"Pray The Gay Away..." - (r/AskReddit)

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight r slash ask reddit by planet reddit serious gay people have read it who had to attend gay conversion camp for some reason what is your story my story isn't that bad but this specific camp made us list our hobbies and likes and such they'd put up pictures of conventionally attractive dudes in the middle of an activity my favorite thing i listed was drawing and ask us how we felt about them gradually they'd take away one small thing that we liked for example feed take my pen then pencil then notebook and asked how we felt about the dudes again eventually we sat in an empty room as they asked us how we felt i think this was an attempt to make us associate seeing hot guys with losing everything we loved but it was so horribly done that i can't imagine whoever thought to that was over the age of 10. this almost feels like it could be a parody short or something oh you like guys do ya oh i'm so sure of it the only way we could tell for sure is if we take all your hobbies out of the picture and you study our learned like dong then when you do they give you a pat on the back and tell you you're ready oh you like guys i'm gonna make you smoke the entire pack man i don't even know anymore went through a year and change of conversion therapy because my parents are just homophobic as can be conservative christianity accepted blindly with little critical thought will do that i suppose i don't blame them too much they only got it from their parents to begin with sessions range from horrible to men not awful based on who i was seeing at the time cause i was passed around between a few therapists whenever the previous one didn't cure me lots of dumb attempts at fixing me by creating silly associations similar to some other commenters i remember specifically there was strong attempt to try and connect gay thoughts to jail time in my head that messed with me for a little this all happened as i was turning 14 and continued till 18 when i could refuse to attend any more it sure didn't turn me straight but it did make me somewhat homophobic too basically i just hate myself other people can do what they'd like i don't really mind i just never got to grow up and develop sexually never got to experience my teenage years without being berated and i'm going on 12 years of depression now because of it bleh i'm sorry that happened to you i hope you find relief from your depression soon thank you i'm working on it every day i win some and lose some but i'm in a stable position just trying to do the best i can now i am so happy for you mate thank you i'm sorry that happened to you those places sound bad enough but i didn't think sexual abuse was as rampant as how the stories here make them seem i lucked out by only being sent to a counselor it seems thank you for the kind words people always say it gets better and it really does i remember all too well the moment i realized that this was going to be a long difficult summer for me on arrival we were given extensive forms to fill out questions about hobbies likes dislikes and all that kind of thing least favorite smell was an interesting question on the form my 17 year old self thought on the second or third day and i was given some in hindsight incredibly laughable gay erotica probably a strong word and allowed to return to my room or at least what you would expect a particularly naive grandparent in the 1990s to give you anyway as soon as i returned to my room i heard some commotion outside the door and then the pungent smell of curry slowly seeped into my room waves of the smell came through periodically over about three hours this was the smell i had listed on the form and this was their attempt at making me straight by associating attractive men with the smell of curry then when they ask you how you're feeling you tell them the strangest thing happened last night out of nowhere i started feeling an inexplicable love for curry although i used to hate it i can finally go to that indian restaurant peter always wants to take me too honestly i feel like that would just cause me to be aroused by the smell of curry her mother my step monster said there was no way in hell she'd send her child there what a ducking shitty person the adults liked to follow me around to make sure i wasn't ah too friendly with the other girls this reminded me of something that happened at a girl scout camp i went to around age 14 or so it was an out of state camp and i have never been before but it was also a tiny camp and there were a group of four girls who all knew each other they all had the same interests as me and eventually i was welcomed into their friend group two girls lisa and anna were especially close and eventually disclosed to me that she was gay in private and later the group of girls told me that lisa was gay too and they were in love with each other but lisa's parents didn't like that she was gay and although they couldn't stop anna from attending the camp they told the councillors to keep anna and lisa as separate as possible our camp unit was given special chores to keep us from being able to sit together at meals the counselors started implementing mandatory buddy rotations we had to travel with buddies everywhere so lisa and anna couldn't be buddies they claimed it was to prevent cliques but really everyone in the unit got along fine except one girl i really was pretty upset at how lisa and anna were being treated i hadn't fully come to terms with being bisexual myself yet but i knew it was very wrong i'm not sure what happened to lisa and anna in life but i hope it was positive edit well according to lisa's instagram she and anna actually dated in 2015. not sure if they are still together but at least they got to be for a bit i became religious in my teens and came out to my parents so that they could take me to a christian counsellor in hopes that i could become straight or at least asexual the bible suggested this was possible in 1 corinthians 6 9-11 bibligateway.com link plus 6 and version equals esv i was part of an online community of other gay people trying to convert and some of the people in that community claimed to have successfully converted i had also contacted pastor stephen bennett who claimed to have converted so it seemed possible to me based on all these things as wildly unlikely as it seemed my parents thought it was fine that i was gay by mom morizo than my dad and didn't want to take me to a christian counselor but i was adamant by the time they came and finally took me i wasn't christian anymore so my time with the christian counselor was half-hearted and i was dubious of most things he said his process was based on the idea that i was gay because my relationship