- Greetings, Pokefans! Michael here, and I have
played through Pokémon games many, many times. But, never quickly. On the very off chance that you don't know
what a speedrun is, it is essentially someone
trying to play through the entirety of a game,
as fast as possible. Various games have different
rules associated with them, and it's a very
well-established community. Pokémon speedruns are
of course a thing, but I have never really
been exposed to one. I've never watched one, I've
certainly never attempted one, and I don't really know
any of the strategies. Therefore, I thought it
would be fun to record myself watching one for the first time in order to caption my reactions as someone who knows Pokémon, but, doesn't know
Pokémon speedruns. The speedrun I will be watching is the current
world record attempt for a playthrough
of Pokémon Red. Any%, Glitchless. Which, I think means, you
just can't use glitches. The run was completed by Pokeguy who was kind enough
to give me permission to make this video. He's a fantastic
Pokémon speedrunner and holds several world
records, not just this one. So, if you're interested in his Pokémon
speedrunning content, check out his stuff in
the description below, primarily his Twitch, he
streams there very regularly. But, enough intro stuff! Don't forget to
subscribe to my channel and let's dive into my reaction to a world record
Pokémon speedrun. All right, so here we have
Pokeguy's YouTube video replay of the speedrun. I am not entirely sure
what all of the time things over on the side are, but
I am assuming they are targets for completing
certain milestones in the game is my guess. I will be watching this
speedrun at 2x speed. I should say that upfront. I, it's an hour and
45 minutes long. Very short amount of time
to complete a Pokémon game. You can play through an entire
Pokémon game in less time than you can watch
an Avengers movie. But, that would be a
very long video (laughs) So, I am going to
watch it at 2x speed and, also, the video's
gonna be trimmed up to just the parts where I'm
saying interesting things, aha. Okay, I think I've got
everything ready to go. I've got my gamer goggles,
like shiny Hail form, Castform. Can I get a hail yeah? I have the video, all right! Let's uh, let's hit play! All right, turns battle
animation off, so that, that makes perfect sense to me. So, not particularly beautiful. Okay, so it starts, okay, it starts when you
start the conversation with Professor Oak. His name is A! His rivals name is A! How will they tell them apart? So far, it's just
going straight for the straight for the various things
that need to be gone for. All right, I wanna see
what starter he picks that's the thing I'm
most interested about. Like, is there a
starter that's like, definitely best for... Squirtle, okay! Squirtle.
- (mumbles) - Oh. Oh, he talks in this! (laughs) I didn't know he
talked in this (laughs) that's kinda funny. - [Pokeguy] It's supposed to
be here, like, tomorrow night. (8-bit battle music) - One Tail Whip. (8-bit battle music) - [Pokeguy] So close. Oh, okay. So, that wasn't ideal. Interesting. (happy 8-bit music) How is he not getting
any wild encounters? (mumbling) That is magic! No wild encounters in all
of Route 1, that's insane. Ah, wow, got through
again, my goodness! - [Pokeguy] Wow,
3:40 Lab entrance. - You know, it just
occurred to me, I think it's interesting
that he picked- oh, there's a wild
encounter, all right. So, they do exist. (laughs) I think it's interesting that
he picked, he picked Squirtle. Because Squirtle, Bulbasaur is the,
like, I know he's, it makes sense that he would
pick Squirtle or Bulbasaur to beat Brock faster. But, it's strange,
I think it's strange that he picked not Bulbasaur 'cause Bulbasaur could
help him with Misty. So, how he beats Misty
will be interesting. (happy 8-bit music) (ping sound effect) (happy 8-bit music) Why did he do that? Why did he restart
the game like that? (8-bit battle music) Interesting, maybe there's
some strategy behind that? He wants a Nidoran. Oh, caught it immediately, okay. Nidoran's on this target thing. - [Pokeguy] I'm like,
almost certain that that's my best Nido split of all time. Don't think I've
ever gotten 6:31. (8-bit battle music) - Catching a Pidgey, too? - [Pokeguy] (mumbles) - Whoa, why did he just? Why did he walk through
the grass that time? Why didn't he walk
around the grass? How is, how is this happening? How is he getting
through all of this? All right, this is
his second mandatory trainer battle, I think. (8-bit battle music) Maybe Squirtle's better
because of Tail Whip. - [Pokeguy] Come
on, you gotta crit. - Hoping for crits
(chuckles) yeah. Oh, that was, that
was unfortunate right there.
