Gay People Share Their “Oh No, I’m Gay Moment!" (r/AskReddit)

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our slash asked reddit gay people of reddit what was your o hit I'm gay moment in sixth grade my teacher made an announcement after people had been making poor taste gay jokes he said there's a high change that one of you in here is gay and you probably don't know it it might be you so shut up and in that moment I was like on FeO yeah okay alright kms if I was gay and then two years later I was cranking it to a guy and after a while of doing that I was like oh maybe I'm gay edit first silver thanks lads f WIW I'm surprised how many of the comments use I was cranking it note to self any of your friends who refer to jerking off as cranking it are likely gay especially to a guy I never had any crushes or interest in anything romantic until quite a few years after my sister and stepsister did 13 months and 22 months younger than me respectively then when I finally developed a crush it was on a girl suppressed at four years after my crush rejected me so hard even I myself believed it was untrue until I got ranked around a campfire with my best friend and ended up making out with her all night my best friend and I have now been married for five months edit thanks for the silver kind stranger edit too and thank you so much for the gold aaww what a sweet ending a sweet gay ending when I realized I fell in love with my best friend also we were both on the football team and we shared a locker did you ever say anything to him no there's no need to he straightened I've been with the love of my life for almost five years now I liked Beast Boy and Raven from Teen Titans it clicked when I realized same oh my god b5 edit aaaa thanks for the silver B fives for everyone b5 my best friend who grew up as a good Irish Catholic schoolgirl was walking behind a woman in an airport in the most amazing yellow dress just going on and on in her head about how beautifully it flowed how it curved how it settled on after minutes of this she realized that actually she was just staring at that ass it was an amazing ass Oh hit she thought as she realized looking back down her life every time I've admired another woman's clothes I've totally been admiring them so yeah that has changed her life I had a similar story I was walking out of school at the end of the day I was about 14 and there was this girl a couple of years older than me walking in front of me while walking I kept looking at her ass I couldn't look away after about five minutes of this I was like a hit I'm attracted to girls does liking women's bodies have to mean you're gay though I'm a straight female I would never get intimate with another woman but I will check out other girls bodies all day long the female body is a beautiful thing not me but my best friend I've known my bro group for years and he would always be poppin random boners when we are all in the pool slash Beach that's when he said he knew it was senior year before he finally told us unfortunately when his parents found out they pretty much disowned him same with his boyfriend's parents they both moved into my spare room soon after while they figured out where to go in two weeks I'll be best man at their wedding I couldn't be more proud of them I loved him like brothers edited for clarity edit number two first silver D it's very shiny thank three edit number three first gold 2d I feel all fuzzy and warm inside edit number four I've gotten a few PM's so I'll add this in here so all can see after the wedding on the seventh I'll post an update D edit number five so wedding went great still recovering from hangover unfortunately neither of the groom's parents turned up even though they all were invited I got a little teary eyed at their vows and laughed a bit as well they both about fell over once they got their wedding gift two weeks in Atlantis because they couldn't afford a honeymoon it was a massive effort on the guy's to get everything arranged along with nearly threatening their bosses to get the time off work haha but the look they gave was totally worth it now to go drink ten more glasses of water three much-loved pals and gals unfortunately when his parents found out they'd pretty much disowned him same with his boyfriend I read that as his boyfriend disowning him as well and got really confused / even my boyfriend thinks I'm gay Mathur Deker I'm so embarrassed but it was while watching that absolutely grim show a shot at love with Tila Tequila on MTV I was an 18 years old girl had never met a gay person that I knew about in real life and boom I loved all those lesbians on the show Danny the firefighter thanks for all the feelings can't believe it's a shout-out to Tanner tequila for her dumb show I was in elementary school and watched that and it made me Gil ha I wanna see to the make out with the girls in Bambi excel me edit came to the conclusion it was tonight Aquila's fault we are all DXL holy hit this was me too but I was in middle school at the time and didn't really acknowledge my bxo ality until I had a massive crush on my friend who was a girl when I was a Mormon missionary