First Shiny Pokemon in Isle of Armor

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greetings prevents Michael here and welcome to my first gameplay excursion into the Isle of armor well I'm not there yet but I'm about to be now while my goal of course is to explore the new area find all the exciting new pokemon enjoy my excursion I have another quest for today's video about a week ago prior to this DLCs release I was like you know what I want to have a goal Aryan Slowbro that's shiny on the day the DLC comes out I'm gonna hunt gallery' and slowpoke the first Masuda method hunt I had done in a while because I had won previously that went to 1500 eggs and it was terrible I attempted it and I was not blessed with a quick one and last night before recording this video I'm gonna try to find the shiny until 11 p.m. and then if I don't get it I don't get it and then at 10:47 p.m. this shine Eagle Aryan slowpokes showed up at about like 995 eggs just shy of a thousand I did I did good stuff I think I'm assuming hi Special Attack is a good nature Eevee's are or excuse me IVs are almost perfect but yeah I don't have a nickname yet I am accepting suggestions in the comments but my goal for this I love armor video today is to evolve it all that I know is it evolves by some item found in the isle of armor I don't know what it is I don't know where to find it I don't know the method at all I'm gonna try and figure it out but also I really wanted to do this because I don't know what shiny gallery' and Slowbro looks like and so if I can do this evolution it means I will see a shiny in-game for the first time since I was a kid every other shining I've seen unlike you know data mine images and stuff like that but the first time I saw a shiny in-game not previously knowing what it looked like or the last time I mean was a really long time ago so I want to just be surprised by what shiny gallery' and Slowbro looks like but I'm not gonna keep it in the party for now because my squad here my playthrough squad that I beat the main league with doesn't make sense to have the level 1 slowpoke in there for now I'll level it up later when I'm ready to evolve it do I talk to you or do I talk to this guy well that's an armour pass you can go to the isle of armor where'd you like to go today the armor and the I love armor alright so how is this train getting to an island oh the train goes to a station and then they toss me in a thing oh this is so cool I like how they have a full like station for just the core of a knight taxing which is something very like they don't have stations elsewhere for the Corvette night taxi they just got a square on the ground this is my first visit I'm researching Pokemon biology here on the island you want to register the poker when you catch it yes of course I'll update your pokedex oh yes come back and show me your pokedex alright so she's my ranking person whoever she is on a good chop supposed to join the Doge on this island today but there's a strange person sitting at said station I'm a bit scared to head out the drama ah hello Clara oh ho there you are right on time - you're pretty punctual for a kid mmm have we met before or something yeah months ago anyways um doesn't really matter I guess I'm Clara I've been at the dojo else they sent me to help out the newbie what dojo come on you know the new student who's supposed to join the master dojo zion.t mucked my child I'm the colorful killing charismatic Cora I dig that alliteration about we have a quick battle just so you know we can see who's better I'll be waiting outside so come on out when you're ready you'll never know what hit him do you have any idea who I am oh here we are I'll armor there are the slowpokes I do not need them I have my own superior slowpoke hey yeah but this is your first time in the aisle of armor but you keep wait to start exploiting the first things first I'm the realest why do I always do that we need to make sure you're ready since I've already been at the master dota for a while now I'll be the one testing you out go easy on me okay absolutely not I don't know why I was worried now sending the next one so I can hit you with the second missile how am I the one getting backed into a corner this should not be a thing how are you going getting back into a corner you have to Pokemon okay yeah that confirms it that confirms that her her signature mine is also gallery' and slow bro just like angry bye I hope that that was a funny face she made just that when she punched that second bucket wait why did her so why did her bow tie things do that my next book I was gonna make short work of oh that was the last one oh yeah that's what happens when you only have two Pokemon no no no that must be some mistake how this kid gets so strong I'm the literal champion have you not heard of me being the champion literally makes you a celebrity here this kid Joyce the dojo nobody's gonna pay attention to my strength yeah did you tell the boss off no they asked me to bring in the new student it was bad it's not like I was going all out not at all but still but you see our dojo is the one that's got a long-standing reputation even the famous champion even trained in our place no offense but maybe just maybe you're