- (mumbles) - Didn't get that
last little K.O. - [Pokeguy] It's
a terrible reason. - Is he goin' to the
gym without healing? - [Pokeguy] All
right, good special, good defense, Defense Curl. (8-bit music) - [Pokeguy] That's right, Leo. It's great. - 10 minutes to
get to Brock, wow. - [Pokeguy] 'Kay. - Man, Squirtle really (laughs) He's four levels lower than
Brock's weakest Pokémon! He's doin' Switch Training
in the gym battle. (8-bit battle music) And this saves time
apparently, that's wild! (8-bit battle music) All right, well, Brock was trivial with Bubble,
- (mumbles) - which makes perfect sense. Wow, he, he has not healed
at a Pokémon Center one time. (8-bit battle music) So, it seems the
strategy of using the defense-dropping
moves, Tail Whip and Leer, is more effective than using more effective than just
attacking over and over again. (8-bit battle music) - [Pokeguy] That was a low roll. (mumbles) - I never should've
deleted Tail Whip or Leer in any of my starter Pokémon! - [Pokeguy] That's
so ridiculous. - (laughs) He's like,
"Things are going terribly" (laughs) and it's like, it's
kinda funny to hear that knowing this is gonna be
the world record (chuckles) Yeah, see, speedrunning Pokémon
is such an interesting thing because it's like, how
often do you, like, skip trainers to go faster? And how often do you
not skip them (laughs) so that you can get levels. - [Pokeguy] Ah, that's the best. - Oh, an exciting crit, ooh! (ping) Why the saving? - (mumbles) (happy 8-bit music) - Is there, what is the
reasoning behind that? He's done that twice now. Mount Moon without healing. Absolute madness. (8-bit music) - [Pokeguy] That was just rad. (8-bit music) - How is there no
wild encounters? (8-bit music) Did he use a repellent
and I just didn't notice? Is there some kind of, like,
thing with restarting your game that can make it so
that you don't deal with any wild encounters? (intense 8-bit music) 'Cause this is insane. Like, did he use a repel
and I just didn't notice? Is he about to get through all all of Mount Moon without
a single wild encounter? - [Pokeguy] Still not sub-20
Paras encounter, it's so hard. - Oh, there's one. How did a (laughs) (8-bit battle music) Sorry to interrupt
the speedrun but, I wanted to wait to
do this promotion until the people who are
still watching at this point are clearly the people
who care about me. But, anyways, the
past few months over
on my second channel, MandJTV Plays, I've been doing
a Pokémon battling league of just Metronome battles. It was wild, it was fun,
and I won the entire thing. To celebrate my team,
the Houston Gastros, claiming victory,
for a limited time, I will be selling Houston
Gastros MBF Champions shirt. You should definitely pick
up this really awesome design 'cause I worked hard on it and
I think it looks pretty cool. And it'll only be available
for a limited time. So, if you want one, link
is in the description. Also, it should be
displayed below the video. All right, back to the speedrun. (8-bit battle music) Okay, he gets a rare
candy, evolves Nidoran. - [Pokeguy] That's the
stupid Bug Catcher, too. Makes up for it. (8-bit music) - Teaching Water
Gun to Nidorino. And evolving it! - [Pokeguy] I'm
using my laptop mic. 'Cause I didn't bring my
mic to college with me. - Nidoking!
