Polling of Ipecac (Forgotten) Run #6

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forgotten go hey finish Ridley with $1 VA till to fight mmm gulping gulping gulping golf and golden 'golden gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gawrsh thank you for the tilt defy donation that puts the SATs 1 zero for one terrible number somebody fix that please go I'm gonna just use this guy to shoot this guy down I don't like dealing with that I can set up the thing while you well I'm shooting them not necessarily a fight me guys you do as you please so you want to make a fun run make a fun run [Music] Murp Murp my verb verb off I don't know what the candle did dope dope dope dope dope dope dope somebody somebody clap that whelp amount of greens from Germany see a maraschino [Music] yes but oh oh yeah number three you guys want to handle hello from Michigan this Fozzie you've been here for a while we just say in the low for now get away from me spider fly no one wants you around shut up Pedro turn the spider flies into murder Hornets what does the candle do scented it's scented maraschino five months think you put that now I can go appreciate it handle feared when it was purple and it's slowed when it was white probably poisons when it's green that's confusion I think confused was doing a whole lot of [ __ ] though that's not good oh that's creepy [Music] jacket 14 I give that back stop [ __ ] with me that's what happens and guess faces man she tears up that's the time for a burp if you ask me tears ah [ __ ] you can't be another a bad trip so where's that red heart there was a red heart somewhere where [Music] that's why I have pants it's like karaoke but better you find that red heart where was it it was around here somewhere voice of an angel there's another red heart multiple red hearts keep pop good smash little Larry I think he did a good job last time so I'm you know I'm happy to have him happy to have him on the team I was going to chat talk to me what's up how was your day little Larry hype that's called being good it's called unexpected domination push it push it real good Pol Pot op oppa oppa bullet up boo-boo boo-boo oh you know I don't even need to I can just fly I can just fly I had to flex my knowledge of being able to push that I'm super smart impressed yet [Music] [Music] [Applause] with me to pieces for me to pieces guys pull me to pieces Rocky's and all stats up until age suddenly throw it up forum [Applause] [Music] platypus I like the bottle top of the bottle to start up with the product without a side up to five I would really like tonight you fear but I will take broccoli it's not bad it's not terrible market for you Wow I like the slowing candle it's nice we get Larry just eat and eating his heart out maybe I should try to let him eat as much as possible he's very good at it get him boy go on I want to draw nice and big and strong all right his enemies through his his head box in a needy guys [Applause] you got stage fright touch that with my bones [Music] come on boy come on [Applause] [Music] seems like maybe you can only do likes like it's I got a timer maybe could be on a timer maybe to overpower it wasn't probably the decision to specific assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance assistance into submission Marva top Singham [Music] believing in here that I'm not interested in 25 cents I also take some well I mean not take the soul heart up I'd get a deal to double first and then hit that soul heart well actually no we've a black card so it doesn't really matter either way so our laws say two deals the devil technically but you'll only be able to pull through [Music] batter up Larry destroyed them Danny and hard six months a up hope you're staying safe looking amazing with them six shades I say I'm in and shadow king with the tier 1 sub welcome friends appreciate that [Music] get him boy [Music] one two three [Music] pick your favorite one of the cool if if the cat got a little bone as well it doesn't I don't know I remember spend long time since I've played forgotten and I don't have all this stuff from rice [Music] four dollars Thanos Fridley so in a bit over three hours we rack up one thousand forty five bucks and now y'all are just dry just teasing unless like we gonna raise 25k silence silence break the baseline No break the silence baseline that's the one three is double items no it's not double items it's double consumables guys I'm gonna go ahead and guess [Music] here's a pail of Tears ex-lap did that penny over here and I just walked right into that fire because of the slippery whoo and that's full clear might as well hopefully get a key or something [Music] Sennheiser is hiding somewhere and I'm waiting for that 1k drop so his EKG no they're all broke from what they did previously in caseless mad that he didn't get his personally signed sweatshirt yet or was it a shirt that's here on the top sticker and we did not find the regular seeker um I'm pretty sure I know where it is probably most likely only be in one spot once I'll crack her open one of those oh cool we did get some keys that's what I asked for and now we go you got mercs just woods I do a merge merge boned rows it's a little hard to see what's going on so thank you it suits some little bones out that's that's adorable okay man I want to be part of the group this X slash guy is actually making things more slippery for me it's not exactly helping helping I'm slippin slidin that's good Larry jr. vs. Larry jr. go probably gonna end up not just slinging I'm gonna end up just shooting normally here or are charging at the bone rather so that I can get the ipecac shots as well the only way to