Pokemon Emerald but you LOSE EXP

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[Music] pokemon emerald but we level down let's get going so we did just get let's see the third badge yeah we have the third badge we are going to get the fourth badge but we need to fight some uh magma grunts first so we're gonna do that all right we do need to open up with skarmory good stuff let's do it i think we're ready to fight maxie it's okay bite that still does so much but it's defense fell okay my keen eye prevents that loss is beautiful that's so good defense lord again beautiful [Music] a crit come on man i flinched oh my lord i flinched again [Music] it's just it's just not fair it's just not fair why do bad guys always get the good crits sand attack spam it may help to stand attack spam four five six okay this is even possible i'm gonna try and make it it make sure it is all right we took out my diana for the first time ever we decreased the level immediately we almost decreased two levels sent our camera up i am ready to go with jericho all right cabrera is level 25 jesus how do we out i guess camera is slow as heck ah i think we have this it'll be very close but i think we have this yeah no that's so bad oh confusion no we'll be fine still but keep in mind we have yosh who has [Music] guess we're flashing boys yes we're flashing we can still win this i believe as long as he never hits me again all right we'll try it again magnitude 4 missed good okay magnitude nine it missed let's go magnitude seven it missed let's go magnitude nine uh it hits we're going down okay crit damn it camera missed okay miss it miss craig please just quit please quit please great make this easy please quit please great please great it missed please crit make this please please just quit just just please crit once just one crit yes it missed like eight times in a row okay all right that's that's a start that's a start all right [Music] oh that does seven damage i don't think we have any potions left we don't have any healing items we can still get lucky we can still get lucky all right let's go buy some potions we clearly need them is there no way to farm money in this game easily not in this challenge because keep in mind every single time i do a battle my pokemon get weaker which means every single battle i need to catch new pokemon it's so much like god they're so expensive is like i cannot reasonably buy more you have to avoid as many battles as you can so your pokemon stay strong but to be able to win battles you need items at some point like it's it's a double-edged sword all right we took our camera jericho leveling down is this run doable i think so i think it is all right supersonic we hit the confusion of course and that's gonna do some damage beautiful misses the supersonic we hit the confusion we get an incredibly strong high roll to take it out on the final turn um the hyrule is on this turn you just can't see that it's a high roll um [Music] oh no we got hidden confusion what am i gonna oh god ah it's all falling apart did i calculate the rng wrong oh oh no no i didn't i am bringing this battle to the bitter end i'm making sure it's tense do i truly know what i am doing [Music] of course i do [Music] we just beat maxie all right how long it take to beat him only the first two hours or hour and a half of the stream so now we can finally get to the pokemon herb shop which is just perfect because this is all of the healing items we'll ever need it's so cheap oh my lord it's beautiful all right get six of them all right is there a way to get through this gym without fighting any trainers i believe there is [Music] you don't have to fight any trainers to get to flannery let's go i don't know what flannery opens up with let's just give let's just give flannery a try just to see what kind of pokemon she has and we get taken out what can we do to win against the fourth gym then i think we're gonna need some saw rocks one two three easy all right we got one star off we need to catch one more [Music] one two okay okay yes i can't you've got to be kidding me i mean we may as well throw a ball but i'm on my way out come on all right let me out boom boom boom bam beam bam okay that had a 10 chance that had less than 10 chance to work i might be able to win this battle i'm i'm tempted i want to try we're winning this battle boys [Music] this is why we have mero on the team just so you guys know and the level 2 marrow takes out the level 19 machop beautiful because you can't get any lower level than two all right so now we just got wobbly yummy [Music] and brew all right i'm gonna start with jericho we've got this all we need to do is flash over and over again and honestly i think we're fine with that now we use wobbly and we'll just rock through take him down wobbly's attack is really high okay rock throw so wobbly's gonna get a little weaker here that's fine yeah decrease level 15. that's fine no flanders but you slugma i won't change because now we can just again spam rock slide or rock throw sorry and that'll do half nice overheat totally fine not a big deal [Music] now we'll send in abby and we can just water gun to win all right it's so cursed seeing the airspeed go back go backwards it's perfect it's so good okay all right abby's leveling down 13. it's fine yes so brew is gonna come out uh flash one can you get your water type level 14 is the highest water site we can get [Music] also the spoink would help a lot all right brew