in Eastern Europe the other missionaries were tempted by the pretty girls & lanzhou ads and I was tempted by the other missionaries edit thanks for the silver I fell in love with so many other missionaries so much exile repression guest experience of my life and most of them were straight though several of us have now come out so your missionary position made you realize that you could never be done with the missionary position damn four hours late to the party here hopefully somebody sees this the hot girl on college campus that my friends all wanted but she wanted me I was questioning if I was gay and found guys attractive but never told anyone I thought I just needed to have X with a girl to prove I wasn't gay went back to her room making out get her undressed decide to just go for it and with my face literally inches from her lower lady bits I say out loud I'm gay sorry it's not you I'm gay really gay she was pissed and confused I got dressed and went back to my buddy's dorm I told him I was gay he was shocked but supportive and happy he has a chance with her now that's a great story I love the idea of you just shouting I'm gay at someone's [ __ ] that's the moment the truth stared him in the face I was at summer camp between seventh and eighth grade I'd made a new friend and we were talking about stuff getting to know each other he made enough hand comment about one of his friends who was bxl I was like what does that mean I'd never even heard of the concept before then it had never even crossed my mind that people could be romantically interested in the same ex so he tells me what it means to be gay and be excel I think to myself ha am i I didn't know I could be like that maybe I am spoiler alert I was I once as a joke when I was 12 pretended to be B Excel to mess with my friends quickly I became the B Excel kid and it got out of hand I then went on a PR tour around sixth grade to make it clear I was messing around took a while but word got out and it was all cool again I'm 35 now I'm totally ducking bxl perhaps subconscious knew more than I did at that point subconscious who always knows more lesbian hair when I was around five my brother brought home his first girlfriend he was 15 and she was 16 I remember being obsessed with her her name was Tara and she had long brown hair and would compliment my drawings she gave me a teddy bear and I still have it to this day looking back I had a huge crush on her God'll all I remember finding my boyfriend's sister overwhelmingly uncomfortably pretty Hal quit I'm be year eight when my bully started humping me to kid logic prove I was a proof I enjoyed that more than he wanted me to in my defense he was a very good-looking bully sigh Oh Nathan my first real gay boner crash y'all probably heard of this or thought of this before but Nathan's probably gay oh yes and I still have my suspicions because he was very anti-gay and you know what they say about men who protest their heterosexuality a lot one of my gay friends was telling me how he realized he was gay and I found myself relating to everything he was saying before that I thought I was a wreck so all I knew I wasn't into girls but had never really seriously contemplated whether or not I was into guys perhaps because I was afraid of the conclusion I'd reach so I just settled on thinking I was a wreck so all in hindsight I'd always been into guys I just misinterpreted all my feeling of attraction as feelings of jealousy I'd see a hot guy and tell myself that I really wanted to look like him and that that was why I couldn't stop staring it made sense at the time even though it sounds absurd in retrospect during that conversation the realization that I had been in denial for years just hit me and I knew I was gay I'm friends with a lesbian who grew up a new tour she just thought all the guys she grew up with sucked because she's not Mormon and so wasn't interested in all the Mormon guys got to college found her future wife and realized she wasn't into guys regardless of religion her wife grew up wealthy in a sea her family discerned her when she came out I learned this because she said something about her family's country club and I said wait are you rich and she said my family is rich I'm just gay booth tap was just scrolling through and saw the word Mormon I'm ex Mormon my brother is being my parents did not take it very well when he came out definitely better than many parents but about a week after he came out he said mum and dad reacted just about how I thought they would but I wish they were supportive they are much better now but it legitimately made my dad depressed for a while I never knew until I started to develop feelings for my best friend we had been close since middle school but around 8th or 9th grade I started feeling attracted to her of course since we both came from Christian backgrounds I tried to deny it and I even made up stories about liking guys just to seem straight in front of my peers but when those feelings wouldn't go away my mind was just like duck before that I had never had any real crushes on anyone in my school and I thought that romance was sappy and not worth