do that buh-buh-buh-buh-buh slip-and-slide made out a diarrhea slippery Oh still feel like I advised his heart my brain thinks I've to dodge like extra hard how does Larry grow I think he just meets people Tech is good I think Tech is good with our combination I think we're gonna get lasers as well well like if Incubus gets lasers only they'll might be kind of a bad thing thank you mrs. or lasers rather are just hard to hit smaller head box than the bones he's shooting but kind of gave up on the fight new idea with Incubus I mean I left it up to you guys so people didn't want to fight me then they didn't want to fight me in between the bone and you is a laser but my inky pistol all right you guys want the laser for sure thank you Miss is still oh okay he was so sweet now bones this is good that's just all around good as I am charging now we're gonna have that laser lots [Music] like that [ __ ] out baby me a combination that I've never seen before that's rare your playlist this is just all of monstercat on shuffle so not too not too hard I feel like Incubus is my my freakin hide his heart man I'm trying to protect him for no reason she's strong independent this don't need no man to protect them we're smashing chat actually gonna be good here since my guy can't actually hold soul arts or Black Arts so we're gonna need to refill some red hearts a lot probably worth it to go in here see what's up I'm gonna do that right when I pop my two of diamonds and nickel drops my brown you a second Incubus not King baby no no no Wow meconium King baby literally just [ __ ] to a whole thing up [Music] I'm thinking this won't follow me around when I'm holding to shoot absolute [ __ ] whatever your old everything is there anything left in the shop there was one more thing to buy in the shop yeah I think every rules broken dick hole [Music] remove blue baby he mean king baby five dollars to till to five fan I was gonna head to bed but not before I haven't gotten this thing up to 1050 you have a blast and stay awesome next analysts have a good night roll still looking pretty here so got this a bad thing baby doesn't like blow the run slain [Music] you know what Blair Jr I want you to kill everybody please Oh king baby left well okay maybe go is it only for the one floor that you get the things I not realize that paid a witness are really really good having a lot of keys is also really really good that's a tough one hey win maybe cuz it's a reroll machine in our item rooms starting next floor bit more options I'll see you doing a victory lap I don't think I've ever done a victory lap like like only for the achievements why would I ever want to do a victory lap cuz it's funny I honestly by the end of these runs I generally look forward to starting fresh again victory laps is just not not something I would like to do like ever I mean let's me like a victory lap around the room because I smash you guys [Music] what even is the victory lap if we go down to the dark room instead of going to the chest and then instead of going to the yeah there's like the way up to heaven or the way down to hell you get the option of starting the run over with all of your items kind of like clone in dungeon I'm not into it we have a draw between 2 and 4 [ __ ] winning schrodinger tears the one that we got last time a diptych a candid shot to three tears you guys want number four [Music] just do anything with this nope oh yeah it shoots out like Incubus is shooting out three tears now it's not not helpful spend the look miles [Music] what does it even do obviously gives you triple shot I guess but not really on my bone I wouldn't mind triple shot on my bone if I shot three bones out and had three lasers attached to them [Music] eh a dizzle I'm gonna take that value alright not lay let's spoil card magician full it gives me a magician also some little like friendly telepathetic ma dude $5 from Clive Akins appreciate that long time lurker thought it'd help the kids wonderful stuff Thank You thousand forty five one of the one of the tree per shot can hit then the others vanish that sounds right only one of the degree tears can hit the other to disappear fog you you limp liquor [Music] tinted rock liquor did you see one are you just doing a funny what happens if two of the tears land at the same time where's the moduo does it pick undies if I don't he's over my bone five bucks from Clyde he kids again 20:45 make that twenty fifty that's a good number thank you for that and now we go [Music] [Music] and that money it's just like a really good combination of stuff we got going on here I feel strong hopeful no health oh we get any health upgrades here please game how's your time now's the time no I don't eat so hard 20 50 what did I say 2045 sorry 1045 now it's 1060 technically yeah we jumped a thousand you got me there I was like wait a second wait a minute what did I say what did you say what did I say - you said do not like those guys I don't like those guys out there ah ah loot scratch card rather chance for stuff to happen look bad we got some stuff that's weird so I'm predictable there's some stuff that happened Joker you know oh that's some spikes [Music] [Music] look at that I didn't see that it's nothing that's so you can grab a battery that's it what happens if it grabs nothing My heavens hurry up battery gonna miss it now you [ __ ] up 69 cents baby walked out in the ends well so much is a freaking reroll machine fricative frack rickety fracking for oil status affection an aura like succubus the candle does yeah all for win pretty frakked there goes my back step on my mom's crack she'll hit you in the sack I hope Isaac's hearts in there you know your