decrease about historical will i change it's probably gonna overheat here because it would one hit kaomi we do have two revival herbs now which is good it overheat it miss that is the best case scenario confusion miss another overheat it hits one that's totally fine all right yummy and we'll revive the other one revive brew it body slams that's really unfortunate um but will that overheat take me out now it will and now overheat's doing half damage so i believe we should harden so body slam does less it's going to take me out probably with an overheat we'll see we have seven heals it did use overheat there good just barely survive that the sunlight's still strong awesome though awesome that's the last overheat we may be able to stay in with this and win because now we can get up to six pardons rock throw [Music] rock throw [Music] rock throw come on rock throw missed body slam hits we're paralyzed that's totally fine confusion it's confused yes hurt yourself in confusion yes she didn't use a potion and use sunny day and we're not going to risk a miss confusion oh torkle fainted lost 4.99 exp points decreased the level 16 stats just dropped and we defeated flannery oh my god that took forever okay let's go fight our dad uh i'm teaching dig to save her now because we probably we need to because we only have one tm we can only use it once ever so we're just gonna give this a try let's just try norman spindle level 27 marrow start with flashes that sucks teeter dance really sucks pokemon with own tempo i mean this is gonna be useful because it literally can't do any damage to me actually won't go lower now we'll cut and just continue to cut all the way through cut this spin to down i'm using a level two pokemon just i got a level 27 spinda is this not amazing also stupid but also amazing i should use rock smash first you guys get to see how truly thick my brain is today i still go to level 27 spindle with a level two stabilize marrow has been used in three gyms at level two yeah but he's figure out vigorous is the only major problem because the vigorous is level 27 and it knows faint attack so that sucks slash is that a one ko it is not a one ako excellent i like to see that it's weird that he's still hitting despite having like all of his accuracy is down there we go that's better rock smash we're gonna hyper potion i only did two sand attacks that's fifty percent that's still fifty percent okay um mint it is so pecked it hit me we need to survive one faint attack i think we'll send in wobbly and we need to use one of our revival herbs on sky defense fell awesome it's not healing that's uh that's great i think we just won i'm pretty sure we just won this battle because now all we need to do is just marrow it's going to use belly drum now we just need to wait till it uses belly drum again i think we will just need to wait out the the power points let's do it just wait until he belly drums [Music] oh belly drum failed oh it fails oh i didn't realize belly drum fails you struggle that will take itself out they did not take itself out damn whatever um it missed excellent good and now we have to deal with slacking slacking is this gonna be a first try battle i am so ready for a first try norman battle sand attack we out speed the slacking what or did it counter ah it countered i seem a bit under leveled that's kind of the point of the challenge he's loafing around like the bread he is he yawns easy faint attack of course kind of forgot that existed lower his defenses a little bit oh yeah that lower defense is super good okay so he faint attacked me it took me out he'll be loafing around next turn which means this turn i can dig he'll be loafing around before me i'll be able to dig he will attack and then i will attack he may be able to counter dig i'm not sure that was a crit i think he's always going to faint attack because it will always ko we should be able to win then as long as he never counters and even if he does counter that won't do enough to kill me because i'm not doing 24 damage to him okay so we do need to use a left oh we need to switch this turn and then use aleppo berry [Music] faint attack that's probably gonna ko that's okay though yeah now if we can do enough damage with dig we can do it we have 10 digs we just got to crit like once crit crit crit come on oh my god [Music] maybe strength will take him out actually he is loafing around [Music] he might counter ah he had one health left it is you know i i should have done it from the start that'll work we need to poison it please just hit it with the poison please we've won okay we're good we're all good facade is now mega power oh no facade make a power fortunately it's never gonna hit me [Music] it was easy platinum decrease at level 13 platinum decrease to level 12 platinum decrease to level 11. [Music] play oh my lord platinum decrease okay uh-huh [Music] uh it's slowing down oh hey poison is easy mo dude that's the fifth badge now we can go and catch some like good water types that's absurd we defeated that gym leader with like my highest level pokemon was 18. we got sir finally a good move that'll help a lot all right let's go to new model we're going to do that so apparently there's up to level 26 electrodes in here oh level 26 magnemite i'll take that yo we're upgrading the team baby and magnetons as well beautiful i'm just gonna throw a ball oh i don't have balls i don't need balls finally our first pokemon above level 26 they're above level 