is going to be shaped for the remission of your sins and he was wounded lord have mercy for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities lord the chastisement of our peace is upon him and by his triumphs we are healed can you grab your neighbor by the hand and tell them neighbor they meant it for evil lord but god meant it for good i feel church in here grab your neighbor by the hand and tell them neighbor don't try me because god knows how to raise me up if i just stretch to him if i stretch to him he will lord have mercy know how to restore me put your arm around somebody and tell them neighbor you're one stretch away from being restored if you got to stretch your arms stretch your arms if you got to stretch your praise stretch your praise if you got to stretch your mouth stretch your mouth because you're one stretch away from restoration anybody glad that he knows how to stretch you that's what they did to jesus they hung him and they stretched him wide and for me he died but lord have mercy sunday morning i thought y'all like church around here sunday morning he got up with all power in his hand and says he can be restored you can be restored would you do me one favor on my way to my seat just lay your hands on your neighbor and tell them neighbor in the name of jesus be restored tell him neighbor he's stretching you right now and on the other side of your stretch is a restoration if you believe it open your mouth and give him praise i said open your mouth and give him praise i said open your mouth and give him praise your neighbor ain't happy grab somebody by the hand and tell him neighbor i got five reasons why you ought to give him praise reason number one he woke you up this morning reason number two he woke you up this morning reason number three he woke you up this morning reason number four he woke you up this morning reason number five he walk you up now let everything that god up freeze up yeah yeah [Music] [Music] oh come on stretch your face come on stretch your face come on stretch your face come on stretch your face you on your way to restoration restoration is in the room in jesus name ah yeah [Music] [Music] yay [Music] [Music] open your mouth and put a praise in this place don't don't clap your hands don't clap your hands stretch your faith come on stretch your faith somebody's one stretch away from restoration you're one stretch away from restoration [Music] oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my [Music] bishop mayor listen ladies and gentlemen there's some sermons they may bless your spirit but there are other sermons that require you to act the word must become flesh the word must become flesh and i've got some brothers and sisters in here tonight particularly some men the lord says there's some men here you're dealing with the pride of everybody knowing where you're broken but the good news is christ is willing to heal he's willing to heal it if you're willing to stop hiding it at some point you've got to get past what people see what they say what they hear and you've got to be willing to say hey man i'm ready to be whole and being whole means i'll go to church even if people can see what's wrong with me because on that day that you decide to go is highly possible that jesus is there and if you give him what's working he'll handle what's withered oh that's god's word for somebody and if you believe that word those persons in here who say pastor it's me i've got a withered place in my life i've got a part of me that's broken that's not working it is affecting how i work it's affecting how i live it's affecting how i serve it's affecting my life my sister's moving already just meet me here at this altar if that's you the fact that you showed up to church tonight my brother's coming they're coming church give god praise for these that are coming the fact that you showed up tonight says that you want to give god what you got left and the good news is christ is here tonight because you were bold enough thank you all bless y'all you were bold enough to step in this place no matter what is being said what people see because i just need god if he'll take from me what's still working i need him to touch what's withered and here is the word of the lord stretch forth your hand there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is stretch forth your hand i got some brothers here i got some sisters here who finally have gotten past your visible defect and because you were bold enough now give god that broken area i'm i'm happy tonight to serve in a church where there is a liberty that the only way that you really gonna get healed is that you've got to reveal an area of your life that is dried up broken withered and i'm fully convinced that the dream center is a no judgment zone i said i'm fully convinced that the dream center is a no judgment zone yeah yeah yes now you're waiting on me to declare the word but look at the scripture the word was already declared you just now got to stretch oh thank you holy ghost you've got to stretch now on the word that was given but while you're here i want to pray for you i want to pray for you i want to pray for you stretch your hands stretch your hands stretch your hands father i've done what you've told me to do and i got some brothers and sisters here now who are acting moving on the word that you gave in this house tonight and i'm asking you in the name of the lord jesus that you will make them whole that you will restore them they have come to this altar tonight caring less about what people are going to say caring less about any surrounding circumstances and because your power and glory is here i need you god to let some men leave out of here restored i'm asking you in the name of the lord jesus to let some sisters leave out of here restored in the name of the lord jesus and we make a bold declaration right now that we walk in the word we heard and we will leave out of this place allowing your word to become flesh and dwell among us in the name of the lord jesus now father give your restored people a testimony give your restored people a praise give your restored people a sound give your restored people lord the ability to stand up to stretch forth to walk lord and not be silent about what you've done for them in the name of the lord jesus and we believe it so in jesus name amen but before you leave this altar before you leave this altar restored people know how to restore other folk i said restored people know how to restore other people so would you do me one favor and grab one person grab one person and begin to speak restoration into their life if you've been restored begin to pray over their lives begin to speak restoration in their lives if you've been restored you who are spiritual restore such a one in the spirit of meekness come on come on restore your brother sister now i'm gonna yield this bite to this bishop as the holy ghost leads him but speak restoration into the life of your sister and brother now in the name of jesus [Music] oh
Channel: Inspiration Station
Views: 5,207
Rating: 4.9166665 out of 5
Keywords: tolan morgan, tolan morgan fellowship, tolan morgan baptist convention, national baptist convention, td jakes, serita jakes, maranda curtis, tasha cobbs, cogic, steven furtick, michael todd, bishop noel jones, city of refuge la, frank e ray, jasper williams, timothy flemming, fellowship warner robins, john p kee, i made it out, jamal bryant, newbirth, kim burrell, potters house dallas, cogic shout, cogic praise break, holy convocation shout
Id: 6yfSeJGC30g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 9sec (3009 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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