- (gasps) Okay. It's okay. I took that (mumbles)
just in case. - And Mega Punch! Wow, just like, here's a
Nidoking, here's every TM. (laughs) (8-bit battle music) Was Mega Punch's accuracy good in Gen 1? 'Cause, I'm really
impressed that he didn't miss a single one. (happy 8-bit music) All right, arrived
in Cerulean City. Healing at the Pokémon
Center for the first time! (laughs) In Cerulean City, that's nuts. (8-bit music) Getting the bicycle and
never getting off of it I'm assuming. (happy 8-bit music) Wait, why did he talk to him? (8-bit music) Is that just not, I, it went to fast and
I don't know why he talked to the bike guy
but didn't get the bike. That's right, you need the
bike voucher to get the bike. (8-bit battle music) (happy 8-bit music) So, it seems like he's
strategically choosing when to use the strong moves and when to use the weak moves? So that he doesn't
have to go back and heal the PP as often. That's pretty interesting. It seems like, if it'll
OHKO, he goes for Mega Punch. If it won't, he goes
for a few Horn attacks. I'm still wondering
why he caught the Pidgey and
the Paras, though. What was the
purpose behind that? Maybe he'll start usin'
'em later, I don't know. (8-bit battle music) 'Cause it looks like
he's tryin' to just solo things with Nidoking. Ooh, a Mega Punch missed! - [Pokeguy] That's stupid. - And the Pidgey
barely lived, oh no! That was unfortunate. - [Pokeguy] Nice. - Ooh, but he made up for it. Made up for it with that
crit on the Nidoran. Here's the tentacle Mankey. The most impressive-- - (mumbles) - Tentacle Mankey. (8-bit battle music) - [Pokeguy] Okay. - And he does it! He doesn't miss a Mega
Punch and he doesn't faint! Incredible! - [Pokeguy] Good try. Think I'm dead to two misses. I swear to god. Okay. (8-bit battle music) - Oh, he deleted
Water Gun for Thrash. That happened so fast 'cause
I'm watching at 2x speed but. Thrash, that should
be interesting. Got some really strong moves
this early in the game, Mega Punch and Thrash. Bill is a person again, hooray! Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, what?! He escape roped in Bill's house? (happy 8-bit music) Why does he keep talking
to the bike person? - [Pokeguy] (mumbles) - I'm so confused. He keeps going back and
talking to the bike person and then just leaving. Is that, like, a mistake, er? - [Pokeguy] No crits.
Okay. That's fine. I suppose. (8-bit battle music) - All right, so, Thrash
seems like it's a good move 'cause it's multiple
hits with not very many. - [Pokeguy] But I've only
got the Machop range once. (8-bit battle music) - Only using 1PP, okay. About to fight Misty
with a Ground-type. But if the Nidoking--
- (mumbles) - Oh ho, hoo! Ooh, confusion. I am confusion! All right, Nidoking
versus the Water-type gym! Nidoking gets the first one. Continues to Thrash. Ooh! (gasps) It lives! (claps) We beat Misty, let's go! I'm so proud of us, team! I am not participating in this. This happened like, a
year and a half ago. But I still feel like I'm there. - [Pokeguy] That's kinda
scary, just no Quick Attacks. (8-bit battle music) And I'll take that. Please don't Quick Attack me. - (laughs) He keeps saying like,
"Please, no Quick Attacks. "Please, no Quick Attacks." I win if you don't
Quick Attack (laughs) Straight to the SS Anne. (8-bit battle music) All right. This Nidoking that's
done all kinds of things now is taking on
the rival by itself. It just occurred to me,
it took me this long for it to occur to me, that
the other Pokémon he caught were for HMs. - [Pokeguy] This can
literally die to Surge and still be at a world
record by a decent amount. - He's, he caught, like,
Pidgey's gotta be for Fly. Squirtle, he chose Squirtle
was for the water HM, Surf. And then Paras is
like, probably like, Cut and maybe, maybe Flash
if he even cares about Flash. And then like, (happy 8-bit music) like, probably Strength
and Rock Smash, too. (happy 8-bit music) Oh, Bubblebeam is now. Okay, got rid of Water
Gun, taught it... - [Pokeguy] I've literally
practiced this so much. (sighs) - Paras gets Dig too, okay! Cut and Dig. (ping sound effect) Why, what is the
purpose of the save? All right, LT. Surge! - [Pokeguy] Rats. (8-bit battle music) Okay! - Wow, Thrash is incredible! (laughs) He uses 1PP and it's a