not quite good enough to make it Wow okay how about this why not enjoy the sights and just stay away for the master drove over there k styled card car that increases the selection Oh just show when you visit if you take on house alone that you buy stuff that's not available okay so that's how they unlock more guess that's let's see you never hehe well Clara I officially hate you all right so now comes the important decision of do I head straight for the dojo expecting the gallery' and Slowbro item to be there or do I just run up oh my god the glorious beast the overworld way lord I must speak with you what the hell is that what is that oh it's a Sharpedo that's insane the sharpedo's just straight-up tried to kill you that's a great capture I'm gonna catch a lot of these puzzling very easily because of thick I have the complete pokedex I [Music] that was that was hilarity I was so cool how incredibly fun it tried to kill me and almost succeeded no not again not again do they give up do they just not give up boosting with the bike goes the same speed oh my gosh these things are insane oh my god this is my favorite thing officially in the DLC just a to-scale what what the hell was that oh I got too close apparently well I ruined it and now he's tiny why would you be to scale in that it's level 80 I just got a level 80 Pokemon I don't know nuts this is the highest level wild Pokemon of the Amerikan and now it's gone well if I recall correctly I think the newer bike might be like faster which I might need to get away from these freakin Sharpedo a dubious the disco porygon oh there's a spicy raid and there's another Sharpedo this is terrifying boost boost boost don't wow I can't get over these sharpedo's they see you from a mile away and a hunt you down this is this is I'm in Jaws are you there's another one what is happening wait what if I get on land get on land get on land I survived oh gosh dang that is wildly entertaining back to safety my god wildstar me just walking around oh that's a comfy that's a new one got him you are new I was right to turn around now begins the true hunt for that's a binary okay I can't catch every Pokemon I see cuz I want to try and get this slow bro evolution on camera if I can sorry binary I'll come back for you where's this D B oh well hello take what you're here you little rascal I was worried about you thank you for finding my Diglett is it from a Lola oh I didn't expect to meet someone who knows about it that's right this ticket is from an is is from the Aloha region when I travelled a little I fell in love with these adorable three hairs Oh get ready for when it involves I caught a lot of dig look there and came back but they went somewhere when I looked away if ours is near we found England buried in the ground I'm definitely a town for anything that will you find all the other day with too sure you have a hundred fifty of them what why do you have so many just gonna start a cutscene yes it is okay well here we go cutscenes happening Oh fiddlesticks our new stunt student decided to go back home seems that way yep I did my best to welcome him but he just suddenly left after our battle I've been hoping we get to welcome a new member to our little family here - why hello and who you love oh you must be the new student that's supposed to join the dojo today uh sure right right right exactly ma'am I sorry mr. changes mind about joining the dojo okay I'm so happy you decided to come after all raise your hand if you've ever been personally victimized by Clara how everything's just coming up roses no quite sure they already told me your name but it's Michael oh that's right you're Michael of course you all up well I'm rather sure that's not the name I was told before my name is honey hey like in ring fit gosh my ring fit it's great for your physical fitness I have to keep this place running you can consider me the lady of the house not that the master dojo is just any old house why how you doing just shooting up like that thank goodness honey well know that I lied uh Clark a weekend here you know seems you've already met Clara bit of an odd duckling but she's one of our own she's training hard here at the dojo so she could become a gym leader someday I could trust the two of you to get along right yeah yeah sure we'll be best friends Oh Jeff look at me Here I am making you're staying on outside after you come all this way come in don't mind the faint stench of sweat Oh tell Miss Honey about what happened at the station well no do you don't Desai's you understand and I'm just like okay it is our brother oh well he's gone now is this the Slowbro item I've been looking for expert belt Oh oh look it's a fun little garden stomp on all the kraaho it doesn't let me well alright they had the foresight to not let me stop on their crops well there was a Diglett greetings friend need to find 17 more in the fields of Honor honor I'm a bike lady I love bikes and bike maintenance oh that looks sick whoa it's got a cool trail all my outfit looks dope well I got to see the white one too all right I like the black one more there we go houston gassed rose bike this looks so cool what we got in here the soothing wetlands where is that rain oh my god that is still so far away hello