bris to fur well we were pulling 100 votes now we're pulling 45 votes I'll board or something we lost like 10 viewers about a hundred fifty lots my beretta what is up not too much raising money for st. Jude Children's Hospital a big deal there goes [Music] drop bombs what the hell is happening I smack the bombs [Music] Poliquin baby lovely eyes hallowed ground portable sanctuary yeah I hid the bomb only if I charge up though I whack them like a bat there's no that means they no longer send my thing out for lasers that's Jamie [Music] let's shame [Music] placa bow not oh my god before everyone think that's one are we only him no we just got the placebo yes we blow this guy up how many times have I gotten dr. fetus on a cursive lines hundred happens away too frequently [ __ ] [Music] okay now you can land on me that's cool no no let's good that's good that's cool nice [Applause] double dose strong pills that two pill happenings per thing stuff pick which one you don't want me to take and I'll take the other to go we need this if you get blank card with this and you find that loss find a Errol Oh see you dance good night put still love 0 HP yeah watch me there's no deep [Music] how do you still only have two bone hearts I don't know no boss items later Junior is my first boss item you got Chad in there you guys don't want me to take number two looks like one in three very first oops [ __ ] me oh he's [ __ ] kidding me I tried to avoid cuz he pulls you in so I was fighting up against it and then in a block out the [ __ ] bug piece of [ __ ] goddamnit ball lickers use your Joker no I refuse I absolutely refuse pass t Johnston tier 1 sub thank you for that [Music] puss sheaths I didn't want I wanted the freakin item I was like we need this oh [Music] my god dad you the worst that's a little harsh we literally have murder Hornets and coronavirus but I'm the worst white stasis 16 step back a lot of stuff going on the screen there to up speeds here's a lovely supposed to diarrhea ass probably oh I vote mimic I totally forgot about the mimic I got I kept going with that that's it it's really that big of a deal I kind of charge up our bombs just pass be our other really ghostly little buddy that would have a higher rate placebo pill mimic yeah that's okay I rarely ever take this one reason I have is because of fighting fluke sore they even see what's happening on the screen there's just way too much [Music] overstimulated [Music] Oh crashing oh my goodness that's a bone heart I'm gonna wait till I bow right hard to fill it with larry's on it Clary's on it see bills great black cards amazing just it's not like it when you say coronavirus you you are does YouTube only do that huh I don't understand why I would be able to see it my role is an option so let's actually add that to the list here all right pay this off that needs to breathe look at my hair is just like permanently Justin lished what's the bar above Isaac's head the bar what bar the charge bar there's a lot of people here it's this big blue Tong faith evil forgot you had hair a good or evil bar I don't fully understand how it all works but yeah you guys wanna roll [Music] that that that that I feel like start stretching or something wake up the whole body hurts from working out [Music] calisthenics feels good feels good if you really need to work out the wheel exists I said my body hurts from working out number four you guys want the creatine powder damage and speed I'm okay with that [Music] all right roll Wow holy Bowser's blaring get him Blair get him thank you Larry I think I'm gonna take that instead of the pill thing maybe I took some pills I didn't notice there being a difference in the pills but maybe I wasn't paying attention cuz it would seem like what pill mimic maybe that pill trinket would be good but I don't even know what happened then Wow a while that's a might've found Wow [Music] honey we strong body hurts stretched wheel for every hundred dollars I'm gonna stretch ya bro got a donate better see those stretches [Music] that's luck with a prime sub appreciate that logs in the Stremme life [Music] but it up but it up but it about a boo-boo spend all our money and then take the burnt dollar sounds like a plan to me I'm gonna spend my money out probably start buying everything skip box so trinkets is something that I think I'd like to take the youngjoo gifted a sub 200 wrench awesome stuff we're doubter less-is-more would you let me out of the what are you doing why you not gonna be back into the room here superfan drops interesting okay well know why or who or what or when but yeah take it I'll take I kind of want to get through Borderlands if we're gonna do one two and three of Borderlands you guys it's gonna be a while but I also have black and whites number two and I want to play that that would be an awesome late-night stream idea but we're gonna go through all eight Bumbo if we're gonna go through all the stuff man that's gonna be a while toget to that I don't want this one penny though that's the thing I don't get a penny could give it to this machine I like one more than two sister pakka mother what far beyond necro - are we ready to go pump up a pumpkin dude [Music] [Applause] yeah ya know [Music] SiC one not the last one please Thunder [ __ ] supposed to get this live train going to split of stone there's no what the hell is that bum for you cringe bum [Music] to do the [Music] a card bone like lobby to break doing a bit where do that I go [Music] mata boy calling it if I said here and I don't shoot my star job by anybody this go out and just the bomb explode in order to bottom wait for me you guys know staining it is something's up themselves