strong move that just, wow. I can't believe it knows
Thrash at this low of a level. (pinging sound effect) He's doing this, what is the, I forgot what the
Fan Club Leader, oh, that's what it is. Yep, okay. Now he's getting the bike. Oh, and he digs
back to Cerulean! (happy 8-bit music) I can't believe they let you
Dig in buildings in this game I didn't even know that! (happy 8-bit music) - [Pokeguy] Yeah,
I did that right. (happy 8-bit music) - Thunderbolt to Nidoking. Okay, I see, it makes
perfect sense to me that Nidoking is the speedrun
Pokémon of choice here. Because it's, like,
he can learn every TM in the game, basically. - [Pokeguy] I mean,
I could W stomp, but. You know, I've--
- Also, something that just occurred to me, he is
speaking to trainers that he has to
battle intentionally. - [Pokeguy] Don't really
want to deal with that. So I'm probably doing (mumbles) Especially so that I
don't red bar right now. - He's not letting them spot him 'cause it takes a
longer amount of time for the exclamation point happen
than the walking to happen, he's just driving right up
to 'em, talking to them. - [Pokeguy] Cool. (8-bit battle music) - Oh gotta, had to
use a Full Restore! - [Pokeguy] Dead run. Dead run. - Dead run? (laughs) He's saying dead run 'cause
the sleep just (laughs) Oh, you humble
gentleman, Pokeguy! (chuckles) Dead run
when this ends up being the world record. - [Pokeguy] So round
this 20 to 24, 23 sure, times two will be six. - (laughs) Okay, he is using Repels. I didn't even. Maybe he was using Repels
earlier and I just missed it. You know, I love how (laughs) Those Cut trees next to
the entrance of Rock Tunnel have always been so pointless. Like, this is a
speedrun and he has Cut and he still just drove
around them (laughs) Confusion. Bubblebeam is the best.
- Aye. - Why Bubblebeam
twice and not just-- - [Pokeguy] Why would
I listen to w stop. Literally just killed this run. - There's gotta be some PP,
like, preserving reason. (8-bit battle music) Man he is just, Rock
Tunnel in complete darkness and has gone right to
all the correct things. We got a crit! I don't know if that mattered.
- (mumbles) Vine Whip, yes! Let's go! - Why did he just cheer
for Vine Whip happening? So, this is interesting. So, the move set I think
the Nidoking has right now is Mega Punch, Thrash, which
are the two hard-hitting moves. Horn Attack, which
is less hard-hitting because then it, it like, is used for, I guess,
weaker Pokémon to save PP. And then Bubblebeam to
deal with the Rock-types that resist the
Normal-type attacks. So, that's interesting to me. I think that's, like,
it makes perfect sense. That's why it's successful. - [Pokeguy] Like, I can
literally still world record with skipping so far.
- I keep having to adjust my gamer goggles. Skips Lavender Town completely. - [Pokeguy] And I hit
myself two more times. (happy 8-bit music) - Is he just know exactly
where the hidden items are and he can, like, stomp
on a dime to pick 'em up 'cause, that is impressive. Department store,
what is he getting? TM 07, I don't
know what that is. Several repels, okay. Okay, so here, he's getting Fly. Right? This is the house
that gives you Fly. (happy 8-bit music) So, now he, now he shouldn't
need to worry about like, avoiding Pokémon Centers
so that you can like, like, Dig back to
them to travel faster 'cause he can just
fly to places. So, that will probably
be nice (laughs) Okay, so the Pidgey
is for flying. Flies back to Lavender. (happy 8-bit music) I thought you couldn't
get to the top until you'd... (8-bit battle music) Why's he going here
without the Silph Scope? Oh, Thunderbolt. I forgot he taught
it Thunderbolt, I
missed that (laughs) Oh, that's what he bought
at the Department Store! Okay. Is it? Am I tripping? That's gotta be what he bought
at the Department Store. I must say, I'm happy that
the go-to speedrun Pokémon for a playthrough of
this is a cool one. It's Nidoking (laughs) You know, if you
had to do, like, if the best speedrun
Pokémon was Jynx, that would be really dumb. Okay, he heals using
the, that area. Okay. That's the first time
he's healed in awhile. Horn Drill. (pinging sound effect) - [Pokeguy] So. - What? He taught it to, he
taught it Rock Slide for just a tiny bit?