with my dad was inadequate and because i hadn't been affirmed in my masculinity when i was younger he wanted me to do more manly things and get closer to my dad my relationship with my dad was fine and i didn't have any interest in sports so i didn't follow his advice the counselor asked me what i liked about men i said i wanted to be held he said well why don't you find an athletic assertive girl a well-muscled one that will do the trick i was skeptical then and it is laughable now how little he understood what gay people want that passage such were some of you is about being with prostitutes if you read it in context specifically temple prostitutes corinth was home to several greek temples including a temple of aphrodite i am so sorry someone convinced you it meant you could be cured of the gay it makes me so angry that people take passages out of context to pursue their own agendas went to a catholic summer camp for that exact reason when i was 17. i remember being aqua tinted with a yardstick if i was mildly disobedient ignoring nuns and teachers and camp counselors i remember i was also not allowed to eat if i didn't read verses from the bible out loud i tried my best to muddle through all the stuff but anxiety was getting me halfway through the two week making me appear more problematic than usual so they set me in a tent instead of a cabin for a week where it rained five days in a row i also remember them calling my parents repeatedly to tell them how abhorrent i behaved which obviously led to more trouble however one clergyman i remember for being a good man he would go out of his way daily during the two weeks to make sure i was actually okay what camp was this this sounds illegal af and should be reported pronto physical abuse withholding food and forcing people to sleep outside is extremely inhumane seriously report this to the authorities if not few for all the others that are there are maybe sent there i appreciate the concern but i have no idea if this camp exists it was located outside of america philippines to be exact hell of a way to spend time visiting your family during summer break though didn't go to camp but i was put in church of christ conversation therapy by my parents basically was just told i had a mental disorder for an hour a week for like six months also told that as i grew up i would grow out of it and that all i had to do was pray and trust god a different kid at the same church as me came out and was completely rejected total disfellowship after that i lost my respect for that congregation i still respect real christians but those are very rare in churches these days so how conservative was your [ __ ] congregation one cuppa's head covering i went for one i was molested by the camp leader makes sense what better place to find insecure be curious kids than in a conversion camp stuart how do you like to be a camp counselor this summer oh i'm not big on camp anymore pasta it's a conversion camp for homo kids doing i could do that yes it god's work my mother's sibling just came out as transgender after 35 plus years of repression and she's doing great the best day to plant a tree is ten years ago the second best is today colon for what it's worth you've always been jess inside i am bisexual and in summer 2001 and 2002 i went to two different summer camps a mormon one and generic bible camp while i hadn't come out at that point and this wasn't a conversion camp it was very discouraging and why i think the camps are as bad or worse than people realize cause this wasn't even meant for it and it would suck 2001 the mormon camp had three things stick to me 8 am prayer that went out of its way to pray for personal purity and calling out unclean urges now i get it summer camp for 11-16 but i remember it saying towards those like you a few times the other two are linked they had a buddy system and a buddy buddy thing they paired you with someone but also you and that someone weren't allowed alone together and always had to be with another buddy group felt weird why not do groups of four if you don't trust him 2002 was more behind the scenes i can sum it up with a simple example want to see yourself in a new cabin group hold hands with someone of the same sex well i am gay and i had to go to christian service camp when i was in high school but at the time no one knew i was gay even me really they preached a bunch of love the sinner hate this and [ __ ] we did come bare [ __ ] around camp fires and all that camp type stuff with a whole bunch of jesus added people cried and asked for forgiveness a lot people started talking about being molested and or having premarital sex they weren't punished for anything just hugged and prayed over i have kind of blocked it out but i remember a few of the leaders organized these activities to challenge our beliefs one of these activities included putting some of us in a makeshift jail because they were trying to make them renounce jesus they would taunt them and mock them and crap like that another time we all had to walk around outside blindfolded asking the counselors questions in order to figure out how to get to heaven or hell while blindfolded the angel counselors always told the truth and the devil counsel is always like no matter what they were asked you had to figure out how to ask in such a manner that you knew who was trying to take you to hell with them i went to hell shocker although the worst and probably weirdest thing was on the last night they set up a cross laying flat on the ground and one just passed it erect with a standing platform we kind of formed a line and would lay down on the cross while the person after us would hit the cross next to our hands with a big rubber mallet so we could feel the vibrations and hear the sound of the beating echoing through the woods then we would get up and stand on the next cross with our arms up and others would mock us and yell all kinds of slander then more crying and praying at the campfire sorry if it's not exactly relevant just my experience that truth lie game actually sounds like fun if you take out the moralizing and fear-mongering it's basically just the old riddle about the fork in the road ask one which way the other side would say to get to heaven do the opposite of the answer you get to heaven if you're reading this thread and need help or someone to talk to please call text chat with the trevor hotline thetrevorproject.org link sm 001c 4.10 higgs 6 iwr4 live your kia plus family thanks for watching subscribe for three videos a day you
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Id: 5bjkb-zK_fc
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Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2020
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