10 Pokemon That I Don't Understand!

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hey guys Ron here and I have noticed that I tend to defend most Pokemon even the few that I don't like you see I even had to instinctively add the word few to show that I like almost every Pokemon what's up with that but this video isn't really about opinions I've compiled a list of Pokemon who seem to make no sense in one aspect or another whether it be Pokemon that couldn't biologically or physically exist even within the Pokemon world or Pokemon with design flaws I'm definitely ruling out almost all ghost-type pokémon since those usually make sense within supernatural context we're not talking about Pokemon with origins you don't understand or odd typing's that I've mentioned in this channel before unless there is a huge fundamental problem with the pokemons type as you'll see in this video we're gonna try to stay away from pokedex entries that make no sense or Pokemon with abilities that are beyond our worlds either unless these descriptions really aren't exaggerations and do affect the pokemons life but I will pepper in some Pokemon that make more sense after a further investigation ones that aren't technically on the list because they have their reasons but could be better explained by Game Freak and I'm not saying Game Freak did a bad job with these Pokemon I absolutely love some of the Pokemon here keep on doing what you're doing Game Freak great minds keep it up proud of you this video isn't made to inform you guys about any facts but rather express my feelings towards these Pokemon whether or not they are false but I do have a question about our first Pokemon Kamala now we know not to seriously take the Pokedex narratives in regards to the abilities of various Pokemon but Kamala's dex entry talks about his entire life so i'm assuming what it's saying is correct that being the fact that it's born of sleep and is comatose until it dies as a result of its diet I personally have no problem with that since Pokemon are supernatural beings but how does it battle if all of its movements are apparently a result of it tossing and turning in its dreams and furthermore how could its parents consciously give it a log that it sleeps on I mean I've had multiple experiences where I was dreaming yet could hear everything that was going on around me but of course I wasn't able to act on anything when I was unconscious but maybe since Kamala can never wake up it gets used to being in the state of awareness where it could hear what's going on and can act out its will within its dreams which translate into the real world you never know maybe whenever it's using rapid spin in battle it's dreaming about breakdance it's possible the whole video will include my efforts to justify these pokemons discrepancies and sometimes it works for example before moving on to our second pokemon here's an example of a Pokemon that I used to think made no sense but could have reasonable explanations I used to not understand why florges wasn't a grass-type considering how it seems like upon evolution the flower that floette held became a part of Florida's body but after looking into it there isn't any clear evidence that those flowers are part of its biology it's known for its flower decoration abilities so this could have been a gift that it made for itself after all you gotta treat yourself sometimes our second pokémon is selves Ally our silver Ally who evolves from type null once it awakens its true power by bonding with this trainer but come on dude quit joking what stop it stop what I can tell that you're just type no without its mask I mean it's even said in the game that the mask was put on to inhibit your powers so even before you were named type know by the ather foundation you look like how you do now he's on to us so that's my problem how is this an evolved form and not just a different form of type no it's true form it's not the first time that we've seen this in a Pokemon game one Pokemon that used to throw me off but makes sense now that I think about it is kyurem you see all three members of the tau trio used to be one dragon but then they split up and now kyurem remains with no truth or ideals but the lock you know so legends say that a large meteor fell from the sky containing a terrifying monster which we now know as kyurem so how does this piece of lore insinuate that Kyurem is from space when we know that it's actually just what remains of the original non alien dragon well I guess the answer is simply that the legend is wrong and the impact from a meteor was just the impact of a QM landing from the sky after splitting from its black and white counterparts so since that solved let's move on to slurpuff it's a dog that looks like a dessert other Pokemon like the animals in our world probably took on the form they do over years and years of evolution via natural selection but I find it hard to believe that slurpuff has an evolutionary reason for looking like this there are other Pokemon that look like man-made objects but may have actually been the inspiration for those objects like how ice cream in the Pokemon world is based on vanilla shus shape which could have naturally formed to look like this since it's basically a floating icicle the alphabet could have been inspired by unknown gears from Kling Klang and even socks body patterns could have inspired karate G's but I'm sure that that's not the case with slurpuff on the other side what kind of idiot would breed a dog to look like this why not make it look like this this is worth many generations of forced selective breeding another Pokemon that I thought didn't make sense but I guess is kind of possible is Dugtrio it's clearly three diglettz how does inviting your friend over equal evolution now is this one being similar Pokemon to Dugtrio make more sense dodrio was already born with an extra head Magneton is a magnet and you know magnets do what magnets do they attract but it stated that the three heads do share a body so I guess it's just as messed up as dodrio but the daddy of all issues goes to apps all this pokemon is a dark type but clearly isn't at the same time I understand that the humans of the pokemon world believe that this pokemon is a doom bringer when in fact this pokemon can sense disasters and even