- For Elixir, I think. - Okay, here's the ghost. - [Pokeguy] Cool. Good. - He skips it with a Poké Doll? If you use a Poké Doll to
avoid the Marowak ghost, you can just skip the
entire Rocket Hideout. That is insane! I had no idea! - [Pokeguy] I lost a
minute on (mumbles) - That's obviously (laughs) That's a massive
time-saver, my gosh! I can't believe that! - [Pokeguy] Now I don't think
I've ever gotten a 1:02 Flute. Could be wrong.
- Horn Drill? Wait, how is he landing
all these Horn Drills? Okay. So, I, I wanted to look up to
see if Horn Drill just like, had a different accuracy
calculation in Gen 1 it doesn't, it's just
30% and, somehow, he just landed two in a
row, no problem (laughs) Pokémon speedruns clearly
have a lot of luck involved. (happy 8-bit music) All right, got the Poké Flute. Oh, he's healing again! Okay, I'm surprised
he's healing again 'cause, the last time he
healed was in the, the tower. Didn't think he'd heal
so soon after that. Oh, the Fresh Water is
how you get to Saffron! Okay (laughs) I've only
played through a Gen 1 game one time, so I was remembering
in Fire and Leaf Green, you have to get the Hot Tea. He's doing Silph Co. already. (8-bit intense music) Stairs are faster than
the elevator, apparently. (8-bit battle music) He's using X Accuracies! I was watching at
too fast of a speed that I didn't even
notice that before! That's how he's hitting
these Horn Drills! Okay, so, this is news to me. X Accuracies, in
gens one and two, "When used in battle,
the Pokémon's moves "ignore accuracy checks." So, he's, the X
Accuracies are not just increasing the chance
that his Horn Drills hit, they are making the
guaranteed to hit. Which is broken as hell,
no wonder they changed that in later generations! I had no idea that that's how
X Accuracies worked in Gen 1. Holy crap. No wonder Nidoking is used
'cause it gets Horn Drill like, wow, okay. That's, that is, no,
that's how people are beating this game so fast! They're using a X
Accuracy, and then OHKOing any Pokémon they fight that's
not faster than theirs. This is absolutely the
fastest any human being has ever gotten
through Silph Co. 'cause this place is infamous for being impossible
to get through (laughs) Like, gettin' lost
every single time. So many memorizing how
to get through Silph Co., wildly impressive. Oh, he just used
a X Speed as well! (8-bit battle music) - [Pokeguy] Up two, I think. - So now, he's making it
so the opposing Pokémon aren't faster than him, so
he can use his Horn Drills. Ooh, that was bad! He doesn't go for the Lapras. Which I think makes sense. Probably too lengthy
of a conversation. - [Pokeguy] I'll take the Bone
Club here if it doesn't kill. - He aren't, like, he's
just gonna use the Nidoking for everything as, the Squirtle
is his Surfer, clearly. Why does he want
Rhyhorn to Horn Attack? - [Pokeguy] Please. (pinging sound effect) Using Guard Spec? Nice, dead run. (8-bit battle music) - Why did he Thunderbolt
so many times? Was he misclicking? (pop sound effect) (upbeat music) (happy 8-bit music) Back to Celadon! Okay, digging back to Celadon. Clever! - [Pokeguy] All
right, let me see. How's this time lookin'?