bouffalant do you charge ah no I'm dead ah there your crit captured [Music] what bouffalant another Creek cat if this fool breaks out of two creek captures in a row they're fletchinder Quagsire pardon me damp rock score a PI a litigant oh I thought that was like a shiny vileplume for a second I was very surprised but then I realized I want to get to that rule grade a sprig of serious mint there's just nature mints sitting around in the grass here well there's a Diglett giggle it yeah are you another bike lady oh we're taking the risk you know what yeah okay well just not now oh i misclicked everything is terrible i misclicked i meant to stop but lost what I wanted and Lukas I thought she'd be bigger oh hi scolipede ello Guvna love me some scolipede can we just get a moment of appreciation for the generation 5 bug types we should aspire to be janab-i concepts I mean maybe maybe a little bit more considerate than this one oh boy that was not very effective good God Strato recaptured now this is kind of busted when you've completed the Pokedex and your quick capture chances are happen your crib cabinet my career captures are having more than my regular ones all right we're almost to the raid we're almost to the what it's down there oh wait I see how to get there okay here we go what is it gonna be humph a a Pokemon that I just caught go Erica twig it's an accessory could that be what I'm looking for okay [Music] [Music] nope that was not it my nemesis is here [Music] you know what else this means guys because miltank is here it will also be available for people to draft in the NBS cuz I can learn metronome I I suspect that it would be here as soon as Ellen of course it's gonna be this today I suspect it's gonna be here because as soon as I saw tauros I was like if Toros is in here the miltank probably is too oh and I removed stalks tricity because I'm an idiot you know what we're just gonna run [Music] I'll get another one later there's another Diglett they'll make different sounds I am NOT a fan of a lowland Dugtrio but these a lowland diglettz are adorable for all errs cave Oh Ezra Brawley would train I love this bike the trail and the outfit like the cool helmet like it just looks so cool how are you even supposed to see this I guess maybe there's a hole in the roof some of these raids are gonna see in like heaven substantial difficulty after actually figuring out how you access them okay so this appears to be the pathway up to another Diglett here's the thing a Skarmory oh what's up dude hello I will catch you got the scar Oh a random encounter it's just too polite bug why why is the early-game bug type here who signed off on this I want a refund immediately this is pretty cool it is it is cool just being up on these cliffs another random encounter be something better this time aren't your the main decks yeah I'm gonna assume this is a dead end cuz I haven't done the Cub Foods story stuff yet oh man look at me flexing my leg muscles biking up a steep thing of stairs oh there is stuff back here whoa I boosted by accident whoa what's the boosting goodness the power its unn it's it's a lot it is it's it's a lot is the answer I think this is just a very complicated dead-end [Applause] carvanha okay well catch carvanha might as well the TRS would be more exciting if they were like new TRS which obviously I get why they're not it's just kind of like I already have all of these and I have like ten of all of them oh it's just so wow I just bike right into the ocean well that's cool honeycomb scene okay a dragon scale these sharpedo's are something else that was from the other side of this Bay or sea or whatever that's right sucker can't touch me if I'm on land free the next island before another front pedo chose I've got another sharpie not shown up boost boost boost oh no I press the wrong button we made it all right hoo boy aah I seen the honey name because there's Combee everywhere oh my god the sharpedo's they are ravenous and have incredible eyesight - my god ok I think I think I'm just gonna start going through the dojo a bit because I'm trying to find some item here and I haven't all I found is the twig which is interesting but I still know what it like I tried to level it up and it didn't work so I think maybe the item is something I get in the dojo I think I just probably need to start doing dojo stuff I like its ketchup I'm just kidding I know his the name is mustard everybody have an announcement to make we've got a new student joining us today please welcome Michael I'm sure you all have lots to teach him oh yeah welcome to the dojo our students are so good and hard-working and for one really gives it their all around here cool here's someone who's not listed in my database of student hello sweetie pie it's not usual for you to bother greeting a newcomer this is hide my darling only son is some kind of outlier here you should give this a try oh oh that's right I remember them mentioning that now so good this hands are things they knew such a clever boy and that handsome gent in the back is my darling hubby what hmm wait hold on honey mustard and a hide is hide some pun - how did mustard score a honey this is some ancient man like the the trope of the really old guy dating some