my time I still kind of feel that way today but I realized from this incident that when I fall for a girl I fall hard I can relate to that last sentence 100% I'm a B woman and have been in an amazing relationship with a man for the past eight years but for some reason I fall for girls while I harder than I fall for guys like ridiculously harder especially when I find out they like women too I think it's the rarity of the situation I'm a B guy and get the same way about gays / B guys spending more time than necessary picking out underwear in department stores wondering what the models looked like without underwear that shortly led to looking up gay porn law that was a very steep escalation only one happened in the store I'm not gay I'm B with a tendency to develop crushes for girls more than guys it had to be when I went to Florida with my friend for spring break and she cut her to open on Coral I don't think I'd ever seen her bleed like that before and it made me realize how much I wanted to keep her safe and happy beyond in a friendly way the feelings never went anywhere sadly but it really do be like that sometime while my first silver thank you sounds more like a Rohit I'm a vampire moment to me well I'm very pale I was about 11 and I kept talking trash about this female artist I was just going on and on about how I hate her music truly she is just the worst another peer finally asked me if you don't like her why do you keep talking about her oh I just didn't know how to express attraction stupid EXCI artist number stupid exist Anders I'm be fresh out of the closet even though I tried my hardest to suppress it the moment I realized my taste in man I was watching Captain America Winter Soldier in the cinema the moment WS jumped from the bridge into the roof of a car and walked straight into camera just made me go oh duck I realized that not only I wanted that to have that physique to cause that same effect on women but I also wanted to obey a man like that fun fact my father was by my side during the movie my wife and I watching Chris Hemsworth as Thor wife duck he's so hot me god damn right he is after years of doubt and questioning if I was gay all bxl thor ragnarok decided for me that movie is the holy grail for b excells i was like 12 or 13 I watched the movie but I'm a cheerleader because it was on TV late one night and I was like yep I'm gay I picked this movie out from movie gallery to watch when I was six about to be dropped off with my grandma to babysit me my mom didn't read the movie description and my conservative grandmother was horrified my middle school teacher who I looked up to an coincidentally very beautiful told us that she had to take some time off because her wife was giving birth and she wanted to be there for her I was 11 I'd heard of people being gay or lesbian but thought it couldn't be wheel in the back of my mind I hadn't heard of B or trans or race people at that point either my family is quite tradition I never knew liking other girls was an option much less something that could happen to me it's like how you know dinosaurs are real when you're a kid but you have no frame of reference to conceptualize a dinosaur because you've never seen one I'd been wondering why I hadn't developed a crush on my best guy friend like I was supposed to hindsight 20 over 20 ha ha I also distinctly remember googling on incognito stuff like how to tell if you are lesbian I'm a lesbian quiz what is the lesbian and flannel the lesbian quiz told me I was only 60% gay because I didn't own flannels or have dyed hair which pissed me off pee lying in bed that night I thought about holding hands with a boy gross and they look like frogs versus holding hands with a girl exciting and wonderful and accepted it internally then my first gay crisis moment wasn't until the a class freshman year of high school when my very pretty classmate upped her hair behind her ear and I tripped staring legitimately went ass over teakettle knocked over a stool and swept a stack of textbooks off a table said it was because my shoelaces were untied but it was actually because I was too busy staring at the mesmerising curve of hairiest and wondering what kind of shampoo she used to get her hair so soft and gorgeous and flannel doll oMG yeah Hannah the ride didn't have any information beyond stereotypes at that point I was watching some YouTube video when a girl caught my eye had the thought that if I was gay I'd be totally into her then I realized that was not a hetero axel thought maybe it's me being superbee but when my straight friend said that about someone and then told me that it was common for straight people to think I didn't get it at all like they've thought about who they would be attracted to if they're gay what as a straight man I can recognize when another man has features I consider attractive but not think of or view them in a romantic /xl way [Music]
Channel: Ask Planet
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Id: nS4PvdfFX2I
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Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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