Pokemon Who Never Feel Pain

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hey guys Ron here and a while back I made a video about all the Pokemon who are constantly in pain it kind of made people sad but also made people happy that there are a few Pokemon that they can relate to and even if you're in pain it's always good to appreciate the good aspects of your life but if that's also tough maybe learning that some of your favorite Pokemon are actually super happy and rarely in any sort of pain will make you feel better so I split this video into four categories Pokemon who are literally never in pain Pokemon who could be slightly hurt but are virtually indestructible Pokemon with exceptional armor and Pokemon board just like any other Pokemon but have some sort of special immunity or resistance of course I may miss a few but be kind to me and we'll have a good time let's begin with the group of Pokemon who are literally painless based on the info I've gathered of course the most obvious answer is slow bro while slowpokes are known to have a delayed response to any sort of feeling they still feel pain it just takes five seconds to reach their brain but slow bro has lost the capacity to feel any pain as a result of shelters poison it's constantly in a trance so it pays no mind to the hardships of life either slow prose the ultimate example of what I'm trying to illustrate in this video but I think I came up with quite a few more cases I didn't even have to look outside the slowpoke family smoking is here too of course the same pain relieving venom that is injected into Slowbro runs through slow Kings veins and directly into its brain unlocking this boy's superior intellect and psychic powers so not only is it physically fine smoking is never stressed while Slowbro is constantly in a trance smoking is always thinking it loves to learn and it loves life now while porygon can worry it doesn't feel physical pain it has self-awareness and emotion since it is sentient but considering it's made entirely of programming code it simply can't be under physical discomfort it can be distressed since it can input negative data but this thing doesn't have nerves and that's the common thing among the following Pokemon clay dolls another man-made pokemon created in ancient times out of clay this pokemon was exposed to a mysterious ray of light and now goes around shooting laser beams out of his hands it even creates a psychic shield around itself to prevent rain from melting its body so while it's totally vulnerable it wouldn't feel pain if it were to melt cuz dolls made out of clay have no nerves a much more epic example of clay doll floor is found in the Reggie's regigigas created the three out of an icy mountain magma and some rocks so yeah there's 100 percent chance these things have no nerves so unlike porygon I'm not sure they have any emotions or will so they may be the number one example for lack of physical and emotional pain not only that the Pokedex goes into extreme detail about their endurance regice can't be melted reggie steel can't be scratched and ready rock well Reggie rock can be crumbled into pieces but it will just pick up any old rock and replace its damaged body parts these things are hard core and have some of the best defenses in the game so they kind of fit in every category in this video but there are actually more examples just like the Reggie's some of which you may be surprised to hear Leigh Leigh's body is actually made of rock that's what those black parts are to protect its Rock hide which isn't as durable as steel or diamond it encases its body and ice legends say it's just a ghost that entered a boulder and if so yeah this thing doesn't have any nerves but if we ignore this myth and consider it to be a living naturally made creature its entire body is made of rock and ice so any pain it will ever feel must be internal therefore no outside source can inflict pain via impact unless of course we're talking about a nuclear bomb but assume that all the pokemon on this list would die in a nuclear blast unless I say so except for Metagross the Metagross line is pretty sentient so I'm sure insulting it would bring great stress but if methane can collide with a jet and not be damaged or scratched in the slightest I have a feeling that Metagross doesn't feel any pain because even though his skin may not be the hardest in the Pokemon universe it definitely absorbs impact on a super high level possibly using psychic powers now Tyranitar is literally the armor pokémon its body can't be harmed by any sort of attack and that's why it's so eager to rampage and challenge enemies this isn't a theory by the way the Pokedex gives me perfect materials so I took it I'm not gonna complain but the following is only a theory raft in another theory while the Fed is known to do anything it takes to protect its tail you know the tail with eyes since it's inclined to let its blue face get pummeled it's speculated that the tail is the true lava fetch and the rest of his body is a decoy so this pokemons