- All right, here's the Snorlax. I'm assuming he just K, oh,
he just runs from it (laughs) I was gonna say, I'm
assuming he just KOs it. Nope, running's faster. All right, got rid of
Thrash for Earthquake and revived the Horn Drill PP. - [Pokeguy] I think it
literally would've been faster to not do Silph red bar. (pinging sound effect) (happy 8-bit music) - Back to Celadon! - [Pokeguy] But, it
wasn't my fault, so. (happy 8-bit music) - It is faster for him
to Dig back to Celadon, then Fly to Fuchsia,
than it is for him to stop by the Pokémon
Center in Fuchsia then Dig out of the,
that is interesting. (8-bit battle music) That is, that is, fascinating. Who, I would never have
expected that, that it was faster to go to
Celadon then Fuchsia, then Fuchsia, back
to Fuchsia (laughs) He's fighting Koga before Erika, and I don't fully
understand why. (8-bit battle music) Maybe because it's an easier
battle due to the type matchup? So, therefore he
can, he can beat it and get more experience. - [Pokeguy] Better get
self-destruct turn one. - Easier? (8-bit battle music) Uh oh, uh oh! Ooh, his Nidoking just fainted! Wait, but he won still! Oh my god, his last
Pokémon self des-- Holy crap! (pinging sound effect) He is unfainting his Nidoking
by using Rare Candies on it. You can do that in Gen 1?! So, now he's here at Cinnabar, going through the
Pokémon Mansion. Still has not fought Erika
and I'm not sure why. (pinging sound effect) Blizzard onto Nidoking now. - [Pokeguy] Almost taught
that over Thunderbolt. (warping sound effect) - All right, digs outta the
Pokémon Mansion back to Celadon. Hasn't been to any Pokémon
Center (laughs) in awhile. I think the last time he healed
was in the Pokémon Tower. Erika's Gym. Now he's doing Erika, okay. He wanted Blizzard! That's why he waited to do
Erika, he wanted Blizzard. That's his,
apparently, best move to take on her Grass-types. Okay, so that's why
he delayed so long 'cause he needed to get to the
Pokémon Mansion for Blizzard. Or not, maybe he'll just use
Earthquake instead (laughs) Okay, Blizzard on the
Tangela, all right. His Nidoking is so
over leveled, though. I would think like a Normal-type
move would be enough but, what does he know now? He knows Earthquake, Horn Drill. Not using the Horn Drills. Maybe to save on a
healing at some point? Earthquake, Horn Drill, Blizzard
and Thunderbolt I think? All right, time for
the Blaine battle. - [Pokeguy] Super
Potion, please. - Super Potion. - [Pokeguy] I'll take that. - Is the, did the AI Super
Potion when he was at full HP? (8-bit battle music) Okay, now he's usin'
the Horn Drill strategy. Surprised he's goin' for Horn
Drill and not for Earthquake. I guess Earthquake may not
be enough for some of them? Even though it's a STAB
Super Effective move. And you can Dig
in buildings, wow. I just did not know
that about Gen 1. I just did not know that. Sabrina? Okay, how's he gonna,
he's gotta be usin' the Horn Drill strategy
to beat Sabrina. And he's got the warp portal
pattern memorized, my god. (laughs) (8-bit battle music) No Earthquake, okay. Nidoking's faster than
the Kadabra somehow. Okay, he's just using
Earthquake, yeah. Strong physical, okay. I mean, I guess
this makes sense. Strong physical
stat moves (laughs) So, so all these, every battle is just a
(mimicking beeping noise) All right, that's seven
gym badges already. In an hour and 26 minutes. So, now, he's about to fight
Giovanni for the second time because he completely
bypassed Rocket's Hideout. Which is just wild (laughs) (happy 8-bit music) All right, left and came
back in to rest that guy. And just walk right
in, okay, yep (laughs) I think I remember
doin' somethin' similar when I was a kid, in Leaf Green. Doing Giovanni for
the second time. - [Pokeguy] Please,
please, please. Yes! Okay. - Blizzard. I guess, Blizzard, he
had to use Blizzard on the Rhydon 'cause