really young pretty woman I why did you do this Pokemon oh oh my gosh I'm please just change that you could jog some cheese to meet you yeah see you've got a sense of humor - hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah I do don't learn fool you into thinking he's just a silly old man he's a real beast when he gets serious I didn't need to know that honey that is entirely too much entirely too much information about your personal life well darling only leave the rest up to you yeah this is my favorite part I'm gonna see it just how good you are so I don't have about a little over me just say the word when you're ready are you ready for a battle yeah I am see the show started is the best way to get to know new students whose musics all right oh I dig this oh the electric guitar [Applause] [Music] this is just the rest of the videos me just sitting here oh you got a shape that's fun how incredibly rude I was thought it was so funny that shanks has intimidate like Luxio and Lux where I get she's having intimidate to spite me just comically adorable is very she looks so good in that in the sorting to see all the HD textures looks great dojo master mustard was defeated by me I am great and amazing please praise me right now well hey lost you're pretty strong aren't you hey the new b1 master wasn't going all out but that's still pretty impressive there's that kid anyway it is I the gala champion you battle really shows me how much you care about your Pokemon if you come because of a Miss upstanding as long as you have a wheel to learn and you're welcome at the master dojo I think we can all help each other become stronger I'm happy you've come and join us well not now to use your dojo uniform cool I would like to put it on I've been forced into putting it on I look great though so I'm not complaining that on you'll fit right in with the students of my master dojo hey newbie you want to change your take a prank use that room over there it's the bathroom really does look just like a bathroom hey Michael yeah now the dojos at max capacity don't really start out training you'll all be facing three trials three trials wait my siren max capacity for this dojo and there's more the person who completes the three trials will receive the secret armor of his dojo that's the spirit let me explain the first trial that's even given you our uniform yet why does that kid get a uniform but not me because you're annoying and mean and rude my bad my bad that's easy think so I have another uniform after you Clark the squeaky wheel gets the grease what the hell is that oh that speed wasn't really these slowpoke never seen any slowpoke moves so fast give it back give it my dojo univille guess I let them out of their pokéballs a little do something slow first trial my students you got all chase after those fast slowpoke train with ki little ol me that's not all you need to feed them too why are we at it could you get close dojo uniform babe do we have to well that's that do you miss you luck all right mustard all right man this grass scraggy lagging behind oh those such a great scene all right let's uh let's track down the slowpoke where are they going on foot he has all bikes that is just wildly entertaining that is simply wildly entertaining give me a hint about where they are oh wait I saw one did they just keep running stop sucker ah I'm just gonna defeat it after all the hunting I did I certainly do not need more it's faster than my dragon boat is this something like modifier for this trial on its own how is this thing faster I didn't even kill it thanks a little odd oh I got her dojo jacket or there's one what up sucka oh that's why I'm entertaining all right we're using dread now I mean use them yet sup shred nah I don't know how they slowpoke I don't like are they always do they always just have a crazy base speeds that I didn't think so I think these ones maybe just have like have some stat boosts that we're not seeing dojo T and dojo shorts all right where's the last one assuming somewhere here in this in this marshy area there he is whoa no no no talonflame hey what did I run into judo judo got him this is pretty fun little man game we got going on here reminds me of a trial from a Lola Booya alright can we fly back yes we can Oh Michael welcome back oh wait that was honey you so tell me you got my uniform back all in your own hey yo mmm you have the donors oh you know front of Clara well thanks wait a mustard Michael you'll clear the first trial like it was nothing I think that's the first time since Leon that someone was able to handle all three fast slowpoke on their own purse you tried very hard to you were able to catch up to the slowpoke but I guess you couldn't defeat them ah tell you what anyone who's able to catch up to a slowpoke at least once gets a pass like a really outdid himself so it's only fair everyone else gets another chance try to make a comeback everyone either way I'm still out well it reminds me honey what are those little ones well that's right darling I nearly forgotten squirtle Bulbasaur at least such a keen to mix little boys hello check in to minx little boy's trip the squirrels got the drip vine what are you what are these words nearest we go poke on bulbs hurting