habits could demonstrate the possible that this thing feels no pain while this thing does cry Algenol is another example of a pokemon composed of ice it's just a less interesting regice and it's hi special defense makes me believe that it too doesn't easily melt but regardless this creature has no nervous system they're literally formed in snowstorms and don't reproduce not really much to live for honestly but I don't think Crowley knows aware of how much its life sucks when they light on the other hand while also entirely composed of ice has a good outlook on life you can't tell me that this thing isn't having a good time it's pretty clear that this pokemon has positive emotions and has no nerves so it's safe to assume that it also feels no pain except for embarrassment but the next pokemon is never embarrassed because it's always asleep cosmo i'm is in case of a sturdy shelf for 10 levels so while it's an underwhelming explanation it technically isn't feeling anything so I had to mention it Vimala on the other hand is tricky it's always asleep and won't wake up even when attacked we simply don't know if pain in the real world translates to pain in Kamala's dreams if anything it's here because it definitely is immune to small amounts of pain the next two are wonderful exceptions they're ghosts Aegis lash and chin and jaw are the only ghost types here but then you may ask why aren't all the ghost types here they definitely don't have intact nerves childreen 7 more like false Green 7 am i right ladies well here's the thing every other ghost-type pokémon has some sort of vulnerable life force that if damaged or harmed can lead to pain for example Chandelure flames are its life force if it's flames were put in jeopardy it will not feel good shred demises seaweed it will be mad throw a bayonet on a wall it'll get hurt slap a cough egregious on its arm it'll reel back even Golar who has a shell doesn't have a good time when it's seal is broken and its life energy goes out of control but shedinja is explicitly said to never react to stimuli it doesn't have any visible life force that needs protecting like coughing Regas does and even if it did its shell is pretty hard it's not even a shell the husk is the ghost it's not a vulnerable spirit covered in a protective layer like mimic you and aegislash doesn't have any ghostly aura that needs protecting either it's a ghost sword and is as sturdy as a ghost sword would be so you'll never be able to come in contact with its physical soul like you would on a trevenant whose ghostly spirit is showing and you would be able to easily break it like a palace and now it's time for the Pokemon who could totally feel some degree of pain are virtually indestructible for various reasons cloister is a very good example of this because a lot of these Pokemon are here because the Pokedex explicitly states that the shell or armor of these Pokemon is as hard as or harder than diamond that's kind of the standard for indestructible objects close to shell is hard enough to survive a bomb the only reason it's not in the painless section is that if its shell was open and you gave its face a good old slap I'm sure it'll hurt steelix is another example of a Pokemon who's as hard as diamond now obviously if a body was that hard nothing would get through it but unlike Cloyster whose shell can encompass all this weak spots steelix is harder than diamond skin isn't the shell and therefore can't ever protect its eyes or mouth so it could feel pain but I'd honestly put it in the previous category if I didn't know people would complain that he's not technically penis regardless he's the most fortified out of any Pokemon without a shell the hardest skin in the Pokemon universe now electrode explodes it's what it does you're probably thinking that exploding is like the last thing you want to do and is kind of the opposite of something indestructible but that's the thing it explodes and is completely fine it even explodes when it's bored electro thinks exploding is fun it laughs at you for having a mortal shell unlike a lecture who may or may not feel pain when exploding but the facts are it can survive explosions ride on could have been in the next category but it's special it's stated and shown how ride on can survive in 3,600 degrees lava it's high doesn't just protect it from heat it also makes it insensitive but since it's possible that actual precision impacts could harm it this beast could feel pain it would have made the painless category if it had more info so I wouldn't say you were misinformed if you went around shouting from the rooftops hey everybody ride on is painless fortresses shell is so impenetrable that nobody knows what it looks like inside now while we know that an impactful won't damage its shell I'm pretty sure these bugs feel pain when exposed to high temperatures chuckle is another shell bug type and says it has the highest offense in the game by definition this Pokemon shell is most resistant to assault than any other Pokemon and that's a good thing carbink is