it's defense was so big. Gotta fight the rival again! Man, it has been eons
since he healed his team! That is just nuts to me. He keeps saying, he's
debating whether or not to YOLO Agatha? Does that mean like,
risking something? It seems he's debating
whether or not to heal before fighting The
Elite Four or not. He's depositing the
rest of his party? All but one of
'em it looks like. Okay, he chose not to heal! He's going into The Elite Four with his Nidoking at red HP. Why did he, why did he
deposit the other Pokémon? (8-bit battle music) Why did he do that? Maybe because he knows
the pattern of the moves that the Pokémon will use? So he sacks off the
Pidgey that would, so then, maybe the
following turn, Dewgong always attempts Rest
- Well, 'cause, Dewgong is guaranteed
- On like, the second turn? - [Pokeguy] To use
Rest, turn two. So, if you switch out the
Pidgey first it, you can't die. - Okay, the, yeah, he just,
he just said, basically, just that, yeah, the Dewgong
always rests turn two. So, turn one, he
sacks the Pidgey. What is he doin' with Agatha? He kept mentioning her. I'm assuming he,
like, it's tougher 'cause he can't use the
Horn Drill on the ghosts. Well, he has Earthquake, okay. - [Pokeguy] Oh! (8-bit battle music) Woo! - He's excited (laughs) The things seem
to be going well! (laughs) I'm guessing I'm guessing he like, didn't, he tried not to use a X
Accuracy to save time, maybe? And so, like, there was a chance
some Blizzards would miss. Ooh, that's why he healed! Okay that's, that's
why he healed. The Gyarados, ooh. Sweepin' through! (8-bit battle music) We're close! I think I'm gonna turn
it back to normal speed for this final battle. Has to heal just a little
bit, he's got (laughs) he's just got, he
used one potion? That's gotta, that's gotta
be to put him in range of one specific attack. (8-bit battle music) X Speed first. - [Pokeguy] Wing Attack! - Then X Accuracy. Wanted Wing Attack I'm guessing.
- Woo! Oh, yes! Let's go! What a run.
- I'm guessing another move would be bad. Does he just, does
he just win now? Does he just Horn Drill now?
- That was the craziest run, ever. (8-bit battle music) - I think he just wins. And he just defeated
the, just defeated A, just defeated A with A (laughs) And so now he, now he just,
now it's over, basically. It doesn't technically, the
run doesn't technically end until he finishes the text. Just mashing A until it,
it cuts off, I think. All right, there's A. The incredible Nidoking. There's the Pidgey and
the Paras and the Squirtle are all in the box. Wow, one hour, 45 minutes and 21.71 seconds. That's crazy. No glitches at all! No, no glitches at all. That is nuts. I think, looking back on this, the stuff that blew
my mind the most was, digging in buildings,
and just going back to the last Pokémon Center. The amount of time that
he went without healing other than like, the use
of items, like, genuinely, I think he, he healed
by stepping on the panel in the Pokémon Tower and
then didn't heal again the rest of the game, I think. There were a few times he,
he said I needed the red HP, I think, apparently red HP is
desirable, for some reason? I'm not sure why. And then, the X Accuracy
Horn Drill is busted (laughs) Like, like I said, if I ever
play through a Gen 1 game again I, I'm just, I'm just,
I'm just doing that. Thank you guys so
much for watching! Thanks again to Pokeguy for
lettin' me make this video which was very
entertaining to watch. And also, thank
you to my Patrons who are helping support
me and support the channel during a time for really
garbage YouTube ad rates. So, thank you for that. Also, another way to
support me is by picking up the Houston Gastros
MBF Champions shirt. Links in the description, shirts are displayed
below the video, get that before
the time runs out. All right, that's
all I have for now! Till next time, advance. Gotta catch them all.