HARDEST PREPOSITIONS EVER! - English prepositions quiz + lesson!

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are you ready because today we're doing hardest preposition quiz ever to join this quiz you need some paper and a pen on your piece of paper you'll need to write one two three four five six seven nine ten because i'm going to give you ten example situations then a sentence which describes that situation but some prepositions might be missing but don't worry i will give you a selection of prepositions to choose from you have to decide which preposition or sometimes prepositions best match in this situation for every correct answer you get one point but for every incorrect answer a puppy dies or something bad happens i don't know but anywho if you get a question wrong don't worry at the end of this video i will explain every situation and if there was an alternative answer also i will explain why you maybe got it wrong are you ready i'm ready let's do this [Music] question number one you are with the love of your life you're going for your anniversary dinner it's a very special time very romantic private time but your friend wants to join you and he says this is it okay if i tag something what's that missing preposition remember this verb and a preposition which means to join someone when they do something tag two tag along tag with or tag between you have five seconds choose the best answer is it okay if i tag along if you got that correct well done that's one point you're amazing no no no no that was too easy you and your friend arrive at your friend frank's house but some lady answers the door so you ask is frank home now you don't have an invitation frank doesn't know that you're coming so what will you say here we just wanted to drop something and see him what is that missing preposition drop up drop by or drop in which one do you think the best match is drop by we wanted to drop by and see him now if you wrote something different you know what actually if you wrote drop in you're fine give yourself a point that's fine but to learn why stay until the end of this video i'll show you number three if hypothetically you are a racist piece of president who uses twitter to tweet racist pieces of things imagine if that site prohibited him banned him blocked him wouldn't that be a nice change anywho which preposition is missing you're prohibited with from two or four which preposition collocates to this sentence you're prohibited from using twitter that's the correct collocation here but if you have a different preposition check at the end i'll give the full explanation of other alternative answers in this situation you are an astronaut and you're going to space and you have very supportive friends and they want to tell you so they say this you can do it you're amazing we are all something you which preposition best matches here remember they want to say we all support you we are what we are ahead you we are behind you we are around you or we are through you you have five seconds we all believe in you you're amazing we're all behind you one day you are walking in the street and oh you see two friends which you haven't seen for like two months and all of a sudden they are dating what you are surprised and you want to know how this happened we have a phrasal verb for just that situation so you ask how did that come about how did that come up how did that come through which is best for this situation remember we want to say how did it happen five seconds how did that come about next question a bit harder i think when you admire someone so much and you think wow you're like my hero i really admire you we have a phrasal verb for that it's look something which preposition is missing here well my friend is a bart model on instagram i really look look into him look at him look up to him or look over him which preposition i really look up to him he's like my hero i want to be like him one day are you ready for the next one no you're not ah pizza it's delicious but it creates arguments it causes fights and when two people are fighting and the reason is pizza what can we say they are fighting about pizza they are fighting over pizza or they're fighting for pizza which preposition should go here you have five seconds they're fighting over pizza it's very stupid if you got this correct that's one more point for you but if you wrote any other preposition they also work okay fine everyone gets one point for this question doesn't matter what you wrote you get a point fine but you really should know the difference because there is a difference between these three prepositions in this situation find out at the end for the next two questions this is your selection of prepositions but for each question there are two possible answers you must identify both acceptable prepositions to get the point in both questions the first situation you are trying to find your friend in a crowd of people but you can't see them they're lost i can't find my friend the crowd of people which two prepositions could go here amid during among or between remember you have to choose the two correct answers to get this point amid and among those are the two possible prepositions in this case if you got both of those correct give yourself one point only one if you're not sure about why don't worry i'll explain why later when everything is terrible but your friend stays optimistic and says this don't worry everything is gonna be fine and you want to thank him for his optimism in the middle of this difficult time remember you want to say in the middle so ah thank you i really appreciate your optimism blank this crisis remember which two possible prepositions work here amid and during those are the two possible prepositions for this situation remember you need both of them to get one point for this question and finally this guy much like your brain at this point is dead why hmm a ninja killed him no not ninjas something else something more realistic let's just say cancer that's that's realistic which of these three prepositions matches here he died by cancer of cancer or from cancer he died of cancer now you can use the other ones but we need to change something so stay to the end i'll give a full explanation of why and what we need to change that was tough i'm tired now so how many did you get correct um not that count your total correct answers i'll give you a few seconds [Music] yeah how many out of ten did you get correct if you got between zero and three correct answers congratulations you're a drunk english baby if you got between four and six correct answers you are an old victorian ghost yes you speak english but you don't exactly speak the english of today if you got between seven and nine correct answers you're a tasty english muffin and i respect you and if you got a perfect 10 correct answers you're an english god so let me know in the comments are you a drunk english baby a victorian ghost an english muffin or an english god okay now is the time where i explain the other possible answers this first question to tag means to attach something to a larger thing so you can see the meaning here you're tagging yourself to another person when they are doing something but as a phrasal verb you need that preposition along to tag along with someone if you change this for another preposition it doesn't work and it doesn't have a different meaning it just