squirrel girl been taking care together and I'd say they're more than a little curious all your strength as a trainer why don't you pick one to keep for yourself I only get to pick one I'll go a squirtle Wow are you crying you should be happy I picked you swirlix please does a punch that you chose it everything your new Pokemon world to Giganta max let's just fully evolved no I can't - max a very special way of Dynomax thing that moves changed too of course but their appearance change being of Giganta max there's that secret recipe of the master dojo drinking it makes you gigantic and strong I call it - max soup I'd love to have a bowl of mac soup full of Max mushrooms right about now it sure has been a while and that's why your second trial shall be mushroom picking max lush terms of the key to Giganta maxing and I'm tasking you with finding three max lotions are red with a spiral pattern dark human places okay okay probably one of those like seaside caves is where I gotta go okay so I have learned how to evolve gallery' and slowpoke okay I have not seen what the shiny looks like somebody found the information for me and told me I know how to do it now so I can do it in this episode I think what do you now have to say mustard what do you have to say to me just ah I mean that you're brand new to the Alamar me that you've no idea what you said warm spots and those are weird forays to use let's go for a walk I'll show you some mushroom hotspots now it's not the time mustard mustard I have twigs to find yes twigs me finding the choleric a twig was right you do need the twigs a swarm of greetin came through here and ate every last one I don't have time for this we don't need max mushrooms right now we need twigs apparently you have to find eight of them so I was right the one I found it was good that I found it but I need a total of eight there's one well I guess to challenge Beach oh I don't even been here yet are they only in the forest though this forest is chock-full of the little sparkles and they've all been mushrooms not the Maxima shrooms the like ball mushrooms are tiny mushrooms or they've been the paper corns and like apricots are cool you know everybody wants always twice a lot more Johto balls but like my gosh how hard are these twigs to find that I need eight of them are they elsewhere besides the forest there's a third one finally okay well at least I now have officially confer confirmed that they are found outside of the forest I just need to check every tree on the island Oh another one alright we're halfway there we're halfway there that was Big Time Rush not bon jovi alright number five oh my gosh there's a girl who can just clear out all your pokemons v's that's pretty cool no not today Sharpedo not today not today not today go go faster ha ha you said Sharpedo alright that's six just two more I'm worried I'm running out of trees oh my thought another one oh there was one more here in the forest okay I need one more twig yes that's the last one that's the last one I needed save the game right now okay so now that I have the ankle Erika twigs let me just super verify that I counted correctly and I do indeed actually have eight of them because otherwise that would be awkward yep look look eight there we go now thanks to a video I saw we head for the arch I love farming arrows no leave me alone what the hell I said pardon me alright we're here and this lady is who we need to turn to if you eat together girl Erica twigs you can make a bracelet if you give me eight GLE Erica twigs all we went into a goal Erica cuff for you do you want one weaving weaving weaving choleric Acuff giving it to go in smoke slowpoke make smoke one very happy oh I'm so excited I don't know what the shinies gonna look like we're just thrilling let's do this oh that is not what I expected that is not what I expected at all I thought it was just gonna be purple all the way through oh my gosh my heart's pounding that looks pretty cool it's not the best shiny ever but like I respect it you know alright that is awesome disabled No ah there we go there's what we're looking for that's what we're looking for shell side arm awesome get rid of what was your power 90 god this move seems like it's gonna be kind of busted alright well guys suggest nicknames down in the comments below and we're gonna toss this beautiful creature on the main squad and use it to complete the isle of armor because it's beautiful thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you for the next one
Channel: MandJTV Plays
Views: 1,116,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mandjtv, mandjtv pokevids, gameplay, let's play, pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, gen 8, new pokemon, draft league, pokemon draft league, metronome battle, metronome, mbf, metronome battle federation, metronome pokemon, pokemon let's play, playthrough, best pokemon, all pokemon, nintendo pokemon, original pokemon, pikachu, greninja, charizard, pokemon switch, isle of armor, crown tundra, dlc, pokemon dlc, expansion pass, sword and shield dlc
Id: N1YcGo_LCUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 50sec (2210 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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