20. this is our highest level pokemon by eight levels so i don't need balls i need a few [Music] uh that's surely all we can afford like i just i don't have the money level 26 magneton that's what i'm looking for beautiful i'm going to try and throw a ball because we're going to go down next turn if we don't just try throwing ultra ball see what happens one two three hey who's the magnaton level 26 mads welcome to the team [Music] magazine is a one percent spawn rate so you're saying i got a little bit lucky what is happening i am using a rebel to force level 26 pokemon either magnemites or magnetons add not a nuzlocke to the title i mean i could add not a mario game to the title also oh it's not a mario game it's not a zelda game either you know it's not pokemon white it's not pokemon white if i'm just gonna add everything that it isn't the title there's no reason to have it also there's a magnet on nice this is the one did i call it or did i call it i called it right i just feel i could just feel it all right glaring guy let's go and that's all i'm catching for now oh a good rod just gotta focus get this fishing pogo's on the hook magikarp what level 15. needs to be higher level in that please be level 30. we are gonna have a good team today oh my lord one two three [Music] oh i have never been so excited to catch a magikarp what do we need magic guards for they're basically useless says they're basically useless look at this man magikarps are basically used i i have some news for you this sea bass is my best pokemon all right sea bass tackles and sea bass lost 15 exp decreased to level 29 you know what that means sea bass evolves you get got to level 29 as a magikarp we're evolving it's the first evolution [Music] oh it's beautiful it is abs this the first one [Music] and now it can learn moves and fortunately we got surf and it can learn strength and it is going to stomp level 25 against dragon rage so we're leveling down into a move which will be the first move we ever learned oh my lord it's level 28 what level does tentacool evolve it evolves at level 30 ah tentacool level 33 let's actually go oh we're surfing and just refreshing our entire team and it is so good one two three boom tentacle was caught what pasta is evolving oh we got a team level down into a level that they would evolve and they evolve [Music] we went from level 18s to a team of level 32 29 26 25 26 in a matter of minutes it's good [Music] it should be raining yeah [Music] weird it's not raining atropis [Music] excellent i hope he never leaves box two i'm gonna grab him maybe like right now we'll see how you doing nanners let's go [Music] do we really need i mean i guess i'll do that carbona easy only level 28 oh amulet coin right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah forgot about my amulet coin we have to do this every single battle or else we just won't have enough money we need to do it i need to make some cash because we are so low on money i'm on that cash grind i am on that that big money making them moves 18 ko oh pucciana we could probably just spark it [Music] oh my god oh it won it kayode what is this feeling one hit kos i've never it's never been like this before are you okay i am now these are the the biggest trainer battles i have done in so long or the most trainer battles in a row like when have i fought this many trainers i don't even know it feels so good to just completely stomp everything with a single pokemon it is so nice if you need money why don't you fight more trainers because my pokemon get weaker and then i can't fight more trainers [Music] all right god this is so nice [Music] all right we get to fight my rival now beautiful wait does it not rain yet i could have swore it's supposed to rain is it not supposed to be raining maybe it's right after this i don't know not till after four tree huh i guess my memory is wrong but lombre fake out nothing three damage what's up barry it's doing uh we're crushing this challenge now i'm just completely crushing it rainy is based on time ah it feels so good to have a good team for once i had a level 18 as my very strongest pokemon we thought was that like a level 29 like my god sorry slacking was 31 and i used a level two to defeat two of those pokemon surf [Music] it feels good i should not be in on this marsh top but do i care nope to a ko check it boom one he uses the mud shot i can take that hit see easy if only it was raining they just gonna catch wild pokemon every once in a while more than once in a while quite often in fact but that's me defeated and that's fly finally we don't have to run around [Music] and we're in forgery city [Music] i'm starting to get really hungry i think i forgot to have breakfast today that's probably why so i think i'm gonna go grab some food we're gonna raid somebody and thank you for watching this was a fun stream all right i hope you guys have an incredible afternoon evening morning wherever you're at thanks for watching i will see you tomorrow
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 1,088,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon randomizer, Speedrun, Speedrunning, Speedrun fails, pokemon speedrun, pokemon only, pokemon rse, pokemon gen 3, gen 3, pokemon emerald, pokemon sapphire, pokemon ruby, level down, negative exp, every battle, nuzlocke, challenge, challenge run
Id: ee-JdAMRXIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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