doesn't exist ah this one don't worry if you made a mistake here there's a famous tv show where someone made a very similar mistake just franken we just wanted to drop up drop in in also gets a point but there is a difference between the two it's it's tiny but it does make a difference drop by and drop in yes it means that you go to someone's um location not necessarily their house not necessarily their work just their location to see them so if you drop by usually it's without an invitation or it's at an outside event if you drop in usually it's with an invitation for example hey i'm having a birthday party next weekend why don't you drop in and of course yes the other feeling of drop in is inside but like i said that's usually and this is english the rules are very relaxed so that's why i said if you wrote drop by that's one point if you wrote drop in that's all so fine but if you wrote drop up definitely no nah nah first of all imagine if this happened it like it's not gonna happen but just imagine secondly prohibited with just no that one doesn't go together but we use prohibited from because of this form of the verb if this verb was in the infinitive form the base form verb one use we could change this to two you're prohibited to use twitter no twitter for you you can't be trusted but because it's in you're prohibited from using the other possibility is for but again not with this you're prohibited for using no there are two reasons why four collocates with prohibited one is the reason for example you're prohibited for being an for example the reason also it could be the duration the length of time so you're prohibited for one month that's okay too so now you see because of this structure because of this form that is why from collocates here in this sentence okay when you want to say we support you the phrasal verb is to be behind someone now let's see the other options if you said i'm a head well if we talk about position that's fine you are here i am in front of you i'm ahead but we also need of i'm ahead of you i'm behind you i'm ahead of you but yeah that's a whole different meaning it doesn't mean support okay so around we're all around you well again we're talking about location or position it means we are everywhere we surround you that's kind of scary and the other option we are through you that doesn't make any sense so it means nothing actually that's a lie if you said i'm through with you that you might want to use that one day when you want to say ugh i'm finished with you i'm bored of you i'm sick of you i hate you i don't want to see you again i don't want to speak to you again i don't want to hear from you nothing i'm through with you that could be for a person it could be for an activity that you're bored of now for example this movie is boring i'm through with it i'm finished with it that works too very specifically if you want to say or ask how something happened use the phrasal verb come about for example well we met each other at a party we exchanged numbers we were talking about game of thrones and how rubbish the ending was anyway that's how this came about again very specifically it's how something happened when something comes up that's talking about a topic being talked about in a conversation for example oh we were talking and the subject of my ex-girlfriend came up it got very awkward a topic of discussion appears in the conversation that's come up and come through well we use that phrasal verb for if an email a text or a message is delivered for example i sent you a message did it come through so come through a message is sent and received okay this one when you look up to someone you admire them you respect them maybe they are like your hero but the other options well we know that look at someone that just means your eyes are going in that direction that doesn't mean admire though so not at here over if you look someone over it's like you're checking them in a suspicious way like huh you're looking someone over and to look into someone means you investigate them for example i think i'm going to hire this person for the job but i need to look into them check on their social media profiles check they're not crazy so there's some very useful phrasal verbs using look the pizza thing yeah all three prepositions they'll work here that's fine we're talking about the reason why are you fighting you can use they are fighting over pizza or they're fighting about pizza those prepositions mean the reason but of course we could be talking about the prize of the fight if you win the fight what do you get in this case pizza in that case we can say they are fighting for pizza but also also over has two meanings here it could be they're fighting over the pizza the reason of the fight it could be the prize of the fight so for that reason all three prepositions are good here but now you know the difference okay these four prepositions they all mean in the middle of something but in this example we're talking about a physical location in the middle of a group of things between doesn't work here because between is in the middle of two things also you might be wondering uh is this the same as amidst and amongst yes it's exactly the same and during let me show you during is in the middle of a time and maybe you notice that there's a mid again yeah a mid is in the middle of one a physical location or two a time but in all cases just know that amid is more formal it's the more formal option it's less common so like in casual conversation you might not say amid maybe choose during or physical location among it's better okay this one lots to explain here first when we explain the direct cause of death we use the preposition of he died of cancer he died of a heart attack that direct cause of death now what caused that cancer what caused that heart attack i've changed it to a heart attack because if you eat too much pizza like i do probably this might happen so the direct course he died of a heart attack what caused the heart attack what was the indirect cause of this eating too much pizza so the preposition for the cause is from he died from eating too much pizza which caused the heart attack this caused this of from going back to the cancer thing he died of cancer from too much radiation for example however however however if you said he died from a heart attack he died from cancer to be honest that's also fine just when you link the direct cause with that indirect cause this flows better keep that in mind and finally buy when do we use buy well we could use buy with the method of death so for example how did he die he died by suicide he died by a sword a ninja sword by is the method congratulations everyone for today and i'll see you in the next hardest preposition quiz ever [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Learn English with Papa Teach Me
Views: 44,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, Papa teach me, Learn English Grammar, Learn English Vocabulary, IELTS, CAE, CPE, aprender ingles, выучить английский язык, English Vocabulary, Phrasal Verbs, ESL, English Teaching, TEFL, TESOL, TOEFL, TOEIC, Study English, English Prepositions, papa english, prepositions papa, english grammar papa, prepositions quiz, prepositions gameshow, prepositions lesson, phrasal verbs quiz
Id: gifsHPX-loQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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