and some of them no clue see dm+ Tessa for science bomb explodes on me but I didn't take damage [Music] but I got children's pills [Music] a wooden cross frogs [Music] right Godard [Music] ba-ba-ba-ba I missed it [Music] you took money that I said so many things to memorize Edom Larry thank you flipped rib [Music] you feel feel feel feel whew you can leave us ad right whose flashlights Griego King Brian sub welcome friend thank you for that don't be you guys we are raising money just for st. Jude Children's Hospital if you are feeling generous I highly recommend you donate money to it to the mods can give you the link in the chat go there and be Thanks this is why we die why I dye my hair every year because of our donation goals during this time st. Jude let the wake up the neighbors with this music give a boy a button I think I just can't charge up my mother boy to like they won't ever work so good work everyone nice jorb hamster a spoon that's pretty good what the hell is that thing I don't know but Larry ate it Larry spit it out Larry what are you having your mouth you get back here mister like a dog when it's 2 and on something but you never gave you anything [Music] Larry devourer of worlds look at my swings spam [Applause] Oh give a favorite [Music] whereas the hats that took ahead and break goes much better just crushing my soul wipe space is 50 bucks tell us a five you said donate so here you go thank you and pakoda torch 20 more on top of that which brings us to one thousand one hundred thirty dollars wonderful wonderful wonderful I guess I'll have to put glasses back on now you guys voted for number three as well so many times now in is helpful boom baby pretty sounds like a fight me oh it's it took my red hearts to I want to do that I'm gonna take my red hearts put my red hearts do one of my bone hearts do to deserve that it took all of my other stuff and all my bone arts [Music] cancel that why you do this why you do this [Music] didn't even fit on screen with you on your knees not my knees extra range helpful not I can even I came in fling that thing over there you never wanted to I don't know that is pendulum tied the penny or we don't spend any money while I'm gambling by where to eat gamble ever sees my field there oh excuse me allergies I'm allergic to coronavirus we should have waited to take that but silly [Music] duct tape brought number six when never tried to start telling people I'll never do anything ever again then maybe people will just be happy that I did anything I need to like lower the bar here flatworm [Music] get'em [Music] Wow Wow Wow I can't take anything I can look at it ah so I can take stuff that was perfect I worked out in my favor all right [Music] then they'll be even more mad you said never damned if you do damned if you don't doubled my health house under a Besson number four when [Music] you know a new DLC popped out for house hunter house hunter is that what it is house hunters is a HD TV show oh Jesus I can't switch forms once it calls house flipper as the house going snorkeling there we go bone flipper I'll sniff her viscera cleanup is kind of like how sniffer you get the like the nose gun to sniff out stains tell me I'm wrong that's creep that I can walk on okay [Music] [Music] I'm sorry I'm stealing your [ __ ] dad loves you I swear [Music] Larry is a lawn boy look at him gonna go killing it [Music] [Music] boss the bone heart they're pretty unavoidable that light came down on my [ __ ] head Jays I gaming maybe possibly like a crime stuff right now oh hi when will you leave like madness off friends and blah blah blah blah blah I don't know that US I'm gonna keep what we got cuz it's good we said the gang how's things [Music] everything is pretty finish Chris I I don't know what it's really gonna do something to me so let's maybe just not might want to end up using my other little guy here always it look like oh my god that's wacky that is wacky this wacky enough and my orc just took damage it's not working it makes my ankle a pseudo calming laser which is nice whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that's how we're gonna have to roll this is my limited health damage or dodging is gonna be incredibly difficult [Music] we're gonna skip math class today say hi AB I have been watching you for years but only just got prime for the sub yes I damage bombs [Applause] save that black card when it was a so hard you got that's good that's why we can't hold the takes us to the box that it did not do I never - I got stuck there red that black car now I guess I am back had to update glitch one hats please sis Fozzie to bear [Music] drop this until 2pi Ben's here with 39 months welcome back [Music] risking it here with my bone I can take one INT though with that look at that Blackheart save it sorry Baba keep doing that get on my back no I'll turn to the guy in the spider walked into me right hard right hard right hard give me another one one more place [Music] and risk it we're gonna do this victory is at hand and guilt [Music] sweet bombs into my own skull a boy the smartest thing I've ever done I'll fit you in the neck hit you in the neck is what he said [ __ ] you pop in your general direction [Music] ass cakes Blair Jr's like hell how's that wall taste bud [Music] [Music] never die don't stop firing don't stop believin crap in his neck got him
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 7,545
Rating: 4.8914027 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Id: kWul6BkYnEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 51sec (3771 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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