kind of made of diamonds they can withstand high temperature and pressure and live for millions of years so they're pretty healthy as well of course they can feel pain but barely anything can kill them the mutated carbink diancie is here too for the same reason Kalai sapota is just another example of a pokemon whose shell is harder than diamonds you know what that means by now and Groudon I mean I'm not gonna even explain that I'm actually super serious find out yourself finally we can move on to the second to last category Pokemon with exceptional armor sure these Pokemon can feel pain but only by things that would kill the average Pokemon bastard on was almost gonna make the previous group of pokes but it kind of has to face the impending danger in order to resist it if you attack it from behind it would get hurt okay so neato king and Nidoqueen are described as thick they're just all-around thick thick arms thick legs and God does the Pokedex like talking about neato King's thick tail sure golem has a nice rock shell but it's just normal rock of course stone is a pretty good defense if it worked for the Chinese it worked for me but it ain't no diamond however if we're gonna use diamond as the standard of armor we'd have like five Pokemon here I definitely wouldn't be able to make this video longer than ten minutes and what's the point of that Agron is probably number one in this category but it isn't in the invulnerable group because it's pretty clearly stated that its armor cracks and scratches it's actually proud of its dents and bruises so maybe it ain't afraid of paint wall rains thick blubber makes enemy attacks bounce off harmlessly and I mean that's the definition of this category right here but I'm sure a good ol knife would do the trick but slapping the blubbers belly would probably just take them this sharp is heavily armored but nowhere do we get definitive info on the armors integrity and resistance I'm just gonna assume that it's as good as a knight's armor and that bad but I'm pretty sure soldiers get hurt however a Pokemon battle is probably a breeze for Bisharp so you shouldn't feel guilty to let it fight and now we have Avila it's Isis thing cold and sturdy basically impenetrable but I'm sure if you were able to attack it with a bulldozer or bazooka this thing would get damaged but he'll live this whole category is really for Pokemon who wouldn't feel pain during an average Pokemon fight but definitely would during an apocalyptic war and the final category is Pokemon who probably feel pain just as much as the next Pokemon but have special defenses or resistances to situations in which most Pokemon would feel pain Muk can easily be harmed but one sense that you can't assault amok with is smell unlike any other Pokemon a bad stench won't harm luck Magikarp is easily murder herbal but this Pokemon has lasted for so long even though it's so weak because they can live in any sort of water polluted muddy salt or fresh most water types can't do that and they reproduce like crazy but that's the best on your business Snorlax can easily be scratched but one huge immunity it has is - food poisoning it can literally eat anything it never has tummy aches and that just makes for a happy Pokemon believe me 90% of the pain I experienced is stomach aches tox effects could be harmed just not easily you got to go through spiky hell to give this Pokemon a good ole slap in the face for disrespecting your mother I'm not saying it doesn't feel pain it just rarely does cuz nobody wants to get in its face my ex ire is super oblivious and carefree if it bumps his head while swimming it literally does not care that makes it pretty much impervious to minor forms of pain and that's very appropriate for this video Ludicolo is also carefree while it probably can feel the same amount of pain as a human one thing it has over us is its ability to rarely be stressed anxiety isn't a thing in the Ludicolo community but I hope you've gotten some relief knowing that some of your favorite Pokemon have a painless existence so like the video if you feel better and subscribe if you haven't make sure to check out the description for the music I used the t-shirts I made for you guys my patreon or click the joint button to get cool rewards like seeing my videos days early or my private discord I'll see you guys very soon you
Channel: Truegreen7
Views: 498,953
Rating: 4.9396968 out of 5
Keywords: Wild Area, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Sword and Shield, Wooloo, Let's Go, Let's Go Pikachu, Fakemon, Top 10 Pokemon, Favorite Pokemon, Pokemon Red and Blue, popular Pokemon, Red and Blue, Pokemon champion, Gen 7, Generation 7, Legendary Pokemon, Truegreen, True green 7, Pokémon (Video Game Series), Pokémon (TV Program), Pokémon (Brand), Truegreen7, Pokemon GO, shiny, Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Shield, Sobble, Grookey, Scorbunny, Dynamax, Gigantamax, Game Freak
Id: C3_JZkZVvys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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