tries to warn people about it so was the dark type thrust upon it by scientists who didn't know better I'd expect that if it wasn't for the fact that this pokemons weaknesses are dictated by its type does it make sense for this pokemon to be weak to bugs just because Bo c'mon biologists said so if it's naturally dark then is it the only Pokemon to not have an actual reason for being so aside for being mistaken as one the world will never know but we do know why remoraid evolves and talked Tillery by now I've mentioned it at least 5 times on this channel how remoraid is a gun and octillery is a tank but I still find it incredibly far-fetched that a fish turns into a mollusk sure other Pokemon evolved into other species but they're usually relatively closely related even Magikarp and Gyarados are still technically fish and goodra is basically a slug in the shape of a dragon so it's not far off from sliggoo but this evolution line is as weird as a frog pokémon evolving into a turtle but game freak's logic is still present unlike our fifth pokemon cubone who is born with the skull of its mother who is alive because she is my beloved marowak that i placed in the daycare coupon is definitely an example of a pokemon with amazing lore one of the most creative Pokemon but Game Freak ultimately sacrificed logic once Jen too and its breeding mechanic popped up any cubone with a visibly present mother makes little sense now unless that skull is just part of an exoskeleton that this pokemon develops in the womb I don't know anymore at least this birth is not as freaky as our sixth Pokemon Kangaskhan which is born with a baby they really didn't think this through they could have made a baby less upon hatching and then having a baby appear once it hits a certain level you know I can realize well a baby didn't magically appear in your pouch once you hit age 16 no just just me okay at least I wasn't born with a rock in my pouch like a beanie of course while I don't have time to explain why all Pokemon you think don't make sense are actually pretty coherent I can give a minor explanation as to why a few pokemon gain objects as part of their Anatomy upon evolution much oakes underwear isn't underwear it's confirmed that is just part of its body and not a separate object same with jinx and other clothes wearing Pokemon as for Pokemon that gain objects that aren't part of their bodies like braixen girder and hypno I guess in a perfect world that's implied that they find it somewhere but the games and anime just don't really try to make it look like these objects don't just appear once the pokémon evolves these Pokemon aren't on the list because it's not as atrocious as being born with an object cadabra's spoon can even be explained by its having psychic powers and therefore alchemical abilities allowing it to draw in whatever iron is in the area or even in its blood and create a spoon using alchemy upon evolution but in our seventh Pokemon doesn't know alchemy Meowth isn't the psychic type of steel type so why is it able to create coins out of thin air I understand its origin and the influence it had on this attack but how could a Pokemon scientist explain such a phenomenon payday is just as weird as weird in our eighth Pokemon also creates things out of thin air matang evolves when two beldam fuse together and Metagross is supposed to be two menteng but like it's not there are other Pokemon that need to have another pokemon in the party in order to evolve and build is not one of them so how does our iron pseudo legendary here evolve whenever we are playing in game does it create another one of itself at least matang is a psychic in steel type so with a little creativity I'm sure this Pokemon could pull in any metal in the area and create another Matane and I solve the mystery you decide number nine has to go to houndoom the reason why is pretty simple maybe you can guess it it has to do with its ability to hear the commands of its trainer during battle I'll give you a second did you just notice that houndoom ain't got no ears it's pretty uncanny once you notice so this spot can be shared with any Pokemon that has no ability to listen to its trainer yet somehow can I'm sure starfish don't have any auditory organs although swamy is psychic so it gets a pass maybe one of these holes on hip out on allows vibrations to be converted into hearing but the only holes on puku muku seem to be its eyes and mouth so i'm assuming it can't hear either and number 10 goes to Bay nets we all know its deal and if you don't sit down and let me tell you its story but it's not a bedtime story because this tale is creepy it's a doll that came to life after being thrown out by its owner and now it seeks revenge this piece of lore could be fine if there was only one beignet in existence and it was some kind of legendary or mythical Pokemon but you find hundreds of them right here how many terrible children are there in Hoenn and why do all of them have the exact same doll and if it starts out as a shop it how did it evolve into a pokemon with a completely different backstory and motivation maybe one of you guys can explain it in the comments section below this video wasn't meant to teach but to entertain and spark a conversation as to how to clear up these inaccuracies if you enjoyed make sure to leave a like and subscribe if you want more click the bell next to the sub button if you're a big time subscriber and check the description for all the music I used my Twitter which you need to follow the t-shirts I made for you guys and my patreon where you can help out for some cool Wars I'll see you guys very soon [Music]
Channel: Truegreen7
Views: 556,635
Rating: 4.8263488 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Theory, Pokemon Facts, Top 10 Pokemon, Pokemon Red and Blue, Pokemon Yellow, popular Pokemon, Pokemon Ultra Sun, Pokemon Ultra Moon, Pokemon Sun and Moon, Pokemon Sun, Pokemon Moon, Red and Blue, Pokemon champion, Gen 7, Generation 7, Legendary Pokemon, Truegreen, True green 7, Pokémon (Video Game Series), Pokémon (TV Program), Pokémon (Brand), Truegreen7, Pokemon GO, Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon, shiny, Mewtwo, Pikachu
Id: ni8xJxauNJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 16 2018
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